Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser, 26 November 1906

Total Pages: 6
1 6 Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser
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  • 83 1 Reuter's Agency wires (By submarine telegraph.) COMPROMISE ADVOCATED. No Inclination to Prolon.. rf CONTROVKRSY. London, 24th November noon. The Archbishop of Canterbury speaking to a deputation of Churchmen who advocated a compromise which would provide for a national settlement of the question of education stated that he
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  • 32 1 London, Novembei 24, noon. The speech o" the Archbishop of Canterbury is regarded as pointing to a considerable modification in the amendments ofthe Lo<xls on the report stage being reached.
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  • 53 1 BILL -THROUGH LORD'S COMMITTEE. FAR REACHING AMENDMENTS. London, 24th November, noon. The Bill has passed through the Committee of the Lords with far-reach-ing amendments, requiring daily religi ous instruction in all public elementary schools and also in denominational schools deleting those institutions which are immediately under the control of the
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  • 36 1 NOT CAUSING ANXIETY. London, 24th November, noon. Replying to a question from Mi. Dillon, Sir Edward Grey stated that the condition of Egypt was such that it does not now cause any anxiety.
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  • 29 1 CONTINUED DISORDER. CoNiucis With Troops. London, 24th November, noon. The Church inventories in France continue to be marked with con ,iderable disordei Conn "-oo^s have been frequent.
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  • 75 1 GREAT COMMERCIAL CONFLICTS. New Markets for Amerm i London, 24th November, noon. Speaking at Kansas City, Mr. Shaw, the United States Secretary of the Treasury, stated that the first half ofthe twentieth century will witness the greatest conflicts ever known in ,the history ofthe various nations. He
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  • 26 1 READ A THIRD lIMI London, 24th November, noon. The Merchant Shipping Bill has passed through a third reading in the House of Common--.
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  • 40 1 JUDGMENT RESERVED. London, 24th November, noon. The hearing of the case in which the lamous tenor singer Signor Caruso araa charged with annoying a woman in the Zoological Gardens has concluded. The judgment has been reserved.
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  • 31 1 PASSED AFTER PROLONGED OBSTRUCTION. London, jjth November, 10-35 a m The Australian Legislative Assembly at Melbourne have passed the An 1 gambling Bill after a prolonged obstruct:on.
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  • 79 1 COM MEN HS OF I! IK '•TIMES." Convincing Proofs Desirable. London 24th November 10-35 am Commenting on the abolition of the use of opium the Ttmes says thai (hina must give clear and convincing proof that she is not merely pretending to abolish the use of
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  • 49 1 CONSTRUCTION OF SIX NEW BATTLESHIPS. London, 24th November, 3-27 p.m. My 3 >3 votes against 1 12 the Freach Chamber has approved the nav.il construction policy of the Government. The vote of the last Parliament authorising the construction of six new battleships this year was confirmed.
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  • 196 1 rhe controversy regarding th< soap combine has continued with almost unabated vigour during the pa<t few days, and largely as the result of the press campaign, with its opposition to anything in thc nature ofa trust, it appears that something in the nature of a boycott of
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  • 729 1 Disturbed by Fire. Shock proves too Great for a Lady Guest. A pleasant little dinner party at thr home of a well known resident of Shanghai was much upset when, in thr midst of the festivities, news arrived that the residence of one of thr guests was
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 188 1 XMAS CARDS aN unrivalled SELECTION AT LITTLE'S fybn cittic l% Co. cta. |0 8 C it. Rolled Gold Necklet with 6 j A Prcttj Pendant in Pearl*. 7L Price $4.50. M Rolled 6old ana Parisian <gt I I v:s: NOW OFFERING A SPLENDID ff r AS MENT OF THESE GOODS
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    • 240 1 Howarth Erskine lEi>§ii>ccrs apd Coptractors. I ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS. I 1 I g r ir ART NEEDLE WORK I Fint.t and Urgttt wC> wC Electric Fans in very Bedroom J M HlAir D ht HAT BuildinKs in I'enang k&MMtt Cutolnt an«l Catering under f rLUWtK ULrUI C Entirely under European ?^JP§?^
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    • 30 1 JOHN LITTLE &CO LTDBoys >w\ Annual Girls >un Anni u. Chai h-rkox INK\NIs M.\(..\/iM Chums ALSO A LAAGI s| (1 HON ol GIFT BOOKS FOR BOYS A GIRLS AT LITTLE'S
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  • 427 2 The Eastern Daily Mail. PRICE 5 CENS. MONDAY, 26th NOVEMBER. A LEADER DISPOSED OF. In connection with the recent noting and other offences arising out ot the disagreements between the Hokiens and the Taichews there has been a feeling that in all the cases, only the misguided, the ignorant and
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  • 415 2 Onc of the indications that there is less money among the poorer class of the Chinese labourer is the fact that, for some time, indulgence in the use of morphine has taken the place of that of opium, and, as a consequence, smuggling has become more profitable in
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  • 392 2 I hi Hon. J. Anderson arrived from Bangkok on Saturday morning Luli.-Col. E. Wright arrived per -."Penang" from Penang on Saturday morning I MERE was heavy gun practice at Fort Connaught on Saturday morning. >.n the 22nd instant, two Malays quarrelled at Tanjong Rhu. One cut the other down with
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  • 714 2 Mr W Arthur Cornaby, 0 f lllc Christian Literature Society for China Shanghai, has addressed the following let er to the editor of The Tunes- K I have been ked to send vm some particular^ hitherto unpublished in tngland, concerning the Shanghai nolo! last December it, lam
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  • 287 2 SEREMBAN races have been tixed tor thc 24th and 26th prox. Niori Sembilan exported 52*68 pikuls of wolfram during )ctobci Mk. H. C. Eckhardt is to District Treasurer at Batu Gajah. Mk. Ci. Evakis, the new Sanitary Inspector for Taiping. took up duty on the 2oth. The contract for the
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  • 204 2 THE CORONATION FESTIVAL. «"ost bril r rheUi proved upon all, the country h thai liu M rai trend by doi„ 8 the well he 1 Ol h,s Hit by the tr land- whoh countrie le-- extent: A verv ca met a nave >\v.\\u what extent 1 We hav< festivals in
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  • 49 2 Du- ra I Brani I an easy The V. M I I despatcl i I Matt* j I runsi highest a bowling was dead I wicket- for 1; while Crisp ol -n going I had decidedly j thlOUgh retiring aftoi a/ I Hodge 14, L' Yatc Bevai ,K
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 286 2 FRESH GRAPES. UO cents per lb. PACKED IN 5 lb. WOOD BOXES FOR POSTING TO F. M. S. AND ELSEWHERE. 2 POSTAGE FREE $2-50 Outport friends are requested to send remittance with order, if not in Deposit Account. i THOMPSON, THOMAS Co., THE AUSTRALIAN STORES. WHISKIES. SCOTCH. Dews 0 the
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    • 432 2 IN INTRODUCE ___W^___\W —^^^*^L\W IT WILL BE SOLD AT HALF PRICE, i. e. tTS lar pm m* the case or 12 bottles quarts, *~X excluding duty, or 85 cts (he %is -.aW W *aW quart bottle, duty included. RECORD No. 1177. OLD TAILOR SCOTCH WHISKY. From thc result- ot 'our
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    • 45 2 COMING EVENTS. Mcoday, 26tb Nov. High Water 7.94m 7 i4 p. m. German H imeward mail closes 10 Dance 1'racticc. Memorial Hall. 0.30 Tuesday, 27th Ncv. High Water. 7- \> a.m. B-M p.m. Concert Tanglin Club. 9 Wednesday 2dtb Nov Hig ,v'. a m. 9-24 9p.n1.
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  • 4 3 kit 11k
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  • 23 3 ded the 00- hi gh sea squadrons. He ofbu would have ttdth with the.r 1 ||e idded that innotbe passing
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  • 12 3 jBAI lON ROVISIONING. 8 .50p.m. Mediterranng at Toulon cmergen-
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  • 58 3 .cue issued 1 I ouncil, His AnderStraitS it the tender ra a'c in sover- .1 mint, shall ayroent of en sover--5< ttlements ave not been become ear or othereight than the st current Straits Settlethe standard ms that the made in v cent, pieces the
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  • 104 3 Gloucestei were i at excitement became known u iged to effect goal This result ot a ed mutiny on which at least >neof the sen res:.c*. who i ell, was struggle ins ck the ts le, "rid once tier's keys olher ,oise the corridor, He a
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  • 48 3 Iron and thc ated, c.v.o, of the >reme command lies uie I .'.pe mmand of a Hon. Hugh the rommodore. ion will be -tern Elect, si only of the Australian hard to -ee ail this conning in naval 1 he Admiralty p eas< part v.
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  • 34 3 «al to found 1 led on pendent both < Public Instruction A, ::icllldcs iders of ■hool of "■med to drait a raise the which will 1 rsity a ie proj literary and thout distmc-
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  • 32 3 THE JAPANESE CINEMATOGRAPH. Itograph conti- Hie proincludes historical inte'ldbe especially t.om the Arthur's marriage of ing King of exceptionally »soi Art mure, of of i kagic tifying. All i egood rag's emer-
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  • 888 3 ALLEGED HOUSE-BREAKING AND RIOTING. Ou Saturday morn.ng, Lim Ek Chong was charged before Messrs. Colman and Ellis with house-breakine and noting at 94 Cross Street lang A Ho said he kept an eating house at 94 Cross Street. He remembered the 14th instant. Soon after mid-night the front
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  • 113 3 \ccording to the French naval papers thc blue ribbon of of naval construction is not with the Dreadnought, nor will it bc with her immediate successors, lhe Japanese battle-ship Satsutna to be launched shortly at Zokosuka will, it is stated, be of 19,250 tons, and she will be replaced on
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  • 532 3 SUCCESS IN JOURNALISM. Continuing its interesting series of articles on success, the Strand Magazine has asked several representative journalists this question: "What qualities, according to your experience most conduce to success in journalism as a career Begin at the Bottom. Sir Hugh Gilzean-Reid puts one side ol it at least
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  • 194 3 Yesterday, being the festival of St. Cecilia, the Patroness of the Singapore Catholic Club, the members assembled at the Cathedral of the Good Shepherd intending to render some good music in honour of the occasion St. Cecilia being the Patroness of Music. But man propoaes" etc., Several
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  • 150 3 Despite pessimistic forecasts, the anniversary of the Imperial Ukase of Oct. *o passed off smoothly. A correspondent of The Tunes says that the country is quieter than it ;has been since the outset of the revolutionary struggle. He regards the outlook as reassuring, and thinks the improvement
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  • 99 3 When the new Home Fleet is constituted, the Dreadnought will become flagship of thc Commander-in-Chief, Rear-Admiral F. C. B. Bridgeman. The decision to attach this vessel, which as a fighting unit is still unique in thc world's navies, to this new force, is regarded as another indication that every possible
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  • 714 3 CHINA JAPAN IN THE HOUSE OF COMMONS Chinese Maritime Customs. (Oct 26.) Mr. Lonsdale having asked the Foreign Secretary whether he is aware that dissatisfaction still exists amongst British merchants and others interested in commerce in the Far East at the present position of Sir Robert Hart in relation to
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  • 140 3 The new parlour car which tlie Empress Dowager of China ordered in France some months ago tor the|use of herself and the high mandarins of her suite in their jurneys through the country bas, says the North German Lloyd Bulletin* been completed and shipped at Antwerp
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  • 91 3 Thk King, accompanied the by Queen, on 31st ult. received a representative detachment of the now disbanded 3rd Battalion of the Scotts Guards in Buckingham Palace quadrangle. The occasion was the return into His Majesty's own hands ofthe Colours of the battalion, which was officially disbanded on Oct. 1 last.
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  • 473 3 FLOWERS INSECTS. Students of the fascinating subject of the relations of flowers to their insect guests have been greatly indebted to Hermann Muller's great work on The Fertilisation of Flowers by Insects." Phis, however, was published in 1873 and the English translation (1883) is out of print. During the interval
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  • 210 3 CLAIM FOR £17 ,000. Rangoon Disappearing Mystery. On 3rd instant Mr. Jordan, of Messrs Bulloch Bros., made a report to the Rangoon Port Police of the loss of a case said to contain property worth 17,000. It appears that a Mrs. Macdonald, residing at Hastings, Calcutta, despatched a case through
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  • 148 3 11. Maurice Chaulin, of Paris, has declared war, electrically, on mosquitoes and gnats He proposes to replace the old methods by electrocution, thanks to an apparatus which he has invented and patented. A cylindrical lantern is constructed of two rings suspended one above the other and connected
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  • 128 3 The Emperor William appeared in a new role at the University of Berlin last month when he led a crowd of 500 students in three cheers for the President of the United States. The incident happened with dramatic unexpectedness at the close of a lecture delivered by Professor Burgess, of
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 292 3 H. S. KIRWANS I TANK ROAD LIVERY, RACINC, COMMISSION STABLES (OPPOSITE RAILWAY STATION) A new building specially built for stables, absolutely sanitary and u p-to-date ft Accommodation for Horses and Carriges by day, week, or month at Popular Prices 1 Kxtra large loose boxes for Kace Horses; also a suitably
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  • 811 4 Docs a glance iuto a mirror show us a world that requires for its production the existence i»l a i -nth dimension <>t space? Such would appear to bc the contention of a contributor to "Cosmos (Paris, No. i 119). That thc mirror image of
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  • 153 4 Mr. Eugene E. Schmitz, the Mayor ot san Francisco, who is m in Lon dOO, stated to an interviewer that the Dew city which was now being built would be the finest in thc world, and that skyscrapers would be forbidden However deplorable tbe earthquake and lire
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  • 93 4 m As a wire was received at the Belgian Legation in Bangkok on Thursday to the effect ihat IT. M. the King oi Belgium has been pleased to make Mr C Kobyn- and Mr A. E. Baudoui Kiiislus of the Order ol Leopold Mr. Kohvus and
    Bangkok Times  -  93 words
  • 403 4 SUCCESS OF AN ESSEX WATER FINDER. Probably the greatest difficulty which has beset the residents in the rural parts of Essex for the last year or so ha- been that of providing the supplies of water that are necessary for domes tic purposes. Not only have the poor
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  • 227 4 and roofs of Atlantic 1 ..ition, visible waterway separating the C a the main' 1 from sixty to seventy-five men. worn and children met th eaths >n ult., when a three-car eleclric tram on the Pennsylvania Railroad dashed on to an open I tumbled into the
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  • 140 4 Londoi g strates receive many curious letter-, but it would be hard t"> beat the following, received by the ma gistate at the lhames Court on :17th ult. "Khan Tai Restaurant. Dr. Sir. I am now taking the pleasure of writing to ask you what about your
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  • 99 4 As extraordinary pearl has been purchased at Colombo by Mr. J. deFonseka. ut tho Surveyor General's Office. On the face of the pearl the reflection ot a cross is seen and the size of the pearl. which is milky white, is almost as bis; M "mora" seed. Ditlerent valuations and
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  • 147 4 A New York gaandjury has found a true bill against Mr. Gordon Bennett on eight counts for send,ng i ,m ,oral literature through thc mad. Mi Hearst made immense capital ot this decision at the biggest meeting ot Ins campaign last night, declaring that the ritUM ns now knew why
    Morning Leader  -  147 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 180 4 > Recreation HcJ 'SERANGOON ROAD, tl<.,. Ulr t) H- "cellen. V manent boarders. v „>o mB with Ven,„d a f GO °D TABLE 4 W.NEs > P"* B™*"**8 which may be V Mo, r_^w^^^ V/ V v; h NOTICE?: ESTABLISHED ~^'(C~T s^-" '903 THE BEST ADVERTISING MEDU. "SIHCCAY JANA lm^
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 1904 4 [***_\^r l9tKf\iL~-~^' _i'3n^B^\v.^^. SHIPPING NEWS. VES^LS VESSELS IH PORT. EXPECTED. —OB it'"^ G B a™ a u 4Sd Rt Ki ll5 A. Pi i Probakk date of Arrual, Bangkok, Brit str 173 tons, Captain o Sa,lC Boyue sa«5 a str 555 tons, Capt. and Amenta. Walker, 27th Oct. From One
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  • 560 5 JEALOUS WIVES AND PRETTY TYPISTS. F bV0NE OF rHE LATTER. very <l llil k antl 1>od at ]ui i rtnly suffer from one l am pretty. I have .ffices, bui ncvei stayed t is not the men who are for my dismissal, but the no i the women who are
    London Opinion  -  560 words
  • 107 5 1 1. K.H. Prince George '.rai to His Majestv thc ,n n the high Order oi 31 red upon His Majesty the Prince Regent of The Order of the St back to ,44+ •v haa also bestowed wo Bavarian Princes. received the Order of 'ahaChakrkri,and
    Bangkok Times  -  107 words
  • 41 5 H,^ 1 Hedin, who hv order- of government was denied ,N makinJ r "Hn the ..de of India, Hubf-t f r hls entr y into Western '""esc lurkestan. )n as the neighbourhood pf J well known lake in having experienced nardshipo,
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  • 1024 5 What the Bandmann Company has m store for the local theatre goi^ public during its coming season c!n be easily seen from the following report winch appears in the Epp*m MorLl Nn* about the performance of the Mad"p mig L^ Time was, looking back to more
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  • 67 5 THI evils of tight lacing were demonstrated at an inquest at Edenbridge, Kent the other day at home on hthel Stuart, aged eighteen. Her dead body was found on the road near Skeynes Perfc where she was employed. Ihe medical evidence was that the girl by tight lacing had forced
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  • 663 5 lhe special correspondent of the Morning Post in the Far East writes lt is now a year since the first Chinese Army manoeuvres drew the worlds attention to the new military movement in China. The manoeuvres which are being held this month (October) in Changtch Prefecture in
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  • 185 5 P. O. JAPAN SERVICE. Some criticism appear> to have been offered, because Sir Claude MacDonald, OUT Ambassador to Japan, travelled home to Europe in a German steamer. The simple facts appear to be that, thanks in part to the ample mail subsidies paid by the German Government, German steamship lines
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  • 153 5 It is reported that a well-known and wealthy Malay resident of Penang apparently died iist Monday evening. At all events, he ppeared to be so aggressively dead f lis relatives called in a couple of mee I men and, so report says, they al > pronounced life
    Straits Echo  -  153 words
  • 48 5 A Chinaman was gored by a buffalo at Kuala Kangsar the other day whilst unloading a consignment of the animals which had arrived ftom Penang. The unfortunate man succumbed to the injuries received. The buffalo then made its way into thc town, and was shot near the Hospital.
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  • 629 5 THE ADVENTUES OF LADY ERNESTINE HUNT. lhe Marquis of Ailesbury will probably go down to fame the father of the breezy Lady Ernestine Hunt, fo. the reflected celebrity of lhe adventurous lady is great. The accession of the Marquis was 01 e of those strange surprises which fate sometimes plays
    M.A.P.  -  629 words
  • 71 5 Coini Kkvk.ntlow. formerly a Captain in the German Navy, is publishing a book entitled Kaiser Wiihelm 11, unodie Byzantiner," which promises to attract great attention. The work deals with what the author regard- as a canker corrupting German officialdom, namely the sppit of obsequious flattery towards the Empror and his
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  • 599 5 te Number n. -T j Capital. Subscbed of J r ss ue Paid Reservt i rv luslt Shares Value up to Kchervt o.npam Quotation 1 GOLD. WOjj *175.000l 75 .ooo $140,000 '3,soo 'Sued J '^sawal, <;. M. (V,. 1.,,,. 11)00! /400.000 £350,000 35C00 'i Z Duff Devolopnun.
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  • Commercial.
    • 153 5 (iambicr buyers I 6.<;o do Cube No. i ..10.75 Copra Bali n M oo l'cp|)er, Black (ordinary Singapore) 18.75 do White, Fair L. \V. 5 per cent. -5-5 Sago Sarawak Flour '2.(12 do Brunei No. 1 2 g^ Pearl Sago, small e o Coffee, Bali 16.J percent. buyers 3
      153 words
    • 82 5 On London. Bank 4 in a k, do. 6 m Private sms On Gtrmmsty. Bank d d Private 3 in s do 6 m V^ OmFrmmr Bank d.M *"J* do 6 in a 1 O« Imiin. Bank J I. JJ^J Private 30 <l 1 On Hongkong. Bank d d
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 84 5 TO-NIGHT Opera Indra Jaya The Johar Ma'nikam Theatrical Company of Singapore WILL PUT ON THE STAGE AT THE ALEXANDRA HALL North Bridge Road. Monday, 26th Nov. BaDman ParwcsD OR The Comedy of Errors FROM FAIRY TALE M. OMAR, Director 6 Sole Proprietor. YAMATO Co Dealers in High Class I Japanese
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  • 1226 6 SCIENCE MEDICINE. k»4 HOURS IN A GRAVE. Hypnotised Woman Buried Alive. The wife <>t a Jamaica hypnotist. according to the Kingstown, Jamaica, correspondent of the Daily Express," w..s thrown into atrano state by her husband, and buried alive Attar 104 hours he disinterred and revived her she seemed perfectly satisfied
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  • 294 6 1 armed robbery of unpreceted boldn< ss was perpetrate rsburg on 27th ult. Th< robbers, who used bombs and revolvers, secured nearly £40,0 in notes and gold, which was tig conveyed to the- Treasury Iwo ut them were killed and fiv« "ther- captured; tin- gendarmes wen wounded and
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 643 6 Honykong Snang! a\ Banking Corporation. PAID-UP CAPITAL *i0,000.000 RESERVE FUND Sterling Reserve sio.ooo.oou Silver Rc^. 1 e UQWOOOj MAnftft<lMl Reaervn Ual il»t: P> I>netoti $10,000,000 Court of Directors. HaUDt, Esq Chairman. Hon.v VV. Dicksor Deputy-Cnwrmwi. E. Goet/. Ksq. H. E. Tomkins Esq. C. R. Lenzmann, D. M Nissim. Ksq. C.
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    • 270 6 NOTICES. G. A. Fernandez Co. No. 6 IY Almeida Street. LICENSED AUCTIONEERS, SURVEYORS, ARCHITECTS, APPRAISERS, AND HOUSE AGENTS. Charges and Commission will be found moderate. 9-8-06. u.c. nt. Bolter, 69, ANSON ROAD. Telephone No. 3(>B. Jusl Landed a Fresh Stock oj\Smoked Russian Spi ttFresh Bombay Butter in 1 lb and
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    • 295 6 Dr. S. IWATSUBO, Dental Surgeon. No. 1 Raffles Place. Hours oj consultation 9 a.m. to 12 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. (Or by appointment.) 3/8/06. to 2/2/07. Fop Sale. This is the time to get ready for Ghristmas. Why wait till the last hour when you now have time to
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    • 416 6 "E. P. M." ADLETS. FOB SAlTj^- WANTED. WANTED. A competent and experici cd Bookkeeper for extra work. Post Office Box M 2<>B WANTED. Three Motor Wagon Driver-. Apply personally to FRASER NEAVE Ltd Aerated Water Department, Anson Road. TO BE LET. No. 7, Battery Road. Three roomon 2nd Floor. AppIytoGUTHRIE
      416 words
    • 230 6 D s Peoia| Ho| idav r TO coCSf "ase? 0. '"''cent climate 1 A Mounta A health stati, A place of educatio An attractive i..|. CHEAP RETURN TICKETS T 0 Saloon £22 UC °U)MBo Second Sa TW p v 7 ine 1 <\ nounce that the\ I arrangements COLOMBO, KANDY
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