Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser, 24 November 1906

Total Pages: 6
1 6 Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser
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  • 69 1 Reuter's Agency wires (By submarine telegraph.) MONROE DOCTRINE. South America to Rival Orient. London, November 23, 11-36 a.m. Speaking at Kansas city, Secretary Mr. Root dealing with the visit to South America emphatically re stated the beneficial effects of the operations of the Monroe Doctrine and urged
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  • 53 1 70,000 GALLONS OF HOT SPIRIT FLOODED THE STREET. One Killed and Ten Injured. London, November 23, 1 1-36 a.m. The upper part ofa Glasgow Distillery building having collapsed, seventythousand gallons of hot spirit Hooded Uie street to thc depth of two feet. One man was killed
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  • 51 1 NEARLY WRECKED BY A HURRICANE. Shipboakds as Fuel. London, November 23, 1 1-30 a.m. Lieutenant Peary, aboard the s. 5. Roosevelt reached St. George's Bay, Newfoundland, after being nearly wrecked by a hurricane coming from Labrador He was obliged to dismantle the interior ofthe ship for
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  • 80 1 TENOR CARUSO CHARGED WITH ANNOYING A WOMAN. Disappearance of thk Woman. London, November 23, 1 1-52 a.m. The celebrated Tenor Caruso was charged at thc Police Courts. New York, with the offence of annoying a woman at tlie Zoological Gardens. Since the 1 charge was
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  • 36 1 LUROPEANS INSULTED. London, November 23, 11-52 a.m. The relations between the Moors and the Europeans at Tangier are considerably strained The Moots are availing themselves of eveiy means of insulting the European--
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  • 514 1 A BRITISH STEAMER AFIRE IN THE CHINA SEA. EXCITING EXPERIENCE WITH A CARGO OF DYNAMII I, We learn from the Japan Herald that on the 2 ist ult. a tire brok'c out on the steamship Baron Ardrossan (Captain Kennedy), for which the Nippon Yusen Kaisha are agents, when on voyage
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  • 43 1 MIL ALGECIRAS INFANTRY. Ordered i<> Ki ei Ri \m London, Novcmbei 13, 11-59 a.m. I wo Spanish tnen-ol war have arrived at Tangicrs. Four companies of Algeci--1 as Infantry are ordered to bc ready for active duty, if necessary.
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  • 54 1 CON riNUOUS PROSPERITY ()V CANADA. Ini ri a-i\<. Immigration. London, Novcmbt 1 2s, M-52 p.m. In his speech from the| Throne at thc opening of the Canadian Parliament at Ottawa Lord Grey emphasizes tbe remarkable prosperity of the Dominion of Canada and dwells c- pecially
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  • 56 1 FINAL REPORT. Differentiation Bi I\\ 1 1 Earned anp Unearned Incomes. London, November 2 11.52 a.m. The British Select Committee appointed to consider the question of the Income Tax has drafted its Final Report. The report provides for a universal declaration of income showing a differentiation
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  • 90 1 THIRTY THOUSAND GEISHAS SAVED Salvation Army in Mam huma. London, 13rd November, 3.50 p.m. General Booth, the head ol the Salvation Army, is going to Japan in the beginning of the year to examine the work of the Salvation Army in that country. Mr. Booth
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  • 245 1 REPORI OF Till. DIRECTORS. The Director- beg to present thcii report, together with a statement ol thr accounts of the Company foi the hall year ended toth June, 1906, wlm li have been duly audited. The acreage of thr Company's -property isas follows- 65
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  • 143 1 ro EDU< Al I. HINESE P,< >YS. Canton, 7th N ivember. It 1- understood thai 1 gentleman has arrived here, as the emissary ol a wealthy French gentleman who intends to provide the education, passages ai d keep of a number ot -man hine.se boys from the provinces
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 249 1 4 CO- LTD. Chi Ecnonor GlF T BOOKS FO B BOYS A GIRLS LITTLE'S JOHN LITTLE Co., LIMITED. a****A W Christmas Show TOYS, DOLLS and A GAMES. DON'T ICaVC P urc,iasin S your Xma> pre I '^■r^^b centa until the last day our W Stock has been very carefully chosen
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    • 240 1 Howarth Erskine [Epgipeers apd Coptractors. ELECTRICAL INSTAU ATIONS. TdtyltAHu* .;>.;. Tcleqmim ERSKINE." < lIIIIMMI— III 111 ■lIIMIIIIWWHII >*> u ART NEEDLE WORK I I AM) One ol the Finest and Largttt w Electric Fans in very Bedroom fl HXA/TP nCDHT Buildings in Tenant 3^5«4^ CuisJno ami Catering under iLUWtn UCrUI
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  • 523 2 The Eastern Daily Mail. PRICE 5 CENTS. SATURDAY, 24th NOVEMBER. THE FOURTH POLICE MAGISTRATE. It got abroad, but recently, that the exceedingly helpful and absolutely necessary Fourth Police Magistrate and his Court were to be relegated to oblivion but it is still in existence. Those who know something about the
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  • 377 2 »n the tist instant, a conflagration occurred at Tanjong Pinang, Rhio, and fifty attap huts occupied by Chinese were destroyed. The Rhio police made heroic efforts to minimise the disaster, but the nature of the materials rendered these nugatory. Messrs. the Borneo Co., Ld., who are the local agents of
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  • 45 2 The Musical Director of the Singapore Catholic Club intends giving a concert in the Victoria Memorial Hall during the approaching Christmas season for the purpose of raising funds to provide for the Annual Christmas Entertainment for children. Practices are now going on.
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  • 37 2 ST. JOSEPH' S INSTITUTE. The Director of St. Josephs Institution wishes to acknowledge with thanks tne following subscriptions which he has received during the week. Adamson Gilfillan Co. Go Boen Tihan Esq, Smo Slab Peck Siah Esq
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  • 109 2 Viscountess Maiden, to whom a first son (and ultimathe heir to the Earldom of Essex) has been born at Marslev is Ac young lady who about a year ago Vfseount 0 IE T ""S** wi^ of M? R 5 m the dau Shter £5 !V btcwart tree
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  • 825 2 MEDICAL REPORT EOR 005 The death-rate for the Colony 40-5 1 against 3898 in 9 o 4 The rate, for Smgapore and Pen abg were lowS and those for^he other Statement" pecially Malacca, higher than th, hgures for the previous vear. The high death-rate in Malacca ia to
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  • 133 2 S. C. C. v. GARRISON. This match was played on thc S.< < portion ofthe Esplansde last evening on a wet and slushy ground. The Club team was the first to obtain a try which Costigan had no difficulty in placing between the posts. Soon afterwards the Garrison obtained
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  • 82 2 The King discovered some time Bg i that he was spending no less than 4?3'°°? a year on wedding presents Ihe discovery, says a correspondent, came somewhat as a surprise to his Majesty, and he immediately gave orders that his expenditure in this direction was to
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  • 425 2 Pist, whose cfcathR 1 other r y uZ kVcs Z M a rn lr I a J e to ll? institutional OU-ly thai T ir? in tH OT/or the I British* ika t*™** 310,5,6 nU lUrr Owcre 1 iati Workmen w< the city hall of V, of
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 306 2 FRESH j GRAPES. PACKED IN 5 lb. WOOD BOXES FOR POSTING TO F. M. S. AND ELSEWHERE. PER He L\ P^ UU POSTAGI FREI $2.50 Outport friends are requested to send remittance with order, if noi in Deposit Account. THOMPSON, THOMAS Co., THE AUSTRALIAN STORES. WHISKIES. SCOTCH. Dews 0' the
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    • 423 2 TO 1 1 INTRODUCE _^_wt^J_^m IT WILL BE SOLD AT HALF PRICE, I. e. ffl% jmw the^i.> of 12 bottles quarts, ih*^ excluding duty, or 85 cts the %U/ quart bottle, duty included. RECORD No. 1177. OLD TAILOR SCOTCH* WHISKY rm From the results of our analysis we are able
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    • 55 2 HOTEL DE L EUROPE (ESPLANADE). Game Tiffin To-day at 1 p. m. Austrian String Orchestra, under the Conductorship of Herrn C Muhlburger, in attendance. FRESH "FASS BEER "ICED. HOTEL de LEUROPE Proprietors. COMING EVENTS. T©-day, 24th Ncv Concert. Tcutonia Club. S. V. C. and S. V. E. Shoot. Sunday, 1
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  • 5 3 K ,.;f IKK'S.
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  • 17 3 MARINES MOBILIZING FOR MOROCCO. .flo'NS AT CADIZ; AT 'su CARTAGENA (-50 p.m. aobiliring at.Od". „,,,10 pre- M
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  • 26 3 MR. SECRETARY ROOT AT ST. LOUIS. 0 STEAMSHIP I N PORTS. ber, 3.50 p.m. ..;n-. Mr. Secretary vas drafted in tbi ish ment «>t tor for-
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  • 17 3 TURBINES KMAN NAVY. p.m. onferencc ai Berlin that introducs of the t the
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  • 50 3 ibuted t I )over Hamilton, a muring le- > dav- 1 he lethuen met school. ind were in that Lord my first diffier- somethii g me ;enced to kick pr. >pe r Laughter.) K disproportion -elf and Lord have been a (Laughter.) .ing on It SO redoubt
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  • 95 3 C. P.R. VERSUS P. O. H THE I g from Lonis had the competition > on the The P Is to II mproved ach, already in will follow 1 1 will .mer-, I and luxury. n that the lay be bec of g iven ol two run betlongkong ine's agents
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  • 95 3 and tin ore o| the 1 .:< Perak which Selangor and 731 77 pikuls .42 in the 1 depikuls. Perak shows 5< langor of 26,200 pikuls. 03 duty was paid in 1 -105, an inI•• this sun li 0,000 00 men Siberia is still is a synonym for and sterile,
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  • 1171 3 A CHIT I Y CASE. Ai LBBED Brka( 11 of Trust. Yesterday morning, S. P. 1 S Palaniappa Chetty was arraigned before Mr. Colman on an allegation of breach I 11 1 0 *5- 00 property of I.C. 1 A. Anamalay Chetty Mr. H. Fort and Mr. G.
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  • 632 3 An interesting work entitled With Lord Kitchener Against the Mahdi will shortly be published bv a Berlin publishing house. The writer, Major Adolf von Tiedemann, who accompanied the Sudan expedition as representa tive of the Berlin general staff, gives the following impressions, says the
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  • 2196 3 The usual fortnightly meeting was held yesterday under presidency of U.t. the Governor. Thk Harbour Scheme. The Colonial Secretary read the Harbour Improvements Bill for the first time and same was passed. It was added that the subject was not a new one, for in March 1905
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 94 3 On the -oth instant, a Cantonese woman was wending her way through Bukit Tunah on her way home. She had two baskets of fruit. A mat was before her. Unauapectiiigly, she put her foot on it and was at once precipitated into a hole twenty feet in depth, with four
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    • 221 3 y%^w^ m%****kim**9j^*^*^*mm**-^*v^***m**^*-t m^q' a**^^* ttft e-mu H. S. KIRWAN'S j TANK ROAD LIVERY, RACINC, COMMISSION STABLES (OPPOSITE RAILWAY STATION) A new building specially built tor stables, ahsohitelv sanitan .in.i ii|Mo-datc j Accommodation for Horses and Carrifee by day, w.-ek. or monti. at Popular Prices I Kxtra large loose boxes for
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 91 3 CHURCH NOTICES. St Andrew's Cathedral Matins ami Litany 7 am. Holy Communion (Choral) <-45 a.m. Sunday School Bible Class 3-40 p.m. Evensong and Sermon r >-30 p.m. St. IWatthew's Sepoy Lines. Foe Chow Service l1"15 ***m Sunday school and Bible classes 3-4o p.m. Evensong and Sermon 8-16 poa. Bethesda Brass
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  • 484 4 A wrtici in thc current issta Blackwood's" has interesting article on Constadtinoplc. Damascus or B i dad," he lays, nerslly the c I of the East, have all their own pccaliar beauty, yet none ol them share the traction or possess the mdividnahty of colour.^ taken
    T. P's Weekly  -  484 words
  • 286 4 In reference to th< ridiculous san O-.incrsco telegram alleging that the schoolchildren on ques has caused a change of feeling in I land toward Japan, the "Japan ests that in nu thi- kind aud indeed in the whole agitation the l ':i»d may be traced of
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  • 141 4 •ort of J. and P Coats (Limit contains figure- which are little onderful. The 5 annou: that the profits for the vear ended I u miounmd to a ;.^BB. indcd I properly U g g the previous year. After providing for l al dividend- of so pe cent,
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  • 162 4 the latest addif'on to thc series ol reports designed by the Geological survey to describe the mining centres ?n te v m Au «raHa 1- a report Hulc'.mNo Perth. ,906) byM Woodward on the auriferous deposits and mine- of Menziea, North oolgard.egoldheld. It covers ninetytwo pages, and is
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  • 116 4 Lord Rosebery. w ho ha- just made I an illuminating speech on a subiS wlm h he himself called the bn rrci tact ot lunacy. might f i cscri^ d a^ the 'last o, the orator." K^ri. vailed eloquence bundbputedbv men "»'ve'y party There.- noma,, l.^n who haa
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  • 492 4 THREE THOUSAND RUBBERS. Bridge is becoming a curse. I met a woman the other day who informed me with distinct pride that -he had kept a record of over 3000 rubber- of bridge which she had played. A record!" 1 exclaimed amazed. Yc-, I have a bridge book,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 187 4 > Recreation Hotel' SERANGOON ROAD, TR AMIV A yr, IH lm TER »m manent boarders. '"'»l>"r._ V Ai "">"» with Ve^ndah and ball > < p G °OD TABLE 4 w.N Es > h which may NES y > Joe F. de CG NCEICAo ESTABLISHED ~^^T) C^N^* XN 1903. THE
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 1913 4 SHIPPING NEWS. VESSELS VESSELS IN PORT Sn J r lns ami > 1)ucl T7VTDT?r<TT?-n WWt "-0 IW mill. 6th Nov. From Bagan EXPECTED. MERCHANT^ESSELS. Kim P P^aJ£ /rnl «2»*^ Brit '73 tons, Captain Re^erf T' Ut tons, Capt. A £""> Walk er 27t h()ct. From One Fathom rna^n /h 5
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  • 242 5 THE NATIVE PRESS OF INDIA. u^nsthcy-nccd upon here -for tnc tt j ve newspapers be A fim noi "tician in the 5. to follow the Such means the case, and causc for mratifi- hat the lUndu, the nflucitial Indian daily lency, while movement, maintains a ;r attitude toMALUM in ihe
    Morning Leader  -  242 words
  • 149 5 which ha^ been Ranjitsinhji to Mr. -:e, from ay Presidency, -hows the rulership Of cour-e, if tablishing his title he icket. but at doubtful whethe: he the *£th cutting enclosed. I that all mv Came been taking such a matter which is pen thank them all on is
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  • 54 5 nakesa point ;j»J*M. that aie sent 'hey we of silver or them carefully to see accordance with abo* cavil. with his initials rully inspect* no tlmv or tOIH-h.M,,,,. to be less tree in n before, hut that 'npretentious and a precedent that ed. for the giving
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  • 13 5 to the Nichi Sj^r.arJ' t aim,nber «»^,erman ceed to rokio J *J*«*se language.
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  • 337 5 DETAILS OF HIS CAREER. Berlin, October 26. The man who robbed the Koepenick Municipal Treasury, and had the Mayor and cashier conveyed under escor? to Berlin, was arrested early this morning by Berlin detectives in Lange Strasst se, ip the eastern dist.ict of the city lie
    Reuter  -  337 words
  • 159 5 Berlin, October I The arrest ofVoight was affected at half-past eight this morning, while he was at breakfast. The police hae obtained information that their quarry was lodging with a humble newsvendor named Kappeles, at ta, Larmestrasse. and thev accordingly surrounded the house, and occupied the roof,
    Ceneral news  -  159 words
  • 425 5 The future in Siam depends on the Chinese rather than upon the Japanese or any European nation, says Dougl iStorv in the Tribune. Alreadv io per cent, ofthe total population are Chinese. They are the labourers and the artificers the retail dealers and the holders of the
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  • 82 5 Mi>. LoogWOrth, President Roosevelt s daughter, had a narrow escape recently at Marietta, Ohio, where, with her husband, she was attending a historic ceremonial. Her carriage was about to cross the tram lines on a steep gradient, when a car, of which the driver had lost control, dashed down the
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  • 819 5 1 here ia a modest little shop on Sixth-avenue, New York, with playing cards, goblets, boxes, and other innocent looking objects in the window, in which is manufactured most of the magicians apparatus used in North and south America and a good deal of that used
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  • 177 5 A two days' sale of scarce postagestamps from various sources was commenced recently at the London Hotel Surrey street, Strand, by Messrs. Yenlorn, Bull, and cooper. A rare stamp offered was the Board ot Education," King's head, is., green and scarlet, of Great Britain. It realised
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  • 689 5 A LIFE AND DEATH STRUGGLE. As the moose came in sight up the brook channel, a moving shadow, the muscles of the watching bear behind the rock grew tense; and a luminous green firm seemed to come over his small eyes. One powerful hind-leg lifted
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  • 648 5 lte Number T p. |"'-,vsjt ■J Subscbed s^L p!n" Rcs vt tum GOLD. HOP 75 .000 $140,000 3.soo "Sued &M. Co. Ltd. s-llcrs a™: /400.000 £350,000 £z> *f "r iffni«j r. 1.1. r* '300,000 „3.000 I jr^, ,Io SS m..0.,u, K-j^ 1902 £30,000 £16,175.70 fW j Kcchau
    648 words
  • Commercial.
    • 143 5 Pepper, Black (ordinary Singapore) 18.75 do White, Fair L. \V. 5 percent. t 25.25 Sago Sarawak Flour 2.92 do Brunei No. 1 2 a o Pearl Sago, small t c o Coffee, Bali 16] per cent. buyers 3 per cent. 19.00 Coffee Palembang, 20 percent, basis M 22.50 Coffee,
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    • 102 5 On London. Bank j m s r/4 7/16 Demand do.6ma Private 1 m a CM Genmmy. Bank d d 1 nv aic j ma Qm France. -Bank d'd (>// Homghomg, Bank d d pe r ccm ,jj s Private 30 d ,i percent dia On -Bank d d Private
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 95 5 TO-NIGHT Opera Indra Jaya The Johar Ma'nikam Theatrical Company of Singapore WILL PUT ON THE STAGE AT THE ALEXANDRA HALL North Bridge Road. Saturday, 24th Nov. Rossina A WELL KNOWN DUTCH STRAGIDY AND COME. Sunday, 25th November, Sinaran Bintang FROM FAIRY TALE. M. OMAR, Director c Sok Proprietor. j YAMATO
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  • 856 6 CUBA AND ECYPT CONTRASTED. Lor, lon. Sept 28. Lrom thecoripondenl of tin New York Tribune.) British Opinion on the Cuban question 1- sympathetic toward America, v< t 1 ritical withal. Pn sident Roosevelt is credited with caution, firmrx ssand pn w net of mind in avoiding premature intervention or encouragement
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  • 451 6 LONELY WOMAN'S HQUSE FILLED WITH WEALTH. Startling revelations have followed the death ot a lonely old woman, Mrs. Ague- I lesrst, who inhabited a house in the poorest quarter o\~ Rothesay. Buteshire. The police, OO entering this house ot such a mean exterior, found it furnish ed
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  • 294 6 I• c announcement o M Harabourg's engagement much interest for man coin. ally :hose ofthe among whom the famous pianist ha> always had a large number of admirer-,. Mr Hambourg. who ua born in made his first public appearance at th mature age ot ten at a
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  • 108 6 I he I r.ncess of Wale, can indulge freely ra her favourite hobby when at ignore, Where the principal garden, ot Hie King are situated. Not only everv variety of exotic, indoor and outdoor tlower to be found in it. greatest Perfection, but all varieties of fruit
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 664 6 BANKS. Honykong a Shanyliai Banking Corporation. PAID-UP Crtl ITAL $10,000,000 RESERVE I LN'D Sterlina Reserve |I<XOOO,OOO smwmftMi SUver Resei .e twjso.ooo t •^»*«DO ffmmi Lmi Prop wlon $10, 000,000 Court of Directors. A l laupt, Ksq —Chairman. Hon. v W. Dickson— Deputy-Chairman. K. Goetz, bsq. I H. E. Tomkins Ksq.
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    • 262 6 NOTICES, G. A. Fernandez Co. No. 6 D> Almeida Street. LICENSED AUCTIONEERS, SURVEYORS, ARCHITECTS, APPRAISERS, AND HOUSE AGENTS. Charges and Commission will be found moderate. 9-8-06. u.c. m. Bolter, 69, ANS©N R©HO. Telephone N > 398. Jusi Landed a Fresh Stock oj:Pickled Herrings in tin Smoked Russian Spratts Fresh Bombay
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    • 303 6 Dr. S. IWATSUBO, Dental Surgeon. No. 1 Raffles Place. Hours oj consultation 9 a.m. to 12 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. (Or by appointment.) 3/8/06. to 2/2/07. For Sale. This is thc time to get ready for Christmas. Why wait till the last hour when you now have time to
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    • 417 6 L ADL llg^gj^fc WANTED. WANTED. A competent and experici ed hookkeeper lor extra work. Apply torPost Office Box 298 WANTED. I hree Motor Wagon Drivers. Apply personally to FRASER NEAVE Ltd. Aerated Water Department, Anson Road. TO BE LET. No. 7, Battel y Road. Three roomon 2nd Floor. Apply to
      417 words
    • 175 6 N evver a *&s%* ft A health stat Aplao ol ed attractive CHEAP RETURN TICKET* F<rstS,l,,on 22 ST Cot_w Second Saloon U) 5 rhep.& o nounce that the' irrangement COLOMBO, KANDY an* whereby hold, and HE» tt| Tour Tickets **Z Reduced Tariff Jj Forfiirthei 0. S. N «at March, 1,
      175 words