Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser, 21 November 1906

Total Pages: 6
1 6 Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser
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  • 50 1 Reuter's Agency wires (By submarine telegraph.) ARE WORN OUT AND DISHEARTENED. London, November 20, 12-5 p.m. The followers of Ferreira arc worn out and disheartened. They did not resist when taken over by their captors. The trouble they caused was quite out of proportion to their strength.
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  • 84 1 150 MILES MARCH THROUCH KALAHARI DESERT. SCARCITY OF WATER, IIEAI AND DUST STORMS. Transfori Dispensed With. London, November 20, 12.5 p.m. The troops in pursuit of Fcrreirahad to cover 150 miles across the Orange River into the Kalahari Desert. They had to overcome immense difficulties and had to suffer from
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  • 61 1 ATTORNEY JEROME'S REPOR I ON MUTUAL LIFE CO. No Legal Prosecution Possible. London, November 20, 12.5 p.m. The New York District Attorney General, Mr. Jerome hasissued his first report on the Mutual Life Insurance Co's business. He declares that there are no State laws in existence under
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  • 69 1 FORTY-ONE PERSONS DROWNED. Women and Children Prappi i> in Cabins. London, November 20, ir-5 p.m. A Pllget Sound steamer Jnuiic rammed into the steamer and sank he on Monday night. Forty-one persopswerc drowned. The steamer /runic wa> able to save thirty-nine lives. Many women and
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  • 73 1 HEADED BY GENERAL FRENCH'S SISTER. Mistress Despard not Arrested Despite Her Entreatibs. London, November 20, 1 1-5 p.m. Forty women suffragettes headed by Mrs. Despard, the sister of General French, had a frc->h demonstration at the Palace yard. Mr>. Despard and another mounted the pedestal
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  • 101 1 AUTHORISES PUBLICATION OF AN INTERVIEW. His People do not understand him London, November 20, 3-34 p.m. The Kaiser has authorised the publication of his interview with the Bavarian poet Ganghofcr, wherein he declares himself an optimist lie said he was working his hardest for the
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  • 212 1 Vice-Admiral Sir Arthur W Moore, Commander-in-Chicl of His Britannic Majesty's ships on the China Station, has informed U. B. M Charge d'Af faires in Bangkok that he will be there with a naval squadron on the 31st December, in order to be present on the occasion
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  • 889 1 AN INTERVIEW WITH WALTER WELLMANN Paris, October 2 Mr. VValtci Wcllmann, in the Hotel Continental tins afternoon, looked ten years younger than when 1 saw him one hot dav in June, jusi before his departure for the North Pole. It vras natural that our conversation should
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 213 1 XMAS CAMS aN unrivalled SELECTION LITTLE'SI QOHN LITTLE Co., I LIMITED. Grand Christmas Show OF TOYS, DOLLS and GAMES. ■F^^^^ DON'T UaV P urchasin B y° ur Xma> pre JfeotfV^d^W scnts until the last day our Mh'^^tl f l Kl > been very carefully chosen with a view n Lto
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    • 381 1 Howarth Erskine fcEl>£il>eers apd Contractors. ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS. Telephone 28. Telegrams ERSKINE.'* ART NEEDLE WORK AND One of the Finwt and Largttt I Electric Fans in very Btdroom CI OWITR HFPHT Buildings in l'tnan« S^K^fea Cuitin* and Catering under 1 LUIfLn UHIUI Entirely under European ?^F?^^? Supervision of an European Management.
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    • 29 1 JOHN LITTLE CO LTD Boi I Own Annual Girls Own Annum. Chatti rbox Infants Ma«..\/ini Chums UJO h I AKi.l s| 1 (.TION OK GIFT BOOKS FOR BOYS GIRLS
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  • 113 2 ADVERTISING CONTRACT. The Singapore Electric Tramways Ltd invite Tenders for the adveftghts tin interior of their electric tramcar>. The advertising wll be <vcr the pass rolling >t"ck o»~ the Company amount- present I 5 I in. The Company's Cars term an excellent medium tor prominent advertising
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  • 160 2 ISSUE OF COUPON TICKETS On and after Tuesday the i-t December next. Books of Co'upon Tickailable for use on the cars of the Singapore Electric Tramway- Ltd, will be on sale at the office" of the Company in Mackenzie Rocd. Each book will consist of 37
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  • 949 2 The Eastern Daily Mail. PRICE 5 CENTS. WEDNESDAY, 21st NOVEMBER. THE SWADESHI MOVEMENT. We have received from Mr. C M. Chelliah of Singapore a brief pamphlet on the Swadeshi movement now very much in evidence all over India and especially in Bengal. We have gone through it with considerable interest
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  • 68 2 The friends of Chief Inspector Black, recently retired on pension from the European contingent of the Police Force, after twenty years' service, will be glad to learn that His Majesty, the King has been graciously peased to bestowon him the Imperial Service Medal in recognition of
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  • 1064 2 loday, Wednesday, is the last day for posting parcels in time to be re ceived by the folks at Home by Xma< Parcels must be posted before 4 p m 1 Mr. Lull Yce of Holland Road In reported to the police tli he has been robbed ol clothing etc.,
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  • 185 2 X'MAS NUMBER OF THE "TIMES OF CEYLON." efforts in MH,n] llC;: .emely h »ch is a first da K laS V rt Public^, «of printing v support To rep,. Chn S tmas 8 N n Ur^ with the s*« m t wpportha^ n 8 ceeded our mo.t lW jns which
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  • 6 2 I \VI
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  • 38 2 To lines i jroui attention of oui sent suit- ol cen at the corner ol ta tonl Road days past, > urn Kin. 8 I been lome in* result l shops mention amount ntomafc incinto,*nfl I n
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 298 2 WHISKIES Dews 0' the Glen. Monarch 0' the Glen The Old Brigade. Rare Old Blend. Very Old Highland Blend. Extra Special Finest Liqueur. Robert Macdonald. Club Bahru V.O.S. (Choice Old Matured.) PRICES OR PRICE LIST ON APPLICATION. N.Bw— ln Hulk, Hogsheads, Quarter c asks and tetayes. Having Branchnouse in Glasgow,
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    • 182 2 [fresh B GRAPES. cents per lb. OR PACKED IN 5 Ib. WOOD BOXES FOR POSTING TO F. M. S. AND ELSEWHERE. PER BOX $2 00 POSTAGE FREE $2 .50 Outport friends are requested to send remittance with order, if no t THOMPSON, THOMAS Co., THE AUSTRALIAN STORES. THE QUEEN OF
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 65 2 COMING EVENTS. To-day, 21st Nov S. C. C. Meeting Memorial Hall. 5.15. Tomorrow. 22nd Nov I'. O. homeward mail closes. 1. Friday, 2?rd Nov Moon, Quarter. 7.35 a.m. P. O. outward mail due Legislative Council. 2.30 p.m. -S. V. E. Inspection. 5. S. V. C. Lecture. Saturday, 24th Nov. Concert.
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  • 29 3 RA'E TO FUKUSHIMA. r(From Hongkong Telegraph) Shanghai, 7 Nov. 10.ro a.m. ,ne cavalry raee from lokvo to Fukushima, distance of 150 miles, started on the sth ins*.
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  • 35 3 SELECTING SI IK FOR NEW CONSULATE. Shanghai, 7 Nov. 10.20 a,m Mr. Fulford, British Consul, has arrived at Mukden tor the purpose ol selecting a site for the new Consulate there.
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  • 35 3 EMPEROR GIVES AIDIENCE H I GERMAN ADMIRAL. Shanghai. 7 Nov. 10.^0 a.m. Admiral Brewing, who 1- in command of the German Squadron, has been received in audience by the Emperor o( Koiea.
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  • 342 3 S. 1 sth Co. K. Co. The S. C. < played the 95th La, Russels Infantry on the S. R. C. portion of the Esplanade lasl evening, and .i goo<! game was witnessed, which IS always the case when thc-e two teams are opposed, fhe ground in I fearful
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  • 303 3 Despite the unfavourable weather there was a fair attendance on Monday night at the Jubilee Hall to witness the boxing match. The programme opened with a ten round contest between sjddoii^ of the Sherwood Foresters and Jervi- R G.A. I lie affair -n round. when through some
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  • 126 3 A CORRESPONDENT, writing from the City ol Mexico to a financial comempo rary, effectively demonstrates the con--pMu.m- -vjeer— of Chinese labour in Mexico. As in most other parts of the world, like Australia, South Africa, and the Sir lit. Settlemestts, the Celestials can work in ii|
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  • 66 3 A syce in the employ of Mr. Kobcit Little was doing Hari Raja on Sunday in gala style When he returned to his resi fence u» Hoi land Road, lie found thai ><.nu owl awd visited it during In- absence. A look round convinced him that he had b«cn despoiled
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  • 1528 3 WEIGHT OF A COAL BASKET Causks, manslaughter. 1 \v<> Chinese, formerly coolies employed in the Docks, were charged with causing the death of a fellow countryman. Mr. Battenberg, in opening his case, called upon a coolie (Tan Choon) who taid he was engaged 00 the day of the
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  • 382 3 ARRANGEMENTS AT AGRA Simla, Nov. a, Preparations are now in full swing for the Viceroy's State visit to Agra, which wil! last from Sth to 15th January, and where a number of Chiefs perhaps a score, from Rajputana. Central India, and the Punjab will be invited to
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  • 252 3 Madras, Nov. 5. The Madia-, Mail writes.- During the last few days there appear to have been some extraordinary foolish rumours flying about, to the effect that the Government contemplated withdrawing their balance from the Bank of Madras. Such stupid alarmist ie ports are almost beneath serious
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  • 48 3 I'hk "Statesman," in the course of a leader on the Ceylon Pearl Fisheries, says "We confess that the spectacle of the ex-Governor of Ceylon presiding over a meeting of shareholders who are growing wealthy as the result of a smart deal with the Ceylon Government is not pleasing."
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  • 1308 3 THE BRANCH FARM RIOT. In Monday's issue of this paper there appeared a Police Court report of a case of noting accompanied with going robbery at the Branch Opium rVm, Serangoon Road. There were thirtyone defendants. Mr. L. E. Gaunt appeared to prosecute on behalf of the Opium
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  • 244 3 A Chandpur correspondent writes: 1 here is at last -ome prospect of a clearance of the enormous quantities of rice which for months past ha>*» \y en blocking the port of Chittagong, por ig in from Burma for distribution all over Bengal. The Burma imports have practically ceased,
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  • 174 3 M. Gerard, the newly-appointed French Ambassador to Tokyo, will leave shortly for his po-t. M.Gerard, say- The P>;irs Paris correspondent, i- one of the most distinguished member- ol the French diplomatic ser vice.- He was Minister at Cettigne at the time of the Montenegrin marriage-, and was in
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  • 245 3 I he question of bridging the Ganges somewhere north of Calcutta remains in a fluid state. Apparently, Mr. Morley is undecided upon the exact spot at which the bridge should be con sti uctcd. Hie Pioneer thinks that one way out of the difficulty would be to
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  • 43 3 Rangoon, Nov. 5 lor the Rangoon Port Trust loan n£ forty lakhs at four per cent., the totS tenders were Rs. 42,4, fO oo, the highest trader being par, and the lowest 1 he average rate is Rs. <; 3-4-9.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 232 3 H. S. KIR WAN'S TANK ROAD LIVERY, RACING, COMMISSION BT4RI (OPPOSITE RAILWAY STATION) ES A new building specially l,uiU foe MtUa, Accommodation for Horses ami C.,rri R e S In .1^ I Kxtra large loose bane f,, r k. K H i Ven.ila.ed s.oreroc, for us, 1 accommodation for syces
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  • 377 4 MARRIAGE PROBLEM IN AMERICA. lANDS. Wonian- n Hung 1- reft because one way or American men rheoretically nited States his heart a his ultimate the propor- smaller qi» and ,tii make- it uav dependent Question ch 1 remony th, although t* bj 1 by the ambitious tablishing and the mainten-
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  • 554 4 rhe Firsi Lord of the Admiralty and me Japanese Ambassador were the principal guests at the 283rd anniversary reast ot the Cutlers at Sheffield. Lord rweedmouth, replying to the toast of his health, congratuUted Master Cutler in having on his right hand Baron Komura -(cheers) the
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  • 184 4 Owing to the demonetising ol the Straits dollar in Tongkah, large consignment- are being sent to renang, while owing to the price of the tical having been raised from '57**5 t(> 864.50, an unusual number ol drafts been issued on Penang by people residing at Tongkah. 3 \\'c-t Ridgeway, at
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    • 730 4 VESSELS EXPECTED. >r, Probable date of Arrtvn/, and si ge nis. Ap.iima, New Zf land, Nov.-; Boustead Arcadia, Colombo, Dec. 8 P. O. Ale-ia, Hamburg, Dec. 7 Behn Meyer Austlla, Trieste, 'Jan. 12; Rautenberg Anile, Sydney, Dec. 24; Boustead Ayuthia, Bangkok, Nov. 24; Borneo Coy. Aw 1 Maru, London, I'.
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    • 925 4 MERCHANT VESSELS. Bmngkok Brit -tr 173 tons, Captain Walker, 27th Oct. From One Fathom Bank, -25th Oc. Riley Hargreaves Co. I'. -Rds. Baknmr, Brit str Jl3 tons, Captain Morris, lOth Nov. From Palembang, Bth Nov. Gc, and 1 d.p. Tong Joo. For Palembang, L\ Rds. Ban Liang,
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    • 147 4 BmnPokGutm t I" it. str. 575 tons, Captain Smith, 20th Nov. From Bali, 15th Nov. G.c,, and 8 d.p. Wee Bin Co. For Macassar, 24th Rds. Cat (vie, Brit. str. 331 tons, Capt Cobb, 20th Nov. From Fort Swettenham 18 Nov. G.o, and 64 d.p. Straits Steamship Coy.
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    • 216 4 Per P. 6c s. s. Vickrrm connecting with the steamer Delhi at Colombo, from London Oct. 26, due 26th Nov.— Messis. C. 'J home, H. S. Scott, Dr. R. Hanitsch Per P. s. s. Nubia from London Oct. 27, due 27th Nov.— Messrs. F. Svvanson, A. Stronack,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 218 4 > Recreation HoteL < SERANGOON ROAD, TRAMWAY TERMINUS. A Has excellent accommodation for temporary and per- manent boarders. y >Airv rooms with Verandah and hath rooms complete v GOOD TABLE WINES. c( V, Prices moderate which may be ascertained from the Manager, y Joe F. de CONCEICAO, V. Manager* I
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 85 4 MAILS CLOSE. To-day. For Per Steamer Time. K. A Patani W. o'thc Wisp 1 1 am Aimmba, N'na Island Karang 1i am IndragiriAing Thye noon Muar and Malacca Hong Wan Ipm P.S'tenham 6z Penang Kistna Ipm Bandjermassin, etc. Tasman Ipm Sabak, Djambie Brouwer 2 pm Bandjermassin, etc. Sarie borneo 2
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  • 459 5 •r^ESs'oF WELCOME. nutation i-sued nan.lam PiIWL M«U- cmenc> ol the weather, and rcpresent- s a^embl.mil School, Monday last ai Senior^ K I" Joseph ol ica Lutheran Mission in enquire into the ran members in rhe Hall was nan y had to stand I 'hat
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  • 11 5 fuw publisher a ru- •<"!•■ MacdonaWi w.H >]'*" U Ambassador i| in the
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  • 816 5 THE MADRAS FAILURES. LETTER OF EXPLANATION Madras, Nov. 7. Ihe Madras Mahajana Sabha has forwarded a memorial to the Viceroy praying the Government of India to initiate legislation without any delay t->r vesting the assets of the late firm o Arbuthnots in a special Board constituted for the purpose of
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  • 176 5 A correspondent writes It wm a mere coincidence, for the sake of the customary bouquets, that 11. Minoyi Arakawa. the late Consul-Gcneral for Japan in London, should have chosen the chrysanthemum time of our year for his departure. He has been promoted to be Minister in Mexico, and
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  • 22 5 h is reported that the great elecrnc and other trusts in London spent fifty thousand pounds in fighting the Borough Chuncil elections
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  • 465 5 Ihe Java budget was coasidered at Amsterdam in the Chamber, and sympathy was generally expressed with the policy of the present Colonial Minis er, especially in regard to the pending labour question in Banca, the extension of education among natives, and their admittance to Government posts, financially
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  • 256 5 THE RESIDENT COUNCILLOR OF PENANG. A FAREWELL TIFFIN. A farewell tiffin to the Hon. J. K. Birch, retiring-Councillor of Penang, and Mrs. Birch, was given at the Penang Club yesterday by the Civil Servants stationed in Penang and Pro vince Wellesley. About sixty persons sat down to an excellent repast,
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  • 308 5 While important conferences are continuing, and while the outspoken Press i-. clamouring for every conceivable reform from compulsory education, the establishment of a Parliament, and the abolition of racial distinctions to the suppression of domestic slavery and eunuchs, and even to the alteration of drew, no
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  • 410 5 Not at all too soon, the St. Petersburg Government has recognised the possibility, if not the probability, of a general rising throughout Turkestan. "Extraordinary protection," almost eq'iivalent to martial law, is decreed at all the principal cities, from Krasnovodsk to Samarkand and Merv, and as the Russian Government cannot
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  • 235 5 Madras, Nov. 5 The "Madras Mail" understands that the principal object of Sir Frederick L'pcott's visit to South India is the inspection of the Madras Railway, the contract of which expires next year. Sir Frederick will also consult the Agents, South Indian Railw: v, on matter^
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  • 605 5 i 'ate Number Capital. Subscbed of I r ss ue Paid Rcserv. r» l>a vsat StoSl Shares Value u l' to Company Quotations pre sen price GOLD. 1900! $175,000 $140,000 [wooSud '^sawah G. M. 0 Ltd. lOcoo«HI« I v 4,000 *io $10 1000 £350,000 350,000 I 1
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  • Commercial.
    • 144 5 Pepper, Black (ordinary Singapore) 18.7^ do White, Fair L. W. 5 percent. t jc.ac Sago Sarawak Flour do Brunei No. JJ Pearl Sago, small 5.40 Coffee, Bali r6{ per cent. buyers s pci cent. i 9 oo Coffee I'alembang, 20 per cent, basis t 22 o Coffee, Liberian No.
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    • 784 5 On London. Bank «m s 1/47/16 Demand 7 Qm (irnnaiiy. Hank d d a to* O« FnMMT. Hank djd OHHongl g. Bankdd pcrce^t.dli Private 30 da percent dia On Shanghai IJ.mk d d Private 30 di-> On /<u ,i. -Ban* I. I". Private 30 iIU On Japan. Hank d
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 77 5 TO-IMIGHT Opera Indra Jaya The Johar Ma'nikam Theatrical Company of Singapore WILL I'll ON THE STAGE AT THE ALEXANDRA HALL North Bridge Road. Wednesday, 21st Nov. fiulzar RckepM. OMAR, Director So/c Propr/cor. j YAMATO Co. Dealers in High Class Japanese Curios and j General Goods. I SOLE AGENTS TO TOKIO
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  • 379 6 Have you ever heard the deadly sound that comes in a typl og As they know it this month around the Ml of Manila and otT Hoogkoi [f so you wouldn't wonder to know it has o>-t a thousand lives, But it's hard on the children and on
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  • 1037 6 By W.I I lie people iti the interior of the empire are being taught that there is danger 10 be feared from foreigners designs upon China, and that they must, therefore, be prepared to defend tiieir country against them." Mysterious omens and tokens of the gods
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 700 6 BANKS. Honykong C Shangi; >:l Banking Corporation. PAID-UP CAPITAI f10.000.00C RESERVE FUND':— Sterling Reserve 310,000,000 1 *ano«irtiw Silver Reser r 3i0.250.u00 j 20 25 °.°<X Krserve Lial of Proprietors $10,000,00C Court of Directors. A Haupt, Esq Chairman. Hon. v. \V. Dukson— Deputy-Chairman. K. Goetz. Eaq, H. E. Tonikins Esq, C.
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    • 266 6 NOTICES, 6. A. Fernandez Co. I No. 6 LT Almeida Street. LICENSED AUCTIONEERS, SURVEYORS, ARCHITECTS, APPRAISERS, AND HOUSE AGENTS. Charges and Commission will be found moderate. 9-8-06. u.c. AUCTION SALE OF JV large consignment 1 OF ASSORTED DOLLS. TO BE HELD AT 6. A. FERNANDEZ Go's SALE-ROOM No. 6, D
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    • 305 6 Dr. S. IWATSUBO, Dental Surgeon. No. 1 Raffles Place. Hours oj consultation 9 a.m. to 12 1 p.m. to 5 p.m, (Or by appointment.) 3/8/06. tc 2/2/07. For Sale. This is the time to get ready for Christmas. Why wait till the last hour when you now have time to
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    • 400 6 DGDGD WANTED. WANTED. A competent and experienr >d Bookkeeper for extra work. Apply to Post Office Box M 298 WANTED. Three Motor Wagon Drivers. Apply personally to FRASER NEAVE Ltd. Aerated Water Department, An son Road. TO BE LET. No 7 Battery Road. Three rooms on 2nd Floor. Apply to
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    • 158 6 mT^ --^tis, "EAR RETURN £L First &,l on £22 S T Second Saloon c I The P a (7 i "ounce thai c arrangement, in COLOMBO, KANOY and whereby holden H^ forrunl,crpar,icub,. ilv NO., Ht i« March, i "'S^ Ml T. K(JO O Japanese CHARGES MODERN From 7 a.m. t
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