Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser, 17 November 1906

Total Pages: 6
1 6 Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser
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  • 37 1 Reuter's Agency wires (By submarine telegraph.) INVESTIGATION BY PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT. London, November 16, 10.30 a.m. President Roosevelt is personally m vestigating the disappearance of on* million dollars from the San Franciscc Relief Fund.
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  • 44 1 DECISION OF LORD ELGIN No Rkruitmkm 01 b. c Akki. UM Allowed. London, November 16, 1 1.40 a.m. Lord Elgin has finally decided no to allow the recruiting of Britisl Central Africans for underground worl m the Rand Mines.
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  • 62 1 London, November 16, 1 r-40 a.m. President Roosevelt has arrived a Colon. (Colon i> a town m Colombia situat ed at the Atlantic end of the Panama Railway and of the unfinished interoceanic Panama Canal. In 187 c the Empress Eugenic presented the town with
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  • 27 1 TWO MEN INJURED. London, November 16, 11.40 a.m. Owing to a bomb explosion m the Aragno Cafe m Rome, two men were injured.
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  • 30 1 FERREIRA'S BROTHERS CAPTURED. London, November 10, 1 1-40 a.m. Three Ferreiraite's including two brothers ot the Boer raidei Ferreira, and a native spy, are at last captured.
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  • 48 1 ACCEPTANCE OF THE OPPOSITION AMENDMENT. Fall m LABOURITE Majority to 74. London, November 16, 11-40 a.m. Owing to the acceptance by Government of the Opposition amendment to t'-ie Land Tenure Bill, the Radicals and Labourites are dissatisfied and their majority has fallen to 74.
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  • 50 1 LAUNCH ING OF THE BATTLESHIP "SATSUMA." THE LARGEST BATTLESHIP IN THE WORLD. 19,200 Tom London, November 16, 1 1-40 a.m. 1 he Japanese battleship "Sutsuma," the largest m the world, the gross tonnage of which i* 1 9,^00, was successfully launched at Yokohama. It follows the lines of the Dreadnought.
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  • 54 1 INTERVIEW WITH MR. DEAKIN. London, November 16, 10-S9 a ln At Melbourne, Mr. Deakin, Premier oi Australia informed a deputation that the attitude of a tliird Power had compelled him to make a hurried de- I claration of the dual control of England and France
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  • 30 1 ENTER OSBORNE NAVAL COLLEGE. London, November 16, 10-30 a.m. Two sons of the Prince of Wales arc to enter the Vsbornc naval Cadets College, at Easter.
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  • 68 1 QUESTIONS IN PARLIAMENT.. Ministerial Si atkmknts. London, November 16, 4-30 p.m. Mr. Lehmann m the House m Commons and the Archbishop O Canterbury m the House of Lonls were able to elicit statements from Mr. Winston Churchill, Sir Henry Campbell Bannerman and Lord Elgin admitting
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  • 905 1 LATEST IDEAS OF SCIENCE AS TO LUNAR CONDITIONS. Millions of years ago the earth was not the land bound. Ma swept glnhe so familiar to us, bin a liquid mass on which floated crust some thirty-five miles thick. At that \)C\ iod, says the Strand Magaz,i>h-, it turned
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 150 1 rwK A** 1 A1 s I VTTFRBOX h „l sH.fcTION Ot GIFT BOOKS rnß BOYS GIRLS A! LITTLE'S! fjOHN LITTLE Co's Christmas I fasr- bazaar. Open* on SfConday sTov. 19th WITH AN UNRIVALLED DISPLAY OF Children's Cops, 6ift Books, fancp 6oods, Jcuxllcrp, Silucr Ulare, xm^s Cards, Crackers, Confcctioncrp and other
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    • 392 1 Howarth Erskine. Ei>§ii>eers ai^d Contractors. ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS. Telephone 28. Tdegrams ERSKINE." ART NEEDLE WORK I J AND I ne o f FlnMt and Ur9Mt f»w««w* El ectric Fans m very Bedroom 1 pi A|||P D nPBAT Building, m Penang |^S^ Cul.ln. and Catering under 1 T LUW ER DEPOT Ent.rely
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  • 847 2 On account of the serious faction fights going on here for the past few days, His Excellency Sir John Anderson, K. C. If. G.. Governor and Commander-in-chief of the Straits Settlements, has been
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  • 151 2 We are g»ad to learn that Inspector P. Reynolds who ha> charge <>f th^Kochore div has been appointed as lnsp< m the Labuan and Brunei Police. The position is a better one than that he now holds, from a pecunary point of view, and m these days of dear
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  • 267 2 PRESERVATION OF PEACE ORDINANCE. In the Name of His Majesty King Edward the Seventh, of that name, by the grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and of the British Dominions beyond the Seas, King, Defender of the faith Emperor of India. Proclamation
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  • 83 2 The Berlin disclosures give special point to a hint which Mr. John Iforley gave m his v Life of Gladstone as to Bismarck's feelings towards the Eng lish. Bismarck," says Mr. Morley, %i was out of humour with England, partly because of certain exalted Knglisn personages, and influence^ at his
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  • 331 2 LLOYD'S REGISTE., OF SHIPPING. J Un 5 ,0,06^ Z registerii h3dclas4 of I 1,., Dunng the y tons we re tons wen S^elshadalibe, me special suoervi with approved pi". i,068,0ia ton built lor th< (3 tons, foreign and colonial ij Ascompared «rith the Efedin* twelve return, following th, of the
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  • 20 2 ted sailing ship. I' Bangkok,sheiso"co ships wind, call Only a few y< rv si^ht to se* l Xipsbying it is
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 292 2 WHISKIES. SCOTCH. Dews 0' the Glen. Monarch 0' the Glen. The Old Brigade. Rare Old Blend. Very Old Highland Blend. Extra Special Finest Liqueur. Robert Macdonald. Club Bahru V.O.S. Choice Old Matured. PRICES OR PRICE LIST ON APPLICATION. N.B.- In Bulk, Hogsheads, Quarter C;i=ks and (Ktavc-. Having Branchhouse m Glasgow,
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    • 352 2 FRESH GRAPES. t\o cents per lb. OR PACKED IN 5 lb. WOOD BOXES FOR POSTING TO F. M, S. AND ELSEWHERE. PER BOX $2-00 POSTAGE FREE $2.50 Outport friends arc requested to send remittance with order, if not m Deposit Account. j THOMPSON, THOMAS Co., THE AUSTRALIAN STORES. THE QUEEN
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    • 110 2 NOTICE. The French Cinematograph has decided to close their show for the time being; they expect a new Motor about the 19th inst, also a large stock of the latest films from Europe, when they will re-open with absolutely the latest and most up-to-date Cinematograph show. RECREATION HOTEL. musical Dinner
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    • 33 3 TI0 N 01 OBNOXIOUS t rH N.i 1H Akki. \n Novcmbd .'..4-30 p.m. the Govern- coolies who serious offences to the South iv ,,d 1C ate >us 5 ysteu oi
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  • 17 3 uUK REPATRIATION. l-jo p.m. Kirnn ent ation should natic. ,t 4r yvne i)ronn>cd i
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  • 37 3 W.I 11 fcNT IS -I ED Mr. p.*. eral has against the 11 ta seventy here are idants m the st»«t -millionaire Mr. ns are made on unlawful At and aims
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  • 34 3 V 1 KLUKI »3 v SCHEME. > 4.47 p.m. I ie attention o\ es of the suffer con ting scheme. and Lord do not consider 10 reconsider y now paid.
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  • 129 3 fan Ng Chok, ioliand K that ifc were in their sc entered, broke d took therev. i n copper aid ued at •> sts that the obtain fresh :r. -h<>uld enforce the 1745. Under re'abourer. soldier me shilling tlier \n •lemen the line t'ullvfledged who had >ubigazine waited ut hearing
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  • 109 3 M v. 1)1 i( ii LI li. the threatening and the poo SJ i Dutch (lab on the football. i ratiooswith on i- a start -'took the bail up all 1 1 Kitdl- keeping the ,1 for Moremux ipaloue, outdid the all with a slou •rner of the goal.
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  • 1131 3 DRAWS TO A CLOSE. Hr Fort's Address to the Jury. On the Court resuming the bearing of this lengthy case yesterday", Mr. St. B Down was re-examired and m reply to His Lordship, said that he took up the shares m Hogan it Co thoroughly believing that
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  • 1003 3 NUMBERS ARRESTED. Numerous Convictions The work done m the Police Courts on Thursday m connection with the clan fighting was considerable and was continued till a late hour. Fifty persons were convicted and committed to prison for terms ranging from two to six months, the majority receiving
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  • 1212 3 THE MUNICIPAL COMMISSION. At the usual meeting held yesterday Mr. Broadrick the President, proposed, and it was resolved that Bills amounting to $61,116.90 examined on the 15th inst. be duly passed for payment. President's Statement. Mr. Broadrick said that Mr. Macbean having left the colony at the beginning of the
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  • 379 3 There was issued on October 14th, m London, a Blue Book giving reports on the Federated Malay States. The Resident-General, m his annual report, speaks thus of the rapidly increasing j area devoted to rubber planting "The high price of rubber and the proved
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  • 124 3 There are societies lor the prevention of cruelty to children and animals, but 1 no such institution exists for the uenetit ,of man Just fancy eight Chinese, squatted on a piece of a flooring four feet by three and thoroughly hemmed m on its four sides, and
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  • 57 3 Out readers arc reminded that Captain James W. Price, the aeronaut, in ventor*of Air-ships and War-balloons, will make his 5,000 feet ascent, and come down with the parachute to-day from No. 1 A, Scott's Road (weather permitting.) Captain Price lia-> made altogether about 1,700 ascents. I his
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  • 150 3 Stories of foreign navk standing idle till they learn whether the Dread nought is a success art* moonshine. The all-big gun battleship was first conceived m Italy, and both the United States and Japan designed such vessels before we did. They dawdled where we rushed, but their Dreadnoughts are building.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 425 3 H. S. KIRWANS TANK ROAD LIVERY, RACINC, COMMISSION STABLES (OPPOSITE RAILWAY STATION) A new building specially built tor stables, absolutoK >jiwUu v ud up-to-d.«U' Accommodation for Horses and CarrifM by day, week, or month at Popular Pru Kxtra large loose i>oxes for Race HpcMt; aIM ndtably aiwl well Ventilated storeroom,
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  • 785 4 tIOUSEBR CAKING AND ["HEFT. Wong Vi v. h d been m the service of the Re\ Fathers at the Mis■ions dea Etranecres m River Valley Road ile had 1« fi thai service. »n the morning of the 7th instant, it was round thai the house had i»cen entered
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  • 159 4 Ihe B. I. steamer Battgmla met with gulai incident m her rea nt voyage to Calcutta. Off the Burma coast she l thc Baragua Light ship at 6 o clock one morning when she sighted small dugout, with a man m it, who frantically to
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  • 91 4 The following bosms from Si Paul (Minnesota, U. S.) John Scranahan, moi 1 prosperous ranchman, by flyinaj aox-kitcs irom the very high known .1 Sully Buttea and im]h the kites to rise several thou» and i< t, 1-, able to coiled from tin aii and store m
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  • 316 4 WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. GREAI STRIDES IN A SINGLE DECADE \Virele>s telegraph}' is now ten years old. On June 2, iBq6, there was filed m the British patent office a provisional specification "for improvement? m transmitting electrical impulses and signals and m apparatus therefor,' 1 v one Gtlglielmo Marconi, residing at 71
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  • 125 4 Lg Moody-Maw a fn rmance at the Camden Iheatrc of Lucia di Lammern to an audience o\ 1,200 London school children, who afterwards wroK ys on the opcr.i for which Madame M offered three pui 1 a- pr The mrnager o\' .he^companv has writ si to
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  • 131 4 An improved form o; rubber latex washing machine is illustrated m the tnaJ, It has two cor•n roller- tor reducir. I crepe-like textun sol l eign material 1 and" removed, and the übbf r hung up m a suiuble prying at e the moisture. Ihe number
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  • 51 4 Ihc D, rector of the above named Institution wishes to acknowledge with thank- the following subscriptions which he has received during the week. Messrs. Kirn Sens cV Co. $250 lan Keong Saik Esq. oo Sin Yin lai Esq. > 100 Urn HoPurh I 100 Messrs. Stephens
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  • 68 4 %1u Arulanandam Pillai the Manager oi !hr Mercantile Priming wor*i has issued invitation* to the «c U.sluts „f tlu- Leipzig Kvangeli-cal Lutheran Mission to join him m according ;1 hearty wekoaaeto the aenior Key. X Pamperrico the president' and the Rev. T Joaeph „t the l^eipzis hA l«cal l utheran
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 185 4 > Recreatioi) Hotel SERANGOON ROAD, TRAMWAY n y Hrn ezcellem for ~j manent boarders, y A ryr nswi Verandah and I j I GOOD TABLE 4 W.NES moderate which ">J be, > ESTABLISHED <^^" I I v XN 1903 I THE BEST ADVERTISING MEDIL" SIH€€ AY JANA HITTRIT PUBLISHED EVERY
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 126 4 CHURCH NOTICES St Andrew's Cathedral Matina and Litany 7 am. Holy Communion (< horal) 7. 15 .i' m loly Communion Plain) Q-isam Sunday School Bible Classa 4 o p!m! hvensonn and Sermon ~r,.50 p m St Matthew s Sepoy Lines. FooChov f «nrioa 11-15 am >unday School and Hible clashes
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    • 1896 4 SHIPPING NEWS. TTTT'QRTrT.R l^ I'^1 »«imburg, Dec. 14; B. Meyer Nam Yong Brit. str. 984 tons, Capt V JLOOJLJ-LJKJ S.am, Hongkong, Nov. 25 ;E. Asiatic Willis, 7UI Nov. From Macassar, 28th T Oct G.c, and 41 d.p. Wee Bin &Co T? V PECT £jJ3 Silesia Hamburg, Dec. 25 ;B. Meyer
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  • 344 5 ,> al ijth October. elll V unparalleled m the a this afternoon. looked upon M crowd of ,i backers, nums, jnafrenzj of attack upon the the udges othsofthe PanThese they nl a nd practically destl v va!v them on fire ally took chargeol drove th< pol.ee
    Daily Chronicle  -  344 words
  • 45 5 V l belonged to King Iheebaw's by 'luring the Lepo „f the and has 1 that institution m "table to public rll was defrayed by book, and ne* history "ny that it is m hoped that >g portions 11 '"ci published.
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  • 376 5 Ai a recent meeting of the Farmer. Club m London, M,. F I ovdr J a paper on The Re^oVS?*^ cal Protess.on to the Dairy Industry In the course of his address M -I 1™ i said that he believed the^ would find m the future that
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  • 176 5 I'he following letter from a correspondent m town contain- a rather unusual requt-t Sir., I have much irremediable sympathy to ask you a favour, which, it ited, will value by me a~ a remark able kindne-> by YOU. lam at present m short of money for my
    Malay Mail  -  176 words
  • 157 5 It ha> just been decided by the Admiralty that the second Dreadnought i- not to be built m a Royal dockyard, as was the fust, but is to be given out to contract, and only two firm-. Messrs. William Beardmore and Co., Dalmuir and Sir W. G.
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  • 226 5 rORN n PIECES HV LH >NS I'akis, October 14. The Petit Journal Icarus by a telegram from Rio Janeiro of a case of ->uicide, which was of a most original character. On Friday evening Vicomtc Luis Almeida invited several intimate friends to dine with him. The repast
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  • 90 5 Canada claims the only lady commercial editor m the world. Her name is MtM Com Hind, and she has oeen "doing the City" for the Manitoba "Free Press," a Winning d; ily. since 1897- It i« staled that her estimate of the Mamtoban wheat crop was nearer be actual figure
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  • 755 5 -TIMES- REJECTED -PEACE TERMS" SIX MONTHS AGO. The council of the Booksellers 1 Association met at Stationers' Hall last month Among those present were Mr. John Bumpus, Mr. Denny, Mr. Trus£s Mr Hanson, Mr. Wilson, of and Mr. Farmer, ot High-Street, Kensington. The meeting was presided
    Daily Chronicle  -  755 words
  • 157 5 (It is must erroneous, sajrs C B. Fry, to suppose that sport is m any way antagonistic to the serious business of Ye playing field- of England, What lessons ye impart To fit us for the counting-house. The studio, or the mart. How zealously ye teach us To
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  • 341 5 Colonel Pollock's report on the work of the v Spectator experimental company is published m a contemporary m full. The report justifies the claim of the M Spectator that "it has proved up to the hilt that soldiers can be fully taught their business m six months."
    Daily Chronicle  -  341 words
  • 269 5 A certain excellent but loud-voiced member of the bar was addressing a jury. Finally, m a perfect hurricane of sound, he closed his argument and sat down. The jury was impressed and the other side \fcas m danger. The barrister opposite had a sad, watery eye and a
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  • 502 5 a f C Number n i r:; CapitaK bscbed vl:!; 1 R^ rv( c«m P au, «>,,,„„ 190uj «I7 3 .ooo $140,000 3,500 'unissued $I "ersawah G. M. < Ltd. .,|krs IK) £350,000 35C0 J 1 $I UuffDcvolopnunt.o..L.I. 1)ttCm SS^^ UNM .300.000 M»ooo b4o jop {i SrS
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  • Commercial.
    • 82 5 Gambier buyers l)Q do Lube No. 1 10.75 Copra, Bali m. >o' <!<» Ponttanak ?o Pepper, Lilack (ordinal v Singapore) 18.50 do White, Fair L. W. 5 per rent. it Sago Sarawak Flour m do Brunei No. 1 o I'eavl Sag<>, small „5.40 Coffee, Bali i(>\ percent buyers 3
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    • 86 5 (hi London. Bank j m Demand -_7 IVlV'ltl' I 111 On Uermmny. Banl <l d Private 3 n. do 6 m s On I- mm, Bank djd O// /M&r. Bank T. r.™ Private 30 d On Hongkong. Dank d d j per n ihs Private 30 d s _>j
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 98 5 TO-NIGHT Saturday, 17th November. €Ast tpnnc Sunday, 1 8th Nov. 06. The Tow Champions OK Ghelorong A Cheloreng By special request Cor the Hari Raya BY MRS. HENRY WOODS. Opera Indra Jaya The Johar Ma'nikam Theatrical Company of Singapore WILL VI I ON THE STAGE AT THE ALEXANDRA HALL North
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  • 1379 6 1 In- histoi\ <>t Antarctic discovery dates from 1567, when the Governor of Peru seni an expedition to explore Terra Austral is Incognita, and from thai time onward, .it infrequent intervals, till now attempts nave been made to wrest from un bosom the secrets nt the Southern
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  • 365 6 LORD KITCHENER I >! KHARTUM GENERALLY HAS HIS OWN WAV A few month! ago K. oJ K." the British have nicknamed l^rd Kitchener of Khartum -found him-elf engaged m a prolonged discussion with the commandant of a native corps m India who had applied for
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  • 60 6 Rei >ii ol the poor at I»« kin-. nL^ free distribution of rice by the Cover, lo'e t 1 1<)( aI r h<>riti SSS 0 sec that only nc real dcscrvi '<- twin. The Emperof, m decSeSS -.-v^Mhelmte, winter cold re fthc tot of the Peking poor move l ""ai':>v
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 699 6 BANKS. Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporat 0,1. PAID-UP CAPITAL SIUUOO.UX) RESERVE KUND Sterling R< ser\*e slo.uKt.tOO I g-20 250 iXm) SHmTU-nx *iv.250.000 1 Kt-strve Li.. !,tv >t ProprietOrt $10,000,000 Court of Directors. A Haupt. Ksij Chairman. Hot). C W.Di««on I>< ■pnty-Chairman. E. Cioet/. Kstj. H. E. Tomkins Ksq. C. R. Lenzmann.
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    • 262 6 NOTICES, G. A. Fernandez A Co. Mo. 6 LT Almeida Street. LICENSED AUCTIONEERS, SURVEYORS, ARCHITECTS, APPRAISERS, AND HOUSE AGENTS. Charges and Commission will be found moderate. 9-8-06. v.c. AUCTION SALE OF A large consignment OF ASSORTED DOLLS. TO BE HELD AT 6. A. FERNANDEZ Go's SALE-ROOM No. 6, U ALMEIDA*
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    • 295 6 Dr. S. IWATSUBO, Dental Surgeon. Wo- 1 Raffles Place. Hours oj consultation 9 a.m. to 12 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. (Or by appointment.) knp Cnln This is the time to get ready for Christmas. Why wait till the last hour when you now have time to tatten up your
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    • 437 6 -^^^LETS^OR SALE, WANTED, ft WANTED. WANTED for a Rubber E. Ute Tamil Dresser or Chinese able to speak Tamil Application with copies of certifieatesto be addressed to M. b. 330, c/o this paper WANTED. A young lady teacher to take charge ot and educate m English a child „f 4
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    • 169 6 MISCEL^ EOUS^ Nevrera El a«trar, ivi CHEAP RETURN TICKm First Sal, £2 S T 0 C0 10 Second Sal ,SL s The I' Tour Tickets Z k Reduced Tariff > F «r further parti, i« March, 1906. S** CHARGES MOOER, TE From 7a* tqi other Fl: p NOTICE TO ADVERTISErT
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