Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser, 16 November 1906

Total Pages: 6
1 6 Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser
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  • 94 1 Reuter's Agency wires (Hy submarine telegraph.* THE AMERICAN TREATY WITH JAPAN. State Law UNCONSTITUTIONAL. London, November 15, 10.50 a.m. During an interview Mr. Metcalfe opined that the treaty with Japan guaranteed that the Japanese children had every right to receive education at the Slates Schools
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  • 121 1 UNRESERVED RECOGNITION OF BRITAIN. Superior Posit»on m thk World. London, November 15, 10.50 a.m. Speaking m the Reichstag, Prince Von Buelow quoted Germany's abstention from obstructing the actions of Great Britain m Egypt as an example of her unreserved recognition of Great Britain's position m the
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  • 45 1 VOTE OF CONFIDENCE IN IHE GOVERNMENT London, November 15, 1-10 p.m. In the French Chamber, the Extreme Radicals violently attacked M. Clemenceau'« milder temporizing policy towards the Church. The Chamber passed a vote of confidence m the Government by 416 against 163.
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  • 57 1 LUNCHEON AT GUILDHALL Great Ovation. London, November 15, 1-10 p.m. King Haakon of Norway was invested with the Order of the Garter at Windsor. The City of London gave a luncheon at Guildhall to King Haakon and Queen Maud of Norway
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  • 68 1 PRINCE VON BUELOW'S REPLY. No Franco-German Alliance. London, November 15, 1-10 p.m. Replying to an interpellation m the Reichstag with reference to the increasing isolation of Germany, Prince Von Buelow pointed out that the Franco-German Alliance was unrealisable m view of the feeling of France regarding the
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  • 58 1 NO PROFOUND DIFFERENCES. London, November i -i, i-io p.m. Speaking about the relation^ \ictween Great Britain and Gcrnuuij Prince Von Buelow stated thai there were no profound political diflfereoCCS between Great Britain and Germany He admitted that there were moments of discord wherefore both were blameable
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  • 52 1 EMPHATICALLY DENIED. London, November 15, 1 10 p.m. Referring t»> the oft mooted question of the naval rivalry between Germany and Great Britain. Prince Von Buelow denied that there was any attempt on the part of Germany to enter into naval rivalry with
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  • 25 1 GENERAL BOTHA OFFERS ASSISTANCE AGAINSt I FERREIRA. London, November 15,3pm. General Botha offers to assist the Government against the Boei 'aider I Ferreira.
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  • 459 1 The quarterly general meeting of this Association was held m the Sclaugor Club last Saturday morning, Mr. Harrison taking the chair. The Chairman said that the first question to be considered was that appcrtainnii; to quarantine. The Resident-General had fully intothr m alter, but nothing was settled,
    Malay Mail  -  459 words
  • 166 1 The recent railway disaster at Atlantic City is of a kind that is peculiar to the accidents m the United Si itea There are railway accidents where vet railways arc, but m their frequenc> and magnitude that country has an unfortunate eminence over all others. Kipling makes an
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  • 146 1 The Madras !hetties, says livtPimeer arc gradually ousting the land owners >f Lower Burma from their holdings and as they arc absentee landlords, ii is inos. desirable thai some limits should be placed upon their operationThe Burman is .1 thriftless person a> .i rule, and he lias the
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  • 100 1 1 here have >»',cn eighteen deaths from plagUC m the last three days at Ban I iaji, the junction of "the Northern and Corat Railway lines. The disease does not Mom to have been officially pronounced to be plague, but that ia what the people theVe call
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 154 1 XMAS CARDS t POSTAGE. aN unrivalled SELECTION j LITTLE'S i (John little co's^ Christmas j^* SBazaar. Opens on Sltonday 3tov. 19th WITH AN UNRIVALLED DISPLAY OF Children's Cops, 6ift Books, fancp 6oods, 3cuxlkrp t Silcer Ulaß, \mas Cards, Crackers, Confcctionerp and other Seasonable nooelties. 5H OF INSPECTION INVITED WHETHER FOR
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    • 344 1 Howarth Erskine Epgipeers apd Contractors. ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS. Telephone 23. Telegrams EE.SKINE. M rjj rj ij ART NEEDLE WORK ANn J One of the Flnttt and Largest Electric F»n« m very Bedroom FLOWER DEPOT J Buildings m I J enang §3zt§Slt^ Culslne and Catering under iLUIItn WK. I W Entirely under
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    • 28 1 JOHN LITTLE &CO LTD. Boys Own Annual Gihi ..s Own Annual ChatTkrbox Infants Maoa/.ink Chums ALSO A LARGF SFLKCTION OF GIFT BOOKS FOR BOYS GIRLS A I LITTLE'S
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  • 626 2 The Eastern Daily Mail. PRICE 5 CENTS. FRIDAY, 16th NOVEMBER. FIGHTING OF THE CLANS. The recent affray between two of the several Chinese clans among whom we live, is but one of the numerous short-lived disturbances which they, from time to time, indulge m the origin whereof is generally of
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  • 45 2 lin Return for October of the Jeher Hydraulic Tin Mining Co., Ltd., was 275.87 pikuls. In consequence of the rise m exchange, Hongkong storekeepers have reduced their prices ten per cent. Tin Sciemban-Sungci Ray Tin Mining hn* beer raocesaftdly floated ami ha» been fully subscribed.
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  • 593 2 THE BENEFACTORS OF THE WORLD AT LARGE. It may interest your readers to I two unbiass-djudumc.it* of i superior selves. Ol i they an be dismissed with a light lugh, f« are sure o! ourse'ves an. are practically right m everything that we do, but this renders the ul er
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  • 368 2 During the four weeks ended N k jrd the Raub Gold Mining C<>. I crushed 5,393 tons of ore and obta 814 oz. gold. Mk \V. Willes Douglas, Acting Commissioner of I'olice, F. M passed through Kuala Lumpur t<> Taiping on last Monday morning by the Express, on inspection duty
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  • 204 2 I Vn/k'i I -ult lo their 4 inetroubk and girl g h I deca I the i trust Mi feel jealous I still sufl 1 I Painful I Speaker 1 I appla I wll() x an\ exna unc i I lii i pori 1 shall it i
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 311 2 WHISKIES. SCOTCH. Dews 0' the Glen. Monarch 0' the Glen. The Old Brigade. re Old Blend Very Old Highland Blend. Extra Special Finest Liqueur. Robert Macdonald. Club Bahru. Club Whisky. D s V.O.S. (Choice Old Matured.) PRICES CR PRICE LIST ON APPLICATION. N.B.— ln Bulk, Hogsheads. Quarter Casks and Octaves.
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    • 330 2 FRESH GRAPES. 40 cents per lb. OR PACKED IN 5 lb. WOOD BOXES FOR POSTING TO F. M. S. AND ELSEWHERE. PER BOX $200 POSTAGE FREE $2.50 Outport friends arc requested to send remittance with order, if not m Deposit Account. THOMPSON, THOMAS Co., THE AUSTRALIAN STORES. THE QUEEN OF
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    • 46 2 NOTICE. The French Cinematograph has decided to close their show for the time being; they expect a new Motor about the 19th inst, also a large stock of the latest films from Europe, when they will re-open with absolutely the latest and most up-to-date Cinematograph show.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 31 2 COMING EVENTS, To-day, i6tb NOv. German outward mail due. Municipal Commission. 2.30. S. V. E. electric Light. 5.15. Saturday, 17th NOvB. I. outward mail one. Sunday, iStb Nov. Mahommedan Hari Raya.
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    • 35 3 FOR PURELY UNMKNT. N,-mb, ,5, IP-m. relations ol derPrince Von Buelow carefully v relations mth the Far 1 :nic attaln- Prince Buecy of maintaining g the speech he irord sharp her isolation.
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  • 76 3 at home is Hie sung by Mr. G M eater- arc as as toliJ fancies f g their shade, maiden cross the m ever be eyed i,'>rl o i loved a girl nple bells had rung I night. i ogs ot pure -haired little maid ot
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  • 60 3 free magic lantern ndly provi 'ed by 5.8., ler the au-pi< iturday ,S lai gely ti quite a hundred. 11. Ridcard per, Mr Warner, Carter R. •her European- p ctures shown ren the old Testy appreciated. be held at lie i ;th instant at -['resident will
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  • 42 3 IRc. K. Pamperrien, pzig E\ angelical India with the >f the >heealW, S. India, •re >m Kuala y morning, the 19th Elaborate eing made to accord A reception ■.me evening at 6, -Jamil School, A cordial welcome ted.
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  • 39 3 E ISSURANI < OMPANY. Simon- and the Alliance '•1, ire first •and to their illy 1 the 1 oming year. ilendar with 1 tc ir-offl well-bound nice handy At the end i a < .ilendar for rence.
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  • 92 3 published the Note coir on which the cc to the m 11 m the Turkish I ol seven years. In 1 "m reform- are demmininglawandthc l iistoms, /T.oo, nprovement of nicnt share ni- profits must be to the finan donian vilayets, administration under the survey icials. No Aaced
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  • 22 3 gorod of the is due here -■■'.:■> the ,8th in.,.. rhe Aessaei Polj on the 4 thin: to be here on 'vth instant
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  • 1587 3 MORE LOOTING. The "Sherwood Foresters' Out. Owing to the omnipresence of the police, the obvious disapproval of the weather clerk and the firmness of the magistrate, the town was -t night. Visits O f assurance 9 of the police authorities to the regions inhabited by the contending
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  • 422 3 Selangor Turf Club are holding 1 0,000 sweep on the race for the Planters' Cup at the forthcoming meeting. t A Ki.iN(. at Petaling m a fit of drunkenness murdered his wife and child by cutting their throats on last Tuesday evening PassehgeKS per Royal mail steamer Bhnrata from Rangoon
    Times of Malaya  -  422 words
  • 404 3 New York Oct. 7. -The great race for the Vanderbit Motor-Cor Cup, over Long Island course, which was won yesterday by the Frenchman Wagner on a Darracqcar, will be alaways memorable m the history of motoring for the number of accidents connected with
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  • 267 3 hollowing m the Secretary's report read on the occasion of the celebration of the Second Anniversary of the above Association on Friday last. The Association started with 25 Member- at the end of the last year; there have been several resignations etc; 69 were admitted during
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  • 176 3 CIVIL CEREMONY PERFORMED IN THE PRESENCE OF RELATIVES. Berlin, Sunday Night. Fraulein Bertha Krupp was married yesterday to Her von Bohlen and Halbach at the registry office at Bredeney, near Essen. Only relatives were present at this civil function. Tomorrow, m the presence of the Kaiser, the religious
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  • 110 3 Mm. VV. R. Prior, a gentleman employed m various Far Eastern ports as a newspaper artist and recently m Hongkong, died on October 27th at Shanghai, of heart failure following typhoid and pneumonia. Till Echo de Chine notes the issue of Japanese Imperial decrees, dated the 25th September, declaring Port
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  • 348 3 INSTRUCTIONS IN HIS WILL FOR ITS REMOVAL. Precise instructions for the removal and examination of his heart appear m the will of the late Mr. Charles Gandoifi rlornyold, of Blackmore Park. Worcestershire, a gentleman who was the possessor of many titles, for ha was fourteeenth Duke of
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  • 303 3 ***** minstrels have had their day— they still have their Francis Day and Hunter. But Hunter is dead, who was the very centre of ***** minstresly for so long. He was the solemn Mr. Johnson, the interlocutor, with the blackened face that concealed personality, and the impressive manner
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  • 106 3 A certain gentleman, when m London boards at a lodging-house, the landlady of which is very punctual m her attendance at the Sabbath service. For this reason s!:e insists that hei boarders must be down early for break! a t on Sunday morning. The gentleman, however, one
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  • 225 3 Fhere was a riot m Muar road by the I Hokiens and the Tew Chews where a I native police man fared badly. A MALAY woman nad a contused wound on he. head and another under her chin from a brick bat, the result of the Hokien and Tew Chew
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 469 3 H. S. KIRWAIU'3 TANK ROAD LIVERY, RACING, COMMISSION STABLES (OPPOSITE RAILWAY STATION) A new building specially built for stable, absolutcl. Wtitarj .Hid iqMO-daU m Accommodation for Horses and (;irri«cs by day. week, or month al Popular I'm s I H-XTKA lar^i- loose boXM for Race Horses; ftbo a suitably e«|iii|)e.i
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  • 811 4 ENTHUSIASTS WEU OME I l»uilv i luonulf"! Paris, 13 October. Ev.t since tin- arrival ol the Lord Mayoral party, the Parisians have had so much practice m shouting "Hip! Hip! Hurrah that they 0 the thing quite passably now, and the phras«, m rendered by
    Reuter  -  811 words
  • 124 4 lii^ llajeatj -lie XK 1 1 I va Jias been pleased t<> confei decorations .ud medals oa number of Japanese officials who were connected with the reception given to H. K. H. Prtaee.of N.ikon Chaisj m Japan. They will be transmitted l>\ the Foreign Office. t*t Class of
    Bangkok Times  -  124 words
  • 411 4 PRINCE'S INDISCRETIONS. GERMANY'S POSITION ABROAD DISCREDITED BY MEMOIRS. Berlin, Sunday. What possible object can Prince Alexander Hohenlohe have had m pe.niitting the publication of his fathei > memoirs J Prince Alexander is no longer a young man. He has been trained m diplomacy, and he has had otiicial expedience. He
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  • 437 4 ARSENIC IN EXHUMED BODY. A sensational murder trial opened at the town of Toms River, New Jersey, the other day, when Dr. Br we. a fashionable physican, leader m local politice, and social to favour waa rg d with murdering his wife by poisoning her. The death occurred
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  • 188 4 Hie character of a monkey which m d lys gone by belonged to Dr. T. Hey ,dard Hay- was investigated m th< British Conn for Siam tliis morning by his Honour Assistant Judge Vincent A Cingalese named Williams sued an Indian gharri proprietor for 200 TiraU damages
    Bangkok Times  -  188 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 177 4 > Rccrcatioi) Hotel I y SERANGOON ROAD, TRAMWAY m f Has excellent commodation for V V manent boarders. Airy rooms with Verandah and bath n,, J GOOD TABLE WINES. y Prices moderate which may I, )i Joe F. de CONCEICAO, j/,. NOTIOCT ESTABL.SHED <^^= THE BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM PUBLISHED EVERY
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 1771 4 *^^m^m^^^^/^SHm^aV i» 1^ nH /X sßlmC^^^?!^4^aw-zam^N^ f^mS £r /Na^^MS^m^am^S. //^BH^L^aY^^m^n^mmV:^ y^^l mm\viawWs^. SHIPPING NEWS. TT1?OOT?T d Satsuma. New York, Jan. Paterson Korat, Ger. str. 1,223 tons, Captain Y^ jCjOO LL-L-'^ Simons. Hubner, 7th Nov. From Bangkok, Ist T7YPT7inT"RT) Scan^^Hambu^iJn^s^;'aM€^r S^ Co. For Bangkok, U.-Rds. Cj Ata Ir dlit .5' Jamburg
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  • 438 5 ISLINGTON DAIRY SHOW. HiIBOB( MTs_DESCRIFnON. j remind us Dairy show *f "mudd) Islington. It i h a tlounsh ot .nd low cows nice, dean cd so spruce that varnished out ol by the Thcv ire not the s that Kate Green1S with m our very blush and bonnet, They m
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  • 1502 5 HOW THEY ARE EVERY* THING BUT BUSINESS MEN Much-Needed Reforms By J. H. Yoxall, M. P I came back to England and to London after the holidays, and mounted upon a familiar green omnibus. It was during that part oi the day when still, m most cases, omnibus
    Daily Chronicle  -  1,502 words
  • 365 5 The Public Prosecutor of the United States htt cieated a sensation by inti mating that Mr. Harry Thaw may not stand his trial alone. According to the New York correspondent of the Tfit<ini/>/i, he said m a legal argument before the Recorder Who knows but what we may draw an
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  • 492 5 5i,900,000 IN A QUICKSAND. Much interest has been aroused m Liverpool by the presence m the Cobu g Dock of sailing yacht Catherine, m command of Capt. Small, which is fitting out for an adventurous voyage to the Carribbean Sea m search ot of burried treasure, said to
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  • 173 5 The order for the disfondment of tho yd Sc«>ts Guards recalls memories ot another fine Scottish regiment which might have met with a similar fate. This was the Cameron Highlanders, raised by Colonel Sir Ewen Cameron (who was born m 1629) from the can which had so
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  • 632 5 i 'ate of Canital Suhsr bed nf Issue Paid D aysat tor... capital. 5»ubsched. of Value up to Rtservt Company QwXatioM prcscn :ition I jnarcs i j nrirp 1900! $175,000 $140,000 3.500 unissued ersawa t. .(.>.. I t.l. 1 0.00 sellers noJ £350.000 slZZ* 7 r*f n
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  • Commercial.
    • 159 5 Gambier buyer- h.yo do Cube No. i 10.75 Copra, Bali 9.90 do rontianak 9.30 1 Pepper, Black (ordinary Singapore) 18.50 do White, Fair 1.. \V. 5 percent. ts.2s I do Brunei No. 1 n 90 1 Pearl Sago, small 5.40 Coffee, Bali 16^ per cent buyers 3 per cent.
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    • 87 5 On London. Bank im Demand /4 l6 do. 6 m 2 Private 3 m s Qjib On Germany. Bank d<t 2 Private 3 m V 4 <ln (> 111 S OmFmm*. Bank djd C',; 3 Private 3 ma J( 7 do 6ms On India, liauk I I. Private ,50
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 78 5 TO-NIGHT Friday, Kith Nov. 06. )apa Hriftm Saturday, 17th November. fast tpiiiic BY MRS. HENRY WOODS. Opera Indra Jaya The Johar Ma'nikam Theatrical Company of Singapore WILL PUT ON THE STAGE AT THE ALEXANDRA HALL North Bridge Road. M. OMAR, Director Sok Proprietor, j YAMATO Co. I Dealers m High
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  • 673 6 MR. GRIFFI I'll REPORTS FINDING TRA< KS OF DIAMONDS. 1 >n the morning thai we arrived m theneighbourhoodofs number of islands on the west 1 >a-t u< were nut by H.M. S. Terpsichore, who informed us ol the proclamation, and warned us not to attempt landhig
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  • 194 6 A sensational 1 ase of three ye its ago is recalled by the release oV George kdalji from Portland Prison. Edalji was a von,.- solicitor m Birmingham and he lived at a small village m Staffordshire. Here a seriesjof cattle-maim-were perpetrated and '-ring iiodei suspicion tor
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  • 141 6 st, Pen Rssi no, < h~\. 14. A telegram from Piatigorsk, a water-ing-place m the Caucasus, -tatc- thai rmed men tin- evening entered the nee of the manager ol Nobel's lvor ksi locked tip ihc servants, and tabbed the manager to death, hie murderers escaped with ;o<
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  • 899 6  -  Lady Violet Greville Bf hverythiug has its compensations people who do not work cannot taste the joys of laziness, and the joys of laziness arc manifold. Perhaps the ideal la/.y life is to be found by the river, for the meie even flowing of water exercises a
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  • 177 6 Ihi will ha- now been proved, with personalty \alued at .£574,996, the gro>-, value of the whole* estate being A <>7<V;7 l, of Sir Thomas Brocklebank, Hart, for many yeris head of the firm of Messi>. T. .uid 1. Brocklebank (Limited), of Liverpool, shipownerand merchants, chiefly engaged m the Calcutta
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 716 6 bANKS. Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation. PAID-UP CAI'ITAI $10,000,000 RESERVE FUND: Sterling Reserve JJJJJWjjU 0 j $aO|26OtOoo Silver Reserve <iu,*>o.uuu am. w^ nftr Reserve Lial- 1 .rv ol Proprietors $10,000,000 Court of Directors. A Haupt, Ksq -Chairman. Hun v. W. Dii-kson- Deputy-Chairman. X G*>et' Rsq H E Tomkins Esq. C. R.
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    • 265 6 NOTICES. G. A. Fernandez ft Co. No. 6 CT Almeida Street. LICENSED AUCTIONEERS, SURVEYORS, ARCHITECTS, APPRAISERS, AND HOUSE AGENTS. Charges and Commission will be found moderate. y-8-06. v.c. AUCTION SALE OF A large consignment OF ASSORTED DOLLS. TO BE HELD AT 6. A. FERNANDEZ Go's SALE-ROOM No. o. If ALMEIDA
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    • 298 6 Dr. S. IWATSUBO, Dental Surgeon. No. 1 Raffles Place. Hours oj consultation 9 a.m. to 12 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. (Or by appointment.) 3/8/06. tc 2/2/07. Fop Sale. This is the time to get ready for Christmas. Why wait till the last hour when you now have time to
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    • 433 6 E- D. M." ADLETS. Fj WANTED. WANTED for a Rubber Estate lamil Dresser or Chinese able to speak Tamil Application with copies of certificatesto be addressed to M. b. 330, c/o this paper. WANTED. A young lady teacher to take charge of and educate m English a child of years
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    • 182 6 0. V :lS CHEAP RETURN T| CK m T P»m Saloon to T °CQloi,, s^on,l Saloon B !C "ounce that the arrangements w (f h^ COLOMBO, KANDY Tour Tickets Reduced Tariff Por further parti, i»l March, ,906. *V CHARGES MODER T From 7a m tO5 26-1 NOTICE TO ADVERTISER? We
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