Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser, 15 November 1906

Total Pages: 6
1 6 Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser
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  • 49 1 NINETEEN HOURS SITTING OF HOUSE OF COMMONS. Reuter's Agency wiret (By submarine telegraph.) DISCUSSION ON THE LAND TENURE BILL. London, November 14, 10-26 a.m. After a prolonged sitting, of nineteen hours, the House of Commons rose at 9-40 this morning. The subject of discussion was the Land Tenure Bill.
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  • 41 1 TOOTH AND NAIL OPPOSITION. London, November 14, 10.2 ft a.m. The sitting of the House of Commons was characterized by stormy scenes. The opposition members were opposing tooth and nail and there were several personal incidents.
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  • 65 1 TWO PRIZES WON BY SANTOS DUMONT. London, Nos\ 14, 12.14 P-rn. Santos Dumont, the famons aeronaut, has won two prizes at Paris for coming out first m the one hundred metre aeroplane flying competition. He covered two hundred and twenty r'etres m 21 seconds and one-fifth at
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  • 30 1 AFTER A PROLONGED ABSENCE ABROAD. London, November 14, 12.40 p.m. Court Witte has returned to St. Petersburg after a prolonged absence abroad.
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  • 37 1 FORTY-SEVEN IMMIGRANTS CREMATED. London, November 14, 1 2-40 p.m. In a terrible train smash at Woodville, Indiana, forty--evcn Russian and Servian immigrants were cremated. Thirtyeight passengers arc fatally injured.
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  • 37 1 IN PURSUIT OF FERREIRA. London, November 14, 1 2-40 p.m. Ferreira's maximum following is supposed to be only twenty, but as he hns got spare horses he is able to evade the Police easily.
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  • 103 1 PRINCE VON BILLOWS 1 1 A NDS STR E NGTH EN E I). London. November 14. 1--40 p.m. After a long delay the Kaiser has accepted the resignation of General Pobdielski, the Minister of Agriculture whose name has been mixed up with the Damararaland War Stores
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  • 53 1 ADJOURNMENT OF HOUSE. London, November 14, 12-40 p.m. Sir Henry Campbell-Bnnncrman left tin- House at eleven o'clock. At four o'clock m the morning the Liberal Whip declared that h< could not move an adjournment of the House until ht was authorized to <!<>
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  • 58 1 THE PREMIER PROPOSES A RESOLUTION. London, November 14, 12-40 p.m. The Opposition moved numerous amendments to the Bill and finally Sir Henry Cnmpbcll-Banncrman re-en-tered the House at <^-io m the morning and proposed to adopt clause four ot the Bill and decided not to the
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  • 46 1 FIRST GOAL SCORED AGAINST THEM. London, November 14, 12.40 p.m. The South Africans have beaten Scotland by points to 5. Since their arrival this is the iirst time thai tin* Africans have allowed their opponents to secure a goal against them.
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  • 451 1 THE FAILURE OF MESSRS. BINNY GO. DUE TO SUDDEN Wl lIIDRAWALS, Madras, ist November. Messrs. Binny A Company, the oldest mercantile and private banking firm m Madras next to Messrs. Arbuthnot Co., jx>sted the following notice outside their premises this morning Messrs. Binny A Company regret to say that, owing
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  • 120 1 STABBED AT HIS CLUB. Allahabad, »6th < ><t. A murderous attack was made on the night ol the 24th on Mr. Napier, Deputy Commissioner, at the Chattisgarh Club while he was playing cards with Mr. Phillip-, Commissioner, and other Europeans. A man suddenly rushed upon
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  • 128 1 In the 'Foreign Field 'of the Wesleyan Missionary Society are quoted some letters written by native converts to a lady doctor m India. I Inv is one Kind and fair madam, I have pleasure to inform you that m\ deai wife will no longer
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  • 88 1 SCARCITY OF RAII WAV ■BEAMS ROTTING IN III) k.mn. Shanghai, Nov. 5, 1.45 p m Nring to the heavy demandi made by the military authorities lor freight trucks required for the transport of military equipment; the export ol beans ha« been practically al a stand-still m some parts
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 140 1 0W« ANN- M ■s G.FT BOOKS F0 R BOYS G.RLS LITTLE'S OOHN LITTLE Co's^ jrcuid C fin si mas l^r |w&orgg/\| JflC/w <?» StConday Sibv. 19th Ml AN UNRIVALLED DISPLAY OF Children's Cops, Girt Books, fancp Goods, 3cuxlkrp, Silucr Ware, \mas Cards, Crackers, Confectionerp and other Seasonable novelties. J '<>\
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    • 255 1 Howarth Erskine Engineers apd Contractors. ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS. ART NEEDLE WORK 1 One ot the Finest and Largest w r> Electric Fans m very Bedroom P| HIAIPD FIT DOT I Buildings m Fenang S'^Sga^g Culeine and Catering under iLUWtn ULrUI Entirely under European y^F???^? Supervision of an European Management. Expert. 217
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  • 825 2 The Eastern Daily Mail. PRICE 5 CENTS. THURSDAY, 15m NOVEMBER. THE ANTI-OPIUM AGITATION L he anti-opium agita tin ois growing stronger and stronger every day and the formation of the Anti-opium Assoeiation at Penang augurs well for the continued success of the agitation. 1 he objects of the Association are
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  • 288 2 A shipment of live stock was brought here from Siam by the s. s. Boriburt consisting of 116 bullocks and 121 sheep and goats. A young Chinaman, named Sik Li Tye employed at a brickkiln m Serangoon Road was struck by lightning on the 12th instant and killed. I'm outward
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  • 497 2 PROTESTS BY JAPANESE CONSUL. The San Francisco o re pondent ol the Asakt telegraphs that reply was made on the 23rd instant by the Bo ltd of Education to the Japanese bnsul's protest regarding the exclusion and expulsion of Japanese children from the San Francisco schools,
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  • 383 2 CREATING A NEW PORT. Hongkong s Rival of the Future Canton, 4th November. All arrangements m connection with the building o\ the Cantor. Whampoa railway has been left m the hands ol Mr. Chang Pal Sze, ex-Ministei ol Railways and Mining, h has bet decided not to
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  • 57 2 GRAND REVIEW AT TOKYO. Shanghai, No^ 5, p.m. In honour of the natal anniversary of the Emperor of Japan, a grand review of the Tokyo Garrison s held. Viscount Hayashi, Minister for Foreign Affairs, gave a brilliant ball and reception at which all the Japanese celebrities and
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  • 85 2 ham b^l shop. 111, comment railwaj gives rule I men an and g and all He d< pi <c railro; A S i the lad] complj took i M Perhaps Mi. l; cribing M cian Mi spite ol daih which will can, liar m thi lived it to
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 309 2 WHISKIES. Dews 0 the Glen. Monarch 0' the Glen The Old Brigade. Rare Old Blend. Very Old Highland Blend. Extra Special Finest Liqueur. Robert Macdonald. Club Bahru. V.O.S. (Choice Old Matured.) PRICES OR PRICE LIST ON APPLICATION. NB. n Bulk, Hogsheads, Quarter t i*k«* and Octaves. Having a Branch house
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    • 405 2 FRESH GRAPES. HO cents per lb. OR PACKED IN 5 lb. WOOD BOXES FOR POSTING TO i F. M. S. AND ELSEWHERE. PER BOX $2-00 I POSTAGE FREE $2.50 Outport friends art- requested to send remittance with order, if no. m Deposit Account. THOMPSON, THOMAS Co., THE AUSTRALIAN STORES. THE
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    • 54 2 WHAT OUR READER* TH'» I A BOA CONSTRICTOR H <$#* 1 Dear Sir, I while 2 H 3 suddenl) si coiMtri< toi out ol anempt) ran <>nt .v* 1 1 iemis nam« help l! uil of the otho serpent into a gum for some tim inhabitants onalnoctuj Dun on view
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  • 18 3 ..yrt-ION OF rHE DEBATE Oci r 14, h5 Pm- resumed the Bill at 1.54
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  • 15 3 vN TIC FLEET ONLY 3ING. ibei 14.4.5 I'-"'-ch is believed d cruise.
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  • 34 3 Half-hour's Fight with Ferreira. NTERCAPE. >ber 14. 4-5 P- m Cape Police if the raider gi iccceded m I m- party. There aiders for almost c obliged t<> re- end of the tight. raiders
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  • 32 3 ON rHE ABSENi MINIS! ERS ber 4, 4-12 p.m. ire jubilant 1 on m the attempt of the through the Land criticise the absence md the sitting of the
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  • 31 3 SSIBILITY IN IHK HOUSE OF 14. 4- 1 p.m. Mr. Birrel stated i- altered m eer impo^ibireport stage ze that they had was innopporadministration to U ".he Cous-
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  • 46 3 Allahabad, j i -t »ct. i impx)-;,g disVmir's benefit I In addition to Batterie- of the Divii it will rom m No\. with thes< migbt I 1 1 ghness is iy interested m the army is n the matter of ii i es
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  • 45 3 action fig on IS .t I »w;i. fing for hire, did vehicles as i many people were in^ to the and m MHM •here were not- did all u'd tht pullers that gl but it wa timorous amongst ed to go about
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  • 114 3 i took place .uicndra Narain ate, Alipore, recently iinj, r a ca^t: for igistrate found rod told him hich the pleader, i do. Vhe to hear his Header left the fo <lt:»l airainst Mowed the Patricia of to the Grand er to the Tsar. It a matrimonial :pected to arouse
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  • 494 3 (Front a correspondent) The Provost the Reverend X Pmm perrien the President of the Uip zig Kvangel.cul Lutheran Mission m India with the Rev. T. J osep h arrived at Kuala Lumpur by the last train on Friday the 9 th instant. The Reverend
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  • 223 3 The Bank rate was quoted recently at 1-. 4jd. The step taken by the fco- vernment m raising the Treasury rate to I^. sd. wa- not unexpected and h?^ caused not great Whether the Bank rate will attain the same level of course, an interesting question. It is
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  • 134 3 1 heir Highnesses Princes George and Conrad of Bavaria, attended by Baron llacke, their Aide-de-Camp, arrived last evening by the s.->. Dili. They were met by various Government Officials on behalf of H. M. the King. We understand that their visit is quite of an unofficial character.
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  • 139 3 Frenchmen entertain a conviction that France marches at the head of civilisation In substituting nickel coins for copper money, the position of France m the onward march aunot be disputed. W l;m-li at the sight of the heavy copper coins of former days, when an attempt was
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  • 26 3 An< >rdma;y Meeting ot ilic Municipal Commissioner- wll be held m the Board Room, OQ Friday, the 1 6th instant, at 230 p.m.. punctually
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  • 1496 3 POLICE PARTIES WITH RIFLES PATROLLING THE STREETS. POLICE LOCK-UP FULL WITH RIOTERS. Ringleaders SEVERELY Punishkd. Ob Tuesday and yesterday there was quite a succession of quarrels between the Hokien and Taichew clans Ihe row opened with the boat aflrir at Boat Quay on Tuesday. It was prom
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  • 194 3 ALktoED Breach or Trust. In June 1905 information was laid by P. C. T. A. Annamalay Che:ty ot I alleged breach of trust of certain sums of money amounting to 81,649.81, between the joth of September 190; and the 22nd of July 1904. Trt defendant, so runs the
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  • 184 3 Gabriel Rossetti. poet and painter, was once visited by an East Indian prince, who said to him "1 wish to give you a commission to paint a portrait of my father. 41 Is your father m London asked Rossetti. "No, my father is dead," replied the Oriental.
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  • 208 3 Ihe latest club m London 1- oue f«HT Bachelors and Spinsters and bear tlie title of "The Kligibles' (Jlu »."aiul it li is actually been founded by a clergyman who lias incurred the displeasure of his brother divines who profess to be greatly •hocked
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  • 750 3 Ihe mixed marriage menace is (says the Catholic Transcript according to unanimous verdict, alarmingly on the increase, mixed marriages, or the union of persons of different faith, are now counted extremely unsafe ventures. The happiness of the contracting parties is seriously jeopardized. Men and women who are to
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  • 165 3 The richest baby m London has just died after a life of only a few days. This was the son of the" Hon. Rupert Guinness, the eldest son of the head of the great stout firm, Viscount Iveagh. Had this infant lived, he would have
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  • 110 3 The Siamese Government have found it necessary to apply stricter regulations to the importation o! morphia into Siam. L'ntil recently, having regard to its employment m medicine, the Government have allowed the import of small quantities by persons who have given atisfactory assurances that it would be
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 481 3 P Jnj rilir riir --LiXL-iju^iiiHjuin_r^iji_njJir._r-| H. S. KIRWAN'S TANK ROAD LIVERY, RACING, COMMISSION STABLI, (OPPOSITE RAILWAY STATION) A new building specially built for stables. absolutel\ sanitary and up-to-date Accommodation for Horses and arrives l>y day, week, or montli at Popular Prices I Kxtra large loose boxes for Kace Horses; also
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  • 604 4 THE DEAR OLD MAID ABOUI rHE NICE GIRLS WHO NEVER MARRY. Every one is familiar with tlte maiden aunt as depicted on 'he stage A tall, gaunt woman with sour-faced countenance who talks m platitudes, and whose relationship is akin to our dear old friend Mrs. (irundy.' In fiction it
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  • 280 4 The old yacht ot" King George IV. and King William IV, and the y« m which Queen Victoria made several voyages m the early years of her reign, is about to be broken up. It was m this little craft isat her late Majesty, accompanied by the Prince
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  • 173 4 A iPBCIAI to the Calcutta Emp\r> of the ***** uft say- The suffragettes 1 demonstrations have eclipsed Parliament's doings m public interest. There were wild scenes m the police court. Eleven demonstrators, including a si-ui oi General French, were sent to prison m default of sureties for their I behaviour
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  • 640 4 Mr Sidney Buxton, Postmasterdene, al. speaking lately at Henley said The administration ot the Post Oflice service was no child's play, and m it they had the greatest instance m this country of collectivism m the pub lie lervicc. The Postmaster-General was by far and away
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  • 263 4 A review of the irrigation results m India is published by the Public les Department m which it is shown ;hat dealing with*the results of productive work-, a return of 7.00 percent. wa> he percentage of net revenue on capital Mltlay for the year. Both the
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  • 117 4 Sir Evelyn Wood, whose volumes of Reminiscences have just been publish ed, is one of those men who resemble Alexander m thirsting tor worlds to conquer. Beginning m the Navy, he o chagrined m not receiving the reward of the Victoria Cross that he transferred his energies
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  • 56 4 W; regret to record a distressing occurrence which took place at West Country Estate, Kajang, the othei ■orning <»i the 10th instanl Mr. K. Ryan \\a^ found dea< m hia bungalow, having apparentl} shot himself accidentally ihe boch u,i> ooaveyed t>y special train to KuaC l.umpui, arriving at 5 o'clock,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 185 4 > Rccrcatioi) Hotel SERANGOOX ROAD. TRAMWAY 7 Has excellent rccommodation 1. manent boarders. f Airy rooms with Verandah and bath rooms <, t GOOD TABLE WINES. y Prices moderate which may he n Joe F. de CONCE.CAO, j notice"? ESTABLISHED "7^'^^^^T 190 THE BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM "STOAYJANAMITTRfr PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY^V^i^
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 1979 4 SHIPPING NEWS. "TTTnC?IC«T7*T Cl R C Rickmers, New York, Nov.-; Kaka, Sar paddle str 222 tons, Capt V JJjOO Cj-L'^ A Gilfillan Service, 31st Oct. From Kuching, 28th PYPT7PTED S XP llon6kong Nov 25; Bel) On E eH s Jji JLJI i2iV/ -L JCiJ^ Meyer. Aow/, Ger. str. 1,223 tons,
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  • 205 5 n m-iI IN" 1 R!EN CE of" ■jSSS. NGLAND-:,,IKu,oiK-la-i br jcf stay m the land of p early m m due season at had been warned by is large cities travellers, who bed and injured rhe warning j friend, and on ,1 he inquired of could find
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  • 178 5 i A DEAD ILD. D New of the Cowley d from ally acquainted I ysician, who been a general me a < tor m free from j g ago, a ing-room servant entered i the v The I rou ld not be A the evening, and iiid.
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  • 43 5 tribution to the offered \>\ etter to the points out mat a regarded itprovim alisms of our .rved •rani wrhentheedu- off on to innov* f.of.-for; multitude hi Bhth for "height," ror"toW, M «afore f ror"«aw f ►n Thurediy" for "ask"Vn "'«i •dUeduatod
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  • 1016 5 HOW A TOWN WAS HOAXED ASTOUNDING COUP DE MAIN. MADMAN OR~~CRIMINAL? Berlin, October 17 Further details of the astounding coup de main at Koepenick, suburb 0f8cr1,,,. show that the thief reckoned onh to,, surely on the f*ith inspired by a I russian officer's uniform, for he
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  • 1108 5 NO OTHER ANIMAL MATCHES HIM IN PHYSICAL ENDURANCE. In a short distance race— anything up to sixty or seventy miles -between a tman and a horse the man would ceramly be vanquished. But as the distance increased the man's chances would become greater. Man's running record for sixty
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  • 361 5 JUDGE PROTESTS AGAINST A LEGAL ABSURDITY. His Honour County Court Judge < Hveu made some outspoken remarks at Newport on the questionof imprisonment for debt. It was said that imprisonment for debt had been abolished, and that the Debtors Act of 185.) was entitled An Act for abolition
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  • 135 5 Bombay, Oct. The British India steamer Cfcar/ra, which left for Antwerp on Monday, returned to Bombay this morning with the cargo m No. 2 hold on tire. The outbreak was discovered on Tuesday morning when the vessel was 500 miles out of Bombay. The officers
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  • 170 5 FIW living men have had more hairbreadth escape- than this sturdy veteran, and to be thrown out of a motor car recently and severely bruised was superfluous. Three times during the American war he was sentenced to be shot and at Tel -el Kebir he went over the
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  • 490 5 1 dumber T~T~ i SM CaPiUL SUbSCbed Shares WjS R Company Q,, otati ns 1900 SI75.OOO $I4o,ooo 3,500 issued $I Bersawah G. M. Co.. Ltd 1X3 £350,000 T Duff Development r. o Ltd K""" 1901 ,300,000 *2 93 0 oo S jJo Ho KadanaG.M.(o.,Ltd. f !oo sellers
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  • Commercial.
    • 155 5 Gunbier buyers 6.90 Copra, Bali n 9.90 do Pontianak M 9.30 Pepper. Black (ordinary Singapore) n 18.50 do White, Fair LW. 5 per cent. M 25.25 Sago Sarawak Flour M 2.90 do Brunei No. 1 2.90 Pearl Sago, small 5.40 Coffee, Bali 16J per cent. buyers 3 per cent.
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    • 106 5 On London. Bank .1 m Demand /4 |/|6 Private 3ma OnGermmmy. Bank d d a.Jo Private 3 m s do 6m s OnFrmmx. Bankdjd *"JJ Private „m, do 6m a M 1 On India. -Bank J T. ,1-/ rM Hongkong. Bank d d j |H r rcnl (|is (>//
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 74 5 TO-MORROW. Friday, imh Nov. 06. AN ENTIRELY WEW PLAY. Opera Indra Jaya The Johar Ma'nikam Theatrical Company of Singapore WILL PUT ON THE STAGE AT THE ALEXANDRA HALL North Bridge Road. M. ©MAR, Director Sole Proprietor. t YAMATO Co. Dealers m High Class Japanese Curios and General Goods. SOLE AGENTS
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  • 1770 6 EDISON TALKS OF HIS CAREER. A ROMANCE OF INVENTIONS I'll tell you how I happened to get into telegraphing first," said I homos Edison to a representative of PMfton'j JKtfgwmjM* M Wren the battle of Pittsburg Landing was fought the first report winch reached Detroit announced that there were sixty
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 43 6 liv Pearl Fisheries of Ceylon, Ltd. show profit of .£52,802 dividends <>l is. ml. on the ordinary shares and «>t od on the deferred shares are to be paid i»\m;B is for depreciation and it serve and ,£15,901 »l 0 be carried forward.
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    • 692 6 BANKS. Honykong S Shanghai Banking Corporatici!. PAID-UP CAI'ITAI *10,000,000 RESERVE FUND:— Sterling Reoerve JJ-OJjJ-^ L $20,250,»)00 Silver Resr c *l(V25O,O00 I Reserve Liab. I) at Pn>j>:i-'tors $10,000,000 Court of Directors. A Haapt, Ksq- -Chairman. Hoo. W. J Hckson- Deputy-Chairman. ICGoett, H. E. Tomkins Ksq. C. R. Lenzmann, D. M. Nissim,
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    • 412 6 NOTICES, G. A. Fernandez Co. No. 6 D' Almeida Street. LICENSED AUCTIONEERS, SURVEYORS, ARCHITECTS, APPRAISERS, AND HOUSE AGENTS, Charges and Commission will be found moderate. 9-8-06. v.c. For Sale Privately. Two full sized billiard tables by Burroughs Watts, complete. Can be seen at our sale-room No. 6 D' Almeida Street.
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    • 297 6 Dr. S. IWATSUBO, Dental Surgeon. No. 1 Raffles Place. Hours oj consultation 9 a.m. to 12 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. (Or by appointment.) 3/8/06. tc 2/2/07. For Sale. This is the time to get ready for Christmas. Why wait till the last hour when you now have time to
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    • 439 6 E. P. M." ADLETS. F( WANTED. \yANTED for a Rubber Estate lamil Dresser or Chinese able to speak Tamil Application with copies of certificatesto be addressed to M. b. 330, c/o this paper. WANTED, A young lady teacher to take charge of and educate m English a child of 4
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    • 158 6 0. ..Mice,,, J A Mountain h£, ''^IH. 5t,,,, Apia,-, An aura,. ho| CHEAP RETURN TICKETS Tn Second Saloon i I Ihe P. O -ounce I nmcMcntswiJ For further p P *°S.N Co s ist March, i Japanese ,i, CHARGES MODER JTE I From 7 a.m. t0 5 UPp EB FLC:
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