Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser, 14 November 1906

Total Pages: 6
1 6 Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser
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  • 97 1 Renter's Agency wires (By submarine telegraph.) THE CAPE SEEKS GERMAN CO-OPERATION. London, November 13, 10 a.m. The Governor ot Cape Colony has telegraphed to the Governor of German South-West Africa asking him to co-operate with him m capturing the Boer freebooters charged with theft and murder, if they
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  • 61 1 S E L F-G( V E R N MENT FOR T I I E TRANSVAAL. Letters PateHi will be issued lnis MONTH. London, November 13, 11-18 a.m. In the I louse of Commons, Sir 1 lenry Campbell-Bannennan said that he expected that Letters Patent for establishing
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  • 83 1 A MOM DIFFICULT CHASE. CoL.-LuKiN m Command. London, November 13, 11-18 a.m. Reuter wiring from Cape Town statethat the (ape Police are within five miles of the raiders, and are hotly pursuing them m a country which is sandy and where water is scarce. The chase is
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  • 79 1 TRUE LOVE K> THE MOTHER COUNTRY! I'm Melbourne Age's" 1 VAPORATIONS. London, November 13, u-18 a.m. The Melbourne <-lg<\ referring to the New Hebrides convention, states that the Commonwealth of Australia has exj perienced a humiliation and rebuff likely to materially affect the future relations i of the
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  • 176 1 IN THE HOUSE OF commons. A> I lON I [RGI N 1 No l IME iOR I >w LJSSION. London, November i 3-45 p.m. Mr. Winston Churchill, Under-Secre- tary for the Colonies, stated m the I louse of Commons that the Governor < A the Straits
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  • 225 1 THE KAISER "S HUMOUR. A representative cf the Echo dc paris" aske«l the Marquis de Noailles, formerly French Ambassador m Berlin, whether it was true, as related m the Herliner 1 ageblatt, that when he was at the German capital the Mmperor one morning came to see him without giving
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  • 736 1 AN Ay COMPLISHED FACT. (Straits Echo. Bth November.) A public meeting was held yesterday at the Chinese Town Hall to discu-s the liii.il steps for the formation of an Anti-Opium Association m Penang. There were present amongst others Dr. Gnoh Lean Tuck, Rev. G. F I'ykett, Messes.
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  • 19 1 Mr. Frank I lolim s, I- M. s h,^ ii.ru i lected .1 Fdlou of th<- RO3 Colonial Institute.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 164 1 IIAS CARDS aN unriv allED SELECTION LITTLE'S ToHN LITTLE Co's 1 Chnslmas\ o I }^r usazaar\ Opens on Slionday DTov. 19th 111 AN UNRIVALLED DISPLAY OF CbildrctTs Cops, Gift Books, fancp Goods, 3cuxlkrp, Silucr Ulare, \mas Cards, Crackers, Confcciioncrp and oibcr Seasonable novelties. to I SPECTION INVITED WHETHER FOR THE
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    • 246 1 Howarth Erskine 1 Ei)£i peers ai>d Contractors. I ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS. I Tekptume 23. Telegrams ERSKINE." ART NEEDLE WORK 1 ANI> 1 One ot the Finatt and Largest Electric Fana m very Bedroom fl rtUirp ffIPPHT Buildings m I'enanp wj^fid^S Cuiaine ami Catarina under IUUIILn Ut.rU I Entirely under European 7%W*K&t*\
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    • 33 1 JOHN LITTLE CO LTD Fiovs Own Annual Ciißi.s Dun Annual ll. \i 1 1 RBO) Imams MAGAZINI Chums ALSO A LARGI si 1.1 HON OF GIFT BOOKS FOR BOYS A GIRLS AT LITTLE'S
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  • 968 2 I lv- k British Weekly" says that the Honourable Mr. John Ferguson, c m. <.. of Colombo, who was a former Editor of the "Ceylon Observer" and who is the father of the present Edtor of that popular
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  • 230 2 Mr. A.C. Rudra, Barrister at Law, o\ the Middle Temple has joined Mr. Wee Theam Tiew m his practice here, the style of the firm being Rudra and lew. We wish these gentlemen every success m their professional career. A DEMENTED Chinaman appeared before Mr. Colman yesterday and asked to
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  • 661 2 JAPANESE IN SAN FRANCISCO. GROWTH AND CAUSE OF THE AGITATION. lhe San Francisco correspondent of tlie Osaka AuMbad an interview witi, the Mayor of San Francis o on Tuesday, says the Japan Chrunick of 25th ult., and inquired his view-, on the public opinion m Japan and the pro* made
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  • 128 2 A labourer named Moriarty, rharged at the Guildhall yesterday, uitlit < and with assaulting Police-Constable Pragnall, was stated to have struggled, hit the constable m the face, and thrown him down. Prisoner: Yes, he twisted my arms behind me and nearly broke them It" hv had
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  • 134 2 Losing her sight by an accident. Maria Goodyear, of Headingley. n« Leeds, has recovered it by an accident. She was working m a mill as a machinist m 1884, when a fellow-worker, by way of a joke, pulled her stool from the place where she usually sat. causinu
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  • 42 2 DEAD TROUT FLOATING IN NANUOYA WATERS Namova, October 30th, 7-5 p.m. Shoals of dead trout were seen lloatmg on the swirling currents of the Nanuoya stream yesterday ami to-d,\ Most of them were eagerly takej. up by the natives.
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  • 164 2 COLOR PREFERENCE. t I I that the. manne/b tedobje. I current mail Company?'^! tners.th, I I white i i Uingand So I secured ti, I mail toemplo) I Commonv.. I pow. I upon the P theP I enal I I S I its well establ I Indian j U what
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  • 125 2 REPORT! I Princess Pardoned It jusl Berlin I various i he h his seat of the Grand Dut I the Duk( I riage was wishes of tl c lar 1 man v a G close m the throne as I The C; m which I fl ments
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  • 18 2 QUARTER-Ma theA. S I by the Wai H States < hi. M social offi promotion. He mrndi-d lucrative salary
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 283 2 WHISKIES. SCOTCH. Dews 0' the Glen. Monarch 0' the Glen. The Old Brigade. re Old Blend Very Old Highland Blend. Extra Special Finest Liqueur. Robert Macdonald. Club Bahru V.O.S. (Choice Old Matured.) PRICES OR PRICE LIST ON APPLICATION. N'.li. In Bulk, Hogsheads, Quarter aska and Octaves. Having a Brinch house
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    • 408 2 FRESH "j GRAPES. no cents per lb. t -OR PACKED IN 5 lb. WOOD BOXES FOR POSTING TO F. M. S. AND ELSEWHERE. PER box $2-00 POSTAGE FREE $2.50 Outport friends arc requested to send remittance with order, if nnto t m Deposit Account. THOMPSON, THOMAS Co., THE AUSTRALIAN STORES.
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  • 568 3 case. vV 1 Holmberg appeared Court on three teged breach of loyed as assistant ■!"Vffin of M«sers- Alhn -a-liif \ssociated with him m Keng Chuan. the Uolmb g only appeared In his defence, he nee and said that been taken by ghteoed him into lent him S5OO i
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  • 52 3 ««e talk of a much-needed lof Ku la Lumpur Statior. w [uncommon sight to see four at one time, and platforms to arrommo- rather awkward The '''lly arises whether it is n the present a iK-w one on fleeting loop from d c a<! »j'idgc to Sultan I urmountable m
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  • 1002 3 HOW A mVi5S?n R a, B r^ AME A Romance of Trade Few men have had a more remarkable career or have furnished m their lives a more remarkable illustration of the gospel of self-help, than Mr. Stefano Gatti, whose dc^th took pace from cancer at
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  • 642 3 GREATEST GEM CLAIMED FROM THE SEA. A single pearl, worth P60,000 The possibilities of pearl fishing m the Sulu sea seem unlimited. According to Stephen Jurika of Jolo, who is now a visitor m Manila, the greatest pearl ever claimed from the sea m the Sulu archipelago
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  • 282 3 rHEFT OF A TYPKW RITER. George K. Steel, an American, was arraigned at the Hongkong Police Court, on a chage of stealing an Underwood typewriter valued at $250, the property of the Oriental Construction Company and D. Meyer was charged with receiving the -aid typewriter, well knowing it
    H. Telag  -  282 words
  • 95 3 Thai a determined ettort 00 the par of the Police to abolish the existence of Chinese Secret Societies, is evidenced by the recent arrest, m Johore of several persons accused of being members of such associations. I'm U. S. Cruiser Pennsylvania which was m port recently has notified the authorities
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  • 238 3 WOMAN 'S FIFTY YEARS' PRISON LIFE. It was said of a woman who was charged at Westminster yesterday with shoplifting at Harrod's Stores that she had undergone sentences of imprisonment amounting to nearly fifty years. Her name was given as Annie Lewis, but she has a dozen aliases, including Carey
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  • 127 3 A CHINESE DONNYBROOK." Yesterday morning, about 8 o'clock, two boats manned by Hokiens and I eochews were about to be moored at Boat Quay when the crews fell out about priority of being fastened. They proceeded to blows. They were joined by their clansmen until theee was a howling crowd
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  • 89 3 On Sunday about 4p.nl a dogcart driven by a Malay and a tramcar collided m Lavender Street. The dogcart was crossing the rails as the car approached. There were twe children m the cart seeing that a collision was inevitable the driver threw the children out and
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  • 81 3 On Monday, newly arrived Chinese stranger from Kuala Lumpur, was pursung his way along New Bridge Road when a fellow country man accosted him. After passing the time of day, the second man reminded the other of an old debt of $10 and forthwith de- 1 manded payment. The
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  • 59 3 Owing to the representations made j by the Pepper and Gambicr merchants i of Singapore to the Johore Government, a force of police was sent to various places the result being that about 70 persons belonging to unlawful societies, have been arrested at kota. This prompt action on
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  • 324 3 DURING the four weeks ended Nov. 3rd the Raub Gold Mining Co., Ltd crushed 5.393 tons of ore and obtained 814 oz. gold. Thi farewell conceit of the Band of the Sherwood Foresters will be given on Saturday. 24th inst. at the German Club at 9 p.m. Practices are to
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  • 220 3 I MASS MEETINGS AND DEPUTATIONS. During the past lew days Miss Billington has been re-visiting every town and village of Mr. Asquith's constituency, East Fife, touring m a wagonette covered with banners and posters, summoning men and women to take part m the Votes for Women Demonstration which
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  • 171 3 A WEIRD STORY. Ihe weird suggestion is made by Mr. Robert Ross m the .hademy that another person was buried with Sir Henry Irving m the Westminster Abbey. v A young actor of my acquaintance," he says, who bore the honoured name of Siddons,
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  • 75 3 EXPORT FROM PERAK. We are informed by 'the Acting Secretary to the Resident of Perak that the export of tin from Perak for October (excluding Upper Perak), wa^ as follows Tin, 12,744 pi knls 18 catties. Tin. 0re,28,3^3 15 Duty $563,929,2 1 Tkonoh Mines. We arc
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  • 129 3 Major Gratwicke, the late president of the Institute of Journalists, has received from the Charge d'Affaires at the Swedish Legation the following letter It is my pleasant duty to inform you that his Majesty the King of Sweden, m recognition of your services as the
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  • 308 3 Mr. and Mrs. Laidlaw, ot Kuala Lumpur met with what might have been a very serious accident on the 7th instant when driving a recentlyacquired motor car m the direction ot Pudoh. In trying to avoid a rikisha, the car overturned at the side of the road. Luckily neither of
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 457 3 H. S. KIRWANS TANK ROAD LIVERY, RACING, COMMISSION STABLES (OPPOSITE RAILWAY STATION) A new building specially built for stables, absolutely sanitary and sp4o-datl 1 Accommodation for Horses and Carrigcs by day, week, or month at Popular MCM I Kxtra large loose boxes for Race Horast; Bho a Miital)ly eq«lp«d ami
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  • 1175 4 China's modern army, which owes its genesis to the laudable determination of the great Viceroy Yuan Shi-kw to raise his countrj from the j-<^-temptible position il at present holds m t*ie estimation o( the civilised world as a military power to one more commensurate with it-
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  • 280 4 AT PENANG. The annual parade of the local military forces m honour ot the birthday of His Majesty the King was held yesterday morning at the parade-ground. Sepoy Lines. The local detachment of the Malay State- Guide; turned out m fall strength under Captain Adam, bu: only
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  • 66 4 Madras, Nov. Messrs. B«iny cV C... an old -established private banking firm m Madhave suspended paynIt is hoped to reconstruct the bu>ipav creditors m full. The firm are Kg* the B.LS.N Co. suspension is, due to whai 11 run on the b The firm dot der itself
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  • 117 4 MESSRS. WHIfTALL fcCO OPEN A BRANCH AT KLANG. The leading Fort firm oi Messrs. VVhittall cV Company have decided to open a branch at Klang, immediately and Mr. F. O. Sanders leaves Colombo by next Saturday'- x < > -teamer to start the
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  • 148 4 It is often complained that we build too many ships, but it is frequently for gotten that the output of British yards helps to swell the Board of Trade return-. Thus, tor the first nine months of tin- year Britishbuilt >hij>s have been exported to a value ot £7,381,681,
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  • 93 4 lm Hon'ble W. 1 Fay lor c M t. Resident-General of the Federated Malay States, left on Saturday for Europe by the P. cV mail S\m/a We understand that Mr. H. (on way pelneld has been appointed to act for him during his absence on leave A Mdhomedan fisherman ofChowra--t.i
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 207 4 > Rccreatioi) Hotel SERANGOON ROAD, TRAMWAY TERM I IL.s excellent xommodation f< X manent boarders. /I Airy rooms with Verandah and bath ]M GOOD TABLE WINES V Prices moderate which may be ascertain* V^ «loe F. de GOMCrir ,1/ 1 I v v vAAa/% jj I NOTICE^ I ESTABLISHED >
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 1935 4 SHIPPING NEWS. TTT7OOTTT Q RC Ri^mers, New York, Nov,-; ..^S^J^V^ lf 8! ton s '^P l3l 1 VxLOoi^-L'O A.Gilfillan Udall llth Nov From Amoy, 4th c o v Nov. G.c, and 989 d.p. Heap Eng EXPECTED Mey-. 8k ng M J 1 Sumatra, Japan Dec iq-P. &O. Natutta, Ger str
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  • 151 5 STATE OF BRUNEI PROCLAMATIONS. damationfi by His Sultan ol Brunei m 1 Mi Malcolm Stewart British Rest Government that on and after vember, ,90-. the 'of Brunei of British Trade Dollar is prohi ftnXkm of this ittempts to import to the amount lvalue up,le to a fine not lollars and
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  • 166 5 VDVERTISEN 1 .1 1 plethoi 1 be 'n different Lloyd's g < mpany hile, and .eir own 40 about and of the Colo- for a U slative y of" that di-tin-a few of the a few lawyer-. 1 I eft out of such ire m it.
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  • 67 5 leting of the v"'u Governinaoimoush the I wincil Election I the Local Women) support m Parliament for the 1 ■< support to it by with the p to 1 right of is HUM] to sera bodies, a right en the vestries Vet of ,899. I; thai
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  • 10 5 not be cm eel thenforbidding, m very Practice of mm*
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  • 379 5 A writer m Vanity" Fair tells of some after-dinner incidents which are as amazing as anything that the famous t P he Ca nuToit at H r VaUghan TCI the pulp.t. The correspondent w-m •Uying at a country house, and a man she says told her the
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  • 337 5 Startling statistics regarding the of human life were quoted by Sir James Crichton -Browne m an address which he delivered at the opening session ot the School of Medicine m connection with Leeds University. Declaring that the medical student to-day was a knight errant of science," Sir
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  • 307 5 I UK WORLD'S EARTHQUAKE AREAS. A catalogue of 130,000 shocks of earthquake has been drawn up, embracing a period of the last fifty years, and Italy, Japan, Greece, and South America on the Pacific, are found to be the most shaken countries of the world. The earthquakes m Italy
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  • 573 5 EXPERIENCES OF AN OLD HANSOM CAB DRIVER. 11 Too old at seventy-three The idea is absurd. London cab-driving is not a lost art yet. Grey-haired as I am, there will be a revival one day when the motor-bus has run its course." I his oft-made prophecy
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  • 305 5 FINK SPECIMENS OF BRITISH GROWTH FOR IHK LORI) MAYOR. In conformity with ancient custom, the Fruiterers' Company of the City presented to the Lord Mayor, at the Mansion House, specimens of Britishgrown fruit of all kinds, and of the finr-t description procurable. The origin of this observance
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  • 101 5 Reports on the Federated Malay States for the year 1905 were issued last evening. In a letter to the Earl of Elgin the High Commissioner at Singapore states thai applications for land continue to pour m, m spite of the enhanced rents now charged, and every
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  • 80 5 Ihe Prince of Wales, who has enjoyed some excellent shooting during his visit to Captain Pretyman, at Orwell Park, Ipswich, has honoured with a call the oldest inhabitant of the neighbouring village of Nacton, a labourer named Chapman, who has just passed his ninety-ninth birthday. The
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  • 643 5 l) H e Number r of Canital Subsr bed of Issue Paid D I *ysat IK aPta< Subscbed Sh f res Value up to R«ervc Company Quotations present i i price ■J *I75.ooo 14 o,ooo 3, 5 oo 'Sued »<-T S awal, G. M. Co.. Urf S1
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  • Commercial.
    • 140 5 Gambier buyers 6.00 do Pontianak f 0. -o Pepper, Black (ordinary Singapore) 18.50 do White, Fair L. \V. 5 per cent. n 25.25 Sago Sarawak Flour ,o O Coffee, Bali iGj per cent. buyers 3 pei cent. 19.00 Coffee Palembang, 20 per cent, basis f 22.50 Coffee, Liberian No.
      140 words
    • 125 5 I On Lomdan. Bank 4 m s l() Demand t/f l/l6 do. m a 2/5 Private 3ma 2 4 t) i l(t On (.enmity. Bank (Id ,'IJ" Private 3 m s do 6m 2#4 6 On Frame. Bank <l'd > Private.; m 1 _„9 7; (1() I) Ml S
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 554 5 TO-NIGHT. Wednesday, 14th Nov. 06. Jobar rca'nikam Opera Indra Jaya The Johar Ma'nikam Theatrical Company of Singapore WILL PUT ON THE STAGE AT THE ALEXANDRA HALL North Bridge Road. M. ©MAR, Director <5» Sole Proprietor. m. Bolter, 69, ANSOIV ROAD. Telephone No. 398. Just Landed a Fresh Sfock o/:Pickled Herrings
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  • 1445 6 THE INTEREST INVOLVED IN THE COMING OMBINE The combination of British soap makers foreshadowed m M Fhe Daily Chronicle a month ago is n<>w being formed, and is a matter of concern toevery householder. Soap is an article of universal use. The public are not interested
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  • 230 6 LmmJ 01 our Birth, W€ ft/edge to thee /n V "»<< toil m tin years to II hoi mg on grwmm and take our place, As men and ivomtn loitlt our race. Father m Heaven who lovest all, O help thy children when they call I ha!
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 689 6 BANKS. Hongkong Shang!i«l Banking Corporation. PAID-UP CAMTAI $10,000,000 RESKKVE FUND Sterling Reserve J510.000.000 I 2 O f 250,000 Silver fteserv 810,250.000 Reserve LiabiMy ot Proprietoti $10,000,000 Court oi Directors. A Haupt, Ksq-Oiairman. Hoc C W Dukson- Deputy-Chairman. E Cioetz -<\ H. E. Tomkins Ksq. C R. Lcnzmann, D. M. Nissim,
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    • 447 6 NOTICES, G. A. Fernandez ft Co. Afo. 6 D' Almeida Street. LICENSED AUCTIONEERS, SURVEYORS, ARCHITECTS, APPRAISERS, AND HOUSE AGENTS. Charges and Commission will be found moderate. 9-8-06. v.c. For Sale Privately. Two full sized billiard tables by Burroughes Watts, complete. Can be seen at our sale-room No. 6 D' Almeida
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    • 298 6 Dr. S. IWATSUBO, Dental Surgeon. Mo. 1 Raffles Place. Hours of consultation 9 a.m. to 12 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. (Or by appointment.) 3/8/06. tc 2/2/07. Fop Sale. lnis is the time to get ready for Christmas. Why wait till the last hour when you now have time to
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    • 449 6 E. D. M. ADLETS. Fl WANTED. \yANTEI) for a Rubber Estate Tamil Dresser or Chinese able to speak Tamil Application with copies of certificatesto be addressed to M. S. 330, c/o this paper. WANTED. A young lady teacher to take charge 01 and educate m English a child o f
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    • 168 6 P S P e cia| Hon.* 0. A health stati. I place An a.,rac,,vc I. «E*P RETURN TICKETS To C 0 -uncc ZX For fun p 0. S. N. t is» March, <, Ml t. KCDe Japanese detiik CHARGES MODERATE From 7 a.m. to 5 U f ER PLOOB No.
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