Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser, 13 November 1906

Total Pages: 6
1 6 Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser
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  • 50 1 Reuter's Agency wires (By submarine telegraph.) BOER LEADERS AND NATAL PRESS. London, November 12, (j.40 a.m. The Boer leaders and the Natal Press minimise the importance of the Boer Raid. The Government, though not regarding the matter as serious, is taking every measure to suppress the outbreak.
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  • 56 1 LABOURITES BLAMED. London, November 12, 9.40 a.m. The report of the Local Government Board Inspector on the Poplar Workhouse scandal ascribes the pauperisation of the inhabitants to the deliberate policy of the Labourites who dominated the guardians and made them use the money of
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  • 147 1 LORD RIPON*S SPEECH. London, November 12, 12-10 p.m. Speaking at the Guildhall Banquet Lorp Ripon referred to the satisfactory settlement at Algeciras of the Morocco question and the amicable arrangement arrived at regarding the Sinai bound- ary. Referring to the terrible atrocities at Congo he firmly stated
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  • 38 1 NEWFOUNDLAND GOVERNMENT TAKES ACTIVE MEASURES. London, November 12, 12.10 p.m. The Newfoundland Government has sent a lawyer to the Bay Islands to prosecute the Colonial fishermen who are charged with embarking on the American vessels.
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  • 36 1 SUPREME COMMAND 1907 MANOEUVRES. London, November 12, 12-10 p.m. Lord Charles Bercsford i- promoted to the rank of an admit al. He takes Supreme Command of the naval manoeuvres m 1907.
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  • 78 1 HIS FURTHER MOVEMENTS. London, November 12,512-10 p.m. The raider Ferreira and the party of Boers that accompany him were re- ccntly employed m German South-west Africa. They have wounded two troop- 1 ers and captured a corpasa). Ferreira is getting some lecruitson his marcli onwards to Zwart
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  • 44 1 ADVICE OF THE DUTCH LEADERS London, November I^, 12-10 p.m. There is some danger of the inhabitants being misled by the exaggerated reports of Ferreira's successes. fhe Dutch Leaders m Cape Town arc ad vising their north-western brethren to support the Government.
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  • 23 1 SOUTH AFRICANS BEAI CAMBRIDGE. London, November ia, 12-10 p.m. Phe South Africans have beaten Cambridge by tvvcntv nine points to nil.
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  • 54 1 EARTHQUAKE AND MUD AVALANCHE. London, November 12, 2-5 p.m. Owing to an earthquake followed by detonations and rumblings there is a panic amongst the inhabitants of the Vesuvian District. Five men have been entombed under a mud avalanche. Local experts declare that there is no likelihood of
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  • 382 1 UNTOWARD EVENTS. The annual report <>n the Post office of India for I^os-06 gives a variety of interesting information for the year under review. The untoward events of the year interfering with the work of the Department were unusually numerous. Plague obliged a large number of post
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  • 317 1 SUBJECTS "FIXED" AM) ENTRANCED IN lI IE STREET. A new tenor has been added to life. The snapshot photographer i- followed by the snapshot hypnotist, who drives through street-, and. like the Ancient Mariner, fixes a harmless passer-by with his glittering eye, so that the pasis immediately plunged
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  • 90 1 EDITOR OF "ASIA" HELD. As a final act of clemency, on account of lii- approaching departure, 11. Viceroy Shura has released all the pi i'soneis lately held m Canton gaol on petty tnisdemeonours l>m iuthecaac •)l the Editor of Isia, a vernacular journal published m Canton, 11. E.
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  • 35 1 PUSING LAMA TIN MINKS, Lm Hie output from tin. mine for the month of October last was 1,070 ptfcuk ol tin ore produced, of an approximate value oi 1 7 2,000.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 147 1 ROYS G)F T BOOKS fOR BOYS G.RUS A I LITTLE'S ,OOHN LITTLE Co's 1 f J ivnii ri Christmas] j^"* +/3a2aar\ Opens on SfTonday Dtov. 19th WITH AN UNRIVALLED DISPLAY OF Children's Cops, Gift Books, fancp 6oods, 3cuxllcrp, $jiocr ularc, \tnas Cards, Crackers, Confcctioncrp and other Seasonable Roccltics. fid [S
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    • 237 1 Howarth Erskine~] Epgipeers apd Contractors. I ELECTRICAL IWSTALLATIONS. > ART NEEDLE WORK AM) I °R f M e rinMt ,f n(l Ur Mt «wcj/.w El^tric Fan* m very Bedroom CiCWAJCO nCDHT Bu.ldings m I'enang Cui.ine an, i C.ttring under T LOWER DEPOT Entirely under European Supervision of an Europtan Management.
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  • 385 2 II- very same cablegram, which informs us about the purport ol the speech by Lord Ripon at the Guildhall Banquet, wherein he is reported to have -tated that all present indications are peaceful, is pregnant with the
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  • 253 2 In his speech at the Guildhall Hanquet Lord Ripon has done well m displaying the determined ttitude of the British Government •yarding the Congo atrocities m no unmeasured terms. He stated hat it was the primary duty of the Belgian Government to remedy the state of things
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  • 253 2 Chinese etiquette being a more ancient and enduring thing than the la\v-> of the Medes and Persian-, neither the Emperor nor the Empress Dowager has ever been seen to eat anything. We can only infer, says a 1 lome paper, that they do eat, and this is
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  • 175 2 MRS. MARY LE PAGE'S LATEST EXPERIMENT IN MATRIMONY. New York, Sept. 26. Mr>. Mary Lc Page, of New York, has just married her eighth husband. William Le Page is an Englishman, who has made a fortune m thU country. The lady who is such a pronounced authority
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  • 145 2 ARE WE SAFE WITHOUT PHYSICIANS Can an applicant for life assurance who admits he would not use the services of a physician or surgeon m case ot illness or accident be a safe risk Ihe question arises m America, where the growth of Christian Science makes it one of importance.
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  • 89 2 A party of young men went out on a shooting expedition on Friday last and returned on Sunday night. Their bag consisted of 5 1 doves of sorts, 26 plovers, 3 wild pigs and 2 alligators. One of the latter fell to the gun of Mr. A.
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  • 37 2 I lie Management of Harmstons' request us to invite the attention of amateur riders to their advertisement appearing m this issue anent the amateur riding competition for which a handsome trophy is to be presented.
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  • 58 2 Ihe Anti-opium crusade is flourishing mightily m the Native States We hear on very good authority that no less than fourteen thousand smokers nave been cured m Selangor, that ihe receipts of the opium shops have fallen on some seventy per cent and that several shops have had to c\o*r.
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  • 1081 2 MIS-USE OF NATIONAL FLAGS The second-class drinking -saloons or so called Hotels of Singapore have a happy-go style or convenient wav treating National Flags, which amounts to an insult. The flags usually seen flying m these plao are either Dutch or German ones. lould ho vever a
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  • 159 2 IN DIAN NOTES. i he weekly r jreceip, Jfthij I I special train a £"'5 a.m., and Excell, Kashmir. iramula I cers. At Tret a I fo. unch, dose up, was continue, reached at 6.30 p., pUcted vi Rudker.i.c.s., md fhPunj; j cau gage: a.m. a start wa lunch hour
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  • 59 2 out from M I unex] 1 he enonn lowei cov< n I wit! and app< thei would V bark. I ot" n lived to 54 il mi such a- \\< earth tens may -till surv be a tact, explor b.i^in that w< acn >ss tl > Thillv I
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  • 65 2 I'lu tical And aw What I'd like \:.d nrhen ii It slumped m tl i rising fine I s For d new whit tales to sm allow I k>ld-bugs i Each -nit- had I mad ro judge by Which was neai to expi No financu Just ii-. .1
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 272 2 WHISKIES. Dews 0' the Glen. Monarch 0' the Glen. The Old Brigade. Rare Old Blend. Very Old Highland Blend. Extra Special Finest Liqueur. Robert Macdonald. Club Bahru. Club Whisky. 0 D S. V.O.S. Choice Old Matured. PRICES OR PRICE LIST ON APPLICATION. N.B. In lUnk, Hogshe ds, Quarter aski and
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    • 324 2 'FRESH [1 I GRAPES. no cents per lb. I C_)J_\_/ 5 PACKED IN 5 lb. WOOD BOXES FOR POSTING TO I F. M. S. AND ELSEWHERE. I PER BOX $2.00 I POSTAGE FREE $2.50 I Outport friends art requested to send remittance with order, if nnto t I m Deposit
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    • 30 3 dim jj 13, *-S P-m. t ,1 Ripon hascreatmpressi »n upon the n Press <letain expects deeds King Leopold i. 1 sm lM srcmainthe opening of the
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  • 28 3 uNPREfI I 1: xlLl) COMI v rob ei .a.a.sp.m. the Power* to an entun m the are i"Hv accepted by ipfacencj n un-
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  • 19 3 ibei i-\ 5-' PJ* Ws hop oi anterbunf has a .;ned by the EarlGn
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  • 20 3 BRITAIN'S INDIAN POLICY. t,3-6 p.m. ii protestal Britain's Indian j g opium. Earl Grey refeired to Mr. May.
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  • 19 3 I ROM CHINA ber 12, 3-0 p.m. ration has been < -c Govern* >piuni edict or >pium.
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  • 54 3 ese L.nematogr.tpn con- nightly. of proFi id iv instead iour of the j jesty the King. on includes -ccnes. among v be mentioned the t'p.e Etfeci tunes of Mr. I Marble lnduNile, a Tenai he butterfly adventures of a i letective m world. The itdistance all shes
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  • 65 3 MARINER are lear of Hi ivy Gun ill take place from on the date» g Lav 1 ring 08 Area < i .c Practice h 20th Nov. \(>o(> 10 a.m. No\ 1 ..m. ghi on 24th Nov. i«io'> m 17th Nov. 1906 bout
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  • 114 3 'ive plenty of mtcl- linom of his hitherto they erasing it m r I hey pie, a nation I hey believe, 'ii unfairly cheatI iken SKh have profit jl c have md m the II on of ground we m do not egal or moral
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  • 347 3 DANAGEROUS LUNATIC. Yesterd iy, an elderly Chinaman was before Mr. Gree;; for evincing all The symptoms of a dangerous 5 lunatic He a nutted that he heard voices calling upon him to kill. Mr Green thought the safest place for him wt" the asylum, and forthwith sent him
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  • 204 3 Observatory Exonerated. After the meeting of the Legislative j Council to-day, and before the members had left, His Excellency the Governor addressed the Council on the subject of the Observatory. He said that probably the Council would wish to hear the result of the Committee appointed to j
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  • 185 3 The New York financial correspondent of the Dadx Telegraph wired on the joth ult. Copper metal touched 22c a pound to-day, the highest price recorded since \660, with legitimate demand* apparently crowding the supply. The result of this -teady increase m the price of the metal is
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  • 261 3 Phrenology, graphology, chiromancy, and many other more or less fantastic methods of reading our own and other peoples's characters, have all at varioutimes had a tremendous vogue. But there is one of these sciences which lias never had a fair chance among us, and that is Scarpology. It is
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  • 672 3 A special meeting of the Municipal Commissioners took place yesterday at 2.30 p.m. m the Municipal Board Room. There were present Mr. E.G. Broadrick (President); Mr. J. W. B. Maclaren, Dr. Lim Boon Keng, Mr. Ching Keng Lee and Mr. Rowland Allen. The following resolution m regard to
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  • 292 3 William G. Fritz-Gerald has an article on M The Dog Police of European Lities" m the October CtMJUtynam which we quote as follows The training of the young Newfoundlands that If. Lepine periodically add?, to his staff is one of the sights of Paris. It takes place
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  • 835 3 THE CHINESE VOLUNTEERS A healthy vitality has characterised the birth of the Chinese Physical Culture Society. Within a very few months, it might almost be said weeks, of its first appearance it has won the attention of the Far Eastern World and fame of its exploits bids fair to eclipse
    Hongkong Telegraph  -  835 words
  • 203 3 At the invitation of the directors of Dustroy (Limited), about a hundred representatives of municipal and urban district councils from all parts of the country recently visited Westcliff and inspected the portion of the Marine parade, between Westcliff and Leigh, which the company have laid with their
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  • 348 3 THE LOTTERY OF RACEHORSE BUYING. Spearmint in Private Life is the subject of a sketch in the Pall Mall Magazine" by Edward Moorhouse. In 1904 Spearmint wn> knocked down for 300 guineas to Major Eustace Loder. It has since won the Derby and the Grand Prix de Varis. "The two
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  • 356 3 WHO IS TO BLAME? There is no doubt that the colossal failure, of Messrs. Arbuthnot and Co. -ays the Madras Mail, has uiven rise to much indignation in Madras. Under the circumstances it could scarcelj* be otherwise. But though it is impossible to
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  • 346 3 WHAT HIE L.C.C. SPENDS ON ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS. Some striking figures are given in the report issued recently relating to elementary day schools maintained by the London County Council for the year ended March 31, 1905. It is of special interest in view of the tact that it is
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 471 3 r 4 H. S. KIRWANS TANK ROAD LIVERY, RACING, COMMISSION STABLES (OPPOSITE RAILWAY STATION) A new building specially built tor stable, al>solutd\ MlUtarj Ud iip-io-diiu-m Accommodation for Horses and CarriKos l>y (Liy, \v< -ok. or moutli at Popular Pricei i KxTRA large loose l>oxes for Race H'-rscs also a suitably
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  • 341 4 L CHICAGO I ADY OFFERS HERSELF I < >X SALE. New York, Oct nth. Miss Elizabefh Magic, < hicago lady, who ha: had -\,ooo education, and who ha? d to accept £2 week m 1 tvj». writing position, has broken tooai from the social powers thai be
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  • 291 4 1 c Mhrentu young York* shir< men. who m the early part of the ventured their fortune- m Canada, ently j tint out the dV bilitv of caution m taking job- m the land ol the maple leaf. They have just -uch is the word they •.he
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  • 297 4 Robert Bennett Bean writes on The Brain m r en tury He says pro rac« is now considered of them i n the worl«:. i% t c j n g been recently cred thi oughout Attica. Australia, and i In histoi kepicted on the monuments tusands v
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  • 699 4 AN ARCHDEACON'S .£l,OOO CHALLENGE TO MR. MASKE LYNE. London, Oct. «2th. Mr. J. N. Maskclyne called a spirit at St. George's Hall on Monday. It came m the shape of a vapour it materialised m the form of a beautiful young lady, and the veteran conjurer claims
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  • 303 4 IHIC OSTRK II AS LOVER. 1 lie ostrich is naturally a monogamist, and there are some amusing and cveu pathetic -tories to illustrate this. We lady bird who somewhat foolishly broke her legs m an endeavour to compass a -tout wire fence left a sorrowing widower behind, who
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 189 4 > Recrcatioi) Hotel SERANGOON ROAD, TRAMW fV f' Has excellent i commodation for V manent boarders. n!><l! A Airy moms with Verandah and bath rooms con, GOOD TABLE WINES > Pnces moderate whlrh ™> ined y noticeT: ESTABLISHED NX 1903. THE BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM |!SIi€AY^MJITTRAf I PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAvl^^ Telephone
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 1833 4 SHIPPING NEWS. TF LiIOQTPT Ql Rhenania, Hongkong Dec. 19: Behn Hye Leonu, Brit. str. 295 tons, Capi V iLO&XjJL^ Meyer. Perry, 10th Nov. From Port Swetten Roon, Hongkong, Nov. 26- B. Meyer ham, Bth Nov. G.c, and 129 d.p. Straits "O"V \J L^r^ r 1 YC. I 1 Riojun Maru,
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  • 235 5 Lord AhcHare's the H«>n. Henry Camiiie to the treh actresses have marthe uth Duke riett Mellon, en peerages j „,,-k to dan, whoseeldest Munster by ,hKa.l of Derby sh actress, daughters Earl of Wilton. iu ty, married the 1831. K.n^ c, ambridge M S I.
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  • 115 5 rRATIONS ■i> MAI of the Rubber Ij m another four a mere rciucli original itt--1 Wlll »n pect, late. It is being Mr. Ketway ham. anil /eminent I be m ordinary and bound, and ited Aserksof 1 the id will very the text. pecialexhi
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  • 698 5 I elcgraph s silly season corresiW dence^ on the subject of Dreams Td She dreamt, says the writer, that she -as m Ddni on the day when the mutineers came from M ee Vut a"d be erribk massacre was perpetrated, near! \y fiftj years ago.
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  • 326 5 REMARKABLE SPEECH AT SAN FRANCISCO. The agents .tt Honolulu of the Pacific Mail and other steamship companies are urging the Governor of Hawaii to prohibit the landing of Japanese immi grants by tramp steamers. According to the it is proposed to prohibit these immigrants from landing on
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  • 525 5 The agitators in Bengal have been aired m the House of Commons that it must come ns a shock to them to find themselves being more or less arraigned before that legislative body. The coronation of Banncrjee has done more to open the eyes of a
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  • 444 5 GIRL MILLINERS HELPED OUT OF THE DEBRIS. Yesterday morning, at about 11-30. the back portion of Slc^>r^. Martin ft Co.'s premise-," amounting to nearly half the shop, came down with a crash. In the furthest room were the Indian tailors and the lady milliner-, nearly twenty
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  • 105 5 A i Prome, m Burma, three young Burmese were sentenced to transportation for life, last month, for horrible murder committed to get human blood for use m magic. The murderers killed a boy aged 13 years. They were under the belie! that if one took from a freshly dead human
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  • 386 5 5 Number or Capital. Subscbed of Paid Reserv r I'aysat ano.l Shares Value up to j eservt Company Quotations present price GOLD. wJ 175.000 $140,000 [Ljoo^BLi $I $l Hc-rsawah G. M. Co., Ltd. Io s ers 1 4»ooo »lo $io t V.,0 /400.000 £350,000 3S0.000 DunDevolo,m,,,,Mo.L,d efCrrCd
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  • Commercial.
    • 166 5 Gambler buyers 6.90 do Cube No. 1 n 10.75 do Pontianak 9.30 Pepper, Black (ordinary Singapore) tt 18.50 do White, Fair L. \V. 5 per cent. M 25.25 Sago Sarawak Flour m 2 o do Brunei No. 1 2 y O Pearl Sago, small o Coffee, Bali 16] per
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    • 73 5 On London. -Bank j m s mIM Demand do. 6m s 2 V Private m s O« Gtntumy.- Bank d d V/ Private jm s 7 do 6m 8 V 4 On Fntmr. Bank djd lv r;::: j^ O« Bank T. T. "'"i Private jo ,1s ;jJJ OuHorngkeng. Bankdd
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 500 5 TO-NIGHT. Tuesday, 13th Nov. 1906. SOW 6AR OR Che l o'clock Drama ©pera Indra Jaya The Johar Ma'nikam Theatrical Company of Singapore WILL PUT ON THE STAGE AT THE ALEXANDRA HALL North Bridge Road. M. ©MAR, Director Sole Proprietor. m* Bolter, 69, A\SON ROAD. Telephone No. 398. Just Landed a
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  • 1498 6 It is tli< eternal story of love and passion m this instance the story of one woman and two nun. A wife, a husband, anoSa lover— they are the characters i tin- elopement Ol the wife .md the lover th;il is the motive, the grim, determined pursuit b\
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  • 358 6 Mr. W. 11. LTkcn, Editor of the ft* imd Coffee Tmdt Journal oH T cu York who i> mow m Ceylon studying tea ;ulture and tea manufacture replied as follows to a question put to him by a esenutiveof the fim,, „t Ceylon vgarding the
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  • 33 6 lift, ami Mrs. A. Angler, of the London and hum Exptrss, arc on a visit to Taiping and are guests at the Residency, lluv visited 'tlic Cottage 1 fii tliL hill on bundaj
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 709 6 BANKS. Hongkong S Shanghai Banking CorporationPMM3T CAPITAL *io.ouo.uoo KKSFRVK FUND: Sterling Reserve $W,OOO.UX v $ao f ilsO.i)uu Silver Raserve $10,250,000 R^erve Liab.l.ty «.i Proprietors *i0,000,0u0 j Court of Directors. A Haupt, Ksq-Cliairmaii. Hod. C VV. l)ickson-lfcV»tv-( .hairman. C. R. Lenzminn, ID. M. Msstm G, H. Medhunt, i:sq. F. A »ebs,
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    • 675 6 NOTICES, S. A. Fernandez Co. /Vo. 6 LT Almeida Street. LICENSED AUCTIONEERS, SURVEYORS, ARCHITECTS, APPRAISERS, AND HOUSE AGENTS, Charges and Commission will be found moderate. 9-806. v.c. For Sale Privately. Two full sized billiard tables by Bcrroughes \V.\i is, complete. Can be seen at our sale-room No. 6 D' Almeida
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    • 305 6 Dr. S. IWATSUBO, Dental Surgeon. No. 1 Raffles Place. Hours oj consultation 9 a.m. to 12 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. (Or by appointment.) 3/8/06. tc 2/2/07. For Sale. This is the time to get ready for Christmas. Why wait till the last hour when you now have time to
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    • 629 6 urMlc w^ WANTED. \yANTED for a Rubber Estate Tamil Dresser or Chines able to speak Tamil Application with copies of ccrtificatesto be ;<ddrcsscd to M. S. 330, c/o this paper. WANTED, A young lady teacher to take charge of and educate m English a child of 4 years of age
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