Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser, 12 November 1906

Total Pages: 6
1 6 Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser
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  • 51 1 Reuter's Agency wires (By submarine telegraph.) SIX MONTHS PROFITS. London, November 9, 1 1.30 a.m. The Arbitrator of the Tainong Pagar Dock Company has awarded to its shareholders 513.414 dollars as profits for the six months ending 30th June 1905. The Company's original claim was for
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  • 53 1 QUESTION IN TIIK HOUSE OF COMMONS. London, November 9, 1 1.30 a.m. In the House of Commons Mr. Winston Churchill asked if the reduction of the fineness of the Straits D jllarhad met with the approval of the Government Tbe question met with a reply
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  • 39 1 London, November 9, 1 1-45 a.m. In the money article of the Times it is stated that the Bank of France is now prepared to allow tho withdrawal ot a substantial amount for Egypt.
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  • 20 1 AT PANAMA. London, Novembei 9, {-40 p.m. President Roosevelt has started for Panama to inspect the Canal Works.
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  • 128 1 ,£lOO,OOO CARRiEI) OFF. Sixteen Pkrsons Killed. London, November 10, 10-55 a.m. About seventy terrorists stopped a I mail train at Rogow, Poland, and carried otT a hundred thousands pounds i sterling, the receipts from the customs. The exploit was thoroughly planned. The terrorist were well
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  • 47 1 NO NEW PEERS. London, November 10, 11.35 a.m. The Birthday honour- arc very few. No peerages newly created Four newBaronets have been made and seventeen Knighthoods conferred. PRIVY COUNCILLORS. Lo;<l Sandhurst, Mr. Justice Kekewicti and Mr. Samuel Smith, an excommoner, have been appointed Privy Councillors.
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  • 27 1 BIBIANI, THE WINNER London, November 10, ii-.\s am. The following is the result of the Liverpool Autumn Cup: Bibiani 1 Banana 1 Glasconbury j
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  • 21 1 London, November 10. 11-45 a.m. A serious fire broke out at Canton, over five hundred houses being destroyed.
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  • 39 1 A PRINCE EXILED. London, November 10, n-45 a.m. In order to punish Ins cousin Prince Joachim Albrecht for his intended morganatic marriage with an Austrian actress the Kaiser has told him off to duty i.i Demaraland.
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  • 57 1 A SURPLUS >F »,500,0u0. London, November 10, 11-45 a.m. Speaking at Latamai, :hc Italian Minister ol the Treasury announced that the year would dose with the handsome surplus of Jjz, 500, 000. It was proposed to increase the military expenditure for ten years by j£i 6o,ooo mainly
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  • 28 1 STILL UNRECOVEKED. LoncJon, November 10, »j p.m. Princess Royal |has not yet recovered from the effects ot the operation pel formed on her two months ago,
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  • 383 1 MADAME SARAH GRAND'S HEERY PHILOSOPHY. A crowded audience at the Bishops natc Institute listened to an address by Mmc. Sarah Grand on "The Art of 1 (appiness recently. Mmc Sarali Grand said in that region of impression which influenced thought and action there ivai nothing more
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  • 510 1 A Burma Business Man Restored To Health A. Energy dr. Williams" pink pills Here is further striking cvidena that curt-- effected by I >r. Williams I'ink i>ii]s for i> a o People arc pcrman em cures. About .1 yeai ago Mi Ravi I, Manager ot the
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 129 1 Own vIAI 0 G ,FT BOOKS FOR BOYS GIRLS A I LITTLE'S LITTLE Co., j LIMITED. \«MHIHiVMHM# Special Offer BY BEST MAKER. ja^ mj^^^ Perambulator ickcr body. I A VS^BS^SI Strong springs Jk^l upholster, d >/ ill seat two mi^^— cinldren. \N. NAVY BLUE, LIGHT AND DARK GREEN. Cannot be
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    • 294 1 Howarth^Erskine^ Ensipeers apd Contractors. (ELECTRICAL IWSTALLATIONS. Telephone 23. Telegrams ERSKINE." «^^«-^^w^ ART NEEDLE WORK One of the Finest and Largest n^sif^ws Blactrk Fans in very Bedroom Fi niAICP FIT DOT f Buildings in I'enang Cuieine and Ctterino under rLUfftn UC.rU I Entirely under European Supervision of an European I Management.
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  • 482 2 The Eastern Daily Mail. PRICE 5 CENTS. MONDAY. 12TH NOVEMBER. PUBLIC EXPENDITURE It would seem that the enquiry into the Army stores >candal has resulted in a wise measure, 'hat of having officers trained in Economics under responsible commands in the Army Service Corps. The amplest definition of Economics is.
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  • 108 2 SIR W H. HYNDMAN-JONES The following wire was received on Friday by His Excellency the Governor from Lord Elgin, the Secretary of State for the niesLondon, November S, 1906. It gives me much pleasure to inform you that His Majesty has been graciously pleased to
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  • 664 2 Phe foundations of the extension of St. Joseph's Institution are being pushed on apace. Brother Michea), the princi pal, obviously means busineM I in American cruisers which arrived in our harbour on Friday afternoon are expected to leave for Manila on Wednesday. Rear Admiral Brownson has his flag on board
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  • 789 2 rHE PARADE From an early hour, on Friday mornfrom all d.rect.ons wending their wav towards the Racecourse where tin- cere monial parade was to be h, Id. Inoic I heterogeneous assembly it would be hard to find. From dayixeak larse numbers of the Singapore public gatli ed
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  • 178 2 I he F.M.S. Railway authorities have started laying the new So lbs. rails from Ipoh to kota Bahru, which distance about fourteen miles, is down for completion in this Year's estimates. Mr. H. u. Kichard>, Assistant Engineer, is in charge of the work, which is progressing most satisfactorily. Mr. Barton
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  • 227 2 DR. CHALMERS REPORT. <WAkl ""1,,,,, 1 *l »PP led i, v Hi inquire into &>a and dead en °ugh for the .m, I volumin, I mou S piU ma,,., mod) I apj K ii, I and much si I sheeted which would: carry. j t u I dinaryW, t through.
    Times of Ceylon  -  227 words
  • 149 2 NATURE'S PR< BY MAN Interest lh<" tniiicd by I Marblt I n figu ing the di heavy, it raarble can < pany's meth< shown by the w.< ns "ii view n i that those n thod from lir to a remark; paring well I was particula
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 302 2 WHISKIES. Dews 0 the Glen. Monarch 0' the Glen The Old Brigade. Rare Old Blend. Very Old Highland Blend. Extra Special Finest Liqueur. Robert Macdonald. -lub Bahru. j V.O.S. Choice Old Matured. PRICES OR PRICE LIST ON APPLICATION. j N'.B. In Hulk, I logsheads, Quarter i aski and < teUves.
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    • 198 2 FRESH I GRAPES. lilO cents per lb. OR PACKED IN 5 lb. WOOD BOXES FOR POSTING TO F. M. S. AND ELSEWHERE. PER BOX $2-00 POSTAGI FREE $2.50 Outport friends arc requested to send remittance with order, if not THOMPSON, THOMAS Co., THE AUSTRAL/AN STORES. THE QUEEN OF TABLE WATERS
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  • 1377 3 C. C. 7.. 5. R. c. These two teams met in an aU-dav match on Friday last with the S R C helding. Dunman and Reid were the first in at the wicket for the S C C and hit out merrily till the score had reached 00 when
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  • 371 3 H ARMSTON' S CIRCUS. Saturday night saw a record house to witness a record performance, at the above excellent place of entertainment. Tis safe to say that never in Singapore, nay, or anywhere in the Orient, has there ever been a troupe of acrobats that could hold a candle to
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  • 1037 3 OPENED BY H. E. THE GOVERNOR. At 4 p.m. this afternoon the long, talked of and much-discussed Arts and Crafts Exhibition was opened in the City Hall, with all due ceremony, by his Excellency the Governor, Sir Matthew Nathan, k CM g. The City
    Hongkong Telegraph  -  1,037 words
  • 678 3 HOW CHEMISTRY IS SOMETIMES THE HANDMAID OF NATURE. Scents are not what they seem, was the moral of the address on the Distillati )ii r>f Perfumes from Flowers," given recently by Mr. John C. Umney before the members of the Royal Horticultural Society. Many of the
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  • 78 3 Oumg to the recent great and continuous rise in the price of bar silver, the Siamese Government has decided, as a protei tive measure, to increase the exchange value of the tical to is. od.. equal to 13 1,3 ticals to the pound sterling. The change is to
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  • 160 3 COMMISSION RETURNS FROM JAPAN. Canton, ist November. h will be remembered by your readers, do doubt, that some time ago H. E. Viceroy Shum seni a Commission of Investigation, under Chan < hang Wa. mandarin, to Japan, to inquire into Japanese agricultvrai methods, and with instructions to make
    Hongkong Telegraphic  -  160 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 468 3 H. S. KIRWANS TANK ROAD LIVERY, RACING, COMMISSION STABLES I (OPPOSITE RAILWAY STATION) I A new building specially built for stables, absolutely sanitary and ii|>-to-dat«j I Accommodation for Horses and U.irriges by day, week, or month at Popular Prices I 1 Kxtra large loose boxes for Race lIiWIM. abo a
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  • 1339 4 HEIR m Mil- I HRONE OF AMBODI RECENTI VIN CEYLON. rhonu 1 lv< necenUi learned a ««Odeal about the King of Cambodia, both from the continenUl press and our own experience ofhim, we have MOt s en a remarked upon that His Cambodian Maiestj liolds his sceptre
    Times of Ceylon  -  1,339 words
  • 160 4 H H. Amahudin, the Crown Pi rods u ed lay from Taiping. rh<- Tungku intends motoring to Kampar to-morrow and thence go on to Kuala Lumpur. nth thc I Prime of Deli married in the Astana thc daug the e\ -Sultan Pcrak \\bdullah Mahomed Shah
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  • 139 4 ENORMOUS LOSS meeting of the General Committee of tiit Pyphoon KeliefFund was belt': the office <>f Sir PauJ C'hate-, the chairmai :th instant, »hich thi of the Sub-Cnm-.-idered. The >u V L)-Conimittee have been constani i ;n considering claims diet and and in all hav« late received
    Hongkong Telegraph  -  139 words
  • 319 4 hit Pioneer" of Allahabad says: On every account the public will he glad to know that a telegram has been received from home announcing that Mr. Alexander G. Fraser, Principal of Trinity College, Kandy. Ceylon has been pronouncedcured of the hitherto fatal malady tor
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 217 4 > Recreation Hotel 1° SERANGOON ROAD, TR i //r rv V% I Has excellent a commodatioi >manent boarder-. "nip,,. m i Airy moms with Verandah and hath I cV > «OOD TAB LE t WINES I V Prices moderate which may be iscei 'I I Joe F. de rnun» m
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 1760 4 Qsfastsfasf^B^*^^ <»jJB' u^\ SHIPPING NEWS. "TT"I^C?C!"I7T Ct Rhenania, Hongkone. Dec. 19; Behn Hyt Lconn, Brit str. 295 ton-, Capt V JjJ&QIl'-l-^ Meyer. Perry, ioth Nov. From Port SwettenRood, Hongkong, Nov. 26; B. Meyer ham, Bth Nov. G.c, and 129 d.p. Straits Tj'"V r "P HiliT^ Hj If Rio Jun Maru,
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  • 2766 5 s eylon i- thr idcnt tint has took place Fruit j>.m pears to have from that been IUOVt and away lent took t m •»l««mbo ll) iW seem that the transferred trom ;o n.m. tram had vvhi j e the passengers ed to the JUthen
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  • 717 5 a ei Number n., rr. r of Canital Snh«u- bed nf Issue Pai <* d aysat *a| CaPltlU *> übBCbed I g^ Value up to Rcservt Comia.n QuoUtiom prCMni GOLD. 1900 *175.000 $140,000 3.sOO^Sued $I Bersawah G. M. ;1 v lcrs 1903 /400.000 £350,000 3SSS» W $I
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  • Commercial.
    • 134 5 Gambicr buyers 6.90 Pepper, Black (ordinary Singapore) 18.50 do White, Fair LW. 5 poi rent. 35**5 Sago Sarawak Flour 2.90 do Brunei No. 1 2.90 Pearl Sago, small ..5.40 Coffee, Bali 164 per cent. buyers 3 pet cent. 19.00 Coffee Palembang, 20 percent, basis 22.50 Coffee, Liberian No. 1
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    • 64 5 On London. Bank im s Demand d<». 6ms Private i m s (t OnGermmny. Bankdd I'matc 3 m s On Hongkong. Bank .1 d j |>cr cent dls On Shanghai Bank <l *l T India Council I>ill^ last i^-^m' Discount Bpercem per an. liank i»i Kngland discount rate i»
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 515 5 TO-lUIGHT. Monday, 12ih Nov. 1906. €brakcm Dardarp. Opera Indra Jaya The Johar Ma'nikam Theatrical Company of Singapore WILL PUT ON THE STAGE AT THE ALEXANDRA HALL North Bridge Road. M. OMAR, Director 6 Sole Proprietor. m. Bolter, 69, A.VSON ROAD. Telephone No. 398. Just Landed a Fresh Stock oj\Pickled Herrings
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  • 1047 6 IK»\V AND WIIKKI lUK STATE MAKES ITS MONEY Curioaitj is a bad trail in a man's char* id, 1 ■"i j oramon. fherc are, of courw m.t.-v happy peraooa wh<> have no curiosiij, are oontenl to go their own way and to let other people
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  • 519 6 there is one flower which all humanty loves the violet -And yet thissame dainty violt is the emblem of the Bonapartes. It was the favorite flower of the great Corsican who flooded the whole of Europe in blood, and crushed rebellious France, that he might
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  • 230 6 1 Hiring September 6,599 third class Kailway passengers travelled from I crak to Penang and 6,545 in the opposite direction. Master and servant cases arc of rommon occurrence, but there is one kind ot case sometimes arising in Bangkok which is not quite so common and which involves serious hardship
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 692 6 BANKS. Hongkong i Shanghai Banking Corporation. PAID-UP CAWTAI *10.000,000 RESERVE FL'ND Sterling Reserve JJJ^JJJJ *20/250,v)n0 Silver Kest'rve 9W,ziK),(AAJ Reserve Lial, 1T.,,, „t,»rs $10,000,000 Court of Directors. A ll.iupt. Ks(] Chahjaan. lion v W Dickson Dejtuty-C-liainnan. E Goetz, -q. H E tomkiaa Esq. C R. Lenmunn, D. M. Nissim, fcsq. GI!
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    • 615 6 NOTICES. G. A. Fernandez Co. No. 6 D* Almeida Street. LICENSED AUCTIONEERS, SURVEYORS, ARCHITECTS, APPRAISERS, AND HOUSE AGENTS. Charges and Commission will be found moderate. *)-8 06. u.c. For Sale Privately. Two full sized billiard tables by Hirroughfs Watts, complete. Can be seen at our sale-room No. 6 D' Almeida
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    • 309 6 Dr. S. IWATSUBO, Dental Surgeon. Mo. 1 Raffles Place. Hours oj consultation 9 a.m. to 12 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. (Or by appointment.) 3/8/06. tc 2/2/07. rop Sale. This is the time to get ready for Christmas. Why wait till the last hour when you now have time to
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    • 457 6 E p M 1 WANTED. WANTia) for a Rubbcr Estatc lamil Dresser or Chinese able to speak Tamil Application with copies of certificates be ,ddressed to M. b. 330, c/o this paper. WANTED, A young lady teacher to take cham ot and educate in English a child of 4 years
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    • 185 6 -^^tu. ETC 0. nificent clii, A Mountain h£ Aplaci An attractive ho CHEAP R E t URn T.CKETS Tn First Saloon M C()l(w Z ■J::r i ■mngcant, u h ««j|g stra, ft F °r further partici P &O.S.H i»t March, 1906. "^»i. Japane* ,V) CHARGES MOOER» T F'H.m 7 am
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