Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser, 9 November 1906

Total Pages: 6
1 6 Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser
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  • 138 1 Rcutcr's Agency wires (By submarinr telegraph.) CHINA AND THE CUSTOMS. I'm Thin End »>i mi Wnxa London, November 10-35 a.m. At the dinner of the China Association in London, Mr. Richard S. Gundryi < the President, said he was convinced that the policy of the Chinese was
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  • 31 1 A 55,000 MAJOR! IV London, Novembei 8, 10-25 am. The Republican candidate Mr Hughes was elected the Governor ol New York by a majority of 55,00c votes.
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  • 37 1 The Duke of Connaught' s Eastern Tour. THE I)l\ MESS AND I'RINc ESS PATRICIA ACCOMPANY. London, November 8, 10-25 a.m. I'lie Duchess of Connaught and the Princess Patricia accompany the Duke of Connaught in hi- Eastern tour.
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  • 41 1 WITH NIL STRAITS SE'ITLEmen rs London, November S. 10-^5 a.m. Letters Patent, which include the Colony of Labuan in the Straits Settlements, has been gazetted. Labuanhas been up to row administered by the British North Borneo C><. 1
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  • 27 1 nil-: second a >mmand. London. November 8, 11.30 a.m. Sir Reginald Neville distance has been appointed to the second command of the Channel tlect.
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  • 48 1 DISORDER QUELLED. London, November 8, 1 1-30 a.m. Four hundred malcontents of Portsmouth have been dratted into the -hips in the harbour. Four hundred marines slept in the Naval barracks at Portsmouth last night ready to deal with any disorder. But everything is now «jnict.
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  • 69 1 PRESIDEN r ROOSEVELT^ DEC ISION. Disarming Negroi s. London, Novembers, ii.3o a.m. President Roosevelt dismissed the whole ot the twenty lilth Negro Battalion, because they refused to disclose the culprits in the rioting at Brownsville at Texas in August 1905, which resulted in the killing of
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  • 25 1 )L' rH AFRICANS BEA'I OXFORD London, November 8, 1 \.so a.m. Hie South African Rugby Football team beat tford by -'4 points to
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  • 53 1 A JEWISH COLLEGE AT CALCUTTA London, November 8, ;-;> p m I 'he will <»t' M. Belilioi was proved to be worth 8275,934 in property in Hongkong whereol I sue to hU -^ons, has been bequeathed to found a free Jewish Colh _c .u Calcutta under the
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  • 92 1 PRESIDEN r ROOSEVEJ I "S HANDS STRENGTHENED. London, November 8, 5.55 o.m. All the State officials of New York were Democrats who also won man}' scats in the State Assembly a*, also in Congress. 1 hey have regarded the defeat o i Hearst as personal The victory
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  • 843 1 IRISH SCIENTISTS AMUSING THEORY now scientist ha- arisen who is ready to argue with anybody or anythin:; thai the e trth is stationary. His name is Mr. M. K. Ryan, the editor of the new monthly publication called Ci Engineering, which is a serious paper with
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  • 65 1 according to reports appearing m the recent subterranean upheavals in South America are believed to have caused considerable modification on some [>;hn ol the Portuguese coast line. The great tidal wave, which wrecked Dumber «>t vessels and cans* <:il the loss ol nuu lives, was followed \>\ the uprearing ol
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 135 1 X MAS WBDS O SI VGE lN UNB'V ALLED SELECTION HTTP'S QohN LITTLE Co., I IMITFn kaHMMM^ Speck// Gfler I DCovember. I BY BEST MAKER. j Perambulator I NO 100 f exact as illustration f II r ifl ffa»rf "^W Strong >p.mgs I V v Will scat two I NAVY
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    • 201 1 Ho warth E r ski ne Ep§i peers aod Contractors. ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS. w^ w---^ l-w^ l^ lM^^ ART NEEDLE WORK j One of the FinMt and Largttt Electric Fan* in very Bedroom Fl f|\A/FR DFPfIT Buildings in l'enang SS^Bfi^^; Cuitine atui Catering under iLwlf Lll Wti U 1 Entirely under
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    • 33 1 JOHN LITTLE CO LTD Bow < hurN Annual Girls Own An mm II I 11 UHOX iMFAim M \<- \zini Cm M! ALSO a LAR6I SI 1 BCTIOK 01 GIFT BOOKS FOR BOYS GIRLS LITTLE'S
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  • 839 2 The Eastern Daily Mail. PRICE 5 CENTS. FRIDAY, 9TH NOVEMBER. THE MALACCA LANDS ORDINANCE BILL. The Malacca Lands Ordinance Bill was read for a second time in the Legislative Council on Wednesday and the remarks of the Hon. Hugh Fort and the Hon W. Shelford are worth careful perusal. The
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  • 344 2 Elsewhere we reproduce from the Malay Mail some extr from the report of the ceremony of laying the foundation-stone ot the St. John's Institution at Kuala Lumpur b> the Resident Mr. H. Conway Belfield. That report reminds us of the good work that is being carried on
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  • 113 2 in our issue of the r o th ultimo, there appeared a parag,ra P h g' vin g the impression that Chinese girls were being hawked about for sale. The instance referred to by the writer of the paragraph seemed 0 him to convey that interpretation,
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  • 824 2 To-ihi,f being Hie Majesty ikt K'ttKjs Birthday Uteri will be no oj tfu- paper tomorrow. Co-day being the anniversary ot the birth-day of His Majesty the King the savings ban!, and the itk >ne\ i >rder branch of the Post Office will be closed. The General Post Office and the
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  • 159 2 H I 1 and I I I I i I ban] I just I I I I I I mod I tion in t,in N 1 he all I I I him M thcii I A up p I 1 I Fhe I I i I was
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 232 2 (FRESH GRAPES. i|o cents per lb. PACKED IN 5 lb. WOOD BOXES FOR POSTING TO PER BOX 200 POSTAGE FREJ $2.50 Outport friends are requested to send renritUnce with order, it no t in Deposit Account. THOMPSON, THOMAS Co., THE AUSTRALIAN STORES. PECIAL OFFER. IN ORDER TO INTRODUCE Beatson, Mclieod
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    • 382 2 WHISKIES. SCOTCH. Dews 0' the Glen. Monarch 0' the Glen The Old Brigade. Rare Old Blend. Very Old Highland Blend. Extra Special Finest Liqueur. Robert Macdonald. Club Bahru. Club Whisky. 0. D S. V.O.S. (Choice Old Matured.) PRICES OR PRICE LIST ON APPLICATION. N.B. —In Bulk. Hogsheads. Quarter Casks and
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    • 24 2 WANTED. Clerks temporary Wanted. Must be rapid and good writer.-. Dr. William-' Medicine ('ov. Cmvm ttagh B *-idgf Stnga/»> re ,-ii-o'>. to 15-1 r-06.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 100 2 COMING EVENTS. To-day, 9tb High Water BJ9 a.. 2.40 p. King Edward VH's Kirtbday. P"t ank Holiday Moon. Last Quarter. 4.40 p.m. Harrison Parade on Race Course Hockey. Esplanade. 5 p.m. Raffles HotH Dinner. Swimming Club Carnival. Birthday Ball. Victoria Hall. Hamisfon's Circus. 9. 1' <N: O. outward mail due
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  • 184 3 Kl OF MORPHIA. ec Benp mm •u^is in Beach I l large pore tor anding it here ss i>tj Govern- received on tor Wilson, teen large fhe packets had them which, from the best d to be the Whole■i Toll." On the Lately there imitations which inVrior ol
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  • 540 3 s C C. v. R g A. A large crowd assembled on the Lsp anadc last evening to witness a football match between the R G A and the S. C. C. Play commenced with the MMitarv team (who were minus their goalkccoer Myers) defending the cathedral £S and
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  • 93 3 The following properties were sold at auction on Wednesday ths 7th instant, at Messrs G. A Fernandez saleroom. Freehold land and houses, situate at Weld Road known as No. 7, 8. apd 9 area 31S1 sq ft. bought by H.Somapah tcr *****. Eight freehold building allotments situate off
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  • 25 3 >m Korat of an In. It is i <~currwe understand, with the came Sraddock left for stigate the >try of the
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  • 98 3 recently made ml She made up ine :i Johore •ed her. she irther sum <>t U mpi ui 5 o'clock g tiie oil I Phe I tock oued for, but got the done. bj the mmenda*ill publish a new on I »ct. :i, <<■:/ oj ike British hi flue nAthelstane
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  • 384 3 Further inquiries regarding rice crop prospects in Siam confirm thegeneial impression that the crop, with some local variations, will be comparatively poor. From a well informed authority \ve gather that in central and western Si tm the crops will be bad. I'p north. beyond Paknampoh ptMpßCtf are
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  • 700 3 AN INTERESTING CERKMONY. roi dation -stone of the new school building al St. John's Institu- tion was laid on Saturday afternoon ReS dem <** C >' B tl er James said they were as- sembied to witness a highly intererting ceremony and he thanked the co npany
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  • 322 3 GIRLS WHO DON' T KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH THEIR LEGS. 1 here are many ways of standing, beloved of feminine fifteen, says a writer in the Manchester Guardian." A very favourite way is to stand on one leg, like a stork, with the other curled round it. Another way
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  • 489 3 In many schools the expense of start ing and maintaining even a mini "hire rifle-range rrrakes rifle-shooting impossible. Colonel F. I. Maxse, in the National Review, first shows the almost prohibitive outlay which would be necessary for universal rifle-pract-ice in schools, and then outlines a capital alternative
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  • 450 3 An interesting work entitled With Lord Kitchener against the Mahdi will shortly be published by a Berlin publishing house. The writer, Major Adolf von Tiedemann, who accompanied the Sudan expedition as represertative of the Berlin general staff, gives the following impressions, says the Nuremberg correspondent of
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  • 630 3 "Literature and the Living Voice' is the title of a very suggestive paper in the Contemporary Review by Mr \V. B. Yeats. It i^ a plea for the emancipation of literature from the tyranny ot the printing press— a claim that <ar and
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  • 337 3 RAIL AND STEAMSHIP SERVICES IN SIAM. The Ramntof Trmde Journal, (Sept. publisher the following notes 11. M. Consul at Bangkok (Mr. W. R. I). Beckett) forwards particulars c a new French line of steamer- between Bangkok, Indo-China and China ports. The line is to be run by the Compagnii des
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  • 59 3 AWARD SIX MONTHS' DIVIDEND. Messrs. Donaldson and Burkinshaw, solicitors to the Tanjong Pagar Dock Company, Limited, have received the following telegram from ..ondon "Award 291,414 additional and costs Di uces." From this it appears that the shareholders get $7-87 per share. The costs of the London lawyer^
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  • 78 3 k'he (ioirrumciit >azdte of the 28h inst. notilies the appointment of H K. Phya visutr KoM as Siamese Minister to Great Britain, Holland, and Belgium, in succession to H. E. Phya Raja Nuprabandh. Siam Observer. A New York telegram states that Frederick Cowan and his bride, a
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 456 3 it I H. S. KIRWANS TANK ROAD LIVERY, RACINC, COMMISSION STABLES (OPPOSITE RAILWAY STATION A new buildiiiK specially built for itabta, ibtolatel NUlitarj 1(l iM»-to-<laic Accommodation tor Horses and Carrifics by day, wookor monln.it Popular I'ruvsI Kxtra large loose l>oxet for Race ft«>rses; ale I KiiUblj equlped tad well i
      456 words

  • 1155 4 In the Stock Markets Russians" dropped I ilj Sad to relate, they have fallen on evil days. 1 lii a man u» be sliol al fo asks a daily paper. Many men ought to be -hot i'Mi.u befel An Lkkok. Phen is believed to be an error
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  • 182 4 A meeting wa« heM in the pren Ass ciation, Anglo-Tami! Scanggong Road, on Saturday Mr and Mrs Ik Kickard, Mr. Carter, R. A. 11. C and a large number of members and friends. Then were tour reading- by four of the members the first ol
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  • 208 4 Mr. Angus Hamilton, who ha> a short article in the Lady's Realm for October on Lite at the Amir's Court, tells how the present Amir put a stop to the picturesque dre— of the Afghan women. I'roud of their prepossessing qualitiethe women of Afghanistan have
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  • 271 4 A Foreign Office report on Bangkok has some interesting remarks on the finance ot the country. The rise in silver which occurred in 1805 has not been without its effect upon the monetary -ystem of the country. Ihe efforts ot the Siamese Government to bring the ttcal up
    Daily Graphic  -  271 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 183 4 > Recreatioi, Hotel Has excclleni pccommodatioii for l(m v >manent boardri ■>. lef nporary a y Airy rooms with Verandah and bath GOOD TABLE WINES > ?TiCea moderate which ma > > Joe F CONCEICAO v y^v yv -> Nofjc|rr ESTABLISHED "^TfTg? v 1903 THE BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM PUBLISHED EVERY
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 1640 4 SHIPPiNG NEWS. VESSELS VESSELS IN PORT. mailsjmse. EXPECTED MERCHANT VESSELS. For Pe^ Earner Time Kelantan and .V,,,,,-, /V,,, Probable 4m of Am* Ayutl^ Brk str 6^ tonSf Capt H Patan ln Will o' the Wisp am and Agents. Curtis, ist Nov. From Calcutta, 20th j apan Benlomond 1 am Uct
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  • 600 5 PUCK OF POOK'S HILL." I tKIP UNOSNEWBOO K I KipHng is always Ju n he is k no moral do n<»t of "The Army 5s his inng, or his Imperial- l 3 to childno rivalry, .V. one written "The his latt uk not a s earliei effort part •>' evi
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  • 224 5 S< 'T 111 AFRICAN LABOUR QUESTION WILL RICH I ITSELF. Presiding at a meeting of the d \ictoria Mines, at which a Ime for amalgamation with the Deep, South Gcldenhuis p. and Rand Victoria East Mines was approved, Lord Teynham attribu:ed the necessity for amalgamation to the
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  • 443 5 When a Malabari starts to build himself a bouse, i correspondent of Indian Et ■■'■^g, he is not particular how long it tikes before the house is ready for occupation, but he every possible precaution, which his astrologers and his shastras lay down, to preclude
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  • 1023 5 A DIALOGUE THAT MIGHT BE TRUE. slir '!)S lishubad(Ethcl I said as I place PICCC f ancient -'ooking Ethel looked up from her plate with a start. Bad she said. I think you are mistaken Jack." vu *l°\ T C h room for a mistake here. 1
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  • Commercial.
    • 76 5 hi l.ondmi. Bank im > 1»cn,a,,,l d<>. 6ms Private 3 m O// Germany. Bank <1 <1 Private ;m s 7' 44 (»;i ■>/!;/»,• Bank d£d EVivatc in 1 do 6ms m Oh Imka. Bank 1.1. 1 1\ ate >^-> 'I On Hongkong. Batik d d j )C1 ccnL dj^
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    • 155 5 Gam bier buyers 0.90 do Cube No. 1 10.75 Copra, Bali <).<)o do Pontianak „30 l J epper, Black (ordinary >iwgaporc) 15.50 do White, Fair LW. percent. 25.2$ Sago Sarawak Flour 2.90 do Brunei No. 1 n _>.yo Pearl Sago, small M 5.40 Coffee, Bali 16J percent buyers 3
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  • 590 5 SI Capital Subscbed 2l S|fs] R j y— 5r IiHJU; 175 .000 M o,ooo j 3,soo 'uSed BoMWh G. M. Co. U* sWIc-r, H^«» £350,000' ijjSu T D,,, f i3ev0,0,,,,,,,;,,,. TIW y-r 11 tontl *^> 20,000 $10 $10 Kadana G. M. 0.. Ltd. 2*oo sellers 190L $300,000
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 610 5 GOD SAVE THE KING. IN HONOUR Or H. M. King Edward VII. BIRTH DA Y To-night Nor. 9th 1906 AT THE ALEXANDRA HALL North Bridge Road OPERA INDRA JAYA THE JOHAR MA'NICK,M THEATRICAL Co OF SINGAPORE. Well patronised in every clime it has visited. 4 GOLD MEDALS 4 BY SKOAL
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  • 566 6 A r\VEN i11.,* EN I URY CONCEI'I I ill R| IS NOI lllNt. M W I NDEH 1111 Si I iir phn down t<> me through laid down laughed in tin i! my knowThe i;;'( lhc Vanderl vasl concoui ectators. Tlieevi ncd bv tl:. serious ii 1
    566 words
  • 175 6 ure .ntributc- to a very short paper, but one that is full of do says There is a mo-; remarkable lau which has a -rear bearing ou the llon f and that law •ximatc equality, in nearly earth, ofthe numbei rl infants, of boy. and girls and
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 403 6 N^iykong Banking Corporate PAID4JP I I HAL *i0,000,000 RESERVE KUND Sterling R< iW OO^* lh> 9"20,'250,.Hh) Silver K.->- 10(^ )IK X) Reserve Li 10 00U e)00 Court of Directors. Haupt, Esq Chairman. E.Goet; Tomkinsfv.,. C. R. Li .^m Ks.,. Al. Raym s Mx London RstnkUT Lo Con ty Ltd. INTEREST
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    • 645 6 j G. A. Fernandez Co. <Vo. 6 DTAhnttda Street. LICENSED AUCTIONEERS, SURVEYORS, ARCHITECTS, APPRAISERS, AND HOUSE AGENTS. Charges and Commission will be found moderate. 9-8-06. u.c. I AUGTION SALE OF VALUABLE CHINESE FURNITURE TO lit: HELD AT No. 1/0, Chin Swst Road Off Havelock Road On Saturday, 10th Nov. 1906
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    • 281 6 Dr. ft. IWATSUBO, Dental Surgeon. Mo. 1 Raffles Place. Hours oj consultation 9 a.m. to 12 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. (Or by appointment.) For Sale. 'I his is the time to get ready for Christmas. Why wait till the last hour when you now have time to fatten up
      281 words
    • 384 6 F i!i!!LE, w~^ WANTEO, \V AN T EI) for Rubber Esute Tamil Dresser or Chii able to speak Tamil Application w copies of certiiicate.t.. be addrei to If. S. 330, c/o this paper. WANTED. A young lady teacher to take change of and educate in English a child of 4
      384 words
    • 110 6 0. A A p CHEAP RETURN TiCKCTS Tr noun Tour Tickets C Reducad I s^ Fo P 0. S. N. ISt M I »*»r, Japa CHARGES MODERATE Fpom 7 am. to 5 Pll NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS I W e s be ereatk lt > v change i requirui in their^
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