Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser, 8 November 1906

Total Pages: 6
1 6 Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser
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  • 62 1 Reuter's Agency wires (By submarine telegraph.) SITUATION INCREASING IN GRAVITY. Frekch sailors stoned at Tangier^. London, November 7th, j 1-48 a.m. The existing iwirtst in Morocco is in creasing. On a boat from a French cruiser ap proaching the pier at Tangier*) the crew were stoned and hooted by
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  • 48 1 STRONG PROTEST LODGED BY SPAIN Depredations by Raislli's Mi n London, November 7, 11-48 a.m. Men belonging to the force raised by Raisuli seized the power station of the Spanish Electric Lighting Company at Arzila. Spain has lodged a strong protest against this action.
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  • 35 1 FRENCH OFFICERS KILLED. Also Forty Native Troops. London, Nove nber, 7. 1 1-48 a.m. Two French officers and forty native riflemen were killed by an attackmade on them by party of Moors.
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  • 40 1 ORIENTAL SCHOOL INSPECTED In San Francisco. London, November 7, 11-48 a.m. Mr. Metcalfe, a special Commissioner appointed by President Roosevelt, accompanied the Japanese Consul on a tour of inspection of the Oriental Scht>ol> established in San Francisco.
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  • 36 1 COMPLAIN OF BOYCOn Akl i.lVl N A Hh \KIN<.. LondoD, November 7. 11-48a.n1 A deputation of Japanese restaurant keepers was also received. The}* complained of the boycott to which they were being subjected.
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  • 80 1 CONTINUED DISCUSSION ON AMENDMENTS. ChARACTI K ui BILJ ALMO6I rRAMSFORMED. London, November 7. 11-48 a in. The Lords have continued their discussion on the amendments to the Education Bill, the character of which is now almost entirely transformed. Non-Conformists Garrulous. A conference of the non-Conformist councils, held
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  • 80 1 STOKERS ATTACK OFFICERSQUARTERS. Marines Overpower Riotfrs. London, November 7th, noon Further disturbance* have occurred, in the naval barracks at Portsmouth. The row started at midnight and wa* continued up to two o'clock inthemorning. Hundreds ot stokers attackrd the ntiicers'quarters, of which they smashed the windows. They
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  • 48 1 The Duke of Connaught's Tour ITINKRARY IS INDIA. CEYLON AND HONGKONG Will Si&ri im Deci mber. London, November 7. 2.34. p.m. The Duke of Coonaught starts early in December m an unofficial tour through Ceylon and thence to I longkong, after he has concluded his visit through India.
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  • 43 1 REPUBLICANS TO THE FORE ili ami may .{i Defka n i'. London, November 7th, 2.34 p.m. Ihe latest returns to hand show that the Republican candidate, Mr. Hughes may be elected by a narrow majority, thu> defeating tbeDcroocrmck candidate, Mr. Hearst.
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  • 471 1 Mr. Khi.hi.m Smowden, in the f'all Mali Maf*mm y declares that London's ga den stretches from cool Midlothiau to the Mcdiui i.iiic.;ii hca." But the garden of which hr >|>eaks is (Jo vent Garden, and he gives a very vivid picture of the development of the market and
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  • 151 1 SEPTEMBER OUTPU I. The output w.i^ 2,669,(7 pikula nj;ain>l 3,458.7.; pikuls in the month before. The approximate value of* the Metal was returned at 1*41,439.49 on which duty amounting to 621,633.13 was collected. fhe average price of tin was 590.44 per pilcul with duty at 524.30 per bhai
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  • 182 1 Mr GoMwin Smith writes a wellbalanced article <>n British Empire in India British Empire in India is i n „o danger of being brought to an end by i Russian invasion. It does not seem to be in much danger of being brought to an
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 136 1 GIFT BOOKS f0P BOVS* G .RLS LITTLE'S fj5S LITTLE CoTl V t I LIMITED. iSpeeia/ Gfter i for uLovember. OV OCCT MAtf CD D i LJ K— «J I IVI Hr\ C r». v ■■jHMW^^^^ yred wheel> xSBm H^ai Strong springs i >v > /i upholstend JF W\\\ seat two
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    • 194 1 Howarth Erskine Ei?git>eers apd Contractors. ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS. Telephone 2-i. Telegrams ERSKINE." ART NEEDLE WORK I AND J One of the FlitMt and LargMt Electric F«n» in \cry Bedroom pi |"|IA/CD RPPfIT Buildings in Henan^ S^Wffl^^ 1 Cuisine ami Catering under ri-UlwCrl W l l U I Entirely under EHropaan f^P\^^l
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  • 761 2 The Eastern Daily Mail. PRICE 5 CENTS. WEDNESDAY, 8th NOVEMBER. THE MOROCCAN IMBROGLIO. His Sherifian Majesty, for sure, has not been relieved of any of the internal and foreign complications of his State, and yesterday Reuter informed us that the state of affairs in Morocco was one of unrest. While
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  • 933 2 Ihe Imperial edict which has announced postponement of Constitutional Government until a more convenient season adduces as a reason for this step the fact that "the understanding of the masses is very limited," and enacts as an essential preliminary to parliamentary representation the p motion and encouragement
    N.C.D. News  -  933 words
  • 139 2 On Tuesday morning, then- vv i interruption of tram traffic ai Jala Sultan. It arose from a derailment due to the sinking of a new rail. The derailed car slowed itself across the lines so as to block both. Cars arrived from both sides and there they remained
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  • 95 2 HISCRUS J four. I the Pope tol cyclical ol which i ally that the I, acquainted Immaculate solat,,, n its contem, ever pure his character. I piety nnd! the purek worldl 3 •mination r Gregory VII., face HI lliisn n i- graduall) conflict with in Frai it
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  • 4 2
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  • 186 2 To I SIK, \V authoril j<.\ t as 1 out tri\ of paint 1 1 inevitable couni law ot beat w W ha\ fivi four onl> our belief t.;at il unmixed link, publi To accora «au .c a> OUT! I alwaj I ins on to J I I
    H.P.K.  -  186 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 705 2 WHISKIES, [fresh Dews 0' the Glen. Monarch 0' the Glen. I The Old Brigade. Rare Old Blend. I CWItS PCr Ib Very Old Highland Blend. Extra Special Finest Liqueur. I r U. Club Whisky. 0. D.S. I PACKED IN 5 Ib. WOOD BOXES FOR POSTING TO V.O.S. Choice Old Matured.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 79 2 COMING EVENTS. Q To-day, Stb P. O. Mail Homeward closes. Anglo-Chinese School Coleman-st. Mr. Alexander, 8.45 p. S. V. C. Fencing class, 5-30. Adelphi Hotel. Birthday Dinner. To-morrow 9th High Water -3.30, a., 2.40 p. King Edward Vll's Birthday. Public and Bank Holiday. Garrison Birthday Parade. Moon. Last Quarter. 4.40
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  • 36 3 DEVICE iftkials o 1 ,th€Mi WM port i familiar -„1 for winch an an awl I familiar the point mination mouldwliich inch and i gave .1 1 he though sti t its disI i
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  • 28 3 SOUTH too Phis I dend i omI- known monds, 5 S in shares cd of cd. or and is f -cut m nc will iras
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  • 41 3 5 their -.lie r CXV g .cm that than a Api I tl had nd I the (ritisii friends As the :lld -Lied lem een V incent the earthai id ie«l I itish lent,
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  • 60 3 itcd i Dp pi ;x:r iat dcr the proi ni la igf are not mean* >l co iree, *hr rains ;lilcs ■be rains calh over, i Idition to i whirl' out- istaiit, n K n i"»t Kirchner, tci t>i < Uard! haplain cmony, Idi.iK party i 4
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  • 258 3 by tire ot the Kecreatio Vat Sa Jcet, s being met by the owner- u th a [jluck end enterprise which deserve tc ignition. A tempo? arj h'^\ is to be put up at once, and it -ccted to be ready first per;b;y I>u rue<--day
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  • 194 3 Sydtmy Dmify Tekgmfk receni published a series <»: articles on food ami liquor adulteration, and the follow ing extract may interest our readers as exposing a system of fraud which i- not entirely uncommon in the Strain among certain second-rate saloons Perhaps <>n< o( the most brazen ems
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  • 555 3 rHE DELIGHTS OF SNAILS FROGS 1 LEGS, AND LOCUS Is Paris calls for two hundred millions ot snail* .very year and this demand is not confined to the masses Snail tarms, or pares, exist in all parts of France, where snails are fed with as much
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 205 3 > Recreation Hotel. < SERANGOON ROAD, TRAMWAY TERMINUS. y Ha.s excellent ccommodation for temporary ind \n>r- *y f Airy rooms with Verandah unc) bath moms complete. V y GOOD TABLE WINES. V Prices moderate which may he ascertained from the Manager. J V Joe F. de G&NCEICAO, f% NOTICE T'
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 1904 3 •^M^^^^\J_^^r^||^'^~-C^2^^^RPw \V SHIPPING NEWS. ■VESSELS VESSELS IN PORT. mails close. TT 1 Y"PT7P l nni7T^ To-day. ±JJT±JT £jKj X HjU MERCHANT VESSELS. For Per Steamer Time Natue, Pori, Prubmbk 4afc of Atrnmi A Patani Will o' the Wisp uam Aa Ayuthta, Brit. str. 694 tons, Capt Hongkong and Curtis, Ist
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  • 974 4 YESTERDAY'S MEETING. The Legislative Council met yesterday at 5.30,p.m. when tnc '°H <)Win B r PRESEMI His Excellence ihe Governor (Sir John •Anderson, r.c.m.g), tl, General Officer Commanding the it. •<•}»-, m 'J° r General K. InigoJoiM the llon'blc the Colonial Secretary ((attain A. H. Young,C«c) lion
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  • 519 4 PHEFT OF JEWELLERY In thk Public Streft. Yesterday was another busy day in the Sup: erne Court, but the number of cases disposed of was small. The first case heard was that ot a Chinaman who was accused of stealing h rin" The first witness called was Swee
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  • 365 4  -  Ihl important subject of reorg.i the existing arrangements of the < j tration of vital statistics is, we understand, engaging the attention ot Government Under the rules now in torce the work devolve- upon the Police Department which is overburdened with its own legitimate duties
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  • 50 4 A Special Meeting of the Municipal omraissioners will be held in the Municipal Board Room on Monday the laUi instant at 2.30 p. m punctually and to consider th'. Resolution and ro.pcctus about new lyjatj and to resume further 1 ;i o f t^ c Budget for I^o7
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  • 76 4 Ihk Siamese name for Syndicateroad, "b Dead Hone-lane (Sanon Ma-iye) a^ no le^- than three ponies have given up the gho^t there, recently It is stated that when livery-stable Weeing wish to get rid of aged and worn out animal*, they lead them up to the bridge over the Klong
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  • 405 4 ALLEGED GAMING HOUSE Yesterday morning, Assistant Superintendent of Police Hawtry, charged Kanataro Yamamoto, Kagajo and Li Ki Peow with assisting in the management of a gambling house. He stated that he and sub-Inspector Kim Swi paid the place a visit on the z st ultimo. They gathered up
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  • 294 4 Mr. Sugimu;.. Japanese Minister to Mexico, commeiits on Japanese emigration to Mexico as follows Emigration to Mexico is extremelv promising, as Mexico has a demand for emigrant- from Japan. 'Hie area of Mexico is tour t'-ne- as large as Japan, ind popul.t- >n B only about
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  • 285 4 LHE Kiiii, r discovered some time ago h^ w.i^ spending no less than ,£3,000 a year on wed lin^ presents The discovery c.ime somewhat .is a surprise to hi^ M ije-ty, and he immediately gave orders thai his expenditure in this direction was to
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  • 809 4 OF THE PENANG MUNICIPALITY. Letter to H. E. Thl Governor. The Committee of the Penang Municipality which met on Friday the 26th October to discuss H. E the Governor's letter with regard to Mr. J. W. Halifax's gratuity decided that the following letter be sent in
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  • 67 4 It is satisfactory to find that at last a witness has had the courage to protest against the kissing oath. Yesterday, Dr. Bourke was called upon to give evidence in Mr. Green's Court. He declined the book and affirmed, remarking that the book produced wa*. not a proper
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  • 114 4 Yesterday morning, at the rehearsal of the ceremonial parade at the Race Course, the Sultan of Johore rode at the head of a party of volunteers from Johore. It will be the first time that we shall have a contingent from Johore at the King's Birthday
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  • 249 4 Mr. F. L. Harris, the American Consul at Chemnitz, in a report to the Bureau of Manufacture-, Department of Commerce, and Labour, at Washington, sajfs that according to reports from German business men in Siam, that country is not only well governed but is yearly presenting ever
    Morning Advertiser  -  249 words
  • 463 4 1 have travelled from Port Arthur to M overland, the journey taking twenty four day-," Mr. A. F. McKenzie said on returning to the Datfy Mail office alter hi.^ tour of investigation in the Far East. The railway, state» 4 he, i> opened for regular
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  • 294 4 MEETING AT THE CfiINESE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. A large number of Chinese residents including the Chinese Consul-General j assembled at their Chamber of Commerce last Tuesday to hear an antiopium address by Mr. J. G. Alexander. The lecturer was introduced by the chairman, Dr. S.C. Jin, who was
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 339 4 H. S. KIRWANS TANK ROAD LIVERY, RACINC,& COMMISSION STAR, c ►PPOSITE RAILWAY STATIOI 8 A new buildin K siK-cially built lor lUbh i, Accommodation for Horses and 4urriga bj daj Extra iar K e loom boxa for Raa H Ventilated storeroom, for the usj ot patron's < accommodation for qrces
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  • 307 5 GYPSY SMITH ON GYPSY LIFE. -^iblcu. hear the story ««terstood people the „,.,,r k,,l,andr k,,l,and I member I v oT ins life Englian evaof ,hese ry hundred gyp;h -have B.blc I .led Corneli- My uncle therof twelve I O f whom I e Naomi, Delilah, Elijah. Simeon having a the
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  • 152 5 HOW TO REFORM THE HOUSE OF LORDS. return-, to way to nend the October ted for the moment understood political atively -,et by e MII electing childless ill new peer- lor a hundred and uld be drawn from xnroons (present or the diplomatic, colonial, from >. public institutions i ties;
    152 words
  • 1088 5 WHAT IS HAPPINESS HEALTH AS A KEY TO THE PROBLEM. Everybody wants to be happy tew can define happiness. Still fewer' un ftFEX 1 h tu a «ain Some help UheSUb J ectof happiness thrown by a writer 1,1 the iVestnnnster l\C 1 'It'li'. Somc J People, when the subject
    1,088 words
  • 1027 5 Hlm tlUe Ml Wilfrid Scawc DlUOt, the notorious champion of Arabi I asha, indicts Lord Cromer's Egyptian Policy m the Independent Vevteiv. Vr C omcrs "veiled Protectorate," adopted as a compromise between Gladstones policy o f evacuation and Hart.ngton. policy of annexation, was never, by its
    1,027 words
  • 472 5 Z Capita.. Subscbcd. Tf" £S|*»| Reserv, Company Quotations J2£?, ♦once wJ *175.000 $140,000 I 3 Wunis?ued fl Bersawai, G. M. Co.. 1,,.. Iaoo«|l« 190^400,000 £350.000 4'oToo "I $i r> Du ff Dcvo.opnnnt,o. Lu,. (I)Cferridl ZZ^ 1901, *300,000 jss; iioi o «w«affs.iji. I b 4 o unissued (1
    472 words
  • Commercial.
    • 122 5 Gambier buyer- I 6.90 do Pontianak ,9.30 I 'opper, Black (ordinal Singapore) 18.50 do White, Fair L. \V. percent. t jc.jc I'earl Sago, small o Coffee, Kali 16 J per cent buyers 3 |)cr cent. I^.oo Coffee l^alembang, 20 per cent, basis t 12.50 Cortec, Liberia! No. 1 20.50
      122 words
    • 90 5 n London. Bank mis tad do. 6ms Private jms »/4 qyifi i o« Germany. Bank d d Private tu do 6 m J <>/* l-ran«\ Bank cQd Private 3ms V,;-. do 6ma On India. Bank I I". O« Hongkong, Bank dd percent, dia lvivalc J°««« 2\ percent di, (>//
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 520 5 TOMORROW Friday, 9th Nov. AN ENTIRELY NEW PLAY. ist NIGHT) a well known Javanese pieci Opera Indra Jaya The Johar Ma'nikam Theatrical Company of Singapore WILL PUT ON THL STAGE AT THE ALEXANDRA HALL North Bridge Road. M. OMAR, Director c- Sole Proprutot VCt, Bolter, 69, ANSON ROAD. Telephone No.
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  • 1206 6 A < 11ARA( PER SKETCH BY M. MIJATOVITCH. The Fort iff//'/ b\ lUvieti opens with .1 bright, but all too briet, character sketch of the present Sultan by M. Mijatovitch, "formerly Servian Minister t« his Imperial Majesty the Sultan," bill much better known in London as
    1,206 words
  • 485 6 WIDOWS DEATH AFTER TAKING QUACK MEDICINE. The danger of the indiscriminate >f quack medicine? advertised attain cures for any number of ailments was emphasised at an inquest held recently by Mr Wynne Baxter, at Stepnev. The victim was Mrs. Ann Hall, aged fifty, the widow of
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 687 6 BANKS. Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation. FAID-LT CAPITAL <10.000.000 RESERVE FUND: Sterling Reserve J^^ I *20,'260.00u Silver Rcsen-e «10.-JSO.iKX) Kvserve Liai>;' ty M ProprietoTi $10,000,000 Court of Directors. A H Hlpt, Esq Ciiairman. Hon. y. W.Uiduon Deputy-Chairman. K. Goetz. ;s<|. H. B. Tomkins Esq. C. R. Leiizmanii. D. M. Nissim, Esq.
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    • 430 6 NOTICES, G. A. Fernandez Co. 'Vo. 6 jy Almeida Street. LICENSED AUCTIONEERS, SURVEYORS, ARCHITECTS, APPRAISERS, AND HOUSE AGENTS, Charges and Commission will be found moderate. 9-8-06. u.c. NOTICE OF REMOVAL. I THE SINGAPORE INTELLIGENCE AGENCY. For Detection, I ranslations and Enquiry and Agents of the Mihap Co have removed their
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    • 297 6 Dr. S. IWATSUBO, Dental Surgeon. Mo. 1 Raffles Place. Hours oj consultation 9 a.m. to 12 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. (Or by appointment.) 3/8/06. tc 2/2/07. For Sale. This i s the time to get ready for Christmas. Why wait till the last hour when you now have time
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    • 409 6 _i___l__™^^^ WANTED. I ami) Dresser or Chinesi able to speak Tamil Application co P >e S of certificates^ SJJ23 to M. b. 330, c/o this paper. WANTED, A youn? lady teacher to take charge' of and educate m English a child years of age in Bandoeng lava) Saa.y M.xty guilders
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    • 147 6 0. An attraci CHEAP R ETURN T(c Ihe P. ft renounce that thev h a Pan} r arrangements wi p &0. S.N i«Marcl Ml J. T. KUDe Japanese dentb* CHARGES MOOER ATE From 7 a.m. U 5 i. ;i-v NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS We shall be preatlv obliged to our advS
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