Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser, 7 November 1906

Total Pages: 6
1 6 Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser
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  • 234 1 BARBERS LEAVE THEIR CUSTOMERS HALF-SHAVED. Paris, October 7th. -The disputes that have arisen over the application ol the Weekly Rest Act are almost as 1 bitter as ever. Paris has as yet been spared a strike of bakers, but no modus vivendt has been reached. One
    Morning Advertiser  -  234 words
  • 284 1 flly Mr Acting-Consul Lylc. Contrary to general expectation, the total of the import and export trade of Bangkok t«>i 190 has fallen but little below that o! 1904. The 1904 figures (^£10,014,141) was 90 much above the average that 1905 total of ,£0,982,735 (j£i x
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  • 35 1 RUSSIA'S BANKRUPTCY. Reuter's Agency wires (By submarine telegraph.) DEFICIT OF 158,000,000 ROUBLES. London, November 6, 10-40 a.m. The final report of the Russian Budget for 1905 shows a total deficit j of 1 50,000,000 Roubles.
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  • 84 1 P CELEBRATION OF THE MIKADO'S BIRTHDAY. Sir Wilfred Laurier Speaks. London, November 6, 10-40 a.m. The Japanese Consul-General for Canada was banquetted by the leading Canadians at Ottawa when celebrating j the Mikado's Birthday. In the con- j j elusion of the commercial convention between Canada and
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  • 154 1 PORTSMOUTH BLUEJACKETS RIOT. Rioting Suppressed. London, November 6, 12-10 p.m. A serious outbreak took place at the Naval Barracks in Portsmouth. Three hundred men on parade bolted indoors without orders when rain and squall fell. They were afterwards paraded on the Gymnasium, when the senior
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  • 81 1 M. CLEMENCEAU'S DECLARATIONS DisARMAMiNi Impossible. London, November 6, 3. p.m. The French Chamber of Deputies approved of M. Clemenceau's declara- tions by 395 votes to 96. 11. Clemen- j 1 ceau said that while the peace of the j world depended upon the force of arras, j
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  • 78 1 LICENSED GAMBLING IN THE MALAY STATES. To be Restricted. London, November, 6, 3. p.m. Mr. Churchill, the Under-Secretary for the Colonies, has stated in the House of Commons that Lord Elgin is satisfied that the immediate abolition of the licensed gambling in Malay States is impracticable.
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  • 640 1 The Japanese correspondent <>t the Morning Post, in the course of a recent communication to that journal, writes Now that the war is a thing of the past, it may be useful to explain that for many years it has been impossible for Japan to supply entirely
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  • 36 1 J REACHED UP TO 203 MILES TO NORTH POLK. London, November 6, 3. p.m. Cupt. Pear}' got within 20$ miles of the North I'nk-. He expects to make another attempt after refitting his
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 359 1 x bas a«» s U«RIV»>-1-EO SEL6CTION LITTLE'S John ugE c, Howarth Erskine Epfiipccrs apd Contractors. OpeClOl \suer electrical installations. I p CS^ I Tetephone 28. Telegrams ERSKINE." BY BEST MAKER ART NEEDLE WORK ■^•^■•^^■■^W J One of the Fln«»t and Largitt Electric Fans in very Bedroom Fl QIAICD DFPQT exact
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    • 29 1 JOHN LITTLE CO- LTDBoys Own Annual Gikis Own Annual haiti rhox Infants Maga/ink (hums also a larci -1 1 i ction of GIFT BOOKS FOR BOYS GIRLS AT LITTLE'S
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  • 898 2 The Eastern Daily mail. PRICE 5 CENTS. WEDNESDAY, 7TH NOVEMBER CHINA AND DISARMAMENT. That the Czar Nicholas II of K USSia l th 1S or»ginator of the much >£?T > agxi e Conference, was the first offender against his own fS&ZjT m "dSSf o^^^ rnulgating the doctrine that all national
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  • 86 2 A wedding is arranged to take place early in January next, between Mr. W. Flumkett of the Sanitary Department and Miss C. De Souza of Singapore. Yesterday morning, no less than eight stray cows were confined in the pound attached to Rumah Miskin Police Station. These animals are sent adrift
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  • 646 2 Famuie Relief. The weekly crop and weather report shows that last week there were 100,000 persons still in receipt of relief in India. This total shows a decline of 32,000 over the figures of the previous week. There were 56,000 persons b ing aided in the Central Provinces
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  • 208 2 The following is the iq;enda for the meeting of the Legislative Council on Wednesday next Adjourned motion by the I >!onial Secretary That the Rules made by the G >ver nor in Council under Section 112 of "The Liquors Ordinance 1906" which were published in the Gazette of
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  • 67 2 Influential Liverpool shipowners are about to acquire a ticct often sailing ships on which to give three years 1 training to i.ooo British apprentices, with a view to fitting them for post-. &a officers of the mercantile marine 1 here is not onlj a shortage of British otticers at present,
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  • 343 2 ANh|ff '-Mi<K IrY u >' do not \Z tj >cn, pack your iruS down *s a lunatic persoa Well th writer i,, t|lc advocating av i c correspondent 2 an Singapon rV" lc rcl because he liked 4 this world." >icr y- How man there in Singapore
    x.y.z.  -  343 words
  • 106 2 In the Royal F< Palaceof place hunts which ;r Europe Nevei t>, battalion ol kin? But K battalion, call. Madrid," to go shooting and the ***** H sport and killed 64 head eluding red deer, fallow deer. In Norway drunkenness 1 by imprisonment. j carceratedhehas.loafand I plied to him morning
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 325 2 {FRESH EG RAPES. cents per lb. PACKED IN 5 lb. WOOD BOXES FOR POSTING TO POSTAGE FREE $2.50 Outport friends are requested to send remittance with order, if no t in Deposit Account. THOMPSON, THOMAS 85 Co., {THE AUSTRALIAN STORES. 4 SPECIAL OFFER. IN ORDER TO INTRODUCE Beatson, JVlclieod Co.
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    • 482 2 WHISKIES. SCOTCH. Dews 0' the Glen. Monarch 0' the Glen. The Old Brigade. Rare Old Blend. Very Old Highland Blend. Extra Special Finest Liqueur. Robert Macdonald. Club Bahru Club Whisky. 0. OS. V.O.S. (Choice Old Matured.) PRICES OR PRICE LIST ON APPLICATION. N.B.—ln Bulk. Hogsheads, Quarter Casks and Octaves. Having
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  • 1845 3 Ii PHIUPPS. nber ri sum t»t >- He 1 by General Mr said that g Mticcr I Marine lutie* tai to g to his of Ins that When x ti< le ol that over the 1 reasury g the money rbidden I use. rating the to have plied
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  • 244 3 A BRILLIANT SUCCESS. The Harmston's Circus opened last night under the most favourable auspices as usu il. Harmston's is a guinea stamp among the circus goers, and they (the Harmston's) alone provide the exception to the rule that people do not enjoy a good thing when they get
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  • 253 3 CÆSARISM OR SOCIALISM. The student in search of historic ptrallels finds a curious resemblance between ancient Rome and modern America. Tracing the political history of Rome, we find a gradual change froii aristocracy to Caesirism, from an oligarchy to dictatorship, from the distribution of political power to its concentration and
    Labour Leader  -  253 words
  • 104 3 ALLEGED BREACH OF TRUST Holmbkr<;'s Cask Yesterday, Wilfred J. Holmberg was I arraigned before Messrs. Michell and Ellis, sitting as a Bench Court on allegations of having, while in the employ of Messrs. Allen and Gledhill, committed criminal breach of trust. Mr. Sproule, Deputy Public Prosecutor prosecuted Mr.
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  • 866 3 BY AN INDIAN CIVIL SERVICE OFFICIAL. Interesting Adventures Mr. H. Calvert, 1. c. s. is now safely back in Kulu, and the "Civil and MiliI tary Gazette gives the following I interesting account of his Mission to Western Tibet. Mr. Calvert crossed the border at Shipki
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  • 96 3 QUEEM Maud of Norway has started an album containing newspaper cuttings relating to 'lerself or King Ha.ikon. A Smyrna newspaper announces that an agency for making short people tall" has been founded in that town. The fee for this service is 13s. h is stated that the Kaiser has latelv
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  • 1078 3 THEIR ECONOMIC USES. A newcomer to India was once advised by an old resident to get up the trees." This advice did not apply, as the recipient of it at first not unnatu- rally supposed, to an innocent and inj expensive form of athletic exercise, nor to
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  • 53 3 A cargo consisting of 2,850 tons of Manganese lelt Borneo for England on Ist Oct. As a protest against the dull, deadening, monotonous conditions of the business girl's life, Miss Elizabeth Magic, employed as a typewriter in Chicago, has publicly advertised herself for auction sale as slave for life to
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 436 3 H. S. KIRWANS TANK ROAD LIVERY, RACINC, COMMISSION STABLEs" (OPPOSITE RAILWAY STATION) A new building specially built tor stables, absoluU-lv sanitary and up-to-date Accommodation tor Horses and (arrives by day, week, or month at Popular Prices. KxTRA large loose boxes for Race Horses; ftbo a suitably cquipel and well Ventilated
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  • 465 4 ENGLISH FRIGIDITY AND RES 1 RAINT Mr. Cl rlcs Manners, managing director of tiw Moody-Manners opera Company, now holding a Mirct>stu Mason at the Lyric l"heatre, 1- known for his persevering efforts to establish English opera, ro •I" 1 r d hr is pm MiDtiiK a society called^
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  • 317 4 The appalling sufferings of Dr. HallEdwards, th< ray expert, who appears to be dying from the effects of incurable burn tained during the his pi* with rays, chapter tothe book which— vill be written of the men who hav« given their livescience Phe doctor is the modern
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  • 179 4 A Frew hmam, named Jean Erienne llartas, who originally came from Langaedoc died reo Buenos Aii<^, 1 saving estau in A gentina and money to the value <>t Fifty-six families of tin.' name <>f Martas have already irritten to claim the cstat<\ Martas left no will, and no relatives ran
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  • 565 4 Referring to the condition of the shipbuilding industry along Kizu River, Osaka the Asa/it observes that the small shipbuilding yards on the river .ire very slack in consequence of the depression to the marine transport business of late. With the few exceptions at the large yards, no
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  • 387 4 W( EXPERIMENTS IN IELEGRAPHY WITHOUI WIRES. Mind Force SuBsnTUTCD for Electricity. By Jo':n Eifreth U'attcins, Jr. ihington, July 7. Members of the Society for Psychical Research are experimenting here with wireless telegraphy apparatus i^ivin^ results far more phenomenal than anv obtninevi by Marconi and his imitators. These scientists
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 196 4 > Recreation Hei^nl ySERAHCOON ROAD. TRAHtrjy nm m P Has excellent ;.< :ommodation for u, X manent boards. mp ran VMI Airy rooms with Verandah and bath rex m- )> GOOD TABLE WINES. V Prices moderate which may be ascerta e y Joe F. de CONCEICAO, noticeTT E UTMUSHED <^>1^
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 1746 4 3^^# r jjM^^^^PwBt^> SHIPPING NEWS. VESSELS VESSELS IN PORT. mail^close. To-day. EXPECTED MERCHANT VESSELS. For Per Steamer Time Indragin Aing Thye noon A r a 1 a Bandjermassin, etc. S. Bandier 1 1 am Nmm\ Port, Ptvbable date of Arrival, Ayuthia, Brit. str. 694 tons, Capt p Swettenham mt+m. pf^^y^SSiSSi
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  • 71 5 SAN FRANCISCO'S COMMERCE. PHQUAKB report ol the nerce, that city m m Ovi 400 v>oo from foreign ng ships go *as 5 in to the value- p ooo 10,00*1,000 OO 1.Zf0.000 DenfcsSiam, andßus x ports M >,000 20,000,000 .000 but the 1 id the s far larger, I. it 000,000
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  • 73 5 i is the the :ed to influ- the Far I is an int clasd to a k: the natural A -tnking e seen in •r the I railway has been by Euro.ce of apt mandari- -':tious reate for g r»nd hamperi the era be done the
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  • 72 5 department na«> egrara from Berlin All \c published the members visit g mi >st i ordially* al Anzeig remarks the > ang the between iin that many now be no that the leichW 1 1 1 l lcrald >vho are I an interview 5 inday morn- VS
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  • 65 5 Netherlands itablished ling up tcleirope -belonging to in island Indies. The id ire now and Little to Holland, dependhave in this comrauniever, that this with strong 1 I istern ExChina Tele" V ia obtained from Government conI l!bl i which W il| unite Elands. The pro beVween
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  • 1245 5 FORECASTING THE WEATHER A MONTH AHEAD. REMARKABLE EXPERIMENTS AT THE SMITHSONIAN OBSERVATORY. Scientific men of the Smithsonian Observatory at Washington, having the co-operation of the United State! Department of Agriculture, have under taken a series of experiments of moment to science in general. Should their efforts be as productive of
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  • 235 5 Mr Buckle, the editor of the Times, is a University man Mr. W. L. Courtney, who is in a very high position on the Daily Ttlegraph, was not only a University graduate, but a University Don for many years of his life. And so one might
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  • 186 5 DIVORCED WIFE ENGAGED AS COOK. A New York correspondent reports I that an interesting solution of one of the most difficult American divorce problems, that of the suitable disposition of the divorced wife's future, has been discovered at Daneville, Virginia. A business man,
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  • 140 5 Through the suggestion of several wellknown and wealthy ladies, it has been decided to establish a ladies industrial college at Carton. The Edu- 1 cation Department has sanctioned the opening of such an institution, which is to be styled The Canton Ladies' I Industrial! raining
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  • 48 5 KINTA TIN MINES. We arc otHicially informed that the following is the output from the Kinta Tin Mines for the month of October Output 200 piculs Approximate Value 1,200 Receipts from Water Rent 7,44<> Gross Receipts 18,640 Working Costs 4,000 Expenditure (Capital A/c) 1,000
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  • 543 5 I)a i e Number i r Canital Suhv bed nf Issue Paid I aysat 5& Shares Value U P to Reserve Company Quotations present j 1 i [price GOLD. 1900 $175,000 i $140,000 J! 3.sOO 'Sued $I Bersawah G. M. Co., Ltd 10.00 sellers 1903 £350,000 £ZSo
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  • Commercial.
    • 162 5 Gam bier buyers 7.00 Copra, Bali i^o* 4 do Pontianak 9 2O Pepper, Black (ordinary Singapore) 20.25 do White, Fair L. W. 5 per cent. jj 26.50 Sago Sarawak Flour 2.85 do Brunei No. 1 f 2 .85 Pearl Sago, small c o Coffee, Bali 16J per cent. buyers
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    • 121 5 On London.— Bank 4m s 2 1 'doTL Private 3ms O» Gcrmany.-Bank d d a Joi Private 3ms do 6m s O« drawer.— Bank d^d *7T, P r e^r On India. -Bank T. T. Jfflf Private 30 ds Ou Hongkong. -Bank d d 1 per cent*, dis Private 30
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 513 5 NIGHT! Wednesday, 7th Nov. Panji Smerang (Ist NIGHT) a well known Javanese pleoe Opera Indra Jaya The Johar Ma'nikam Theatrical Company of Singapore WILL PUT ON THE STAGE AT THE ALEXANDRA HALL North Bridge Road. Director Sole Proprietor. 69, ANSON ROAD. Telephone No. 398. Just Landed a Fresh Stock oj\Pickled
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  • 1675 6 The Datlv Mail announces that it will publish shortly a st-ncs ol articleby its special correspondent, Mr. r. A. ItcKenxic, OO fhe Awakening of China." Mr. McKcn/ie has returned to England ''after a stay of many months in the Far East" Our energetic and enterprising
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  • 423 6 THE INFLUENCE OF THE DREADNOUGHT. The Fokio representative of the Mainichi called on Vice-Admiral Saito, the Naval Minister, yesterday morning, when the admiral made a lengthy statement regarding Japan's naval plans. Alter giving some information a- to the proposed acceleration of the ship-construction and repairing programmes,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 701 6 BANKS. Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation. PAID-UP CAMTAL «10,000,000 RESERVE FUND:Sterling Reserve f JJJ-gSS'SS? •20,250,000 Silver Reserve $10,250,000 innnnnm Reserve UaWl t) >t rVoprietOTß $10,000,000 Court of Directors. A Haiipt, Ksq— Chairman. Hon C W. i)icksoi!-I)q>uty-Chairman. E. Goetz. Esq. H. E Tomkins Esq. C. R. Lenzmann, D. M NMaa, Ksq. G.
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    • 600 6 NOTICES, G. A. Fernandez Co. i No. 6 D* Almeida Street. LICENSED AUCTIONEERS, SURVEYORS, ARCHITECTS, APPRAISERS, AND HOUSE AGENTS. Charges and Commission will be found moderate. 9-8-06. u.c. Fop Sale Privately. Two full sized billiard tables by Burroughes Watts, complete Can be seen at our sale-room No. 6 D f
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    • 301 6 Dr. S IWATSUBO, I Dental Surgeon. No. 1 Raffles Place. Hours oj consultation 9 a.m. to 12 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. (Or by appointment.) 3/8/06. to 2/2/07. For Sale. This is the time to get ready for Christmas. Why wait till the last hour when you now have time
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    • 614 6 E- ■>■ M" ADtETTFOmT^- o. nificent din Aplaceol educatio, An attract,, CHEAP RETURN TICKETS t* First &.l.K>n Cta C °LO*| Bo Second Saloon £16 < in COLOMBO, KANOY and N E u, fD whereby N *WER A Tour Tickets H Reduced TariP sJJ Forfurtht lit March, i >*i Ml T.
      614 words