Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser, 6 November 1906

Total Pages: 6
1 6 Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser
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  • 127 1 THE NEW YORK GOVERNORSHIP. Reuter's Agency wires (By submarine telegraph.) PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT DENOUNCES HEARST. Betting in Wall Strffi. London, November 5, 11-21 a.m. President Roosevelt has been unable to participate personally in the election I campaign for the Governorship of New York. So he has commissioned Mr. 1 Root, the
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  • 50 1 ON THE HOLLOVVNESS OF THE LIBERAL GOVERNMENT. London, November 5, 11-21 a.m. Mr. Balfour made a speech in London stating that the results of the Borough Council Elections showed that the country was beginning to see through the platitudinous pretences by which the present Government obtained office.
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  • 119 1 USE CORRUPT MEANS FOR SUCCESS. Prepared for a new struggle. London, November 5, n-21 a.m. The newspapers express surprise at the result of the borough elections. The elections indicated the fact that only two London boroughs have progressive majorities. The Liberals while attributing their defeat to the defect
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  • 44 1 GREAT BRITAIN SATISFIED. British Interests Fully Saucguardkd i London, November 5, 11-21 a.m. The wireless convention has been signed. It is understood that the Brit- ish delegate is satisfied with the result and that our naval interests arc fully j safeguarded.
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  • 128 1 GREAT BRITAIN CARRIES THE DAK France, Japan ahd Italy loyal ALLIKS. London, November 5, 1-1.47 P m Great Britain carried the day at the sittings of the wireless treaty convention in connection with the contention in Article three. Article three maintains that each Power must have a free
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  • 32 1 I THE SOCCER FOOTBALL GAME. London, Nov. 5, 12.47. P m In the soccer game, England beat France by 16 points to nil. The game was 'ayr in Paris.
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  • 10 1 London, Nov. 5, 12.47. pm. George Herring the philanthropist.
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  • 75 1 A CLOSER ENTENTE CORDIALE SIMULTANKOU> InsIMRKD STA 1 MKNT.i. London, November 5, 1-2-47 P nr A semi-ofticial statement has been t published simultaneously at Rome and Vienna, which states that Baron Aehrenthal and Signor Tittoni exchanged friendly declarations resulting in an agree- ment to proceed in full
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  • 770 1 EX-NUfISE ACCUSED OF KILLING HER HUSBAND. Startling Evidence On the charge of murdering her husband, Ernest Edward Taylor, at Leavesden, by poison last June, Mrs. Elizabeth Taylor, a widow, thirty-five years old, wearing deep mourning,' jkm* committed for trial recently by the Watford magistrates. A coroner's jury has
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  • 113 1 hAND THK YUNNAN guilds. 11. K. Viceroy Shim has received a despatch of cotigratuUtiop and welcome to hjs new province, from the com- mittec of the commercial of Yunoaa. H. K. hai replica as f«»i- lows I have to thank you for your I despatch I
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 137 1 GIFT BOOKS fobßO vs*g.bls LITTLE'S! [JOHN LITTLE Co., i LIMITED. \ihmnhJ Special Ofter for Diovember. Sa—^^^^p^B^Mi^B^sy urea w nee is. > /^y '-VSSSnfir ?V Strong springs f^T^^if upholstered VQ^ Will seat mo ir^ children. I NAVY BLUE, UGHT AND DARK GREEN. Cannot be repleted aff^^ Superb Value. I VKMHKK I^l#
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    • 175 1 Howarth Erskine 1 EtyQityeers apd Contractors. ELECTRICAL lIMSTALLATIOIVIS. ART NEEDLE WORK AND One of the Fhtttt and Urgttt w c,/,^ ssfEJectric Fan* in very Bedroom AUfPQ nTPHT Buildings in Penann g^BßHSfeg Cultliw and Catering under I LUffCn LH.IUI Entirely under Eiropvan ?Sp^^T§ Supervision of an European Management. Expert 217 Orchard
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  • 897 2 The Eastern Daily Mail. PRICE 5 CENTS. TUESDAY, 6TH NOVEMBER. OUR HEALTH DEPARTMENT. A lew years back, Hongkong was the hot-bed of the bubonic plague and just a decade ago when it broke out in Bombay for the first time with all its furious force and made the entire population
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  • 38 2 WHAT NEXT We learn yet another weekly vclept "Gup and Gossip" will shortly see the light, and that the genius, who is expected to control the destinies of the new venture, hails from the "Valley of Fragrant Streams.
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  • 252 2 At the instance of Detective- .Sergeant Grant, of the Central E'olice Station. Hong Kong, Fu Choi Ng, a boardinghouse keeper iras arrested in his house recently on a charge of attempting to ship one Won.,' Yaw to Singapore as an emigrant on board the ss. Catherine Afrcar. Three
    Hongkong Telegraph  -  252 words
  • 490 2 Mr.Cowan, the Protector of Chinese was in Taiping. He will also visii Knan. Mr. Barnes the Secretary tor Chinee affairs, F. M. S. and S. S visited laiping on November Air. W. P. Thorpe has arrived and taken over the dutie- of Acting Revenue Auditor, Perak.
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  • 165 2 AUSTRALIAN WHITE LAB >UR SCHEME RECEIVES A CHECK. In the House of Representatives during the discussion <m Briti>h preference. Mr. Deakin, the Federal Premier, announced the receipt of a cable from the Board of Trade asserting that the provision requiring British 'sconvev gg to Australia to be exclusively
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  • 146 2 it is stated in a lokio message that an official report has been received to the effect that Mr. Hagiwara. Japanese U>nsul-General at .Mukden, lodged a protest a few d lys ago with the Russian military and civil officials to proceed north
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  • 117 2 At an early houi plague was repo Bridge Road I a hincse v\o:n in removing camp an 1 by >r Mayhew ai ged with th< the whole buildii in the house wa and in a s bonfires wen plague germs to I fire which thej While
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  • 246 2 '^r<>m our ror^Por* em night Si. |ohn delivered don speeches. lh e L" most attentively! andthe opium i a dissentient v resolved I letting discontii played bythecommu opium movement and, ment show its api lutions passed in I issuinj opium farm in futu wait and see I;
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 373 2 Owv/ 1 on* Dews 0' the Glen. Monarch 0' the Glen. The Old Brigade. Rare Old Blend. Very Old Highland Blend. Extra Special Finest Liqueur. Robert Macdonald. Club Bahru. Club Whisky. 0. D S. V.O.S. Choice Old Matured. PRICES CR PRICE LIST ON APPLICATION. N.R In Hulk, Hqnheads, Quarter Casks
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    • 283 2 FRESH GRAPES. no cents per lb. PACKED IN 5 lb. WOOD BOXES FOR POSTING TO F. M. S. AND ELSEWHERE. Outport friends are requested to send remittance with order, if not I in Deposit Account. THOMPSON, THOMAS Co., I THE AUSTRALIAN STORES. A THE QUEEN OF TABLE WATERS Abo IL
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    • 96 2 eheap INDIAN Curios COMPRISING LARGE VARIETIES Ol SACRED IMAGES, GODS, ANIMALS, BIRDS, ETC. (MAS AND M W > r.\K PRESENT* FOR SALE AT JITTS Co., North Bridge Road. COMING EVENTS. T© day,6tb Harmston's Circus opensChinese Cumber of Commerce, Hill-st Mr Alexander. 7.83 p. To-morrcw ytb I egislative Council, 2-yo p.
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  • 42 3 c ,CE AND STORMS. !J rFA KV-I.Nl'K.)iriC>N x iiber* .;-47P-<n. v homeward voyage was h.ttlr with ice and <-c no de iths in the s% though sometiwet Spelled them to u expedition for the New York on the 16th pit
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  • 8 3 H) Vwembei >. '--47 P™- A f ,,dukcO«,o,lAu..ru.
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  • 36 3 MT K)NAUSI RETURNED. London, November ia-47 P™- fl(hc Parliamentary election at rC plare the retired Cand.- Mi. Stephen was returned. es. while his Shawe Taylor, a Revolu- ,.:.!> votes. llelajths wen' on all „<■ against
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  • 22 3 VTY THREE POINTS I*O NIL November 5, 12-47 P m. jouth Africans beat Gloucester re points to nil.
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  • 67 3 RECIOUS ALLIANCES WILL CONTINI RWARO POLIO t.m. was made in the 1 Clemenance, |that the the Francothe precious France pur>ue with the.vard policy, which take on the first places rers, and which will efensive forces The (the Law which enacc Church and Stnte should passed in M- Loubet's
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  • 33 3 RNMEN r CALLOUS. 16 p m. that the Shanghai it a very severe iw e provinces north if estimated that ten are on the brink Magistrates are preventbut are not
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  • 20 3 U.S. A strengthening its navy. MEN-OF-WAR. Dreadnought. ember 5. c.16 p.m. Naval department tophtes the buiWinf more i</>t>, ughi, :o.^ootonv
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  • 32 3 VRIANS WMCLD NOT 1 1 1-: GREEKS ■■< mber 5, yt6 p.m. eminent having nsate the losses of the Anti-Greek riots the Greek representatives on leave, and shall turn to Sr.fln
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  • 22 3 November 5, 5.16 p.m s who have been wounded tion riots have been and forty persons for riding
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  • 123 3 SIXTY-TWO I E ONLY ELEVEN I>.\Y eton, an inspector ink of England ...^dasa witness at Old-Street n h evidence furng table showing the Ea. of various Rank of •ps l>> note 6 t 55 days. KSlS?**? first sight," ™o« p« the Ifank of England °<**\ Daily*
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  • 962 3 A ROMANCE. Road Hewasawaj on business on the 3rd utimo. Kwek Yoo, his clerk was to charge of the shop. About' noon, lan Kim, Tan How and Tan Icng Koh entered the shop and sat K Wt !i a A m SCnt him to Purchase I chandu. As
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  • 74 3 An evening service was conducted at St. Andrews Cathedral yesterday at 5 jo. which was distinguished by special anthem. There was a large gathering including a large number of Volunteers belonging to the. S. V. E.. S. V. 1., S. A. V. Cadets. The sermon was preached by
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  • 436 3 MUTINY ON A RUSSIAN STEAMER A case of mutiny on board the Russian steamer Arconia was heard by Commr. Radcliffe, the MasterAttendant, there was some difficulty in recording the evidence of the parties concerned, and one Mr. Lesterman was sworn in as interpreter but his services were discontinued
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  • 298 3 The Jubilee Hall was comfortably filled last night to witness the boxing and athletic entertainment got up by Jack Me Auliffe and Sam Newman. The programme opened with a ten round contest between Tom Madin of the Sherwood Foresters, and Jock Giblin R. G. A., It was
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  • 103 3 The Director of St. Joseph's Institution wishes to acknowledge with thanks the following subscriptions which he has received during the week Mr Lee Choon Guan S 200. 00 The Hon. W.Napier 150.00 Messrs. Meyers Brokers. 150. 00 J. A. Delay, solicitor 100. co Messrs. Robinson Co. 100.
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  • 124 3 A-propos ot the case of the three ship-wrecked men picked up on a raft at sea by the Nam Seng and brought here it is satisfactory to learn that the Chinese Consul-General had taken their case in hand and has arranged t<> send them back
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  • 658 3 A correspondent at Singapore, who signs himself A. 8.C., writes as follows to the Financial News At one of the general meetings of the company last year Mr. John Anderson, a former chairman of the company, asked on this po nt a question which' as it
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  • 166 3 BOAT POPULATION'S ENORMOUS LOSS. A meeting of the General Committee of the Typhoon Relief Fund was held at the office of Sir Paul Chater, the chairman, on the 24th instant, at which the report of the Suh-Conmittee was received and considered. The Sub-Committee have been constantly engaged
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  • 179 3 SPENT ANNUALLY ON PATENT MEDICINES. The people of Great Britain are probably the world's champion consumers of patent medicines." The pills which Englishmen and Scotsmen swallow an nually, and the other secret physics which they patronise, add one third of a million sterling to the national income,
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  • 130 3 THE FRENCH CINEMATOGRAPH. An entire change of programme was given at the French Cinematograph on Thursday night and will continue for some days longer. The views shown are all new ones, never given in Singapore before by this show, and most of them never given by any other show here.
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  • 214 3 There is no decrease in the attendance at the Japanese Cinematograph, the big tent being jammed at the second show on Saturday night. New scent* were shown in both shows, the programme this week being an unusually fine one. The views taken in the wilds ot Borneo
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  • 142 3 A NARROW ESCAPE On Sunday evening Mr. Erncßt De Cruz and a friend were firing at a cocoa-nut with bulletts. One was placed on a conical pinnacle of rock. The friend tired, and although he is an excellent shot, missed the improvised target, but struck the rock.
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  • 67 3 S. C. C. v. S. F. These two teams met under favourable climatic conditions on the Esplanade last evening in a hockey match which resulted in a draw, each side scoring a goal. Mr. J. A. Goetszee, Secretary of the Y. M. C. A. Football Club, who went to
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  • 291 3 The s. s. Darius came in on Sunday. On her way dcv.v.i she had an unpleasant experience. While making from Port Phillip, a huge wave swamped her from the stern, sweeping everything before it, carrying away the standard compass, smashing the saloon skylight, deluging the saloon
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 440 3 j S H. S. KIRWANS TANK ROAD LIVERY, RACINC, COMMISSION STABLE? (OPPOSITE RAILWAY STATION) A new building specially built for stables, absolute^ sanitary and up-to-date Accommodation for Horses and CarrifM by day, week, or month at Popular Prices KxTRA large loose boxes for Race flora* j also a suitably equiped
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  • 387 4 "PROS" AND "< ONS"OF IHE EXCLUSION lIOVEHENT. An Oakland metfttge to the A mh states that |apanese Association in S*n Francisco lias made repeated prou-ts to die Board of Education against the exchis lof Japanese children from the pnblic schnoW, i>m without result Over too
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  • 349 4 £1,000 CHOST. MR. MASKELYNE'S EXPOSURE qF SPIRI rUALISM. Archdeacons Challenge Mr. 1. Maskelync materialised a "spirit* St. George's Hall and claims that lie has thereby won the I few months ago by Archdeacon Collej 5t Rectory, near Spiritualism. The Archbishop^ challenge wa I, 1". V v > ital I Stockton,
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  • 219 4 f LECTURE BY MR. F. G ALEXANDER. Mr. K (1. Alexander gave a lecture last night inthePrinsep Street Chapel There was large gathering. After bemi; introduced >>v the Rev W Murray, the lecturer expressed* Vis satisfaction at seeing a many to u£Jcome him. His earn
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  • 293 4 The Government have found .t necessary to apply stricter regulations to the mp^rtatio^of Borphia into Stam. Until recently, fc» vmg regard to to employment In ■sdicme, H-e Government have allowt 1 the import of small quantities by persons who have given satisfactory assurances that .t would be
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  • 142 4 The Sydney branch of the Ei^ Scottish and Australian Bank, at the corner o? Pitt-street and Park-street, I visited by burglar- recently The window-bar- were cat through with the aid of" elect icity. By similar means the burglars attempted to cut through the iron door of the
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  • 238 4 ECHO OF THE BOYCOTT. American Alleged Cruelty A Chinese merchant, residing at present in California, has written the following letter to a member of the local Press During the continuance of the boycott against American goods in China, the Americans treated the Chinese here with courtes, but
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  • 311 4 BRITISH UNDERWRITERS' LOSSES. At first London underwriters thought the typhoon at Hongkong would not seriously affect them financially, but, as further cablegrams came to hand, they recognise a heavy bill will be presented in the end. It is true most of the "direct" insurances were done in
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 204 4 > Recreation Hotell > SERANCOON ROAD, TRAMWAY TERltlN Vs Has excellent accommodation for lemponrv V. manent boarders. A.ry rooms with Verandah and bath rooms comply GOOD TABLE 4 WINES. V Prices moderate which may be ascertained from th, u > > J e F de CONCE '^o, noticjeTT ESTABLISHED "7f^
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 604 4 SHIPPING NEWS. VESSELS EXPECTED Name, Port, Probable dot* of Arrival, and Agents. STKAMtRS. Aparima, New Zeland, Nov.-; Boustead Arcadia, Colombo, Dec. 8 P. O. Andalusia, Hamburg, Nov. 7 Behn; Meyer. A Hamburg str. Nov. 20 Behn Meyer Alesia, Hamburg, Dec. 7 i Behn Meyer Austria, Trieste, Jan. 12 Rautenberg Australien,
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    • 748 4 ssfsefas VESSELS IN PORT. MERCHANT VESSELS. The P.AQ Homeward Mail "Simla" left Hong Kong at 1 p.m. on Saturday, and is due here at 6 a.m. on Thursday, the Bth instant. The Outward Mail steamer M Devanha left Colombo at 1 1 a.m. on Sunday, and is expected to arrive
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    • 654 4 Regmersz, Dut. srr. 388 tons, Captain Rouman, 4th Nov. From Djambie, 3rd Nov. G.c, and 1 2 d.p. Daendels Co. For Djambie, 7th Rds. Selangor, Brit. str. 445 tons, Captain Daly, sth Nov. From Teluk Anson, 3rd Nov. G.c, and 409 d.p. Straits Steamship Coy. Ltd. For Teluk Anson» 7th—
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  • 403 5 :;ii;K( ,uaN,s.xnoN. Jnnly realised, says ,-■■>.? «M t"at China .pa:t,ouj reorganisation are toUte/t* ?Z Scheme ol reform, 'LUini^Jsthefonnal( t ihirtv-s«« divisions, I Suhedbythe I the |.«e^nt *cven ten created under the •Sm-K „r ai of Ihc province of tute the so-called "v nndarcPaoting-fu, the y n-hai-kwan the
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  • 102 5 UUXED ro f>KKl.\<, Peking ha. re *to 'I'ngFan.ex-Minis- America, to on as he possib- grange about the reform of 11 r u'. fcs< laws and punish 1 Wy has devoted the hst Minister of the Board I £s*; the reform of bt of laws, in
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  • 324 5 DUKE OF CUBERLAND'S OFFER TO KAISER. EMPEROR'S REFUSAL. NOT IN A POSITION TO CONSIDER REQUEST." Hie semi-official Norddeutsche Allgeme.ne Zeitung" to-day publishes a correspondence which has passed between the German Emperor and the Duke of Cumberland and between the latter and the Imperial Chancellor on the subject of
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  • 347 5 The accident which has befallen the Paris Metropolitan. Underground Railway means the probable failure of an extraordinary piece of engineering which has been creating much attention in Paris. Part of the scheme included the construction of what may be described as an immense iron boat,
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  • 258 5 RECORD RESULTS. Simla, October 13. A review of the irrigation results in India during 1904-5 is published by the Public Works Department, in which it is shown that, dealing with the results of productive works, a return of 7 60 per cent, was the percentage of net
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  • 448 5 A BRILLIANT PAGEANT. The Thai Krathtu, or annual ceremony of distributing robes to the n-iests of the various Royal Wats, commenced yesterday afternoon, when His Majesty I hc Knigproceeded in state by palanquin to Wat Poh. There was a huge crowd all around the line of
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  • 602 5 Financially, Russia is going from bad to worse. That is abundantly plain from the statement prepared by the Russian Minister of Finance. He has informed the Prime Minister that, even allowing (ov this years's Mreign loans, which produced >00, the new demands ai ic.nl v involved a
    The Daily Chronicle  -  602 words
  • 496 5 a e Number T i, CaPit>l SUbSCbe4 Shfres R <- m[ -,v Q^K I I I (price 1900 5175.000 $140,000 I 3,soo Sued $I Bers ™ah G. M. < 0.. Ltd 1 0.00 sellers 190. £350,000 jfSo I 1 S° Du ff D e vo,op m entc:o.,Ltd.
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  • Commercial.
    • 168 5 Gambier buyers 7 O o do Cube No. i «_i c <r**s so'5 o' d<> Pontianak i2O Pepper, Black (ordinary Singapore) '20.2--do White, Fair L. W. 5 percent. 26^0 Sago Sarawak Flour 28s do Brunei No. 1 4 8 Pearl Sago, small £°2 ee P* 11 l *l P
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    • 102 5 On London.— Bank s m s 2 i Demand 2/4 1,17 Private 3ms 2/ >* g y |6 On Germany. -Bank d d 2 Q T Private 3ms do 6m s 24^ O/i France. -Bank djd 2 Private 3 m s do (> m s 2 f n 1
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 504 5 T©-NIGHT! Tuesday, 6th Nov. Panji Smerana n ist NIGHT) a well known Javanese plea* Opera Indra Jaya The Johar Ma'nikam Theatrical Company of Singapore WILL PUT ON THE STAGE AT THE ALEXANDRA HALL North Bridge Road. m. Bolter, 69. ANSON ROAD. j Telephone No. 398. Just Landed a Fresh Stock
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  • 614 6 REPORT OF THE F. MS DELEGATES. We have received a copy of the "Report of the F. M. S. Delegates to Ceylon Rubber Exhibition." The report which is written by Mr. H. C. D. J.ncharias and seen and approved by Mr. F. G. Harvey and Mr.
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  • 475 6 EX-GOVERNOR OF ST. ALBANS GA< >1. SENT >R TRIAL The Ex-Governor o\ St Albant Prison, William Henry Oxley, recently appeared before the local magistrates to answer a charge of having embezzled the moneys of his Majesty's justices Mr. 1). 11. IV} iinr. who prosecuted lor the
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  • 1084 6 MONSTER NEW YORK Tl/BE. The greatest subaqueous tunnel which ias ever been constructed is now bei >g built to connect Ne\v Jersey with New Y >rk City, and the cjty with Long Island That portion which runs under North River is completed, as far as boring
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 726 6 DANIVd. i Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation. PAID-UP CAPITAL $10,000,000 RESERVE FUND:Sterling Reserve $10,000,000 1 $20 260.000 1 Silver Reserve 10, '250. 000 \™'^Z Reserve Liability ot Proprietors *10,000,0UU 1 Court of Directors. A Haupt, Ksq Chairman. Hon. v. \Y. Dickson-- Deputy-Chairman. E. Goetz, BM. H. E. Tomkins Esq. C. R.
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    • 706 6 NOTICES, G. A. Fernandez Co. No. 6 LT Almeida Street. LICENSED AUCTIONEERS, SURVEYORS, ARCHITECTS, APPRAISERS, AND HOUSE AGENTS. Charges and Commission will be found moderate. 9-8-06. u.c. For Sale Privately. Two full sized billiard tables by Burroughks Waits, complete. Can be seen at our sale-room No. 6 D' Almeida Street.
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    • 303 6 Dr. S. IWATSUBO, Dental Surgeon. Wo. 1 Raffles Place. Hours oj consultation 9 a.m. to 12 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. (Or by appointment.) 3/8/06. tc 2/2/07. Fop Sale. This is the time to get ready for Christmas. Why wait till the last hour when you now have time to
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    • 430 6 L M AD i!l!Jg»i^W^ WANTED. W^TED for a Rubber K.aulamil Dicsstr or Chine«# able to speak Tamil Applicatioi wth copies of certificatesto l,e a.ldressed to M. b. 330, c/o this paper. WANTED, A young lady teacher to take charge of and educate in English a child of 4 years of
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    • 252 6 A health static r hur A »^tract IVeh( S;!'^ tor. CHEAP RETURN TICKETS Tn Second Saloon £w, c FF Cn -unce that tt^g^J J COLOMBO, KANDY and whereby holderV T*!*9* *n Tour Tlckett are e m, ab> C Reduced Tariff For (uither partieular,^ P S. N Co c i>t March,
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