Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser, 3 November 1906

Total Pages: 6
1 6 Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser
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  • 73 1 PIRACY IN THE CANTON DELTA. Reuter's Agency wires (By submarine telegraph.) j REPRESENTATIONS ABOUT TO BE MADE FOR ITS SUPPRESSION. London, November 2, 7-45 a.m. Sir Edward Grey has stated m the Houseof Commons that Sir John Jordan had been authorized to make rcpresen- 1 tations to China with a
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  • 76 1 MODUS VIVENDITOBE TESTED. Bait Act Enforced. London, November 2, 7.45 a.m. The Newfoundland Government have decided to test the validity of the modus vivendi with regard to the Fisheries and have issued a notice enforcing the Bait Act forbidding Newfoundlanders to fish aboard foreign vessels m
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  • 40 1 THE EDUCATION BILL IN THE LORDS. Clause 2 Adopted. London, November 2, 11-41 a.m. The House of Lords has adopted Clause 2 of the Education Bill together with the amendments of the Archbishop of Canterbury and also other amendments.
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  • 29 1 THE PLURAL VOTING BILL. London, November 2, 11-41 a.m. I he House of Commons concluded m the committee stage the Plural Voting Bill after closure.
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  • 46 1 ARMED RAIDS THROUGHOUT THE LAND. ,£70,000 Looted. London, November 2, 11-41 a.m. The Russian Revolutionists have 1 carried out 103 armed raids into the country within the period of the past ten days, securing booty amounting to j I seventy thousand pounds sterling.
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  • 33 1 SOUTH AFRICANS STILL VICTORIOUS. Beat Glamorgan. London, November 2, 11-4? a.m. The South African Rugby Football team beat the Glamorganshire (Welsh) team including the eleven Welsh Internationals by six goals to three.
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  • 105 1 GERMANY'S DESIGNS IN PERSIA. Against the Anglo-Russian Agreement. London, November 2, 11.41 a.m. An inspired statement has been issu- i ed m Berlin, stating that Germany has no reason to take exception to the Anglo-Russian rapprochment with regard to Persia, as to their relative spheres of existence,
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  • 47 1 SERIOUS SITUATION. The Modus Vivendi. London, November 2, $-$(> p.m. Telegrams are being constantly ex--1 changed between the Imperial Govern- ment and the Governor of Newfound- 1 land m connection with the modus j vivendi m regard to the fisheries questioa. The situation is considered serious.
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  • 96 1 The affluent Chinese from the Ning Yeimg district of Canton who have settled here, have subscribed largely j towards a fund for the purpose of afford- ing means of improvement to the young i men of their own district. The school I will be opened at
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  • 439 1 GREAT DESTRUCTION ON SEA AND LAND. New York, Sunday. Although the telegraph service Ifl not yet entirely restored, reports from all over the South show that the great storm of Thursday caused widespread destruction, rendering upwards of 2,000 people homeless, sacrificing numbers of lives, and causing money loss
    Reuter  -  439 words
  • 184 1 NO INTENTION TOGIVE UP QUEST FOR DIAMONDS. A short telegram appeared m the Times H announcing that "the Xetna is under offer of -^ale locally." Mr. Kenyon Collis, of the i> iraond Syndicate, explains thai thi^ doi mean that tlie expeditiori to the gu uto islands is
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  • 143 1 Reuter's correspondent at Salonika writes:— For many months past the Turkish Government has been making a dead set against the Reformed Gendarmerie. All the pressing requests of the foreign officers tor modern rirtes, longer courses of instruction, and a regular supply of recruits have been treated apparently
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  • 51 1 A sensational jewel robbery was committed m Shanghai on the 4tn inst Two foreigners entered .1 jeweller's establishment m Yunnan Road, drugged the shop assistant, ami decamped with diamonds to the value of $10,000. Detectives were set out to scour the city and halt an hour later the accused were
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 127 1 GlF r T books f0( B OVS*G.RLS LITTLE'S [JOHN LITTLE Co., j Ml LIMITED. V______-M__a^ [111 O Standara\ V \SBiejfe/e. I > lop 1 5 are t^L __^_v-i ____t l^^__\ B^^__ COMPLETE WITH LAIViP AND BELL. j I John Little Co., Ltd. SINGAPORE. j \__m_H ma— a DIAMONDS AND PRECIOUS
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    • 283 1 Howarth Erskine Ei>§iijeers ai>d Contractors, ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS. ART NEEDLE WORK I AND One of the Flnwt and Largest wC4 w6> Electric Fans m very Bedroom pi fIUU-TD nCDOT Buildings m I 'enaim SS^SSS*? Cuisine and Catering under iLUIILn ULIUI Entirely under European B«SS»S Supervision of an European Management. Expert. 217
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  • 93 3 THE LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. pre Ma- l .H. I 1 onial I n'ble 11. 1." gineei A. 1 Acting I lon hu I'ur- »f the m I >r I I Iver 1 he an^i ly to I imuther 1 I with I to I I lie: 8 an the planters The
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  • 478 3 ALLEGED POSSESSION OF I OUNTERFEIT COINS Defendants VcQurrna On the 23rd ot September, ons Kiam was found m Beach Road with eight counterfeit twenty-cent piece* m his possession. He was arrested tried re the Bench Court and discharged ledge not being proved. He had, however, shown the police
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  • 263 3 5 GARRIbON. A fairly large crow ibled on »n of the I. >n to witness the long Ito match between the who had the sei Cus|Da es, and the S. C. C. who well represented. The game was »ne and well contested from to finish. The S. C. C.
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  • 101 3 lin severest blow struck at Mr. spelling reform come- from within his own household His daughter Ethel who has succeeded to the position at the White House of the young lady of the land, which her sister Alice vacated 00 her marriage, thei day, lost valued gold watch, md She
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  • 1097 3 The usual fortnightly meeting of the Municipal Commissioners took place yesterday m the Hoard Room of the Municipal Office. There were present Messrs. Broadrick (President), Bailey, Maclaren, Cheng Keng Lee, Dr. Lim Boon Keng, Dr. Murray Robertson, Mr. Rowland Allan and Mr. C. Me Arthur. There we.re also
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  • 540 3 THF BLESSING OF THE GRAVES. The usual relig'ojs function of blessing the graves took place yesterday afternoon at the Christian cemetery. While this is essentially a custom of the ancient C'virch, it is nevertheless, attended by hundreds of people who instinctively sympathise with the idea. It is
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  • 282 3 >. K. C. v. BAND S. F After a lau-e of some time the S. R. C. placed at football match last evening on the Esplanade against the Band of the Sherwood Foresters and a good game was seen. As soon as a start was made the ball was
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  • 507 3 RUSSIAN GENERAL PURSUING ELOPING WIFE AND COMPANION. The Transatlantic pursuit of a Russian runaway wife and her lover by the furious husband reached an interesting stage when the fugitives landed at Havre from the French liner La Savoie. The dramatis per.sonae m the story are General Alexander Ouchakoff,
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  • 389 3 HERC U L A N E I M E XCAVAT I I > BY INTERNATIONAL ENTERPRISE. Vienna, Saturday. The dream of an English archaeolo- st, Prolessor Waldstein, of Cambridge, is nearing its realisation. Ilerculaneum, the ancient Roman city, which was buried 1,800 years ago by an eruption of
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  • 59 3 Thk Y. If. C. A. and the Penang Cricket Club, the champions and run-ners-up m the League football competition respectively, have arranged a match on the Esplanade this evening. It will doubtless attract a record crowd. It is said that Meredith, who is here on a visit trom the Dindings,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 450 3 r"~~"~ r~i H. S. KIRWAN'S TANK ROAD LIVERY, RACINC, COMMISSION STABLES (OPPOSITE RAILWAY STATION) A new building specially built for itables, absolute!) sanitary and up-to-date' Accommodation for Horses and arrives by <!. iv. wrk or month at Popular Pi iios. Kxtra lar^e loose boxes for Race Horses; also a suitably
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 105 3 CHURCH NOTICES St Andrew's Cathedral. Matins and Litany 7 a.m. Holy Communion "horal) 7-I5 a.m. Holy Communion 1 Plain) 9-15 a .m. Sunday School Bible Classes 3-40 p.m. Evensong aivl Sermon 6-30 p.m. St. Matthew's Sepoy Lines. Foo Chow Service 11-15 a.m. Sunday School and Bible classes 3-40 p m.
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  • 271 4 A I LERICS IK V The Rev. \< 1 1. Iburtenay, nrh described as a cleric irho will nol s|)<-.ik soft things," ha auite a stir m Rangoon bj rmon delivered at St. Philips hurch, says the Rangoon Ttmes. fhe »rmon was an appallti linsl life
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  • 131 4 F wack, the founder of the Nowack Institute for the atmospheric and. from the N steamship Aft< 1 Turkey at watck has perfei pical plant comm om the suncurr- r*' ver with him from :v x of w num i with a tativi
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  • 195 4 first railroad train drawn by an moi 1] <>\ lard g with New York I the terminal, pulled into the station there the other il;iy ii «as n initial ment In the transfoi n v, 1 A 1 action which. < vcntually, is 1 extend over the
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  • 24 4 On Sin, < l.i >, tVenin ii>< n- will bQ a Chun l> l'n ,ul»- ol ii.< S. V. C. m St. Andrew** Cathedra] 1 )K
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  • 255 4 REMARKABLE SURGERY. MAN AITKMITS SUICIDE ON A HOSPITAL DOORSTEP. Standing m the doorway of the \Y. si Ham and Hast London Hospital, at Stratford, Walter Buisill, ;i hairdresser, cut his throat with a razor, severing the windpipe, and thru rang tin- bell. A porter opened the door, and uttered a
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  • 200 4 Cheerfi 1 < )rdej Eating Prol Ivan V low, of the I'm St. I sburg, has for been 5 gaged with hi- colle< g\n n the laborai n a series of experiments upon Tlv. fervid op] 1 vivisection would have no o tion I the pi that
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  • 209 4 The attitude of Menelik m regard to the Abyssinian Convention 1 ausing some uneasiness to the thnc Powi rs concerned England France, and Italy. The N gis has not absolutely pursued a policy of procrastination. The three Powers are beginning to question the good faith of the
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  • 66 4 For the accommodation of die Votan Icera the necesssry Beats will be reserved on the South of the Cathedral iii accordance with the notice already issm-.i Any Mai holder who wishes t..i...ti\(i seats tobc reserved for them must kindly notify tlu> Col < haplain nt once iftht y have not
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 179 4 > Recreation Hotel! SERANGOON ROAD, TRAMW IV Has excellent a< ommodation for tempo >manent boarders. I Airy moms with Verandah and I > GOOD TABLE WINES. V Prices moderate which may !K I fro /vAAVAAAAAA^ 'J ESrABLISHEO "7? THE BEST ADVERTISING MEDIU* i j "SIHCCAY JAM jHITTRAiM PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 1809 4 > «kl!j(k!V -ipJS^"-* SHIPPING NEWS. VESSELS A Si: 6S: S; SSS V UkJkli-'J-"^ Hermes (Brit. eru.) r India, Nov. 4 th Oct. G.c, P. &O. Coy. From .^—j-l^^j-p-l-^-pi X- Augusta, (Gei. cru.), Germany, Colombo, U.— Rds. J2i^X.A Messudish,(Turk. cru.), Suakim, shortly Parvo, Brit. str. 2,665 tons, Capt Mutine, (Brit. <;'bt
      1,809 words

  • 57 5 I n ntA to D usts. I I dustrial but tl i I I tl I I i m I m this H lid to I md Wall Street." m the I itter a I den- >.nd B nob I much id with ence Mr I' The beef
    Reuter  -  57 words
  • 17 5 ANTI--..nd i tire t. the i than I ir th it
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  • 43 5 Rome, hi. i. rien and the I that the rs on the I I )ircd H (ki man ted the I c and fi I i b\ i ter. I sunI intervild >wei rrien, that I the the imperious
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  • 14 5 pium stem rhe change there lhat I -lie I to inquire "Management w.mWl well.
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  • 710 5 MR. HALDANE ON TIMKS OF CRISIS. In distributing the prizes to the I) npany of the 17th V.B. Rcyal Scots Linton, M,-. Ilaldane spoke of the ganisation ol the Army from the point of view of the civilian of them might say that it was dd thing
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  • 166 5 ALARMING PREDICTION OF OWING CATASTROPHE. Cologne. Oct. i. The Kurlnischc Volkszeituag"publishes n letter from correspondent m the south of the Chinese province of Shantung, according to which a great strophe is impending m hina. The disturbances of the year 1900 will ably, the writer declares, be as child-
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  • Stocks and Shares.
    • 232 5 formation Capital Subsc bed of v^ JJ^ Reserve Company Quotations Present _J snares >____ Pric«. J^ 00 10 10 Ber.sawah G. M. Co., Ltd. 10.00 sellers 1900 $175,000 $140,000 < 3,500 unissued I I 4,000 10 10 (Deferred) 1 00.8 sellers i9°3 £400,000 £35 O > OO 35°» OO
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    • 278 5 1905 j£is°,°o° 140,000 £1 Anglo-Malay Rubber Co. Ltd .J 3.0.0 1905 $200,000 $120,000 20,000 10 Balgoivnie Rubber Estate Ltd 1600 .904 /n.,25 [J-Z, \i\ A Batu Caves Rubber Co. Ltd. (f. y>,.6 11,000 7/9 (contrib.) £1.13.6 1905 700,000 $610,000 70,000 10 10 Batn Unjor Rubber Co., Ltd 18.00 9,000
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    • 211 5 iSq4 .£5.3:7-10.0 ,£4,648,15.0 7.638 12 6 12 -6 Bells Asbestos Eastern Agency, Ltd. Spc 1898 $225,000 $225,000 4,500 50 50 "2,500 Fraser Neave, Ltd. 135.00 lO,OGv^,OOOtf I 1865 $10,000,000 $10,000,000 80,000 125 125 9,500,000 > Hongkong and Shanghai Bank 770.00 250,000/; J I 18,000 100 100 v 1901 15,400,000
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    • 56 5 Howarth Erskine, Ltd. 6 o/o 5690/XK) o/o prm. buyers. Riley Hargraves, Ltd. 6 o/o j^.ooo 2 0/0 prm. buyers. Singapore Municipal 6 0/0 400,000 nominal. 5 0/0 1,478,000 par. buyers. 4 0/0 602,000 par. sellers. Tanjong Pagar Dock Co., Ltd. 6 0/0 250,000 2°/ o prcm buyers. m 50/0
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  • Commercial.
    • 91 5 Gambier buyers I 7.00 Pearl Sago, small 5.40 Coffee, Bali, iO^% buyers 3 p.c. 19.50 Tapioca, small pearl (Fair) sellers 8.60 do do (flake do) ,,8.00 do medium pearl (do do) 8.40 Tin 97 do' do No. 2 800 do Siam, No. 1 142 do do No. 2 790
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    • 48 5 On London Bank 4 m/s 2/4 k Demand 2/4 do. 6 m/s.. 2/5 Private 3 m/s. 2/49/16 On Gerthany— Bank d/d 2.394 Private 3 m/s 2 4 do. r,m/s On France— Bank d/d 2 93 4 Private 3 m/s 2 do. 6 m/s.. 4^ 5h pt*r iui.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 359 5 TO-NIGHT! Saturday, ,Ud Nov. 14 tfliidin and his Wonderful Camp Opera Indra Jaya rhe Johar Ma'nikam Theatrical Company of Singapore WILL PUT ON THE STAGE AT THE ALEXANDRA HALL North Bridge Road. Sunday November 4 3a0 Ccrsenpom AND fiampcr Ccrtawa/' M. OMAR, Director 6" Sole Proprietor. m. Bolter" 69, ANSON
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  • 260 6 NECESSARY TO PRODUCTION OF PLANT LIFE. Mr. J. F. H. Gilbard, K.I.C, F.C.S., who lectured at Winchester House before the National Am tteur Gardeners' Association on the Bacteria of the Soil, pointed out that without bacteria plant 1 w wild be practically im-po-^iblc. Badetii, said Mr.
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  • 410 6 FIFTY YEARS EMPLOYED IX A FAMOUS TEA HOUSE. A veteran who has achieved a remarkrble record m the fields of"commerce is Mr. 1 >. on Sept. joth, 1856, at the- 1 tered the employment o! Messrs. Twining and Co. at their historic tea-hou-in the Strand. Seen
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  • 235 6 MORAL" MELODRAMA. rHE GIRL WHO TOOK IHE WRONG TURNING." Do n A allow yourself habitually to think or speak lightly of love." "Think not of love too soon." Do not love Mindly. 1 M Be sure you do not love sinfully." These excellent maxims, under the title ot Melville's advice
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  • 846 6 INCREASE OF INSANITY. SPEECH BY LORD ROSEBERY Lord Rosebery, who opened the EdinBurgh Lunatic Asylum, which has been erected at Bangour, m Linlithgowshire, delivered an interesting speech on some of the problems arising out of the great increase m the cost of treament of our lunatics. On Jan. Ist, 1904
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  • 170 6 Tins is what the publisher lias to say Of Mr. P. A. Thompson's -Lotus Land, which is now published at 16a net This book deals with the picturseque and little known country ot Slam, the last independent Buddhist monarchy within the 'Iropics, where an ancient civilisation still nourishes but little
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 712 6 BANKS. Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation. PAID-UP CAPITAL $10,000,000 RESERVE FUND: Sterling Ki-srrve $10,000 p ouo 1 $20,250,000 Silver Kes<n, $10 250,0001 Reserve Liability ot Proprietors $10,000,000 Court of Directors. A KUupt, E«q -Cliairman. Hod C W Pickaon— Deputy-Chairman. K. Goetz. Esq. I H. E. Tomkins Ksq. C. R. Lenzmann, D.
      712 words
    • 678 6 NOTICES, G. A. Fernandez Co. No. 6 D' Almeida Street. LICENSED AUCTIONEERS, SURVEYORS, ARCHITECTS APPRAISERS, AND HOUSE AGENTS. Charges and Commissior will be found moderate. 9-8-06. v.c For Sale Privately. Two full sized billiard tables b] Burroughes Watts, complete. Cai be seen at our sale-room No. 6 D Almeida Street.
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    • 302 6 Dr. S. IWATSUBO, Dental Surgeon. No. 1 Raffles Place. Hours of consultation 9 a.m. to 12 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. (Or by appointment.) 3/8/06. tc 2/2/07. For Sale. This is the time to get ready for Christmas. Why wait til! the last hour when you now have time to
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    • 423 6 L M ADLE i^iJ^^: WANTED. WANTED for a Rubber lamil Dresser or Chinese able to speak Tamil Application with copies of certitieatcsto be addressed to M. b. 330, c/o this paper. WANTED, A young lady teacher to take charjfc of and educate m English a child of 4 years of
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    • 133 6 0..20 C tin, ■Si An^lS I C «EAP RETURN I IIC IV; I nouncc that I arrai I COLOMBO, KANDY anri whereby hold, d NE^i tLj J Tour Tickets Reduced Tariff ist Marcl "^SJ Ml T KODe] Jajxmes, v l CHARGES (WODEte I NOTICE TO AOVEITlsarl We shall be gj
      133 words