Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser, 1 November 1906

Total Pages: 6
1 6 Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser
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  • 80 1 (Reuter's Agency wires. By submarine telegraph ON AMERICAN RAILWAY. Nearly Hundred Persons Drowned. London, October 31, 3.25 a.m. An electric train consisting of three cars whilst crossing the swinging bridge over the waterway which separates Atlantic City (U. S. A.) from the mainland, ran off the rails and
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  • 73 1 NOMINATIONS FOR NAVY CONFIRMED. Changes Effected. London, October 31, 3.25 a.m. The following appointments have i been confirmed by the Admiralty. Admiral May succeeds Admiral Drury as Second Sea Lord. Admiral Bosanquet succeeds Admiral Douglas at Portsmouth. Admiral Bridgman is to be first Commander of the Home Fleet.
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  • 136 1 ABOLITION OF THE TRADE BETWEEN INDIA AND CHINA. China Reikent on subject. London, October 31, 3.25 a.m. When asked m the House of Commons as to what steps would be taken to carry out the unanimous resolution of the House of Commons m regard to the abolition
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  • 67 1 LORDS EVINCE KEEN INTEREST. Largest Attendance Since Famous Homl Rule Proposition. London, October 31, $.2-< a.m. The House of Lords has commenced a detailed discussion on the Education Bill. Intense interest was manifested and there was the largest attendance of Peers m the House since the occasion
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  • 45 1 BILL FOR COMPULSORY RELIGIOUS INSTRUCTION By a huge Majority. London, October 31, 3.35 a.m. Mr. Heneage's amendment making religious instruction compulsory, during school hours has been carried put by 2^(> votes to 56, despite the opposition of the Government.
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  • 46 1 WRECK HAS BEEN RAISED. j Crkw DIED HEROICALLY A1 [HEIR l'Obls. London, October 31, 3.35 a.m. The French gunboat H £jUut which was sunk off Bizerta has been .aised and her manholes opened. It would appear that Ihe crew died at their posts.
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  • 37 1 LABOURITES AND EXTREME RADICALS PROTEST Against Mr. Birrell's Proposals. London, October 31, 3.35 a.m. The labourites and Extreme Radicals are agitating against Mr. Birrell's proposal that school-children should be taught to handle a rifle.
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  • 87 1 ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICERS TO BE TRAINED. Experts ro bi obtained i kom London. London, October ji, j.35 a.m. Speaking at Heading, m rcferencr totlic war stores scandals Mr. Haldanc said that the Government had decided to train a Staff of administrative officer* similarly to Staff officers,
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  • 821 1 LORD MINTO IN NORTH INDIA. INTERESTING MEETING WITH TRIBES. Military MANOEUVRES. Quctta, 13th Oct. Yesterday, the Viceroy and party went by train to Beleli. They were met by General Smith Dorrien, General Sir Beauchamp Duff and their start's. Here they got into carriages and drove about five miles through a
    M. Mail  -  821 words
  • 52 1 An important admiralty case which has been pending m the Supreim Court recently was finally concluded yesterday, vis, the case of the wiving of the s.s. Erika" lor which a clairr. of .£2,000 tor salvage has been made. His Lordship the Chief Justice said he would take time to consider
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 137 1 LlT^L£'S B OTOL HITAM. pER 1 ah $9-50. Joh n Little «C... Umlted SINGAPORE. VEARSANO IN i 11 1 AKIIV I r JOHN LITTLE Co., j I C* ii II o tan aor a I jc^- \SSicyele. j 1 Dunlop Ty improvci^fl^ ,*fl^. o^^i» v> M^^^ I COMPLETE WITH LAMP
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    • 218 1 Howarth Erskine Epgipeers ai>d Contractors. ELECTRICAL lIMSTALLATIONS. Telephone 23. Telegrams ERSKINE." ART NEEDLE WORK AND One of the Finttt and Largest Electric Fans m very Bedroom P™| fiIJUCD FIPPHT Buildings m l J enan^ §&3B§&lzG. Cuitlne and Catering under iLUffl-ll ULI U I Entirely under European Supervision of an European
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    • 19 1 THE KING OF WHISKIES &t Per Cate 9.75. THE WHISKY OF KINGS. JOHN LITTLE I CO LTD Soli .lgfn/s.
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  • 532 2 The Easter Daily Mail. PRICE 5 CENTS. THURSDAY, 1st NOVEMBER. THE SULTAN Of TURKEY. The news that the Sultan of Furkey was suffering from an incurable disease and that he would live only six months more has been received with the greatest regret throughout the Moslem world, and with thedeepestconcern
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  • 407 2 Mr. Edison has] phesied that m the course of a f w years, the ?,000 miles between London and New York ran be traversed m I space of thirty hour-. It needs only a littl< h of the imagination to comprehend that the m of travel will
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  • 639 2 rHE AN 1 l-OPIUM AMPAK Ihe anti-opi um campaign which start, locally next week, will fc j f nothing else, somewhat inter. The eloquence of Mr. Alexander will make v>nn: impression on t. telligent portion ol hi. hearers butlhev >nu-, owing to the til j tv ►laces selected
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  • 103 2 Mr. \V. Macbean. well known m insurance circles m th Fir Ei who was forme: rotary of the Straits Insurance I >mpanj here, i to his transfer to H to Europe very shortly. In the Court of Requests yesf a Uniiese carpenter »v !> Aletah for work done. I>, fondant
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  • 63 2 incn I I withla« I de Shi, I I I Bo] I nent, and I he entirely be sisting chi< and tinplate I j having brou I Mental i very lag I I theEasi I Shipme about I I for I I Hie I the I At the 20th
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  • 17 2 GREAT HAN I I I I I I I I I I
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  • 21 2 GREA i I the I A I I m thai I I M I I I I field.
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  • 10 2 VnO R I Iftini V I ing to
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 408 2 WHISKIES SCOTCH. Dews 0' the Glen. Monarch 0' the Glen. The Old Brigade. Rare Old Blend. Very Old Highland Blend. Extra Special Finest Liqueur. Robert Macdonald. Club Bahru Club Whisky. 0. D.S. V.O.S. (Choice Old Matured.) PRICES OR PRICE LIST OW APPLICATION. N.8.- In Hulk. 1 logsb ids, «J i
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    • 237 2 (FRESH GRAPES. 50 cents per lb. OR PACKED IN 5 lb. WOOD BOXES FOR POSTING TO F. M. S. AND ELSEWHERE. PER BOX $2-50 POSTAGE FREE $3.00 lOutport friends arc requested to send remittance with order, if not I THOMPSON, THOMAS Co., THE AUSTRAL! AX STORES. I THE QUEEN OF
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    • 258 2 I NOTICE OF REMOVAL. THE SINGAPORE INTELLIGENCE AGENCY. For Detection, 1 ranslations and Enquiry Agents of the Mihap Co t have removed their office from Cavanagh Bridge Building- to Suite j;. Winchester House, Sing November ist, 1906. AUCTION SALE VALUABLE JAVA TEAK HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, COTTAGE PIANO &c. TO BF HELD
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  • 21 3 I submarine win 0 SCHOOL DEPARTURE- Km uvden and Macnamara hat t hey intend ■skin regard to riflk Commons.
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  • 29 3 [MEETING ARRANGED FOR. Übrcothal has notified the that the authont.es at m dST« meeting "i* Count „r i that the interne* will J place m Rome.
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  • 62 3 ARE CONFIRMED I n 1 om I Lords have confirmed the ye further I lions:— I .dmiral F tendent oi the Dockyards at Malta. I harks Berest'ord :o the command of the Channel Squadron. I Battenberg to be ae--1 mmand of the ..tcrrancan fleet. I eW to the
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  • 24 3 l >R FIRST N ttober $\<. 6.55 p.m. I evelt has fixed the I the first Philippine AsESrti^akc place m the Spring of
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  • 33 3 I IMPLICATED WERE lI.D Trial. bei p.m. I 0 were implicated m I ,r on the post office I ere gi' en a drum- 5i Petersburg I -ummarily I
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  • 12 3 IS NDS NAVAL REIN- H InIKR (>.*,-, p.m. iforcementi have > protect French
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  • 31 3 IJNS HIS >SAL til MADE IN FIVI NLY. bei 31,7.35 p.m. debate on the House of Commons, it the rifle shootbe confined to on m this connectin the meanwhile.
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  • 68 3 ATTACKS GOVERNMENT. >V I I HAD BEEN DOM CTED rEMANTS. it j I rtobcr 31, 7.2; d.m. H -peaking m the House attack on the nat he termed its victed tenants (m i land they formerly I that the Government had plt-dgo it had underIreland. 1 BRYI E SURPRISED.
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  • 35 3 rs gBJE( Iro GERMAN nrru ak. u-ri lNisini) ostructiona they r the, paints, o Prussian I'oland attraction m the the) are being coo--1 *d and apparently the of the punish llavt been innictcd
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  • 24 3 QOUJ TIONS PASSED. and 1 other d the St. Peterseme resolut- by them. the final battle is maytinc University has
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  • 41 3 Reuter's Agency w.res (By submarine telegraph The Flagship DREADNOUGHT SELECTED. As PREMIER VESSEL OK HOME FLEET. T n L °ndon, October 31 1 1 p. m Vhc Dreadnought has been selected is the flagship of the Home Fleet. i
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  • 96 3 The Anglo— Japanese Treaty. IS OF GENERAL CHARACTER. Unlikely to lead to war with any Power. cj A»r L ne te n October 3', p.m. Sir W. M. Bellairs asked a question n the House as to whether any prorwioo had been made m the Anglo- apanese treaty to safeguard
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  • 53 3 CONSTITUTION DAY PASSES QUIETLY. Bit trolblk was anticipated. London, October 31, 11 p.m. The first anniversary of the Czar's granting of a constitution to the Russian people passed off quietly through the Russian Empire. Strong forces of troops were stationed everywhere m readine>s owing to t being expected that
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  • 72 3 FIRST CLAUSE PASSES UPPER HOUSE. INCLUDCHG HI.NEAGLS, AMENDMENT. London, October 31, 11.9 p.m. The House of Lords have adopted j rlause 1 of the Education Bill which low includes Mr. Heneages' amend- I ment. The debate was subsequently suspended owing to differences on the part >f the
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  • 137 3 AN ALLEGED SLANDER CASE IS DISMISSED. Mr. Justice Fisher yesterday delivered judgment m the case of Navana Kanasamy Pillay (a lawyer's clerk) rs. Anamallv Chetty, a trader m Market Street for alleged slander m which the plaintiff assessed his damages r. 1 300 through so being slandered,
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  • 180 3 (BEFORE THE CHIEF JUSTICE RE QL AYGEOK LIM A young chinrman, m the course of his examination yesterday .stated that he was owing unsecured creditors $12,426 and $1000 to secured creditors. His only a^set consisted m a action pending against the executors of the late Tan Kirn Seng's
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  • 182 3 HARMSTON' S CIRCUS. THI ever welcome Harmstons are due here next Monday and will open their excellent show the follow ing night, Tuesday 6th, m the same old spot on the Beach Road Reclamation Ground. A number of new artists have lately arrived from Europe to join this show, amongst
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  • 21 3 Mr. H. Marriott, Collector of Land Revenue, will assume the Ilony. Treasurership of the Agri Horticultural show, vice Mr. Macbcan, resigned.
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  • 778 3 ADVENTURES OF A RING. Yestenlay morning, Detective Inspector Hart charged a Chinese boy of twelve years with the theft of a ring valued at «80, the property of his master, Li Seng Toh. On the 27th ultimo, Li Seng Foh went out leaving the ring under his pillow.
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  • 68 3 On Tuesday, two Hylams were fighting m house at Bukit Pasoh. An old man, also a Hylam heard the noise and entered. The belligerents immediately discontinued their fight, prostrated themselves before the old man and solicited forgiveness. This very laudable custom is common m the interior
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  • 173 3 During the small hours, Monday morning, an alarm call was passed through from Wayang Satu Station to the effect that were wis a fire m that neighbourhood at the house of Mr. Johannes. The glare was first seen by a constable. When he had satisfied himself
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  • 599 3 (From Our Kuala Lumpur Correspondent) 27 th October, 1906. Our Race Horses And Race Meetings. The string of Selangor race horses taken to Singapore to compete m the recent race meeting there, returned here on Thursday by the s.s. "Selangor". Our sportsmen do not seem to have
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  • 159 3 V. If. C. A. V. St. JOSEPHS. A friendly game of football was played on the old Jail site last evening between St. Joseph's and an indifferent team representing the Y. If. r J. A. Play WM never brilliant at any particular moment as the ground was slippery and
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  • 242 3 Mtssßs. Whittall and Co., of Colombo, will shortly open a branch of their i business m Kuala Lumpur. Thk creditors of Penang Foundry have decided that the Company shall go into voluntary liquidation. Till list of books to be published during the AutUTin by Messrs. Macmillan includes the long anticipated
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  • 494 3 A Hamburg wire states that it is confirmed that a British company has established a line to compete for the traffic from Hamburg to East Asia and possibly East Africa. The line, which, it is stated, has been formed by a London shipping company.'possesses thirteen steamers. Regular sailings
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  • 149 3 The idea of storing coal under water seems to be gaining a goodly number of supporters The suggestion, we believe, originated m the United States, where a Capt. W. H. Beehler, of the U. S. Navy, some time ago entered upon a campagin advocating the storing of
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  • 150 3 Prospects for the homeward Australian season look very discouraging. We hear that the liners are already accepting wool at \d. per lb., and proportionately wretched rates are taken by owners of other tonnage berthing. Cabled reports from Sydney are to the effect that from there alone there is
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  • 48 3 Viscount St. Aldwyn, the umpire appointed m the arbitration between the Tanjong Pagar Dock Company and the Government of the Colony of theStraits Settlements, has appointed Mr. Edward Shearme, one of the Masters of the Supreme Court as sole referee to tax the costs payable by the Government.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 350 3 I H. S. KIRWAN'S TANK ROAD LIVERY, RAGING, COMMISSION STABLES (OPPOSITE RAILWAY STATION) A new building specially built for stables, absolutely sanitary and up-to-date. 1 Accommodation for Horses and (arriges by day, week, or month at Popular Pricesi 1 KxTRA large loose boxes for Race Horses; also a suitably equiped
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  • 1199 4 MEETING IN CHINESE TOWN HALL. There was a huge attendance al the Anti-( >pium Meeting held al theChinese Town Hall the other night, and hundreds who came at 7.30 p.m the time appointed for the meeting- couldn 't even find standing room. We estimate the attend.v cc
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  • 873 4 THE ATTIS SPIDER AND ITS WONDERFUL EYES. SPECIALLY WRITTEN FOR THE "E.D.M." BY W. STRICKLAND. 11. Tlie laws of chance are a branch of pure mathematics all but the premises, but this is a large saving clause. The collector, on breaking new grounds. Mid trusting to the ordinary idea of
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 194 4 > Recreation Hotel SERANGOON ROAD, TRAMW iv n y Has excellent accommodation for temoo >manent boarders. r Airy rooms with Verandah and bath rooms comply y GOOD TABLE WINES. Prices moderate which may be ascertaii ed y V^ Mai I NOTICE I ESTABL.SHED "7f <^ g()3 I THE BEST ADVERTISING
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 2088 4 SHIPPING NEWS. York, Hamburg, Mar. 8 Behn Meyer; JfoftOt, Brit str. 2,711 tons Capt TTT^OQ KIjS Zieten, Hamburg, Apl. 19 B. Meyer Anderson, 29th Oct. From Yokohama. VI dX JKJ 4 th (Jet. G.c, P. &O. 'Joy. From rT --^^^p 1 1 Men-of-War, &c. Colombo, ist Nov.— Rds. Hi JSJL
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  • 266 5 SIN MONTHS It) LIVE v.Sopt o. the condition ed with misSuch is the ment published l despatch Iroin ,he ologne n o f the German es from the same laj k ian confn res illj tactless and I ilth of his lann, he observed, ng accounts which
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  • 113 5 1! V COMPLIMEN IBY THE MIK.\: i's G( VERNMENT King and pretty devel •entc cordiale is itcd between Idren. of the good mntry tt> Dtest with knowing that c Prince of ire ethuM gn Office suited the Japanese n London "upon a 01-children schoolimps, which I during
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  • 1033 5 CAPE REFUSES PERMISSION TO LAND. rhe old proverb, There's many a •lip 'twixt cup and lip" has never been so fully realised as id the case of the Xema expedition to the Guano Isles m search of diamonds. After floating the company, which has a capital of ,£25,000,
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  • 600 5  -  ARE THE "SPRINGBOKS SUPERIOR TO THE "ALL BLACKS"? By A. O. Jones. At this time last year the New Zealanders created a sensation by defeating all our best clubs and counties by large scores, and now the same thing looks like occurring again, for our new
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  • 236 5 NEW ZEALAND AS IRON AND STEEL PRODUCER. If a movement now on foot, and indirectly supported by the Government of New Zealand, is successfully carried through, that country many soon take a high place as an iron and steel producer. What has been described by experts as
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  • 124 5 Durban, Sept. 30. The Cranley arrived here to day with 1,515 Chinese on board, this being the last batch to be imported under the existing ordinance. Reuter. One of the main difficulties with which the opponents of Chinese labour have to contend is that the administration
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  • 66 5 Tan Tkk Joo, of 60 Kimberley Street, was found dead at Penang with his throat cut. After the body was viewed by Mr. G. A. Hereford and Sergeant Oxley of the Pitt Street Station, it was removed to the Morgue m Brick Kiln Road for a post mortem examination. An
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  • Stocks and Shares.
    • 154 5 Date of Number T CaP ttl SubK M aSL Vffi upfo Reserve Company Quotation j 1 -> c GOLD. S ■900 •,75.00. J, 4 0,000 3,500 uSed j'° l*rsawah G. M. Co., Ud ,0.00 sellers 350^ it kg Du fl -Devolop w :e,uco., l td (DefCrred r^^ 5 .90.
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    • 258 5 \lll Is ,40,000 \£t \£t Anglo-Malay Rubber Co. Ltd. £100 1905 $200,000 120 ,000 2 0,000 .0 Balgownic Rubber Estate Ltd 76^ *9°4 I il'ooo I Batu Caves Rubber Co. Ltd. (f. p.) 2 2 .6 I? 5 7oo ooo $610,000 O ;Z 10 7 ,0 Batn Unjor Rubber
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    • 159 5 9 7,638 12.6 2 .6 Bells Asbestos Eastern Agency Ltd h,, .898 $225,000 $225,000 4,500 50 50 ,12,500 Fraser Neave, Ltd. g fjl'* io,ocv oooa| mUU 1865 $.0,000,000 $10,000,000 80,000 ,25 125 9,500,000 [Hongkong and Shanghai Bank 7 0 00 250,0006 J I j 18,000 100 100 i9o» $2,400,000
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    • 57 5 Howarth Erskine, Ltd. 60/0 5600,000 2 0/0 prm. buyers. Riley Hargraves, Ltd. 60/0 225,000 2 0/0 prm. buyers. Singapore Municipal 60/0 400,000 nominal. n 5 %> 1,478,000 par. buyers -r r» "t^ 4 602,000 par. sellers. Tanjong Pagar Dock Co., Ltd. 60/0 250,000 2 rt o prem buyers 5
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  • Commercial.
    • 156 5 Gambicr buyers 7 oo do Cube No. 1 M »c82j Copra, Bali Q o do Pontianak Pepper, Black (ordinary S'pore) 2O2 do White, Fair L.W. 5 p.c. a6 Sago Sarawak Flour 2 8 > do Brunei No. 1 2 8^ Pearl Sago, small 5.40 Coffee, Bali, i6|% buyers 3
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    • 69 5 "^prlLejod/s ;j On Shanghai Bank d/d Private 30 d/s On Java— Bank T. T. Private 30 d/s On Japan Bank d/d On B( jkok— Bank d/d Sov^"eig*"s about «g iuildc; India Council Billsilast issue 1/ Discount 8 per an Bank of England discount rate is 6 *fc Outside rate
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  • 1102 6 Kyi ry one has bom struck by the greatly increased height of women m recent years. It i>. quit»- common to see young girls >f school age taller than their mothers, md often taller than their farh n. In any mixed crowed of men md women
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  • 521 6 tnrle- Yin Tin. a vc llthly Chine-e with a Western education and a taste for the exploitation of large projects on j the American fashion, m visiting this country, apparently to *cc just how our Morgans and Hills and Harrimans do the trick, says the Sm*
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  • 170 6 A number of experts and others attended a demonstration of the patent Kvl-byre extinguisher, which took place 011 a waste ground of Scotlandroad UvernooL A pile of wood bu.lt up and then saturated with petrol and ignited. When the flame* had™ cured a good hold, and the pile
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 696 6 BANKS. Hongkong 4 Shanghai Banking Corporation. PAID-UP CAPITAL $10,000,000 RESERVE Sterling Reserve 810.000.1JU0 $20,250,000 Silver Rt-M-.ve Iftnnn()oo Reserve Liability d Proprietors $10,000,000 Court of Directors. Haunt, Ksq— Chairman. Hon. v. W. Dicksoo- 1 K-putv-Chairman. E. Goetz, Ksq. I H- g: Tpmkins Ksq. C. R. Leruminn, D. M N.ss.m Ksq. G.
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    • 689 6 NOTICES. G. A. Fernandez Co. No. 6 D' Almeida Street. LICENSED AUCTIONEERS, SURVEYORS, ARCHITECTS, APPRAISERS, AND HOUSE AGENTS. Charges and Commission will be found moderate. 9-8 06. v.c. For Sale Privately. Two full sized billiard tables by Burroughks A Watts, complete. Can be seen at our sale-room No. 0 I)'
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    • 294 6 Dr. S. IWATSUBO, Dental Hun/eon. No. 1 Raffles Place. Hours oj consultation 9 a.m. to 12 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. (Or by appointment.) 3/8/06. tc 2/2/07. For Sale. This is the time to get ready for Christmas. Why wait till the last hour when you now have time to
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    • 401 6 E. D. M." ADLETS. FO WANTED. WANTED for a Rubber Esi lamil Dresser or Chin< able to speak Tamil Application with copies of certificatesto be addressed to M. b. 330, c/o this paper. WANTED. A Second-hand Smith Premier 1 ype- writer No. 4. Good price for good machine. Apply to:
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    • 114 6 0. A fountain A An attractive CHEAP T,CKE TS To .1, Tlr renounce thai arranc Forfunh S istMar CHARGES M0 D Eli|Tt Fro 7 an,. to 5 No. NOTICE TO ADVERTS We shall be obliged to our adverS it, w he any chani required m thei* vertisements tWnS ang( l
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