Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser, 30 October 1906

Total Pages: 6
1 6 Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser
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  • 57 1 (Reuter's Agency wires. By Submarine telegraph 1 EFFORTS TO ALLAY FEELING. Mr. Root's Views. London, October 29, 9.47 a.m. In connection with the trouble at San Frtnciseo, Mr. Root, the Secretary of "Slate, upholds that Article Six in the constitution can be invoked to compel j the
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  • 45 1 MANY KILLED AND WOUNDED. CARRIED off. London, October 29, 9.47 a.m. A bomb was thrown at St. Petersburg at a van, conveying customs money to the treasury. Altogether ,£38,6000 were carried off. Several persons were killed and wounded. The bomb-throwers escaped.
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  • 40 1 VICE-ADMIRAL DRURY SUCCEEDS LORD CHARLES BERESFORD. TO THE Mk.DITERRANI AN COMMAND. London, October 29, 11.55 am It is stated at Devonport that ViceAdmiral Drury succeeds Rear-Admiral Lord Charles Beresford, as the Com mander-in-chief of the Mediterranean Squadron.
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  • 32 1 GERMAN MINISTER NEGOTIATES. A SMALL LOAN. London, October 29, n.55 a.m. The German Minister at Morocco has negotiated a small loan to relieve the Moorish Government of its pressing needs.
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  • 32 1 BY THE TRIBESMEN Near Tangier. London, October 29, 11.55 a m The shore end of the French cable has been cut by the tribesmen a few miles off Tangier.
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  • 51 1 FOREIGN MINISTER TAVELS TO BERLIN. Kaiser to be Interviewed London, October 29, 11.55 a.m The Russian Foreign Minister M. Isivolsky, who is now in Paris, arrives at Berlin on Saturday. He is to have a special audience with the Kaiser, and a conference with the Prince Von
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  • 52 1 CREATES A MERRY SCENE At Berlin Pouce Court. London, October 29, 1 1.55 a.m. The Police Court of Berlin was convulsed with laughter when the cobbler Voight, with a weather-beaten and begrimed face, crooked nose and horny hands, appeared in the dock to answer the charges
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  • 62 1 KING MENELIK WITHHOLDS ASSEN r. Minister Takes Leave. London, October 29, 11.55 BunL Emporer Menelik of Abyssim 1 --till witholds his assent to an agreement with regard to an Intel national railway in his territories, mentioned In July. Sir John Harrington, Minister to Abyssinia, who has been awaiting
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  • 151 1 An intern ition >l > illoon r place on 30th ult. with Paris as the starting point, an annual challenge trophy having been provided by Mr. Jas Gordon-Bennett. Quite 100,000 j>eople must have gathered both inside and around the Tuileries Gardens when the 16 competing balloon- set
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  • 125 1 The Gauhis publishes an interview which M. de Mai/ieies his had with the Pope with regard to the leparation of the Roman Catholic Church from France. His Holiness is reported to have said that Rome desired a reconciliation, and would Willingly forget the past it the
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  • 39 1 DEFEATED NEWPOR'J By 8 Points to Nii Loudon, Oct. 29, 11.55 anl Lhe South Africans defeated NewJ port by eii(ht point-; to nil. They have j already won ten matches and scored j 240 points against ten.
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  • 438 1 POLICE INSPECTOR MURDERED INSTEAD OF 1 RAVELLER. The Cawnpoiv correspondent of the Indian Daily Telegraph, Lucknow sends the following extraordinary story of an occurrence in the Ltali district: A traveller by tlie (hand Trunk Rood, Fairly well-to-do, who had two bags of money with him,
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  • 168 1 1 1 itly of the opinion that two strings to h tha 1 one She h is taken up the art of en 1 met ling. ial baa been >ea ou critics at the "Arts an I Crafts thai she has taken to this interesting work is
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  • 67 1 FRANCE AND SPAIN ACT IN CONCERT. Warships Despatched London, October 29, 1 1.55 a.m. In consequence of the capture of an Englishman and a Spaniard at Ariyila, France and Spam are exercising their political rights, conferred upon them by the Algeciras conference. Each state despatched a
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 129 1 LITTLE'S BOTOL HITAM. v 1 $9.50. J „li<^ c L,m,,e,, NSIN GAPO R E 'Jhn LITTLE Co., LIMITED. %Me*] r Standara\ I 1^ \SBieyele. i COMPLETE WITH LAMP j AND BELL. I I m***\ m 1^ John Little Co., Ltd.l SINGAPORE. J DIAMONDS AND PRECIOUS STONES SILVER, AND C.c!.l> CASES.
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    • 476 1 Howarth Erskine Epgii?eers apd Coptractors. ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS. Telephone 23. Telegrams ERSEINE." j < ART NEEDLE WORI I One of the Flnttt and Largast Electric F«n» in very Bedroom fl fllA/PP HP POT Buildings in I'enang (w^^gjfefi Cuitine and Catering under rLUlftn UUIUI Entirely under European r^F^n^i Supervision of an European
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    • 19 1 THE KING OF WHISKIES g^r* Per Case 9.75. THE WHISKY OF KINCS. JOHN LITTLE ft CO LTD. Sok .Igen/s.
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  • 711 2 The Eastern Daily Mail. PRICE 5 CENTS. TUESDAY. 30TH OCTOBER. THE OPIUM EDICT iN CHiNA Mr Morley, the Secretar] S lte for India, has expressed finitely, during >ate on the that the ie wernment and that to any plan for nsumption >pium brought forward in nt h by Chii n
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  • 582 2 THE CANADIAN- PACIFIC ROUTE. In our leader of the I Ith October uv wrote about the bung made by certain journa s yarding the advanf gesoff lian Pacific route, and we stated that the g jems to have origind through the missl I ;nts I me American journalists <»r news-suppli<
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  • 742 2 MUNICIPAL RETRENCHMENT. The president-'al utterance at the recent meeting of the Municipal Commissic*ersto the effect that, as a good deal of money had of late beei on roads, it was desirable for a bit," is fraught with ,7 not many years since tha policy of "going slow" brought
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  • 106 2 A week or so i ha, hour. Tan Sien w board as a collie .1 U nd below to a store room in which were cases of rolls ol silk, lhe mails were being t tken below by tlie Hndal when he encountered Tan
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  • 26 2 a Nlu the monopoly of cam ho| pioductiou. lor it i. oniv >„ tf>at c Hm JT snd Formosa that tfie campho?^ OUrkhes to any great extent
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  • 128 2 I e 0 U6(H lialto Fra I v Virtu ei K, lt| ofkilts. i I that p I I for a pool I mand it as m< >n of us. Lamenting Over H lrv r< not" 8 solvi to thi I Star, Wa The Succor* onr er
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  • 53 2 I all round. correspendei I of th< public mai l hours daily, Ll ion of i i. VO v S the < k l lad for h written chara< ed with one and the engagemeni Will, m} ing him la tt< n vour chai reply, "bui 1
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 285 2 WHISKIES. SCOTCH. Dews 0' the Glen. Monarch 0' the Glen The Old Brigade. Rare Old Blend. Very Old Highland Blend. Extra Special Finest Liqueur. Robert Macdonald. Club Bahru. mm, V.O.S. (Choice Old Matured.) TRICES CR PRICE LIST Gft APPLICATION. N.B. In Bulk. I'. ►uartcrl I Octaves, H inch hou* Glasgow,
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    • 341 2 I'CHAFING~I)isHES "THE HOUSEWIFE'S HANDY FRIEND" ALWAYS READY. NEATLY PLATED ON FIRM METAL, SOUND, RELIABLE, CLEAN. A MOST APPRECIABLE Gil T. W *4k&**m**^}*S' > r |jl y^\l^ m mmm c^. ~^-***^l£BG**^***l*!m*b m m As per illustration, complete $11.50 I Other sues and styles up to $15,00 THOMPSON, THOMAS Co., THE AUSTRAJJAN
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  • 303 3 V SLANDER. i /^Z fisher, N.iv.u.a I Irrk to Mr. Farrer m s tor of the J IP C. T. A. H t hr .lander. I J for tie pontiff I the defendant. on rhursday I id "the plaintiff jerk ai'd was up to I t in the
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  • 127 3 ►DS TRAFFIC. ce of complaint ite np rary ia the iffic by the It take- from two goods handed In at ich taping. Is All along the A rompiaint -m Salack North tied that it took ■a in railway. •rity not ashamed of appreciate the they
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  • 15 3 2f 'th 1(] KrWathiw paintei was at a Ivo use in fell from a scaffold
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  • 875 3 CAPT. Phillips- ALLEGED BREACH OF TRUST. On Saturday morning, Capt. Phillips Senior Boarding Officer appeared bifore Mr. Colman for preliminary enquiry into an allegation cf breach of tru-t as a pubhc servant, in respect of 525. the sale proceeds of a quantity of disused cordage belonging to the
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  • 55 3 m m mm m )n the i oth instant, the editors of the Avemr de Tonkin, and the Conmer de Halfihong fought a deal after a heated newspaper controversy. I hey fought with swords. At the third bout, the editor of the Courrier received a wound on the right arm,
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  • 79 3 In honour of His Majesty's birthday, a Ball will be given in the Victoria Memorial Hall on November 9th not as in former years at Government House. The Ball-room at Government House is totally inadequate for the large number of guests invited to this year's celebration,
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  • 116 3 >esterday, Chellaya and Karupaya were committed for trial on the allegation of having used as genume a forged document, to wit, a cheque belonging to Somasundrum Chetty, and obtained a sum of $3,700. The cheque was an open one and the alleged forgery consists in entering the
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  • 104 3 Sir Claude (British Ambassador at Tokyo) and Lady Macdonald and family arriv:d bv the German mail steamer Prince Ludwig from Yokohama on the morning of the 28th instant, homeward bomd. Sir Caude Macdonald was net at the Borneo Wharf by Captain Stockley, A. D. C. to His Excellency
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  • 53 3 The Director of St. Joseph'^ Institution wishes to acknowledge with thanks %\e fo"owing subscriptions which he has recently received towards the erection ofthe new School. The Straits Steamship Co. S 250.00 The Hon. H Fort 150.00 Brinkmann Co. 100.00 3 gapore Electric Tramway Co. 100.00 C. B.
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  • 308 3 A FRASERGUNGE FATALITY The daring and fe ocity of the tigers of the Sunderbunds are well known by repute, and a recent incident shows that they have not lost in any way their old qualities. At Frasergunge, about two miles from the main settlement is a long
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  • 127 3 A French statistician recently published a note relative to the length of time that women pass during their lives in the contemplation of their own images in the glass. Up to the age of six years the average girl scarcely ever looks at herself in
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  • 536 3 Mr W. H. Green ofthe AccountantGeneral's Dept., General Post Office, London, has arrived and taken up his duties as Asst. Accountant in the Post Office, Kuala Lumpur. A special telegram to the Cevlon Obsener states that eleven of the largest manufacturers of Great Britain have combined with the alleged object
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  • 51 3 MESSRS. WHITEAWAY LAIOLAW CO. We are risked by the above wellknown firm t contradict a paragraph which appeared in our columns a few day* ago to the effect that they were about to open a branch establishment in Kuala-Lumpur. The above firm has absolutely no indention of opening a branch
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  • 366 3 Thf Annual Examination ofthe Methodist Girls' School, Short Street, takes place to-day. NEGRI Sembilan and Malacca are to try conclusions in cricket, football, tennis and golf early next month. Mr. Alexander ia now in Penang; after Ipoh, Kuala Lumpur and Malacca he comes to Singapore for public meetings No. 5
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  • 881 3 Out in the open the autumnal rains are sadly marring the beauty ofthe garden chrysanthemums, but they linger on, lifting up scarred faces to the grey heavens, and giving the only tint of gaiety now anywhere to be seen. On many a railway embankment, the whiteweed or ox-eye daisy
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 735 3 .'*>**LtiM m,* A **r\-g /"|Aw_ t kYj Aw**-JL\f*^-^^ j H. S. KIRWAN'S TANK ROAD LIVERY, RACING, COMMISSION STABLES (OPPOSITE RAILWAY STATION) 1 I A new building specially built for stables, absolutely sanitary and up-to-date. J Accommodation for Horses and Carriges by day, week, or mont lat Popular Prices- Kxtra large
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  • 1180 4 THE ATTIS SPIDER ITS WONDERFUL EYES. (Spkiaua Wkutin roa rai E.D.M.) BY M <. \Y. STRICKLAND The div. -on ot labour in science and natural history has many advantages no doubt, but it has it* drawback- well. The one idea of the field n ituralist is to collect and send
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  • 301 4 Mr. Leung Kwong Hin, of the ChiProtectorate, has kindly sent us the following list of subscriber* to the fund tor a Memorial to the late Mr. George Thompson Hare C.M.G.. I-^-°-The interest o( the Memo, ial Fund will be devoted to pay Bursaries for the education of
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  • 232 4 New York, Sept 25th.— Paul Stensland, who charged with looting the ukee Bank of Chicago, therebv involving the ruin ol several thousand depositors and tl e suicide of lour, was handed over to the police He admitted embezzling ;00,000 dollars but denied the forgery. He spent the
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  • 242 4 Wl iiear that the share lists of the Eastern Trading Company will not be circulated until after the Chinese New as the promoters of the Company consider that this vsiil be the mo^t favourable time to place the scheme before the publie. H is announced from Home that Viscount St.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 211 4 wvvvvv/vvy^ > Recreation Hotel) > SERANGOON ROAD, TRAMWAY TER M lN y Has excellent a commodation for temporarv >manent boarders. f Airy rooms with Verandah and bath )> GOOD TABLE WINES. J X Prices moderate whirl. m,,v be ascertaii M NOTICE?? ESTABLISHED "7f <^> C^^" 1903 I THE BEST ADVERTISING
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 2230 4 SHIPPING NEWS. T-TTTIOICiT^T O Scandia, Hamburg, Jan. 20; B.Meyer Marudu, Ger. str. 902 tons, Capt VESOiiLfe Seydlitz, Hamburg 'Dec 14 ;B. Mever Robenburg. 28th Oct. From Tawo, 19th w r n Shimosa, Hongkong Nov. 5 Paterson Oct. G.c and 47 d. p. Behn Meyer ■nfrrfP^M L* m l\ Simons. Co.
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  • 109 5 ,6th October.) t+ ,!dycMc oms ofthe IV,ak called by a circular Mining A« scussthe welcome Mi ihe Society the Opium Ho Pak I 1 Sen, Dr look cha.r and „v Mr. 110 Pak Mr. Lu L»ng D be eeting. Hiis gentlei mi it tee with lo them,
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  • 126 5 which N itur- j as full ra •ling pier the [Tie ter. spectaservant ived entitled, I thi tr >übie it •v and a Itled "1 tship of thc tenth by an inexorei .ble ex; ted ludfl ex hi bill m ber of Euro- men present
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  • 668 5 RUBBER IN TRAVANCORE Difficulties have arison in Travancore which are likely to retard the sale Of blocks of forest land to rubber planters for some time to come. Land which has been surveyed and marked into blocks for sale by auction in the Forest belt at Mundekayan Hear
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  • 263 5 ***m*mr i < >\ Friday, a Chinese girl sustained a broken arm owing to the rikisha in which -he wa-, colliding with another Mr.) -U. llalhday, late manager ol Glenmarie and Batu Estates and now general man iger for the British Borneo Para Kubber Co., writer to the Malav Mail
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  • 450 5 AN OFFICER'S PITIFUL STORY Ihe following is an extract from a letter, written by an eye-witness of the execution at Raval of mutinous sailors on board the Pmmmal Azova. After describing the blank dismay of the condemned men when they heard the decision of the
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  • 370 5 FIASCO From the Straits Kcho The performance '\vhich took place on Saturday evening at the theatre in Sultan St. wa- of a kind rather different trom what had been expected, >ayMonday's Malay Mill. Announcement ll .d been made and bills circulated to the effect that the
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  • 118 5 Ng Bi has the contract to remove refuse from the prison. The rules demand i that he shall not carry certain thing, money, Tobacco, leiters fte. within the prison gates. In order to remind him of this, he is always asked what he has about him.
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  • 75 5 It is interesting to learn that nearly one thouand physicians belonging to the Negro race attended the meetings of the National Medssociatioh in Philadelphia. It has been said that in the great area, south of the United States, and and in all the tropics, Negro physician is certain to become
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  • 736 5 formation Ca P ital Subsc bed of Value upto Reserve Company Quotations lYesent JL Shares _j_ J I>rice< 1900 $175,000 $140,000 <\ 3,500 unissued 1903 £400,000 £350,000 350',000 £1 ;£1 Duft'bevolopment Co, Ltd. 2 .SS S 1901 $300,000 $293,600 > 10,000 10 10 (PreO 10 01 !ni^
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  • Commercial.
    • 154 5 Gambier buyers 7.00 do Cube No. 1 10.82^ Copra, Bali 9.50 do Pontianak 9.20 Pepper, Black(ordinary S'pore) „20.25 do White, Fair L. W. 5 p.c. 26.50 Sago Sarawak Flour 1.85 do Brunei No. 1 2.85 Pearl Sago, small 5 40 Coffee, Bah, io^% buyers 3 p.c. 19.50 Coffee Palembang,
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    • 34 5 2/4 i/i 6 -.40 Private j m/s 2.99! Private ta rf/ i dis Private 30 d/s 140! Private 30 d/s 142 ",4 $8.C7 C '1/-1 ji Mb tat V t\ Hi P*^ an
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  • 1333 6 MARRIAGE BROKER ACE. I had haul! v read faith's" amazing disclosures oi modern means mdm< of marriage brokerage when I came upon, in a volume whic I rdly as edifying a^ .t is interesting "Court Beauties 01 Old Whitehall* (Fisher Unwin), an extraordinary case ol the kind which oo urredi
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  • 143 6 The N CL.) is-ued by the Statistical Department of the Chinese Imperial Marit at S for the total Hk. U 1 he principal shrin- N; h Ching, 1 Shanghai Ha gel S iichow, K ungchow 1 an increased trade include Tientsin, Chefoo, K tng. Food
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  • 175 6 Mr. O. Pfenningwerth, the ma' of Lowland- and Highlands, has -t out an eight-horse power Rover motor car from England, thus the ever in( mg number of automobiles in this district Mr Hammerton, having returned hom furlough, resumes duty as manBukit Raja Rubber Co, relieving Mr. 11 C
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  • 76 6 YESTERDAY'S AU< TION. Calcutta, October 13th. About 19,700 packages of tea and Moo chests ol dust ucrc catalogued yesterday, rhere was very little Change to the quality, which continues oi a useful kind. The sale passed mth a firm tone, and there was a good general demand
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  • 39 6 well upto the sven^c The excel ation of ancient PhoccniCMn tumuli on ißshrem Islands, forwhich a g'ant has been Mipctioned bv the rnmentoflndi^ i« ihortly lo be b^un bv aptain Prideaux, Political Agent, jndMexpected to yield important archaeological results.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 662 6 BANKS. m m *aaaa*****m**-**m*******-~*--***m—l Hongkong Shanghai Barking Corporation. PAID4JP QAHTAIT"... §10.000,000 I 11 L-CL'JJX'I." Kl'NDi Sterling K. -rve 810.000.0U0 Silver Re* rv W^W«» inn oouoo j Reserve Uabil ty cd Proprietota 8i0.000.000 Court of Directors. Haupt, Ksq-Chairraan. Hon. v \Y. Dickson- Depj .airman. E. Goetz, Em. E. lomk.ns hs M
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    • 692 6 NOTICES. 6. K Fernandez Co. No. 6 D'Almeida Street. LICENSED AUCTIONEERS, SURVEYORS, ARCHITECTS, APPRAISERS, AND HOUSE AGENTS. Charges and Commission will be found moderate. 9-8 06. u.c. For Sale Privately. Two full -i/.ed billiard tables by Burroughes Watts, complete. Can be seen at our sale-room No. 6 D' Almeida Street.
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    • 284 6 Dr. S. IWATSUBO, Dental Surgeon. No. 1 Raffles Place. Hours oj consultation 9 a.m. to 12 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. (Or by appointment.) 3/8/06. tc 2/2/07. For Sate. 1 his is the time to get ready for Christmas. Why wait till the last hour when you now have time
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    • 414 6 E. P. M." ADLETS. FO WANTED. \yANTEI) f«>, a Rubber Estate lamil Du-.ser or Qm able to speak Tamil Application with copies of certificatesto he uldre.-^ed to M. S. 330, c/o this paper WANTED. Chinese typing clerk. State former experience, machine used and sal required. "Typist" c/o E. 1). M.
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    • 175 6 P Special H„, id F|i 0. fi n.fi«„, cli A M.„„„ Ahealth An attracliv,: ™AP T,CK ETStO nrst .s '*.tmu Ihe P. 0 I nounce that arrangement. COLOMBO, KANDY and tu whereby i, and «W tt| Tour Tickets C 1 Reduced Tariff Forfurt P S. N. Cc < ist March.
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