Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser, 25 October 1906

Total Pages: 6
1 6 Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser
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  • 73 1 THE N^' vIINISTRY. M. Clemen eau, Premier. I London, October 24, 10.10 a.m. The new Cabinet which has been j formed now comprises the following:— Premier ..VL.. Clemenceau. Minister of Justice M. Dessaignc. Foreign Affairs, M. Pichon. Finance M. Caillaux. War Gen. Picquart. Labour: Mr. Viviani, socialist. The rest
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  • 106 1 I NOTHING KNOWN OFFICIALLY OF AGITATION. Times Telegram A Surprise. London, October 24, 10.10 a.m. Nothing was known in New York In regard to the anti-Japanese moveI ment in San Francisco until the receipt of .he cable from the Tokio correspond--1 ent of the London Times
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  • 65 1 AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND PROTEST. Consider French Favouritism Derogatory to thkik Interests. London, October 24, 10.10 a.m. The Premiers ofthe Australian Commonwealth and New Zealand have protested to Lord Elgin against signing the Convention (with France) regarding the New Hebrides, They maintain that the Convention in question
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  • 180 1 UPHOLDS THE HOUSE OF LORDS. Looks upon threats with utmost Serenity. London, October 24, 10.40 a.m. Speaking at Manchester, the Hon. A. J. Balfour in dealing at length with the Government's policy of introducing a mass of impossible mea-ures, for the purpose of accumulating what
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  • 97 1 MINISTERIALISTS ASSEMBLE IN FORCE. Womkn Demonstrators Forcibly Ejected. London, October 24, 3.55 p.m. On Parliament re-assembling, there was a large attendance of Minis- terialists. Thirty suffrage tics invaded tlie Central Hall of the House, and started a demonstration. The Police, however, were quickly on the scene and ejected
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  • 48 1 CAMBRIDGESHIRE FAVOURITES. Thi HtrTi.\(.. London, October 24, 3.55 p.m. The latest betting is as follows Polvmehis 9 to 4 Kaffir Chief »5 to a Sweet Katie 9 to 1 Vclocitv 1 o to 1 Spale 1 00 to 8 i Momiton and G*mhn 1 1 100 to <>
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  • 1791 1 WEIRD STORIES OF FINDS THAT BROUGHT DEATH. In the First Egyptian Room at the British Museum you will find en object catalogued as No. 22,542 It is a mould in some ancient form of papier-mache of an Egyptian woman, presumably a priestess-uho lived in Thebes somewhere
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 136 1 per C»»e If 9.75. THEW HISKYjLii^ LITTLE Co., 1 m i £iitlej__y^ Standard f" bicycle. mlop Tyres nprove.^dk W m^W k***^^^- m^^^ flr^k "^%l 9 COMPLETE WITH LAMP AND BELL. John Little Co., Ltd. SINGAPORE. J SLEDGE STERILIZED l^lllXjKll j SAFEST, PUREST, BEST, /The Perak and Penang Government Hospitals use
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    • 457 1 9 Howarth Erskine Ep^ipecrs ai>d Contractors. ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS. A ati NEEDLE WORK I J AND J One of the Flnwt and Largest Electric Fans in very Bedroom pi ri\A/CR Hf^PHT Buildings in I'enang "y»C^»«>«Ny Cuisins and Catering under I LUIIUn IU I I Entirely under Europaan r^F??^^ Supervision of an
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  • 447 2 TESTING HAT TEMPERATURE. "Hats and their Temperature" ia the subejct of an interesting illustrated article «l a recent number of the Windsor Magazine." The writer says:— "Some No Hat enthusiast declare that it is good for man- at asl his hair -to remain bareheaded undei a broiling sun for anv
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  • 256 2 One is continually hearing tl^at thc novel-reader likes this, and insists upon that, and absolutely refuses to look at something else. It would seem that anyone who had studied with a re able amount of care the lists of his peculiar ta-tes which are given from time
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  • 241 2 A good deal ot discussion has been carried on of 1 ite as to the allege crease of insanity in the Unitted Kingdom but most cn those taking part in a rather sporadic debate h i ten that the word insane has a very relative meaning, ind
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  • 75 2 GERMAN SAILORS TRIED SECRETLY. I From tlie "Hongkong Telegraph. Shanghai, Oct. 16, 11.45 am The German sailors implicated in the fracas St Hongkew on Saturday evening last, when a I apanese restaur-ant-keeper was stabbed to death and another Japanese -eriously wounded. have undergone a preliminary trial bctore a
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  • 189 2 r dunng s, I show that 1 r [ram I A I skin bel iNchildi Germany m I milk. cow's tn of spre u Many of, I remark.;. of form. exquis fl 1 C lately, onlv p lenna. Bui I forth an) must pa\ V I port
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 298 2 WHISKIES. SCOTCH. Dews 0' the Glen. Monarch 0' the Glen The Old Brigade. Rare Old Blend. Very Did Highland Biend. Extra Special Finest Liqueur. Robert Macdonald. Club Bahru. Club Whisky. 0. DS. V.O.S. (Choice Old Matured.) FRIGES OR PRICE LIST ON APPLICATION. N.B. In BulkJ Hogsheads, Quarter Casks and Octaves.
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    • 119 2 AUGTION SALE OF TEAK HOTEL FURNITURE 4c TO BK HELD AT No. jo High Sfrnf, {TEMPLE BAR) Friday 26th October at 3. 30 p.m. Large massive teak sideboard with mirror panels two long teak counters large refrigerator Pasteur filter bentwood chairs centre tables teak and rattan benches lounging chairs &c.
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    • 18 3 I^ o^('•'" btl;, ,o0 "T Mr. I. l.' yd th. Liberal ty for M 0U ,l!M,< rcru,.
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    • 14 3 lUCHOWSK! RESIGNED NY. Uiv: 4. 4 4° p.™. ascribe Lount .of sentaessive sulmerInpleAlh-
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    • 31 3 lIOEUVR UIACHLS. *4i 4 40 p.m. in at tenAutumn manoeuvres g place in the vicinity are engaged :vre- under the com--1 iicn-Shi-Kai and armed with modern weairae nan-
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    • 340 3 rCY PRO( EEDINGS yesterday a ven to the i ia appeared to I not be adS >w Sui -band died four will and had aa his exed been be■een married it man ge oi the shop. land at Tanj a property. She it herself. The made the
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  • 2103 3 ALLEGED IMPUDENT THEFT U nder the above heading it was reported in the columns of the E. D. M. of the 1 2th instant that one Somasundium Chetty of 21 Market Street laid an information before Mr. Michell against one Chellayah, his clerk, and one Karuppaya, a bullock
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  • 174 3 The ball of the beacon at Batu Balay is reported missing by Capt. Moir of of the s. s. Prometheus. The departure of the B. I. steamer Kistna for Port Swettenham, Penang etc., is indefinitely deferred. The following extraordinary, though little known, epitaph, may be seen on a tombstone in
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  • 227 3 INCREASED DEMAND FOR JTRES. Some interesting particulars concerning the automobile in America arc contributed by Mr. Frank Munsey to Munsey's Magazine." The best obtainable staiisties show that the American output for 1905 was about twenty-five thousand cars of one kind and another. These figures, contrasted with
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  • 219 3 An old sea captain described a voyage in an ice-breaker, one ofthe powerful vessels employed to cut through the ice on the Baltic Sea. But for the icebreakers said) it would be impossible for ships to enter and leave the harbour at Stockholm in winter time.
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  • 146 3 The British steamer Ban Hin Guan," arrived here from Ponteanak, in command of Capt Hunter, with general cargo and eleven deck passengers; she sails for Pontianak to-morrow: the local agents are Messrs Wee Bin and Company. The British steamer Clam arrived here from Balik Papan touching at Samboe,
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  • 107 3 ST-JOHN' S AMBULANCE ASSOCIATION. The examinationiof the candidates in connection with St-John's Ambulance Association who have attended Dr. D. A. Young's lectures on P'irst aid to the Injured was held yesterday by Captain Duguid R. A. M. C. Certificates of competency were gained by the Rev. P. G. Graham, Messrs
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  • 74 3 The body of a young woman M who has not yet been identified," has been discovered in the ancient Priddy lead mines in Somersetshire, some 16 or 17 feet deep in the waterborne silt that has been accumlating since the days before the Romans came.
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  • 54 3 Mr. J. IL Williams, Resident Engineer, informed the Legislative Council yesterday the amount spent on the Sin-gapore-Railway Extension to the docks was $24,073,41. The amount voted on current estimates for the year 1906 was $439'°°°- l ie en< A u g us t the total
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  • 73 3 Captain H. P. Learmoni, of the British India steamer Kistna (which broke down outside the harbour yesterday and was towed in), reports that, at 6.28 a.m., after Pilot Gray had boarded the vessel off the Cyren Shoal, an accident occurred to the machinery which compelled the vessel to stop. The
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  • 653 3 To the heroine of one of Mr. Hit chens' novels, the delight bestowed upon her by the sight and possession of beautiful jewels was an absolute mania. To see them was to long for them beyond all things to own them was to feast with absorbing joy upon
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  • 210 3 One of the most fastidious of birds is the urghtingale. One part of a woodside thicket may harbour two or three pairs of these beautiful songsters white the other is entirelv disregarded, even when the conditions seem m<>re favourable. Ireland knows this bird not, yet many parts of
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  • 150 3 The Botanical Gardens of Singapore would be the mother of good many future plantations of Para rubber. Mr. W. H. Ridley, the Curator of our local gardens, is sending supplies of Para rubber seeds now to different parts of the world in hermetically sealed boxes. Recently he
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 671 3 H. S. KIRWAN'S j TANK ROAD LIVERY, RACINC, COMMISSION STABLES j (OPPOSITE RAILWAY STATION I I A new building specially built for stables, absolutely sanitary and up-to-date. J Accommodation for Horses and ('arrives bf day, week, or month at Popular Prices- Kxtra large loose boxes for Kace Horses; al o
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  • 455 4 SHUT UP ALONE FOR FIVE DAYS. Lived r*n Bread and Geranium Leaves Niw Yore, Sept. si. That tiny, babies have greater vitality, endurance, knowl< dge, intelligence and resoui ee than rven the lOfed mothers suspect is sugge.-ted by the remarkable struggle for life, continuing for five
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  • 136 4 SEPTEMBER OUTPUT ["he output for September was t5.a9a.74 p*kul» a$ 1,400.7a pikuls In August The value of the metal ia returned at 13,195,905.89 on which duty amounting to §449,***** was collected. The average price of tin wa S per pikul with duty at 838.19 per bhara. The figures
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  • 143 4 It i-. in fVt, ri excellent phn to read one really tine book -during every holiday. It is then thu your, spirit is malleable to great impressions it is then that its reciptivity, aided by I new and delightful environment, is greatest, Moreover, there cornea I
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  • 688 4 HOW THE "SPRINGBOKS" m WORK THE SCRUM." (From Daily Mail, --nd September The South Africans -or "The Springboks," as they have already t*en named by the general public -carried through a programme yesterday that was almost identical with that of thenfirst day in England. In London they are finding at
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  • 201 4 A ton of dead flies was the strange cargo a vessel from Brazil recently unloaded at the London Docks, Dead fl es are admirable food for chickens, birds in captivity, and captive fishes. But there being no flies to speak of in England, those in
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  • 149 4 Among the queerest languam used by hum in kind throughout thc world arc those of tlie Oomeros, inhabitants ot one ofthe Canary group of islands, and thc Cameroons of West Africa* The Gomero whistles what he has to siy to his neighbour, using finger* and lip* so expertly
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  • 139 4 Mr. Ravi Varma, the veteran Travancorean artist, died on the 2nd in.^t Ua hia 59th year. He has been a frequent and successful exhibitor at the Annnual Exhibition of the Madras Pine Arts Society, at which in 1873. 1874 and 1876 he was awarded the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 189 4 > RecrcatiorHot?! > SERANGOON ROAD, TRAMWAV I Has excellent accommodation for >manent boarders. leTn porarv Airy rooms with Verandah and hath n > GOOD TABLE WINES I v Prices moderate which may be ticerUil i NOTIcTI ESTABLISHED THE BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM I j "SIHCCAY JANAJITTRrI I PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY^^B Telephone
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 2089 4 Ik Wm\**~*~-^* ~ma\\\>-. *^***r o^/^___Wmi' \\_T~_ /smm_^^fyi>aWr\aaaa7*^3*^M SHIPPING NEWS. "TT'OCICITT'T Q London, Nov. 2;P.&. O. Ban Hin Guan, Brit str. 243 tons, V JZJOO Ci I JJ Persia, China, Nov. 7; Rautenberg Capt Hunter, 24th Oct. From PontiParoo, Fremantle, Oct.—; Boustead anak, 21st (3ct G.c, and 11 d. p. Wee
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  • 508 5 aark street ffl te Mont ol AW M AUnl know anyat] I antry H ik with this \jj a cenJa formerly j Among oi the k conoected i i Ins hrst .nis lather story «.t I and some J licad_ /3 Every X m carefully p and i
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  • 325 5 TRANSPLANTING GLANDS AND BLOOD-VESSELS. Professor Garre, of Breslau, has delivered an interesting lecture at Stuttgart on the transplanting of bloodels and organs, the topic which attracted so much attention at the meeting ofthe British Medical Association at Toronto in August. Professor Garre, Reuter says, traced the development
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  • 367 5 1 HAM GUARDIANS PASS A NEW RULE Amazing Range of Tenders When the West Ham guardians met tterday at the workhouse to consider tenders for supplies for next year, they adopted by a large majority a rule that no tender should be considered from a contractor
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  • 114 5 RATHER an amusing bnt particularly impudent robbery took place at a hause in the Suriawongse road, nearly opposite the German, Club, yesterday evening. The owner of the house was dining out, but had nat told servrnts of his intention. So they laid the table as usual and retired to the
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  • 169 5 BURGLARS ENTER THROUGH A SEWER CARRY OFF 6,500 Munich, Friday, Sept. ft. Newly-struck ten-mark pices to the amount of about 130,000 marks L£*,sooJ were stolen on the night of the 2istult. from the Royal Mint at Munice. The burglars effected their entrance into the building through a
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  • 128 5 An aged Chinese woman, says the "Hongkong" Telegraph who visited the Police Court the other day with the intention of speaking on behalf of a defendant in a certain larcency case from Yau-ma-ti, when called to the witness-box by the accused, suddenly turned hostile. What do you know
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  • 233 5 CAUSED BY ELECTRIC WIRE Scenes of wild excitement were wit:u --ed in the early hours ofthe morning, of the 21st ult. when the Grand Hotel at Arcachon was totally destroyed by fire. The alarm was given by an English guest, who ran through the corridors and aroused
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  • 373 5 The commonly recommended sea voyage for the benefit of health has one great dis advantage, inasmuch as the invalid aboard ship can never count on securing the services of an experienced sea-going practitioner. It is the common practice of steamship companies to engage newly-qualified youths
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  • 751 5 Dntp of Number T formation Ca P ital Subsc bed of Paid Reserve P^ilt lormauon j shere* I Value U P to I Keserve Company Quotations Present i I Pkice. GOLD. S .900 5.75,000 S, 4 0.000 I 3,500 untied B^rsawah G. M. Co., Ud ,0.00 seller,
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  • Commercial.
    • 30 5 2.974 2.99^ I li His '404 a c 7 rate 3 m/s 5^ p rr aj) D 1 a n 54 pcr an. Bar suver in London M 7/16
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    • 148 5 Gambier buyers 7.00 do Cube No. 1 10.82^ Copra, Bali 9.50 do Pontianak m 9.20 Pepper, Black (ordinary S'pore) 20.25 do White, Fair L. VV. 5 p.c. 26.50 Sago Sarawak Flour „2.85 do Brunei No. 1 2.85 Pearl Sago, small „5.40 Coffee, Bali, i6£% buyers 3 p.c. i 9
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  • 1177 6 BY DR. ALBERI SHAW. The Editor of tin- American Re view of Reviews contributes to itSeptember number an elaborate^ comprehensive, and copiously illustrated paper, entitle! Wh.it 1 1 impton means by Education. Dr. Shaw says Tin Ni w South. In no other part of the
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  • 520 6 Fu m the "Siam Observer." Hear Mr. Editor :—I did not send the "copy" as promised, as will probably be explained bv the following m. Dinner finished, read thc Ob* meyer, sat down to write. M< thick as Vallambrosan leaves. Slap! slap! About 14 inside my
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  • 134 6 In connection with an investigation as to tlie origin of beri-bef t" G.mlette. who has had considerable experience ia Malaya, examined" in December last samples of the rice winch was being prepared in the coolie mes at the bokor district hospitalTa' d the result mm sufficienUy startling {\1 found that
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 652 6 BANKS. Hontkong Shanghai Banking Corporation. PAID-UP CAPITA! 5i0.000.000 RESERVE FUND Sterling Reserve JJO.OOJOOO 9*^^ bilvrr Reserve ?io,2oo,u<ju j Reserve Liability of Proprietors $10,000,000 Court of Directors. A Haupt, Ksq Chairman. Hon. v." \Y. Dickson— Deputy-Chairman. E. Goet; isq. i H. E. Tomkins Ksq. C. R. Lt.:.zmann, D. M \issim, Ksq.
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    • 406 6 NOTICESG. A. Fernandez Co. <Vb, 6 D'Almeida Street. LICENSED AUCTIONEERS, SURVEYORS, ARCHITECTS, APPRAISERS, AND HOUSE AGENTS. Charges and Commission W NI be found moderate. 9-8-06. u.c. Fop Sale Privately. IN*O full sized billiard tables by Burroughs ft Watts, complete. Can seen at our sale-room No. 6 D' Almeida Street. C
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    • 305 6 Dr. S. IWATSUBO, Dental Surgeon. No. 1 Raffles Place. Hours oj consultation 9 a.m. to 12 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. (Or by appointment.) 3/8/06. tc 2/2/07. For Sale. This is the time to get ready for Christmas. Why wait till the i ast hour when you now have time
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    • 425 6 E. P. M." ADLETS^ WANTEO. RANTED for a Rubber EsUte lamil Dresser or c\ abletospeakratnir^ppl^^ 1 copies of certihcate.to be tddreS to If. S. 330, c/o this paper. TO BE LET. on N 2 °nd 7 F!o a or Cry Apply to GUTHRIE Co., Ltd. To Let. J*kH 5 h
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    • 132 6 P Speci al Hon,, Newe ra 0b.2c C S m ice: A hi An CHEAP RETUR(| Pints 5T ocav nounc arrangemer, C^OMBO, KANDY L Tour Tickets f J R^uced Tar.ft J P 0. s 1 Ml T. Kty CHARGES *a 0 Fron "'«i (i 1/31-8-NOTicFfo ADVERTISEHi We shall be m
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