Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser, 22 October 1906

Total Pages: 6
1 6 Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser
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  • 71 1 ELECTRICAL PLUMBAGO. It is announced that Mr. Achesga, of Niagara Falls, who first produced the new material extensively employed as an abrasive, entitled "carborundum, has now succeeded m producing soft graphite, or a substance similar to plumbago, with the Hectrical furance. Ihe graphite works at Niagara have hitherto been limited
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  • 41 1 The subscriptions to the new hospital fund at Alor Star, Kedah, are reported to amount to over SS.ooo. Tins is sufficient to pay the cost of half the initial work but there is still room for extension of the subscription list.
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  • 105 1 (Reuter's Agency wires. By Submarine telegraph.) GUNNERY TRIALS ARE SUCCESSFUL. New War Vessel Equal to The Enormous Strain, London, Qt >ber ao, 10.30 a.m. The gunnery trials of H. M. S. Dreadnought, wtiich lias been but recently launched, took place yesterday English Channel, m the vicinity
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  • 49 1 CABLE SERVICE INTERRUPTED. Between America and Cuba London, October 20, 10.30 a.m. From New York it is wired that the cables which extend between the United States and Cuba were inter- rupted after the receipt of the message announcing that a cyclone was raging at Havannah.
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  • 66 1 BANK OF ENGLAND DISCOUNT RATE INCREASES. NOW STANDS AT SIX INSTEAD OF FOUR Per cent. London, October 19, 10.50 p.m. The Bank of England's rate of discount on Bills has increased to six per cent. r The reason of this is ascribed to fresh withdrawals of funds for Egypt
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  • 79 1 TRADES LICENSES TO BE ISSUEU Objects ark against Competition ok Aliens and Coolies. London, October 19, 10.30 p.m. Ihe Labour Member, m introducing into the Natal Parliament a Bill which has for its object, to confine the issuance of trades licenses to persons on the roll of electors, said
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  • 26 1 MR. ZAIMIS ACCLAIMED As Commissioner London, October 20, 10.30 p.m. At last, Mr. Zaimis has been recognized and enthusiastically acclaimed as, Greek Commissioner for Crete.
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  • 20 1 A MINISTERIAL CRISIS. All Members ok Cabinet Resign London, October 20, 10.30 a.m. The French Cabinet has collectively resigned.
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  • 140 1 STANDARD OIL COMPANY ARE GUILTY OF CONSPIRACY. Used their financial influence to restrain Trade, London, October 20, 10.32 a.m. The Jury which had been empannclled from the State of Ohio (U.S.A.) ■ftcr a deliberation of nearly a day and a half (32 hours) have handed m their
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  • 50 1 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY METAMORPHISED. In San Salvador Espkciallv London, October si, 11.22 a.m. San Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras have undergone a complete change as regards tlieir physical geographical features. Many places m San Salvador arc entirely changed. A warship belonging to tlii^ later Republic was lost during a prie.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 276 1 IHowarth Erskine I Ep§ii>cers at^d Contractors. I ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS. 1 T^Phme 23. Telegram, ERSKINE." t j ART NEEDLE WORK One of the Fln,.t and L-rg..t Electric F.n. m very B.droom I Building m lenang $Ms£% Cui.ine and Catering under i Tl f\\kirQ HCDAT Entire^ under E-rofwn Supemsion of an Curoptn
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    • 555 1 THE KINC OF WHISKIES V/ Per Case 9.76. THE WHISKY OF KINGS. JOHN LITTLE CO LTD Sou Ag§tits. FROM CRUTCHES TO COM PLETE HEALTH. EXTRAORDINARY CURE OF A rheumatic; sufferer m siam byDr. William's Pink Pills. Although now (,2 years of age there are few more active busy men m
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  • 955 2 Tthe Eastern Daily Mail. PRICE 5 CENTS. MONDAY, 22nd OCTOBER. FEMALE EDUCATION. A young lady, home for the holidays from a high school, was m great glee over her success m the recent examination. M Papa," she said, you ought to be very proud of my reports, and to be
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  • 70 2 The next Assizes will open atSinea gore on the 6th proximo, and *at Penang on the 20th proximo. II Baddeley, of the F. M S Civil Serv.ce, has been appointed to act as I .strict Officer, etc., of Christmas Island, with effect from U c ist instant. lisl Owing to
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  • 115 2 S2OOO AND COSTS To Mr. Montagu Harrf^ Barkisifr at-Law. Mr. Montagu Harris, Barrister at Law, who claimed as damages against the Eastern Daily Mail, tl sum of $50,000, but who was awardt 1 by Mr Justice Fisher the sum of Sa.ooo, and costs, for an article
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  • 412 2 A correspondent of the Times has founda plane-tree on the island of Cos which, he suggests, may be 2,400 years old at least, for there is a marble seat under it, and the inhabitants declare with one voice that this was used by Hipppocrates. Another correspondent
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  • 557 2 The chairman of a well-known of caterers, m submitting recent the shareholders a rather nfelancholy a* count of the year's bu-ines-, deplored the fact that the public no longer di wine. That is perfectly true a- tar as drinking expensive wine m restaurant concerned, though it
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  • 199 2  - WHY MARRIAGE IS THE GREAT LOTTERY? HELEN OLDFIELD BY the"? hun »«nity a ndassu community ol wife. In all sa.dtolnver, nan; and in G< the Lord God, man to be alone' 8 helpmeet „,r,, :n -shall be one flesh" harmonious whok no marria X which th i Aoroughs^mi »re joined
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  • 63 2 rh eight months show that th< Kingdom wo ing to <r the fad that unusually low taken back to that the i amounted lv this ris i com consumption io,ooo,oo«»l!' and exports same extent growth m i especially favo the correspoiuliiii. As regai no less than Ceylon
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 300 2 Wickless Oil Steves. t ,n-> L-9{9 SIMPLE as an ordinary lamp without wick. S *&f&f S. '•mint OUICK It 18 rendy when you arc. JVC I rf.,. I SAFE Absolutely. I ECONOMICAL one gallon of Kerosene will **j§jP sh furnish fuel for 20 hours constant fire. There oven. IT WILL
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    • 379 2 WHISKIES. SCOTCH. Dews 0' the Glen. Monarch 0' the Glen. The C d Brigade. Rare Old Blend. Very Old Highland Blend. Extra Special Finest Liqueur. Robert Macdonald. Club Bahru. Club Whisky. 0. OS. V.O.S. (Choice Old Matured.) PRICES OR PRICE LIST ON APPLICATION. N.B.— ln Bulk, Hogsheads. Quarter Casks and
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    • 139 2 Great Success Eclipsing any other Company. SECOND TO NONE. Masterly Music Sweet Song A FEAST TO THE EAR. A PLEASING SIGHT. T©*JVIGHT! Monday, 22ml October. Opera Indra Jaya The Johar Ma'nikam Theatrical Company of Singapore WILL FIT ON THE STAGE A I THE ALEXANDRA HALL North Bridge Road. An Entirely
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    • 43 3 UMBERED X HOUR. u TjL c irhich pas^ over ;er est which can by anyone living P*3S£of thrwind attained a cs an hour. MH7S WAVES. Idfed thirt, five .ANOTBAIM u, harbour buildings were shaken -tin- metals, ijlucrswerc engulfed m f
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    • 34 3 APORTANI -UKAS PUBLK 72 a.m. promulgated a entitling all or class. I from acvci, Asiatic? originatia. MRY which have creatg the pea .led. i be allowed I, their cc. the privilege inlimited
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    • 68 3 AMBASSADOR WAS PRESENT. Ukeadi 2.40 p.m. leral Lyttleton It the d Cutlers, announced that the Drcadt; g 1 at success. ire of naval war'ependent g huge :ications yarding i.M.S the reduc :cd that >uch :uted but a -mall y -Mould not economy. drawnadvocated I nnualh and which
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    • 63 3 tATED PROJECT REVIVED. iMi p.m. those memthe City of npanied him to Paris the Metropolis. friendship g between the two r.arance) the former je Channel tunnel is again 'gineer of the French the departand the Mayoral an address at the Nor•n the course of the utility of
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    • 35 3 SIGNERS AND ED °THERS KILLED. Mll -<-">N DOLLAR ©ME. ■„m. h cyclone I 'i*P— 1 -wnated at has notified )v Olls the Endowment '■'v nosauc m md )epro l- admiW poipowsof
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    • 13 3 P. MACFADYEN CO. S N AYMENI. 2i, w.zz a.m. P. Macfadyen .ended paymc
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  • 2421 3 SINCAPORE SPORTING CLUB. NURD DAY. Tm. Conclusion A Great Success. The third and last day's racing held IQ connection with the Singapore Soon mg Club's Autumn Race Veetmg^ as brou^t to a most successful conclusion on Saturday m glorious weather and before an exceedingly large gathering amoiigsr which the members
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  • 250 3 Mr. Walter Draper, known both as horticulturist and agriculturist m Egypt, publishes m the English newspaper of Alexandria an interesting and valuable study of the cotton worm and cotton cultivation m that country. He considers, from practical observation m the field, that there is far
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  • 416 3 Mr. Ashmore Russan writes 16 The Financier: Re the article m your issue of this date headed "Ceylon Rubber," I shall be much obliged if you will request your able Colombo correspondent not to attribute to me opinions which I do not hold. So far from requiring to
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  • 294 3 Mr. S. Haseba, the Parliamentary leader of the Ministerial party In the Japanese* Diet during its last session, has arrived m England, and is spending two or three weeks m visiting some of the chief cities there. To a press representative the Japanese statesman has given
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  • 180 3 According to the Paris correspondent of a London paper, the M five o'clock" a la Japonaise is the latest entertaining novelty m French country houses. "At a lovely old chateau a few miles from Paris," writes this lady, I was introduced to the charms
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  • 178 3 Thi Fort Montfaucon, one of the defensive works of Besancon, has been demolished by a terrific explosion, eight persons being killed and 14 wounded. It was during a violent thunderstorm, which raged m the district on 1 6th inst. that the catastrophe occurred. The principal powder magazine, containing 1 13
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 667 3 H. S. KIRWAINTS TANK ROAD LIVERY, RAGING, COMMISSION STABLES (OPPOSITE RAILWAY STATION) A new building specially built for stables, absolutely sanitary anl iii>-to-(late' Accommodation for Horses and arrives by day, week, or month at Popular PricesKXTRA large loose boxes for Race Honet; also a suitably tQlliped an: well Ventilated storeroom,
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  • 392 4 Alirstcla-- programme was presented to large audience at "The Twentieth Century Club" last Saturday evening. Mr W. P. Lowe, who W very able performer on the pianoforte, opened the programme with some ragt.mc music. Item two was Juggling with Indian Clubs by the Scotch Midgets, a wry clever
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  • 170 4 It week a new io-horse- power was installed m the spacious premises of 1 :e-e Cinematograph, and their show 9 g g better I < m is the i\ ever d by a show of this kind and the pictures shown arc unsurpassed. The number of electric
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  • 154 4 THE DEVELOPMENT OF JAPAN 'S FOREIGN TRADE. CINEMATOGRAPH PIC I URES OF JAPANESE INDUSTRIES TO BE EXHIBITED IN IHK WEST We learn from the "Japan Times" that ety styled the Kaigai Boeki Hattea Kwat, or Association for the Development of Foreign trade, lias been established with a view to promoting
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  • 197 4 A mosi fanta tic scene took place m the Via Sistiana, Rome, an exchange says. A wedding procession passed by, the bride and bridegroom walking arm-in-arm, and followed by a large crowd of ds men m tall hats and ladies ed m white and wearing rich jewels
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  • 12 4 Ihi French mail from China is due here to-day shortly alter dayliglu.
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  • 427 4 NOVEL EXPERIMENT BY DAUGHTER OF MARQL'ESS With the arrival of the steamship Montcalm at Avonmuiith, from Montreal, came the news of an experiment which Lady Ernestine Hunt, eldest daughter of the Marquess of Ailesbury, has undertaken. Lady Ernestine Hunt has started a horse-ranch at Calgary, Alberta, on
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  • 359 4 Messrs Win. Jas. Hy. Thompson, m their fortnightly report. September 15. The murket during the early part of the fortnight wa> quiet and easier, and hard cure tine Far:. declined I .at which price sales were made, but there has since been a firmer tendency, and sales have
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  • 222 4 WHAT NEXT Ihe exports of crude rubber from Mexico are increasing considerably. owing, no doubt, to the growth <-f production of rubber from Guasule. The Indiarubber World," of New York, says The rubber business will be revolutionised again when the facts become more generally known regarding a vine reported to
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  • 35 4 Mk. I- red. Dennys, the well-known gentleman rider, ot former days, is now promoted to the billet of "Deputy Conservator of Forests" Selangor relieving Mr. B 11 F. Bernard who goes home on well-earned leave.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 196 4 > Rccrcatioi) Hoteif SERANGOON ROAD, TRAMW jy Has excellent ac ommodation for temon >manent boarders. rnrv ;ir!fl per Airy rooms with Verandah and bath rooms comply y GOOD TABLE WINES. V Prices moderate which may be ascertained from tin U IH\J I ICE, ESTABLISHED "7^'(^~^^^ )903 THE BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 2064 4 SHIPPING NEWS. -.-^-,^^-r-^j q Palking, Liverpool, Nov. 7 Mansfield Hye Leong, Brit. str. 295 tons, Capt V H t^^ Hi 1 jf> Prinz Alice, Hongkong Nov. 11 Behn Perry, 20th Oct. From P. Swettenham, J UKJK flr Meyer. 18th Oct. G.c, and 38 d. p. Straits -r^ -»y TV¥^/^irTl'OT"\ Prinz
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  • 1636 5 gfhl;gt aiOrt nn.«"«««- 9 n P., passed and, ■usic ins nents m i m and ikI or, ol minstrel V iristian know the sound troubadours much to raise the cannot be dotibQueen native the tion be overlooked nth cent follow ludes ver I id n talists sion juarter,
    Tribune  -  1,636 words
  • 100 5 A most unsual scene was witnessed at the District Court, Galle, the other day. Mr. G.A. Baumgartner, D. J., tried a ca-;e m whicli one Singho was charged with housebreaking and theft. At the conclusion of the trial the prisoner \\afound guilty and sentenced to four years' rigomu^. While the
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  • Stocks and Shares.
    • 245 5 tarnation Capital Subsc bed f Value up 'to Rese ™c Company Quotations I 'resent I 5£L a T?? L I Price. f 13,500 10 10 JBersawah G. M. Co., Ltd 10.00 sellers 1900 $175,000 $140,000 < j 3,500 unissued 1 4,000 10 10 m (Deferred) 8.00 sell--1903 .£400,000 j£3s°»
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    • 272 5 !9<>s ;£is°,ooo ,£140,000 140,000 l Anglo-Malay Rubber Co. Ltd. £3.0.0 1905 $200,000 Si 20,000 20,000 10 ,Balgownie Rubber Estate Ltd. 16.00 /-,,,,<: J 7,00<> £1 Batu Caves Rubber Co. Ltd. (f. j>.) -£2.2.6 .904 £i h i* S M|OOO 2i 7/9 (conthb.) 1905 700,000 $610,000 70,000 10 10 Batn
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    • 224 5 1894 £>'Zll Io 7.638 12.6 12.6 Bells Asbestos Eastern Agency, Ltd. 17.75 1898 $225,000 $225,000 4.500 50 50 112,500 Frascr ft Neavc, Ltd 135.00 10,000,000rt I 1865 $10,000,000 $10,000,000 80,000 125 125 9,500,000 V 'Hongkong and Shanghai Bank 770.,,,) 250,0006 I f 18,000 100 100 .1 IT I T
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    • 53 5 Howarth Erskine, Ltd. 6 o/o $600,000 2 0/0 prm. buyers. Riley Hargraves, Ltd. 60/0 225,000 2 0/0 prm. buyers. Singapore Municipal 6 0/0 400,000 nominal. 50/0 1,478,000 par. buyers. 4 0/0 602,000 par. sellers. Tanjong Pagar Dock Co., Ltd. 6 0/0 250,000 2°/ o prem buyers. 50/0 1,365,500 i<*,
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  • Commercial.
    • 40 5 Cop°ra, Bali* 9-3« do Pontianak n 8.90 Pepper, Black (ordinary S'pore) ..20.45 do White, Fair L. W. 5 p.c. 27 50 Sago Sarawak Flour ..2.85 do Brunei No. 1 2.85 T" 1 tl o 2.00 L IL C 2
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    • 75 5 On London Bank 4 m/s 2/4 7/10 Demand 2/4 i/,r, do. 6 m/s. 2/4 13/16 Private 3 m/s. 2/4 On Germany— Bank d/d 2.; Private 3 m/s j. 4 do. 6 m/s 2.40 On France Bank d/d 2.93! Private 3 m/s 97 j do. 6 m/s On India Bank
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 184 5 FOR SALE. One Stand Camera cabinet size complete m leather cue. Price $35.00 Apply Suite I (jnmmtgk Buildings. WANTED. Employment h a Dispenser m any di-pensary by a qualified apothecary. Apply to:— DRLGS, c/o E. D. 11. For Sale. This is the time to get ready for Christmas. Why wait
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  • 1493 6 THE LOVE OF GARDENING. THE "I.P.G's" TRIBUTE TO THE KYLON BOTANIC GARDENS Last year tqe simultaneous' nppearance of the reports of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Calcutta, and the Royal B<«tanir Gardens, Ceylon, compelled us, says the I P.G. of the 6th instant, to direct attention to a painful contrast. It
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  • 274 6 HUGE SHRINKAGE Whether the loss is attributable to the Chinese boycott or to the termination of the Ru>so-Japane>e war, the United Mate- ade m the Far taya a leading New York paper. In the first seven months of the calendar year *ir to China, Japan and
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  • 220 6 Wi are glead to see that the "Japan Times has taken up the question of the presence of beggars suffering from loathsome diseases m the streets and at places of public resort. This nuisance is much too prevalent at Kobe, us well as at Yokohama and the
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 703 6 BANKS. Hongkong Shanghai Banfclng Corporat.on. PAID-UP CAPITAL $10,000,000 Sterling K.s* rf« JJO-J^^ 1 $20,250,000 Silver Rewru- $10,250,000 Reserve Lial, My ol Proprietors $10,000,000 Court of Directors. A Haupt, Ksq Chairman. Hon C W Ihckson— D«Tiity-Chairman. E. Goet? Esq. i H. E. Torakins Esq. C. R. Luizmann, D. M. Nissim, Ksq.
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    • 439 6 NOTICES, G. A. Fernandez Co. No. 6 I? Almeida Street. LICENSED AUCTIONEERS, SURVEYORS, ARCHITECTS, APPRAISERS, AND HOUSE AGENTS. Charges and Commission will be found moderate. 9-8-06. v.c. MORTGAGEE'S; SALE. Wednesday, 24th October, at 2.30 p.m. The freehold shop-house premises known as No. 7 Smith Street, area 11 90 sq. ft.
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    • 249 6 ARTIE TULLY. Turf Commission Agent. Now has a ***** book opened on the forthcoming Singapore Meeting. DOUBLE EVENTS. Lawn Stakes and Governor's Cup Governor's Cup and Grand Stand Cup Double Griffins. TREBLE EVENT. Lawn Stakes, Governor's Cup and Grand Stand Cup. ALSO Straight out bets on all events. SEE PRICE
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    • 650 6 E- ■>• »J»^ Newera fi Om A fountain E£ A Place *n attractive h,,,;, C «EAP RETURN TICKETS Tn nounce ihat A*fi* arrangement, with the m For further parti, P ■*°-S.H.C., w ist March, 1906. Barr Co, Kuala Lumpur, F, Hf. ORGAN BUILDERS Piano and Musical InstrJ. ment Dealers Tuners
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