Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser, 20 October 1906

Total Pages: 6
1 6 Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser
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    • 44 1 Because Kaiser Disagrees London, October 19, 12.50 p./n. Owing to the Kaiser's refusal concerning the appointment of the Duke of Cumberland to the Regency, a Bill has been introduced into the Brunswick Diet ordering the election of a new Reg it
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    • 46 1 BOUNDARY COMMISSIONER DESPATCHED. To Adjust Matters London, October 19, 12.50 p.m. As a resuU of the representations made by the Persian ambassadors, instructions have been sent to the Turkish boundary Commissioners to proceed with the demarcation m a spirit of equality and justice.
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    • 71 1 GOVERNMENT OF DOMINION INTENDS EXCLUDING THEM. Bill drafted for next session London, October, 19, 12.50 p.m. It is announced from Vancouver that the Dominion Government will introduce into the Legislature at the next session of Parliament, a Bill which has for its object the restriction of
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    • 43 1 GENERAL MANNING LEAVES ON TOUR OF INSPECTION For six months London, October 19, 12.50 p.m. General Manning is to sail on a tour of inspection which will extend over a period of six months. He will visit Somaliland, East Africa, and Uganda.
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    • 78 1 DECIMATED BY DISEASE Very few return from Ylmen London, October 19, 12.50 p.m. Sickness and privations have alarmingly reduced the ranks of the Turkish troops who have returned from Yemen. Uut of an alleged strength of ten battallions which landed at Alexandretta the number of those who
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    • 84 1 LONDON'S MAYOR KISSES MARKET QUEEN OF PARIS Members of Corporation Still feted London, October 19, 12.50 p.m. The Lord Mayor and members of the Corporation of the city of London are still m Paris and yesterday drove to the Halles, or Central Market of Paris. On arrival
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    • 27 1 DEVONIANS BEATEN Another Victory kor South Africans. London, October 19, 12.50 p.m. The South African team has beaten that of Devonshire by 22 points to 0.
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    • 143 1 LORD MAYOR COULD NOT ATTEND. Was Indisposed. London, October 19, 12.50 p.m. The reception which was held by the French Foreign Office m honour of the Lord Mayor could jnot be attended by the latter owing to indisposition. The Lord Mayor, however, was represented by Sir
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  • 631 1 GREAT FESTIVAL OF MODERN SPORTS PROPOSED. There i^good hope that the next Olympic Games, which will take place m July 1908, will be held m London. This decision may seem strange at first, but not when the real significance of the Olympic movement is appreciated. "If
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  • 121 1 boMK sensation was caused recently one afternoon at Tourronde, a small place a few miles from Eviau-les Bains, on the Lake of Geneva, owing to the fact that a carriage suddenly drew up m the village street, and one of the occupants hastened to the local
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  • 115 1 Mr. 11. Conway Bellield, British Resident, Selangor, goes home some time next month. It is believed, UJI the Penile Pioneer, that Mr. EX li. Campell will carry on, from Kuala Lumpur, the duties ot British Resident of Selangor and Ne'gri Scmbilan. Several leading German newspaper! suggest that m the event
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 173 1 4r per Case <T 975 THt wH!SKViU!NSi_ JOHN LITTLE Co., LIMITED. Vbbhm^ newest 1/ m L D ;r fashions rrr FOR J BLOUSES. RACE WEAR. I ™2Ls L ADIES TRIMMED HATS. DRESS FABRICS. 1 I" choicest designs and smartest us m London b inn I ROBES. some choice Lines m
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    • 195 1 Howarth Erskine Epgipeers aipd Contractors. ELECTRICAL IMSTALLATIOWS. I Telepfome 28. Telegrams ERSKINE." ART NEEDLE WORK i AND One of the Finest and Largest Electric Fane m very Bedroom Cuisine and Catering under FLOWFR fiFPfIT Entirely under European Supervision of an European I bUffLn UE.IUI Management I SE; 217 Orchard Road.
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  • 17 2 The infant son of F. A. C. IVstana, Accountant, Robinson Piano Co. Ltd! of infantile conualsions.
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  • 986 2 The Eastern Daily Mail. PRICE 5 CENTS. SATURDAY, 20th OCTOBER. CHINESE LABOUR ON THE RAND. A strong and persistent movement is being made for a long time against the Chinese Labour on the Rand m South Africa and m order to enforce their demands about the repatriation of the Chinese
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  • 611 2 From tlic Malay Mail rftft October. One of the wants of Kuala Lumpur is evidently a stationer's shop, to jud-e from the following remarks by a correspondent I cannot purchase an ordii nry good penholder m the town nor cai I obt-in large envelopes for legal documents
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  • 306 2 PLANTER'S COD! Mr. A. S. Baxendale of Kuala Lumpur, arrived at Colombo by the M Mooltan after a few month's stay m England. Mr. Baxcudalc was formerly Director of Telegraphs m Selangor, but has resigned and is ing with Mr. H. W. Devitt, who a
    Times of Ceylong 6th October  -  306 words
  • 17 2 J^'«'> quantities of si^ar-crinc arc J*»"g sh.pped from Moulmein to law arrca XcK c can be maintained
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  • 15 2 Canada 's Pro perties. rhe material assured of the cou rd 1 also run assuring.
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  • 30 2 Whatever claim exterior or int< may have, it church excels dicatedto"Chr ley near Rip buildings and I most wonder! The t fa II IT Sunday Strand
    Sunday Standard  -  30 words
  • 13 2 England 's "Alps" from London, •norland. meet, w< I P the County Gentleman
    Country Gentleman  -  13 words
  • 6 2 com I Star
    Star  -  6 words
  • 4 2
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  • 70 2 s ancnt om- poiat.dear M Tramw and servo I read Tram ly pr for the v there I d Euro] far v thai i those signs i try i" 1 mak regard to I Staffordshire I son. .1 verj Mai i i want new m I a certain
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  • 43 2  - ANOTHER COMPL AINT. Unknown D U« s ik. M your column propei aui enplo> > travel! was amplf room conductor aiui tlu- car for us and pas nee and m theii einployei would not be i. >v h incideni occurrence, s would abo (ecartal
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  • 13 2 SPELLING UK, UngadomS Ulng a,] i I? speller We Outlook Newyork
    Outlook Newyork  -  13 words
  • 51 2 Illc scene »aa \> occurred Nations bctwenAn were known consequent upon th ■<*< critical, an" State. and( ir waters may b, t«n« the order Chichester r whowasincoS there, and a, of the situation, 5t < two fleets and neither fleei cou running the i Ihe effect expected. before long I
    Western Morning News  -  51 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 207 2 A romj)letc Coffee-making Outfit \j3^C^^' Simple and Ornamental Makes Coffee to Perfection j tUX MM LJfccfill size, capacity 2 pinto $13.50 THOMPSON THOMAS k CO. THE AUSTRALIAN STORES. I Write for our General Price List. OFFER. IN ORDER TO INTRODUCE Beatson, JVlclieod Co. Limited's Old Caplor Scotch Special Wbiskp. IT
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    • 85 2 Great Success Great Success Eclipsing any other Company. SECOND TO NONE. Masterly Music Sweet Song A FEAST TO THE EAR. A PLEASING SIGHT-T©-NIGHT! Saturday, 20th October. Opera Indra Jaya The Johar Ma'nikam Theatrical Company of Singapore WILL PUT ON THE STAGE AT THE ALEXANDRA HALL North Bridge Road. An Entirely
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  • 812 3 I he usual fortnightly meeting of the Municipal Commissioners was held m tin Board Room yesterday afternoon 1 here were present Messrs. Broadrick (I resident). Maelaren, Macbean McArther, BaiW Rowland Allen and Dr Robertson, Mr. Polglase, Municipal" Secretary, and Mr. Pierce, Municipal h-ngincer. Mr. Cheng Keng Lee was
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  • 57 3 Oil Monday next there will be a ■pedal meeting ot the Legislative Council for the purpose ot considering the Currency Note Ordinance Amendment Bill v To amend 'The Curivii. y Note Ordinance ismIt ii intended to move ;he suspension of the Standing Orders In order that this Bill may be
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  • 165 3 The Chief Justice yesterday rendered a decision m the case of S. M. R. M. ■Sanmugam Chetty vs. Lo Ah Tea for the recovery of 180. Plaintiff, who is at present m India, was represented by Mr. Dudley Parsons. Judgment was previously entered against a 2nd defendant,
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  • 241 3 A useful hint about nervous children is give by the Family Doctor as follows —Never scold then nor make fun of them. They suffer enough without your threats or sarcasm. Pretend not to see the r awkwardness when m company nor their grimaces when alone. A case was
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  • 205 3 One of the circumstances which has operated to prevent the tin market from experiencing the great manipulations which copper has been subjected to during the past few years is the rccesbility of informaton of current production for a large proportion of the output. The reason is
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  • 303 3 Mr. Wilayat Hussain, a well-known liahonmedan of Peshawar, has addressed to the Civil and Military GmtdU the following remarkable letter regarding the Amirs visit and the TitmtS recent comments thereon Sir,— A well-known English paper suggests that the preparations m ide by the British Gov-ernment to
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  • 76 3 A corpse was landed here for inter meat ex s.s. Kuchiny from Sarawak. VVt: regret to hear of the death of Mrs. Ogle, at Bukit Timah, where she is staying with her sister Mrs. Clarke. Deceased was sister to Dr. Leicester and was 80 years of age. There was a
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  • 898 3 The Hous»' of Islam, by Marmaduke Pickthall London. Methuen, Gs. Mr. Pickthall has named his novel The House of Islam with a justifiable confidence m his power to present to us the Moslem mind. So much of story as there is m it is a
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  • 171 3 CAPTAIN LEGGE'S POSITION Captain Legge, Master Attendant of Colombo, has addressed a strong representation to the Government, pointnig out that the Dock ought to be transfered at his control immediately it is ready for use and before it is opened for the admission oi vessels. He
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  • 244 3 A meeting was held at the Kachcheri, on the sth int. Mr. Herbert White, G.A. presiding, to consider vvh^t steps shoiVd be taken to organise a show next year. A draft programme of the shovv was submitted for approval, after amendment. Mr. T. B. Katugaha,
    Times of Cevlon  -  244 words
  • 225 3 The British steamer Flevo," arrived here fr O m Kelantan via ports, m command o f Capt. Rushton, with some general cargo and 21 deck passengers, sne sails on the 23rd instant for Kelantan via ports the local agents are Me ssrs Tee Hoo Lye Co. The British
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  • 38 3 SELECTIONS The following are the selections for to-day Open Griffin Handicap. Long Tom or Hexagon. Stewards Cup. First Tenor or.Tease. FIRST Scurry Malapert or Xerxes. Ex-Griffin Handicap. Daylight or Sundry. Singapore Stakes. Ernie or Kaldie. VOLTIGEUR*
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  • 94 3 The M. M. Company's steamer Oceanian, will leave baigon at 4 p.m. to-day, and is expected to arrive here on Monday the 22nd instant at day- light she will probably be despatched the same day at about 4 p.m. The new road from Kedah to Perlis has now been completed,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 652 3 i H. S. KIRWAN'S TANK ROAD LIVERY, RACING, COMMISSION STABLES (OPPOSITE RAILWAY STATION) A new building specially built fur stables, abeohltel) sanitary and up-to-date ff Accommodation fdr Horses and ('arrives by day, week, or month at Popular Prices Extra large loose boxes for Race Hones; Bin a suitably equiped and
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 167 3 PASSENGERS ARRIVED Per s.s. Perak Capt. R. T. Olsen from Penang:— Messrs. Koe, Cahill, A. Turner, Dr. J. C. Mugliston, Messrs.. Low Kuan Siah, Barr, Taylor, Parsons, F. F. King, Mrs- Talbot and 2 children, Buttei field and Hale. Per s.s. Kuching Capt. Waddell from Sarawak: Messrs. Slade and Gate.
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  • 1857 4 THE RIDE 10 JERICHO, (By Mr. William Jennings Bryan. We were agreeably surprised m Jerusalem ai. t ludca, but disappointed to learn ho i few Protestant Cbristfaiia visit this city, which may, without Impropriety, be styled the Christian Mecc.t Possibly the wretched harbor at loppa it harbor it
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  • 259 4 Perhaps the most remarkable fact recorded m the Consular report on the trade of Bangkok, issued recently, is that the imports of cycles and motors have sprung from ,£1,023 m 1904. tot m 11,05, The increase, if is explained, i^ really due to the introduction of a
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 349 4 A WONDERFUL DISCOVERY. This is the age <>i rest -art h and expt-rimi-ut, win n all nature, so to speak, isransac ktiiby thes« irntib< for the < otnfort and happiness of man. S< lent c has indeed made giant strides during th< past century, and among the -by no means
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    • 196 4 > Recrcatioi) Hotd SERANGOON ROAD, TRAMW IV Has excellenl accommodation tor t V manent boarders. X Airy rooms with Verandah and hath rooms omph GOOD TABLE WINES. V Prices moderate which may be ascertained from t NOTICE^ ESTABUSHED "7f^ C^^T 1903 THE BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM I"SINOCAY JANAMITTRAif PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 581 4 SHIPPING NEWS. VESSELS EXPECTED Name, Port, Probable date of Arrival, and Agents. Steamers. Airlie, Sydney, Oct. 24 j Boustead Aparima, NewZeland, Nov.-; Boustead Arcadia, Colombo, Dec. 8 P. O. A. Behic, Colombo, Oct. 22 M. Maritimes. Awa Maru, Japan, Nov. 5 Paterson Simons. Andalusia, Hamburg, Nov. 7 Behn; Meyer. A
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    • 691 4 Senegambia, Hongkong, Oct.—; Behn Meyer. Sogovia, China, Oct. 23 Behn Meyer Sumatra, London, Oct. 19 P. O. Zieten, Hamburg, Dec. 14 B. Meyer Men-of-War, &c. Hermes, (Brit, cru.), India, Nov. K. Augusta, (Ger. cru.), Germany, shortly. Messudish,( Turk, cru.), Suakim, shortly Mutine, (Brit, g'bt.), Europe, shortly. Merlin, (i)rit. sloop,) Sheorness
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    • 439 4 MAILS TO ARRIVE. From Europe. By the M. M. s. s. Tonkin due on 22nd Oct. From China. By the M. M. s. s. Oceanien due on 22nd Oct. CLEARANCES. Suevia, for Hamburg via ports Radnorshire, Marseilles London Batavia Nagasaki H. Shanghai, A. Natunas Bangkok Bangkok Bangkok LIST OF PASSENGERS.
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  • 122 5 PERAK IN 1905. ri -,MK-lu^.;M.i the I ortol Mr. I :.'-,),t.K-. Officer, I urts PcpartI I 5 for the I I I 5 was I 9 5 tnd do M t hc ma igement. I ua- for other I I I is fair, <■> lower The i i »peng :otnic
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  • 33 5 ARRIVES ON TUESDAY ner That ih mails, left '7th she will morning gapore n Europe, ti» c 2 8th s',,: transhipped at morning be due to lX p *ndO. /woo
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  • 116 5  -  Clinton Scollard Lm Si mmkr South Wind From the first hint of faint auroral light I"tlictal maples cincturing our lawn I lie south wind fluted softly nor was gone J When the all-amber noon was at its height And still when day dusked slowly into night, J
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  • 427 5  -  Mc Landburgh Wilson rf 1 x l', ould this old tow without 1 he 1 odunk millionaires < Kir own, they do not go about Like Podunk millionaires And though we have at least a few 1 hey re not continually on view— A circumstance which is not
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  • 219 5 -parrows flock over the farmhouse lane, Away to the pastures that dreamy lie, Round the harvested grain m the tallow- high Fui the i ickyard's alight with bailey shimmer, With oate 1 glow and with wheaten glimmer, Kound sheppen and byre as the days m dimmer, In
    Pall Mall Gazette  -  219 words
  • 98 5 Thi whole of the gang of Salleh Etoi, notorious gang-robber excepting the latter himself, who is still at large have been captured m the Kulim district after a serious fight, m which several on both sides received injuries of a more or less serious nature. It was this gang, it
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  • 123 5 The following paragraph should have appeared m our yesterday's issue, but was inadvertently omitted. At noon on the 17th instant there was a derailment of car No. 39 at the Lavender Street junction. Driver No '37 was m charge of the car. The accident caused a
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  • 299 5 JUMPS METALS IN SPURTING OVER A DEAD RAIL. St. George's was recently the scene of a remarkable tram accident and m connection with the above report of a similar mishap to a local car, a report of that accdent is likely to prove interesting io our readers.
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  • Stocks and Shares.
    • 226 5 SS^L C^ Subset I 'IT \3SL\%t Reserve Company I yuoutions jgg j j GOLD. .900 S, 75> 000 $14O> ooo 3,500 u'rSed jßersawah G. M. Co., Ltd. ,0.00 sellers 4,000 10 10 n> c j\l c 11 1903 Mooo Z350,000 350,000 £l I [I 'DuftbevolopnJentCo.Ltd .90. *3oo f oco
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    • 271 5 «9°5 ,£140,000 ,40,000 \£l £1 Anglo-Malay Rubber Co. Ltd. o o 1905 $200,000 $.20,000 20,000 10 jßalgownie Rubber Estate Ltd 7600 >904 .£3°,000 14; jf B atu Caves Rubber Co. Ltd. (f. p.) ..£2.2.6 11,000 1 i 7/9 fcontrib* 9°5 700,000 $610,000 7 0,000 10 10 BatnUnjor Rubber Co
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    • 208 5 l l 9 i 7^38 i 2.6 2 .6 |Bells Asbestos Eastern Agency Ltd .898 $225,000 $225,000 4.500 50 50 112,500 Fraser Neave, Ltd. 3 10,000,0000 I >>> uo 1865 $10,000,000 $10,000,000 80,000 1 125 125 9,500,000 I Hongkong and Shanghai Bank 7oon 250,000^ J I 18,000 100 100
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    • 47 5 Howarth Er kine, Ltd. 60/0 *600,000 2 0/0 prm. buyers Riley Hargraves, Ltd. 60/0 225,000 2 0/0 prm. buyers. Singapore Municipal 60/0 400,000 nominal. n 40/0 603,000 par. sellers. Fanjong Pagar Dock Co., Ltd. 60/0 250,000 2°/ v prem buyers. 50/o i,365,5«» i^ o prem buyers.
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  • Commercial.
    • 143 5 Gambler buyers S 6 871 Cotra.Bair .V *JV do Pontianak 8.90 Pepper, Black (ordinary Spore) 20.45 do White, Fair L.W. 5 p.c. „2750 Sago Sarawak Flour „2.85 do Brunei No. 1 2.85 Pearl Sago, small 5.40 Coffee, Bali, i 6£% buyers 3 p.c. 19.37J Coffee Palembang, 20 0/0 basis
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    • 47 5 On London— Bank 4 m/s Uemand 2/4 0 da 6m s »/4lj/i6 Private 3 m/s.. 2/4^ (J« Germany— Bank d/d Private 3 m/s 2 A do. 6 m/s fi On trance— Bank d/d Priva t C3m/s.. j A m /c *o. C 7 Discount o cv
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 175 5 FOR SALE. One Stand Camera cabinet size complete In leather case. Price $35.00 Apply Suite I Cavanagh Buildings. WANTED. Employment as a Dispenser m any dispensary by a qualified apothecary. Apply to:- DRUGS, For Sale. This is the time to get ready for Christmas. Why wait till the last hour
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  • 1051 6 JUDGE ROARS WITH LAUGHTER AT HIE EVIDENCE Magic Fluid In Court. "This," gispcd Mr. Chester Jones, 1 the Clerkenwell Sessions judge between fits of laughter, is the funniest case I have ever had before me." The Court was trying witch. A short, sturdy Russian Jewe- oi loi
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  • 710 6 Having been brought up m an oldfashined school, we were taught to regard all attempts at spelling reform as unscientific, unscholarly and detestable. And yet, when such a scholar n-> Professor Skeat addresses to such a body as the British Academy, a paper which a first glance seems
    Academy  -  710 words
  • 161 6 P.aters of earth have been known for centuries, and to this day are found m Guinea, Senegal, and New •Caledonia, and m various parts of South America. The French naturalist, M. Courty, who recently explored the high tablelands of Bolivis, states the Indians there are very fond of a
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  • 157 6 A certain great Bishop struggled through sore difficulties without repin>ng or manifesting impatience A friend inquired how he could be cheerful under such circumstances M v secret replied the old Bishop, "rorfLtJsts m nothing more than making a right use of my eyes." Mis friend asked
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 672 6 BANKS. Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation. PA.D-LT CAPITAI. mm K S7k^ n" ,10.000.000 ,^50,000 Court of Direotora A H uipt Ksq— Chairman. C. LenSnn »JftSsftJ?* G. H. Medhurst. Ksq. F. A. Ssiebs, MJ. AJ. Raymond. Ls H Hon. K. Sheuan. H. A. \V. Slade, hsq. Chief Manager. Hongkong— J. K. M.
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    • 438 6 NOTICES, G. A. Fernandez Co. No. 6 ]y Almeida Street. LICENSED AUCTIONEERS, SURVEYORS, ARCHITECTS, APPRAISERS, AND HOUSE AGENTS, Charges and Commission will be found moderate. 9-8-06. v.c. MORTGAGEE'S] SALE. Wednesday, 24th October, at 2.30 p.m. The freehold shop-house premises known as No. 7 Smith Street, area 11 90 sq. ft.
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    • 255 6 ARTIE TULLY. 1 Turf Commission Agont. Now has a ***** book opened on the forthcoming Singapore Meeting. DOUBLE EVENTS. Lawn Stakes and Governor's Cup Governor's Cup and Grand Stand Cup Double Griffins. TREBLE EVENT. Lawn Stakes, Governor's Cup and Grand Stand Cup. Straight out bets on all events. SEE PRICE
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    • 654 6 JjUfTADLETS. FOrI^T^J 0 Mm I <*"!> RETURN TICKETS First Sal, K>n T °Cl)l(|»,| Se The&^4 I I nounce that they^ 31 I arrangements wi h e I Por further particular, I P *»S.N.Cc 1 >st March, 'Si Barr I Kuala Lump, ORGAN BUILDERsI P 'ano and Musical nstf| ment Dealers
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