Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser, 19 October 1906

Total Pages: 6
1 6 Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser
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  • 55 1 1 (Reuter's agency wires. By Sub-marine telegraph.) ASSISTANCE CABLED FOR Vessel is m dangerous situation. London, October 18, 12.30 p.m. The British Consul at Tunis has cabled to Malta for assistance to raise the French gunboat M Lutin which is submerged m a depth of one hundred and
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  • 66 1 AMERICANS THINK THEY HAVE A VOICE THERE. Send war vessels to v protect their interests." London, October 18, 12.30 p.m. The American Government has ordered that four of her powerful armoured cruisers shall join the squadron she has established m the Far East. The Reason. The reason
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  • 158 1 EASILY HOODWINKED Bogus captain puts them through drill. London, October 18, 12.30 p.m. Reuter wires that an astounding robbery has tiken place m Koepenick, a suburb of Berlin. In so far as the story goes, as telegraphically reported, it would appear that somebody, with the
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  • 61 1 TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY POUNDS WERE SEIZED. Municipal Irregularities. London, October 18, 12.30 a.m. The thief managed to seize sterling on presentation of an Imperial order regarding Municipal irregulaties. The audacious malfactor is said to have thereafter ordered the guardsmen to remain m occupation of the Townhall.
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  • 123 1 MANY OFFICERS LOSE RANK, Others dismissed the army m disgra( i London, October, 18, 12.30 p.m. A communique issued by the War Office notifies that Colonel Hannetthas been struck off the Army List. Only cknsurkd: Those upon whom a vote of censure has been passed
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  • 89 1 NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS DULY PARADED. And Informed of decision London, October 18, 12.30 p.m. The decisions of Army Council above referred to, were duly carried out at Aldershot where all men stationed there were duly paraded and Mr. Haidane's decision was read out to them. All those officers
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  • 686 1 NEWS FROM THE MINES. From the Tinvsof Malaya." RAMIHTAN We are informed by Messrs, Osborne and Chappel that the Rambutan output for September -<vas 200 piculs, the approximate value being $1 1,800. During the majority 01 the period this return was being made, only tailings from the old Chinese workings
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  • 145 1 THE Warden of Mines, Pciak, says m his last annual report I should like to point out the tact that, throughout the State there are hundreds of women and children washing ore m dulangs, and idling what they have won to the various tin ore buyer:,. I'ndei the Mineral (>us
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 175 1 U TTUE'S BOTOL HITAM. 9.50. SINGAPORE- JOHN LITTLE CcO B i— l LIMITED. i^— SLntlwl dress FASHIONO MILLINERY. FOR blouses. 1 /m IIFTI I T\ LACES. iijiulli 11 iinlki ribbons &c. LUDIES TRIMMED HATS. DRESS FABRICS „n d(in In choicest designs and smartest effect-. BELTS. ROBES. c choice Lines m
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    • 339 1 Howarth Erskine Ei>^ii>eers apd Contractors. ELECTRICAL IWSTALLATIONS. I Telephone 23. m Telegrams ERSKINE." ART NEEDLE WORK AND One of the Finttt and Largest Electric Fins m very Bedroom ■vJ^y&^S Cuisine and Catering under FLOWER DFPGT Entirely under European r^^nnflto Supervision of an European rLUIILII ULI Ul Management. Expert A n
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  • 751 2 The Eastern Daily Mail. PRICE 5 CENTS. FRIDAY, 19TH OCTOBER. OUR TRAMS AGAIN. hmm our local items it will be ?een that on the 17th instant a Iram car got derailed at the Lavender Street junction, causing a stoppage of 14 cars on the line and subjecting about 200 passengers
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  • 153 2 Our contemporary the Straits Timm has secured such a sound footing m the Straits Settlements that it does not stand m need of a single word of puffs from any of its local contemporaries. We hope we do not m the least hurt the feelings of any
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  • 113 2 The twenty-first yearly report of the Japan Sugar Refining Company of Osaka, just out, shows that the gross profit of the company for the last half year has amounted to VY 2 ,8 2 o 140 i while the working expenses have 1 amoundted to ¥2,968,347, showing a loss ol
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  • 356 2 Absence is an excellent test of love Lovers would most indignantly repu.liate that time or distance could dull the fire of their passion, but let them be parted and see whether they can return to each other, after months spent m the midst of other interests
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  • 394 2 From the Stiaits rimes, [£th < fetober. (Juite recently, a Review ot the Malay Tin-Fields, by Mr. Ralph S who visited them, this spring, was published as a short serial m tne $ti Tunes and Straits Bndget, and provi of very considerable inten
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  • 183 2 A scientist has confirmed the oftstated fact that some of the wells of Switzerland have the remarkable property of drawing m air at certain times and of blowing out air at other periods. These wells are considered by the inhabitants of these districts as very exact indicators of
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  • 71 2 Motoring Illustrated" annoupcea the discovery of a large forest of rubber trees m the British Protectorate of Uganda, known as the Mabira Forest Its area is 225 square miles, and it con tains more than one million rubber tree-, ready for tapping. The yearly yield ol a tree averages 1.3
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  • 140 2 ANTI-OPIUM SOCIETY OF SELANGOR. Minutesofam mittee foe th, <»t the Odium the Hal] Present Rev w Hap Uu I aatn and Un X Secretary) *c Anti-Op un oi the 30th i,, s unanimous »*(l)that\he S Society should ask 1 the evening ol his (a) that another m« on the 3
    Malay Mail  -  140 words
  • 47 2 Horley, S ed into m desir i? i Mr. i I plant ab i li In had Ciir. tain for" tour da) lepers at the I heard of the for supplies w\ them. i sh .win.; tint the;' opium-smokers I the habit.
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  • 62 2 There an ted S »tains of there, aftei I took command ol M sissippi R thebu woman o! pilot's license, ii tain of her husbands She is Mr McClurg, of General Md of'Pilo. and M Great Lakes," hi the chain of lake chigan, on «rhose tankChicago stands, Lucy tarnegie, the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 213 2 I A complete Simple and Ornamental j jjl l-' nl c; M Kuit >' P ilU^ $13.50 ivK %m/f\ Write for Booklet i£/O^b of l^rticulars— Frcc. THOMPSON THOMAS CO, AUSTRALIAh STORES. ISIITGr-j^FOE/E. W ite for our General Price List. special" OFFER. IN ORDER TO INTRODUCE Beatson, JVlclieod Co. Limited's Old
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    • 409 2 Sit Siobert Surnett Coy's ORANGE BITTERS. (CHEAP IN PRICE AND SUPERIOR IN QUALITY.) FREE SAMPLES ON APPLICATION. Caldbeck jWacgnegor Co. vvIV Jl|>|vlllv» THE QUEEN OF TABLE WATERS UNDER ROYAL WARRANTS OF APPOINTMENT TO nis majestp the Kina l>. R. l>. Cbc Prince of Ulalcs. THE SINGAPORE INTELLIGENCE AGENCY. Detection, Translations
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  • 25 3 LATEST TELEGRAM'S REUTER'S. By Submarine klfhtrjdh MAY LANR BUT HINDOOS October, i«, P-™- mcouver, H. U, n,cd the landing of J 3? there on ,pan
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  • 35 3 J RAILWAY COL! ISI N I hwrfxeed CARRIAGES. October 18, 12.30 pj". cabled that six carriage* were hedinai near I I out among the I ;Cad bodies have so tar beet, I injured ing*
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  • 43 3 nit rERRORisi lIDABLE PLOT. (ctober 18, 12.30 p.m. ice haw discovered equipped and organized I ;ts which is governed I moreover which is .11 police force. were suspected as -.anization I the band m question ot murden I were arrested m the
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  • 27 3 1 part ok Common <TH. er i\ ia.3o p.m. kVestern aye carried, by a vote of resolution that they Australian Common- I, SSION MOTION" CARRIED.
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    • 79 3 DYNAMITE PEOPLE DISCARD FRACTION. •U.TRIC SYSTI »ctober iS, 12.30 p.m. has been created m circles (m London s Ltd. having decided -v-tem both for md measu iccording to arebei- t out by them a farthing transactions, the stem is being used as the all calculations. is Vogue ai Horn »r
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    • 29 3 M X. SARRIEN RESIGNS HI 1- -i« K. k* I i; r.30 p.m. ncn his informed M. Fallieres "tends resigning on the ground derision, however, is not yet
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  • 192 3 Muv T'; seusation th e London l bhoreditch, when Antonio 'temational group of wrestlers f or lhe first time m England. f A S K cha m P»°n 's Hussein Mahmout ma, concerning whom Pierri arredTuV 0 man no nationalities ifiS, m Ilussein fails to throw .lullenge was
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  • 1984 3 SECOND DAY I he second day's programme m connection with the Race Meeting held under the auspices of the Singapore Sporting Club was run off yesterday afternoon m delightful weather and before a large and fashionable Catherine that graced the lawn, and Grand Stands amongst which were
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  • 172 3 U. S. collier Caesar arrived here from Shanghai yesterday. She is a vessel of 2,000 tons burden and 1,800 horse power, she carries a crew of 52 and leaves to-morrow for Norfolk (Virginia). A Malay woman aged about 30, died on board the s.s. Billiton on the 1 7th instant,
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  • 1059 3 SIGNS OF UNREST BEFORE LATE OUTBREAK. DECAY OF VIRTUE. NATIVE ACQUIRES THE ART OF LYING. Particular interest attaches to the Blue-book, which has just arrived m England, containing the annual reports for last year of native affairs m the Colony of Natal. There is, of course, no reference
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 579 3 i i H. S. KIRWAN'S TANK ROAD LIVERY, RAGING, COMMISSION STABLES (OPPOSITE RAILWAY STATION) A new building specially built for stables, absolutely sanitary and up-to-date Accommodation for Horses and (arrives by day, week or month at Popular Prices K.XTRA large loose boxes for Hace Honet; al.-^o a suitably equiped and
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 626 3 SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE, The Norwegian steamer Gaea arrived here from Bangkok, m command of Capt. Lyderson with general cargo and 9 Chinese passengers, she leaves for Bangkok on the 22nd instant, the local agents are Messrs. Ban Sen^ Soon Co. The British steamer Sri Muar arrived here from Malacca, m command
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  • 1608 4  -  R. Hoffmann |Hv m "Th Financier."! About a year ago there was published m "The Financial News" a series of articles from mv pen on the subject of rubber planting Since that time I have again visited Ceylon, ami with your permission, I propose nan t<>
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  • 475 4 BOY KILLED BY DUCHESS OF CONNAUGHPS MOTOR A la -ear accident volving the death of a twelve «i, occurred while the Dv ess ofConnaught was returning from B;_ London. Her Royal Highness, with her dau- Margaret and Prince-- Patricia, and her son-in-law. Prince Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 346 4 A WONDERFUL DISCOVERY. This is the age ol research and rxpenment, wlu« all nature, so to speak. is ransacked by these ientitii for the comfort and happiness of man. Science has indeed made giant strides during the past entury, and among the -by no means least important— discoveries m medicine
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    • 211 4 > Rccrcatiop Hotel I SERANGOOH ROAD, TRAMWAY TERM I Has excellent accommodation for temporary >manent boarders. atu l p. r Airy rooms with Verandah and bath rooms complete GOOD TABLE WINES. I > Prices moderate which may be ascertained from the Joe F. de CONCEICAO, NOTICED ESTABL.SHEO "7f(^ I THE
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 593 4 SHIPPING NEWS. VESSELS EXPECTED Xawc, Port, Probable date 0/ Arrival, Airlic, Sydncv, Oct. 24 Bojstead Aparima, New Zeland, Nov.-; Boustead Arcadia, Colombo, Dec. 8 V. O. A. Behic, Colombo, Oct. 22 M. Marit mes. Awa Maru, Japan, Nov. 5 Paterson Simons. Andalusia, Hamburg, Nov. 7 Behn; Mcver. Hamburg str. Nov.
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    • 744 4 VESSELS IN PORT. MERCHANT VESSELS. Aiieh, Sar. str. 189 tons, Capt Service, 1 1 th Oct. From Sarawak, 9th Oct. G.c, Ong Ewe Hai. For Sarawak, U.-Rds. Andrce Rickmers, 1.020 tons, Capt Taibert, 11th Oct. From Swatow, 4th Oct. G.c, and-d. p. Behn Meyer Co. For Bangkok, U. Rds. Han
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    • 446 4 MAILS TO ARRIVE. From Europe. By the N. D. L. s. s. Roon due on 19th Oct. From China. By the M. M. s. s. Oceanien due on 22nd Oct. LIST OF PASSENGERS. Per P. A O. s. s. Sumetra, from London Sept. 15, due 19th Oct. Mr. and Mrs.
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  • 1191 5 mi SUN TO EARTH police 5,-niuTO* binds fallen detectives rests g the gents, listrimoney sco- i sup- spurious I ans, such 1>P C lied wenty -.iip was lents, were pass the •ir g the veal the cd a mixed vere id st". the the <juld IB the iring
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  • 230 5 The above excellent place of entertainment had very good houses at each performance on Saturday night last, and it is not to be wondered at, for the proprietors must have gone to considerable expense and trouble to bring their show up to its present high state of
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  • 188 5 A small terrier dog was the cause of litigation m the British Court for Siam this morning. It appeared that the dog was of a roving disposition and had a fixed determination to get lost, and lost he was on several occasions. Finally he fell into the hands of the
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  • Stocks and Shares.
    • 218 5 I <=*" Subscbed 2J \£Z\¥i Reserve j C^^ guotaljons g^ Price. I I* GOLD. ,900 75 ,000 S, 40 ,000 i 3,500 united i'° Bersawah G. M. Co., Ltd ,0.00 sellers 4,000 IO IO n r j\ o 11 .903 350,000 Duft'bevolopmem Co Itd .90. s 3 00,000 J293
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    • 248 5 I »905 £150,000 ,£140,000 140,000 \£t\£t Anglo-Malay Rubber Co Itd P,. 1905 $200,000 $1.0,000 20 ,000 10 I Baftownie Estate Ltd f 6 oo 1904 ,£30,000 ,£11,125 7 > oo V B atu Caves Rubber Co. Ltd. ("f. p.) 2 2>6 'W 700,000 $610,000 70,000 ,0 ,o Batn Unjor
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    • 165 5 i»94 7 ,6 3 8 i«. 6 it.6 Bells Asbestos Eastern Agcncv Itd .898 $225,000 $225,000 4,500 50 50 112,500 Fraser Neave, Ltd. Ud. 1 0,000,000a '35-O 0 1865 $10,000,000 $10,000,000 80,000 1.5 I 125 9.500,000 I Hongkong and Shanghai Bank 000 250,0006 J IMW f 18,000 i 100
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    • 47 5 Rilcy Hargraves, Ltd. 60/0 225,000 2 0/0 prm. buyers Singapore Municipal 60/0 400,000 nominal. t. 5 %> 1,478,000 par. buyers. m n 4 0/0 602,000 par. sellers. Tanjong Pagar Dock Co., Ltd. 60/0 250,000 2 o prem buyers. 5 1 »3 6 5»5°° 1 °/o prem buyers.
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  • Commercial.
    • 149 5 Gambier buyers I 6.95 do Cube No. 1 10.87^ Copra, Bali 9. 1 o do Pontianak 8.60 Pepper, Black (ordinary S'pore) 20.12J do White, Fair L.W. 5 p.c. 26.50 Sago Sarawak Flour ,,2.80 do Brunei No. 1 ,,2.71 Pearl Sago, small 3-9© Coffee, Bali, i6£% buyers 3 p.c. 19.80
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    • 2 5 rtyr
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 180 5 FOR SALE. I One Stand Camera cabinet size complete m leather case. Price $35.00 Apply huite I Laianagk Buildings. waii 1 till Employment as a Dispenser m any di-pensary by a qualified apothecary. Apply to DRUGS, c/o E. D. M. For Sale. This is the time to get ready for
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  • 1108 6 (The following contribution represents the views of a Siamese friend, ai communicated verbally. We d<> DOt of course, bold ourselves responsible for any of the opinions expressed, but they are of interest, as expressing Ihe views of an educated Siamese gentleman). The repV;t-> m
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  • 421 6 100 DROWNED. Oklahoma City, Sept. 18, A dispatch from Enid states that fully 100 persons were drowned as the result of a railway disaster this morning. A north-bound passenger train on the Chicago. Rock Island, and PacificRailroad fell into the Cimarron River at Dover, twenty-seven miles south
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  • 244 6 Floated Down Stream on Tor ok Smoking Car. Kansas City, Sept. 1 1. Mr. Clyde Gle>te the only person known to have escaped from"' the cars which tell into river, tayt The train was running slowly and carefully, when it left the track giving and heard the engine-driver
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  • 167 6 The following are some tin returns tor September Belai Tin Mining Company, Ltd., pikuls 427-25. Kuantan Tin Mining Company, Ltd., pikuls 210.50. The small outturn of Kuantan is probably due to the early part of the month being affected by the strike. Singapore Tin Mining Syndicate, Ltd.,
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  • 73 6 Perhaps the most interesting thine at Zoo just now is ihe aloe. It has an immense flower spike, and, should all go well .t will soon show a crown of golden blossoms about eight feet lon X reaching to a height of something like two do/en feet. It is already
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 676 6 BAHKS. Hongkong S Shangnil Banking Corporation FAID-UP CAMTAL 510.000.000 RKSKKVE FUND:— Sterling Res c 0.000 320,250,000 Court of Directors. AT; ipt. E*i— Chairman. Hon v. .V.Dickaon l>e}>utv- hairman. KrToet/.su H. E. lomkinshsq. CR Lenzminn, D. ElW^ G. H. Medhurst, Esq. F. A. geta, Ksq AJ. Raymond, Esq. goo. R. Shawm
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    • 443 6 NOTICES. j G. A. Fernandez Co. No. 6 D' Almeida Street. LICENSED AUCTIONEERS, SURVEYORS, ARCHITECTS, APPRAISERS, AND HOUSE AGENTS. Charges and Commission will be found moderate. 9-8-06. v.c. MORTGAGEE'S SALE. Wednesday, 24th October, at 2.30 p.m. The freehold shop-house premises known as No. 7 Smith Street, area 11 90 sq.
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    • 247 6 ARTIE TULLY. Turf Commission Agent. Now has a ***** book opened on the forthcoming Singapore Meeting. DOUBLE EVENTS. Lawn Stakes and Governor's Cup Governor's Cup and Grand Stand Cup Double Griffins. TREBLE EVENT. Lawn Stakes, Governor's Cup and Grand Stand Cup. Straight out bets on all events. SEE PRICE LIST.
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    • 428 6 E. D. M." ADLETS. FOf WANTED. \yANTED for a Rubber Estate I Tamil Dresser or Chinese able to speak Tamil Application with copies of certificatesto be rddressed to M. S. 330, c/o this paper. JTO BE LET. No. 7, Battery Road. Three rooms on 2nd Floor. Apply to GUTHRIE Co.,
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    • 177 6 0. CHEAP RETURN TICKHS ?m Salop, £2 WIT »TOc^ Hie P. W nouncc that they H? 1 arrangement-, v.uh m Forfimherpan l"h, ps s- >•. c. 1 -t March, 1906. '*< Barr o, Kuala Lumpur, F ORGAN BUILDERS Pj ano and Musical nstry me "t Dealers Tune, an d Repairers,
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