Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser, 16 October 1906

Total Pages: 6
1 6 Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser
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    • 40 1 VALPARAISO TO BE REBUILT. BILL PRESENTED TO THAT EFFECT. London, October 15, 12.25 P- m The Santiago Government has presented a Bill for the rebuilding of Valparaiso which was destroyed by the recent earthquakes which occurred m South America.
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    • 31 1 STEPHANO GATTI. Famous London Restaurantelr Passes Away. London, October, 15, 12.25 P- m Signor Stefano Gatti, the well known restauranteur, is dead. He is said to have died a millionaire.
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    • 49 1 SECRETE EXPLOSIVES IN THEIR CHURCHES. Three Priests Arrestkd. London, October 15, 12.25 P m Quite a small arsenal, consisting of forty six bombs and a quantity of firearms, have been discovered m two Armenian churches m Shusha. Three Armenian priests have been placed under arrest on suspicion
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    • 30 1 COMMANDER OF TROOPS APPOINTED. Major-General A. G. Creagh. London, October 15, 12.25 p.m. Major-Genearl Arthur Gethim Creagh has been appointed to the command of the troops stationed at Mauritius.
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    • 48 1 ARCHBISHOP OF MALTA AND LORD ELGIN. Asks that all creeds enjoy same favours. London, October 15, 12.28 p.m. The Archbishop of Ma'ta has sent a letter to H.M. the King petitioning that His Majesty do not sanction Lord Elgin's instructions on the matter of religious equality.
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    • 43 1 ARE COURTMAR TIALLED. Sentence of ten years passed on Natal malcontents. London, October 15, 12.28 p.m. The Natal chiefs, who were arrested some time ago m connection with the disturbances organized by them, have been sentenced to ten years hard labour.
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    • 34 1 SOUTH AFRICANS AGAIN VICTORIOUS. Inflict Another Ignominious Defeat. London, October 15, 2.28 p.m. The result of the football match between the South African and Yorkshire teams is South Africans 34 points. Yorkshire Nil.
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    • 65 1 THIRTY POUNDS OF DYNAMITE SEIZED. Concealed m thuik baggagk. London, October 15, 2.28 p.m. Acting under instructions and information received, the Russian Police were able to arrest several Anarchists, (among whom was one Russian student) who had been driven from abroad. On their luggage being overhauled, it
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  • 230 1 MEETING AT CHINESE TOWN HALL. In response to notices issued by Messrs. Foo Choo Choon and Lim Ewe Toh, a meeting of the Chinese community was held at 3 p. tn. on the 10th inst., at the Cinesfe Town Hall, when tho following, among others, were
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  • 215 1 HEADS THE LIST IN NUMBER OF BOOKS DRAWN FROM LIBRARIES PER CAPITA. The observation of some visitors to New York that "everybody is on the move" here doesn't fit with the fact that New Yorkers are the greatest readers of books from libraries m the country,
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  • 152 1 The Cimarron Riwr, Oplahoma, was the scene of a serious railway accident on 18th iust., involving the 10-s of a score of lives. The river was m high flood following a storm, and if seems that the bridge had been moved sever.il feet by floating ilhftwoo i.
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  • 223 1 James Develin, of Ksoanaba, Michigan, a locomotive fireman, who j up to the present time has been working for a salary of j£j a week, has just signed a contract selling his patent of a method for making rotary engines reversible for This invention greatly enhances
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 139 1 H $9.50- ioYEA«SA!l D JO HN LITTLE Co., LIMITED. Vmbvb bmh^ umifPC^ I I N LnDIES> NEWtiO 1 DRESS PIOUTAW^ FABRICS and [AotliVim J MILLINERY. p(|}\ BLOUSES. jJUjU] iKflHli. RIBBONS &c. TRIMMED HATS. DRESS FABRICS. -m London ln choicest desi S ns d smartest pri TQ I ROBES. S some
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    • 324 1 Howarth Erskine lEi>gipeers apd Contractors. ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS. Telephone tS. Telegrams ERSKINE." ART NEEDLE WORK 1 One of the Fineet and Largest Electric Fane m very Bedroom I Buildings m I'enang Cuisine and Catering under C| nU/CD nTPOT Entirely under Europaan Supervision of an European iLUIf tn Ua.rU I Management. Expert.
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    • 18 1 THE KING OF WHISKIESjr Per Case <O 9.75. THE WHISKY OF KINGS. JOHN LITTLE CO. LTD. So/r 7§gtHls,
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  • 576 2 The Easter Daily Mail. PRICE 5 CENTS. TUESDAY, 16th OCTOBER. SPELLING REFORM. We draw the attention oi our riders to the interesting letter of Mr. W. W. Strickland, b. a., lnnity College, Cambridge, appearing m our correspondence column to-day. The throwing overboard of Noah Webster's Dictionary by a stroke of
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  • 349 2 We notice that tenders are now being called for the removal of night soil from the Singapore Prisons for a period of one year from the ist January 190;, and we take this opportunity of making a suggestion to the authorities' in the interests of sanitation, which,
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  • 731 2 TERRORIST OUTRAGE AT BAKU. vu T u e^ S V l e tersb urg corespondent of the Daily Mail," writing on the loth ultimo, says News has reached here of a determmd attempt to assassinate Mr I eslie Urquhart, the British Vice-Consul m Haku, which has gained
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  • 235 2 The new steamer Japan which has been built and engined by Messrs Workman, Clark and Co. (Limited), Belfast, for Messrs. Acpar and Co. of Calcutta, left the builders' wharf at milevvater Basin on 20th ultimo and steamed down the Lough for hour
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  • 545 2 ON BEING YOUR OWN SERVANT. artlr|r refers chief! women m thi gyrate, New V n->t seem servants Ithe same suS inNewzlal a AlB °">g<Jorensofm v •oates, and hundred '•"■"1 married v >- '>■■-" thrown 'n, 'have found no r I discovered th.r I many A •'wy.Ts, editors r lers, and
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 255 2 f^rH EXTRACTORS. A complete Coffee-making Outfit Simple and Ornamental Makes Coffee to Perfection tkjjjlft m/& I'm fill si/r. capacity 2 pint> $13.50 I f BEST MACBETH JkjLJJL PEARL GLASS TOP T^MggTa^^ NICKEL PLATED BODY and TRAY .^^B^^^^Uvr t I vlfl V l>-irtirutir^- V l 'rpp «^o ,^^__^^^p^a OI I iilill.
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    • 229 2 Sir Robert SSurnett Qoy's ORANGE p BITTERS. (CHEAP IN PRICE AND SUPERIOR IN QUALITY.) FREE SAMPLES ON APPLICATION. Caldbeck JVlacgregor Co. OULL M\jL-l\i I o. THE QUEEN OF TABLE WATERS Afiollinaris n buppuco UNDER ROYAL WARRANTS OF APPOINTMENT TO Bis inajestp the Kina AND I), R, !>♦ CDe Prince of
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    • 340 2 POLICE NOTICE. Police Order made under section of M The Police Force Ordinance, 1871 tor the regulation of traffic at the Race Course, Singapore, on the occasion of Race Meetings. 1. Carriages after setting down their passengers will be placed m the carriage enclosure m positions assigned to them by
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  • 241 3 LATEST TE LEGRAMS. ,IK> KAI AN ANTI a mi- 11 WITH LOVERS. which was cad ing of »lso to carry out an v the ehajfof t the employed •aBIIESTHIKR DISASTER. lit >NGK< 'N BURNED 8 p.m *har( m tmer Hank A. passen burned to •iecar- and crew, 0 ASQUITH ON
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  • 451 3 THE KING AND BARON KOMURA. WELCOME TO JAPANESE AMBASSADOR. On nth September Baron Komura the new Ambassador from the Emperor of Japan to the Court of St. James's drove- to present his credentials to the King m one of his Majesty's carriages with scarletcoatcd royal servant °m attendance. The Baron
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  • 240 3 The French President, M. Falliere-, I the aft sth ult. at the Colonial Exhibition m Marseille- Vter an addres> to the President by M. Georges Lf j Colonial Minister, the various native v urticipating m the Exhibition tiled fast, including Annamites, S, Camb >dians, and 1
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  • 268 3 Mr. Charles A Willoughby, m a letter to The Tunes, writes I happened to visit the Crystal Palace a few days ago for the purpose of renewing my acquaintance with the collection of works of art there, and I was surprised to find that
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  • 437 3 ARCHAEOLOGICAL DISCOVERIES. IN THE MALAY PENINSULA (From the Bangkok Times.) Two years ago when Prince Damrong i\ a 1 Or^ hls tour of inspection to the Malay Peninsula he was informed that near X:iya an old Chedi existed. The news seemed important enough to lead the Prince to make a
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  • 234 3 According to the report for 1905 issued by the Imperial Chinese Maritime Customs, considerable industrial development on modern lines has taken place m Chinkiang and district, the credit of which is d le to the enterprise of a remarkable personality Mr. Chang Chein. a native of
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  • 288 3 INGENIOUS DEVICE FOR SAVING LIFE. One of the most extraordinary adaptations of the petrol motor yet recorded is that just brought out by a I ontinental inventor, who has already won some notice through devising motor roller-skates. His latest idea consists m supplying swimmers with mechanical motive power
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  • 437 3 Mr. John McDonald, who for many years held an influential position m connection with the Japanese railways, died on 15th ult. at his residence at Putney, at the age of 62. Leaving the service of the Great Eastern Company at Norwich, Mr. McDonald went out to j To"
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  • 198 3 The new Cunard turbine liner, Mamrtanni, prospectively the largest and fasten vessel m the world, was lainched at Wallsend-on-Tyne on 20th ult. The Mauritania, which is a -ister shtp to the Lu<ttama, ilonger than the Great Emah W, and sit5 it wider while the combined displacement
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  • 229 3 A Hamburg telegram st ttes that it is confirmed that a British company, m conjunction with Hamburg merchants, has established a line to compete for the traffic from Hamburg to Ea-t Asia, and possibly East Africa. The line, which baa been formed by a London shipping
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  • 50 3 The following have been invited t< represent the Straits Settlements V Rangoon m the cricket match to b played m Rangoon at Christmas. Reid Miles Cantrell Singapore. Scott -Murray J Talbot Hubback Whitley Selangor VVyatt J Brad be ry Barrett Perak Grenier Griftith-Jones Mugliston y Penang. Parsons
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  • 94 3 SELECTIONS. The finishing touches that should have been given to the gm o**S on the Race-Course yesterday morning were marred to a great extent by the soft nature of the turf and also by a brisk shower which continued throughout the training hours. The racers were given good
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  • 361 3 STOLE A THREE CENT-STAMP. Mr. Colman 3 r esterday morning heard the preliminary information laid against Arputhasa, the deputy postmaster m charge of the post-office situated opposite the entrance to Tanjong Pagar. The accused was defended by Mr. Battenberg and Mr. Sproule, the D. P. P.
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  • 471 3 At Friday's meeting of the Legislative Council, the following matters will be brought up for discussion and consideration Motions by the Colonial Secretary (1) "That the Rules made by" the Governor m Council under Section S3 of The Opium Ordinance 190') which were published m the (iazcttr of
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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  • 596 4 THE PROUD MR. CONNELL CLEVER (AIM l ARY rHE KIN(. OF SEDANG. The Rrsl postmaster of New Brunswick, a certain Mr. onnell, lost his place because o\ vanity and pottage stamps. Mr. Conned had an idea that hn own portF ild look quil as well on
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  • 174 4 Commenting on the Savings Bank, the Perak Pion< .fthe Savings Bank system be brought home to the industrialists ol Perak when there are only 1.: 1 accounts remaining open at t: md when the ai ily 1104,504 for the yt 11 The Chinese coolies, handicraftsi artificers
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  • 184 4 President Fall ere's visit to Marseilles on 15th ult m which one public function succeeded another with almost the rapidity of a kaleidoscope, has been a striking exempti-fication of the w underfill vitality and oratorical power of the Chief of the State Fhe President left Paris on
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  • 377 4 In the current issue of the Journal of Liverpool Chamber of Commerce there is a thoughtful article on the development of foreign trade with Jap m the course of which the writer m Borne into g deductions covering a long period ol J ipan's intercourse with Vest
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  • 647 4 GENERAL GATACRE'S EXPERIENCE. Mr. James Welton Gray recipes the late Capt John Gladwin Jebh's ex periences of Indian Magic m Sunday Magazine as follows Capt Jebb >-aid that, with a dozen fellow-officers, he was once sitting at mess id India m a room twenty-five fctt long and fifteen
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    • 546 4 VESSELS EXPECTED Name, Port, Probable date Arrival, Steamers. Airlie. Sydney, Oct *4 Boustead Aparima, NrwZcland, Nov.-; Boustead Arcadia Colombo, Dec. 8 P. O. A. Behic, Colombo, Oct. 22; M. Maritimes. Awa Maru. Japan, Nov. 5 Paterson Simons. \ii(i Au<\a. Hamburg, Nov. 7 Belin Meyer. A Hamburg str. Nov. 20 Behn
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    • 634 4 MERCHANT VESSELS. Adeh, Sar. str. 189 tons, Capt Service, 1 ith Oct. From Sarawak, 9th Oct. G.c, Ong Ewe Hai For Sarawak, U.— Rds. Andrec Rickmers, 1.020 tons, Capt Ta ibert, 1 ith Oct. From Swatow, 4th Oct. G.c, and— d. p. Behn Meyer Co. For Bangkok,
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    • 390 4 Bangkok, Ger. str. 1,237 tons, Capt Khmmet, 14th Oct. From Bangkok, Bth Oct. G.c, and 1 d. p. Behn Meyer Co. For Bangkok, U. Rds. BniaMcr, Brit. str. 1,959 tons, Capt Thomson, 15th Oct. From London, 22nd Sept. G.c, and 6 d. p Paterson Simons Co. For Hongkong,
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    • 28 4 From Ei-koil. By the N. D. L. Rortn due on 19th Oct. From China. By the M. M. s. s. Oceanien due on 22nd Oct.
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    • 341 4 Per P. ft >. b. Stonrfm, from London Sept. 15, due ioih Oct. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Chittenden, Mrs. Sommer, Mr. H. B. Crocker, Mr^. Gregg, Messrs. I. W. Pfcwtty, A. C. Passmore, and F. \V. Mann. Per P. O. s. Himalaya, connecting with the steamer
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    • 81 4 Wbarvcs at wbicb different ships are berthed to-day. TANJONG PAGAR. East Wharf Basin Hong Moh. Sec. i B.Maru, Glenogle. Sec. i (Sheers Wharf) Nil. Section No. 2 Selangor, Fuh Wo. m n 3 Benalder. 4 Gregory Apcar. 8 Prominent, (ineisenau. n 9 Cachar. Jardink's Whare Sui
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 49 4 MAILS CLOSE. To-day. For Per Steamer Time Palembang Ophir 1 pm P. Swettenliam, T. Anson Perak 1 pm Bangkok Singapore 1 am Penang and Calcutta G. Apcar 3pm Penang and Deli Hebe 3 pm P. S'ttenham via ports I lye Leong 3 pm Sara\ ak Rajah of Saeawak 3pm
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  • 501 5 ELECTRICALLY MADE MUSIC. I nvention, the install--1 I Lh..uld be I ma J c^sion of no J 1 N 1 music. ou I hear nothing I micd. H H rJi an<l a ertainly the I ther pro I ,v more 1 .ended m i,l none 1 1} l)r ;ill m
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  • 502 5 The Times Tokyo correspondent, m a letter to that journal, comments on some of the principal feature of the foreign trade of Japan during the fits* half of this year. He writes The foreign commerce of lapnn during the Brat six monthi ofi 9 06
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  • 430 5 Canada's commerical agent m Japan, Mr. Alexander Mac Lean, makc^ an exhaustive report to the Department of Trade and Commerce as to why Canadian flour n not finding a ready and increasing market m Japan. Mr. Mac Lean, m his report, points out that there is
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  • 1089 5 LATEST FROM LONDON. So far as new projects are concerned, plenty of work is being done m preparation against the time when the investing public return from their holi- aays. Whether the general public will, remarks the India Rubber Journal," take a strongest interest m rubber I collection
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  • 749 5 Howarth Erskine, Ltd. 6 o/o 5600,000 2 0/0 prm. buyers. Riley Hargraves, Ltd. 6 0/0 225,000 2 0/0 prm. buyers. Tanjong Pagar Dock Co., Ltd. 6 0/0 250,000 2°/ o prem buyers. j I -j 8 94 >0.0 ,£4,648,15.0 7,638 i 12.6 12.6 Bells Asbestos Eastern Agency
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  • 120 5 Singapore, 15TH October, 1906. PRODUCE. j EXCHANGE. do Cube No. 1 10.87^ Demand 2 4 l6 do Brunei No. 1 2.71 do. 6 m/s 2 .^t\ Q 'do (flake do) 8.00 Private 30 d/s 74^ do medium pearl (do do) 8.00 Q n Hongkong— Bank d/d 4 dis Opium,
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  • 1697 6 BY JuMN PLACE, M. I. Mech. E Tin-Mining m the Federated Malay States is receiving more attention than Ihoae at None generally suppose. There is little doutri that the surface ha- really only been scratched," as it were and up to very few years
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  • 412 6 On the eve of her death, m the summer Garden, lime. Andreef. who was cut down by herhusband lost a very valuable necklace of much historic interest. The A km PVvmya thus tells the st< >ry It is an old niece of work by one of the
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 646 6 BANKS. Hongkong S Shanghai Banking Corporation. PMDVP CAWTAi. «<«*"«> u^l,:: .r^iSSi. mow* Court of Directors. Haupt, E*i— Chaiiman. G. H. Medhurat, Esq. v vS?' AJ. Raymond, Ksa !<»,. R. bheuan. M. A. VV. Slade, tsq. London Bankers. London and County Banking Company, Ltd. INTEREST. On Current Account at the rate
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    • 393 6 NOTICES. The Exchange Banks will be closed on luestfay i6th and Thursday 18th at noon, Race Days. K. H. Mauleff Inch Co. Ihe interest and responsibility of Mr. J. C. Fitzgerald m the above firm is determined as from 30th September 1906, and he no longer has the authority to
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    • 250 6 ARTIE TULLY. Turf Commission Agent. Now has a ***** book opened on the forthcoming Singapore Meeting. DOUBLE EVENTS. Lawn Stakes and Governor's Cup Governor's Cup and Grand Stand Cup Double Griffins. TREBLE EVENT. Lawn Stakes, Governor's Cup and Grand Stand Cup. Straight out bets on all events. SEE PRICE LIST.
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    • 432 6 "LD.M."ftDLm.FOBSA^w^>| WANTED. \yANTEU for a Rubber Estate Tamil Dresser or Chinese able to speak Tamil Application with copies of certificatesto be addressed to M. S. 330, c/o this paper. TO BE LET. No. 7, Battery Road. Three room^ on 2nd Floor. Apply to GUTHRIE Co., Ltd. To^LetT No. 43 Short
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    • 277 6 fc-wsg^ I Newer* O.i I I '> health station fi. ■M>lare, )t cduc;Ui An attract.vc l u ,lid, e««P RETURN TICKETS mr n First 5.,1., <>„ "> COu M Second Saloon si/"'"' arra g Ml I whereby 1,,, ANDY a d «WE^ For further particular P *o. S.NCfI. I lit
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