Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser, 12 October 1906

Total Pages: 6
1 6 Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser
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  • 516 1 ANNUAL REPORT. The following annual report of the committee of the Penang Cricket Club, was submitted to a general meeting of members yesterday Gentlemen, Your Committee have now the pleasure of submitting to you their report and the accounts for the year ended 31st August, 1906. The
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  • 156 1 Heuter's Agency wires (By submarine telegraph.) REGULATION OF HERRING FISHERIES. General Test of Agreemnet. London, October 11, 10.30 p.m. The Foreign Office has officially published a full summary of the modus vivendi arrived at with the United States of America concerning the Newfoundland herring fisheries. It is stipulated that
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  • 74 1 CONSIDER THEY ARE UNFAIRLY TREATED. Colonial Government Accused of Trampling Them Unde* Foot. London, October n, 10.30 p.m. The existing indignation among the Newfoundlanders is wholly unassuaged by the publication of the modus vivendi The Imperial Government is accused of trampling the rights of the colony
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  • 60 1 THE CESAREWITCH. 14 Mixtagon Wins. Re.ult^ol Race. London, October v, 10.30 a.m. The MNrieg was the order m which the undernoted horses passed the winning posi: Mintagon 1. Bibiani 2. Royal Dream 3. The Betting. The starting prices were 6 to 1, 100 i to 15 and 100 to
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  • 47 1 THREE MURDERERS OF POLICEMEN HUNG. Governor declined to commute Sentences. London, October 11, 10.30 a.m. Three natives who were convicted of murdering the police m February last have been executed m Pietermaritzburg. The Governor refused to commute the sentences which had been passed on them.
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  • 65 1 TENDERS CALLED FOR ITS COMPLETION. Not restricted to Ah erica ns. London, October n, 10.30 a.m. Tenders arc now being invited to complete the Panama Canal construction. Those who are allowed to submit bids for same are not confined to Americans alone, but, it is stipulated that
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  • 58 1 AMNESTY GRANTED TO REVOLUTIONISTS. Mr. Tarn's Diplomacy. London, October 11, 10.30 a.m. Governor W. H. Taft has granted an amnesty to all those who were undergoing sentence for crimes m connection with the Cuban revolution. It is anticipated that this action will facilitate the work undertaken by Mr. Mayoon
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  • 65 1 BASIS OF CUKE MADE PUBLIC' Warm and Cold Shower Baths. London, October 11, 10.30 a.m. It is wired from Brussels that the cure disco /t red by the Missionaries, for the malady designated the "sleeping sickness," which is so prevalent m Leopoldsville, consists of quinine, and atonyl,
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  • 332 1 LATEST HOME PRICES Messrs. J. Russell Grain ft Co.'s rubber share market report, dated London, 13th September, states The market for rubber shares has been slightly brisker this week, and there are certainly indications of more business doing. Prices have kept firm m most cases but no material
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 133 1 BOTOL HITAM. < m Limited jd-n U* RITV. 5n little Co., t LIMITED. >IBHiHMBHM< BBBB^BMBBB^l^B^B^B^Haj^BaajßjJJjay BBB^ NEWEST II F ST FASHIONS £ZT FOR 4: blouses. I RAf E WEAR i: LacES llAlili IKiiAlli RIBBONS &c. LADIES TRIMMED HATS. DRESS FABRICS. -m London In cho «cest designs and smartest ROBES. BELTS
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    • 227 1 IHowarth Erskine"] Ei>§ii?eers atjd ContractorsELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS. Telephone 23. Telegrams ERSKINE/ 5 I ART NEEDLE WORK J One of the FiitMt and L.rg.tt Electric Fant m very Bedroom I Build.ngs m I'enang S^&S«S Cul«lM and Catering under I C| OIA/TD nTDHT Entirely under EyropMn ?^^^T Supervision of an Lunpsan 1 rLUWLn
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  • 725 2 The Eastern Daily Mail. PRICE 5 CENTS. FRIDAY. 12th OCTOBER. METEOROLOGY OF THE STRAITS. The annual meteorlogical Report of tho Straits Settlements for the year 1905, which was laid on the table at the last meeting of the Legislative Council, although published somewhat late m the year, furnishes some interesting
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  • 247 2 The Town and Volunteer Band plays on the Esplanade this evening between 5 and 6, weather, of course, permitting. The secretary of the S. C. F. S. begs to announce the Christian community of Singapore the removal of the Singapore Christian Friend-in-need Society's Club-House to No. 5 Niven Road off
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  • 486 2 You must start with this truism woman it a born liar, born I they cannot help it, men may be liars, but they acquire the habit, which shows a certain amount of talent Now what does it want it wants to get married given circumstances, opportunity,
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  • 536 2 CAPT. Stockley A. D. C. paid a visit to the U. S. Transport Kilpatnc ye-ter-day. The P. O. s. Delta is due here from Penang, with mails from Europe, at 4 p.m. to-day. 1 he Hamburg America Line steamer "Sithonia" arrived;, at this pert, with 200 tons dynamite. It is
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  • 214 2 »et for pJJ an annual, eve M Kailu- a;,,',;/ lonyas; [merest on op">m farm pectedtobrinj resulted m the the amount of v During rrr '>an, and direction The contra mkuun labour fora throughout th< On the* contract the end of this >, ministration v the enterprise.
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  • 9 2 rhe K.I written ..I rIRS
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  • 55 2 T.» the El Ut -IK. wasp «ecuted for Since then I proiecutio a Endspittalany* It tins habit mat be done m ■utennoV the case t vals. Sometimes ii m the tront »eai ■nd cicarettes blown m the t., 11 some M smokers ami icerfl* K
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 258 2 IOY^ EXTRACTORS. i A complete II Coffee-making Outfit Simple and Ornamental M^^m I^w* Makes Coffee to Perfection J^B&|; y% UhCful size, capacity 2 pint- $13.50 IBK kj BEST MACBETH M jfeL^A VKARL GLASS VOl T^^^&L&B M( KIL PLATED BODY and TRAY /V^^^S/i Write for Booklet H^i^kSßW^^ of Particulars- -tree. THOMPSON
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  • 253 3 A POLICEMAN'S APPEAL. Sans m Mo NOT REcEIVE ILL BRIBK. In the Supreme Court yeeterday lengthy hearing was given to appeal brought forward by a Malay constable against a conviction made against him ,n the local police Court for having accepted a bribe of $Jo or as
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    • 25 3 COTTON I vt IaNI k>R y. urn. U"** mission of enquiry Cotton spinupon the cotton spin"s X land tor the le within the
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    • 20 3 EDBRj |SH DEPUTALJBBED. c-Dumah m, 10.30 a.m. a has g reception to be coun- egaonouring Duma, winch c Russian
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    • 26 3 ED FROM I NY. 2 ELOL Berlin that ■lated tele- n was as m proposal nmuni- particular HS. I] .red but, -idered I ract
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    • 26 3 BRITISH SSIA MCE. J m. the Bri: visiting Why. men a nany inelieved that disturb the lich has already which progi able tow.. glo-Russian
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    • 20 3 A!) PROVOI'NII >N. lON. :.m. I wrote a I Germany rations on of ite". i leclined the
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    • 34 3 VRTHQUAKE FIRE. 11, J 15 a.m. w rendered claims rral .inch "i an important mitted. •n which has whilst there ia -thquake occanp ,hich isuranoe vere liable n gainst Pted the risk.
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  • 32 3 reproduce Volki- urging igainst the ttheprotarifrin enforced. mtend Australian "Jtll^a^ ()ICana. referring to tes that ive de- carles (about 21,750,000 while, des>ri »v hl r Mnada'i exed du,ooo 00 marks
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  • 272 3 Sundram Chetty, t money lender living at 11 Market "Street, at 8 p.m. on the Sth instant, after examining his cheque book and finding it correct, locked it up m his box. It hnd duplicate keys. His krani Waliappa Chetty kept 1 key and he kept the
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  • 364 3 MAGISTRATE 'S ENCOUNTER WITH ROBBERS. Seramban, Monday. On the morning of 3rd instant news was received from Mantin that a highway robber}* had been prepetrated by armed gang robbers at the 7th mile on the Setul road. Shortly afterwards, a Bengali who arrived from Setul informed Sergeant Bisher Singh that
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  • 99 3 A quiet but very pretty wedding was celebrated on Wednesday last, m the Tamil Church of Our Lady of Lourdes the contracting parties being Miss. Mary Packiam, and Mr. S. P. Deva Das, Overseer, Messrs. Howarth Erskine Ltd. The marriage service was performed by the Rev. L. liurghoffer.
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  • 557 3 Sir Oliver Lodge has book m the Press with Messrs. Bell on the nature and properties of electricity. It is intended tor students, and, m p.aces, for specialists but most of it may be taken as a subject 01 inevitable interest to all educated men.
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  • 436 3 Lilut. A. Macmillan, 2nd Ballalion Gordon Highlanders, Peshawar, has been assigned to the Malay States Guides. A corpse, presumably that of Captain Mead, baa been found off Stonecutter's i>land, opposite Hongkong. Captain Mead, it will be remembered was formerly m command of the steamer Kmmmg Chozc." A young Eurasian lady,
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  • 639 3 PROFESSOR SKEAT'S REPLY TO OPPONENTS. With regard to the question of spelling reforaij I would ask all who are interested m it to keep an open mind, and not to be m too great a hurry to refuse to discuss it. That it must come sooner or later
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  • 70 3 One of the most luxurious railway coaches ever built has just been completed m Frarce for king George of Greece. It is 45ft. long, and consists of two bed-rooms, with dressing and bath-rooms, a study lined with bookshelves, a magnificent drawing-room, and a dining-room m which ten people
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  • 108 3 (From t!;e Straits Echo." Bth October.) Mr. Foo Choo Choon, the leading tin magnate of Malaya, arrived from Ipoh on the 7th inst. Me will leave for China by the P. O. s. s. Delta, leaving there next Thursday, and will be accompanied by three secretaries one
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  • 191 3 England will come to Mr. Chamberlain or go out of business, m my opinion, said Colonel John Lambert, 01 Chicago, to a representative of the Daily Mail." Colonel Lambert, who has just returned from a Continental tour, is known as one of the keenest practical minds m America.
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  • 748 3 IF MR. ROCKEFELLER LIVES TO BE ONE HUNDRED. A CURIOUS CALCULATION. With the solemn assurance from Mr. John D. Rockfeller's own physician Paul Allen, M. D., that Mr. Rockefeller has every prospect of living to be 100 years old, a most interesting newquestion has arisen, says the New York. World,"
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  • 89 3 A Tokio exchange says that among the exhibits at the Goni-kai Exhibition at the Capital there are pouches made of the skin of bull-frogs. The exhibitor is Mr. Naokichi Uchida, a trader at Yagenbori, Nihonbashi-ku. This species of frog abounds m Japan, and Mr. Uchida has
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  • 61 3 The New York Everting Post es timates that the value of. the debris left by the great fire of San Francisco, I brick and scrap metal included, is I about four millions sterling. The weight is given at 600,000 tons, tvhich I would require for its
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  • 145 3 M. VV. E. Lott, Settlement Officer, Kuala Lu:npur, had an unpleasant experience on Saturday last. He went out about 6 a.m. to Petal ing, expecting to be back about 2 p.m. Though accompanied by two natives, he managed I to get lost m the jungle and was forced to spend
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 545 3 yTo-Nighf To-Night GRAND GALA NIGHT. Jhe Japanese Cinematograph CINEMATOGRAPH PIONEERS. The Finest Electric CINEMATOGRAPH ever visited Singapore. The Show with Clear Rock-steady Pictures. Entire Change of Programme. ALL NEW PICTURES. ALL NEW PICTURES. A LARGE VARIETY OF NEW FILMS JUST ARRIVED. NEW FILMS BY EVERY MAIL. TO-NIGHT and EVERY NIGHT.
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  • 865 4 v i »cci >v TV lecfa i i il vat It to i -i liquei: unwelcome attentions by m•— quitoes tainly no remedy could be less injuri HIS to the skin than the kbout to recommend. It is vaseline, rubbed lightly ts of the body which ate
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  • 540 4 The British steamer Hebe arrived here from Deli, with 2 saloon arid 7 deck pass s in I ge oral carg Penang shortly. Ihe British India steamer Pent: arrived here from Calcutta, m command of Capt. R. F. I" ms m, touching at R and Penang she brought
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  • 445 4 MUSIC-HALL IMPRESSIONS. MX STEAD ON THE POSES OF LA MHO." li \Y I Stead describes m the new the RtVttW of Reviews his visit to Writ tad music-halls. He hmm up the whole performance .v I tv>! the dregs," and the first the headings under which he the performance, are
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 2260 4 SHIPPING NEWS. VESSELS VESSELS IN PORT. p,^M, B ,V' r F«r«S^S Sept. Ballast. Katz Bros. For Langkat, EXPECTED MERCHANT VESSELS. U 1 1 Perak, Bnt. str. 513 tons, Captain iJseeajal. Brit, str ,35 tons, Capt S™& IlU Ct F m P nan^ 9th Ml** Port, Probable date ofamial, Scott, 4
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  • 131 5 bad name m all the to ut sion to usualthank domi>ut that Fans to Eng. s, those Bangkok; ofthe Sue* .owned that thii 1 e 3 were new n than k vith wend j s that need ts ofthe le d.ed ilturea and tl
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  • 62 5 UCLI a < v to Mr. :ig m d acI Chun as etary, g v the morS X he is u-ide train's deand his d tie blew three which were vimany healthy day for Ipoh, day. lally 'ordial tended to him on Cany we >r
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  • 41 5 -lent ofthe .'...1., ill his lhe. for not I having completed, ltma J"' K» are station, enceon •ns. ever, can y; more Failing to iraq ti factory the current lhe return ible. Over l-'ping Branch I -Mlycre- speak/ voltaken m rifle
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  • 1080 5 THEIR COST. By Professor Milne. In Britain earthquakes occur but rarely and the damage they occasion ?s usually too tnflin. to demand serious attention I .rcctly we turn to earthquake shak'r Colonies and foreign coumbilhv IT V^^ bility of doing all that is possible to mitigate loss of life
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  • 634 5 The Conference of Medical Men called by H. R. H. Prince Damrong, j Minister ofthe Interior, met yesterday afternoon at the Education Department. The object of the Conference was to discuss the problem of the great death rate m Siam, and to discuss ways and. means of
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  • 170 5 We have again to call attention to the admirable little group of tin mines comprising Gopeng, New Gopeng. Kinta, RedhiUa. Tronoh, Kledang, and a new comer, Rambutan, the shares of which have had a substantial rise, says the Mining World. The success of these companies is due
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  • 97 5 Mr. Sun Tze Ting, the Consul General for China, Straits Settlements accompanied by Messrs. Lo Kuan Sek and Ka Suk, returned to Penang by the mail train on Saturday after a most successful tour m Perak. All the leading Chinese at Ipoh, Kampar and other important
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  • 731 5 fSSStkm C^tal Subsc bed Ijt Reserve Company Quotations lp££ Price. S s GOLD. .S,^« J 3,500 10 10 Bersawah G. M. Co., Ltd 10.00 sellers 19 00 I**7s, °o° *****,000 3,500 unissued £400,000 „350,000 l 350'^ i? Duft 'bevolopn;entCo.,Ltd <^>, J^" 6 .90. *300,000 $293 6 00
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  • Commercial.
    • 147 5 Gambier buyers 6.95 do Cube No. 1 10.87^ Copra, Bali 9.10 do Pontianak 8.60 Pepper, Black (ordinary Spore) „20.12^ do White, Fair L. W. 5 p.c. 26.50 Sago Sarawak Flour „2.80 do Brunei No. 1 „2.71 Pearl Sago, small 5.40 Coffee, Bali, i 6£% buyers 3 p.c. 19.80 Coffee
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    • 111 5 On London Bank 4 m/s 2 > Private3m/s.. 2 On Gerthany— Bank d/d 2,,". do. 6 m/s m 6 O« France— Bank d/d 2 y3 O« India— Bank T. T. j Private 30 d/s Oft Hongkong Bank d/d 4 %di Private 30 d/s 5 dis On Shanghai Bank d/d
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  • 789 6 At their last special meeting the Penang Municipal Commisskmets had two items ol import. nice for their consideration. One was the printing busiHeas of the Municipality and another was the question of further maintenance of the Band Li ink 1 ROM Cki 1 [RlOfl I'ki SS, Mr.
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  • 143 6 A presentation from his Majesty the Emperor ol Japan, consisting of a lacquered wooden cup, emblazoned with the Imperial crest, was made m Hull on the 13th ultimo to Mr I E Seddon, second officer of the London' sterne: Woodford, for rescuing tour Japanese fishermen off the coast of lapan,
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  • 612 6 IS ALCOHOL WORTHLESS. CONFLICTING VIEWS ON SIR VICTOR HORSLEY'S DICTUM. British Stamina Due to Boer Why Teetotal nations go to the Wall. Much comment has been excited m medical circles by Sir Victor Horsley's indictment of alcohol as a drug. Addressing the Dominion Temperance Association at Toronto, Sir Victor said
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  • 100 6 The Sultan has sent one of his secretaries on a secret mission to the diplomatic Chancelleries of several European Powers. The object of the mission is to give information m connection with the question of succession to the Throne. The envoy is to point out the great
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  • 46 6 1-AT.nu Hennepin, the missionary was the lust discoverer of coal m Amcl rictL the site ol the primitive mine bein X \n the vicinity of wnatii now OtUw£ It was not until nearly a century ••"Ml half, however, thac the discovery was made of practical use
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 170 6 SALE OF PROPERTIES. lhe following properties were disposed off by aucion at Powell and Co s baleroom on Tuesday afternoon. Building allotment at St. Michel's Koad, off berangoon Road, area 7200 square feet comprised m Government lease for 999 years. Tan Kin Neo at 7 cents per toot $504 Freehold
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    • 697 6 BANKS. Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation. PAID-UP CAPITAL *10,000,000 RESERVE FUND:— Reserve liability ol I'iojm ;<-ti)rs $10,000,000 Court of Directors. A Haupt, Ksq— Chairman. Hon L W Dickson Deputy-Chairman. E Goetz Esq. H. E. Tomkins Esq. C. R. Lenzmann, D. M. Nissim, Ksq. G. 11. Medhurst, Esq. F. A. biebs, Ksq.
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    • 285 6 NOTICES, G. A. Fernandez Co. No. 6 D' Almeida Street. LICENSED AUCTIONEERS, SURVEYORS, ARCHITECTS, APPRAISERS, AND HOUSE AGENTS, Charges and Commission will be found moderate. 9-8-06. v.c. AUCTION SALE OF Tubs and Troughs of two Sago Factories to be held at Nos. 469 and 861 off GAY LANG ROAD SINGAPORE,
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    • 245 6 ARTIE TULLY. Turf Commission Agent. Now has a ***** book opened on the forthcoming Singapore Meeting. DOUBLE EVENTS. Lawn Stakes and Governor's Cup Governor's Cup and Grand Stand Cup Double Griffins. TREBLE EVENT. Lawn Stakes, Governor's Cup and Grand Stand Cup. Straight out bets on all events. SEE PRICE LIST.
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    • 382 6 "L M ADLETS. fORJ^^- WANTED. WANTED for a Rubber Estate Tamil Dresser or Chinese able to speak Tamil Application with copies of certificatesto be addressed to M. b. 330, c/o this paper. A competent Ladytypist. One possessing own type-writer TO BE LET. No 7 Battery Road. Three rooms on 2nd
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    • 216 6 0. An au mctivr g t r sEt2s> rheP.& OrN "ounce that tiicyT^' k I;^^1 Urlhtr Particular, P 0. s n e» 'st March, Barr ffl KlJ ala Lumpur, f ORGAN BUILO ERS Piano Music nstr ment Ocal *s T uners and Repairers CLEANED, R E P AIRE| HM.U ESTIMATES
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