Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser, 11 October 1906

Total Pages: 6
1 6 Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser
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  • 593 1 A PROMISING INDUSTRY. The spread of education and the art of printing m this country has caused m increasing demand ior printing paper. The production from the Japanese mills has been found to meet the demand and this was more keenly felt during the war. In
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  • 42 1 -euter's Agency wires (By submarine telegraph.) STATISTICS REGARDING EXECUTIONS. Over one hundred suffer capital PUNISHMENT IN EIGHT DAYS. London, October 10, 10.20 n.m. It is now ascertained that over one hundred executions have been carried out m Russia since October 3rd.
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  • 130 1 PRESIDENT CALLS FOR EXTIRMINATION OF REBELS. A BLOODTHIRSTY HARRANGUE. London, October 10, 10.20 a.m. From Odessa, it is cabled that the President of the Union of the Russian people, m the course of an address delivered there, harrangued a gang, comprising three hundred members of
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  • 53 1 THE CESAREWITCH STAKES. Betting. London, October 10, 1.5 p.m. The betting on the above race (over a course of more than two mile^) is v follows Feather Bed, 11 to 2 Mimagon, Bto 1 Noctiform, 10 to 1 Manaton and Bibia i, 12to 1 Spate, and Royal Dream
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  • 45 1 GERMAN INTERVENTION ANNOUNCED. Kaiser's Foreign Minister to Visit Rome. London, October 10, 1.5 p.m. The German Minister of Foreign Affairs has arranged to pay a visit to the Quirinal to endeavour to adjust '.he present disturbed relations existing between Austria and Italy.
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  • 59 1 POSSIBILITY OF NO STRIKE TAKING PLACE. Non-Uniomists Join Federation m Large Numbers. London, October 10, 1.5 p.m. The strike^ which were threatened m the mining districts m the vicinity of Pontypridd and the Rhondda Valley may possibly be averted as the non- i Unionists arc now said
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  • 50 1 WELCOME "DECLARATION OF WAR AS HADE BY MR. KIIK HARDIE. London, October ioth, 1.5 p m. Speaking at Cardiff, Mr. Smillic the President of the Scottish Miners Federation said that Mr. Keir Hai die's party would welcome any declaration of war made by the Liberal Party against them.
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  • 85 1 UPHOLD INSULTTOOUR FLAG "Gon Savi Ireland!". London, October 10. 1.5 p m. When the subject matter was officially brought before them, the Dublin Corporation refused to consider a resolution which was submitted to them, by which they were called upon to pass a vote of censure m
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  • 63 1 TRIALS RECEIVE ROYAL COMMENDATION. lI.M. Thi King is Greatly Pleased. London, October ioth, 1.5 p.m His Majesty, King Edward, has wired to the Commander m Chief of the Portsmouth dockyards that he is greatly pleased with the satisfactory report which has been published m regard to the Dreadnought
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  • 185 1 BOYCOTT OF PERAK The < anton correspondent of the Hongkong telegraph* desc ibea the developments m the dispute between the bankers, guild and the Choi 1. one firm as follows As the case m which the banken it anton sued the master of Chai Loons preserved-ginger manufacturers,
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 130 1 pei Cf«so 9.75. [JoEIi cittie ico. eta. I SWAN I .FOUNTAIN I I PbNS.i THE PERFICTED PRODUCT OF PEN EVOLUTION- STYLUS TO REED. J I I* 1 I l'(\ I I I T I _t GOLD TO THE SWAN. I NIB. Holder With 2 Gold Bawds, J $5.00 $6.50 I
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    • 293 1 [Howarth Erskine"] I Ep£iijeers apd Contractors. I ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS. I Telephone IS. Telegrams ERSKINE." ART NEEDLE WORK 1 One of the Finest and Largest Electric Fans m very Bedroom AND £j^§*j£4 Cuisine an Catering under Cl fl-U-TD nCDOT Entirely under European Supervision of an European T LUW ER DEPOT 1
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  • 733 2 THE SPANISH INQUISITION. BIOGRAPH DISTURBANCE. Extraordinary scenes occurred at the Good Hope Hall on August t, at a bioscope entertainment, winch was brought to an abrupt conclusion by the tearing down of the screen, as a "Protest Igainst the exhibition of pictures dealing with the Spanish [nquWtion Ihe large hall
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  • 210 2 ports. Mr. W. A. Cuscade*, Acting Inspector General of Police proceeds to Penang to-day presumably on a tour of inspection. It is reported that house No. 45 New Bridge Road was broken into the night before last and property to the value of SioB burgled. The thief or thieves are
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  • 911 2 The Eastern Daily Mail. PRICE 5 CENTS. THURSDAY, 11th OCTOBER. FROM LONDON TO HONGKONG IN 30 DAYS. A thrill of joy and pleasure ran through the hearts of the British subjects all over the world on the receipt ofahe welcome intelligence last month that the journey from London to Hongkong
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  • 235 2 AMENDED CRICKET REGULATIONS. •ri r 11 *he following new rules have been passed l.y the Committee of the Batting Prizes. Two prize bat* will be awarded for the highest batting averages during every year ending 30th June, one for isl XI matches, one for 2nd XI
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  • 168 2 'From xv feamthai Mr n IN R« Tin Mining Urn. Ting Approximate undr, Approximate value The Hon. I man o f the X Estate Co, arrived i ult., and is short Malaya. ml > cx Pected »tnick down and cr u lle ich i Ucdontl lie ana
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  • 8 2 i niter wril'f t
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  • 54 2 T<> the Bditoi Sir. I will kindly inierl >our raluable paper. ■I al>out Q p. ni crowd of HyUms and o i a fight Wtai*tl< i tor nearly fifteen m j torn to state t iai at hand until a. |R t a B n scene and tire«t< ended Wbm*
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 245 2 IHt~-1 extractors. p I A complete Coflee-nuking Outfit I^BuQk^r Simple ami Ornamental i fKW Makes Coffee to Perfection I |osjj WA i ful size, capacity 2 pinti $13.50 B Pi I j] BEST MACBETH J PEARL (.LASS TOP f^J^SSLtgB MCKKL PLATED BODY and TRAY /^ssKi*B^/j Write lor Booklet of Particulars-
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    • 117 2 ARRIVED FROM AN ABSENCE OF TWO YEARS The Opera Indra Jaya The Johor Ma'nikan Theatrical Company ALEXANDRA HALL Xorth Bridge Road. To-morrow Night! "ZAMIIM SABAH" Friday the 12th. POPULAR PRICES. M. OMAR, Dit cctur Sole Proprietor. For Sale. This i> the time to get ready for Christmas. Why wait till
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  • 1033 3 Mr. Colman yesterday held i ■m.nary enquiry into an alW.'tionT, murder against Sariman bi, Won" a seaman of the s.s. Gianni h gS ing the death of one MuK^T*" manonboardonthesthinstam Ca ">- he saw the a^VS.'gS uicbodv He stood still and did not attempt to run away.
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    • 20 3 !'"^KSI „r rwcrrv mwi soldi thc German casuali ....u,r"in Pa-nara-nen. to have period coimnenc' „ber *4th and ending on
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    • 29 3 ,;,higiii:h wages. ci 10, a.5 pm. lists av< I rcrman the object ol going unk they are I d theii part lustry tened (Welsh?) m their attitude,
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    • 36 3 I 5 S >LD ber 10, r.5 p.m. Mailundersta ite lias acquired. the holding ot the Whitvorth -non Brititish 'j.any to :rn for 1 ie new I seventy five im coal.
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    • 26 3 n > IE AGAIN- Party prepare ber 10, 2.5 p.m. been >bject of conttherwise) sh demonstraepded vis I »w. the Ru- er■v m arranga hear-
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    • 17 3 rARIFF BILL PAS AI.TH. 1.5 p.m. 5< .ate and the pa-*ed Hal Tariff
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    • 17 3 IE RESTOR!. Italian id. was born m iBaj •wn on theatrical as ber a .-of ertime.]
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    • 27 3 M 51 EED rRIALS Hour 1 r p.,n. gh! hour full mplish twenty twoaJd per hour. JJjyhlie were tested to tent, no vibration was r
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    • 32 3 PI°N OVER FISHERIES QUESTION. »l M.NATION ,o, 5 pjn. the Fi 8 foundland over i s growing m *^i Ordereb ()ri *mk\ 7 ui^fs have been orUl tllCv Mt to patrol.
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  • 30 3 fc.**Sl S"« over *?<*<* ii^uS?" d ofa boat is he raised his arc *»P to the one we g funnel, for. -'''^^-stbea brother 84" "nokei ,o much."
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  • 1407 3 OBSERVATORY GIVES AMPLE WARNING. (From Hongkong Telegraph 29th Sept.) tion n !n n lle C:^^ tloatin SP O P"^ was n r gk g a curious ™mour that tf, yesterday to the effect vefev C CXt t >'P hoo would be worst yet experienced ,n the
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  • 577 3 ARRIVAL AT KOBE. (From Kobe Herald 21 Sspt.» The arrival of the Great Northern S. S. Company's steamship Dakota m port to-day was of unusual interest owing to the presence on board of the great party of American tourists organised by that enterprising journal,
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  • 112 3 The speed trials "of the Channel. Feet, from Cromarty Firth to the Isle of Wight, led to an amusing incident The Ocean steamed gaily past the Prince George, and made the signal Good-bye The Prince George retorted Remember the fable of the tortoise and the hare!" Soon the Prince George
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  • 934 3 With hands uplifted In horror, Mr. John Philip Sousa, the purveyor of popular music, contemplates the inroads of mechanical devices that increase to the tenth power the "popularity" of music. He sees the multiplication of phonographs, gramophones, the mechanical device to sing for us a song or play
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  • 32 3 Thkrk were a good many Americans m town yesterday, the majority being Army Officers and their wires who were on their way back to the States by the M. S. Transport Kilpatrick.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 571 3 rTo-Nighc To-Mignt J GRAND GALA NIGHT 3ne Japanese Cinematograph CINEMATOGRAPH PIONEERS. The Finest Electric CINEMATOGRAPH ever visited Singapore. The Show with Clear Rock-steady Pictures. Entine Change of Programme. ALL NEW PICTURES. ALL NEW PICTURES. A LARGE VARIETY OF NEW FILMS JUST ARRIVED. NEW FILMS BY EVERY MAIL. TO-NIGHT and EVERY
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  • 547 4 A WELL-MARKED DIFFERENCE BETWEEN ASIATICS AND EUROPEANS. A few days ago we had occasion to make \'c\r remarks upon the snbject ol Chinese magnanimity, as exemplified by their spontaneous offers, both m and out of the Colony, of prompt pecuniary assistance for the sufferers by the awful holocaust
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  • 328 4 THE DEAD HAND." 11-Kt: CHARITIES ARK PREFERRED TO WIFE AND CHILDREN An amusing account is given m the Mt Vrgus of the sympathetic reo pi given by the Victorian Mr. Bent, to a deputation of tly waited upon him tiieir objection to the law Which allow- a man to bequeath
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  • 46 4 Much to the doctor's surprise, when he intornied the wife that he thought hci busband would probably recover, bhe exclaimed < >h, dear mi what -hall Ido When you -aid last ueek thai he couldn't live much longer, I --old all ins clothe*."
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  • 274 4 "THE VOLUNTEER FIREMAN." (From the "Siara Observer.",) He was a Bangkok rireman, A gallant volunteer. In righting rlre or getting wet He showed no sign of fear. Re-plendent m I helmet bright. Begirt with hatchet keen. In coat ot red, he looked a sight Fit for the goods,
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  • 106 4 [A motor-omnibus driver has been fined lortv -hillings for scattering with his vehicle a body of the Ist "Life v? whlch was Proceeding to Whitehall along Regent street.] Forward the Light Brigade W 1- there a man dismayed? Yes when they saw that the
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  • 161 4 U reference to the statement that 100 was the highest tee M me. Patti ever received, Colonel Ifapleson* writes tO morning piper to say that he and Dlfl father paid the pn'.na donna m America .£l,OOO each performance. Simk time last moith, a number of Cases of boots and lead
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  • 362 4 The /W Intelligencer (Seattle) says Local Hour millers do not believe that the increase m the rate of duty imposed by Japan upon flour will und to reduce consumption m the Empire or to injure the market for the Pllgei Sound article. It is pointed out that
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 1991 4 SHIPPING NEWS. VESSELS VESSELS IN PORT. iates™rmvais. i Banka, Brit. str. 127 tons, Capt T? Y'PTTnT'T^Tl MERCHANT VESSELS. Stewart, 9 th Oct. From Natuna Island, JCi-A^t Ht\J a J^i±s 8th 0ct Copra) and I7 d p Teo Teow Altiug, Dut. str. 704 tons, Captain Peng. For Nutuna Island, nth.— Rds.
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  • 29 5 AIRSHIP ATTACKED BY LUNATICS. N XXV passing g for a sylum were rship the g on. tried to chief, be make .lunatics hauling stance ft. The from c >rtheencounter.
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  • 70 5 1 tartcd ho holds m the .'hich had 1 the the pread .he :nimy :luvia and the an work.imed An that have :<> the I this n the The been m<>re the 1 are a hich I gypl sick to i ibs m the
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  • 67 5 ►ED TO THE SHI 1 drawn which have Imiralty's :he rep It 1- now >tated stibie, wl ■spe d i ila 1 ittaro. comM am more ts and b dramatic nraent to mine- from nd 1907 Shutter. f the Res -iution .fit for war. cover rranean. kotTLundy
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  • 531 5 A IM«)l>osEl) ANGLO JAPANESE-AMERICAN TRUST. According t> San-Francisco papers Mr. Russell Hawkins, of New York' vice- President of the Diamond Match Company, is leaving for Japan this month. Ihe objects of his mission are set forth by the journalists of the Californian port as follows: "Japan has
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  • 436 5 THE PROGRESS OF THE PANAMA CANAL. WHY CHINESE LABOUR IS REQUIRED. <>^-tlk Bay, Aug. 31 -Chairman Shoots of the Isthmian Canal CommisMud, after a visit to the President I -,>.rc Hill, that he had given the President a report up to date of the of the canal work m Panama.
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  • 147 5 Thk King, while toiling up a hill at Maricnbad, on the laborious walk which is always prescribed by Dr. Ott for those patiems capable of the task, had his attention arrested by the movements of a little girl who was riding a bicycle. The machine seemed to have got out
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  • 742 5 Since its first invention, the only alteration m the telephone itself ha s been the substitution of a new form or transmitter instead of relying solely upon the energy contained m spoken sound, an electric battery supplies the current while vibrations initiated by the voice
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  • 95 5 William Bates, a poor clam fisher, working m the Mississippi River onthe Wisconsin side, opposite Red Wing township, has found the largest pearl m the world. It weighs 25 grains. Bates and his wife were dragging for clams for the button factories, and had
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  • 19 5 Little crops of waste meat, Boracic acid tanned Make the potted chicken, Or other stuff that's canned.
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  • 761 5 Date of c 77 Number Fl^uTTplid I HiyHt formation v.apuai *>übsc bed of VaJue utQ Reserve Company Quotations Present I Shares I Price. GOLD. 13.500 10 10 Bersawah G. M. Co., Ltd 10.00 sellers 19 00 1 75» OO $140,000 •< 3,500 unissued r I 4,000 'o
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  • Commercial.
    • 153 5 Gambier buyers S 700 do Cube No. 1 10.87$ Copra, Bali „9 do Pontianak 8.60 Pepper, Black (ordinary Spore) 20.70 do White, Fair L. W. 5 p.c. „27.00 Sago Sarawak Flour 2 77^ do Brunei No. 1 2.71 Pearl Sago, small 5.40 Coffee, Bali, i 6£% buyers 3 p.c.
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    • 48 5 /4 I O SSI 4 /o CIS. \j^% at) a x3oiiic i j Ijq i On Japan Bank d/d 'Mi On B< jbok Bank d/d c^ Sovereigns about 45.57 India Council Bills last issue i/ia uiscouiii i> y, ijqy qii, ••4} per an. Bar silver m London
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  • 813 6 MY PAP A SAYS. (REPLY H 1 rHEQUESTION "DOES V< »MAN HELP?)" Special to th< "Hongkone rekgrapb," Woni. l), imy ''a says, are kittle cattle. Tin re six dozen of the h fher ■is no getting away from them. 1 5 bob upon the waterways ol Id, are m evi<
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  • 225 6 A VISIT ro I rs HUNGARIAN DISCOVERER. In a <mall narrow street (the Berzscnyi of Kaposvar, flanked by one—' be seen a plate inscribed, Dr. LJngar, La S which distinguishes the unitious residence of the H c r of .1 eu »nsumption. Or the house, which, like
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  • 39 6 HONOURS FOR CEYLON'S GOVERNOR AND LADY BLAKE. ith, of Cambodia, who nhcr v there »rwarded to H. i; theG o. a ilt.» Mons. 1-2. I isul, an 1 Mod. I curs K. the RO3 I „t vierii Sa aphon."
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  • 133 6 pied a contract 11 a twenty minutes sketch m > music-hall, and is to receive L. 1 salary of a week! It is reported from Cape low,, that a tdicate has been formed there and a r outstrip thetrea. uiut,,^ utv wh rh II V UM) boardthe^^i ra;h! ertain island
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 544 6 BANKS. Honykong ft Sha Banking Corporation. paid-up < nvl *i 0,000,000 RESERVE 1 I ND: Sterling K. »<-rv« .j 1^)00 Reserve Lub ty ol I ton 110,000,000 Court ol Directors. A Haupt, Esq Cl 1 man. Hoo 1 W.Dii hairman. E.Goeti v g mkm Ks(1 C.R. Lcnzmann, D. M NWin,
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    • 249 6 NOTICES. 6. A. Fernandez Go. No. 6 ET Almeida Street. LICENSED AUCTIONEERS, SURVEYORS, ARCHITECTS, APPRAISERS, AND HOUSE AGENTS. Charges and Commission will be found moderate. <i -S 06. U.C. AUCTION SALE Tubs and Troughs of two Sago Factories to be held Nos. 469 and 861ofl r GAY LANG ROAD SINGAPORE,
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    • 186 6 ARTIE TULLY. Turf Commission Agent. Now lm^ a ioooo book opened on the forthcoming Singapore Meeting. DOUBLE EVENTS. Lawn Stakes and Governor's Cup Governor's Cup and Grand bt nd Cup Double Griffins. TREBLE EVENT. Lawn Stakes, Governor's Cup and Grand Stand Cup. ALSO Straight out bets on all events. SEE
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    • 339 6 E. D. M." ADLETS. FO WANTED. \yAXTKD fo a Rubber Estate lamil Dresser or (hi,, able to ..peak Tamil Application with opies of certificatesto be addressed to M. s. 33 0, c/o this paper. A competent Ladytypist, One posses ing own type-writer preferred. c/o E. I). M. TO BE LET.
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    • 173 6 0. A Moui An C «AP RETURN TICKPTS Mi* noui ana: »X 2 Tour Tickets Reduced Tariff l P 0. s. N March, 1 Barr c O Kuala Lumpur, f ORGAN BUILDERS, Piano Mus,ca. nstr ment Dea 'ers Tuners and Repairers, CHURCH 01 CLEANED ESTIMATES ORGAN WORK. AGENTS FOR: RONISCH
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