Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser, 10 October 1906

Total Pages: 6
1 6 Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser
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  • 72 1 Reuter's Agency wirt's (By subamrine telegraph.) EXISTENCE OF A MISUNDERSTANDING. No CAUSE FOR ANY INDIGNATION. London, October 9, 10.15 a.m. It is authoritatively stated that the indignation m Newfoundland is entirely 1 due to the American versions of what affects the existing modus Vivendi Newfoundland had been consulted throughout
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  • 76 1 OWNERS LOOKING FOR FRESH FIELDS OF OPERATION. Other foreigners equally perturbed. London, October 9, 10.15 am The German, French and American lines engaged m the Australian trade 1 are greatly perturbed by the preferen- tial treatment which is to be accorded to Britishers, (this latter
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  • 33 1 BOMB OUTRAGES. (Continuation London, October 9th 10.15 am. Bombs have been thrown at the viceGovernor of Kazan and also at the Commander of the Garrison stationed at Sevastopol. Both officers were wounded.
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  • 126 1 SANGUINE MR. REDMOND. Considers Bill can easily tass Upper House. London, October 9, 12.20 p.m. Mr. Redmond, m the course of an address delivered by him m Athlone (Ireland) said that Liberals would find a bold Home Rule scheme could pass through the House of Lords
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  • 96 1 SINGULAR ATTITUDE OF SULTAN. Protects a fanatical and dangerous sorcerer. London, October 9, 3.45 p.m. The Sultan of Morocco has taken under his protection a fanatical sorcerer who hails from the desert of Sahara and whose name is cabled as one Maelin. Assaults on Europeans. This sorcerer," accompanied by
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  • 114 1 IRISH AMERICANS HOME RULE. AGITATION IN THE STATES. Will be countenanced hv two Members of Parliament. London, October 9th 12.20p.rn At the instance of Mr. O'Connor, on whose authority it is cabled that the Irish movement (to still further agitate* for Home Rule) is assuming great proj portions m the
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  • 225 1 (From th«- linKSoi Malaya," sth Oct.) A brutal murder i» reported as having occurred at Ihi I ambun the bay before yesterday. The deceased is a Chinese woman who afterwards turned Mahommedan and about two years ago married a Malay named Mat bin Ashim, a paddy planter m
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  • 241 1 Husband Now Charged With The Def.d. The husband, hen Mat, of the deceased woman named Patima has been arrested on suspicion by Inspector Legge, owing to the following stancesIt was known that there were two doublebarrelgun^ m the house that was burnt down the remains of only
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  • 367 1 SHIPPING LOSSES. Many guesses have been made at the amount of lon sustained by the typhoon. The M South China Morning Post tears that many of the^e ;.re far short of the mark. When we consider the estimated cost of 11. M. S. Phoenix was j£"6B/>so and
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 137 1 LITTLE' 6 B0 TOL HITAW. P $9.50. PER CA «r« Limited r 'JinJTTLE C^Tj I LIMITED. Wbvbhbhis| newest iN rr 1 FASHIONS I ZLT BLOUSES. ufP WEAR i LacES ilJUlll KliiAiki RIBBONS &c. I— »j UD I ES TRIMMED HATS. DRESS FABRICS. 1 A~^ n choicest designs and smartest i.ondon
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    • 555 1 1 Howarth Erskine I Engineers ai>d Contractors. ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS. Telephone M. Telegrams ERSKINE." I ART NEEDLE WORK I AM. One of the Finest and Largest EUctric Fans m very Bsdroom Buildings m I'enang §3*% M&&6. Cuisine and Catering under FLOWER DEPOT Entirely under European S^p^^^p^ Supervision of an European I
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    • 20 1 THE KING OF WHISKIES. &j Per Case <Q 9.75. THE WHISKY OF KINGS. JOHN UTTLI A CO. LTD. Solf Agents.
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  • 813 2 The Eastern Daily Mail. PRICE 5 CENTS. WEDNESDAY, 10th OCTOBER. THE SOUTH MANCHURIA RAILWAY COMPNY The M Times correspondent at Peking wires that the disinclination ofChina to participate m the South Manchurian Railway Company leaves Japan m effective control of South Manchuria. Very few people understand the extent to which
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  • 219 2 The Norwegian steamer "Terrier" is carrying a cargo of teakwood for the Public Works of Ceylon. The s. s. Banka brought a cargo of copra from the Natuna Islands consigned to a local Chinese firm. The Admirality chartered steamer Cloveidon passed Suez on the 25th September with a cargo of
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  • 974 2 (From the Siam Qbserver." Fire Prevention -with a Vengi an. i A correspondent make, the following suggestions with regard to the proposed Volunteer Fire Brigade 1. That Esperanto, with a few additional swear words, be the ol cia! language of the organisation. 2. That teetotallers be strictly
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  • 279 2 in BOARD Of r. V The Botrd oTttII "V a «wntry for f "*««n tr greatest eve, re, rtS:*** August Augus! I record Auj «P°rts rhetra, co eeeded that of lhl £3.974.77* m the, imports amou, the exports to crea^of export case ol manufact arc valued at arti
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  • 79 2 VESSELS FOR THE PHILIPPINE GOVERNMENT. SHANGHAI AND lAPAN M PETIT I'rv lk>n_>. Mai So I metit, iti th< bidd< verj ment it Manila, P VCSS4 i S i Si Pa ill: Steam tractor. The bids offered by arc (i) The S -•> neeriru- for rug S La v S Hull
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  • 67 2 S.R.C. toi A hockey mat E^pl mad the S. R.'C ai participated. y DuriM the exhibited on b I m light corners 8 i da Ab.)ut the mid 1 1 ever after repeal Angus Richana, 1 anna for the dub, aged to acore during near the goal posts l
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 276 2 t^WM EXTRACTORS. I A complete o (ice-making Outfit Simple and Ornamental Make- Coffee to Perfection I Useful tite, capacity 2 pint- $13.50 j ■j IJ r.i:sr machetii I JS&faJh PEARL (.LASS rOF f^^^SjLjßß N1( KKL l'l-ATED BODY and TRAY fv^^^^K^^ Write (or Booklet 1 VijFa Bfc of Particulars- -Free. THOMPSON
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    • 111 2 ARRIVED FROM AN ABSENCE OF TWO YEARS The Opera Indra Jaya The Johor Ma'nikan E Theatrical Company OF SINGAPORE AT THE •XANDRA HALL orth Bridge Road. To-night! To*n i qh t!! "GINUFIFAH" Wednesday the loth. POPULAR PRICES. M. OMAR, Director C" Sole Proprietor. For Sale. This is the time to
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  • 2540 3 ffcj hearing of the charges ag nnst and \l, mV iFu' Uuu Director Mi. JR. Robertson, late Secretary veste.day before Mr. Colman. The fiir U P l r osccuted Mr. Battenberg was l« Mr. Hogan, and Mi. F. M. Elliott appeared for fir Robertson. Mr. Down Was
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    • 53 3 TO BE COMPLETED BY CONTRACT. 1 HIMESI LABOUR NOT AFFECTED Thereby. London, October 9, 4.20 p.m. From Washington it is announced i that it has been definitely decided to complete the works of the Panama I anal by contract, but this decision not affect the employment of
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    • 65 3 PNEUMATIC RIVETTERS ORDERED. May COMPEL CESSATION or Strike. London, Mct,>bcr <>, 4.20 p.m. I he Clyde shipbuild- rs have ordered acon&ignment of patent American pneu- matic 1 ivetters which can be handled by unskilled labour It is claimed that one machine can perform the work
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    • 62 3 CONTINUED ACTIVITY OF POLICE. Dynamite and bombs discovers DAILY. London. October 9, 4.;^ p.m. There has been continued activity among the St Petersburg police with the resuit that discoveries ot'dvnamite and bombs are almost of daily occurrence. Girl Student conceals Dynamite. A girl student m St. Petersberg has been
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    • 64 3 DEPU 1 A I"X »N TO PRESENT MEMORIAL WILL START. BUI AT INOrrORTINE MOM] London, October 9th, 4.55 p.m. A deputation will start from St. Petersburg on Friday and will present amemori.il to the ex-President of the 1 luma. The signatories include some thret hundred Commone;--I>.>ubts are expressed
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    • 56 3 DENUNCIATION BY REACTIONARY PRESS. Scant SYMPATHY kok DEPUTATION. London. October 1. 4.55 a m. The reactionary p k>ud m its denunciation of the tie and declare- that but pity will be felt for those vis o may fall vict -ian police.) A hundred nal 1 ~ed c at
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    • 32 3 MR EVANS ELECTED. Was on d for mjdGLAMORf.ANsiIIRE. km, (October 9th, 4.55 p.m. Mr. Ev -is has been returned a.< a member lor Mid-Glamorganshire, and his election was not contested.
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    • 65 3 PRESIDENT OF PEOPLE > ASS< >c lATION Officially Received. London, October 9th, 4.55 p.m. The President of the notorious Union te Russian People, who is at present touring throughout the country m connection with the forthcoming elections to the Duma has been received m audience by the Governor-General
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  • 184 3 Me— 111 Win. C. Hale and Co.'s circular dated Saigon. 21st September I'job Ihe firmness reported by our last circular was well maintained until this when owing to complete absence of demand and to some dealers wishing to realize their stocks, prices declined. But on account of
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  • 161 3 ESSABHOY vs. CHIN THYE. Claim on account of Betel Nuts Damages ss. The further hearing of this case was resumed yesterday. Plaintiff, on cross examination, said that the nuts were worth from £8 56 to 8.60 per bag. After further evidence had been taken, his Lordship came
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  • 425 3 Mr. H. Hunter, the Hon. Treasurer of the Hongkong Typhoon Fund, was able to collect subscriptions amounting to $77, 223 00 the 27th September We give the names ot those who have subscribed up to Si 00. A large number of the subscribers are wtllknown to
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 586 3 To-Night!! GRAND GALA NIGHT. +"?e Japanese Cinematograph CINEMATOGRAPH PIONEERS. The Finest Electric CINEMATOGRAPH ever visited Singapore. The Show with Clear Rock-steady Pictures. Entire Change of Programme. ALL NEW PICTURES. ALL NEW PICTURES. A LARGE VARIETY OF NEW FILMS JUST ARRIVED NEW FILMS BY EVERY MAIL. TO-NIGHT and EVERY NIGHT. We
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  • 142 4 Messrs. Barlow and Co.'s fortnightly report state- with regard to Para rubber that prices for sheets xl biscuits have declined some 15 to iio perpikul M compared with the sak adviaeuin their 1 Ist circular. The undermentioned safes include consignments from Meeton, Kibu, 80l :ownie, and fduk PSd
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  • 281 4 CHINESE MUNIFICENCE. I i the future historian wh »se task it will be to clr the events of the Colony dun,u the ml of the sp >n:>ir t "t magnanimity 01 the tiv Ch n Hongkong an I abi »d, irill furnish one i»l t!ie record
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  • 184 4 The British steamer "Calypso* .ni command of Capt Lowry and 4 s deck pas V >cral ;a v f or shortly, Agents: Messrs Mansfield Co. rheß il lltr j ve( j m !I lin command of Capt. A. Kenr m ballast: the A rerrier armed here fi ..kok
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  • 45 4 Pei s.s. Culvps,) capt Lowrt from Delhi: Mr. Mrs. Kuhi and family Messrs G. eh Redi V. Hencer, Everans. IV! food apt a. Mulder from iatav Mevr. Sarptes, ifcrr, FranIxt. DottroA, Sa.l.uit. Wilsetn Men M Bcgcman, Hadji Am, 11 al A.lai Mej Cila^
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  • 660 4 (To the Editor ot the Suirn 0 >>\r, —As one who m younger and more energetic d its wis a member of three Volunteer Fi e Brigades m d flfcrent portions of the globe, I hive read with some interest of the proposil
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  • 66 4 I m above excellent entertainment il drawing remarkably good luu^es, and all the patronage accorded ihem is pvcll dr-( ived. Their pictures are excellent m evert way, the light is pe. feet, the tent well ventilated, and the seating accommodation all thai could be desired; we would
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  • 201 4 London, 13th Sept. i m has been Hrm all the week, with a fair business doing, the greater num of transactions being the lending ot Tin for which from 15s. up to 30. per ton has been paid. There lias been constant pressure by "Bears" to sell Forward Tin.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 2089 4 t^^^^^Sj-fo^y^^^F^^aaaaeeSeeSjajP^e^^^ij^^^ SHIPPING NEWS. VESSELS VESSELS IN PORT. J?™! t( Na <«" Ia V jLJKJKJ 8th Oct. From Smgkep, 7 th Oct. G.c, r »T>-r-irs;mTTr\ and 20 d. p. Ah Choon. For Sinuken EXPECTED MERCHANT VESSELS. U.-Rda AUiup Dut str 7oa tons Captain AVs rt Brit str. 524 tons, Capt sS^l^HTsfe
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  • 468 5 I V GENERAL CHOO f+ ,he Chines< ■vc menaßanqud givea wn. Mr. W At. Lo Ho Pak Leng, gHengThfljl rhen.Yeo ie ng,Cheang Gan :■•< Lam Foo Soon, and tat ot hina itc words il and BSrK lt iC :i to he was im- a of the State of
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  • 501 5 There be those among us stiil, who remember the old, and not so bad, days when the four-chow boat formed the j principal means of transit and communication m Bangkok, then, more than now deserving the soubriquet, Venice o f the East." When m reminiscent
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  • 201 5 SINGAPORE CLERK ARRESTED IN HON GKONG. Wilfred John Holmberg, who gave his age as nineteen and his birthplace, Singapore, was arrested m the Colony by Detective-sergeant Grant. The detective department received a telegram a tew days ago from the Singapore police asking them to arrest one Holmberg. a description of
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  • 35 5 NEW GOPENG, LIMITED The following are the official returns lor the New Gopeng Mine, Ltd., for the month of September Hitput 300 piculs. Approximate value 1 7»4°° Working expenses 4.5° Profit 12,90
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  • 957 5 The Dream and the Business, by John Oliver Hobbes, London, Fisher Unwin, 6s. It will be with a feeling of regret and melancholy that most readers will open this last book of a greatly gifted author. A new novel by Mrs. Craigie was always something of an
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  • 80 5 As an example of the ability of the juvenile scholar to evolve an unexpected meaning from his text, a correspondent relates that the following question was put to a history class What misfortune then happened to Bishop Odo? The reply came quite rapidly v He went blind." An explanation was
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  • 633 5 formation Ca P» tal Subsc bed "of ss ue Pai d Reserve Shares Value U P to cser ve Company Quotations Present I Price. GOLD. S 900 ;5.75,°00 $140,000 I 3,500 u'nissTed IO 110 Bersawah G. M. Co., Ltd .0.00 sellers .903 .£400,000 jSoISS i? j Dufl'bevolopment
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  • Commercial.
    • 150 5 Gambicr buyers 7.00 do Cube No. 1 10.87$ Copra, Bali „9 10 do Pontianak 8.60 Pepper, Black (ordinary Spore) „20.70 do White, Fair L. VV. 5 p.c. 27.00 Sago Sarawak Flour 2.77$ do Brunei No. 1 „2.71 Pearl Sago, small 540 Coffee, Bali, i 6£% buyers 3 p.c. 19.80
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    • 67 5 On London Bank 4 m/s i\ a 2 /4 7/16 Demand a/<| |/f6 do. 6 m/s.. 2/4 13/f6 Private 3 m/s.. 2 On Gern,any Bank d/d 2 1 Private 3 m/s j 44 Private 3 m/s \-r *w A f i(4 tf€ iicX I IIV 1 J J tYivate3od/s
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  • 896 6 1 NGAGED ro son OF LORD ABERDARE. PEERS PROTEST. BRIDEGROOM'S STORY OF THE ENGAGEMENT. 1 From the Daily ChfOsJds. The Gib »n Girl i^ engaged [fa little tiff" can Ik- satisfactorily goi over, Misa Qiffbrd will probably be married m the autumn to the Hon. Henry Lyudhurst
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  • 701 6 I)rh>l Explains Miss Carnille Clifford, th« original "1 < .it i the well-known acwho has delighted countless thousands of theatre-goers. A little more than a year ago oo April 5, 1 5 her admirers were gi ieifed t<> learn thai ii< 1 absence from the performance of The
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  • 418 6 Tm oriental career of Sir Robert Hart is the subject matter of an interesting article m the September American Rnmw of Re:ie:c*. Sir Robert went to China m 1854 aa a -tudent interpreter m the Hongkong Consulate. At this time Hongkong was a ten-year-old British possession, and
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 668 6 BANKS. Hongkong S Shanghai Banking Corporation. HA.I..L-.' CAI ITAL «*««»J0 KKSh X I. N 1 Sterling Resei we JIJgJSX *20,-250,iX)0 Court of Directors. a 11 uiDt Esq— Chainssn. G. H. Medhurst Esq. v ie^; J*J A.J. Raymond. Xs H 1 bheuan. H. ATw.slade, Esq. Chief ManaKor. Hot.gkong-J. K. XI. Smith.
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    • 287 6 NOTICES. G. A. Fernandez Co. *Vo. 6 D l Almeida Street. LICENSED AUCTIONEERS, SURVEYORS, ARCHITECTS, APPRAISERS, AND HOUSE AGENTS. "barges and Commission will be found moderate. 9-8 06. v.c. AUCTION SALE OF Tubs and Troughs of two Sago Factories to be held at Nos. 469 and 861 off r GAY
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    • 247 6 ARTIE TULLY. Turf Commission Agent. Now has a ***** book opened on the forthcoming Singapore Meeting. DOUBLE EVENTS. Lawn Stakes and Governor's Cup Governor's Cup and Grand Stand Cup Double Griffins. TREBLE EVENT. Lawn Stakes, Governor's Cup and -ty I id>k_> Straight out bets on all events. SEE PRICE LIST.
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    • 411 6 <l I. P. M." ADLETS. FOR WANTED. \y ANTED for Rubber Estate f lamil Dresser or Chinese able to speak lamil Application with copies ot certificatesto he addressed to M. S. jj 1 0 this paper. A competelit Ladytypist. One possessing own type-writer preferred. Ai A. c/o E. 1). 11.
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    • 211 6 > s l~«lalM.| i<l "Tftfr 0. static, A pla, 1 tractive holS lE AP RETURN TICKETS T n Pft m Saloon £22 ro COLOHfir rangein e ntsuiih,he L m further pa 0. S. N st March, 1906. <Sc> Barr c O Kuala Lumpur, fj ORGAN BUILDERS >iano a "d Musical
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