Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser, 9 October 1906

Total Pages: 6
1 6 Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser
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  • 101 1 INDIGNANT NEWFOUNDLANDERS. K euV m wires (By submarine telegraph.) CONSIDER HERRING FISHERY TREATY UNWARRANTED. Resent direct negotiation. London, ><•; 7 a.m. The British colonists m Newfoundland are very indignant at the Imperial Government for concluding a treaty direct with the United States by which the modus vivendi is to be
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  • 81 1 LIBERALS AND LABOURITES. Strictures Passed by Mr. Haldam London, October Bth 12.30 p.m. Speaking at Peebles, Mr. Haldane ridiculed the assertion which had been made to the effect that the Liberals were under the heel of the Labour Party. He pointed out that the latter organization were hopelessly
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  • 55 1 NOT WORTH TROUBLING ABOUT. Country would be Judge. He added that it was needless to trouble about Mr. Keir Hardies theories on outside platforms, but, if those same theories were brought to an issue m the House of Commons, the country would then soon <cc whether the
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  • 73 1 NEW TARIFF TAKES EFFECT NEXT VKAR. 1 1M ORDER TO FACILITATE OPERATIONS OF IMPORTERS. London, October 8, 12.30 p.m. The Melbourne House of Representatives has passed a resolution to the effect that the condition to be enforced on British goods entering the Commonwealth, viz that they must
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  • 46 1 THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS. An Inf' tNTiAL Corporation London. October. 8 12.30 a m. Among the member^ of the East Africa Association, there are included on the Directorate Lord Waterford, Lord Warwick, Generals Manning' Sir George Mackenzie, Sir Kenneth' Mackenzie, Cathcart and Watson.
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  • 67 1 RESULTS OF AMERICAN FAILURE. West indies to be further exploited. London, October, 8, 12.30 a.m. In a letter 'written by Sir Alfred Jones to the London Times, that gentleman refers to the existing cotton panic m Manchester and says that he rejoices to learn of the satisfactory
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  • 50 1 PROCEEDS TO ISLANDS IN DECEMBER Accompanied by lakge party of Spinners. London, October Bth 12.30 p.m. He will leave on the 29th of December next for the West Indies and will take with him a large party of BDtiinen to show them what can be done ih.
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  • 57 1 DO NOT WISH TO OBSTRUCT. Simply want power to Revise. London, October 8, 12.30 p.m. Speaking at Perth, Lord Lansdowne said that the House of Lords did not claim the right to obstruct, but men v wished for the right of revision which was doubly necessary,
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  • 584 1 BARON SIHBISAWAS OPTIMISTIC VIEWS. In the cour>e of a conversation with a representative of the Jivu Tsushin, Baron Shibusawa vigorously combated the pessismistic yiew sometimes taken of th«*.burden imposed by the war, and the economic and industrial future of this country. "I can prove," he said, as
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  • 108 1 Figures obtained hv the Indian Rubber World from the Mexican Mi>ii<frn dc Hacienda show that the exports of crude rubber from Mexico have largely increased of late, owing apparently m large measure to the growth of production of rubber from Guayule. Ihe figures for the sast three
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  • 196 1 Bfcal-se artists are not tor the liitute to be permitted to make sketches m the London Divorce Court it is not to be assumed that the illustrated papers who have a fancy for pictures drawn from this quarter will lack "cuts of causes celebres, A man may not be permitted
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 239 1 JHowarth Erskine"] I Ei>§iijeers apd Contractors. I ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS. f ART NEEDLE WORK One of the «„..,,„<, Elecnc r.n. m very 8.-™.™ 1 §|f§t§ Cl?<rrW. I FLOWER DEPOT L management. Expert. J IHF I 217 Orchard Road. INTERNATIONAL HOTEL, j GK I Wreaths from $2 upwards. Electrically Ut and Ventilated
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  • 973 2 The Eastern Daily Mail. PRICE 5 CENTS. TUESDAY 9th OCTOBER. OUR RELATIONS WITH PERSIA. There is no doubt that the paths of Germany's commercial activity and foreign policy often seem to merge into each other. At present Germany seems to take a considerable interest m Persian affairs and Persians are
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  • 215 2 The Honourable and Mrs. Murray arrived here yesterday by the "Selangor." The Master Attend me notifies that quarantine inspection against the Port of Manila is withdrawn. The s. s. M Ban Poh Guan brought a consignment of 351 pigs for the local market, also 14 ponies from Macassar. The s.
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  • 939 2 MALAY PENINSULA AGRICULTURAL ASSOCIATION. I The Scarcity of Labour. (From the Pinan« Gazette") A general meeting of the M day IVninsula Agricultural Associa' mi w held on Tuesday, at 5 Weld (Jiiay, the following members being present The Hon. John Turner, President m the choir Messrs. Gihm
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  • 271 2 RELEASE OF MME. HUMBERT. 5 I ILL vi- 1 t! i ""«"<* to Repay her Mm,,,,, re morning railing her 1,, I herth <»r- office. I iirmcdiately I for that!" end Im t i. i to her, "I I docu ticket-of-leav< aa you I I I hank you, sir 1
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  • 79 2 A sign oft* the Far East is going be foun British G boots from V they are mad leather, and arc price charged subject more engaged m coran [apa icse c >mp markets of the woi believe that cur J were alive to th ofjaj.au
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  • 40 2 Mr. A. H. Lemon is abbcnce for four months, M from --stli Se| I RBV. Michel of St. I I tion wishes us to ackn his thanks subscription* erection of hisnew School on Patterson, Simons A John Little *Co Ld
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 270 2 fw EXTRACTORS. I I A complete i I Coffee-making Outfit H WJ^^f Simple and Ornamental \> Make- Coffee to Perfection I |MW M^ Useful size, capacity 2 pints $13.50 I I II BEST MACBETH I^SHE'SL^^ Nl< KKL PLATED BODY and TRAY M^T^nF^r 1 Write for Booklet THOMPSON THOMAS k CO.
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    • 311 2 Sir Slobert SSurnett Coy's ORANGE BITTERS. (CHEAP IN PRICE AND SUPERIOR IN QUALITY.) FREE SAMPLES ON APPLICATION. Caldbeck JVlacgregon Co. Os/Lv /"lv^Clil I THE QUEEN OF TABLE WATERS Apollinans IS SUPPLIED UNDER ROYAL WARRANTS OF APPOINTMENT TO Pis Ittajtstp tlx Kina !>♦ R. !>♦ CDe Prince of males. Have just
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    • 40 2 ARRIVED FROM AN ABSENCE OF TWO YEARS The Opera Indra Jaya The Johor Ma'nikan Theatrical Company OF SINGAPORE AT THE ALEXANDRA HALL North Bridge Road. Tonight! To«night!! Prince Sobrak" Tuesday the Oth. POPULAR PRICES. M. OMAR, Director c- So/c Proprietor.
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  • 186 3 •«1 m tour with three h. itc a team. Une. R Line. Left ln>ide -carline cou goal line nts three points. .me tlie the toss shall will push off t. the ball to be eld The team line up against v select. My line m
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    • 51 3 ANOTHER TORNADO. Damage: Half Million American DOLLARS. London, October Bth 12.30 p.m. Another tornado has passed through New Orleans and m its course ripped up hvc miles of the residential portion of the city. The damage sustained is estimated at about half a million dollars,
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    • 39 3 DUKE OF YORK STAKES. Results. London, October 8, 12.30 p.m. In the above race, the following are the order m which the first four horses j paised the winning post: 1. Polymelus 2. Roseate. 3. Dawn. 4. Kurchmi.
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    • 41 3 RETURNS FOR SEPTEMBER. Imports Dfcreasl -Exfokts ixcrfask. London, Octobers, 12.30 p.m. The official returns published as regards our Imports and Ifcpoita are the following for the month oi September: Imports £45.*****7 or decrease of 664,091 Exports £30,525.133 increase £1,174.693
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    • 40 3 3 GOVERNOR OF SIMBIRSK. lULT of bomb Outrage. London, October Bth, 12.30 p.m. General Starynkevitch, the Governor of Simbirsk has died m consequence of the injuries he received owing to a bomb being thrown at him.
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    • 44 3 FATAL ACCIDENT TO ROME EXPRESS. Fivk Persons Killed— Fifty Injukkd. London, October 8, 12.30 p.m. The express train from Rome was derailed during a fog at night, near Piacenzia. Six carriages were smashed to matchwood Five persona were killed and fifty were injured.
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    • 37 3 DOES NOT INTEND TO RETIRE. Rumours are contradicted. London, October 8, 12.30 p.m. Mr. Chamberlain has informed one of his correspondents that the report that he intended to retire from public lite is quite unfounded.
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    • 23 3 ARRIVAL OF GERMAN HNISTER. On Special Mission. London, October Bth, 12.30 p.m. Bar n has arrived at Fez on a special mission.
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    • 33 3 REJECT AFFILIATION WITH HIS PARTY. Decision ok Durham Workers. London, October 8, 3.45 p.m. The Durham miners have rejected the motion to unite with Keir Hardies Labour party.
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  • 345 3 The enthusiastic phonetic spellers will find themselves confronted with many difficulties when they come to fmt their pi ining-iron on our language, lere, for instance, is a combination that will need all their ingenuity Right. Write. Rile. Wright. Doubtless there ought to be a dead level of uniformity
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  • 2560 3 MONTAGUE HARRIS vs "EASTERN DAILY MAIL." Lawyer awarded S2OOO damages. There was an interested audience m tne bupreme Court yesterday morning to hear the decision of Mr. Justice m nY" regard to the alleged libel on Mr. Montagu Harris, penned by a former Editor of this pvper,
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  • 62 3 The case of S. N. A. Ahvidayappa Chetty vs. Lim Hong Lian, adjourndd from Thursday, the particular of which were reported m these columns on Friday was called on yeslerday and judgment was reserved. The Court then adjourned for the day. The Chief Justice was occupied all
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  • 136 3 ARBITRATORS AWARD. In FAVOUR of Emperor of India Press." The award was yesterday given m the above case, by the Sheriff who had been appointed, by mutual consent, as arbitrator m the dispute involved between the two parties. The Hmperor of India Press were awarded the full
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  • 102 3 WHERE IS SHYLOCK 'S HOUSE? The world seems lull of Americans just now. A correspondent who has been travelling gives the following verbatim report of a dialogue overheard at Cook's offioe m Venice between a strennuou:> American visitor and a young Italian assistant. Say Can you tell me where Shylock's
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  • 131 3 The s.s. Tambov of the Russian Voluntary Fleet is due, here from Colombo today and sails for Vladivostock. The British steamer Bfltiton arrived here from the Natuna Islands m command of Capt. A. K. Gibson with 78 deck passengers she sails to-morrow for the Anambas and Natunas she
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 576 3 To-Night !l 4 GRAND GALA NIGHT. +"te Japanese Cinematograph CINEMATOGRAPH PIONEERS. The Finest Electric CINEMATOGRAPH ever visited Singapore. The Show with Clear Rock-steady Pictures. Entire Change of Programme. ALL NEW PICTURES. ALL NEW PICTURES. A LARGE VARIETY OF NEW FILMS JUST ARRIVED. NEW FILMS BY EVERY MAIL. TO-NIGHT and EVERY
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 146 3 PASSENCERS ARRIVED Per s.s. iXuen Tung Capt. F. Hinsh from Bangkong: Messrs H. Booth, Lind, King and Bidder. Per s.s. Selangor, Capt J. M. Waly, from Teluk Anson via ports Mrs. iS: Miss Davidson, Messrs B. Wo'ffee G. Redfearn Isacsoii Edward Crantsoo Bryant, W. J. H. Taree, V. Southall, Mrs.
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  • 905 4 ATTEMPTED HOUSE-BREAKING 3"3° on the norninc ot the 30th September, '.anee-Corporal 574 was on rounds m Buffalo Road along with two Chincae detectives. From Buffalo Road they turned into Him! lane. They walked a'ong the fiv -toot way M it was rainii g They noticed three Chinamen advancing
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  • 73 4 Thi Rev. P. Graham, the local agent ol British and Foreign Biblesociety, delivered 1 lerraon to full congregation at St. Andrews' Cathedral on Sunday the ;th inst int. A marriage hai been arranged betu<-< n Mr. S. P. Devadas, Overseer Mi -is Howarth Erskine Ltd. and Misa Mary l'.iikiam. and
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  • 985 4 PERVERSITY AND THE USES TO WHICH IT MIGHT BE PUT. (By Florence Farr.) The other day, discussing education, a lady told me she had been making observations among her friends' girls, and she found that they were almost invariably being taught the right thing at
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  • 59 4 tt( he l S?«°- mail "Occana left Hong Kong at 1 n m on Saturday and is due here at 4 pm on Wednesday the ioth instant. Thi Master Attendant warns local manners that two sampen wrecks with mast or marts showing above water are reported offKelita point and Balan'
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 2130 4 /i^R^l^taaa^^a^^-^ .Xafl aa> SHIPPING NEWS. VESSELS VESSELS IN PORT. 7"«<W. Ger. Mr. 8a 4 tons, Capt V aPPI ilJKJ Hinsen, 8th Oct. From Bangkok 5 rd EXPECTED MERCHANTWSSEIS. &£h&mVti-S£ slfo"g, Dut. str. 704 tons, Captain Ophir, Dut. str. 205 tons, Capt n D k h ,.,1«tr ,,f arrival Huykman, 1
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    • 78 5 GENEROUS COMMENT IN AMERICA. .ÜBIIJOCE PBESfOENT OK C*llB^ SUCCESS. on Saturday wr, their teh man the crew uniteir gallant modern iisly •rom it-rowed and 1 he md .wed unhad inks the ;avv inds it \>m the uimlreds I waved had jth li*t- his j an m than his their ahead.
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    • 523 5 I lub. 3 irday N i il as when ng, the surgmultitudes on and I that sporting many ks are duo g made againmy deepest erVof He and the like him. etting mv n of the was Baynes and Cloie-Brooks I r ()luu Perhaps never
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    • 610 5 V i<K, Sunday, Se; The pp re ill recognise 1 iquc sporting into ge-Har- race, and while acknowledging Cambridge's super pointment, because they had victory. The Tribune." Mr. Whitelnw R pr.per. says: "Harvard 1 defi ;iy tho-e who value sncCCSS as the SOW end and aim
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  • 343 5 "SPECTATOR" COMPANY DISBANDS T a Daily Mail lOth September.) 10-day sees the dismissal parade of the "Spectator" Experimental Company, which Colonel A. W. A. Pollock and his assistants have converted m six months from the rawest of recruits into a trained body of men fit for
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  • 255 5 H"\V AN AMERICAN HOSPITAL TREATS PNEUMONIA. Radical reversal of medical policy Twelve months ago 1 New York pital reversed all accepted notion^ a- to the proper treatment of pneumonia m children, and since that time his lost but one child patient, the previous death. rate being
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  • 268 5 Colombo Harbour," m the Indian and Eastern Etigmttr for September, is the subject of the first of what promises to be an interesting series of special article*. This one is illustarted by plans of the Dutch harbour of the 1 8th century, after a plan at the
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  • 669 5 Date of Number T formation Capital Subsc bed of j I 7 ss ue Paid R eS er VP lays at _Shares Rvalue |upto reserve Company Quotations I'resent 1903 350 000 35JZ DuftDevoloprr'ent Co., Ltd (I)Cferred) '"o SdlerS .90. $300,000 293 ,600 loiooo \l \o Kadana G.
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  • Commercial.
    • 36 5 'i 17i C* I \1 C if 4 Coffee, Bali, i 6£% buyers 3 p.c. 19.80 Tank 2. 10 Langkat M 2. 10 Mace (Banda) 14. r Liberian Coffee,, „22. Cocoanuts, per thousand n 33.35
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    • 68 5 On London Bank 4 m/s 2 j. j, l(j Demand 2 4 |6 do. 6 m/s.. 2/4 3/l6 Private 3 m/s.. 2 4 On Gerthany— Bank d/d 2 Private 3 m/s 2 A do. r, m s 2 4 4 Oh f ranee— Bank d/d 2 On India Hank
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  • 1196 6 STRONG ATTACK ON MUSIC HALL PERFORMANCES. Appeal to L. C C A startling indictment of the present moral condition of the West-end was made by the Key. C Copcland Smith the minister m charge of the Wc^t London Mission, m an address at Exeter Hall the other nipht.
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  • 886 6 FROM SALOON TO STEERAGE AND CATTLE-BOATS. There is something rather ludicrous m the idea of a man beginning his holiday as a semi-millionaire and ending it as a pauper, said an officer of a Transatlantic liner to the writer; but I can a>sure
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  • 163 6 Tmk Royal palace at Madrid is one :1 Id b r UtifU X T UCtUreS m *c world. it was built at a cost of £1,000,000, and was intended to rival the palace at Versailles. In, British M. P. is the only l egis lator 111 Europe who works for
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 691 6 BANKS, Hongkong S Shanghai Banking Corporation. PAID-UP CAPITAL"""- *10,000,000 RESERVE FUND:Sterline Ream S lO o 1 $20,250,000 Silver Reserve *10 250,000 J Reserve liability of PWpridStS $10,000,000 Court of Directors. A Haupt, Ksq-Chairman. Hon C W. Dickson- Deputy-Chairman. E Goetz Ksq I H. E. Tomkins Esq. G. H. Medhurst, Esq.
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    • 257 6 NOTICES, G. A. Fernandez Co. No. 6 D' Almeida Street. LICENSED AUCTIONEERS, SURVEYORS, ARCHITECTS, APPRAISERS, AND HOUSE AGENTS. Charges and Commission will be found moderate. 9-8-06. v.c. AUCTION SALE OF Tubs and Troughs of two Sago Factories to be held at Nob. 469 and 861ofl GAY LANG ROAD SINGAPORE, On
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    • 252 6 ARTIE TULLY. Turf Commission Agent. Now has a ioooo book opened on the forthcoming Singapore Meeting. DOUBLE EVENTS. Lawn Stakes and Governor's Cup Governor's Cup and Grand Stand Cup Double Griffins. TREBLE EVENT. Lawn Stakes, Governor's Cup and Grand Stand Cup. A T c^r""^ Straight out bets on all events.
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    • 390 6 E, D. M." ADLETB. FO WANTED. \yANTEI) to,- a Rubber Estate Tamil Dresser or Chinese able to speak Tamil Application with copies of certificatesto be addressed to M. S. 330, c/o this paper. A competent Ladytypist. One possessing own type-writer A. c/o E. I). M. TO BE LET. No. 7,
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    • 243 6 0.200 &a An a,,,, ct v turs CH«P R ETURN Km Saloon £2, T °COL O|l >l > -ml Saloon If X I l Ihcl'.^ nouncc that they COLOMBO, KANOY ann i who, <U W NEmtq!. T r Tickets Reduced Tariff j"% For further partH l M^ci), 1906. '^Sin Barr
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