Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser, 8 October 1906

Total Pages: 6
1 6 Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser
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  • 50 1 Reuter's Agency wires (By submarine telegraph.) GREEK CHURCH SET ON FIRE. Another symptom of anti-Hellenic Feeling. London, October 6, 10.12 a.m. It is wired from Constanta, m Roumania, that the Greek Church there is ablaze. This is taken as another indication of the present anti-Greek feeling pre- I dominant.
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  • 65 1 i DUKE OF CUMBERLAND TO BE IGNORED. Decision m this connection given m l 8 London, October 6, 10.12 a.m. Count Von Buelow has informed the Brunswick Diet that the aspirations of j the Duke of Cumberland as regards the Duchy of Brunswick, cannot be entertained,
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  • 31 1 WHOLESALE EXECUTIONS. Nineteen Mutineers Suffered Death On Saturday. London, October 6, 10.12 p.m. Nineteen persons who were convict- ed as being concerned m the Kron-tadt I mutinies were executed yesterday.
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  • 68 1 MUST BE WATCHED. M TtMES SOUNDS WARNING NOTE. London, October 6th 11. 11 a.m The London Times after urging the necessity of keeping a watchful eye on the German efforts to develop the commercial interests of Persia, which, it considers, might be the same as was
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  • 105 1 ON BASIS OF SIAMESE UNDERSTANDING. But no outsiders to interfere with Persia. London, October 6th 11. 11 a.m. That journal strongly recommends that the Anglo-Russian agreement regarding Persia be drawn up on similar lines to the Anglo-French agreement made m regard to France and I Siam.
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  • 154 1 GOVERNMENT MUST DECLARE ITS POLICY Keir Hardil takkn Seriously. London, October 6, tI.II a.m. The labour question and resultant quarrels are at present the topics ab- sorbing public interest. The Conservative papers declare that 1 the Government dare not remain silent on the matter any longer m face
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  • 109 1 THE FASTEST BATTLESHIP IN THE WORLD. Speed Twenty onf and a half Knots pek Hour. London, October 6, 4.30 p.m. During her speed trials, the Dreadnought attained twenty one and a hall knots per hour. She thus developed a speed of half a knot m excess of the
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 312 1 Howarth ErskineTl Ei>§ii>cers ar^d Contractors. I ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS. I a I ART NEEDLE WORK I I AND One of the Finest and Largest Electric Fans m very Bedroom Buildings m Penang &>Sz6§S&ti. Cutoln# anti Catering under FLOWER DEPOT Entirely under European /Nw^r^k^i Supervision of an European Management. Expert Opc||ap|| RoadINTERNATIONAL
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    • 798 1 THE KING OF WHISKIES. s£^ Per Case V 9-75. THE WHISKY OF KINCS. JOHN LITTLE CO LTD. Soic Agud%, FOUR CURES IN ONE FAMILY. Ceylon Ttstitnony Proving Once Agnin That Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Should He Fotmd l*i Every Home. That Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People are of
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  • 906 2 The Eastern Daily Mail. PRICE 5 CENTS. MONDAY, 8th OCTOBER. PRESENT AND FUTUTE POSITION AND PROSPECTS OF THE COLONY. I 1 In this issue we continue our review of the address delivered by His Excellency the Governor to the Legislative Council on Friday last. We are told that the principal
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  • 194 2 New Australian Cargo Service. The refrigerated cargo steamers of the Poona" class, by means of which the Company will maintain the carriage of produce between Australia and London, will usually load at Sydney, although they "may occasionally take part cargoes at Townsville or Brisbane. Mr. F. R. Kendall, late senior
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  • 830 2 From the "Times of Malaya October, 3rd. Or. E. L. Luering, of the Episcopal Methodist Mission, with his wife and family, arrived here from Penang by the mid-day express to-day, after an absence of over eighteen months spent m China, America and Europe. After paying Ipohasbort visit,
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  • 95 2 < From Perak Pioneer. M H H Ra J atl Haroon, son of n. 11. Sultan Idris, (f c M. of the State of Perak, F. M S., presented Professor Parasram Rao, prop ictoi of Knstna Ras's Circus with a handSome gold medal for his daring and dangerous performances on
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  • 367 2 ihefirsi bis even* •housand guineiX, i competition to the v '1"" Bennett ,i, rilll I ly of Aeronauts. sented by these will be P8»"«cs. ,1,, Uli| Cl weight-lifting power Great Britain will Kp (he "City of London' pertyofilr.Fnu.kH The race has been ffc oi September m
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  • 131 2 FREN< H A» ENDANI V 1 N R Acorrespo Guardian" rep recent tra the they arc. tapmese mile, who are bothcheai adaptable than their V. cessors. [ni chants art underbidd and al the terests with a skill t»i tonish and lCir I ingkok, msta 10 large
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  • 40 2 company has be Amsterdam with .1 lion guilden, m 3°. guilden shares. Rie na Anonym.- des Planta d'Hevea des rerresde i» a, promoters arc the Banque ac Parisienne. The object 0 < taking is to cultivate India ruw» the- Malay Peninwito.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 242 2 VP I X^ I^* r^ w~ A complete Simple and Orn.imrntal W't REST MACHFTH jTvCßSSiys^ Write for Booklel I THOMPSON THOMAS CO. /HE A I r S TRA L L I X S TORES. I Write for our General Price List. I SPECIAL 7 OFFER. IN ORDER TO INTRODUCE Beatson,
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    • 308 2 Sir Slohert SBurnett Coy's ORANGE BITTERS. (CHEAP IN PRICE AND SUPERIOR IN QUALITY.) ■FREE SAMPLES ON APPLICATION. Caldbeck Macgnegor Co. SOLE AGENTS. THE QUEEN OF TABLE WATERS Apollinaris UNDER ROYAL WARRANTS OF APPOINTMENT TO fiis Ittajcstp the Kind h, R. h, CDe Prince of males. Have just unpacked a largo
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    • 40 2 ARRIVED FROM AN ABSENCE OF TWO YEARS The Opera Indra Jaya The Johor Ma'nikan f Theatrical Company OF SINGAPORE AT THE ALEXANDRA HALL North Bridge Road. To*night! To--niqhi!i "Bcstan Cbabiran" Monday (he xth. POPULAR PRICES. M. OMAR, Director Sole Proprietor.
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  • 47 3 I j ill His them the able .mir I Amir war md I I lanu I a 1 ther a 1 r will I g his I »n the tour Durbar ivitedto I Mr. will take I I are I I my of 1
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  • 1329 3 SINGAPORE SPORTING CLUB. IN IK IKS. Che entries for the autumn race meetto be held under the auspices of the Sing pore Sportin? Club on Tuesday October 16th, Fhursday October iBt»--and Saturday October 20th, closed at n on Saturday and may be looked upon as the forerunner of one of
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  • 118 3 Mr. HENNIKER 11 EATON OFFERS A GUARANTEE AGAINST LOSS Mr. Henniker Heaton, M. P., has informed the British Chancellor of the Exchequer and the Postmaster-General that he is m a po-ition to place m their hands a bank guarantee for the amount of an
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  • 191 3 FORTY GEESE KILLED BY MOTOR-CAR. The Budapest papers give accounts of an amusing adventure which has just befallen the famous Hungarian prima donna, Fraulein Fedak. An ardent motorist, she always manages to kill a dog, or chicken, or other live stock. The other day she ran into
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  • 79 3 AMONG the passengers by the Sado Maru which left Penang were Sir William Taylor, K. C. M. G., Resident General of the F.M.S. and Miss Taylor who journeyed from Port Swettenham to Penang by the S. S. S. Co.'s v Perak." Sir William is proceeding on a visit to Colombo
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  • 530 3 The matches m connection with the Cricket Tournament have not been played tor a long while, but on Saturday the Law and Civil Service played the Army, on the Esplanade. The latter batted first and scored 113 to which Lieut. Harvey contributed a well-earned 58 after careful play Col
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  • 101 3 A very valuable collection of books on high mathematics, science, history, vocabularies, classics and a variety of dictionaries, the property of Mr. R. \V. Hullet, m.a., wetit off cheap by auction sale on Saturday. Amongst the purchasers were old Rafflesians, and the pedagogues of the leading
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  • 152 3 CAPT. Molyncux is expected to reach Penang from India on the Bth jnst. We hear that it lias been definitely decided to run a motor service from Klang to Kuala Sdangor. Inspector H. J. Gowland is under orders to proceed to Papan to relieve Inspector McDonough who goes to Kuala
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  • 591 3 APPALLING CARNAGE. Mail amices now to hand show the recent fighting m Bali to have been of a desperate character. The Government Commissioner m Bali telegraphed as follows, under date acst ult. The Commanding Officer reports that, on 19th instant, the troops m their forward march,
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  • 121 3 Sheikh Abubakar Lejam, a wealthy Arab property owner, had an Anne lian tenant .lamed E. E. Arakeliang who did not pay his rent and the landlord secured judgment against him m the Court of Requests tor $40 and costs. The tenant thereupon brought a claim against the
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  • 128 3 A fight occurred on Friday on board the B.S. Glanggi whilst she was on her way to the i-land of Cocob, for which place she had but just cleared. The exact details as to how the tight originated are not quite clear, but it is understood
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  • 175 3 A semi-official telegraph agency announces with its usual gravity that at Withchnshoehc Kaiser was shown some successful operations for discovering water with a fishing rod." The operator was Prince C.vrolath, late colonel ot the 7th Cuirassiers. Discovering the whereabouts oi water with a divining rod is
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 559 3 yTo-Night To-Night i GRAND GALA NIGHT. *Jhe Japanese Cinematograph CINEMATOGRAPH PIONEERS. The Finest Electric CINEMATOGRAPH ever visited Singapore. The Show with Clear Rock-steady Pictures. Entire Change of Progpamme. ALL NEW PICTURES. ALL NEW PICTURES. A LARGE VARIETY OF NEW FILMS JUST ARRIVED. NEW FILMS BY EVERY MAIL. TO-NIGHT and EVERY
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  • 425 4 PROGRESS OF ESPERANTO. STRIKING (.KoWlll OF THE MAY LANGUAGE MOVEMEN 1 Altbou i plea urea have no! been rdm tat the meet igs of the Esperanto del gates m d eva, there has been observable a disposition to go m for solid, hard woik that is not without it- bearing
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  • 222 4 THE BANK OF ENGLAND 'S GUARD. NOT 1 {kD i which c hundre y. ars t n itch I tfall half Scots he Gi S near ■i I' lace, to the Bank of rama of a v march m ,MVCirb tiic >f the te di rectio d itj mk m
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  • 77 4 R< utei f espondent tel« graphs that the Gaming and Betting Bill has pass* .1 the I^gislati\*e Assembly, I'll- Btreet shop !1( i inh bi tting, and, uhile not rendering betting on racecourses and grounds illegal, empowers proprietors to remove persona betting tin mod. ihr Bill also restricts the number
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  • 427 4 The opium trade is generally defended 00 grounds of commercial expediency by those who take up the cudgels on its behalf. Not often is anyone found with the courage to base his arguments m tavour of the drug on us inherent merits. Such a one has risen,
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  • 105 4 The Japanese Government lias joined hand- with the American Match Trust to which Mes-:-. Bryant and May bel »ng. it the 1 perfected machinery for the making ised exclusively by the America:. Trust, and J ipan'< only chance >f acquiring such machinery er natch making more
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  • 208 4 TENTH LI- Brol'gh: FORWARD 1*93 Mr. Ho Yang Peng zj Wee Heap Lang (Kwala Lumpor) W m Toon 10 Wee KayS 1 j Poh Cheng Tee I chan Chun Fook Chia Keng Chin 1 Ah bin Abdullah (Muar), 1 g Sicw, E.Salmon, and H. H.
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  • 62 4 Baron Brampton -bettor known even now as Sir Henry Hawkins, and a disUnguished convert to the Catholic Church mule only £50 during his firsl twelve months at the Bar. N I nanj years later. Mich was the c h id attained that he refund I briel m irked 50.000 guineas,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 1994 4 SHIPPING NEWS. VESSELS vessels m port. A ™.,v/,,/ 5,,-. n S CCatp t V XJk^k^J-JJ^IK^ Fairley, 4th Oct. From Ho He »6th »J? YT3T?nTT?n MERCHANT VESSELS. Sept< Gr For U Rd --CjAJTHiVy X «Ci-L^ Profit Nor. str. 7,5 tons, CaptOlsen, Ak\mg Dut. str. 704 tons, Captain Sjh Oct From Manila,
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  • 893 5 ,0.» misation mdsia s parti- t hose ol ,omarkab!e I of whal Malay 1 their rbarism .hort space o 11-known, I will irentlv future i prd have been icli a their future supplythat this heir eh eyed c industry k- parti>r a the new E A 11 a
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  • 157 5 PLANS FOR ST. PETERSBURG MUSEUM. The "Japan Times" is glad to state that Russo-Japanese commercial relabout to recover from the effects of the war. Mr. Shimomura, who, before the Russo-Japanese War, contemplating the e-tablUhing of a se Commercial Agency and Museum at St Petersburg, is
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  • 174 5 Mr. Loke Yew has come to Singapore with the intention of proceeding to Hongkong He is accompanied by M. Petit. We understand that the Towkay is interesting himself m the introduction of motor-boats and vege table oil crushing machinery at Canton A rich Chinese merchant residing m the Kochou Prefecture
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  • 385 5 ENORMOUS INCREASE IN DEATH DUTIES. millionaires' Wills. The Exchequer receipts from death duties this year are likely to exceed those i °r J n >\P!*. evious year since the passing ot Sir William Harcourt's Finance Act by more than .£2,000,000. Since the commencement of the financial year
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  • 381 5 A HUNGARIAN'S CLRIOL'S PERFORMANCE. I saw on odd performance m Paris a week or so ago," said a man who ~es the Channel twice a year. There is a Hungarian named Piskluzy doing aturn with a whip that is the sensation of the music halls. "The
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  • 213 5 The Rt. Rev. Bishop Hose and family will leave England for the Straits by the P. and O. s. s. M Nubia on the 27th of this month. Of the Malay tin mines, the best shares to purchase at the present time is New Gopeng, says the Mwing World The
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  • 888 5 formation Capital Subsc bed of v^ Q Reserve Company Quotations resent s 1 I Price. GOLD. f*,,r« m U^ 00 10 10 JBersawah G. M. Co., Ltd 10.00 sellers •9°° l^'TSfOoo $140,000 < 3,500 unissued r Aoonnn r 4 OO 1° (Deferred) 8.00 sellers 1903 350,000 £1
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  • Commercial.
    • 98 5 Gambier buyers S 7.00 do Cube No. 1 10.87* Copra, Bali 9- 10 do Pontianak „8.60 Pepper, Black (ordinary Spore) „21.00 Sago Sarawak Flour „2.774 do Brunei No. 1 „2.71 Coffee, Bali, i 6£% buyers 3 p.c. 19.80 Coffee Palembang, 20 0/0 basis 22.50 Tapioca, small pearl (Fair) sellers
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    • 72 5 On London— Bank 4 m/s 2/4 7/16 Demand 2/4 1/16 do. 6 m/s.. 2/4 13/16 Private 3 m/s 2/4 j Ow Gem.any— Bank d/d 2.39J dT a C 6 m/s 2.41 On France Bank d/d 2.93J do. 6 m/s 2.99^ On /mfo-Bank T. T. 73 o PriVa u 3
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  • 756 6 MARRIAGE BROKERAGE Mr. Charlrsworih, the editor ol the Matrimonial /W, regards Truth's revelations of marriage brokerage m high life as the every day transactions of a recognised business, calling for no more astonishment than the operations of a servants' registry office. In a career of thirty-four years he
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  • 309 6 WITNESSES H BE S\V< >R\ on WASHABLE rESTAMENTS. The Chinaman of the Otley Bench gave practical proof of h 3 sympathy with witnesses who object to "'kiss the Book because they fear microbes m its well-thumbed pages, by presenting to the Court twelve new lestaments with
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  • 732 6 HUMOURS OF BOYS' ESSAYS. Riven flow because no one can stop them, wrote the budding boy on returning to school this week. His companion, who had laboured hard over an c-^ iv OO milk, required quite a demonstratios m analytical grammar before he could seethe defective point
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  • 281 6 A BICYCLE SHIPWRECK. An old salt, who navigates a bicycle when he is m p^rt. was working a rapid passage the other day when he collided with a lady cyclist After they had extricated themselves he anticipated her outburst of anger, horn which she could father little except that he
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 671 6 BA^KS. Hongkong Sha I Banking Corporatto::. PAID-UP CAPITAL S 10 000 000 RESERVE FUND:Sterling Reserve Slo.'A>o.oiK< $.20,250,000 Court of Directors. A Haupt, E«q Chairman., Hon vl W Didwon IK-jhUV-* hamna.'. F Goetz t s, H. E. Tomkms Em* G. H. ftledhurat, E»q. F. A Sieta, K>«i. A. J. Raymond? K^J.
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    • 293 6 NOTICES6. A. Fernandez Co. No. 6 D 3 A h,n ida Street. LICENSED AUCTIONEERS, SURVEYORS, ARCHITECTS, APPRAISERS, AND HOUSE AGENTS, Charges and Commission will be found moderate. 9-8-06. v.c. Kwong Seng Co. Dealers m all kinds of Swatow Drawn Thread Work. All goods guaranteed fresh and of First Class Pattern.
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    • 255 6 ARTIE TULLY. Turf Commission Agent. Now has a ioooo book opened on j the forthcoming Singapore Meeting. I DOUBLE EVENTS. Lawn Stakes and Governor's Cup Governor's Cup and Grand Stand Cup TREBLE EVENT. Lawn Stakes, Governor's Cup and Grand Stand Cup. A T Csr^> -c$ I iJ^DVw) Straight out bets
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    • 423 6 E. D. M." ADLETS. F( WANTED. WANTED for Rubber Estate lamil Dresser or Chinese able to speak Tamil Application with copies of certificatcsto be addlttsS t<> m. b. 330, c/o this paper. European or respectable Eurasian as assistant. Knowledge of shorthand typewriting and languages desirable. H. M. c/o Eastern Daily
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    • 216 6 MOO g» 4; statioi An attractive I CHEAP RCTURN TICKETS Tn Pirn f0 CQLOjtp. •BO P.& 0.1 nounce that tl •rrangema mX* 3 Forfurth. P &0-s -N.Co w isl March, 1 Barr« Co., Kuala Lumpur, F v ORGAN BUILDERS Piano and Musical nstru'. ment Dealers Tuners and Repairers, CHURCH CLEANED,
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