Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser, 4 October 1906

Total Pages: 6
1 6 Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser
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  • 70 1 INNOCENT PERSONS BEATEN TO DEATH. Horrible Disclosures. London, October 3rd 11.15 a m At the trials which are taking place at Kherson, of ninety seven peasants who are accused with destroying Estates, it transpired that the Cossacks beat twenty three peasants to death. One hundred and
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  • 38 1 TWO BRITISHERS SUCCEED IN CROSSING CHANNEL. NINL OTHLRS LaNI) IN FRANCE. London, October 3, 11.15 am Of the balloonist^ who started to cross the Channel two Britishers were j successful. Nine other balloonists landed in France.
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  • 48 1 MR.FAHM WON THE CUP. Camp down nkar Whitby. London, October 3, 11.15 a.m. Mr. Fahm, an American, won the Cup and landed near Whitby. The time occupied was twenty three hours. The Fate 01 Mr. Rolls. Nothing has yet been heard o! Mr. Rolls.
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  • 33 1 ASSOCIATION CONSTITUTED. Influential directorate. London, October 3rd 12.10 p.m. The British East African Association has been formally constituted. Lord Hindlip and Mr. Charles Klliot have been elected President and YicePresident respectively.
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  • 78 1 UNDERGOING OFFICIAL TRIALS. Results to he kepi confidential. London, October 3rd 12.15 P m The new addition to the British Navy, H. M. S. Dreadnought, has left Portsmouth. She is undergoing the regulation trials, which will last for ten day-. In the lir^t instance, her turbines arc to
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  • 75 1 MR. \V. 11. TAFT DWELLS ON AMERICAN PHILANTHROPY. Only in Interesi 01 Cubans. London, October 3, c.15 a.m. Mr. W.ll. Taft, delivered an address at the opening of the Havanna University and stated that the sole object of the intervention of the l T nitcd Stales in the affairs
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  • 45 1 DAMAGE CAUSED TO FIELDS CONFIRMED. American Crop will bi a Kaili re. London, October 3, 12.1s p.m. Report- as to the future cotton crop have been received, and the previous news conveyed is confirmed as to the damage that has been caused
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  • 98 1 CONSIDER THAT POWER OF LANDLORDS IS DESTROYED. Doubtful Aspirations. London, October 3, 12 15 p.m. The National Convention of the Irish Land League of America has assembled in Philadelphia. Seven hundred delegate! were present. Mr. T. P. O. 1 Connor and Mr. Redmond wre also iu
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  • 708 1 SIR FRANK SWETTENHAITS PORTRAIT UNVEILED. (From the Malay Mail 2Stli, September) In response to the general invitation issued, large audience, representing the vari >us sections oTthr community, assembled in the Town Mall at 4-45 p.m. yesterday to witness the unveiling of the portrait of
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  • 106 1 IN BANGKOK. Mom. Mackay cV Macarchur, Limited, have just achieved the distinction ol building the largest motor-boat yet launched upon the Menam River, fpig vessel, which is designed tor passenger traffic on the river, is 50ft. in length, 9ft. beam, and 4ft 6in. draught The engine is
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  • 32 1 [t is probable that Mr. Moody, the Secretary ol State, will present to Parliament some important papett relating to the changes carried out in connection with Lord Kitchener's Army scheme ai'tci recess.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 151 1 Pet C?sc I^ ii ifcfj aTiieiafc i^efc ■i^eiali i A Kcittie $i Co. eta, I [.FOUNTAIN I PENS.] Ij THE PERFECTED PRODUCT OF PEN EVOLUTION- 1 If STYLUS TO HEED. KEED TO QUILL. I (> »l ll.i TO STEEL. i r|.'|.-] 'P( I'm I GOLD TO THE SWAN. I l>
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    • 203 1 Howarth Erskine Ki>§ipecrs apd Contractors. E ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS. Telephone :>■',. Telegrams ERSKINE." ART NEEDLE WORK 1 One of the Flneet and Largest Electric Fane in veiy Bedroom 1 Buildings in l'enang SS^^^r Catoim and Catering under t-| flllllTD nFDAT Entirely under Carepean Supervision of an European rLUlftn ULrUI Management. Expert.
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    • 6 1 Reuter's Agency wires (By submarine telegraph.)
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    • 28 1 DRINK LITTLE'S BOTOL HITAM. PER I AM- $9.50. Bottkd by John Little Co., Limited IN SINGAPORE. "known FOR OVER 40 YEARS AND INC U) .\si\.. in POPULAR! iv."
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  • 786 2 The Eastern Daily Mail. PRICE 5 CENTS. THURSDAY, 4TH OCTOBER. OUR BUDGET FOR 1907. ?H" aits Settlements estimates of Revenue and expenditure tor the year 1907 are published in an Extraordinary Government \?s ett^ he expenditure required for the service of the Government of the Straits Settlements a ear 19
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  • 219 2 H. E. Governor and Miss Anderson will be "At Home "on the 17th inst. It is announced that a postal system has been established in Brunei, as from October 1 906. On the ground of the Chinese Re creation Club this evening I fo match is to be played between
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  • 74 2 I 11 i I year. Mi. W 1 1 I two montl I Exhil I andZacha I Maih I TronohM I furthe I but St ed by the I practical these ma then Jim in A had I I willi:.. I active mem be- I I the,,,
    74 words
  • 74 2 nal t I Yesterday aftei I had a nastj I Una. m I that laid up. last nu I frequent in KaUan« drivei I speed. I reportt I had n I I man be k 1 I *pecia iro k is tk» I I I driver is n I
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 221 2 &r Slobert SBurneff Coys ORANGE *d Rl 1 1 ERIS (CHEAP IN PRICE AND SUPERIOR IN QUALITY,) FREE SAMPLES ON APPLICATION. Caldbeck jVlacgnegor Co. SOLE AGENTS. THE QUEEN OF TABLE WATERS Apoinnans UNDER ROYAL WARRANTS OF APPOINTMENT TO f>is inajestp tbe Kind AND B. R. f). Che prince of Ulalcs.
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    • 444 2 |"[i EX TRACTORS. A complete i H i Coffee-miking Outiit hJhI Tt l >CfUl Sizc> caparit v 2 pint. $13.50 HBL«»« BESI MACBETH iTj^^^^^^^^ Write for Booklet I^S^W^' iIBaSB fc of Particulars— Free. THOMPSON THOMAS j CO. Write for our General Price List. SPECIALTY I lr r r t*. IN
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    • 318 2 Have just unpacked a large assortment of stationery, printing paper, envelopes, letter and note paper, exercise books, writing pads, ink pots and school books, and also handpainted pictorial post cards." INSPECTION IS CORDIALLY INVITED. VJITTS ft Co., J9B-2, North linage Road. I r NOTICE. The Consul-General for Siam, Singapore, is
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  • 27 3 I every 1 v his 'tted Still, luck, his ul-Islara 1 the >ver, if sent H< must n, and iade own the
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  • 20 3 U IN led the tes In Inch A. W. Miss M. I fan Cheng JtllldJ" KnnKu, esult
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  • 629 3 s IIMRI l>\v fog MR JUSTICE FISHER 1 here were 1.,,,,- cases down for llr Mi. Rowland Aflen, who appeared for Messrs 1 1. Schaefer and cvT objected to the adjournment asked tr Mr Chopard on behalf of Sheikh AhhniHvdra. The adjournment w"s Mr. Allen then proceeded
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  • 59 3 The Director of St. Joseph's Instituacknowledge with thanks, the following subscriptions which he lias received during tne week. Th( 5< cietj >Sj 50.00 Me 200.00 KatZ Sir. hers 100.00 The 'i" has been requested to withhold the names of his Chinese subscribers until gentlemen, who have taken
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  • 210 3 Tin Town Band will again play on the Esplanade to-night at 8 o'clock. Father X. J. Couvreur is due here pe on the lI.M. s.s. AtuhnaHem >n Sunday next about 5 p.m. 13 has occurred in opening the Port Swettenham Club, owing to the non-arrival of the furniture. Tin ri
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  • 922 3 Meimrc held Yktoway. Ihe usual quarterly meeting of the Senior'"^ Jl SticCS was lield in the afte Poo,f lg n rAtes Court e^ rda >' MadS tle Shelford ■«> deaV^f numb erof applications were for tl n J nC f r rtrst class lire >'^ for the Recreation
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  • 66 3 A i the conclusion of the ceremony in the Town Hall yesterday, a large portion of the audience gathered round the portrait of Sir Swettenham, and criticisms, favourable and Otherwise, of the picture were freely indulged in. It is interesting to learn on reliable authority that Sir Frank himself regards
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  • 449 3 Ihe usual meeting of the Municipal Commissioners will be held in the Boaru Room, on Friday the s th instant at 2-30 p.m., punctually. Agenda. 1. Toconfirm if approved, the Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of 21 st September and of a special Meetingot the samedute. 2. President's
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  • 342 3 "I Won'i Leavi— Put ml Our." Fiie old saying that those who deserve get nothing whue those who don't get all, is a saying that is quite true, for it was illustrated at the Police Court in Hongkong when a representative of Messrs. David Sassoon and Co.,
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  • 168 3 In the rebuilding of San Francisco most of the buildings already contracted for art to be made of the new material called reinforced concrete" -thai is, concrete haying thin steel rods or laths embedded in it. The concrete is bound to be greatly strengthened by the addition of the steel,
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  • SPORT.
    • 268 3 London Sept. 2nd, 1906. The County cricket championship has been decided as all the world knows in favour of Kdit who played 22 matches, won 16, lost 2, and drew 4, bringing their percentage up to 77.77 Yorkshire, being second with 70 per cent. This decision has met with
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    • 68 3 At the time of latest advices leaving home football was in full swing, but unfortunately the* heat wave that prevailed at the time interfered with this considerably for several players were taken off the field in a state of collape and one team who lined up with eleven men
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    • 206 3 At the Gatwick Race Meeting, he'd on August 31st. Aurina a nice looking mare won the August Handicap with the greatest of ease, making her third successive victory. At York on Sept. Ist, several important fixtures were decided. The first race resulted in favour of Summit who has the
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  • 306 3 Cuba, as the Spaniards discovered to their cost, is an ideal countrv in which to make war. The Queen of the Antilles, however, enjoys other and less terrible perfections. One of these is her gift of silence. Her great forests are as the Isle of which Tennyson
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  • 385 3 Cecil Rhode- was noted for absentminedness. When commanded to sleep and dine at Windsor Castle, he turned up at the London terminus with a penny in his pocket. Happily his secretary was better provided he bought the Colossus his return ticket and furnished him with a couple
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  • 116 3 The Pillowing tics will be played on to-day C. Class Single. E. F. 11. Edlin v Lt Fraser if not playing in doubles. M. C. Miller p Fivem v\ or Lt. Scott D. Cla>-> Single. Me. Lennan v Thompson or Stockwell. Nicol v Nicholas or Jennings. Gibb
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  • 263 3 THE RIVAL INTERESTS. I'll'" Indian Textle Journal —We note that at the lirst ordinaay general meeting of the Bombay Electric Supply and Tramway Co., in London, it was decided that strong opposition should be made to the granting of a license to Messrs. Tata and Sons on
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  • 343 3 DIVERTING SCENE BETWEEN SOLICITOR AND A WOMAN WITNESS. There was quite a Dickens flavour about the dialogue which took place in Colchester Police Court between a solicitor and a woman named Mrs. Stannard, who charged Elijah Fisher, a mill worker, with assault! She complained that he
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  • Page 3 Advertisements

  • 612 4 MR. ARMOUR >F (MICA' REPLIES ro RITH Vu iim o MNY. Mt. J. i .iinouoi, head of the well-known cannii book in d methods of the Amer He calls it Ilic ncl the object w the men who preserve me tt in th c Chicago a: lie tin-
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  • 161 4 j g •ur in tht East hrough a cou nark jublic >^«-e will c n 1 ible the ast N 1 n it und itood And g I in have I but c- rumble fl it ig 3 well, tic Chin take ch g San F with the
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  • 130 4 Non Engl ind r< aders isked me I say something aboui article in the monthly ra gazine of the rhornhfll United Mehurch, Sunderland \p-parci-itly intended as .1 religious tract it i« written in the t'.rm of a c rnipanv ictus, headed u Jes i> and and containing such pass .1-
    Truth  -  130 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 454 4 SHIPPING NEWS. VESSELS EXPECTED -\>tf, PrcbabUdak arrival, Airlie, Sydney, Oct Boustead Aparima, Nev Nov.-; Boustead Arcadia. Colombo, Dec. 8 I'. v.V O. A. Ai utta, < kx 14 1*- Simons A. Bel ic, Colombo, Oct ia M. Maritime Maru. Japan. Nov. 5 Patl ions. Andalusia, Hamburg, Nov. Bnhe; M itr.
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    • 592 4 fddfdfdfd Trieste, Trieste, Oct. 9 Rautcnberg. reesta, Madras, Oct. 26: Boustead V Riemsdyk, B itavia, Oct. 1; Daendels Zieten, Hamburg, Dec. 14 B. Meyer Mkn-of-\Var, &c Hermes, (Brit, cru), India, Sept. K. Augusta, (Ger. cru.), Germany, shortly. U Turk, cru.), Suakim, shortly Mutinc. (Brit, g'bt.), Europe, shortly. Merlin, (Brit, Sheorness
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    • 703 4 Etoyaltts, Brit. str. 2.286 tons, Capt Robinson, 2nd Oct. From Calcutta, 25th Sept. G.c, and 3 d. p. McAlister Co. For Australia, 4th.— Rds. Isabella, Dut. str. 84 tons, Nacodah, 2nd Oct. From Singkep, 2nd Oct. G.c, and 30 d. p. Ah Choon. For Singkep, 4th.— Rds. Jin Ho, Bait.
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  • 3483 5 THE CULTIVATION OF RUBBER TREES. lir on the "Culti- -hihition by H r giving I 1 1 has I I tures ol I rnples ol I iagulaI «r. and !r I I m- have I n told that the vlon, the the Si I m ation Wm while will %m-
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  • 803 5 f°™»«°? CaPital Sub b i IvSi™! RMerVe Co™^ Quotations 7!S I __i Price GOLD. U.75.000 $.40,000 j 3,500 un^cd IO Bersawah G. M. Co., Lid 0.00 sellers 4iOOO I IO IO /i-» r j\ o 11 l 350:000 i! Duft 'be**^ 0,, uc (Deferred) IZ scllers •9O.
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  • Commercial.
    • 136 5 Gambier buyers 7.05 do Pontianak 8.50 Pepper, Black (ordinary S'pore) „21.25 Sago Sarawak Flour 2.80 do Brunei No. 1 „2.71 Pearl Sago, small 5.40 Coffee, Bali, i6£% buyers 3 p.c. 19.75 Coffee Palembang, 20 0/0 basis 24.00 Coffee, Liberian No. 1 „21.50 Tapioca, small pearl (Fair) sellers 9.50 do
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    • 55 5 On London Bank 4 m/s 2 i. 7 y 16 do. 6 m/s. 2 4 6 Private 3 m/s.. 2 4 j On Germany Bank i/d 2-304 Private 3 m/s a 44 do. 6 m/s 246 Oh Java Bank F. T. iaql On Japan Bank d/d 1 Guilders iAik
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  • 99 6 1 w aid to Ik- each over 1 000 ton lying at tl o f Port Altluir edol bv public lender. Jhe O. S. iCsteamer sUnskumant, wind, .truck 1 un kcn Russian •hip at, the entrance to Porl Arthur aud settled down on her, \s reported to »o« .-mik to
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  • 415 6 PROMISING FUTURE. Scial return^, the of the import and < [apan with China, during the early 97 millions yen. which, a- g millio: the C .ding period an inci I per cent. amount of tr eto the extent of 1 6 per cent.. North China 21 per
    Japan Chronicle  -  415 words
  • 137 6 We regret to riave to announce the death of the Rev. Fathn jeun Pierre Taraivel, who was for many vears in charge •of the Roman Catholic Mbcion station .it Dong Kabuaog, Ratbuari The deceased priest was born in Britaimy in 1863 and came to
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 652 6 BANKS. Hongkong s Sha^l Banking CorporationPAIWJP CAMMt ...ii0.000,000 KKSh'KVK FUND: Sieriing Resent *10>-^ I $20,250,000 Court of Directors. A Hai-pt Esq— Chairman, Hod C W l>;ckson- D. 1 -.v-rhairman. KG, u Sq U.K. TomkmsKsq. G. H. Medhurst, Esq. F. A. Steta, Esq. A. J. Raymond, Ksa. Hon. R. Sbewan. Chief
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    • 331 6 NOTICES. G. A. Fernandez Co. No. 6 iy Almeida Street. c!r!£ ENSED AUCTIONEERS, S i^ EYORS ARCHITECTS, APPRAISERS, AND HOUSE AGENTS, Charges and Commission will be found moderate. 9-806. u.c. AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE TEAK FURNITURE E&c. TO BE HELD AT tS KRAMAT ROAD. OFF LAVANAGH ROAD. On Saturday the
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    • 245 6 ARTIE TULLY. Turf Commission Agent. Now has a ***** book opened on the forthcoming Singapore Meeting. DOUBLE EVENTS. Lawn Stakes and Governor's Cup Governor's Cup and Grand Stand Cup TREBLE EVENT. Lawn Stakes, Governor's Cup and Straight out bets on all events. SEE PRICE LIST. 17 CHANGE ALLEY. Telegraphic Address
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    • 457 6 I. D. r ADLETS. FOBJAIT^^ WANTED. European or respectable Eurasian as assistant. Knowledge of shorthand, Typewriting and languages desirable! H. M. c/o Eastern Daily Mail. Respectable Cninaman to join bust ness-concern as employee and share holder. State age, experience and capital disposable, sub. M.S. An assistant Bill-collector. Security $1000. Apply
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    • 187 6 u. I he P. nounce that th, arrangement. j COLOMBO, KANOY aM whereby I ***%>„ Tour Tickets Reduced Tariff F °r ftmher particv PJO.!,, Barr«i(s Lumpur, f tl] ORGAN BUILDS Pl3no and Wus.cal nstr ment Dea 'ers Tuners and Repairer, CHURCH CLI ESTIMATES ORGAN WORK AGENTS FOR: RONISCH PIANOS. MOWIIYGTON
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