Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser, 26 September 1906

Total Pages: 6
1 6 Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser
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    • 38 1 London, September 25, 11 a.m. Representatives of four of the Great Powers, m Athens, have notified the Greek Premier lhat they approve of the appointment of Mr Zarmis as Commissioner for the administration of Crete.
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    • 113 1 CHINESE COOLIES DEPORTED. All Undesirables and Decrepit. London, September 25, 1 1 a.m. One thousand seven hundred and one repatriated coolies have been ordered to leave Durban early m October. The causes of such repatriations are as follows On account of physical infirmity 483 Undesirables 467 Both these
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    • 89 1 SUFFERS FROM INCURABLE MALADY. Cancer of Kidneys. London, September, 25 12.7 p.m. The Temps which was^the first to publish an account of the Sultan's illness learns from an absolutely reliable source that, (optimistic official statements anent the recent consultations to to the contrary notwithstanding,) the Sultan
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    • 47 1 AFTER QUARTER CENTURY'S SERVICE. Holds Unique Record. London, September 25, 12.7 p m. Baroncalice has retin d from his position m the Au>trian Embassy at Constantinople. He had held that po-iton for twentysix years, a record which is unique m the annals of diplomacy.
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    • 84 1 MUTINEERS WERE DESERTERS. Overpowered their guards. London, September 25, 12.7 p.m. Among these who mutinied on board the Turkish transport AsMyr whilst that vessel was stationed m Port Said, there were included one hundied and eighty Syrian military prisoners who were under arrest for desertion.
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    • 37 1 ONLY NINE DEATHS. Nobody injured London, September 25, 12.7 p.m. The Police authorities of Atlanta, Gal. state that eight negroes and one negrea are dead. None are injured. No further troubles arc anticipated.
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    • 122 1 MR. REDMOND'S DENUCIATION. i Absolute Home Rule only SOLUTION. London, September 25, 12.7 p m. Speaking at Limerick (Ireland) yesterday, Mr. John Redmond made a complaint that the Government had 1 repeatedly falsified ihe promises it had made to the Irish Party generally. He affirmed that the
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  • 32 1 A recknt number of the "Nagasaki Press" contains the news that I ler Majesty the Empress has presented 984 artificial eyes and 1897 artificial limbs to soldiers maimed during the recent war.
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  • 370 1 DIPLOMA TIC RELATIONS RENEWED. Enthusiastic Reception of Mr Whitehead. Belgrade, August 20. Mr. Whitehead, the new British Minister to Servia, was received m audience by King Peter. In presenting hit credentials to the King, Mr. Whitehead said that he gladly obeyed the command of his August
    Reuter  -  370 words
  • 485 1 NEXT m importance to the Pofx^'s Encyclical, and coning before the Cronberg interview amongst tl* ot the d-iy m the Pai ess is the disappearance of the Abbe Delarue. It is called 1 he Mystery of Chatenay, the strange disappearance ot the Abbe Delarue, and iurnishesi
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  • 43 1 On the authority of the greatest manufacturer of dental supplies m England there are over 40,0000/., of pure gold worked up annually 'for dentists 1 use for maU rial m filling teeth m plate-, and ><>Mn s, the value ot tiiis j^old approximating
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 107 1 RO B,SO n N CO. r %AT IS WHISKY I J Little's -f Botol Hitam m a dark bottle, but insist on: BOTOU HITfIM WHISKYI I I OBTAINABLE I GOOD LIQUOR I IS SOLD. I John Little Co. Ltd. SLEDGE f STERILIZED nUCIILiIKIf SAFEST, PUREST, BEST, Perak and Penang Government
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    • 211 1 Howarth Erskine lEi?§iijeers apd Contractors. ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS. Teh phone 23. Telegram EUSKINE." ART NEEDLE WORK One of the Fint.t and Largest Electric Fans m very Bedroom Alll n ■wamAV Buidngsin Tenang §^§M, Cui.int an Catering under FLOWER DEPOT Entirely under European Supervision of an European Management. expert 217 Orchard Road.
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  • 13 3 from oble th the the I con n the r
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  • 43 3 I I I lunI I I I I I I I I I I I I Ncble the M I i urch i i I I I I I I I urc» I II s I i and a week.
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  • 36 3 rod a :ming Wood b could iv. This time, ntion Mining nthly tlieiY xt rebihties lhe risen .906, ned t, m «i of the who esti- and I 'tin maining Malay "put millions Jo 1 os.
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  • 311 3 SUCCESSFUL JUBILEE CONCERT. In honour of Rev. Father Rivet. The Townhall was packed uncomportabljr so on the occasion of the concert tendered the Rev. Father Rivet to which we briefly referred to y< sterday. It was a great success and we- think that the organizers a<- we]]
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  • 69 3 In Bohemia at the wedding feast two rows ot silver coins are placed on the table. The father-in-law ot the bride then lifts her on the table, and she c bridge of coi: s into the young bridegroom, wh at the other end rece ye her. The
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  • 125 3 THE BOX ING CHALLENGE. Replying I the notice which appeared m the Stnmt Times of Mondays Jack McAuliflEe denies h cha gi Jim Chi it Sa contemporary is m fault t was J Christie who k Me Aulifle. Christ I be would fight McAulifle f< r he >uld fighi m
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  • 230 3 >r Milnr obtained good re- irthquake by means of his instrunv Isle of Wight The mis wee ed at 24 minu* it 12 yesterday morning, and from these h was known that a cr had occurred somewhere along stern -ide of South America. According to Valparaiso time
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  • 66 3 Manner* for traveller* we'discussed B<rlin journal. Tourists,.it say-. should nod pleasantly to all on entering ■n. -hould not monopolise the win* en passing beautiful scenery; should r"t make unnecessary noise when others mish to sleep; should not pretend t! c compartment is full when it i- that is mean and
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  • 138 3 you yourself." The "Transcript" thus figures out how Editors get ricll —/%L eni 'd is born m the neighbourhood the attending physician gets 10 dollars. The editor gives the loud-lunged youngster and 14 happy parents" a send-< ff, and i nothing. It is christened, the minister to dollars, and the
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  • 668 3 Mr.JusticeFisheronthismorninggave his answer to the petition m the case of Kangasamy vs. Ramasamy, saying that Hie defendant got judgment for costs against the plaintiff and the plaintiff died. Administration to his estate and effects was taken by one Kona Anuni dan illay and fourteen days afterwards the
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  • 414 3 Some of England's titled nuns are mentioned by 1\ P. O'Connor m an article incident to the recent conversion of Spain's new Queon. lhe Duke of Norfolk has two sisters who are nuns. Lid}' Minna Howard belongs to the Carmelite Order, and Lady Ethldreda Howard is a
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  • 927 3 Mr. Justice Fisher this morning heard Magistrate's appeals cases. Nonek, a police corporal was convicted m the Police Court on a charge of stealing eight durians valued at 20 cents each, and appealed to the Supreme Court! Mr. R. W. Braddell appeared on the appellant's behalf. Mr. Braddell
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  • 123 3 WHY NOT SAFE IN TRAINS. The traveller who has to make a long railway journey with bank notes or other valuables m his possession, is often obsessed by the fear of loss through accident of theft. It becomes necessary to keep an eye on every atom of luggage, taking handbags
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  • 1103 3 The adjourr.ed hearing of the charges against Messrs. H. C. Hogan and I. B. Robertson, Managing Director and late Secretary respectively of Hogan Co., was resumed yesterday afternoon before Mr. Colman. Mr. Sproule conducted the c.ise for the Crown, Mr. Battenberg appeared for Mr. Hogan and Mr.
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  • 972 3 Mr. W. 1. BRYAN ON INDIA The "Times of India" of Bombay has been frothing over an article condemning British Rule m India contributed to the New York Sun" by Mr. W. J. Bryan, the well-kmvn American politician and orator, which is described as "Emanations of Mustering
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  • 52 3 It is reported jhat Signer BasteHjr, Professor oi Physics at the University of Pisa, has discovered .1 substance I I the same nature as radium, but posM* inij much more powerful properties. The discovery is believed to be of great importance from an Industrial ta well as a scientitic point
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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  • 1008 4 v A Varied Life j A Record of Military and Civil Service, of Sport and of Travel, m India, Central Asia and Persia. iS-vj-hjo-. By General Sir Thomas Edward Gordon, X c. 8., K. C. 1. E, C s 1 Murray. 15s. net Sir Thomas Gordon has
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  • 139 4 The president then c me to the baselj int s ibject of the study of *c. The remarkable devetopment of the doctrine of phagocyt »ia was one of the characteristic feitures of the activity of biological science. For a -•.me the ideal of hygienists had ye
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  • 364 4 A simple ezperime I Krilfed by a an A icrtog is appliances I v :rp--. [^jt I -ni pie 'acetylene 1 pu burner on ite n. Bind the two h posit with a tight-l g ccc of rubber ho-e. Then til! the bowl of the pipe with finecakium cirbi ie.
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  • 228 4 The following Ties will be played to(1 IV. A. Class Singlb. J. YV. Brickley plus 1 V M. J. I'pcott set, if he wins on Tuesday. B. Class Single. \V. S. Barrett 5 A. C. Bolingoroke srr R. F. Roid scr P A. Korrison 1 Lt. Rervey
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 36 4 YAMATO Co. I Dealers m High Class j Japanese Curios and General Goods. SOLE AGENTS TO TOKIO 1 SEIKOSHA" CLOCKS AND WA'"CH FACTORY. Cootractors to the Japanese flavy and NipponYusen Kaisha's Fleet. 27, High Street, SINGAPORE.
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 95 4 COMING EVENTS. T©-day, 26tb Hich Water 4-11 am 3.33 pm S. V. I. Battalion Drill. 5.30. S. C. C. Tennis. P. O. hwMwaul mail du-. To-hiorrow 27th High Water. 5-57 a m. 5-0 p. m B. I homeward mail closes. 3. Y. M. C A. AmSula-i.v class, .V3O. S. V.
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    • 654 4 SHIPPING NEWS. VESSELS EXPECTED Nmtm Port, Probable date of arrival, Steamers. Airlie, Sydney. Oct M i Boustead Apuima, NewZeland, Nov.-; Boustead Arcadia, Colombo. Dec. S P. O. A. Ape ir, Calcutta. Oct 14 F- Simons A. Behic, Colombo, Oct. 22 M. Maritimes. Awa Mara, Japan, Nov 5; Paterson Sim .vi-.
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    • 733 4 J^mJt i t> Men-of-War, c Hermes (Brit, cru), India, Sept. K. Augusta, (Ger. cru.), Cermanv, sliortl}-. Messudish,(Turk. cru.),Suakim, shortly Mutme, (Br.t. got.), Europe, shortly. Merlin, (Bnt. sloop, Shedrness soon. Powerful, (Brit b'.h.) Sydney, shortly. Soudan (Brit trans.), Durban, Oct. 22. Terrible, (Brit, cru.,) H'konk, Sept. 30. VESSELS IN PORT. MERCHANT
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    • 508 4 MAILS CLOSE. To-day. For Per Steamer Time K. Tringganu, etc. Pontianak 9a* Bangkok Nuentang 11 am P. S'tenham Penang Kistna Ipm Teluk Anson via ports Selangor 3pm Christmas Island Islander Ipm S. R'goon, Calcutta Soembawa 4pm Saigon Howick Hall 4 pm To-morrow. Europe via ports Devanha 3pm Madras via ports
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  • 205 5 TWO NOTABLE CHINESE BOOKS. .RESIDENT. 0 "Kwoh fl 1 under tIK yofChih-ll time > *erful ilcdown teld the lie .riotism uith A.ikcnmg vniiment c he has revolution Aneducati m idem m eforcctra iich pre- dition nd a prowhich is v Japan I i t S issue [hey have not it
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  • 44 5 ►untry m the »a woman m f crime she eked I to one ted to the I iring the entenced. These Sa nun. v.ho L w<)rUJ ''"noMst.ated that I i t better than <! >, and mure *J m a: > ust what I the< hri* necessity
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  • 1070 5 A few dman .t was reported that the tomb of t harlemagne, m the cathedral of Aix da-Chapelle, had been opened by desire Of the German Emperor and that two woven cloths ofgreit in' terest and value had been removed therefrom. Tins was done at the suir
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  • 214 5 The King, we read, has attended thirteen theatres m the last twelve months, witnessed tour command perfoimances at\\ indoor and Sandringham and has been present ten times at Covent Gat den Grand Operas. The Princess Christian eight and the Prince and Princess of Wales, four each. Nuremberg is, and has
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  • 34 5 The oyster-beds of the Bay of Naples expected to require two years tor recovering their normal condition. Ihe cinders from the emption of csuvius have smothered Uie bivalves, forming a complete covering over them.
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  • 385 5 OFFICIAL t>RIZE LIST. Hie following official list of awards Will prove interesting Class 1. Best sample of Para Rubber Biscuits, Ceylon only, gold medal--Uuckware sil.er, Katugartota extras.lyer mcd.l- Duckware (2) second sample; honourable mention, Arnpola- kande, silver Cup to the Superintendent ot Duckwari. Class 1 a.—
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  • 111 5 Ever since the bomb outrage at V diz Kiosk, for which the Belgian Jon^ and other- were condemned, the 1 urkish law relating not only to bomb outrage and conspiracy, but to the Iff km, and knowledge of the pos--e--ion, of explosives, has been greatly increased m
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  • 80 5 A SUCCESSFUL JAPANESE INVENTION. We learn from the Japan Mail that Mr. Baba Shinrin is said to have invented a machine which records with great accuracy the stiength of the wind at sea. It has been tried on board the Taisei Maru
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  • 842 5 taS&l <^ Sub V7ue l^o Company Quotations I&S Price. GOLD. iooo IJn n^ f 13.500 10 10 Bersavvah G. M. Co., Ltd 10.00 sellers 9°° k^WSfOoo $140,000 < 3,500 unissued l 350Z i? I Du ft 'bevo,op,'ent Co., Ltd (DCfCrred) !"o SCUCrS *300,000 $293,600 Io \l Kadana
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  • Commercial.
    • 125 5 I 1 Gambier buyers 7.024 Cop°ra,Bnli 9to Sago Sarawak Flour „2.75 do Brunei No. i 2.74 Pearl Sago, small 5.40 Coffee, Bali, i6^% buyers 3 p.c. 19.75 Coffee Palembang, 20 0/0 basis 24.00 Cofiee, Liberian No. 1 22.00 Tapioca, small pearl (Fair) sellers 10.00 do do (flake do) 940
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    • 45 5 On London— Bank 4 m/s 2/47/16 Demand 2/4 1/16 do. 6 m/s.. 2/4 13/16 Private 3 m/s.. 2 4 4 On Genuany— Bank d/d 2.39J Private 3 m/s 2.44 -r-r do. 6 m/s 2.46 Private 1 m/s 1 Guilders 1424 4^ i per an
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  • 1250 6 LETTER FROM KOBE BY MR. F. A. MACKENZIE "An Industrial advance to the beating of Drums (Special for "Daily Mail.") Yesterday Japan was the world's fairyland to-d iv Jap m would fain t |(> the world's workshop She has set out to make herself the paramount
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  • 482 6 At luncheon given by the Ontario branch of the Dominion Temperance Alliance m honour of the British Medical Association. S r Victor Hortley, of University College, London, spoke on the att"tude of the medical profession m the old country towards the u>e of alcohol. I would
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  • 274 6 STATEMENT FROM TOKIO. A lokio despatch to the Mainichi states that the Japanese Government his decided to Bend two warships to England and the United States early next year. The Diet trill be asked to vote the necessary expenditure at its Coming Session, h
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 655 6 BANKS. Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation. FAID-L'l' CAPITAL 510,000,000 RESEKVE f L NI): .v^.mm Sterling Reserve f}°- **•£*> *'20,250.000 Court of Directors. lluupt. Esq—Chairman., H.A. W, Stade, tsq. Chief Manager. llongkong-J. K. M. Smith. Manager. Shanghai-H. K. K. Hunter. London Bankers. London and County Hanking Company, Ltd. INTEREST. On Current Account
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    • 348 6 NOTICES. G. A. Fernandez Co. i No. 6 D' Almeida Street. JrlSfiS 1860 AUCTIONEERS, S JKJ£ YOR8 ARCHITECTS, APPRAISERS, AND HOUSE AGENTS, Charges and Commission will be found moderate. 9-806. v.c. AUCTION SALE OF TEAK RATTAN HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE &c AT No. 33-2 CAVENAGH ROAD, THE PROPERTY OF M. C. Plagge
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    • 251 6 ARTIE TULLY. Turf Commission Agent. Now has a ioooo book opened on the forthcoming Singapore Meeting. DOUBLE EVENTS. Lawn Stakes and Governor's Cup Governor's Cup and Grand Stand Cup TREBLE EVENT. Lawn Stakes, Governor's Cup and Grand Stand Cup. Straight out bets on all events. SEE PRICE LIST. 17 CHANCE
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    • 485 6 "L D M ADLETS W SALE, WAHT En WANTED. WANTED-a Chinese Salesm^ to look after imports, with a general knowledge of the Singapore bazaar. b c I salary offered to competent Apply by letter enclosing copies of tesimonials. Address A. c/o E. D. M. An assistant Bill-collector. Security $1000. J
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    • 200 6 0. A Me place of An attractive RETURN TICKETS Tn nouncc ,hai wrangeme, 1 COLOMBO, KANDY and irherebj WEP| C<, Tour Tickets Reduced Tariff further pa P 4 O.S.N- March, 1906. Barr 4 c Oii Kuala Lumpur, fj ORGAN BUILDERS Piano Mus,cal ment Dea| ers T une r S and
      200 words