Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser, 19 September 1906

Total Pages: 6
1 6 Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser
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    • 100 1 OPERATED THROUGHOUT EUROPE London, September 18, 9 a.m. A great sensation has been caused m Pans through the arrest of a gang of fifty-five individuals who formed part of a notorious gang of coiners. from the correspondence which has been seized it would appear that the gang m question had
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    • 22 1 ADMIRAL CHICHESTER. Dies at Gibraltar. London, September 18, 9 a.m. The death is announced of Admiral bir Edward Chichester at Gibraltar.
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    • 92 1 CAUSES FORI TO EXPLODE IN FRANCE. Nine Persons Killed. London, September 18, noon. A tremendous explosion has occurred m the powder magazine attacht^u near Be6 ancon (France) Ihe cause is said to be owing to the magazine having been struck by Ifcht- ning. J Nine persons,
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    • 41 1 SEVERAL WERE KILLED NEAR Por r-s a id. Hut Order Restored. London, September 18, noan. A mutiny occurred on the Turkish troopship Assyr near Port Said. Several persons were killed. Everything at the present, however, is quiet on board.
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    • 55 1 UNDERGOES SERIES OF OPERATIONS. Suffering from polypus m throat. London, September 18, noon. Count de Witte is at the present m the hands of the surgeons. He has already under-one five operations for the cure of a polypus m the throat. Jr Other operations of a like nature are
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  • 380 1 PONY AND TRAP -LANDED" BY A FISHING ROD. Two remarkable angling stories vouched for by the M Cork Country Eagle," come from Durrus, m that country, the one relating to the attempt j made toy land" a police-constable by I means ot a salmon fishing rod, and
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  • 587 1 OUR KING QUEEN IN DISGUISE. Thf. Rin(. is travelling under the > name of thc Duke of Lancaster. This fam. har line appeared m thc Cani rcuLi, announcing His Majesty's 1 departure on his journey to the Continent. The purpose of this disguise is not altogether to prevent the King
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  • 260 1 r GERMAN TRIBUTE. Nuremberg, Monday. Aug. 20. In a long and appreciative aiti. le on King Edward VII., the Frankiscber Kurier" says "No doubt, the King on his accession determined to make his political position that of thc hist gentleman of Europe, and almost the whole ofthe
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 106 1 _~f*iL_»- gfi HPORt/ a nd v ROBINSON CO. ifiCN^S I IHE KINC OF WHISKIES j I I I J+^ PER CASE i M^^mr $9.75. > I THE WHISKY OF KINGs] Ibohn Cittlc Co. Od. j fc Jj SOLE AGENTS, I /ijj.AA a yA »a a I ma I oJjJiiljGrE i
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    • 216 1 Howarth Erskine. I. -4L-J *fj^____W**- *m Epgiijeers ai>d Coptractors. ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS. T(U 't>hone >-'„ Telegrams ERSKINE." One of the Fintst and Laraeat ~\7\ Z IZ~ I I Ri.iiHincrc j,- Electric Fans m very Bedroom I Cmr* a nrknr fei, IMM sT"' ""'"r d SINGAPORE &^»^<?F^;Y supervision of au European Qnnwrwin
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    • 4 1 fbgn nnibjhkgn ncbicjbnibgnnhi g
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  • 394 2 When the Czar of Russia called the first Hague Peace Confen it was supposed that the object ol the Conference was to be an agreement between the various Powers represented there that they would cease the heavy expenditures which were draining the wealth of Europe m the attempt of
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  • 412 2 A telegraph peon who was bitter. by a rabid dog m Tampin, the other is there to be sent to Saigon to undergo the Pasteur treatment. Labour i& scarce m the Kuala S angor district, and it is expected to become more so, owing to the outbreak of cholera amongst
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  • 385 2 The Eastern Daily mail. PRICE 5 CENTS WEDNESDAY. 19th SEPTEMBER. H.H. THE SULTAN OF JOHORE. H- H. Sultan Ibrahim of Johore has just completed his thirty-third birthday and the many wishes for his future prosperity, and for many happy returns of the day showered upon the Sultan were as numerous
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  • 35 2 WORLD'S^ y.,,,...^ Hies, 4c. some c*;l i" cal Journal.' judg. agamsi payment ofa correct, Dnvileg. Commons hv mencement < J. freedom Isted. -i., Dri" k|ng Cu„om, riot, JieGovernm< the Ind I customs! 1
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 113 2 J^| EXTRACTORS. I ■L# Useful size, capacity 2 pints $13.50 $gjss^^ NI( KEL PLATED BODY and TRAY THOMPSON THOMAS CO. I THE AUSTRALIAN STORES. Write for our General Price List. ROBINSON Co., t-\ Mm xm U r*\ I **~*i ■mom mw r^WLM CASH CLEARANCE SALE NOW ;31 nd will continue
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    • 133 2 ART NEEDLE WORK AND FLOWER OEPOT 217 Orchard Road. JUST ARRIVED Silks, Filloselles and Transfers for Cushions. MANY OTHER DESIGNS. Also a large Assortment rof fancy work to choose from. LATEST STYLES. 217 Orchard Road. Telephone yjy ""T^TT s NOTICE. The Consul-General for Siam, Singapore, is prepared to sell drafts
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 108 2 COMING EVENTS. To-day, 19th High Water, il.9a.rn. 11,4 pm Children's Aid Society Meeting. 10.30. Presbyterian; Church; -Social," Victoria Memorial Hall 8.45 p m S.V.I. Sklrms ling &c. 0-30. C»erman mail outward due. Thursday, 2©tb High Water H. 35 a.m. 1145 p.m. Jewisi New Years 1 >ay. V.M.C A. Ambulance class,
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  • 42 3 I ve of thai it he was .".er- Ache then curI d they [y left tsu and »vcre two ther i rl s that they night the ence ind conra home. placed on .-hore made for the .time
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  • 138 3 IN HONOUR OF LTAN. j ited a -lent present s during led with a m il. H. the >f H. M. with the il. 11. The ••hen II i i the minus the iltan, on y of the 3i h id but his l and lor Ktend a 11.
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  • 421 3 ANUNSUCC^ LI3AGDAD" Mr. Justice Fisher was nnwiiT i, j noon with judgement SUm°Z terday, little of interest arising most of them. The story of S r™ tunate Bagdad trader wa^!o^- f°; nmterestuig one. He was brought' un as a judgment debtor by M eSs« Angullia and Co.
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  • 353 3 SECRET op THF ORIENT CO.'S OFFER DISCLOSED. Now that the full text of the new tralian mail contract has reached md, astonishment at the >plendid g tin which the Commonwealth Government has concluded is greater than ever m shipping circles. The statement for which authority laimed, was made
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  • 138 3 Mr. E W. Birch, c, v.. <-„ our popular Resident, lias very kindly presented a Cup to the New Clnb to be known as the Birch Billiard Championship Cup. The conditions are that it is to be competed for it an annual tournament to commence «>n
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  • 46 3 Dk. J. D. Gimlctte of Kelantan and formerly of the Medical Department F. 11. S, has been awarded the Sievewright Prise given by Sir James Sievewright. X.c. m.o. for a literary contribution on medical scence. The subject of his essay was "The Flora ofthe Malay Peninsula."
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  • 1083 3 Shelford, chairman MesuVr <T i A M,\,-n mes!s 's. C. bugden iVI( Arthur, H. Becker I r 1 v C. lourna.re, Wm. Ma bean E Janion, P. Cunliffe F £35 o Martin and E. AndeVson* b lom n S lne meeting was called under Rule XIV
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  • 1061 3 A DIAMOND DEAL. David Thami, a Ceylonese was charged yeo* day before Mr Green on wo counts of criminal breach of trust and cheating. The facts as they came out m evidence were that he accused carried on the business of guldj.mil I. and jeweller, and that he
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  • 333 3 36,000,000 TO ONE AGAINST. Judged by the average of accidents railway travelling would appear to be i the safest mode of spending one's existj ence and railway companies to be the I chief guardians of human life. A London Board of Trade Blue-book shows that
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  • 360 3 In connection with the very unplra- ant f, a c^ ricd before Sir G °rell Barnes, t»je Solictors' Journal" complains ot 'he length at which divorce cases are reported m journal,. A similar compl.uut was n ,de by M r Samuel J>«nith,„ tha Howeof (Emmons nearly wenty war,
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  • 311 3 We hope that tlie Government is alive to the dangers involved m the latest development of South American enterprise. It has been stated on what appears to be reliable authority that a syndicate interested m the Argentine meat tr.ale is negotiating for the establishment of
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  • 265 3 We commend to the many Radicals who regard our Colonies as worthless encumbrances an impartial study of the commercial business annually transacted between Great Britain and the Australian Commonwealth. On the import side of the account, it is officially recorded that the great island continent bought
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  • 91 3 The piano-tuner, Mr. Coelho, was m m the court of Requests yesterday when he sued one of his workmen for the return of dol. 4 advanced. Mr. Scott considered that the Chinaman was m the right and gave judgment against Coelho. H. E. the Governor will leave for the F.
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  • 105 3 Among the amusing things told m a volume oi journalistic experiences just published is thc disastrous blunder of an editor, who. affronted at not having the bills of a travelling company to print, criticised adversely the performance of the principal tragedian. Unluckily, the play m which the
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  • 190 3 (m Sunday next, the Revd. Father Rivet will celebrate high Mass at 9 a.m. m the Cathedral ofthe Good Shepherd m thanksgiving and commemoration of the Silver Jubileeof his priesthood which fell on the 29th June, but thc celebration has been postponed to the 23rd instant to enable the priests
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  • 155 3 Yesterday evening, at about 7-30, as two Chinese were coming into town from Ampang m a rikisha, they were stopped by four of their fellow-country-men near the entrance to the Racecourse. But iust as the men held the rikisha up, a Malay detective who was lying concealed m
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 292 3 V IE NEW FRENCH ft EM EL (nis nccesafwl ami highly popular rt a ly v il i" the Continental Hosp tils l<y Kuril. I J ibert, Veipean. anil others, coinli.n. s all tli •i -i ili rata to be sought m a medicine of the kind, nl Mipaaaet overytn
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    • 180 3 "moMm^n Cigars." Reduction m price. OWING TO THE GREAT DEMAND l«OR THE BRANI) OF MOULMEtN CIG \f's i PORTI D BY US, WE ARE Al I'O REDUI E THI FROM 10-DAY. A fresh consignment has just been received. TO CONVINI E THOSE WHO HAVE Nor VEI s. OKED OUR "MOULMEIN
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  • 792 4 BY A FRIEND TeHU pmtwt. kmtcassi. touitbstt. Th medical student ol our dreams is going he is tor the main part gone. 100 00 mean that there are no medical Student nowaday-, for statistics teach us tha there are more than ever, and ev< 1 an anon
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  • 992 4 THE INVASION OF ENGLAND BY GERMANY IN 1910. MR. LE QUEUX'S WARNING. Mr. William Le Queux, who reviews his own book, "The Invasion of 1910," l m this i--ue, has had the satisfaction j of seeing 12,000 copies of the book sold m three days. Xo one perhaps knows the
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  • 326 4 Per P. &O. s Nik frem London Aug. iS, due 22nd Sept.— Mrs. Broadr.ck. Messrs R. C. Russell, and C. I. Hewitt. J Per P. G. s. s. Britannia, connecting with :he steamer Simla at Colombo trom London Aug. 31 due 20th Sept Mr. and Mr-. J.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 590 4 ~—-r*^* 'U*t****uim^~f *^~rllflm\ t t"k SHIPPING NEWS. VESSELS EXPECTED Name. Port, Probable date of arrival, Albenga, Hohgkong, Sept.— Behn Meyer. Andalusia, Hamburg, Nov. 7 Bnhe; Meyer. Avuthi 1, Bombay, Sept. Borneo Coy. Hamburg, str. Nov. 20; Behn Meyei Amiral Lont}-, Saigon, Sept. 17 Moint Comte. Ale-ia, Hamburg, Dec. r; Behn
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    • 782 4 Mkn-okAVar,&c Diadem, (Brit, cru), Hongkong soon. Hermes, (Brit cv), India, S ept. 1 shortly!" 1 1 (Gei CrU,) Messudish (Turk, cru), Suakim, shortly Mutine Bnt gbt.), Europe, shortly. Powerful (Brit, b'sh.) Sydney, shortly. Soudan (B, it. trans.), Durban, Oct. 22. Niobe, (Ger. cru.), Germany, shortly. S VESSELS IN PORT. MERCHANT
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    • 473 4 Ning Clioiv, Brit str. 5,723 tons, Capt Allen, 17th Sept. From Birkenhead, ,Bth Aug. G.c, and 32 d.p Mansfield 61 Co. For Tacoma, 20th— W. Brit. str. 386 tons, Cant Baker, ,Bth Sept. From Port Swettenham, ,6th Sept. G.c, and 107 d.p. Straits Steamship Coy. Ltd. For Port Swettenham, 20th
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  • 670 5 CAUSES OF FALLING BIRTH-RATE. vied iii England dqnarter of -m tn 8 and were m 7 annuity per .the [ed m any *c civil reg.3tr.tion te d that" populate to theincrei only be kep ,sub constant operation* Herbert ;.j m opposition to th.s a never .kill, intelliN >ecessity n his
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  • 1420 5 CONCLUSIVE RESULTS OF MODERN RESEARCH. By C. W. Saleeby, MD, F.R.S. (Edin.) The first teetotal doctor who raised his voice some sixty years ago was looked upon as a fadistofan exceptionally silly kind. If there was any doctrine which the medicine of those days did not question,
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  • 369 5 AMERICAN LADY DESERTED ON HER HONEYMOON. Paris, Tuesday, Aug. si. An American woman, a spinster of about thirty summers, belonging to one ofthe best-known Californian families, met at Hongkong recently a man who gave himself out to be Baron Santos Doliva von Dobrowolsky Donnersmarck I His available assets
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  • 67 5 The Queen Street extension through Bras Basah Road to Stamford Road, through the compound of the Cathedral of the Good Shepherd is being actively pushed through by the Municipality and the new road will be open to public traffic shortly. In exchange for the ground required for this road, the
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  • 783 5 Capital Sub* bed "£jF up* *~«e Company Quota.ion, IISS Price. GOLD. {5i75,000 40 ,000 3,500 unreel Bersawah G. M. Co., Ltd ,0.00 sellers i? Duft Develop^ Co. Ltd (DCfCrred)^ SCIICrS *300,000 $293,600 X Io O KadanaCM^Ltd. i• -o seUers 3 I 640 unissued M Pref > «o-«>
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  • Commercial.
    • 150 5 Gambier buyers 7.10 do Cube No. 1 10.75 Copra, Bali „910 do Pontianak 8.50 Pepper, Black (ordinary Spore) 21.25 do White, Fair L. W. 5 p.c. 27.62^ Sago Sarawak Flour 2.73 do Brunei No. 1 2.74 Pearl Sago, small 5.40 Coffee, Bali, i 6£% buyers 3 p.c. 19.75 Coffee
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    • 106 5 On London— Bank 4 m/s 7/16 On Gem.any— Bank d/d 2 39 4 Ow trance— Bank d/d 2 93^ O« India— Bank T. T. ,7| O« Hongkong Bank d/d c'% dii O/i Shanghai Bank d/d 78 Private 30 d/s 72 On Jaya Bank T. T. o j Private 30
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  • 1165 6 SOME THEORIES AS TO THEIR ORIGIN. (Speoial for Daily Mail By I'iofessor Mile. Shide Hill House, Newport (IW.) The only earthquake shocks which reached this place since thc due which caused so much havoc were two m number, one at about 6.59 a.m. on August 1
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  • 610 6 One wonden if Mrs. Craigie had bcsun a novel which she meant to te-— a novel reflecting something of the life of her native America. S I pi'd a long visit there last n iter and spring, and me consequence traa this idea of a story
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 694 6 BANKS. Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation. PAID-UP CAPITA] 510,000,000 RESERVE FUND:— Sterling Reserve $10,000,000 '250.000 Silver Reserve $10,250,000 linrt Reserve Liabil.ty of Proprietors $10,000,000 Court of Directors. A Haupt, Esq— Chairman. Hon. c \Y. Dickson— I Vpntv-Chairman. E. Goetz, Em. H. E. Tomkins Ksq. C. R. Lenzmann, D. M Nissim, Ksq.
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    • 346 6 NOTICES, 6. A. Fernandez Co. A r 6 ITAlmtuia Street. LICENSED AUCTIONEERS, SURVEYORS, ARCHITECTS, APPRAISERS, AND HOUSE AGENTS, Charges and Commission will be found moderate. 9-8 06. ux# AUCTION SALE OF TEAK RATTAN HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE &c. AT No. 33-2 CAVENAGH ROAD, THE PROPERTY OF W. C. Plagge Esqr. Leaving the
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    • 260 6 ARTIE TULLY. Turf Commission Agent. Now has a ioooo book opened on the forthcoming Singapore Meeting. DOUBLE EVENTS. Lawn Stakes and Governor's Cup Governor's Cup and Grand Stand Cup Double Griffins. TBEBLE EVENT. Lawn Stakes, Governor's Cup and Grand Stand Cup. ALSO Straight out bets on all events. SEE PRICE
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    • 692 6 t- Mt» wmH^^J 0fe.200 gf. ni ficenl A Mounta ,1 "I' CHEA P RETURN TlCKrrc "ounce lhat ,j, c arrangement-, g,"g p 0. S N C ---March. $i V Barr jj; Kuala Lv, mrJll °RGAN BUILDERS Piano Musical nstr ment De^ers Tuners and Repairers CHURCH CLEANED, R] ti:. ESTIMATES ORGAN
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