Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser, 17 September 1906

Total Pages: 6
1 6 Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser
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  • 68 1 ARMY RETRENCHMENTS. Reuter'g Agency wires (By submarine telegraph.) MR. HALDANE'S SCHEME APPROVED. Receives Royal Sanction. London, September 15th, 9.55 a.m. H. M. the King has formally approved Mr. Haldane's scheme for the army reductions which are to be carried out under the instructions which will be issued to that effect
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  • 60 1 UNITED STATES TRUST FORMED. Large stocks held by London firm Acquired. London, September 15th, 9.55, a.m. It is reported that a Rubber Trust which has been formed m the United States has acquired the stock of a large London firm. This is said to be the
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  • 38 1 RESIGNS HIS COMMISSION. Will not return to Nigeria. London, September 15, 11.36 p.m. Major Lugard who is at present m j England has resigned his commission owing to ill-health and will not return j to Nigeria.
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  • 32 1 PREFERENCE TREATY APPROVED. Subject to modifications. London, September 15, 9.55 a.m. The Melbourne House of Representatives have approved the New Zealand Preference Treaty schedule, subject, of course, to revision.
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  • 33 1 WITHDRAWAL OF TROOPS From Mukden. London, September 15, 9.55 a.m. The British Charge daffaires m Peking has informed Earl Grey that the Japanese troops will be withdrawn from Mukden province.
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  • 27 1 THE REST" V. KENT. Victory of The Rest." London September 15, 9.55 a.m. The Rest" of England have beaten Kent on the Oval, by 251 runs.
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  • 40 1 RUSSIAN ROYAL FAMILY TOUR THROUGH FINLAND. Undertake^acht excursion. London, September 15, 9.55 a.m. The Tzar and Tzarina together with their children have left on an excursion which will last for several days, through the Gulf of Finland.
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  • 31 1 INHABITANTS CAMP OUT. Several Shocks fllt m Palermo. London, September 15,9.55 a.m. Frequent earthquake shocks have been felt m Sicily and the inhabitants of Palermo are camping out.
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  • 69 1 THE KAISER SATISFIED. An Unusually Trying ordeal. London, September 15, 9.55 a.m. In connection with the German Army manoeuvres, although they demonstrate nothing that may be considered novel, m so far as tactics are concerned, the evolutions gone through were more than usually trying for the troops,
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  • 86 1 DETACHMENT OF TROOPS LANDED AT CIENFUEGOS. Bluejackets Occupy Havannah. London, September 15, 9.55 a.m. The American gunboat Marietta has landed a detachment of men at Cienfuegos which the insurgents were besieging. The fortifications are already damag ed. American Bluejackets have been landed in Havannah. As a result
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  • 305 1 THREE BOMBS THROWN FROM a warsaw balcony: Warsaw, Sunday, Aug. 19. Three bombs were thrown at General Skallon, Governor-General of Warsaw, at four o'clock yesterday afternoon. The teral sustained slight concussion ot" the brain, and was rendered deal the right ear by the explosions. The plot was
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 100 1 rAP "-^ZT"-" '4 **il r. LTO. y ROBINSON CO.. THE KINC OF WHISKIES I PER CASE $9.75. > j THE WHISKY OF KINGS] holm Cittk Co. £td J j SOLE AGENTS. 1 j "1 j STERILIZED n^LILICI I SAFEST, PUREST, BEST, *\f (The Perak and Penang Government Hospitals use 5000
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    • 299 1 Howarth Erskine I Ei>§i peers ?*i>d Coptractors. ELECTRICAL IWSTALLATIONS. Telephone 23. Telegrams ERSKINE." mg -^---^-*-*^---*^-^--*^*^K^^ m **>*** "M^MM^MM^M^^AM«^VWI#IMMM^IMVV>M«r4 1 One of the Fintst and Largatt QP w Electric Fan* m very Bedroom 1 SINGAPORE Buildings m I'enang Jyd^&^l^fi Cuisine and Catering under 2 Entirely under European G^fc^f Supervision of an
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    • 497 1 tESfKSB&fZHiGb! 1 THIS BURMAN'S PLIGHT. Indigestion, Headaches ami sVunp ■%!>■* Li: Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Maun- San Ba, the popular P, \V. D. Overseer of Mandalay, was delighted when called upon at his home in C. Road, to express his gratitude and thanks for benefits derived from Dr. Williams Pink
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  • 155 2 D M G MaxiwH is appointed v. P. P. Singapore, but will continue bin duties as Solicitor General, Penantr m the meanwhile. fe His Lordship the Chief Justice is to leave for Malacca this afternoon It is understood that all the remaining small causes on the list will be finished
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  • 864 2 The Eastern Daily Mail. MONDAY, 17th SEPTEMBER. CUBA AND THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. PRICE 5 CENTS. NotwithstandingrepeatedAmerlean assurances that there would P c jo intervention m Cuba, a 1 Wa 6 y ue Jackets have been landed at Havana with the avowed purpose of protecting that city m a
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  • 289 2 V M. C. A. v. S. R. C. Dlani f l matCh c WaS P ,a y cd °°*c SRC h°in Sa l Urday afl <™"»». th, F,p L batting first and scoring iaB M. Gomes played a bnllianti-,. „i... f (M 59 runs after which he retir fiftl
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  • 607 2 V.M.C.A. v. E. C.S F. A very evenly contested ball was witnessed 0:1 RaflL Ground on Saturday opposing teams being the Y. .1 anil E. Co., Sherw 1 >■'. F ground was hnw and slua suit of which spills we occurrence. The team- m itched and for the first
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  • 107 2 Thc i < To the E i Sjr. 1 sion blood. 1 can a I the lea thne I j .'ii bi..!h conscience. V■ i i'or ihe md On i titled i m the corresp issue." Wie i I m my m •nd lastly 1 t)»
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  • 86 2 NOTES AND Ni r h **»*"*<* i*n* friendly i Of General pp| citabilitj rather suq Pans 1*11,5? 2 m p jnthejurj important R„ orß| l>eterm made i system railway would matt. reforming with a blue cutty hemp, and can. Chma, Fr„ m mtion of her r a
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 308 2 WELCH'S GRAPE JUICE. A Temperance Drink for the Home A Drink for the Table A True Thirst Quencher for the Sick Room. 6ood for Old and young flrMctc and invalid. Per bottle 50 cents. SOLE AGENTS. THOMPSON THOMAS CO. THE Ai S TRA LIAN S TORES. lenTGAPORB Write for our
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 123 2 COMING EVENTS. To-day, 17th Higi Wate 10-12 am. 9-11 p. m Cerman Homeward mail closes, io C Uam ier ot Comm ree Meuinz 2 m S. V. I. Battalion Drill 5.30. 3 Sui t an of Jo r .-'s Birri lay Banqaet at Jo i .re Bahru Spe.ial train from
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  • 3 3 I
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  • 14 3 SIT TO Spl 151 i'1]Mar- have been anard c carriage, pro- nial proof.
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  • 13 3 ITKI.Y ,i r.Vi noN. imanI lo the is not
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  • 4 3 IARTIAL J
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  • 6 3 M). been Admiral
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  • 9 3 I W. H. Cuba toI
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  • 15 3 3; a.m. have to rally r Cuba, that their condi- irchy would
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  • 50 3 the the I has is explanathat sell for still I he lane In honour of the ven by the sided Mr. Pett >ing L. the for the Lumpur to Prai, Jhe Generai•her railway lid t-» be sting •urn here ming Uahiya. etween LUang r< S t( be Marled onsithese inder-
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  • 1454 3 AGAINSI TWO POLICEMEN Both Convicted. The hearing of the charges against I Salleh, I.C. 55 for fabricating false i evidence and lor receiving all illegal 1 gratification ot $300, and against 1 Hashim P. C. 68 for abetment was 1 resumed on Saturday before a Bench I Court
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  • 85 3 At the Coleman Street Methodist Church on Thursday at 8 p.m., there will be held a Missionary Parliament" under the auspices of the Epworth League. Mr. N. Thomas, of the Australian Stores, is the presiding genius who has had the preparation of the programme, and an exceptionally
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  • 110 3 This Company gave their first Matinee" on Satorday last and the little ones did not fail to appreciate the treat so kindly afforded them by the Proprietors. Some of the pictures thrown on the screen were specially procured to amuse the little ones and there was a
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  • 113 3 In an interview at Carlsbad with a representative of the Paris edition of the New York Herald," It. Clemenceau, the Minister of the Interior, said that the Papal Encyclical wil a declartaion of war, which will m all probability bring about a new political enigma and
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  • 161 3 STRANGE COINCIDENCES. Sir Norman Lockyer of the Solar Pnysics Observatory, South Kensington, m an interview with a representative ofthe Daily Mail," said it was a remarkable fact that the earthquake at Valparaiso and that at San Francisco nearly synchronised with the suns pots maximum, and that
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  • 178 3 Travellers who know the Geyser Hotel, near Whakarewarawa, New Zealand, will remember the old Maori, Kapariere, uncle of the guides, Maggie and Bella. He disappeared suddenly m early July. The discovery of his fate is an illustration ofthe extraordinary nature ofthe boiling springs and pools of the neighbourhood. Maggie, his
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  • 895 3 COMPARISONS WITH MALAYA. Under this heading, and over his own signature, Dr. J. C. Willis, Director of Ceylon Botanical Gardens, makes the following statement m the latest Tropical Agriculturist A very good answer to those who are claiming that Malaya is the premier rubber-planting country
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  • 141 3 STOLEN gems found m an ALARM CLOCK. The jewels belonging to the Baroness von Holriezel, of Vienna, which were stolen during the charity ball at the Kuisaal at Ostend on August sth have i just been recovered by the Ostend police and the thieves arrested. The valuables
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  • 437 3 STRATA YIELD UNDER UNEQUAL PRESSURE. Our g!obe is still perilously vital, says Miss A. M. Clarke, the well-kown scientific writer. Its actual shape and size result from the antagonistic play of heat and gravity, the disturbance of which is at any moment liable to produce a destructive
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  • 591 3 MR. ROCKEFELLER IN PARISIAN EYES. There is something of amused wonder, something of supercilious pity, and a good deal of ill-concealed envy m the tone of French writers when they speak of the arrival of the Standard Oil magnate m Paris. "Tl.e independent journal Liberie seems to feel its mouth
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  • 386 3 CLIMBING IN THE HIMALAYAS. The following details regarding Dr. and Mrs. Bullock Workman's great climb m the Kashmir Himalayas have been received. The explorers camped at 20,730 feet on July 27th, and the following day having discovered that the highest Nun Ku peak could not be attempted because of the
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  • 405 3 Amoy, August 27. Great excitement is being caused here amongst the Chinese community by the edicts that have been sent to this province from peking urging the whole populace, without any discrimination as to sex, age, or position, to unite m one gigantic effort
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  • 258 3 The spirit of the new China is illustrated by the frankness with which Tong-Shac-yi, Vice-President of the Foreign Office at Peking, m an interview with a correspondent of the Loka'- anzeiger, has given utterance to China's disapproval of Germany's policy m ac- quiring Kiao-chow. "How can
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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  • 257 4 Just as to day Po|>c Pius X. finds himself at war with the Government ol France, so one hundred years ago did Pope Puis VI and Pope hue VII. Pope Pius VI, came into conflict with Na^kon by allowing the Neapolitan cavalry to pass
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  • 183 4 The treasure-seeking steamer Xema, for whose expedition j_2-,ccc lias been subscribed by peers, judges, people of minor titles, and the general public of this country, diff waters yester•r Diamond Island, as her d ■ii has been tened. She carries sufficient explosives 1 shake .1 whole continent,
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  • 88 4 ARRIVAL AT SHANGHAI, Ph. ghai, t S -Lmber. John X. Jordan, the new B Minister arrived h- I Hay by the R.M.S ss f J .pan. A naval from H. M. S. Clio was drawn up at the landing place 1 1 rea ive the new Mini-tcr
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  • 66 4 We congratulate tl f t ie American Mission Press, Mr. W. T. Cherry, m his enterprise m gettii c a lino type machine for tl popular publishing house. work dot* the new machine was turned out on Saturday. J'he lin will be a valuable the already
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  • 294 4 ******—*r*~~**-a .IV^HMBltaag The work of rebuildi g S n Fran- and g activity prevailed during the month of July. [here wa- a h tne city s population during the I month after the hie. ami it is estimated that more than 2c0,..c0 have returned while 50,000 are waiting m neighbourtag
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  • 97 4 Alter several weeks spent m training off Calais, the Italian long-distance champion swimmer, Eavide Caltanco, on the 14th ult., started on his attempt to swim across the English Channel. The swim was an exceedingly pluckyone, and Cattaneo had covered over so miles before he was eventually compelled to abandon
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  • 79 4 SALT JUNKS HELP IT. An organized band of more than one hundred pirates attacked the Its at their anchorage m the Kwong Ning district, near Wuehow, »»n the •Joth ult. The booty, not only con*isty and other articles, but I live girls, daughters of 1 sailors. 1
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  • 62 4 A hungry hyena has 1 on the woods near I s, m the ivag will lead to the discovery of the body of the Chatenay. The hyena, which has been borrowed g show man. I for three d viou^ly wit 1 »d. She imed out
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  • 62 4 following Ties postponed trom .V A. L;.\-- Double Handicap. Dr. Nicholas and stea Iman M< rris n and Hannatord. Capt loyntz ami Gaunt v Kent and Hruytrcs And the fo" 1 < have boen added. C. Class Doubli Handic S. X md Knocker.: Nicol and Jack> Kimmel
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  • 408 4 Bridegroom -What's the matter, cabby Cabby -IL ,rs e has just thrown a shoe, sir. Brid* Creat Scott Do even the horses know we are just married It is a great pity, said tbe architect, "that nature is not more adaptable." "In what way?" Mlf human beings could only learn
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  • 215 4 A Univcroity Man as Burglar: M Connecticut Billy, alias Fred. Adams, alias Frank Howard, and passing at times under several other names, who was recently shot while attem pting a robbery, was one of the most famous crooks m thc United States, although he was a
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  • 321 4 Per. P. O. s. s. Nik frem London Aug. 18, due 22nd Sept.— Mrs. Broadrick, Messrs R. C. Ru-sell, and C. Hewitt. Per P. lV G. s. s. Britannia, connecting with :he steamer Simla at Colombo from London Aug. 31 due 29th Sept.— Mr. and Mrs. I.
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  • 335 4 Many precious stones show a remarkable change of colour m the presence oi radium. In late German experiments a colourless diamond from Borneo became pale yellow after an exposure of eight days to impnre radium bromide, deeper yellow m eight days more, and was not wholly restored to its original
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 633 4 SHIPPING NEWS. VESSELS EXPECTED Name. Port. Probable date of arrival, Albenga, Hohgkong, Sept.— Behn Meyer. Andalusia, Hamburg, Nov. 7 Bnhe; Meyer. Ayuthia, Bombay, Sept. Borneo Coy. A 1 1 imburg, str. Nov. 20 Behn Meyer Amiral Ponty, Saigon, Sept. 17 Moine Comte. Alesia, Hamburg, Dec. 7 Behn Meyer Ardjoeno, Batavia.
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    • 828 4 .y (Wt ifja\jat\ /hi^m VESSELS IN PORT. MERCHANT VESSELS. Ban Uliatt Hin, Brit. str. 195 tons Capt Morrell, 9th Sept. From Toleban Jth Sept. G.c, and 142 d. p. Straits Steamship Coy. Ltd. For Teloban, U. Rds. Bangkok, Ger. str. 1,237 tons, Capt Klimmet, Sth Sept. From Bangkok, Ist Sept.
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    • 106 4 'MAILS TO ARRIVE. From Europe.— By the N. D. L. s. s. Prinz Ludwig due oh 21st Sept. From China.— By the N. D. L. s. s. Sachsen due on 16th Sept. VESSELS AT TANJONG PAGAR. Wbarves at wbicb different ships are bertbed to-day. East Wharf Basin; -Nil. Slc. I—
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  • 159 5 Itm t%uon ,k^ 3 kshirC| 01 KCl.l C s tions to-aay, rthatParl* -e.I d.dn't T no* i" »«*>■ allKent? v head. wails, and a the .cut rks ent Money in it. mcithat a It means D iy pelf. it have te .ame, y call his v, the my
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  • 1342 5 (SPECIAL FOR "DAILY MAIL.") By F. A. McKenzie. Osaka- Japan, Cotton is king m the Far East. The Asiatic textile trade is one ofthe most impoi taut sections of our exports An open and awakened Far East, buying its highest-class cotton goods from us no sensible man
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  • 227 5 UNDESIRABLES." COMING TO SINGAPORE. In Tuesday's issue we briefly mentioned the fact that the Police had arresed a gang of Indian criminals, consisting of men, women and children. It seems that there were some twentyseven m all and the}- had made their way here somehow or other up through tlie
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  • 221 5 Con-iderable apprehension is felt m Cochin-China, says a home paper, m reference to the development of so. called "secret societies." These societies have hardly anything secret m connection with them, except the names of the adherents, and are purely and simply associations for theft, possessing hardly
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  • 89 5 SEVERAL DEATHS FROM HARDSHIPS. A Moji telegram states that the S. S. Yoshino, with a number of students who have been touring m Manchuria and Corea on board, arrived there on Saturday. One of them had to be at 1 once conveyed to the
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  • 84 5 A CONCERTED MUTINY SAID TO BE CONTEMPLATED. According to news from Vladivostock, there are indications that the Russian troops at Tsitsihar are contemplating a mutiny m concert with those at Harbin, being indignant at the fact that the announcement of war rewards has
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  • 818 5 Date of T~ Number Issue Paid I f fays at formation Subscribed of Value q Reserve Company Quotations Present snares Price. GOLD. f i 3,500 10 10 Bersawah G. M. Co., Ltd 10.00 sellers 19 00 1*i75» 0o Si 40,000 •< 3,500 unissued r Annn r 4
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  • Commetcial.
    • 145 5 Gambier buyers 7.10 do Cube No. 1 n 10.80 Copra, Bali 8-75 Pontianak do 8.25 Pepper. Black (ordinary Spore) „21.60 Ao White, Fair L.W. 5 p.c. „27.50 Sago Sarawak Flour „2.73 do Brunei No. 1 2.65 Pearl Sago, small 5.40 Coffee, Bali, 165% buyers 3 p.c. 19.65 Coffee Palembang,
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    • 28 5 On London Bank 4 m/s 2/4 3/8 1 1 1 v ti. ic 1 11 -> v 1 (5 v j 11 1 lcicrs sa 1 1 13iscouiit
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  • Page 5 Advertisements

  • 1010 6 AN INDICTMENT. Ar the present time a strong feminist wave is passing over the country. Woman, ever rebellious, is clamorous for her right-. All the wiles of strategy has ahe enlisted. She has pressed into her service every engine of social warfare. Eager, and almo-t I reckless,
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  • 696 6 FORTHCOMING CONTEST FOF SUPREMACY IN IT IE AIR. Making an Epoch By Percival Spencer m the Daily Chronicle Though we witnessed m this countrj recently one or two balloon races, th< tirst really great battle for the supremacy of the air will take place at Paris ir September
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  • 169 6 HIS mo Ts£om dashes INTO PAWa, Sunday, Aug. m Prince Ibrahim Mohamed fiS.. sin ofthe Khedive o -H" v C U tally injured while drtJSg^KEE his automobile. letaaj m The Prince, driven by his chauffeur WM going at a high rate ol spee^when he
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  • 44 6 With the view to trying something EVE* 5 rt" ,rom ssaka > 33 cdMt.Fuji on Aug. 13th and on the summit they gave an entertainmentdanced, played the mnmem and L i songs, rhev are boasting that such f perlormance had not bewgivS, c icmote antiquity.''
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 679 6 BANKS. Hongkong S Shanghai Banking Corporation. PAID-UP CAPITAL $10,000,000 RESERVE FUND. Reserve Liability of Proprietors $10,000,000 Court of Directors. A Haupt. Ksq-Chairman. Hon. v. W. I tickson I leputy-Chairman. K. Goetz, Esq. i H. E. Tomkins Esq. C. R. Lenzmann, D. M. Nissim, Ksq. G. H. Medhurst, Ksq. F. A.
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    • 289 6 NOTICES. 6. A. Fernandez Co. M>. 6 D'Almctda Street. LICENSED AUCTIONEERS, SURVEYORS, ARCHITECTS, APPRAISERS, AND HOUSE AGENTS. Charges and Commission will be found moderate. 9 8 6 v.c. Important Notice. be S inform our Eastern Daily Mail," kjnggay Jana Mittran and Caxton" Printing works subscribers, advertisers and customers tnat all
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    • 249 6 ARTIE TULLY. Turf Commission Agent. Now has a ioooo book opened on the forthcoming Singapore Meeting. DOUBLE EVENTS. Lawn Stakes and Governor's Cup Governor's Cup and Grand Stand Cup TREBLE EVENT. Lawn Stakes, Governor's Cup and Grand Stand Cup. ALSO Straight out bets on all events. SEE PRICE LIST. 17
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    • 498 6 h jgfjdg fjdgfusdyg WANTEO. for A nffi Stnm uro PPa« a or Eurasia,,, 1 c 0a m t o s ffi^ a se L, s n g ate S, fo PrCfC TCU A FC^ EDM CCh ic" c Sales™.,,, to look after imports with > C k olVlcdg£ f SingalUe
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    • 195 6 R '^O P H... Ne Wera olt 6^o fr A Q. A" An atti CHEAP RETURN nou arra cm nu D« C°LOMBO. KANDY tfl, H: N[ Tour Tickets Ref UCed Ta P S Hr. 'St Man '^N ft Barr $Co Lumn-r C ORGAN BUILDS Pi^nn m ent Dealers t andpl
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