Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser, 15 September 1906

Total Pages: 6
1 6 Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser
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    • 28 1 London, September 14, 10.30 a.m. The Times strongly comments on the inadequacy of the Chinese assurances m regard to Sir Robert Hart's future position.
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    • 50 1 MORE FLAGRANT BREACHES FORESHADOWED. Before very long. London, September 14, 10.30 a.m. Should Great Britain accept those assurances, as the best solution of the matter involved, which can be discovered, we shall not have to wait very long for other equally flagrant breaches of our treaty rights.
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    • 48 1 THE REGENT OF BRUNSWICK. Prince Albrecht Dead. London, September 14, 10.30 a.m. The death is announced of the Regent of Brunswick, Prince Albrecht of Prussia. [The deceased Prince was born on the Bth May 1837 and elected Regent of the Duchy of Brunswick on 21st October 1855.]
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    • 42 1 INFLAMMATORY PLACARDS IN RUSSIA. Israelite Population Alarmed. London, September 14, 10.30, p.m. An anti-Jewish organization m Odessa has placarded the City urging all "patriots to exterminiate the Jew-. Those belonging to the latter race are, consequently, greatly alarmed.
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    • 57 1 EXPEDITION LEAVES FOR UGANDA. 1 To Study irs Cause. London, Septeml>er 14, 11-30 a.m. Reuter wires that it is understood i that m consequence of the serious j growth ofthe sleeping sickness" m Uganda, the Liverpool School of Medecine has decided to send out an expedition to
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    • 42 1 RESEARCHES INTO THIS TO BE MADE ALSO. As to Probable Origin. London, September 14, 11.30 a.m. Another expedition is to leave for West Africa to endeavour to trace the cause of what is denominated as the Black water fever.
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    • 28 1 RUSSIAN MUR DRESS HUNG. PAYS PENALTY FOR CRIME. Assassinated General Minn. London, September 14, 11.80 a.m. The woman who murdered General Minn has been hanged m Schlessulberg prison.
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    • 246 1 i GEN ERAL STAFF CON STI IUTED. To Ensure Proper Organisation of Army. London, September 14, 11.30 a.m. A new Army Order has |ust been issued which provides for the constituj tion of a General Staff consisting of fifty-seven officers which will be ati tached to
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  • 775 1 SKETCH OF THE CAREER OF THE NEW JAPANESE AMBASSADOR. Baron Julaio Komura is one of the most remarkable of the younger statesmen of Japan. He comes almost straight from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, a poet which he tilled with dignity and success since *>>00, and is a
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  • 143 1 aammthmm^maaai^aaaamaaaaaaa^^m It is said that Mr. A. V. Brown, the Assistant Superintendent of Immigrants, F M. S. and perhaps the only Tamil scholar m the service, is to succeed Mr. Baxendale as Supdt of Posts and Telegraphs, Selangor, Ncgii Sembilan and Pahang. This j s an admirable appointment. The F.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 475 1 *f!7~ ****\**f*>. **__W '■"•.r" j Howarth Erskine. jF LittiG'S I Ei7§ipcers apd Contractors. Botol Hitam I ELECTRICAL installations. I Telephone 23. Telegrams ERSKINE." Don't accept any kind of liquor I *WL************^L********************************9 *EB m t^********************9************9 ************%***********%W**W*** > wM m a dark bottle, but insist on: i **^^^mm E gmKK*mma.*-* mmmamuuuumu m
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    • 28 1 nmm tt.. t>» 9 4 I 1 -j'fcV _s is>~ is :i 1 „k ic>. j __--^0 SINGAPORE t J. LITTLE CO., LTD > and AGENTS ROBINSON A CO.
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  • 566 2 The Eastern Daily Mail. SATURDAY, 15TH SEPTEMBER. THE PRINCE PRIEST OF CEYLON ON FEMALE EDUCATION. PRICE 5 CENTS. To-day we publish m our columns elsewhere the views of the Prince Priest of Ceylon on female Education. The Prince Priest is a man of wide worldly experience and his well-weighed words
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  • 414 2 In the hearing of the charges against seven men accused of ing members ofthe secret societv known as the "Hock Ghee Koh Kongsee on Wednesday, before Mr. Colman, one of the witnesses told ot her slavery here m the house of a towkay. The Magistrate is reported
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  • 312 2 In view of current events m China, the following appreciation ot our new Minister to Peking Sir John Newell Jordan, will perhaps prove interesting ■Sir John Newell Jordan, Sir Em Satows successor as the British Minister to Peking, arrived at Shanghai today, and within
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  • 99 2 SCINCE MEDICINE. child 1,. s report, XI border riUtricts of, »»*> l.rullv being provid, ill Whatisclai dectru rent from battery. Stromboli have shot i andh,,eS A great stn through the damage, n <i The 5U r, condition of, Chemistry meetin, which he said tl mdiarubfc but he would be requir,
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  • 157 2 Tlie I intei MASONS AM CATHOIiuS To I Di vi i < hi> efl isii clul 00l •ij not wm keel your Catholi. bit desc.i, They are 1.-ottJtant mc it they hav< objectionable featu France. which your con bom brought .1 brought about b have nearly
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 446 2 Sir Siobert Surnett <£ Coys WELCH'S ORANAF m GRAPE JUICE. *^J ■m# l^B^ VSI Ih A Temperance Drink for the Home A Drink for the Table m****^ fl True Thirst Quencher for the Sick Room. 81l c C.KOi Good for Old ana young (CHEAP IN PRICE AND SUPERIOR IN QUALITY,)
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    • 212 2 1 ART NEEDLE WORK AND j FLOWER DEPOT 217 Orchard Road. j JUST ARRIVED Silks, Fllloselles and Transfers for Cushions. MANY OTHER DESIGNS, Also a large Assortment of fancy work to choose from. LATEST STYLES. 217 Orchard Road. Telephone 737 '^^SSTII Anderso-i begs to announce to his patrons and friends
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  • 17 3 g are have been ~ered 1 lareoftfo been recently. Is, is rs at She will very pro-
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  • 28 3 MEMENTO AND SCHOLARSHIP FUND. IST. lb 'j ipur. io 5 tn Tung 9 m, C. Si rHLIsT. $,38 I •AW> 1,380 t! 5 load 3 6 6 SllO6
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  • 718 3 BRIEF MEETING YESTERDAY AFTERNOON. Avery brief meeting ofthe Legislative Council wa- held yesterday afternoon at which some important Bills were considered and passed, but there was no stirring debate on any of them. After the reading and adoption of the minutes, the Council Secretary laid before the
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  • 150 3 Thi I; sh Indian steamer "Teesta" i" "tn, g through her period of ofqua vii has a week more to complete. It is said that the Perak Government Exchequer is bound to be a loser to thee.v during the next triennium, owing to the endeavour to ye fish from "wholesale"
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  • 660 3 SMALL CAUSE DAY IN BOTH COURTS. Numerous petty suits were heard m the Supreme Court yesterday, Friday oeing small cause day with both the Ch.efjnst.ee and Mr. Justice Fisher. Ihe first case before the former was ?i, Part n a n d case m wl,ich sK. Socka-
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  • 365 3 A very interesting lecture was delivered by Mr. H. Shah of the Veterinary Department, Perak, to a large audience at the Reading Room, Kuala Kangsar, 0:1 Thursday, the 6th September, at 7p. m. The chair was occupied by Dr. Hughes, our popular medico Mr. V.
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  • 921 3 CRUELTY TO A PONY. Inspector Pestana of the P. C. A Department yesterday prosecuted a Khng gharry syce before Mr. Colman for working a pony m an emaciated condition. The animal also had a collar gall. The Inspector stated that the sore under the collar was of about
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  • 149 3 The enormous value of the wool industry to Australasia is strikingly indicated m M Dalgety's Review," just to hand from Dalgety and Co.'s Sydney branch giving the figures for the season from July i, i9°s. to June 30 last. The total exportable production from Australia and
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  • 1350 3 SERIOUS ALLEGATIONS AGAINST TWO POLICEMEN. Jn the E. D. M. of ist instant was re- ported a case m which two policemen were charged before a Bench Court on allegations of fabricating a false charge i and receiving an illegal gratification of > $300. Un die application of the accused
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  • 282 3 HIS REMAINS TO BE KKMOVED. The remains of Pope Leo XIII., will be remo\ d during the autumn from their temporary resting place near the choir chapel m St. Peter's to the basilica of St. John Lateran, wheie they will be encase! m the marble monument now
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  • 527 3 The following Ties wiii be played on Monday A Clas:-. Single. W. J. May son plus I <-'a>Cayt. Rennick ser: B. Class Single A.C Wells ser v F. Nelson minus 2. F. O. K. Brown minus I v R. T. Reid ser W. C. Worcester plus I
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 118 3 CHURCH NOTICES. St. Andrew's Cathedral Matins and Litany 7 a.m Holy Communion (Choral) 7-15 a.m, Holy Communion (Plain.) 9-15 a.m. Sunday School and 3ible Cl.isses 3-I0 p.m' Evensong and Sermon, 5-30 p.m. St. Matthew's Sepoy Lines. Foo Chow Service, 11-lft a.m. Sunday School and Bible Classes 3-4O p.m. Evensong and
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  • 735 4 (From our own orrespondent.) Bao>ng London, Aug. 1 5. The Welbcck Handicap of six furlongs, the principal event .it the Nottingham meeting held yesterday was woo rather easily by LordLoniimghm 7.10 who ran a splendid race ridden by H. Robbins. Thc Nottinghamshire Handicap produced a field of six
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  • 245 4 A CLR lOCS DOC LM ENT. The Englishman say- that a secret society, the outcome undoubtedly of the racial hatred fomented by the boycott agitator-, ha > been recently formed m Chinsurah with branchss m Other towns. The society i 9 -tyled G >lden Bengal.
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  • 1014 4 PETROLEUM TANK WITH 1,500 TONS OF OIL ABLAZE. The biggest fire within living-mem-ory m Colombo occurred on Wednesday, when a large oil tank at Kochchikadde containing petroleum was ablaze. The spectacle was an awe inspiring one, and the huge volume of flames and the still more
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  • 30 4 Kampar streets are watered once 1 day, Ipoh twice day had Taiping only by the clerk of the weather The ratepayers are anxious to know the cause of these diffcieiices
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 628 4 SHIPPING NEWS. VESSELS EXPECTED Name, Port, Probable date 0/ arrival, and Agents. Steamers. Albenga, Hohgkong, Sept.— j Behn Meyer. Andalusia. Hamburg, Nov. 7 Bnhe; Meyer. Ayuthia, Bombay, Sept.— Borneo Coy. A Hamburg, str. Nov. 20 Behn Meyer Amiral Ponty, Saigon, Sept. 17; Moine Comte. Alesia, Hamburg, Dec. 7 Bchn Meyer
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    • 861 4 Men-of-War, &c. X?' ,S ri cru >>. Hongkong soon. Hermes, (Brit, cru), India, Sept. shmly USta (GeP Cru ->' Germany, M^Vw-V^^ Eur °Pe. Portly. nS > ir"' Furk cru ->. S «£kim, shortly i Niobe, (Ger. cru.), Germany, shortly. VESSELS JN PORT. MERCHANT VESSELS. Alexander IVantzel, Brit. str. 1,816 tons,
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    • 711 4 MAILS CLOSE. To-day. For Per Steamer Time Sebak Van Hogendorp ,pm Sambas Abbotsford E£ Sabang, Suez, v Genoo K. Willen I 2pm P-bham&Pcnang Pin Seng 2pm ttszzr* Redang Bagan Sri Tringganu 2pm Penang Rangoon and Calcutta Pentakota pm P-lSwettenham, 3 P Penang Perak Malacca and P. STiam Larlyle 3 pm
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  • 2283 5 A PRINCE PRIEST ON FEMALE EDUCTATION. Ceylon before a r( ning cereFree 5 IM*"* __„nc by, ,the then irity by one Id has ran words- it the hanty lhc have declara•otathon Aryan Charity A il 0 universal mcd to for aye mb ani:iilk spirit tin of be- >n m the
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  • 113 5 MissT. Cangasaby. eldest daughter of the late Mr. P. Canagasaby Mudaliyar, head clerk of the P. C. M. O.s office and niece of Mr, V. Carthigaserpulle, the well-known landed proprietor of Kandy is leaving very shortly for Edinburgh for the purpose of prosecuting her
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  • 802 5 Date of r Number Issue JT~j I 'ays at formation capital Subscribed of Value up to Reserve Company Quotations Present Shares J_ Price. GOLD. f 13,500 io 10 Bersawah G. M. Co., Ltd 10.00 sellers 190° F>75»000 $140,000 < 3,500 unissued r I 4,000 10 10 (Deferred)
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  • Commercial.
    • 159 5 1 Gambier bu Y e rs 7 «o do Cube No. i io.ao Copra, Bali |-75 Pontianak do 825 Pepper, Black (ordinary Spore) „21.60 do White, Fair L.W. 5 p.c. 27-5° Sago Sarawak Flour >• 2.73 do Brunei No. 1 2.65 Pearl Sago, small n 5-4° Coffee, Bali, i
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    • 15 5 On London Bank 4 m/s 2/4 3/8 Demand 2/4 1/16 Private 3 m/s 2/4
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  • 965 6 Professor Maitland has finished the biography of Sir Leslie Stephen, on which has been engaged tor some time, and the book will be published by Mr. Duckworth m October. Mr. Bram Stacker's reminiscences of Sir Henry Irving will appear here and m America on the
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  • 21 6 The wife of tin- h«-a<l keener at She Add Park, Fletching, InVj* g.vc-ii birth to triplet., two boys and one girl.
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  • 729 6 ILL-TREATED AND CONFINED IN PENDENNIS CASTLE. Conviotlon for Cruelty The incarceration of a child m a subterranean chamber of Pendennis Castle, and his ill-treatment by his foster-mother, formed the subject ofa charge investigated at Falmouth Police Court recently. Pendennis Castle, built by Henry VIII., crowns a
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  • 237 6 The plain truth is that the only curative power is located m your body itself, and can never be supplied from the outside. It is, m fact, the life-force itself that cures. All Ulness is only the result of depleted or hampered lifeiorce, or, as it has
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  • 28 6 A Mild Correction. —The Bristol bvening rimes Ays Such thuncle.- as that of Saturday has rerely been seen." It might have gone further, and said never.— The Star.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 695 6 BANKS. Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation. PAID-UP CAPITAL""" $10,000,000 RESERVE FL'ND:- nnAnnni Sterling Reserce 510.000.000 1 j 20 ,250,000 j Silver Reserve $10,250,000 f Reserve Liability of Proprietors $10,000,000 Court of Directors. A Haupt, Ksq-Chairman. Hon C W.Dickson- Deputy-Chairman. E. Goe'tz, Esq. i H. E. Tomkins Esq. C. R. Lenzmann, I
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    • 310 6 NOTICES, G. A. Fernandez Co. No. 6 D'Almeida Street. LICENSED AUCTIONEERS, SURVEYORS, ARCHITECTS, APPRAISERS, AND HOUSE AGENTS. Charges and Commission will be found moderate. 9-8 06. v.c. AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE CHINESE FURNITURE &c. To Be Held at Mo. TANK ROAD. On Saturday 15th September at 2 p.m. Comprising carved
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    • 211 6 ARTIE TULLY. Turf Commission Agent. Now has a ioooo book opened on the forthcoming Singapore Meeting. DOUBLE EVENTS. Lawn Stakes and Governor's Cup Governor's Cup and Grand Stand Cup Double Griffins. TREBLE EVENT. Lawn Stakes, Governor's Cup and Grand Stand Cup. ALSO Straight out bets on all events. SEE PRICE
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    • 496 6 ■>■ M." APLETsl^rg]^! WANTED. By educated young lady situation as companion or assistant to lady of IELi With res Pectable family. Kind offers received at The Singapore Intelligence Agency, Bridge Building,. WANTED-a Chinese Salesman to look after imports, with a general knowledge of the Singapore bazaar. Good salary offered to
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    • 248 6 P S P e <>ia| Hon,, Q w«Si "jfcent climai A Mountain 10n CH EAP RETURN TICKETS Tn I 6 c Hie P. 1 nounce that arrangements *itl COLOMBO, KANDY a d N^ Tour Tickc;< H% Reduced farm. 2 l«l March,, ,SI, Ni Barr c oi| Kuala Lumpur, F. I
      248 words