Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser, 14 September 1906

Total Pages: 6
1 6 Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser
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  • 56 1 Router's Agency wires. (By submarine telegraph.) PUNITIVE EXPEDITION SUCCESSFUL. Rebels Surrender. London, September 13, noon. The punitive expedition which had been despatched to Southern Nigeria wzt% successful m its mission. The rebel leaders were forced to surrender. Twenty-five native troops were killed, and one hundred and fifty were wounded
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  • 34 1 London, September 13, 1.15, p.m. The following are the results of the above race HTroutbeck 1 Prince William 2 Keystone J Also ran:—Haytor, Storm, Malna, j Plumtree, Gingal, Gorgos, George IV, and Harriet.
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  • 52 1 REVOLUTIONIST TRIALS COMMENCE. Drum-head Court Martials Held. London, September 13, 1.1- p.m. Those who have been arrested m j connection with the recent revolutionary movement m Russia have been j placed on their trial. They have been given a drum-head i Court-Martial. These Court Martials are now being held
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  • 75 1 SIR ROBERT HART UNAFFECTED. A Sign of China's Progress. London, September 13, 1.15, a.m. Reuter learns that while the assurences given by China that Sir Robert Hart's position will remain unaffected, they must be accepted as a sign of China's progress. Events m this connection are being
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  • 47 1 GOES TO ISCHL. Has a Very Slight Cold. London, September 13, 2.30 p.m. An official announcement has been made to the effect that thc Emperor Franz Joseph has gone to Ischl for a fortnight and that he is suffering from a ver}- slight chill.
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  • 65 1 USE OF BRITISH LEGATION SIGNIFICANT Our prestige must be upheld. London, September 13, 2.30 p.m. The Times considers the use of the (British) Legation m Teheran as an asylum (for the oppressed) as an event of unusual significance and is considered as a remarkable tiibute of our
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  • 38 1 REFORM ORDINANCE SIGNED. Business Rf.sumed. London September 13, 2 p.m. Wiring from Teheran, the London j Times correspondent states that the Shah has signed the Reform ordinance I and that business m the bazaars has been resumed.
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  • 49 1 SULTAN SENDS FOR DR. BERGMANN. Has faith m German Doctors. London, Septeml>er 13th, 2-30 p.m Although it was officially announced j that the Sultan of Turkey had almost j recovered' his health, he has had to again summon to Constantinople the German specialist, Dr. Bergmann, for another consultation.
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  • 75 1 NATALIANS WANT NO UNION. Considered beyond range oi practical politics. London, September 13th 2-30 p.m! The Premier of Natal has just delivered a speech m which he declared that Natal's union with the Transvaal was quite beyond the range of practical politics. Suggests Extinction of Natal Continuing, he
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  • 661 1 i 5,000 TONS IMPORTED FROM NORWAY IN A WEEK. Perhaps it is n. »t much of a c< insolation to the Londoner as he limps along tlie streets with dripping forehead and collar reduced to pulp to know that the burden and the heat of the day
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  • 275 1 The Bangkok Times" says: The following curiosity appears m the Manchester, Guardian M ofthe ist August One wonders if this traveller was trying to see how much he could get a home paper tc credit, or if he spent only the globe-trotter'- regulation two days here.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 117 1 SJNOTC i -jXimn CO LTD. j-jl^t/ JU and s ROBINSON CO. [WHAT IS WHISKY J Little's Botol Hitam I 1 flo/?7 accept any kind of liquor I a o'a/i bottle, but insist on: I [botol HiTfljvt whisky I t' I WHEREEVER I I GOOD LIQUOR fSOLE AG-E^TTS:-^^ John Little Co.
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    • 195 1 Howarth Erskine 1 Ei>§ii?eers ai>d Coptractors. ELECTRICAL IWSTALLATIONS. Telephone 23. Telegrams ERSKINE." mmmmmm m mmmmmm m I I c tu' Fl and Electric F.n. m very MM I r I Em^ n f 5 J n r e ang I^Hi C CUrin, under I SINGAPORE 1 fcntirely under Curopsan »s£fi*§ifc2&N
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  • 749 2 The Eastern Daily mail. FRIDAY, 14th SEPTEMBER. FRANCE AND THE CATHOLIC CHURCH. PRICE: 5 CENTS. The London Daily ChranicU has a very able and impartial resume ot how matters now stand between the French Government and the Vatican, as a result of the famous Papal Encyclical which was issued to
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  • 513 2 A Consignment of 700 Indian sheen were landed yesterday m good condition for the use ofthe loca 1 market. Captain Talbot arrived from KuanPn yesterday by the F.M.S. Meran. He left the same day for Port Swettenham. Wf welcome the Rev. Fathers Ch LetessierJ.Menoeuvrie.- andF Fraiicii hon who arrived here
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  • 18 2 interest Li E i> i wriuen oa OM should exceed ble for the opinions.):
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  • 129 2 To -he Flit rot the El Dkai Sir. -I n a communication plains tliat m t c you are ac ustome I m; (roa t en dies, the forme difference or content] appea sto m lo i tail to tee why' Mi any less respectful I td So."
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  • 263 2 THE MoCKERY OF MEDICINE. BREAD Pmi XN Water. C 0| <*H* R emarkabl c jjL, pati'rr^;^James iL* c °mmg, a s did, i one ot thr. »»ved Sir 5a mes A as *ey were, not groundling;- h fractional m^ a 5 frankly and f r J mockery of cxcl u
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 401 2 I -^°t> crt -Burnett J- Coy's GRAPE JUICE. y^R A NftP m A Temperance Drink for the Home I V^ Cb A Drink for the Table A True Thirst Quencher for the Sick Room. m*_\ Good for OUI and young Dl tKOi Hihicic and Inoalid. Per bottle 50 cents. <
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    • 190 2 ART NEEDLE WORK AND FLOWER DEPOT 217 Orchard Road. JUST ARRIVED Silks, Fllloselles and Transfers for Cushions. MANY OTHER DESIGNS. Also a large Assortment of fancy work to choose from. LATEST STYLES. 217 Orchard Road. Telephone 737 Anderson begs 10 announce to his patrons and friends that he has re-
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 194 3 miKE OF CONNAUGHT. W W L p MARSHAL I Is. P n1 ABYSSINIA *fa v v ACCE i .lenehks m the .to Stag ecn the i :i r, be- !SH SUBJECTS IN SOUTH AFRICA. 11 DIGNATI STATUa. p.m. was lian Asiatic Ordi- < ffir, be ACT ENERGETICALLY. IN HOME. c
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    • 699 3 LATEST TELEGRAMS. [REUTERS] australiaT™ ANTI-BETTING CRUSADE. No Charity Raffles or Card I'I.AYINt; ANY MORE London, September i, 10.4- a.m. A Bill has been introduced into the Victorian Assembly which has for its object the suppression of raffles promoted m the cause of charity. It also aims at the prohibition of
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    • 1127 3 THE SUPREME COURT. AN IMPORTANT SIAMESE CASE. The fust case called at the Supreme Court yesterday before Chief Justice Hyndman-jones was that of Phya Muntrie Suriyawongsee against. Than Pujin Luem formerly known as Meh Luen The Hon H. Fort appeared for the plaintiff and the Hon. W. J. Napier for
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    • 839 3 not due till the last day of August 1905, but proceedings were commenced on the 23rd of August. The Hon. W. J. Napier objected to this line of defence stating that it was not found m the pleadings. His Lordship said that this point had arisen m the examination ofthe
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    • 1070 3 THE HOGAN CASE. The adjourned hearing of the above case was resumed yesterday when the cross-examination of Mr. Odell was continued, 'lhe certificate m the prospectus would have been correct if $61,000 had been deducted from the $117,000. The last paragraph m the certificate suggests that this has been a
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    • 956 3 POLICE NEWS. A CONFIRMED THIEF. Puteh bin Hussein went to Beach Road on Wednesday night to look at a Sambayang which was going on. He carried his little girl m his arms. She was smartly dressed and wore a pair of silver anklets. While looking at the sights he heard
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  • 826 4 KING AND KAISER AT CRONBERG. CORDIAL CREETINC. EMPEROR IMPI \si\ ELY KISSES HIS UNCLE. Bi auu, August is. Thc meeting this morning between King Edward and Kaiser Wiihelm .it the Insignificant little station of Cronberg was not impressive, and was devoid of all pomp and ceremony, but it
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  • 83 4 1 Intbc reign of Henry 111., says Howell, a Jew fell into a cessp<s)l on a Saturday, and being rigid m his religion. WO uld allow no.one to draw l.tm out the SabbaUi day Hits instance of devoted loyalty tO Ins rehg,on being reported to the Duke of Gloucester, His
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  • 398 4 RANJI 'S FORTUNE. CHANCE OF SUCCEEDING THE JAM OF NAWANACAR. BOMBAY, Aug. if, The Jam of Nawanagar has just died. leaving no hciis. Prince Ranjitsinhji, the famous cricketer, was thc adopted MO of the deceased Jam's father, and was formerly m the succession, but was passed over. In the absence
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  • 482 4 INEXPERIENCE AND m; LACK OF GUIDI With the 1 the climbing son com< 5 its scpai t_ the Alpine death roll. Th fetalitiesare said l h ive been an unplcaseaaon. Fl ic gui i- what bear- has the number of accii. ta a the n-k- attending an
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  • 73 4 Young Mother M Henry, dear, you musn't ro near the babx." V«>un.< Father: 44 Mayn't I just look at him a minute J Young Mother No, dear he's asleep. I'll let you take him when be wakes up m the night." Teacher 4 "Hereditary is an adjective that means something
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 666 4 SHIPPING NEW& i VESSELS EXPECTED Na.ne, Fort. Probable date 0/ arrival, and .Igents. Steamers. Albenga, Hohgkong, Sept.— Behn Meyer. Andalrsia, Hamburg, Nov. 7 Bnhe; Meyer. Avuthi 1. Bombay, Sept. Borneo Coy. A Hamburg, str. Nov. jo; Behn Meyer Amual Pooty, Saigon, Sept. 17 Moine Comte. Ales'a, Hamburg, Dec. 7 Behn
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    • 874 4 Men-of-War, &c. hII?' SS?" CrU >>' "mgkong soon. -Hermes, (Bnt. cru), India, Sept. s.i£tr ta (Gqv cru>) £ermany JJotin^ (Brit g'bt.), Europe, shortly. Messudish, Turk, cru), Suakim, shortly Niobe, (Ger. cru.), Germany, shortly. VESSELS m PORT. MERCHANT VESSELS. Alexander Wantnel, Brit. str. „816 tons, t apt Levonins, 7 th Sept.
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    • 819 4 MAILS CLOSL To-day. For Per Steamer Time Pontianak Will o'the Wisp am Bangkok Breid and P. S. Malacca 3pm To-MORROW. Sabang, Suez, Genoo K. Willen I 2 pm Bengkahs and p P.l a 4 a «c„ha m SriTrinBganU >V™ Europe via ports Sachsen lo am PASSENCERS ARRIVEDPer. s.s. Perak, Capt.
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  • 243 5 WILL FAR EASTERN WAR BE RENEWED? 1, olaved a con- r ant 10 rh declared at a Jn^f^tne 25th that! U Japan is wjmij st of •.here ?£**< irt,,,,,,,,u e «ough thai a soldier, ,„ld evil to regain the j had with Turkey onably lost m he ach a sting
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  • 844 5 CAMBRIDGE Versus HARVARD. FORM OF THE INTERNATIONAL CREWS. Harvard's Fine Boat. The form style &c. of the International Crews, the construction of their boats, their food &c. are des cubed m the Home papers as follows-— Excitement re the Cambridge 'v Harvard race is increasing by leaps and bounds m
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  • 168 5 The detective's report to the West Australian Minister of Mines with reference to the authoritative statement that a million pounds worth of gold is stolen annually at the Kalgoorlie mines declares 'hat stealing exists enormously, though hardly to the extent alleged. He considers that there is a leakage of some
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  • 1060 5 FRENCH LAW DISAGREE WITH RIGHTS OF THE CHURCH. Rome, Aug. 14. In his Encyclical Letter to the Archbishops and Bishops of France, which ,S „Ar d Au Bust8 ust 10 the Pope says After having condemned, as was our duty, this iniquitous law, we have inquired with
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  • 741 5 Date of r Number Issue Paid formation capital Subscribed of Value ud to Reserve Company Quotations Present Shares v Price. GOLD. tf! 13,500 10 10 Bersawah G. M. Co., Ltd 10.00 sellers J 9O° 1*175,000 $140,000 3,500 unissued r A r 4 r° n (Deferred) 8 00
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  • Commercial.
    • 156 5 Tin 92.00 Gambier buyers 10.80 do Cube No. 1 h 10.80 Pepper. Black (ordinary Spore) „21.50 do White, Fair L.W. 5 p.c. 21 -7° Nutmegs (no to the lb.) n 3 1 -do (80 to the lb.) >. 5 2 Mace (Banda) l 45 Cloves (Amboina) 34Liberian Coffee Tapioca,
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    • 149 5 On London Bank 4 m/s 2 /4 3/ 8 Demand 2/4 1/16 do. 6 m/s. 2/4 I Private 3 m/s. 2/4 4 On Gem.any—B ank d/d 2.39^ Private 3 m/s 2.44 do. 6 m/s M 6 O« France— Bank d/d 2.93^ Private 3 m/s 2.97^ do. 6 m/s 2.
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  • 1065 6 A TALE OF OERRINC-DO. Nine years ago Major Gibbon Spils bury was hard at work making history after the fashion oi the buccaneers m the spacious day-." It is really really refreshing at this epoch, when not a tew foreign and colonial critics pro fess to regard John Bull as
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  • 474 6 An English periodical, writing of the marriage 1 ol thc King ofSpaii^says that the most stately of Queen Victoria's many new houses will be the great palace of the Escurial, which stands an enormous and stately pile, amid rather dreary surroundings at the foot of
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  • 205 6 THREE MONTHS 1 DETENTION FOR A HELI' OF U >LD RICE PUDDING I -cc, writ* "1. P." m P. T, >.. that > Ch :-e begun m Dublin one hundred and thirty years ago h to the satisfaction ot all il concerned being, however, the lawyer-, since
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  • 151 6 A t.ctailed report from Mr. Arthur Lampard state- that two blocks of 000 acres each have been selected at Gemas on either side of the Johore State Ka.hvay. about half a mile fiom the Negri Sembilan boundary. The whole area is covered with heavy jungle of
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  • 69 6 Ol all the middle-classes of the world there is none to middle as the Four Hundred "of New York (says a write.- the Bystander) its standard ol refinement and its estimate ol social values is suburban to a degree unsurpassed by Brixton at its dowdiest, but added by us peal
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 673 6 BANKS. Honykong Shanghai Banking Corporation. PAID-UP CAPITA! $10,000,000 RESERVE FUND: Sterling Reserve 8 10.000. 000 i $a0,250,000 Silver Reserve *10,250,000 J Reserve Liabil.ty ol Proprietors $10,000,000 Court of Directors. A Haupt, Esq Ch.iiiinan. 1 lon. v W. Dickson I )eputy-C liairman. K. Goetz, Esq. I H. E. Tomkins Esq. C.
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    • 305 6 NOTICES, 6. A. Fernandez Co. No. 6 D'Almctda Street. LICENSED AUCTIONEERS, SURVEYORS, ARCHITECTS, APPRAISERS, AND HOUSE AGENTS. Charges and Commission will be found moderate. 9" 8 -06. U.c. AUCTION SALE OF VALU \BLE CHINESE FURNITURE &c. To Be Held at No. jj tank: road. On Saturday 15th September at 2
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    • 828 6 ARTIE TULLY. E. D. M." ADLETS. F Turf Commission Agent. R By educated young la.ly situation Now has a ioooo book opened on fu C( m P anion or assistant to lady of SL ir" With res P ec^ble family. the forthcoming Singapore Meeting. d oHers received at DOUBLE EVEMTfi
      828 words
    • 283 6 T°CEYLo;' fe.200 I. .-fant Oi "obtain hfi is tors, C«EAP RETURN TICKET* Second Saloo.-Vr, I The P. fi "ounce ,h at [ht j arrangements v. J h m COLOMBO, KANOY an d NEW[RI wherein WERA EUY4 Tour Tickets .-< n*, Reduced Tariff. m Forfurihcrparticu), The P SO 3 H 1*
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