Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser, 6 September 1906

Total Pages: 6
1 6 Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser
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    • 48 1 London, September 5, 10.45 a m A military Terrorist organization has been discovered m Odessa. The aims of the organization referred to are said to be the extermination of all authorities appointed by the Czar. It has also decided to lend its cooperation to the revolutionists.
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    • 26 1 AS PER USUAL. Fourteen Officers Involved. London, September 5, 11.45 a m Fourteen officers have been arrested m connection with the presumed cornplot.
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    • 61 1 CAMBRIDGE vs. HAVARD. Great Interest Evinced m interVarsity Struggle. London, September 5, 10.45 am Immense interest is being evinced m the forthcoming race which is to take place from Putney to Mortlake on the sth September between the crews of the British (Cambridge) and American (Havard) Universities. Cambridge
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    • 34 1 AGAINST RUSSIA. Organizations act m unity for Common Cause. London, September 5, 10 40 a.m. In St Petersberg all the revolutionary organizations have combined as one solid body with avowed antiGovernmental principles.
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    • 53 1 BRITISH AND FRENCH OFFICERS HONOURED. Recipients of Teutonic Favours. London, September 5, 10 40 a.m. Both the French and Britisn officers who attended the German military manoeuvres were greatly privileged during their visit. A Unique Honour. Officers of the above nationelities alone were admitted to the deliberation
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    • 49 1 GOVERNOR IS OFFICIALLY CONGRATULATED. On Courage and self restraint. London September 5, 10 40 p.m. The Earl of Elgin has sent to the Governor of Natal a congratulatory message In which the former expresses his appreciation of the latter's self restraint with which he met the recent emergencies.
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    • 25 1 ANOTHER BATTLESHIP Named Lord Nelson." London, September 5, 10.40 a.m. The battleship Lord Nelson has been safely launched from the yaid m Yarrow.
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    • 46 1 LUNCHES WITH MR HALDANE. Thereafter Foreign Minister Talks of Business. London, September 5, 10.40 i.m. Mr. Haldane was honoured with an invitation to lunch with H. M. the Kai ser, after which he held a lengthy interview with the German Minister of Foreign Afhiirs.
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    • 55 1 MEET TO CONSIDER THEIR ATTITUDE. Affecting their Supreme Head, and Country. London, September, 5, 10-40 a.m. The French Bishops have met together for the purpose of considering what attitude they should adopt concerning the question of public worship m so far as it concerns H. H. the
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  • 63 1 The "Malay Mail says Most of those who enjoyed the play of The New Boy on Saturday night did not know that the performance narrowly escaped being cancelled. During the afternoon the ayah of Mrs. Wearne took the tatter's little son out into the town, but
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  • 882 1  -  G. Holden Pike ISSUE OF SPURGEON'S 3,000 th SERMON TO-MORROW. The publication on August the 9th, by Messrs. Passmore and Alabaster of No. 3,000 of Spurgeon's sermons is sufficient evidence that the case of the late preacher of the Metropolitan Tabernacle is uirque. Certain Puritan authors, of
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 133 1 J.TITfLE CO.. LTD. ,t 6AP° RE j and > RObiSSON <& CO John Little Co. Ltd.l SOLE AGENTS. I THE KING OF WHISKIES I *r* B B 411 r.A b J^BT fl ■V PER case I THE WHISKY OF KINGS, j John Cittk Co. £t<f| SINGAPORE. J SLEDGE STERILIZED ZMZILIK:
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    • 290 1 IHowarth ErskineT Ep£i peers a i>d Contractors. ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS. Telephone 23. Telegrams ERSKINE." k^Ja^a^B^af I )ne R f c Flnwt and L "fl"t p .«,p. Q Electric Fana m very Bedroom 5 Bu.ld.ngs m l'enang ,^^^l^ Cuislne and Catering under I EnUre |y under lwo W*S?^ Supervision of an European
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    • 78 1 SINGAPORE SOUVENIR POSTCARDS. Just Arrived. 25 cents a packet. Containing 5 different Views of Decorations during the visit of H. R. H. Prince Arthur of Connaught. Singapore 3rd February, 1906. To be obtained at JITTS Co., jqS-2, North Bridge Road. ART NEEDLE WORK AND FLOWER DEPOT 217 Orchard Road. JUST
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    • 20 1 Old €nglislf Cure* Cut Cobacco 4oz Vacuum Cins with Aluminum pocket tin. M A SLICE TO A PIPEFUL Obtainable Everywhere
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  • 677 2 The Eastern Daily Mail. PRICE 5 CENTS. THURSDAY, 6th SEPTEMBER. THE RUSSIAN REVOLUTION. Russia is at present passing through one of the worst revolutionary epochs. The old proverb says "Whenever it rains it pours" and at present anarchic propagandists are spreading their flamboyant circulars and pamphlets all over the country
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  • 324 2 It will be a matter of congratulalation among the Cath Ties to know that the recalcitrant French Bishops have finally ackn6wl *<U r :d that which m fact was a foregone conclusion, the supremacy of H 11 the Pope. They could not have done otherwise, for ipt >/■><■!
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  • 70 2 ble fa To i rous rea leri ny on t 17 at the I S »w two !>■ Prixes, viz., a I reall) vt > I doth, Prize m this da i for his pru $5/-. all t m •reremore Prizes; there is et but I
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 305 2 Caldbeck welcits— i vaiusjcun GRAPE JU|C£ MA Temperance Drink for the Home 0^ f±frmmAg%Q*ff\WA A Drink for the Table CH/lrfl *mF%J Ul A True Thirst Quencher for the Sick Room. Good for Old and young O €^g\ JfliMctc and Inoalid. ft wUi Per bottle 50 cents. SOLE AGENTS. THOMPSON THOMAS
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    • 495 2 NOTICE. The Manager of the Langkon North Borneo Rubber Co. Ltd. begs to infrom all applicants for the post of clerk that the vacancy has now been filled. J. VAN HOUTEN, Manager. NOTICE. Lost on Monday night a bunch of keys. Finder will be rewarded. Apply to A. B. c/o
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

    • 18 3 I a ge orrS empress V t)VAG oF CHINA. i Scheduu rmfc scptembei 5.4P-»-China hai left
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    • 25 3 „M: WILI ISSUE L UON EXTRA CAPirAL 5-I'. 4 !>••"• Vmerica Line annillioo pouod which this extra be for the I to generally steamship
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    • 23 3 SHOPSWI V ME SEE LJRB j p.m. sent a m which the en re- c >mphntic p itcd
      23 words
    • 154 3 lated at the id, which i i -pices \i 1 1 be irans, a hich auction on j ts sh Ml ex-M-ite on I I -.1 II ile, tj a mo ilight iv 'lid 1 rue these nights but Let us v which md which is •aurant."
      154 words
  • 109 3 "•< A m. JOSEPHS. it team of the F otball erday. part of the first ""•ncd t,, the vicinity eral chanc^ •.hi half saw both sid. though ist before g ime during a scrimgoal and m clear'«v\ liis hand ball which had post Ihe losephes to nil that the
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  • 948 3 MR ODELL'S EVIDENCE CON TIN U ED. The further hearing of the charges a^.nstMr. H C Hogan.late M a ,£g! Mr. J. X Robertson, late Secretary- to that company was resumed before \Mr Colm m yeste d ly afternoon. The D P P* appeared for the crown,
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  • 95 3 THIRD LIST. Brought forward 3087. Mr. W. Lamb-rt 10 dc Basagoiti 5 Goo. Angus 5 C. Hunsley 5 A. E. G. Covency 5 Omar X Meerhaban I V. R. Monon I Gob liam Cheng 1 K. M. Mohamed Blieriff I A. D, Yze Iman 1
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  • 2201 3 THIRD COUNTERFEITING CASE CONCLUDED. The ciisc ag.iiust Chong AH Sam, a youth only seventeen years of age who was accused of counterleiting and being m possession of instruments for counterfeiting current coins, b gin luesday afternoon, was concluded yesterday morning. The first witness for the accused was a
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  • 725 3 HARD TIMES. Ja'Tiin a Javanese bullock cart driver was summoned before Mr. Colman yesday and charged at the instance of Inspect >r Pe^tana with working a niserab'y emaciated pair of bulls. Me explained to His Worship that times were very h <rd .mA that it was as much
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  • 218 3 NATIVE STATES DIVISION. The annual meeting of the Native States Division of the Malaya Branch ofthj British Medical Association took pi i c lure 01 the ***** and 2 jui at th t<jsidi :cy, which was lent by the Reside r.t, Mr. Birch, m the kindest
    Times of Malaya  -  218 words
  • 140 3 I SELANGOR WILL CONTRIBUTE ITS QUOTA. At a recent meeting of the Selangor State Council, the British Resident addressed the Council on the subject of a proposal that the State should contribute a sum 0f 97,500 towards the endowment of a Bishopric of Singapore. He explained
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  • 2798 3 The Garter Mission to Japan, By Lord Redesdtle G. C. V. O, K. C B, Author of "Tales of Old japan." (Macrniilan, 65.) Much has been written, md tir.t a •ttlc veil mitten, about Japan of recent ?e rs. liut nothing li ,s hen rstt.-r
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 138 3 MOULMEIN CIGARS." Reduction m price. OWING TO IHE GREAT DEMAND H)R THE BRAND OF MOULMEIN CIGARS IMPORTED BY US, WE ARE ABLE .O REDUCE !HE M<[ E OF I FROM TO-DAY. A fresh consignment has Just been r-?c«"v?d. CON VIM E I 1 :i NOT Yl i >KE 11 cIOUL
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  • 54 4 An A stTt^s tli m cich nse of a soMier corapletini 1 of 1 nrioe with the colours vrhik beyon I I lea* he is liable to 1 Kte .i^i by nwz veir with I which i- I win he deducted tr »m his term of
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  • 102 4 Naina :i a a >f 1 to; vfn 1a C towk iy to collect rent, the pony a .d carriage of 1 widow, wh >se ba^\less U re:iny H »k. a trader, it ippea s the 'ot his aunt, -yce, who had author ty 1 sublet these stables
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 201 4 THE SINGAPORE \H TdLLlu^Not AG£NCY. I ransiations and Enquiry. General Jom;nissi >n Ageuts. H. KNLTtI, Mviager. Cavanagh Bridge 3ui!d Suite G. By order of Me Board of D.rectors I have to-day transferred the managemeui of tiiis Ageoey to .ir. W. C. Ltßfclt<r, who is iiithoruwd to .->iyn fix tne urn
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 78 4 THE EASTERN DAILY MAIL. ESTABLIsiiKD, StPT. 4TH, lOon Published at Bft, Rol>inson Road, Smiapore rtXJVHONI No 972 All contributio.is must be addressed to i..c Editor." written on one side of the paper only, accompanie i by the writer's name and address, not necessarily for insertion S, as a of good
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    • 717 4 S H I PPI N Q~NEW& VESSELS EXPECTED Xa.nc, Port, Probable date of arrival, and Agents. Steam kks. Albenga, Hongkong, Sept.-; Behn Meyer. Andalusia, Hamburg Nov. 7 Bnhe Meyer. Ayuthi Kombay. Sept.-; Borneo Coy. Austria. M'koim. Sept 7; Rautenberg A Hamburg, str. Nov. so; Behn Meyer \miral Ponty, Saigon, Sept
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    • 937 4 VESSELS W PORT. MERCHANT VESSELS. Asdan S Siam srr. 405 tons, Capt leterson, tist Aug. From B ingkok, 24th Aug G.c. East Asiatic Coy. For Bangkok, U. RH S> Abbots/, rd, Brit", str. 34 tons, Capt Snape, 3rd Sept. From Pontianak, Ist r^ ept o and 9d. p. Ban Joo
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    • 767 4 MAILS CLOSE. To-day. For Per Steamer Time Macassar, S'baya, etc De Kleak 7am Fremantle via ports Paroo 10 am Malacca Linggi Kheng Seng tpm Bangkok Zweena 4 p m Europe via ports Bharata 3pm Hongkong Kut Sang 3 pm B.ngkok, etc. Chakrabhongs 4 pm B. Sourabaya De Carpentier 4pm To-morrow.
      767 words

  • 552 5 if v down their born* I .em has often >b\ naturalists I bearing i .Maued by the **W lin parti- lisas In to lnvea simile I •"rth-water I fresn-wau i I es of dead f| the cr»bII I a inter m- ,v, they rthisanini 1 wit',? Lieui
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  • 77 5 We understand says the Malay Mail, that at the recent race meeting the receipts of the Perak Truf Club exocied Dots. ir.,000 or approximately 3.000 more than last year. This i> highly satisfactory and reflects the greatest credit on Mr. Douglas and all those who assisted him.
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  • 117 5 Inspector Dooley ol the Marine Police <<uud, Tan Po\v of Clyde Pen-ace for throwing iubbi>h into 'the I Singapore Harbour on the 19th day of August It appears thai the defendant tound it vciy convenient to empty his tubbish, consisting of broken, Jars, plate-, fri into the
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  • 149 5 JULY (>n PUT. The output for July was 36,***** piculs against 34,581.58 piculs m the previous month. The value of the metal was returned at £3.027,810.57 on which duty amounting to 8420,224. 74. was collected. The average value of tin was 554.57 per pikul, with duty at 534.72
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  • 368 5 In it> applic ttion to Naval needs, wireless telegraphy continues to develop 111 a marked manner. The rate of ess is Attested by the fact that, whereas m iSc;B the maximum disat which messages could be transmitted was ten miles, to-day it is t>!e to communirate between
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  • 782 5 j j l Price. GOLD. S 1900 J»i75,000 140 000 j 3f500 untied Benawah G. M. Co.. Ltd 10.00 sellers ,903 £400,000 £ssofooo 350 ;Z i? I! Duft'bevoloprr'intCo. Ltd (DCferred) SCllCrS .90. *300,000 5 293 ,600 "iooo \l [°o Kadana G. M Co., Ltd p. V. ,60
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  • Commercial.
    • 149 5 Tin $91.50 Gambier buyers 7.17$ do Cube No. 1 1080 Pepper, Black (ordinary S'porc) 21.87^ do White, Fair L. W. 5 p.c. 27.50" Nutmegs (no to the 1b.) ,,31. do (80 to the lb.) ,,52. Mace (Banda) 1 45 Cloves (Amboma) ,,34. Li beri an Coffee 22.50 Tapioca, smaM
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    • 84 5 Private 30 d/s 7 o dis. On Shanghai Bank d/d 78 Private 30 d/s 7^ On Java Bank T. T. i 4O j Private 30 d/s i 42 On Japan Bank d/d r ,^j On Bangkok Bank d/d r^ Sovereigns about 58-57 Guilders 2 i India Council Bills last
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 343 5 MORTGAGEE'S SALE OF THE WELL KNOWN Recreation hotel SITUATE AT Serangoon lioad Opposite the Payah Lebar Police Station TO BE HELD AT 2. A Fernandez Cos Sale-room Mo. 6 D ALMEIDA STREET On Wednesday /2th September at 2. j0 p. m. All those fifty very valuable Freehold building allotments situate
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  • 1405 6 HEROINE AMU VICTIM OF THE RUSSIAN REVOLUTION. Poignant Story. (By Prince Kr^potkin.) Last year the province of Tambov was suffeiing terribly from 'ami: c, which still exists m all its honors. Where people die of starvation, there are sure to be agTßliaa di-ordeis. To suppress these, the Vice-Governor
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  • 459 6 STRUGGLE AT TRIANGLE CAMP Forcible Evictions Amid scenes which promised some excitement, but which cmicd rather ignominiously, Triangle Camp at Plaistow was lost, retaken, and again lost by the unemployed. Soon after seven o'clock m the morning a large force cf police gathered, and Mr. Blain, the road
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  • 250 6 WALK ING ON WATER Walking on the water is the newest sport m America. Its hero is a youn? man who slides down-stream for a twcTmile walk as poetically as sneaks the Indian m his brich-bark canoe. He buckles and straps his feet into a pair of water shoes," gives
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 659 6 BANKS. Honukong Shanghai Banking Corporation. PAID-UP DMOI W0.000.000 Court of Directors. A Haunt. Ksq-Cliauman. G. li. Medbunt, Ksq. KA. Mebs, fcsq. AJ. Kaymond. Km. Hon K. bhewan. H. A. W. Slade, Ksq. Chief Manager. Hongkong-J- K. th Manager. Shanghai-H. h. K. Hunter. London Bankers. London ami County Hanking Company, Ltd.
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    • 433 6 m NOTICES, G. A. Fernandez Co. No. 6 LT Almeida Street. LICENSED AUCTIONEERS, SURVEYORS, ARCHITECTS, APPRAISERS, AND HOUSE AGENTS, Charges and Commission will be found moderate. 9-8 06. v.c. Mortgagees' Sale. TO BE HELD AT G. A. Fernandez I Cot Sales Room. No. 6 D Almeida Street. On Wednesday, 1
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    • 338 6 NOTICE. For the benefit of the Public and especially to poor inventors. Pending an application to get Patented an invention must be kept secret. No information be given to any one without the written consent of the applicant until acceptance of the complete specification. Poor inventors should bear m mind
      338 words
    • 505 6 E. P. M." ADLETS.7oR^T^>II WANTED. Situation as companion or homekeeper by educated young lady. A references. Apply to"C." c/o The Singapore Intelligcno Agency. Cavanagh Bridge Buildin: S. MARTS HOME. ANTED:— A matron for tbelHome Apply by letter to Key. H r Izard. TO BE LET. JJOARL) and LODGING tor Married
      505 words
    • 171 6 P S P e «ialM,.. 1 7? c^l ft** I wherebi I NDY andN^ul Tour Tickets 1 Reduced Tariff Barr J Kuala Lun, 1 p ORQ AN BUILDERS.! Pla »o and M USlcal|r!> "•ent Dealers and "epairers, CHfRCHORc 1 ESTIMATES Of^GAN WORK, I AGENTS FOR: RONISCH PIANOS. MO/V|^^TON AND ViESTO*
      171 words