Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser, 3 September 1906

Total Pages: 6
1 6 Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser
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    • 50 1 London September 1, 11 a.m. Telegrams from all parts of the|\vorld are reaching Sir Henry Campbell Ban- j nerman expressing their sympathy with him m his sad bereavement. His Majesty's Sorrow. H. M. King Edward has written an antograph letter of sympathy, which covers three pages.
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    • 44 1 BODY TO BE EMBALMED. And Laid to rest in^Scotland. London, September 1, 10.40 a.m. The relatives of the late Lady Campbell Bannerman have decided that her body shall be enbalmed and that 1 same is to be removed for interment to Scotland.
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    • 73 1 H ACCORDED ENTHUSIASTIC RECEPTION. By Ten Thousand Admirers. London September 1, 11 a.m. Mr. William Jennings Bryan was ac- corded a remarkable reception on his landing m New York. He was welcomed by a multitude of admirers numbering some ten thousand, who had assembled to
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    • 32 1 HAS BEGUN. Candidaturf Approved by Democrats. London, September 1, 11 a.m. These incidents mark the opening of his Presidential campaign. His candidature is endorsed by many Democratic State conventions.
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    • 44 1 STOLYPIN 'S FAMILY HONOURED. TO RESIDE IN WINTER PALACE. On Tzar's Invitation. London September I, ti a.m. On the suggestion of the Tzar, the family of the late Count Stolypin have been asked to take up their residential quarters m His Majesty's Winter Palace.
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    • 36 1 MODIFICATION IN EXISTING CUSTOMS TARIFF PROPOSED. Preferential Treatment Moved. London, Ist September, 10.40 a.m. A preferential Customs agreement between Australia and New Zealand has been simultaneously introduced into the respective Houses of Parliament.
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    • 74 1 INCREASED BY TEN PER CENT. But British Go ids will Benefit to that Amount. London, September, 1, 10.40 a.m. 11. Deakin, the Federal Premier, also proposes to raise certain duties on foreign goods entering Australia by ten per centum on the existing tariff. By
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    • 48 1 MAY BE GIVEN COMMAND OF IRISH FORCES. Rumour Unconfirmed. London, September 1, 10.40 a.m. The London Tribmm learns that rumours, which, it states are generally current m Staff circles are to the effect th.it Lord Kitchener will shortly be given the command of the Irish forces.
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    • 47 1 WILL BUILD COSTLY MOSQUE. To Cost London, September* 1, 10.40 a.m. Arrangements have just been concluded among the Mohammedan residents m London whereby the erection I of a Ifosquc is to be built Its cost is estimated at one hundred j thousand pounds sterling.
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    • 21 1 AMEER TO VISIT INDIA. Next December. London, September r, 10.40 a.m. The Ameer of Afghanistan contemplates visiting India m December.
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    • 21 1 LATTEK'S MINISTER RECEIVES PASSPORT. LJCAVn for Sofia. The Bulgarian Minister at Cou^tau 1 tinople has left for Sofia.
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  • 274 1 Sir George Scott Shway Yoe") who was for a short time at the head of the British Legation m Bangkok, and Mr. W. J. Archer were both mentioned for the post of Councillor at the Siamese Legation m London, left vacant by Mr. F. \V.
    Bangkok Times  -  274 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 180 1 Old fM |lsl) Curuc Cut 2 vacuum cms rfrti /liuiiiiii"" 1 pocket l»«. O W ain,bte Everywhere John Little Co. Ltd. I U SOLE AGENTS. J POMMERY GRENO'S I A QHAMPAGNE. I Jf A MAGNUMS I j£*2l >. Jj lla [3 r> l *V W r- *N lJ E ML
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    • 411 1 Howarth Erskine Ei)£>ii>ecrs apd Contractors. ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS. I Telephone 23. Telegrams ERSKINE." SINGAPORE I SOUVENIR POSTCARDS. I Just Arrived. 25 cents a packet. Containing 5 different Views of Decorations during the visit of I H. R. H. Prince Arthur of Con- 1 naught. Singapore 3rd February, I i 1906. To
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    • 535 1 fe,NG TOBggg. SINGAPORE J. LITTLE t CO., LTD. f and A6ENTS. ROBINSON ACO The Tale of a Tortured Stomach. All Sufferers from Indigestion Should Read lloiv This Ceylon Gentleman Found Relief and Cure m Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I give this testimony with the hope that it will meet the
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  • 379 2 The Eastern Daily Mail. PRICE 5 CENTS. MONDAY, 3rd SEPTEMBER. LORD KITCHENER The rumour about Lord Kitchener shortly relinqui=hing the command of the Indi n Army and about the assumption of the same by His Royal Highness the Duke of Connaught seems to be gradually gaining ground everywhere. The Trtbune
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  • 182 2 3 !"P nun^er of tele-rams of sympathy tor Sir Henry Campbell Banner-man is pouring m from all quarters of the world and our kind-hearted Sovereign who is himsel a loving and devoted husband has written a long li ter ol condolence to the Premier, deeply
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  • 214 2 Mr. Bryan had a very remarkable reception on his landing at New York, tens of thousands Americans turning up to give him a warm welcome. Ihe "Silver King is a greater favourite with the Americans, on his return to his country, after a long spell of absence, than
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  • 241 2 A very pleasant function wna la-t Saturday night when a large ber ot member- of Singapore X tion Club met at No. y> W Street, the Residence of .Mr. 5 Mowe to make a presentation to Mr. Stanley Zehnder on the eve departure lor Europe. Mr.
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  • 250 2 Anent to the death o( Mrs. Annie Besant which we had to record recently, and the cult of which she was c dovoted exponent, a writer to the Ceylon Times has the following to say Mrs. Annie Besant"> successful work m furtherance ol Hinduism
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  • 39 2 p ES hVr I have of a) I !nE will ca,t I The Bri H i" England fl since cnu-.v,:,, 1 euvres hay« proved variably make it womt man, aftei racing or row Ladie* F t
    39 words
  • 87 2 Indi.t 1 that 1 and I There \va- igh g wretches died my neares majority. I buy seeds, debt. But "a rain I h ■rhenbol lende; R usual dei i 10 the since bce:i together s sometimes is the Js me at leasts are vcrj poorer,
    Light  -  87 words
  • 46 2 ST JOSEPH:* wet and slippery and quent occurre w During the firs sides worked hard n the dose of the nana ed neat dribb g oftheir I gallant attempt- at were unfortunate m not do so, and the game eveni st them by one goal
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  • 27 2 Eye-witness N Should have been ad Manager of the Compaq refer and not to a news SSTjSco-pwoiii rial one and not OM local interest
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 307 2 [WELCH'S *ZZ 1 GRAPE JUICE. m A Temperance Drink for the Home A Drink for the Table A True Thirst Quencher for the Sick Room. Good tor Old and young Hihlcic and invalid. Per bottle 50 cents. SOL-E AGENTS. THOMPSON THOMAS CO. I THE AUSTRALIAN STORES. SI2STG-APOBE. I I B
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    • 79 2 Caldbeck Macgregor Co. WINE SPIRIT MERCHANTS ALE, BEER, STOUT IMPORTERS THE QUEEN OF TABLE WATERS Apollinaris IS SUPPLIED UNDER ROYAL WARRANTS OF APPOINTMENT TO Bis majestp the King AND j B_. R- »>♦ CDe Prince of malesI See Our Windows j FOR COMPLETE Violin Outfits. Comprising Violin m Case, Bow,
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    • 161 2 NOTICE. THE PROPRIETOR OF ANDERSON'S HOTEL Wishes to inform his Patrons and Friends that he has now opened m Luge and Spacious Premises at 96 ROBINSON ROAD. Spacious Dining Siloon. Large and airy Bedrooms. Renovated throughout. Good Table. Cold Drinks The brands of your choice. The Royal lmm k Cinematograph
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 197 3 y» i ii m —^y IMcAlister Co., LIMITED. SINGAPORE, PEfIANG, IPOH KUALA-LUMPUR. I ISiiMßakinci Department I Eiiqirrirs and Orders Solicited for Circus Tents, Gnemetograph ft rente, Sporting, Surveying Tents, Valise Tents, Bathing fents II I Marquees, Patrol Tents, etc. rarpaulins, Our Speciality— can be m.ide Tarred, or treated I with
      197 words
  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 346 3 LATEST ARRIVALS. Alcana, Brit. str. 2000 ton« f Capt M m, 3i<t Aug From Calcutta. 16th A\% oal Boustead cV Co. For lava 3rd. Rds. Am I' h Guan, Brit. str. 575 tons, Captain Smith, Ist Sept. T Anson. 29th Au^r. Gc, aud 193 d. p Wee Bin a For
      346 words
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    • 272 3 VESSELS IN PORT. jtfIAKT VESSELS. tons, Capt ■1 Hmgkok, v For 19 \v 1 J P I 3 Rds. {1 A A' CO. i apt ft, ti*t I. 1,020 Aug, i.e., Kirn 5, Cant Papan, P. B. I apt tow, Behn tpt g, 1 Co. July. For apt
      272 words
    • 129 3 Tin 1 1 iier .buyer- Cube No. 1 3*pore) M t2. W te. Fair L. VV. r p.c. 1 |s (1 10 to the lb.) 31. I M c (Ba la) 45 na) 34Liberian Coffee I small pearl (Fair) ie (Hake do) 3 do medium pearl do) -g small
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    • 27 3 FINANCE COMMERCE. Government Hate 2 4 $60 for £7. Ihe Netherlands Frading Society I Saturday's the 4, ms bank rate I 4 Mercantile Hank quoted 2/4/; if.
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    • 145 3 U). London Bank 4 m/s 2/4 5/16 Demand 2/4 do. 6 m/s.. 2/4 7/16 Private 3 m/«.. 2/4 11 /16 r».any Bank d/d 2.39 Private 3 m/s 2.434 do. 6 m/s 2.4^ On frana Hank d,d 2.93 Private 3 m/s 2.1,7 do. o m/s 2.99 On India— Bank
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    • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • Page 6 Advertisements
      • 716 6 BANKS. HonQkong bhangtiai banking Corporation. PAID-UP CAPITAL $10,000,000 RESERVE FUND Sterling Reserve ti0.000,000 i «2o 250 000 Silvrr Reserve $IU,2JU,UUU f Reserve Liabil.ty ol Proprietors #10,000.000 Court of Directors. A Hai.pt, fesq (Juininuii. Hon. v. W.lftckson- Deputy^Jhairman. E. (ioetz, Esq. i H. E. Tomkins hsq. C. R. Lenzmann, D.M mssiib,
        716 words
      • 485 6 NOTICES^ I Notice. List of Depots where the "Eastern Daily Mail" May be obtained, Cliop Hong Bee, Neil Road. Railway Station, lank Road. Abdullah, 15 A, Change Alley. Mes>r> Ghee Soon A: Co., Orchard RdRaffles Hotel. v\ intor <* Co., 8 9 Bras Bassa Rd. K. 11. Adamsah, Change Alley.
        485 words
      • 457 6 Howarth Erskine, Ltd. I ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT. COMPLETE INSTALLATIONS FOR LIGHT POWER DYNAMOS, MOTORS, SWITCH BOARDS WIRES AND CABLES FOR ALL PURPOSES. Arc Lamps, Open Enclosed Types British made Incandescent Lamps, Nernst Lamps and Parts. Artistic Electric Lii?ht Fittings, Special Accessories for Interior Wiring CEILING FANS, WALL FANS, TABLE FANS. Electrical
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      • 353 6 NOTICE. For the benefit of the Public and especially to poor inventors. Pending an application to get Patented an invention must be kept secret. No information be given to any one without the written consent of the applicant until acceptance of the complete specification. Poor inventors should bear m mind,
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      • 538 6 E. D. M." ADLETS. FOR SAil^nl I WANTED. \V A .NTED. Serviceable double rick. Offers by post to M Swansea" i^MKasir Panjang Road. Singapore. J$ LL Collector. Must fii 1 good security. Apply Fraslr Neave Ltd., 2-2 Raffles Quay. \yANTED a Clerk for plantation, must know English writing, Apply stating
        538 words
      • 170 6 p^sm i tors I I «>unce that they R' I arrangements u4^ I T «"r Tickets cti «««uced Tariff ij I P *0. S.N.c ■»t March, 1906. I Barrio I Kuala Lumpur, F, 1 H ORGAN BUILDERS, I Piano and Mus.cal instrJL I ment Dealers Tuners a "d Repairers. CHURCH
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 367 4 VESSELS EXPECTED. Name, Pert, Probable date \f arnial. and Agettfs. STEAMfcRS. Albenga, Hohgkong, Sept. Behn Meyer. Andalusia. Hamburg, Nov. 7 Bnhe Meyer. Ayuthii, Bombay. Sept. Borneo Coy. Austria. Hitong, Sept 7 Rautenberg Alcinous, China, Sept 4 Mansfield Achilles, China, Sept. 2 Mansfield A Hamburg, str. Nov. 20 Behn Meyer Alez,
      367 words
    • 272 4 Rembrandt, Amsterdam, Nov. 23 Daendels Rhenania, Hamburg, Oct. zy, B. Me}'er Roon, H.imburg, Oct. 19 Behn Mever Riojum Maru. Bombay, Sept. 2- P R. C R clunen, N. York. Sept. 10; A. Gilfillam. »ct. 8: Rautenberg Tibo. Sept. 29; P A bonia, Hamburg. Oct. 7; Behn Mevc Locoiria. Japan. C>ct.
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  • 25 5 TWENTY THREE CONDEMNED AND SHOT IMMEDIATELY. I a.m alnchwishcldin Mutiny uginaa fjtClKC' v toan- Miors nces, ranging l 0 imprisonment cxc I of the day
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  • 27 5 IjAPPOACH VICTED Bui Awaii Senti V s ix hpmese who were J m American their trial and ,c his been JsSthe«e*" while
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  • 18 5 ITOMAK IVAL IjjVESTIGATION. 1, 3 10 p.m. the ...lias iska .1 to m^ke
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  • 11 5 JSIAN IVERNORS i, 3.10 ptn circular« \ith
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  • 17 5 >NSHIP. pect to the stand a> «n matcbea I >ur. Lost: ln.ee I 1 I en.
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  • 12 5 ES IN HAVAXNAH. Misgivings. ious recru< nature has occurred m ibitants.
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  • 28 5 NADIAN PA( IFIC RECORD. fEN BY A Wi T iber 2, i p.m Ireland which left mail of the Quebec m six ibo ird ACck
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  • 141 5 cn,inc wdi-kiK>\.M jockey. ience on the BriX suddenly atby a raceIV, owned bj f n its tractions ij occasion.. Last t«liave,l m a wUd ecourse, and re- **ndd, I lJa y tiic animal tot; lts l> > r Bradley and on the Pf»t, it suddenly reared The
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  • 770 5 A ROYAL NIGHT." The Drill Hall was comfortably tilled on Saturday for the above event which pissed off excellently. H. E. Sir John Anderson honoured the entertainment with his presence tndremiioed throughout the lengthy but excellent prog ammo, M «jor Gener.l Sir R lii^o. Jones, Commander of
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  • 79 5 r-b''« j-Bomdr. A. A^er (Leader^. /s/Messrs. E. I.anz, Pereira anil Westt-hout. 2nd Vo'im- S«rji H. Tan 3c R W. Cha^r. 'Cello— Gunner R Myram. />'/ Cap,.C. M. P.iillips Serjt. O. Richards. Fh'tr Messrs. J- Oldnam, Gunr. W. O. Hildrad Ciirin,tet—\ix. H. Laugher. Cornet -Sergt. Galistan' Drmmtmmd E fects -Lr.nce
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  • 76 5 PRESENT THEIR MUNICIPAL PRESIDENT WITH $20,000. Mr. F J Hallif ax Succeeds Mr J.W. Halllfax A telegram was received m town yesterday to the effect that Mr F. J. Hailifax has been elected as President of the Municipal Commissioners, Penang. Mr. J. W. Hailifax was accorded a gratuity
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  • 540 5 A GAMBLING RAID On the 31st ultimo Inspector Hart accompanied by a posse of police made a •ad on house No. 35—, Neil Road where he received information that gambling was going on. They stealtmiy mounted up to the first floor and surprised a group of Chinamen who
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  • 203 5 At the qaurterly meeting of the Berm )ndsey Municipal Association, last month a debate took place as to the advisability of shutting down the dustdestructor, which is being run at an enormous cost. It was suggested by Aldermm Wilkinson that the extra amount expended m the cremation
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  • 282 5 ORIGIN OF THE MYSTERIOUS EXPEDITION TO SEEK DIAMONDS. Some facts have become known about the mysterious expedition with left Gravesend m search of treasure, which throw considerable light upon the object and origin of the voyage. The expedition is not, as has been declared, bound for
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  • 183 5 Referring to what we have already published m these columns m regard to the above, the following amusing dialogue took place at another meeting We cull the following from the London Globe Cartoons Complained Of. Mr. Corrie Grant, before the Inspector rose, referred to the publication
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  • 91 5 What might have terminated fatally, or, m a serious accident was narrowly averted on, Saturday night. A European driving a gig was coming along Stamford Road at about 8 p. m. while a rickisha was trying to cross the junction from North Bridge Road, when the sikh
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  • 170 5 Punctually at the time announced for the Matinee of the above show on Saturday last, a great number of school children availed themselves of the opportunity whi _h was generously affMnded diem by the proprietor. Every available leat was occupied and the tent was over-crowded, and the pictures
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  • 559 5 A rather unusual and dangerous sight was witnessed on S iturday morning m tiie Sing? x>re River ju^t below the bridge spanning New Bridge Road. Two bo itmen had a dispute which ended m blows between them on board a twako tilled with bags of rice. One of
    P.M.O.  -  559 words
  • 967 5 YEAR AT THE POST OFFICE. MILLIONS OF LETTERS THAT WERE NOT DELIVERED. 1 0,000 UN ADDRESSED The fifty-second annual report of the Postmaster-General of the United Kingdom is a mass of enormous figures, dealing with the intricacies of a gigantic business, with has carried its operations into the remotest corners
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  • 987 5 It used to be a common accusation against the English people that they are too much, drank too much, and slept too much. To-day we have vastly improved m the matter of drinking, and there are not wanting signs that we are, as
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  • 90 5 DID NOT STEAL MONEY FOR POOR. After two clays' hearing, at Guildford Assizes, a special jury returned a vetdiet for the defendant m the action brought by the Rev. Alfred Barrett, vicar of Claygatc, Surrey, against Mr. Samual Kearens, barrister and retired civil servant, for slander. The
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