Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser, 1 September 1906

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser
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  • 64 1 Router's Agency wires. (By submarine telegraph.; j TROUBLES ANTICIPATED IN BILBAO AND SAN TANDER. I REVOLUTION FEARED. I London, August ft, fl am. The strikes in Bilbao and Santander i are increasing in gravity. Fresh troops are being despatched to 1 the scene of the disturbances. The
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  • 20 1 LADY CAMPBELL BANNERMAN. Dies in Marienbad. London, August 31, 11 a.m. Lady Campbell Bannerman has passed away in Marienbad.
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  • 67 1 CHINA TO BE REPRESENTED BY EXPERIENCED OFFICIAL Must Understand English thoroughly. London, August 31, 11 a.m. Reuter understands that in view of the importance of the Anglo-Chinese j relations, the Chinese Mini ter in I London has suggested to his Government in Peking the advisability of
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  • 43 1 MORE EARTHQUAKES IN PERU. Terrible Panic London, August 31, 11 am. Severe earthquakes are reported fi om Tacna-Arica. They are said to have extended right up to the Peruvian frontier. The panic which prevailed in consequence is reported to be indescribable.
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  • 84 1 LORD CURZO.VS EXIBITION Choice Collection of Indian and Asiatic Mimkntos. London, August 31, noon. The Asiatic collection made by Lord Curzon during his sojourn in India and in which are principally included costly presents made to him by various Indian personages and Associations, are being exhibited at
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  • 23 1 THE NEW APPOINTEE. Rev. Stubbs Df.arely. London August, 31, noon. The Revd. Stubbs Dcarely has been appointed Bishop of Truro.
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  • 53 1 EXPLAINS REASON OF HIS VISIT THERE. Simply to study Military Institutions. London, August 31, noon Mr. Haldane's present visit to Germany is reported to be for the purpose of studying the German military institutions in vogue. He will not attend the manoeuvres which are to take
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  • 30 1 WISHES TO FOLLOW MILITARY TACTICS ALSO. To Acquire Knowledge. London, August 31, noon. General French has left England for the purpose of attending the French manoeuvres.
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  • 77 1 THE DELIMITATION AWARD. Anglo-Egyptian Protests. London, August 31, noon. The Paris newspaper Le Temps publishes an article to the effect that the members of the Turco-Egyptian Delimitation Commission have practically given their own interpretation to the award made, which is an approximate one only, as regards the
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  • 32 1 FRENCH EXPEDITION LEFT. Proceeded from Temassinin. London, August 31, noon. A French expedition comprising some 450 men, with two guns, and in command of a Colonel, have left Temassinin. for Djanet.
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  • 829 1 M QUEENIE EXPLAINS LETTERS TO HER STEPSON. Boy's Story. Denied Mrs Edith Oriel Watson went into the witness box in the Divorce Court, London, and denied the charge of her husband, Mr. J. R. Watson, a timber merchant, of Shooters-hill, that she had been guilty of misconduct with
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  • 66 1 BERLIN.— For the third time within the past few weeks the authorities have condemned a large quantity of Rhine wine, amounting to 153.000 litres, as unfit for human use. It is to be emptied into the River Speyerbarh, a tributary of the Rhine, near Neustadt. [Reports do
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  • 47 1 Games of quoits in the Church grounds were amongst the means adopted by the West Moors Wimborne) Protestant Evangelical Church to raise funds in Connection with a sale of work on behalf ol the church expenses, those who played having to pay tuppence each. Verb. Sas\ SssX
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 163 1 ftKJitC I UTTLE 4 CO., LTD. ,CAPPR 1 and v rg:inson &co John Little Co. Ltd.] SOLE AGENTS. celebrated milk I ABSOLUTELY PURE. J j *F CLE p. Is 18 cts. Price per dozen Tins $2. n Tins $7.75. > j SINGAPORE FOUNDRY LTD j CIVIL, ITECHAKICAL ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS.^ IRCK
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    • 442 1 Ma* ART NEEDLE WO rk SLEDGE t FLOWER" DEPOT GTEHILIZED 3^111,12:* 2 opchard d niaei^ j UST ARRIV ED SAFEST, PUREST, BEST, I silks. Fllloselles and The Perak and Penang Government Hospitals use 1 Tpan»fep« for Cushions. caaa x. mmJ C MANY OTHER DESIGNS. 5000 tins every Month. m I
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    • 19 1 Old tnglis!) Curue Cut Cobacco 4oz Vacuum Cins tuitb Aluminum pocket tin. A SLICE TO A PIPEFUL Obtainable Everywhere
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  • 343 2 The Eastern Daily Mail. PRICE 5 CENTS. SATURDAY, 1st SEPTEMBER. TREE-LOPPINS. The avenue along the sea side of the Esplanade is one ot the best in Singapore and is a credit to th e city, and if any vandal would take it into his head that it is necessary to
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  • 129 2 THE WIRE-SPIRIT'S PRANKS. A Penang contemporary waxes very wroth at the tardiness shewn by the Government Telegraph department in the matter of the despatch of telegrams between Taipingand Penang. Our contemporary also complains of the mutilations which frequently occur in the telegrams received and instances one case in which in
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  • 489 2 The s. s. Giang Seng" brought yesterday a tiger from Sumatra hich iinturded for transhipment for a German Zoological garden. All the Dutch vessels in harbou** were decorated ye-terd iy i of the birthday of Qa;en vVilhelmi Holland. MUTTON should be cheap now-a-days. the "Arraton Apcar" b;ought no than 650
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  • 142 2 An American consular report from Singapore, in a review of the existing railway system ot the Federated Malay States, says: Lines open for traffic extend at present to 196 miles. The total length of the main trunk line, Johore Bahru to Trai, now under construction
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  • 58 2 A B buv g at a 1 the usual 295. 3d. ea when the fendant d he had days A night be! c great Chi to light. the sale the defendant price now, in evidence. Mr. Flack as he had cases. He plaintiff for b
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  • 77 2 Sir Walter Ej* missioner for sailed for Wes conclu connection with r N ijeria, info are m- k need for mil Dealing with ment, Sir V\ week^ I hope to ope miles of the ext. Railway, and I have auguratea motor i ween Ibadan the Cotton Ass
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  • 42 2 Bethesda Brass Ba^h Boa«J W,»;>. tip and the Lord's Cla^s and Sunda) S Evangelist! Prinsop Street Church. bunds 5 (Malay) Rei W M u Rto. W. C A Mr. K. V. Mitc.TdMorj T w rtoastea I lastitasa, r. D. Pistgla
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 112 2 WELCH'S mm GRAPE JUICE. A Temperance Drink for the Home A Drink for the Table A True Thirst Quencher for the Sick Room. Good for Old and young Athlete and Invalid. Per bottle 50 cents. SOLE AGENTS. THOMPSON THOMAS CO. THE AUSTRALIAN STORES. Write for our General Price List. THE
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    • 246 2 MORTGAGEE'S SALE OF THE WELL KNOWN Recreation hotel SITUATE AT Serangoon Road Opposite the Payah Lebar Police Station TO BE HELD AT B.A. Fernandez Co's Sale-room No. 6 D ALMEIDA STREET On Wednesday 12th September at 2.30 p. m. All those fifty very valuable Freehold building allotments situate at Serangoon
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  • 26 3 trine STATIONS rHERE g&Kffi Rf I .me by which il hai tl»' inversion 'S« of Chienof f) nl tb e north «0 ,'^mi.obcru :l< l.urcl.r.
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  • 16 3 Minor Decree. I". en promttV. 7 A* a minor state of siege to jjjonth. cea.
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  • 23 3 HflflRES FIFTY MILLION OF Reuevwg V\ ot four p^r cei I npufc* to rouble, hn. r the pi M aid--:u suffering
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  • 21 3 BRIMS AND AMERI CANS. WLL STAND UNITED Certain to IV v.ML. Lnod i,4P»w. Brvan, addre**- W *J I tved I emsefoes
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  • 27 3 FM PRODUCLD. »ld and litted luci jhl a -old liticiana iemned the the high I on Sl Bryan *hat the a: that the
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  • 43 3 Natu ia," Capt. iterday, i here erdaywil the agents of the taiu when >he l in" arrived with U K.ong M iri times >tcamer ipt ,1 gon yesterday, neat of pa^ails io-dav for p. Gian* Seng" mg yesterday, Uld general cargo.
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  • 145 3 rvruLAK QUEEN. ""HHired by Local Community of M I anders. lay ot Queen ted in the u^ual th trans- and their name* "General Mr. Sparkler, held a CMdeuce, which is and known as Wander y from business for Ult to pay hit ■iueen Wduclmina's nirey overlooked W h arc
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  • 978 3 LIVELY MEETING YESTERDAY. There was somewhat slim attendance at the Legislative Council meeting yesterday aftei noon, Messrs. Napier I and Fort being in Kuala Lumpore in < connection with an important lawsuit 1 and the Secretary himself being absent. t Five short Bills were up for second reading
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  • 40 3 A Melting of the Singapore India Christian Association will be held the Association Room Anglo-Tair School, Serrangoon Road, to-day I p.m., when OOC ol the members w ipeak on Anibitit n A coidial we come is entended to all interested.
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  • 268 3 NUMEROUS PETTY CASES YESTERDAY. The new Chief Justice has adopted the rule that Friday shall be small cause day with him as well as w ith Mr. Justice Fisher, so the ecclesiastical case which was unfinished on Thursday was postponed till Monday. Yesterday the first case before
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  • 280 3 SOME DRAWBACKS OF MODERN INVENTIONS. No modern mechanical device, acco ding to a writer in The Lancet, is wholly free from objectionable features. Most ot them offend especially against the tastes of those persons who desire to lead the simple life. This, the writer thinks, is
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  • 258 3 THE ENGLISH "JUNGLE. The effect of "The Jungle" is not ronfined to one continent. Mr. Sineair's book set America doing, and us blinking. Our thoughts will be the nore serious after a perusal of the eport for 1905 of the Chief Inspector >f Factories. Some of the revelations nade with
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  • 194 3 How the Nippon Yussen Kaisha rewards its faithful servants. The Japan Times hears that the following letter, accompanying valuable gifts, was sent on July 31 to Captain J. W. Ekstrand, of Yokohama, who retired from the service ot the N. Y. K. in September last: Dear Sir, In appreciation of
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  • 379 3 COMMISSIONERS LETHARGIC. Mr. Michell was engaged the greater portion of yesterday in hearing a case in which one Somapah was charged, in his personal capacity or as representatives of the Estate of Baboo Bootha Sing with firstly making a deviation from a passed plan, being a plan
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  • 430 3 OLD FRIENDS WHO FELL OU T ARE RECONCILED IN COURT. Consequence off Flirtation. An involuntary outburst of applause, in winch even a phlegmatic-looking policeman joined, signalled the conclusion at Brentford Police Court of a pleasant little scene, ia which the presiding m igistrate, Mr. A. S. Montgomery, played
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  • 210 3 Amoy, 1 8th August. A strife, which threatens to be very serious, is now going on here. It appears that the Amoy City Magistrate thought he would augment the official revenue by the institution of a new tax on night-soil boats. These boats have hitherto
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  • 530 3 ILLEGAL GRATIFICATION. Yesterdy morning a Chinese Tally Clerk belonging to the s.s. Atratoon Apcar" went behind one of thegodowns for a purpose. Dock Police Constable 94 followed him, and threatened to arrest him unless he was paid 5 cents. The money was paid but the clerk reported the
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  • 133 3 Constantinople, July 30. With regard to the question of the oasis of Djanet, whither the 1 urkish Government had despatched Captain Abdul Kader with forty men, the Porte declares that the territory is Turkish, being a portion of the vilayet of Tripoli and that a holy flag
    Reuter  -  133 words
  • 149 3 LATEST REPORT PLACES THE DEADWAS TOLD AT FIVE HUNDRED. Special cablegram to the Cablenews. San Francisco, August 20. The greater part of Valparaiso has been burned to the ground. All the buildings left standing are more or less d imaged. There were eighty-two distinct and severe shocks
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  • 157 3 The difficulty of accepting the evidence of children is shown anew by a case from Leicester. A schoolmistress was charged with assaulting a girl. She was alleged to have caned the child with undue severity. In proof there was a bad weal. A auspicious magistrate ordered
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  • 392 3 Y. M. C. A. v. S. R. C. On the esplanade yesterday afternoon a strong S. R. C. eleven met the Y. M. C. A. in a friendly game of football. Shortly after the start during a nice run down de Souza for the club kicked m C V^
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  • 158 3 In giving evidence be.ore the Police Commission in London last month, Police-constable Isaccson deduced, from a long experience in the comprehendj ing of vagrom men, th it ther*e are three types of drunkenness. One man 'loses the use of his legs," another becomes "very drunk in h>s head,"
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  • 253 3 M I suspect the prisoner did not really intend to drown himself, but walked into the water and got a wetting, and then came out again. Some people do that sort of thing to get it in the papers." So oDsetved Sir Albert de Rutzen at the Greenwich
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  • 3 3
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  • 108 3 Established, Shpt. 4 t h, 1^05. Published at 95, Robinson R jad, Singapore. Telephone No. 972. All contributions must be addressed to "fiie Editor," written on one side of the paper only, accompanied by the writer's name and address, not necessarily for insertion, but as a
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 178 3 Wanted. Situation as companion or housekeeper by educated young lady. A i references Apply to M C. c/oThe Singapore Intelligence Agency. Cavanagh Bridge Buildings, Notice. The Celebrated Head-ache cure MIHAP. is now obtainable at 75cts. per box. The Singapore Intelligence Agency, Cavanagh Bridge Buildings "MOULMEIN GICARS." Reduction in price. OWING
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 722 4 BANKS. Hongkong Shanghai Banklri Corporation. PAID-UP CAPITAL $10,000.0 RfcSKKVE FUND:— Sterling Reserve *10,000,000 i fl o^o^,v Silver Reserve $10.^50.000 J Reserve Liabil.ty ol Proprietors $10,000,01 Court of Directors. A Haupt, Ks<j— Chairman. Hon. v. W. Dickson— Deputy-Chairman. E. Goetz, Esq. I H. E. Tomkins Ksq C. R. Lenzmann, D. M.
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    • 524 4 NOTICES. Notice. List of Depots where the "Eastern Daily Wail May be obtained. Chop Hong Hee, Neil Road Railway Station, lank Road. Abdullah, 15 A, Change Alley. Messrs Ghee Soon Co., Orchard R Rafiles Hotel. Winsor A: Co., 8 9 Bras Bassa R K. H. Adamsah, Change Alley. Orchard Road,
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    • 482 4 i Howarth Erskine, Ltd. I ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT. COMPLETE INSTALLATIONS FOR LIGHT POWER DYNAMOS, MOTORS, SWITCH BOARDS WIRES AND CABLES FOR ALL PURPOSES. Arc Lamps, Open Enclosed Types British made Incandescent Lamps, Nernst Lamps and Parts. Artistic Electric Li^lit Fittings, Special Accessories for Interior Wiring CEILING FANS, WALL FANS, TABLE FANS.
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    • 380 4 NOTICE. For the benefit of the Public and especially to poor inventors. Pending an application to get Patented an inj vention must be kept secret. No information be given to any one without I the written consent of the applicant j until acceptance of the complete speciri- cation. r Poor
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    • 499 4 -j M ADLETB._rjßp^| WANTED. W/ ric N k T Off D *M,blc '9. P?,?; p rs by P° st to "Swansea" Wr**** Panjang Road. Singapore. BIL s L ccur 4 leCtor A PPIy Fraser Neavi Ltd., 2-2 Raffles Quay. WAOT*D a Clerk f«- plantation \nnlv 10W E^ llsh unti^ \l
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    • 162 4 fl a a£; 1 A Plac I attr acli 1 CHEAP RETURN TlCKrrc 'hat the, I arrangemen, I C °LOMBO, KANDy and I whereby "^J T °ur Tickets I Reduced TaHif I P *0. S.N h March,, I Barr 4 J Kuala Lumpur, fj I ORGAN BUILDErJ Pian and Musical
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