Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser, 30 May 1906

Total Pages: 6
1 2 Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser
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  • 1152 1 PROCLAMATION TO THE COOLIES. Statement by Mr Churchill I he feature of the House of Commons on the 30th May was the reading by Mr. Winston Churchill of the proclamation issued by the Government to the Chinese labourers in the Transvaal for the repatriation of the coolies.
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  • 107 1 Orders have been received to post the repatriation proclamation immediately. The newspapers bitterly condemn the British Government for its conduct. Ihe "Mail" says: "The curtain has risen upon the penultimate act of a drama of political dishonesty such as, happily, has rarely been witnessed upon
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  • 68 1 It is reported that the five members of the Chinese Special Mission have telegraphed to the Peking Government that the patriotism of Chinese abroad is far more sincere than that of the people at home. They advise that they be treated in accordance with certain beneficial regulations of
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  • 537 1 A CELESTIAL PICNIC. During the recent Chinese New Year celebrations in Sydney the resident Celestials paid a visit en masse to the Theatre Royal, swarming into the Orchestra stall-, dress circle, and other parts of the building, to witness the pantomime of" Sinlxut the Sailor, the songs and
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 156 1 OBTAINABU tVERYWHEBE. Lza^. _*aTr Trii ss j r*Ej***9tm ii h I r ar. i^^« 1 I I^." r—r. a i IF-— Special Reserve Botol Hitam John Little Co. Ltd. t Ir J' i<~ it >( aaa PHAROS DISIIMOFECTANT FLUID. isroi^'-^oiso^roTj's, An Excellent Disinfectant t //y -/.VZ; EFFECT I TE L
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    • 257 1 l&astem Oriental Sfotel, I PENANG. I CRAG HOTEL, I PENANG HILLS. I Sapkies Bnothcps, I Propi-ietors. BBBBBBBBBBBBsIB^BBUBBI^BBafIBTfIBHBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBI ORIENTAL HOTEL) 596 E-D NORTH BRIDGE ROAD, XKis Hotel Jxist Opened. Draft Ale and Stout, and all Wines and Liquors of the best quality, at moderate prices. R. 808, j I Proprietor. I
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    • 434 1 P Special Holiday Tour TO CEYLON, Newera Eliya 00 6,200 feet Ois the most accessible hill station from the Straits Settlements. Beautiful Scenery, Magnificent climate, Good Hotels. A Mountain home for Europeans. A health station for invalids. A place of education for children. An attractive holiday resort for Visitors. CHEAP
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    • 12 1 SINGAPORE J. LITTLE A C0. v LTO. ■ni AGENTS. ROBINSON t 00.
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  • 863 2 SIKH'S APPEAL CONSIDERED By THE SUPREME COURT. Before Mr, Justice Fisher yesterday the appeal of Arjon Singh, the Sikh Constable accused of indecent assault upon two Chinese women and a girl at Sl John's Island and convicted in the Senior Magistrate's Court, was heard. Messrs. Napier
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  • 226 2 The eastern Daily mail. PRICE 5 CENTS. WEDNESDAY, 30TH MAY. OUR NEW COMPETITION We are pleased to state that our most popular man election campaign has commenced vigorously, and there appears to be every indication that the election will be keenly contested. The competition was started yesterday and up to
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  • 301 2 There has been a great deal said and written of late on the Continent to the effect that the Triple Alliance is becoming M ungummed," as the French put it, and the general opinion seems to be that this compact will not be renewed when it comes
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    • 52 2 ThefateoftheV r rr'^j utely and entirely reorganisation and Do nmc <l'ate [he Militia. nie^TOff? 5 hanging in the balance |)lre a thoughtful and w.-iu,,. not *e Service who, after r ,I Pr denngwhat we have y join us in this sin.] t lci not deeply
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    • 37 2 High or low, eentk- Japanese -rtfc fc fi™ the tncarnation of faithfuln css P a^ j tion -magnificent inner i dut.es of her state y\ r V' ,tl,c in the Fortmgkity Rev** A ri r
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    • 22 2 The English ,rr a"anxious than oursel^K m re situation of our ar^-inl ul „,c I plinehasalmo-tcMim»| M r.iv
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    • 51 2 ii is tne influence of sn *i i i- he is bound not only taste,butby the tfcWLrt32*3 tradifon, which bring, the vl H r«nnnng nerve, inilependi^ ton and stamma, a col Q d strong hand. It is the snort*ma training which has maT Sj Blackthorn, in />Wr\
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    • 67 2 Ihe service of men and charged juh keeping the sheets and promenades of Paris clean during e fine season has just been reformed functionaries, known I the "Prefects I ancer s number aU, u 4.ooo .foming divisions and brigades and the average salary is five f, day
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    • 82 2 Justice allow- no one to retain both the sceptre and the spade. If man in the fight for life, had at every turn to >ay to his fair business rival/ me madam! Please take my place--1 Will offer my resignation," the victory would swiftly be to the
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    • 73 2 1 he most conspicuous man ii at the present time is unquestionably the Field-Marshal Mukhtar Pasha, the Imperial Ottoman Commissioner. HiExcellency has borne the brum day in the Tabah negotiations, and his consummate skill and in the delicate situation cistinj Yildiz Kio-k and the Kh. d have
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  • 337 2 llieKdi'mt invites (traapoodenca o' interest to /-.,>'■; < written.. ;i ~:;..u ex >•■• ble f.»r the opinions M> the Editor Eastern JM 7 SIK, The correspondence which has recently taken place in your paper on the su tne Polio- Courts has been of special interest to
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  • 223 2 To The Editor Eastern I Sir, -Can any ot the readers -I youi ly read journal inlorm me, whether the n four seats of the I ram way can reserved for Europeans? It v.. i labels posted in the cars to that etteti Yesterday evening, at about S
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 311 2 j' Bird's Nest T j 1 Cognac j I THE BEST BRANDY ON THE MARKET I FOR A MODERATE PRICE. I i I Samples on ilpplicaiion. I I Caldbeck- -j I Macgregor Co. 9 j SOLE IMPORTERS. THE QUEEN Oh\ TABLE WATERS IS Apoilinaris Supplied under Raytu warrmmts of appointment
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    • 519 2 ("PHENOL" Disinfectant. I Positively Kills Germs and Checks Disease. Fuller Particulars Of The Value Of "PHENOL" See Over Price List. Page 46. Price Per Reptd. Quart Bottle $0.30 1 Gallon Tin 1,1.50 H 2 k. ft 2.7C 5 and 10 gallon Drums on application I NOT ONLY CHEAPEST BUT BEST
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    • 153 2 Notice The Exchange Banks will be closed on Monday next the 4th of June, (whit Monday.) Ten dollars Reward LOST Between Lavender Street and Rangoon Road a Leather bag Containing two Books a Tape and an Ink bottle. The reward will be paid on and the articles being returned to
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  • 83 3 uRII-UN PEM AN PS PROMPT EXPLANATIONS London, May 29, 0.23 am in thc House of Lords, TF t mam ne said that the reply of 1 M lF nment of China to the last lK the question of the management 55h. T Maritime Cuafoaaa was expected a
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  • 22 3 o.NDOK, May 29, 9.23 a.m. The lapa ese Training Squadron has J Sydncv on its return journey to Japan
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  • 65 3 vixPRIP OVERFLOWING WITH 1 PRINCES London, M»y l >. ,l -53 am u 4-.1 ia crowded to overflowing prioCC and missions of omincnt nation is icpreaamcd, will figure in the procession to Je Church, thus tending exceptional lirvwili occupy fiftv-six state car- which will have historical tiooi
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  • 14 3 LoHDON, May 20. 11.5J a.m. I still forming the new Cabinet.
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  • 53 3 REPORTED TO BE IN BAD HEALTH. London. May. 29. 11.53 a.m. Renter'- correspondent at Peking -ays that the usual springdiplomaticaudiencea have be e^ indefinitely, owing to the illness of the Emperor, who has been in bad health for months, but is not believed to be in
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  • 75 3 ORDINANCE SANCTIONED. Lonoon, Mav so, i 1.53 a.m. The eoi respondenee on the Ceylon penrl fisheries question has been published, and concludes with a despatch sanctioning I In answering various objections of the c declares that though was responsible tor the to him to be drafted
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  • 23 3 DISREGARDS GOVERNMENT DECLARATION. L iscn M 19, 4.50 p.m. The Duma yesterday, disregarding :^claration, continued scuss mea- for the betterment people
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  • 19 3 May 2 V 4.50 p.m. The House of Common, has adopted the Education Bill bv te
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  • 50 3 IRISH LABOURES' BILL. LARGE EXPENDITURE PROr> SED. London. May 20, 4.50 p.m. Bryce M. p. has introduced a Bill of Commons with a view to author^:,- Loan for to 0 hbourer.' cottages in "ic Bill also proposes that a a be devoted tesarae object annually, the money rom various economies.
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  • 44 3 'HER STORMY SITTING. London, Mav, 29, 4.50 p.m. Jrl mrtn R «chata* had another <W -terday owing to GOVS' 1 d< ,arin S l^t any decision re- Daml 1 j reduclion of troops in utK? dw;iSamatter '.vhich roted MU, t»e Kaiser only.
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  • 209 3 lonSf e 'T al Mil,er of Yokohama, mCuofr l the W **in«too Depart w u.mnierce details of the Japan- i cJS^ Combine', plans for SSj£*irf the m '>^ Profitable "tover, I,esl^es that the vessels in 1,,,, 0 tons in lhe u j on number Wstor^a^SJ 4
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  • 71 3 WITHDRAWAL OF TROOPS FROM LIUCHOW. Shanghai, 22nd May. It ia announced that France has come re^H U t n t rStandinS with Chi wltri regaid to her garrison in South China Jim t C i 8 t0 wilhdrw her troops from Liuchow conditionally Frenrh troops will
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  • 28 3 Japanese Ambassador to London. BARON KOMURA APPOINTED. Shanghai, 22nd May In succession to Barron Hayashi, the Japanese Government have ar^ pointed Baron Komura Japanese Ar£ bassador to London.
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  • 40 3 SUCCESSFULLY RE-FLOATED. To Bf Dockfd at Nagasaki. Shanghai, 21st May. The Norddeutseher Lloyd steamship Roon, which went ashore off Mutsushima, has been re-floated. She proceeded to Nagasaki where she has now arrived, and will be docked for repairs.
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  • 101 3 MINISTERS DISSATISFIED WITH CHINAS ANSWER. Shanghai, 21st May. The Diplomatic Corps at Peking has held a conference to consider the probable effect of the appointment of Chinese officials to the office of High ommissioners of Customs. The conference arrived at the conclusion that the reply of the
    Hongkong telegraph  -  101 words
  • 610 3 A CROWING CITY. Whatever may be said of the general aspect of living in Singapore to-day as compared with the Singapore of ten years or more ago, there is no gainsaying the fact that we are rapidly growing into a city of finer and more substantial buildings
    The Straits Weekly  -  610 words
  • 62 3 The Town and Volunteer Band will play at the H. S. Reservoir to-day from 5 to I p.m., weather permitting, St. Joseph's Institution will have the Annual Sports on the Old Gaol Site Saturday June 9th at 2-30 p.m. The parents of the pupils, friends and benefactors of the Institution
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  • 259 3 IN THE STRAITS AND STATES. $100 Prize $100 Prize I NEW "E. D.JT' COMPETITION. OPEN TO ALL READERS. Commenced on the 29th May. All that you have to do is to write in the appended coupon the name of the gentleman whom you consider to be
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  • 34 3 Votes received up to date for the most popular man in the Straits and States are as follows Hon. John Anderson 1 Dr. J. A. R. Glennie 1 J. P. Owen 1
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  • 265 3 In the case Moran V. The Oriental Co. Ltd. judgement was given yesterday morning in favour ofthe plaintiff for the sum of $233.81. Costs were not allowed, however, as Mr. Justice Law held that the proceedings were due entirely to the exceedingly gross carelessness of Moran in
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  • 1558 3 ALLEGED COINERS COMMITTED TO THE ASSIZES. anl Chea d lim f Scott Sin Si nl^on 3te H^ nS i£ C r Howard deposed that on \\m\ma 'QT?** ata »"1V before midnight, from information received, he in company with Assistant Superintendent Dewar and some detectives raided a two storied
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  • 46 3 S. C. C. v. H. If. s. MONMOUTH. A well contested game of hockey was witnessed on the S. R. C. portion of the esplanade yesterday afternoon when the S. C. C. defeated a team from H. If. S. Monmouth by three goals to one.
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  • 157 3 The Hongkong Telegraph in a wire from Shanghai, dated the 18th instant states that it is reported fro. Peking that Sir Robert Hart f- -5 te- 1 i his resignation to the C'.iit ee G< sirnsnt from the Inspectorate-General of the Imperial Maritime Customs. It
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  • 600 3 S. C. C. v. DUTCHMEN. An extremely exciting game was played on the esplanade yesterday afternoon, when the S. C. C. second eleven met a team of Dutchmen at football. The Club played two men short and defended the Cathedral end and the Dutchmen the sea-end. The ball
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  • 281 3 BITTER RESENTMENT AT A PRIEST'S EXPEDITION. It was recently announced in New York that Father Thomas Sherman, a well-known Catholic priest, had arranged to ride over the route taken by the Northern army commanded by his father the late General Sherman, during the Civil War. It was
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 30 3 VOTING COUPON. May 30TH 1906. To the Competition Editor. 4 Eastern Daily Mail." I consider the most popular man Jin the Straits Settlements F.M.S. to be Mr Name J Address
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    • 244 3 THE Straits Weekly. Brightest, Best and Cheapest Journal in the Far Last. PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY PRICE 10 CENTS PER COPY. Per Annum $r OO Half Yearly g£ Quarterly 25 No charge is made for postage. THE STRAITS WEEKLY will be shortly enlarged, and will contain many more columns of reading
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 505 4 I YAMATO CO. Dealers in High Class Japanese Curios and General Goods. SOLE AGEN rS TO TOKIO i SEIKOSHA" CLOCKS AaND W>TCH FACTORY. Contractors to the j Japanese flavy and NipponYusen Kasha's Fleet. 27, High Street, I SINGAPORE. J MUNICIPAL NOTICE Reduction in Charges for Supply of Gas. Notice ->
      505 words
    • 706 4 BANKS^ Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation. paid-up capital $10,000,000 kkskkve fund Sterling Reserve $10,000,000 1 _> IQ ioft .w, Silver Reserve 9500,000 iy6 00 .°00 K< servaj iLiabil.ty of Proprietors $10,000,000 Court of Directors. A Haupt, Ksq Chairman. Hon. C. W. Dickson— Deputy-Chairman. K. Gocts, Esq. I H. E. Tomkins Ksq.
      706 words
    • 424 4 ru w w ->d H KZ3C^3C~K=-=X=3C=3C— >—^ -~>< u w >i >f1 I MALAY RECORDS. n Lagu Jalak Lanting T. Kepala Burong r Nandong Sayang Gambos Plcmban Sri Rayu Gambo Yuman I Mak Dabu Noori Bangau Loiikin S Asam Paya Bunga Tanjong Kuala dua Tengah malam U Permata Gambos H
      424 words
    • 328 4 fISJ rHA T IS TT'WF FRASER NEAVE'S AERATED WATERS. CHENG CO., No. 43 High Street, SINGAPORE. Have Everything in their Establishment that is necessary for the best European Houses, at the very lowest lates. Credit given to respectable peoDle. Price lists will be ready on ist May. Board Lodgings may
      328 words
    • 465 4 E D M ADLETS. FO PREPAID. Cheap Publicity for all \vour Wants: Houses, Godowns etc., Wanted d To Let. Situations Wanted d Vacant. Exchange d Mart 1 Day. i Wkek. Fortnight. Monih -*s,words or under 50 cts. 1. 50 2. 00 3. 00 5° v 75 ct>. 2. 00 3.
      465 words
    • 459 4 TO BE LET, No. 7 Bat^v RoJd*^ on 2nd Floor. 1,,( Apply toGUIHK,,, ft, l f Lid TO LET. n Compound house Koad, from May ist ,<** 5 (,v town, .surrounded bvY,' 1 mile Terms moderate* Ut tr^ L Apply to and ft, T 0 LET. ONE DOC B[ r/°
      459 words

      11 words
    • 371 1 Capital Capital Issue Paid Issued. paid up. Value, up. Company. Quotations, GOLD. %as M 2 is Ber^ ahGoid l ;o co iD Lt J6W.000 mv* jo j ,o Bn_*-Ib_»y c°ti, < mTc_£_ fj 8 JBg" WWUO. Jg }0 ll n^ UyOT TIN. SSm JSm \J* lK!r-__^w -"iir
      371 words
    • 27 1 FINANCE COMMERCE. Government Rate 2 4 $60 for £7. The Netherlands Trading Society quoted yesterday the 4,ms bank '-.ate at 1/4 1/2. The Mercantile Bank quoted 2/4/7/16.
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    • 135 1 On London Bank 4 m/s 2/47/16 Demand 2/4 1/8 do. 6m-.. 2/4 13 i' On >n. any Bank d/d 2.$ > Private 3ms 2.44 d» 6 m/s 2.4' On f ranee Bank d/d .2 Private 3 m,s 2 do. m/s 3.00^ On friiVir ftiatk T. T. ,74] Private
      135 words
    • 157 1 Tin 92.25 Gambier 7-35 do Cube No. 1 0 40 do do No. 2 m q.oo Pepper, Black (ordinary S'pore),, 20.75 do White, Fair L. VV. 5 p.c.,, 28.50 Nutmegs (1 10 to the lb.) 34. do (So to the lb.) 53. Mace (Banda) 45 Cloves (Amboina) Liberian Coffee
      157 words
    • Page 1 Miscellaneous
      • 214 1 SHIPPING NEWS. VESSELS IM PORT. MERCHANT VESSELS. „t li M.i* '■•> I (l P- lie '">- C. XV. tons, C apt Folk- from Bangkok, Bth mg. For Bangkok, ons, Capt Rushn Mav. From Natuna Island, tO .\V lop a, and 29 d. p. Teo Hoe f» i Island, 1. -Rds.
        214 words
      • 553 1 Janet WmtL Brit. str. 475 tons, Capt Morier .28th May. From.Bangkok, 20th May. G.c. Joo Seng Chan. For Bangkok, 30th -Rds. 6 Aistna, Brit. str. 5 2 4 tons, Capt Learmoot, 28th May. From Penang, 26th May. G.c and 232 d.p. Boustead Co. hor Penang, oth Rds to*"*, Ger str.
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    • Page 2 Advertisements
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      • 110 2 John Little Co., Ltd, OLD VATTED GLENLIVET WHISKY COLO MEDAL I /rfm^jo^. REGISTERED -< ss*^^ EDINBURGH. SEll LONDON 1873 >Jl Lokook and Expo#r Agents. Frank BAiiEr* Co 59 Af4/>x i J e r JOHN LITTLE 8c CO. fc D.. SINGAP 0 R E Per case of 12 Bottles 1 10.50.
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    • Page 2 Miscellaneous
      • 432 2 VESSELS EXPECTED. Same, Port, Probable date 0/ arrival, and Agents. Men-of-War, &c. Andromeda, (Brit, cru.), Hongkong, soon. Diadem, (Brit, cru), Hongkong, June. Donegal, (Brit, cru.), England, soon. Duke of Edinburgh, (Brit, cru.) England soon. Natal, (Brit, cru.), England, soon. Thistle. (Brit, g'bt.), Plymouth, soon. Steamers. Ayuthia, Bombay. May—; Borneo Co>
        432 words
      • 352 2 MAILS CLOSE. To-day. For Her At Indragiri Aing Thye noon Tringganu and Kelantan Batavier 2 p.m. Malacca &c Selangor j pjn. Bengkalis &c Brouvver 3 p.m. Pontianak Ban Fo Soon 4 p.m. Batavia &c Edendale 4 p.m. Bangkok Dagmar 4 P™Muntok ft Palembang G. G. Meyer 4 p.m. Billiton &c
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