Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser, 29 May 1906

Total Pages: 6
1 2 Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser
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  • 372 1 ITS TERRIBLE EFFECTS ON DRINKERS. rhe green-coloured, poisonous liquid called Absinthe, which has so terrible an effect on its votaries, is slowly, but surely, becoming a favourite beverage with dipsomaniacs in Sydney. Consumed in large quantities on the Continent, the Belgian Government some i months ago passed
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  • 337 1 JUDGE'S ROOM RIFLED- AND PROOFS STOLEN. An act of unprecedented audacity has just been committed at Chalons-sur-Marine by a prisoner who was awaiting trial in the Prison of that town on charges of assault and robbery and of attempted murder. Not only has the man succeeded in
    Daily Mail  -  337 words
  • 88 1 At a meeting of employers in the metal trades of Germany, held in Berlin on the 2nd inst, it was decided to punish the misbehaviour of the employes by a general lock-out, which was to be proclaimed the next week, sffecting3oo,ooo men. For months past the
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  • 63 1 It has now been definitely settled that most of the old customs in connection with the King's Coronation Journey to Drontheim shall be kept up. The coronation will take place, as previously mentioned, on June 22. The old mansion belonging to the Crown where all previous Kings
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  • 527 1 RESERVES CALLED OUT I'ikiun, May, ist. Pressure is being placed on the Government to m irk provision for the defence of Durban itself in an emergency. The town has lost practically the whole of its militia, who are serving at the front, and most of
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  • 226 1 fIOW TO CHARM AWAY DISEASE. For some time, says a Rangoon contemporary, there have been distributed broadcast in the city little sheets of paper on which is printed a c harm, said to be efficacious in warding off disease. The mere posting up of this
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  • 133 1 AN INCREASED REVENUE The total revenue of the fapanese Empire from taxes for the half-year end ing March siat last was estimated at Y289, 7 62,2i8,ofwhichsumYi»6 2to 2 < was receivable from the special wir taxes. According to the Osaka Snswio the revenues from the Sake-tax SttZ2
    Japan Chronicle  -  133 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 150 1 OBTAINABLE EVERYWHERE. al4^ M we 3 Pi 2 D ■a jaL Ha ■i aS* mmm LJ aa aT hi It fiaL 1 1^ Special Reserve t Ir J±2<TlD J Botol Hitam John Little Co. Ltd. I n' ~^< )c >r- > >q I PHAROS DISIIMOFECTANT FLUID, us, An Excellent Disinfectant
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    • 758 1 D Special Holiday Tour Sastern Oriental SCotel, 'TO CEYLON gr Newera Eliya PENANG. 1 1 6^oo feet Ois the most accessible hill station from the t-^c AAi-i- i if l- i a-i- i "Straits Settlements. -r-t- L J I M.l. Beautiful Scenery, MagI 7 nificent "climate, Good Hotels. I PFMAMn
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    • 24 1 I M^SSS—— M^— SSSI lIP J SajasK-am^aßS^ i**^ l ff^ e SI GAP ORE J. LITTLE CO., LTO. •nd AGENTS. ROBINSON ft CO. I
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  • 906 2 The Eastern Daily mail. PRICE 5 CENTS. TUESDAY. 29TH MAY. OUR VOLUNTEERS. In another column will be found a letter from Major Brodrick, Commandant of the S. V. C. asking for men to join the depleted ranks of our local volunteer force. Major Brodrick states that the S. V. A-
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  • 291 2 P O. AUSTRALIA. On Saturday last a statement appeared in the Straiia Time* to the effect that the P. cv O. Aumtrar {so, which was wrecked off Port Philip Heads nearly two years ago while on her way to Melbourne, has been sold by auction. Our contemporary states that "a
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  • 557 2 Ihe hdii.>i n. itaa m neap imere->: lo V raa written im >iie sicka should exieed 4 hie for the opinio ia OU.. VOLUNTEERS. Sik. 1 beg so a-K sistancc in obtaining a peatei me public support for the Volunteer Singapore. There are two g at
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    • 27 2 In these davsot hus!L7s Oxford is infected h W, f' energy, ,t is positively sr i a real idler. !5,0,f 0^ 0lh,l to fa|
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    • 34 2 merman-American Alii, remedy the present .sola onVT'* 1 many, and render her able t ,P plate with equanimity th? v?^ English entente. h r Win h J a ,r"bolen, Leipsic. rth ,n
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    • 27 2 rite and Sll of British past^T* is so rem*'* blc as JtZ golf anad,, I| **f powerful astosweeoaw.. in anv t ,,r S.^.
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    • 38 2 Inough hunting beeonc, VCI v v more popular, hunter av, <nrrc\n\ expensive; indeed, good animil difficult to find. It^larn^beS to raise horses suitable for all-ronn < purposes, wh ch sell for a ZZ" amount.-Co,.* Journal r
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    • 47 2 It is part of the cant of the pe assume, as a thing amply prove he classes arc apathetic intellectual ly tint they are distinctly frivol and addicted to empty imusemenu. All mv experience in this coumto disprove it.-Dr. Emil R, The World.
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    • 71 2 lhe present Ministry in Knd.' other people who ir^kc a publ ic payoff high principles, have exposed them. selves to the awkwardi icsi of bein't called upon to act up to them, mention the case of Chinese slavery it was evidently irritating to tliem tobf asked
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    • 89 2 Alien Traders with English Names. Although for close upon hah tury business men have been demandinn the registration of partners the I'nited Kingdom, for some reason or other no G ment has thought it ne to see it carried into force. There essi case in point recently in which a
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    • 49 2 Small mirrors on the backs ot cliurcii pews, to enable thc worshippers, while bending to pray, to sec if their hats aie on straight, arc the latest up-to-date church improvement. A New York firm puts n r satisfying equipment for three hundred dollars. -"Ihe Westminster," adelphia.
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    • 40 2 At a time when i I -.her ri Parisians, fearing May to stay prrr' ltly at I VIL, the most Parisian of did not hesii.uj totravi <:.cc, w the very day, fro n other. Gaulois," Paris.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 441 2 NEW SEASON'S FRUIT MESSINA ORANGES JUST ARRIVED "VElt"ar CHOICE I THOMPSON THOMAS CO. I THE AUS TRA L I A N S TORES I SINGAPORE. I THE QUEEN OF TABLE WATERS IS Apoilinaris Supplied under Roya* warrants oj appointment to H.M. THE KING mmmmmm asHas^aSasßuas^aVa^saas^ass^as^as^a^as^as^as^aslßslasl HI OB HI IB \W
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    • 466 2 {'Bird's Nest'j I Cognac j I THE BEST BRANDY ON THE MARKET I O FOR A MODERATE PRICE. I I m I (Samples on Application. I (Caldbeck- -j I Macgregor Co. I SOLE IMPORTERS. I THE! LOITIDOIT J I Chronograph 1 a^P c "King of Cinematographs." 3 DIRECT from the
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    • 118 2 DO YOU COLLECT/ PICTORIAL /ay/ /cT/ r so /J^** CALL AT /ty* /jitts Co. /r\ l/ -59*-*--/jj*** North Bridge Road INSPECT THEIR LARGE /STOCK OE NEWLY ARRIVED /HAND COLOURED JEWELLED I ARTISTIC CARDS. TO-NIGHT TO-NIGHT! Tuesday, 29th May 1906* The Indra Zanibar. Royal Theatrical Co. ok Singapore. In North Bridge
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  • 116 3 rnl OMAL SUPPLEMENTARY C0 ESTIMMES REJECTED. London, May -'8, 4.40 p.m. n Knchstat; has practically rejected '.wok of the supplementary esti--1 ,r the German Colon v in SouthW ThAeU*stag wbaeqiaefitlj refused Itionthe .xpcndituivofGovern- to establish a ministry for we* 11 Th s severe rebuff to thc Government
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  • 66 3 Laoaooß, May tS, 4.40 p.m. V general oim-ar was circulated on E. nieht to the effect that the ft™*,' dissolved when it meets jHfonday; but these rumours were dispelled by official statements at midSceelaJingthat the Puma will s,t the middle ot June, when the begins. The official announcement
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  • 33 3 London, May 18, 4-4° p.m. The Japanese battleship Katori will Ttnaiu at Wtsmoath during the next fortnight. She will be joined by the r lc thc -*nd of June.
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  • 30 3 RECEIVED BY THE FRENCH PRESIDENT. Lon:>«'\. Mav 28, 4 40 p.m. The Prince and Princess of Wales paid a visit to President Falliers at Hat <}'•
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  • 56 3 SAL I IKP BY BOMBS, Maw Kn 1 1 :> AWD Wot\\r»n». Loxdox, Maj 18, 4.40 p.m. garevien ipaal Sevastopol on <:i of the anniversary oftheC/ar- coronation, a number of ■bs were thrown. Three persons were killed and many were wounded, nor if the Fortress and the
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  • 28 3 NARROW ESCAPE >F A GOVERi< GENERAL. Loao M aft, 4.40 p.m. The Governor-General of Tiflia and the Chief of Police were bombed vesterescaped unhurt. killed.
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  • 33 3 L°* i, 440 p.m. has proclaimed hi> t° retire ntly from the presidency of Vt Xis rumoured that there will be a popular demand for his return to power.
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  • 150 3 jets what he wants a remains amongsl us for another We hope the results I** i to the large in- which government has sanctioned amen! attitude is a little tolt to understand First the Gov»«tent refused the increase of /"soo because, thev said, Mr. getting good "pav
    The Straits week  -  150 words
  • 189 3 PROPOSED LADIES' RIFLE CLUB. j.A ord.ng The Shm/s lVeekh kifleCluhT C likelihood of a Ladies' rh^ounnMn g form ed in Singapore. number rfi estlon st ates that a habito n bdics have in thc !i ran -J? m im at various times on Ta,1 B'in hut 1 fear f the
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  • 258 3 THE MOST POPULAR MAN IN THE STRAITS AND STATES $100 Prize! $100 Prize!! New M B, O. M. w eompetition OPEN TO ALL READEBS Commences To-dav. All that you have to do ft. to write in the coupon on page 3 the name of the gentleman whom you consider to
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  • 560 3 A QUACK'S EaXPERIMENT. Old Woman Nlarly Poisonfd. An old Chinese worn: n aged 53 was charged yesterday afternoon l>efoVe Mr. Colman with administering a stupefying drug to another old woman aged 56, an old crong of hers. The alleged facts were that the complainant had a bad cough
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  • 442 3 QUEST OF THE MODERNWOMAN. Life is becoming more complicated day by day, and the fair sex must find 1 it especially arduous, for women are not now allowed to be plain in fact, every self-respecting woman must, at all costs turn herself into as good an imitation
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  • 139 3 MR. MORAN WINS Chief Justice Law gave yesterday a decision in the case of Mr. T. J. F. Moran against the Oriental Company, Limited, for commission due on advertising collected for the Y. M C. A. Magazine. After a careful survev of the whole account item by
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  • 2291 3 "E. D. M." Competition. In lieu of nothing better to do I loitered along the beach eyeing with disgust the lively chaps on the Esplanade, although at one time I used to be a good one at games. I was dreadfully hungry, and, to boot without a
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  • 169 3 "Not a penny more than 000,000," was the estimate of the losses of British insurance companies in San Francisco given to a representative of the Daily Mail by the official in charge of the Commercial Union's foreign department. Asked as to the inter. ion of the company
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  • 126 3 It is officially stated that King Alfonso's wedding festivities will begin on May 30 and continue until June 8 Work was begun on the street decorations on the ist II iy. The Minister of the Interior has sent the Mayor the scheme of the Government's preparations
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  • 76 3 GREAT LOSS OF SECURITIES IN THE SAN FRANCISCO FIRE. San Francisco, May 3. Within the last seventy-two hours 576 safes and vaults have been opened in the district east of Powell-street and north of Market-street. Only in about 60 per cent, of these cases were the
    Reuter  -  76 words
  • 144 3 The inhabitants of the little township of Chiromo, on the Shire River, were recently alarmed by the cries of natives inhabiting the neighbouring villages. Eight lions had invaded the villages carried away one native, and mauled another. The roaring of lions was heard in Chiromo, and
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 356 3 THE Straits Weekly, Brightest, Best and Cheapest Journal in the far Kast. PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY PRICE 10 CENTS PER COPY. Per Annum $5 D o. Half Yearly $2 50 Quarterly g I# JJ No charge is made for postage. THE STRAITS WEEKLY will be shortly enlarged, and will contain many
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 482 4 YAMATO GO. Dealers in High Class Japanese Curios and General Goods. SOLE AGENTS TO TOKIO SEIKOSHA" CLOCKS AND WA'"CH FACTORY. Contractors to the Japanese Navy and HipponYusen Kapha's Fleet. 27, High Street, I SINGAPORE. MUNICIPAL NOTICE Reduction in Charges for Supply of Gas. Notice is hereby given that the rates
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    • 702 4 BANKS. Hongkong Shanghai Banklag Corporation. PAID-UP CAPITAL $10,000,000 RESERVE FUNDSterlinc Reserve J lO o*)'o^0 0^ j $19 6,00,000 Silver Reserve 9600,000 j Reserve ILiability of Proprietors $10,000,000 Court of Directors. A Haupt, Ksq— Chairman. Hon. C. W. Dickson- Deputy-Chairman. K. C.cK'tz. Ksq. H. E. Tomkins Ksq. C. R. Lenzmann, D.
      702 words
    • 418 4 ru n a; y w *r-^t v u x x— v h v~ a? u >n MALAY RECORDS. 1 mmm i Lagu Jalak Lanting T. Kepala Burong r Nandong Sayang Gambos Plemban Sri Rayu Gambo Yuman Mak Dabu Noori f J H Bangau Loiikin I 1 Asam Paya Bunga Tanjong
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    • 330 4 THAT IS£f? FRASER NEAVE'S AERATED WATERS. CHENG CO., No. 43 High Street, SINGAPORE. Have Everything in their Establishment that is necessary for the best 1 European Houses, at the very lowest j lates. Credit given to respectable people. Price lists will be ready on ist May. Board Lodgings may be
      330 words
    • 472 4 t. D. M." ADLgS. FOI PREPAID. Cheap Publicity for all {/our Wants: Houses, Godowns etc., Wanted d To Let. Situations Wanted d Vacant. Exchange d Mart 1 Day. 1 Week. Fortnight. Monti i 25*words or under 50 cts. 1. 50 2. 00 3. 00 5° .1 aj 75 cts. 2.
      472 words
    • 495 4 SALE, WANTED, etc TO BE LET. To D8 1 uh No. 7, Battery RoadTl on 2nd Floor. hr <* ro^ __ApplytoGUTHR IKlV(() Ui TO LET. m Compound bouse No c* Road, trom May ist IQO6 *fi a >' Ia n^ town surrounded bv [uL\\ m le fr Terms moderate Ut
      495 words

      11 words
    • 518 1 Capital Capital Issue Paid Issued. paid up. Value, up. Company. Quotations. GOLD. $135,000 140,000 10 10 Bersawah Gold M. Co. Ltd. $i_cnvlUr. 40 '00° 10 10 Do. Do (Deferred. ItZS $600,000 600.C0J j 10 I 10 Bruseh Hydraulic Ti. MCo Ltd 12 ifh?,vi~ I?™' 000 *****0 I
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    • 26 1 FINANCE COMMERCE. Government Rate 2 4 $60 for £7. rhe Netherlands Trading Society quoted yesterday the 4/ms bank rate at 2412 The Mercantile Bank quoted 2/4/7/16.
      26 words
    • 154 1 On London Bank 4 m/s 2/4 7 16 Demand 2/4 1, S Private 3 m/s. 2/4 9/16 do. 6 m,s. 2/4 1 3/ 1 6 On (§4 us any Rank d/d 2.39 Private 3 m/s 2.44 do 6 m/s 2.46 On trance Bank d,c\ 2.95 Private 3 m/s
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    • 157 1 Tin 92. 35 Gam bier M 7.35 do Cube No. 1 10.40 do do No. 2 9.00 Pepper, Black (ordinary S'pore),, 20.75 do White, Fair L. W. 5 p.c. 28.50 Nutmegs (no to the lb.) M 34. do (80 to the lb.) n 53. Mace (Banda) 145. Cloves (Amboina)
      157 words
    • Page 1 Miscellaneous
      • 349 1 SHIPPING NEWS. VESSELS IN PORT. MERCHANT VESSELS. Gcr.st 161 tons, Capt Pet- lay. G r., and 7 f P- Behn- Fo Asahan, L W. vl( u str. 645 tons, Capt F01k- Mav. From Bangkok, Bth 100 Leong. For Bangkok, M. y. 1 Brit str. 127 tons, Capt Rush- n From
        349 words
      • 552 1 Rajah 0/ Sarawak, Sar. str. 892 tons, Capt Moxon, 24th May. From Sarawak, 22nd May. G.c, and 144 d.p. Ong Ewe Hai For Sarawak, 29th -Rds. Tolv, Nor str. 740 tons, Capt. Enger, 1 2th May. From Bangkok, Bth May', G.c* and I d.p. Borneo Coy. For Bangkok, U.-Rds. I
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    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 101 2 STRAITS CYCLE Motor Co. LAMPS CLEAN, COOL, 100 C. P. 1 CENT per Hour, THE LAMPS ARE ALWAYS READY FOR LIGHTING. NO WICKS NO SMOKE. NO SMELL SMOKE Best IHoulmcin Cigars. Owing to rixity of exchange and a great demand for this brand ot Cigars and having received large consignments
        101 words
      • 103 2 John Little Co., Ltu. SPECIAL I^3 VSC^t OLD VATTED GLENLIVET WHISKY GOLD MtDAL. I (S9 EDINBURGH, fife London iers. T^^^^^ujk" Lohdo* s*D £x*x>*r As£H7s.F*AJe7rß4U£r4 Co 59 mam Cjue sT* JOHN LITTLE CO. D.. S I ISJ Q A P> o R E Per case of 12 Bottles 10.50 Botol Hitam,
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    • Page 2 Miscellaneous
      • 435 2 VESSELS EXPECTED. .Maine., Port, Probable date of arrival, and Agents. Men-of-War, &c. Andromeda, (Brit, cru.), Hongkong, soon. Diadem, (Brit, cru.), Hongkong, June. Donegal, (Brit, cm.), England, soon. Duke of Edinburgh, (Brit, cru.) England soon. Natal, (Brit, cru.), England, soon. Thistle, (Brit, g'bt.), Plymouth, soon. Steamers. Ayathia, Bombay. May Borneo Co>
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      • 362 2 LIST OF PASSENGERS PASSENGERS OUTWARD. Per P. &O. steamer Mongolia connecting with the steamer "Arcadia" at Colombo. From London, Api. 27. To Singapore Miss Aitken, Mrs Mac gregor, Rev L. F. Trever, Mr T. W. Main, Mrs Hyde and child, Mr F. C. Peck, Mr L. N. Stephens, Mr C.
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