Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser, 26 May 1906

Total Pages: 6
1 2 Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser
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  • 1152 1 A VIEW OF THE RUINED CITY The work of preparing plans for the rebuilding of San Francisco has already begun under the direction of the city engineer, Mr. Woodman, who proposes to change the direction of the streets, widen the avenues, construct many small parks, and design
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  • 431 1 HUMAN TORPEDO CRAFT In his book on "Port Arthur," recently published, Mr. Ellis Ashmcad-Bartlett tells a story of a captain of the Japanese Army who tied as many hand grenades about him as he could conveniently ran"}', ordered one of his men to light thc fuses, and then
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  • 312 1 HACK EN SCI I MIDI' HEATS MADRALI. Georges Hackenschmidt, the Russian, defeated Ahmed Madrali, the Turk, in the great catch-as-catch-can wrestling match at Olympia on 28 th uit. by two throws. The first throw was gained in I min. 34 sec, and the second in 4 min. It
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 857 1 OBTAINABLE EVERYWHERE. mt skA^skAA sl Xsk Special Holiday T our &«tow Oriental J&tel, K t °ceylon, i -a*^ ",:0 I fir Newera Eliya Scotch Whiskiis.l t O Ri G hotel °-ibl^»: Jf^m^mmm^C^^^' I Blfioent climate, Good Hotels. JrmLmmm jAdb Hr- nrßiAßiri kin i r^ A Mountain home for Europeans. IT.
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  • 415 2 The Eastern Dairy mail. PRICE 5 CENTS. SATURDAY 26TH MAY. PULAU LAUT. For some considerable time past rumours have reached and have left Singapore that the Germans had the intention of establishing near the port a coaling station for ships flying their flag. One ol these local announcements went so
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  • 241 2 A beautiful and pleasing picture is conjured up by the paragraph in the Melbourne "Argus" on the subject of cricket in India. "Cricket," says the writer, is doing more than the missionaries to deliver India from caste. The spin-dle-shanked Hindu lads play tlu game eagerly, with much
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  • 141 2 CONSERVATIVES OPPOSE RELIGIOUS CLAUSES. Mr Chamberlain, in a Ictte to a correspondent, says it is already evident that the Unionist Party will unanimously oppose the provisions in the Education Bill for dealing with religious education. While sympathising to some extent with the objections of the Nonconformists to the
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  • 250 2 1 1 ut: Straits Eclio states that there is a rumour to the effect that Mr. Noel Trotter is to be the next Resident Councillor of Penang. [HE Malacca Coy of the S. V. I. has been disbanded and a Rifle Club hns been inaugurated in its place. General Mishenko,
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  • 20 2 D ectors and Cigarettes. I oban the ettes be abused j s foo agnation hash notion that th average man,
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  • 35 2 You ig g ,urr, age. thin thev girl who n had been out almost i an unfashi market B tantly formed a silently insisted the disgrace of tl ed. -"The Lady."
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  • 209 2 The wrut«n on 1 excce-J I To Thc Bdii r The I Dl \k Sir. w the medium i attention I the lengi judgments given diffe ei mag strau often e>. I am a! A ls tr reason pr paper- generally kee nutters, atthoug equ. in
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  • 150 2 To t ie Editor ol Sir. St;-"., cr-. cape iallj in R man lived at bom* S t■i i morning, p c ar Is are a ta: talers. A,i the umba ot murders abstainer- in I Stat< committed bj drui thc tOt.: by several hundred I fignrei
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 341 2 NEW SEASON'S FRUIT 1 MESSINA I ORANGES JUST ARRIVED VEEY CHOICE I THOMPSON THOMAS CO. I THE AUSTRALIAN STORES I SINGAPORE. fi TT—a I— m I'iasM him ismamammasssaaii i smsmsm aaaaaa issejmi THE QUEEN Apoilinaris s Rovai warrants of appointment to H M. THE KING 'WtSBiaPaBHBBaPHBMii^HPJIVS^BBMHi^HHBBBJa^^MBaiBmi^BV j international xlifipen.sanj, I
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    • 436 2 {'Bird's Nest 7 I P°ff na i J THE BEST BRANDY ON THE MARKET 8 FOR A MODERATE PRICE. j 'Samples 011 Application.) jCaldbeck- I Macgregor Co. J f SOLE IMPORTERS. 1 1 THE LO3STIDOIT 4 Chronograph "King of Cinemetograph." 1 DIRECT from the EMPIRE, j (LEICESTER SQUARE) LONDON. J
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    • 285 2 To Let. Compound house Brendadene No. 33 Barker Road, comfortable and healthy situation. 5 rooms with large Verandah in front and at the back. Entrance 15th of June or Ist of lulv. RENTSjsApply on premises F. O. Rasmussen DO YOU COLLECT/ PICTORIAL /§>/* A\^** *.ALL W /JITTS A Co. /or/
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  • 101 3 N0 AGREEMENT COME TO. I „m„»n, May 25. 10.20 a.m. f. xV ir») Grey stated in the House -rnmnHHi* tliat there was no Agrce- to between Britain and acnt conn v for Britain and Russia to deal u;iv w^ luaetious the .11 *i At tin 11 "'"iT's
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  • 31 3 IMPERIAL i ROOTS ORDERED rrj BE IN READINESS. May as, 4 5° PmliK- Imperial troops stationed at have been ordered to be in reidincss nviewofthc serious s.tua-
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  • 17 3 RECEIVED UNIVERSITY DEGREES London, May 15, io,ao a.m. ThcUnivei gehaacoocrrc( j, ipon tlu- Chinese Tracllins
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  • 43 3 AFFEC I II >NA IT KARL WELLS. London, May 25, 1 i.ae am. Ihe Pi cess Ena and her mother Madrid. ITieir M the King and the 1 other royal person- y bade them farewell Victoria Si I
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  • 63 3 MR CHAMBERLAIN'S AM KM 'ML NT. Ma\ »5, 1 i.ae a.m. rnroent intended to apply 1 -arc to the debate on the first daeseofthc Education Bill, last night. Hut orebore from rie keen interest taken in an amendment moved bj Mr. Chamberlain. Die amendment aims practically at
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  • 12 3 Tim- a Scr\ e IHE NLA VoRK INSURANCE S( ANDALS.
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  • 36 3 May i Mr. H p t tlie S ciety of New •.-manager of the tile, and this ike over policy-holders ch are estimated the Mutual aal but the lUti >:i.
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  • 106 3 ONLY ONE GERMAN FIRM IN nu: gi lf Bom n.\v. May 16. Persian Gulf >tates taken in the imers by the rnpany, as it is avs Russian pregned for political nly "ne Cerman firm in V"». with branches at Linga, jwtand Bahrein, chiefly engaged pearl shells to
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  • 30 3 Uan WILL SIGN WITHOUT ALTERATION t) Ai lahabao, May 10th. correspondent >emi^t t,ie M<'X»:ru has stated ''•-"ly that the Sultan will sign e V~ i ■■■lent unamended.
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  • 49 3 T HE LONDON RUBBER MARKET. Utes i quotations t I-omh^n, May uth. '< u^t,on r J?*? «iuiet. The pjri ,iard l'"e Para" is "fine? 0 N are The SatermeT qnotanone :-f bpola u lld rallagalhL Warls T; rth D °rekande. and pnesfc rf for C.ikiyanakande •as bid, but not accepted.
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  • 69 3 I SKVK, <Ai- CASUALTIES Bcolijv May nth. Bsr a ve'L l T k |,larc on the Madras m airtrain y n m rnin the Bomm o™ n F co ,d,n uith a g°° ds m.' airi Ur opean passenger, a ■T ***mawJZ K ua rd
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  • 54 3 SETTLEMENT AND FISHERY DISPUTES PENDING. London, May, 25, 11.20 a.m. Ihe Senate Committee on Foreign Relations m Washington have agreed to a suggestion made by Mr. Root the secretary of State, to proceed diplomatically to reach an adjustment of venous questions pending between America and Canada, arising
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  • 77 3 London, May, 25, 5.30 p.m. Mr. Lloyd George M. P., speaking at Liverpool, said that the House of Lords was a menace to progress, stigmatised that action in mutilating and rejecting Bills piecemeal as intolerable arrogance which no Liberal Government would tolerate. In
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  • 149 3 A DISTINGUISHED GATHERING. London, May 25, 5.50 p.m. Mr. Chamberlain presided at a banquet given in honour ofjLord Milner. A large representative gathering was present, including Lord Lansdowne, Mr. Brodrick, Lord Curzon and Mr. Balfour. Mr. Chamberlain in paying tribute to the guest of the evening, said
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  • 39 3 DATE OF NAVAL VISIT POSTPONED. London May 25, 5.50 p.m. The Telegraph states that Admiral Togo's fleet is not coming to the Solent in 1906, but that the visit will probably take place sometime in 1907.
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  • 85 3 GREAT BRITAIN SAID TO HAVE ASSENTED TO THE CHANGE. Allahabad. May 12th I he Pioneer's London correspondent wires that The Times' Pekin correspondent regards the Customs decree M a fundamental change detrimental to European holders of Chinese bonds and leading towards a diversion of the Customs revenue
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  • 52 3 f COMMISSION'S RECOMMENDATION. Allahabad, May 12th. The Anti-typhoid Inoculation Committee has reported in favour of the resumption of voluntary inoculation in the Army, which, it is satisfied, has had a good effect. The committee urges further investigation with a view to the production of an
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  • 381 3 Tm Monthly General Meeting of the Association of Engineers will be held in the Rooms, 43-B, Raflles Place, this evening at 8-45. Business General. Mr. S. R. Robinson the principal of Messrs Robinson Co., arrived by today's P. O. Mail from Europe, he has been away from here about eighteen
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  • 865 3 CONTIN CATION OF HEARING IN THE SUPREME COURT. Before Justice Law yesterday the case of Mr. Moran, the Oriental Company's former advertising solicitor who secured the advertisements for the y. M. C. A. Magazine against the Company for commission due was heard at length and further consideration
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  • 52 3 On Monday next the above show will be under the patronage of Cornwall Ministrels, who have also kindlyconsulted to give several selections of music during the evening. Part of the proceeds will be given to a local charity. For this night a special programme of pictures has
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  • 107 3 This popular show o|>ened here last night with the play called Gulzar-D-Paristan," there was a very good house who thoroughly enjoyed the piece, Mr. Kassim has brought back with him from Penang, some new actors and actresses, and a quantity of new scenery, the show will only remain
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  • 209 3 SECOND SCURRY STAKES. Distance 6 Furlongs. Highlander ..910 Xerxes a 7 1 Diplomatic 0 Marie J Prince George 9 4 Bore 9 2 gawa 'I 0 Propnetry Q Malapert g I2 Deogenae g l2 Warrior 8 10 Little Tich g IO Postman 8 9 Tea Tray 8 The
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  • 130 3 The S. R, A. Monthly Handicap will be shot off on Sunday afternoon next. Firing will commence at 2 p.m. Intending competitors are requested to be punctual. Ranges 200, 500 and boo vards. On Saturday the 9th June the Ballestier Range will be reserved from 3.30 or^vards
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  • 124 3 S.C.C. v. H.M.S. MONMOITHS A one sided game of rugby was witnessed on the Esplanade yesterdav afternoon between the S.C.C. and a team from H. 11. S. Monmouth. During the first half the club scored four goals and four tries and the sailors nothing. The second half was exciting
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  • 73 3 WORLD'S CHAMPIONSHIP WON BY AN ENGLISHMAN. The international tennis match for the world's championship between C. Fairs, the English champion, and Ferdinand Garcia, of Paris, ended at Brighton on 28th uit. in a victory for Fairs. In the previous stages of the match each player had won four
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  • 186 3 Thk Rev. H. C. Izard who left for Malacca yesterday, requests that all urgent messages be sent to the Rev. J. A. Smith to the Cathedral, on to his house 157, Middle Road. Mr. Izard returns on Monday next. Fiik Rev. B. F. Van Dyke head of the American Industrial
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  • 1396 3 THEFT ON BOARD S.S. KISTNA." Chan Ah Fook, a Cantonese, and five Kehs, passengers on board the S. S. Kistna were charged before Mr. Colman with theft of a sum of $651 on the 21st inst. The money belonged to three other Chinese passengers on board and was
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  • 72 3 Lord Elgin, the Colonial Secretary, received a deputation of members of Parliament, who asked for an indication of the policy of the Government with regard to native unrest in South Africa. The Colonial Secretarv said the Government were fully alive to possible dangers, but they were
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  • 209 3 Mr. Edward Black well, who holds the world's record for a drive at golf, created a new record at St. Andrews on 2nd inst, for two shots. Me reached the fifth hole— a distance of 533 yards —with a drive and a cleek, thus beating his own record made in
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 299 3 H THOMPSON, Dental Surgeon, 1 6, Stamford Road, (First Floor) Whiteaway Laidlaws liuildirujs, Hours from 9 a.m.to Ip.m. 2 i.ni. to sp.m. ff V I ranted TO BE THE BEST SHOW IN TOWN We did nut ***** our chickens before they arusaassaf. Matsuo's Ist plaoe. Other Shows Nowhere. As Raffles
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 188 3 eOMING EVENTS. To-day, 26tb May. High Water O-37 a.m. and n-58 a.m. Races 3rd Day. Raffles Hotel. Race Dinner. Theatricals. Memorial Hall. 9. Y. M. C. A. Lecture. Eng. Association Meeting. Raffles Place. 8-45. To-morrcw, 27th May, High Water. 1-3 a.m. Sunday after Ascension. German homeward mail due. Swimming Club
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 508 4 YAMATO CO. Dealers in High Class Japanese Curios and General Goods. SOLE AGENTS TO TOKIO SEIKOSHA" CLOCKS AND W.v'tii FACTORY. Contractors to the Japanese Navy and NipponYusen Kaisha's Fleet. L27, High Slreet, SINGAPORE. ■SEE MUM 12 VICTORIA STREET SINGAPORE. Just unpacked Singer Cycles Rubber Tyre Ricksha wheels BENZINE LAMPs over
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    • 708 4 BANKS. Honjkong Shanghai Banking Corporation. PAID-UP CAPITAL $10,000,000 RKSEKVK FUND:— Sterling Reserve $*****,000 I $195<00|000 Silver Reserve 9600,000 J Re=> rve iLiabihty of Proprietors $10,000,000 Court of Directors. A Huupt, Ksq Chairman. Hon. C. VV. Dickson Deputy-Chairman. K. Goetz, Ksq. I H. E. Tomkins Ksq. C. R. Lenzmann, D. M.
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    • 471 4 Q< m v x x x x x *< x x x x •"V X"> MALAY RECORDS. Lagu Jalak Lanting T. Kepala Burong r Nandong Sayang Gambos Plcmban Sri Rayu Gambo Yuman Mak Dabu Noori f j Bangau Loiikin S Asam Paya Bunga Tanjong r Kuala dua Tengah malam J
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    • 103 4 OLOS MOBILE CARB 1906 MODELS COMPARE THESE PRICES WITH OTHERS 2 seated 7 H. P. Standard runabout $1300 2 seated 7H. P. Tourino runabout $1500 4 seated 10 H. P. Light tonneau $2000 5 seated 20 H- P 2 ovl touring car $2750 5 seated 24 H- P- 4 cvl.
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    • 345 4 FRASER NE AYE'S AERATED WATERS. On perle Francais Man Sprecht Deuteoh EMMERSON'S HOTEL AND TIFFIN ROOM. 96 ROBINSON ROAD 96 Open daily from 6 a.m. until i i p.m. Board and Lodging. MEALS AT ALL HOURS. LThe very best Wines and Liquors supplied. Best German and Pilsner Beers. J. SCHECHTER.
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    • 465 4 "E. u.JH." ADLETS. FOR PREPAID. Cheap Publicity for all \vour Wants: Houses, Godowns etc., Wanted A To Let. Situations Wanted A Vacant. Exchange A Mart 1 Day. 1 Week. Fortnight. Month 25*words or under 50 cts. 1. 50 2. 00 3. 00 50 m 75 cts. 2. 00 3. 00
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    • 382 4 SALE, WANTED, ft TO BE LET. M To be U* N 7, Battery Road 1 on 2nd Floor. L Apply to GUTHRIE r r To be Let A Compound Kous. E?de Park. Inimel c N it >'->'4, ted rooms, Stables E* AP* «o GUTHRIE ft Co, TO LET. Compound house"
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    • 389 1 Capital Capital Issue Paid lssued Pa'd "P. Value, up. i Company. Quotations. GOLD. •135,000 140,000 I 10 10 Bersawah f; n IH \f r I._ J40.0C0 10 10 Db ahG ,d K n 1 •"•»> sellers ♦000,000 600.C0J i 10 10 UrusehHvHr.nl.v t- 'u^' 8 -00 sellers
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    • 25 1 FINANCE COMMERCE. Government Rate 2/4 $60 for £7. The Netherlands Trading Societyquoted Yesterday the 4/ms bank rare at 2,4 1/2. The Mercantile Bank quoted 2/4/7/16.
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    • 147 1 On London Bank 4 m/s 2/4 1/2 Demand 2/43/16 Private 3 m/s.. 2/4 9/16 do. 6 m/s. 2/4 13/16 On <,er*>.anv Bank d/d 2.40 Private 3 m/s 2.44 do. f m/s 2 4 r, On trance -Bank d/d 2.9:; Private 3 m/s 2.98^ do. m,s i.ooi On flame
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    • 171 1 JT m 93.00 uambier do Cube No. 1 ,0.40 do do No. 2 m 9#oo Pepper, Black (ordinary S'pore),, 21.25 do White, Fair L. W. 5 p.c. 28.75 Nutmegs (1 10 to the lb.) 34 do (80 to the lb.) 53. Mace (Banda) „145. Cloves (Amboina) v »t 33'Liberian
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    • Page 1 Miscellaneous
      • 444 1 SHIPPING NEWS. [VESSELS IN PORT. MERCHANT VESSELS. Uiftf r x(n toea,Capt Pet nth May. G. c, and 7 d. p. BehnStV *Co Foi- Asahan, U. -W. b rn( i Nor. str. 045 tons, Capt Folkmanii ia* Ma J- From Bangkok, Bth }oo Leong. For Bangkok, Brit str. 127 tons, Capt
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      • 517 1 *J? fiuiS' 7 5 tons Ca P l ou sen, .6th May. G.c, and-d.p. Behn Meyer and Co. U-Rds. Brit str. „934 tons, Capt k?h m' 4i r From Rangoon, 1 8th May. G.c., aild 46 d Boustead Co. ror Rangoon, 26th— W. Sultan, Brit. str. 1,270 tons. Capt Townley,
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    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 106 2 STRAITS CYCLE AMD Motor Co. LAMPS CLEAN, COOL, 100 C. P. AT 1 CENT per Hour, IHE LAMPS ARL ALWAYS READY FOR LIGHTING NO WICKS. NO SMOKE NO SMELL. SMOKE Best IttoulttKin Cigars. I taring '.v lixity of excha..;.c and a great demand for this br -nd or Cigars and
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      • 87 2 John Little CoVTttL OLD VATTED GLENLIVET WHISKY \&9 EDINBURGH. Lo*dom mo ExPo*r Agents. f*JL*xlßAU£r* Co 59 At**, £4* r* JOHN LITTLE 8c CO. 10., SIIMG A P 0 R E Per case of 12 Bottles 1 10.50 Botol Hitam, Per case of 12 Bottles >9.75 PIANO for $75, j and
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    • Page 2 Miscellaneous
      • 458 2 VESSELS EXPECTED. Name, Port, Probable date of arrival, and Agents. Men-of-War, Aic. Andromeda, (Brit, cru.), Hongkong. soon. Diadem, (Brit. cru). Hongkong, June. Donegal, (Brit, cru.), England, soon. Duke of Edinburgh, (Brit, cru.) England soon. Natal, (Brit, cru.), England, soon. Thistle. (Brit, g'bt.), Plymouth, soon. Steamers. Ayathia. Bombay. May Borneo Co>
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      • 256 2 CLEARANCES. May 25. Giang Seng, for Samarang. G. G. Meyer, Muntok and Palembang. Murex. Palembang. Charterhouse, Hongkong, Amoy and Swatow. Resident Schieff Rhio. Ban Hin Guan, Teluk Anson. Sri Muar, Muar A: Malacca. Hye Leong, Teluk Anson. Schwarsburg. Manila, Tsintau and Taku. May 2b. C Hock Kian, Bagan. PASSENCER LISTS.
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