Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser, 21 May 1906

Total Pages: 6
1 4 Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser
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  • 629 1 A WELL-KNOWN EXPLORER. Mr. Harry de Windt, brother-in-law to the Rajah of Sarawak, and an explorer, adventurer and soldier of fortune is thus described by his friend Raymond Blathwayt. "Rather a small man -Harry de Windt, but how compact, how wiry, how well set up A little
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  • 316 1 The decision of the Army Council re the Scots Guards ragging case has been promulgated. Colonel Cuthbert, the commanding officer of the battalion, is placed on halfpay Captain Stracey is removed from the adjutancy and severely censured and nine subaltern officers are also severely censured and
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  • 52 1 Tm steamer UomtHgo, dying the Danish (lag arrived m port from Yladivewtock with a number of repatriited Russian troops. She hoisted Hi* 1 police rail flag on arrival irheo it was Pound that several Chinese firemen had fought among themselves. They were brought on shore and will by charged with
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  • 229 1 A FAMOUS REGIMENT. In round figures, 50,000 troops took part In the military review held m Tokio on the 30th ultimo by Hi* Majesty the Emperor. Over a hundred regimental colours were seen at the re view, and among them the colours of the Seventh Infantry Regiment
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  • 113 1 Commenting on the official settlement with regard to the fishery privileges m southern Snghalien, the Tokio correspondent of the Maimcln says that Japan has got the bones of southern Saghalien, but nol the flesh. There are abow <>ih hundred md twelve lishing places there, out o< which,
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  • 50 1 The reinterment of the remains of the American naval hero Paul Jones took place on 24th April at Annapolis, m the presence r>f President Roosovclt, the Cabinet Ministers, the French Ambassador, and other distinguished personages. Speeches were delivered by the President and the French Atnbass»ad< >r.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 259 1 OBTAINABLE EVERYWHERE. OUR Cadics* Department has been considerably enlarged neb and ladies will find it well stocked fig) with the newest and most fashionable goods. Millinery Department *fc I Is under the charge ot an experienced Milliner. AH the newest and choicest Parisian and Lon/Tg\ ready trimmed Hats. Toques and
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    • 748 1 ■^^■^^^■■^^b^™™ n Special Holiday Tour Sastern Oriental SCotel TO CEYLON kr Newera Eliya PENANG. 6 f oofeet bi is the most accessible I I llill station from the A /<-— n \0 m Straits Settlements. HOTEL Beautiful Scenery, Mag--7 nificent climate, Good Hotels. DETIMArVI/^ LJII I t> A Mountain home
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  • 291 2 The Eastern Daily Mail. PRICE 5 CENTS. MONDAY, 21ST MAY. SITUATION IN CHINA. After a provincial tour of personal investigation covering nine months, the always well-informed chief representative of the Time* has returned to Peking, and from him the outer world obtained some authentic knowledge of how things are moving
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  • 237 2 Some years ago it was proposed by a well-known English explorer that a railway connection should be established between Burmah and Siam for the mutual commercial benefit. The idea, however, came to nothing, as the Bangkok Government drew back from performing its share m the joint undertaking
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  • 221 2 THE LADIES' COMPETITION The only event of the S. V. A. Rifle Club Shoot brought off this weekend was the competition for ladies on Saturday afternoon a handicap open to ladies resident m Singapore and the Federated Malay States, with any pattern rifle, seven shots
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  • 232 2 With the return of the Smtiej\ three cruisers from the China Station are flying paying-off pennants at their respective home port-, the Stttkj having been preceded home b\ the &MMt*NoW?fend /<>giit\ liut for the stranding of the Donegal m the Gull* of Suez, the Andmmedi would have
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  • 139 2 The students of the Straits Medical School played the Balestier Recreation Club at football, on Saturday afternoon, on the grounds of the Tan Tock Seng Hospital. During the first half, the homesters scored two goals during scrimmages to which the Medical Students replied with three m quick succession. A
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  • 39 2 His Majesty the King of Siam has presented Mr. Rivett Carnac with a magnificent gold enamelled vase as a wedding present on the occasion of hi> approaching marriage to Miss Greenstock, which is to take place m July next.
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    • 10 2 n..s Isa1sa,t? adn^. are all «S "'""">' rul{ur c
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    • 11 2 limbs to soldiers rnaimSu M<i cent war. P^a^atl^**
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    • 22 2 IV, cE? "-a should be jealous of Ru^S at Kabul, £*n as Russ& n(1 prebend a British cn n
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    • 20 2 The Pretty, Bu t Dull. She us a.ar,,lc ■he cannot ,|,,IK„ 1' She knows £t^ l un.il shei ma, T.,
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    • 28 2 1 "V C Cdn Dc no question d^prevalence of certain diseases^, created during the last hallConspicuous 8 le yidm^mma.bothofwhic due to the mental stress of
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    • 35 2 Strugq| c The meaning of the )fthl jew power the Labour 1W N WtkTpoUtics is that^ar?2 n gr.m earner upon the Usi struggle again. t class domin^on^Z] .Ik,c.r owner-,,,,,,, lhcC\ 5XpSt- Ml>-"?
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    • 77 2 As compare! n American people lack the p. centration and of holding their attention 00 one movement until it [,a. been carried to its end. The Englishman to the capacity of geti g v a,)d storing up righteous a P«>wcr until the abuse against which he protests
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    • 83 2 The iour ofthc Pr incc^ ot ales brougli: to 1 s number of persons who had travelled There was general agreenu is the most fascinating i world tor the tourisi all the great adv iI re more than counter-b ilanced by I fehotd accommodation that < „-ivca
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    • 64 2 Unless the I !ab nel Mr. Winston Churchill thej themselves into a disasi with the Coloi < Mr. I. R donald, M.l., m Mr. Ilaldane has .1 Lr,<! of v smile which strito a manufactured article. His 1 time for thought and while he is thinking
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    • 85 2 > Mne extra m an article fly Tape" which ap] Magazine 11 An offi to the War Office that had lost a gre it-coat, md structions. eplj was: The calculation ol great-coat should b< the value when when new, .1- gi >< 1805 Clothing Wai
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  • 223 2 INGENIOUS PRISONERS Wiut reference to th< at the Taiping Gaol v prisoners who were i o km m I poh a few weeks ag our contemporary understands that cell- m which they wei* constructed that there is nut which anything could be the aiulio.it es ■elves on
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  • 17 2 Mr. R. Schmidt, ot bciww who hM been leriousO time, has left fora trip to Javi pcrate.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 392 2 "PHENOL" A Desinfectant. None half so* ?hcap as Ph««ol FVicc per i gallon tin $1.50. n 2 n n $2-75. rept. qt. bottle $0.30. Kand io gallon Drums, special price on Application. ONE QUART OF "PHENOL" MAKES I TEN GALLONS STRONG DISINFECTANT. I For Flushing Drains j I n Cleansing
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    • 393 2 {'Bird's Nesti I Cognac j THE BEST BRANDY ON THE MARKET I i FOR A MODERATE PRICE. I I J (Samples on Application.) J ICaldbeck- -I I Macgregor Co. I 11 S SOLE IMPORTERS. J othe LoiriDoasr ChronograPh 1 "King of Cinnemotagraph." C DIRECT from the EMPIRE. f (LEICESTER SQUARE)
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    • 229 2 DO YOU COLLECT/ PICTORIAL \Sf Ay/ if so /j^J CALL AT /(>) /JITTS CO. /c\ -598-2--//i^/ North Bridge Road INSPECT THEIR LARGt /STOCK OF NEWLY ARRIVED /HAND COLOURED JEWELLED ARTISTIC CARDS. umyfli?6 KJissiin. Coming soon Coming soon. The Indra Zanlbar Royal Theatrical Co. will play here for a short season
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    • 11 1 THE EASTERN DAILY MAIL. COMMERCIAL SUPPLEMENT. Singapore; Monday, may 2i«r, 1906,
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    • 381 1 Capital Capital Issue Paid paid up. Value, up. Company. Quotations. GOLD. •*****0 140.UK, 10 }J o CO Lt f $l2 so^ cn $600,000 UO.LOj 10 10 ilWhHvdraulcfin^i (T?^ ?o B'°8 L 9elleni SSSSSB IS SpTJ®!©^ E'^T* TIN. £375.0:0 375,000 7j 1 Pahang Kabang Ud. 0.50 sales £1
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    • 29 1 FINANCE COMMERCE. Government Rate 2 4 $60 for £7. 11l Netherlands Trading Society quotect on Saturday the 4 ms bank at 1/41/8 The Mercantile Bank quoted 4 7 16.
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    • 133 1 On L)nL > Bank 4ms 2/4 i/j Demand 2431. Private 3 m,s. 2/4 9/16 4 13/ 16 On dent. m. Bank <i d 2.40 Private sms j.44 do 6 m s 2.46 On tniiii' -Bank d/d j.95 Private 3 m j.9B} di >. '1 m/.s On /Ww—Bank T.
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    • 147 1 99-25 Gambler 7 45 'ul c No. i n 10.40 do No. a 9.00 Pepper.B Unary S'pore),, 2i.«;0 Fair L. W. 5p.c.,, 29/. Nutmegs (nc to the lb.) 34. do lb. 53. Mace(B la) 45 (Ambotna) 33. LJberian Coflee 21.75 I ca, small pearl (Fair) 8.75 d<> 1 (lake
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 310 1 SHIPPING NEWS. VESSELS IN PORT. MERCHANT VESSELS. Gcr rt. 161 tons, Capt Pet h{] G. c, and 7d. p. BehnFo. Asahan, U. W. 1. 645 ton^, Capt Folkiy. From Bangkok, Bth JooLeong. For Bangkok, n [Int. str. 127 tons, Capt Rush- May. From Natuna Island, a. and 29 d. p.
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    • 566 1 Aftrn/>i\ I hit. str. 1572 tons, Capt UMail, 1 7th May. From Samarang, 14th May. Ci.c. and 7 d.p. Heap Kng Mob. For Hongkong. U. Rds. Xuen Tung, Gcr. str. 524 tons, Capt Hinsen, 12th May. From Bangkok, Bth May. G.c., and -d.p. Behn Meyer and Co. For Bangkok, L.
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    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 70 2 John Little Co., Ltd. USHERS OLD VATTED GLENLIVET WHISKY QPP EDINBURGH. @S) UOMIM LITTLE CO. CO.. m.M GARORe Per case of 12 Bottles $10.50. Botol Hitam, Per case of 12 Bottles 9.75 I PIANO for $75, and 1 8 payments of $ao each or ao do. of iS I $390.00
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    • Page 2 Miscellaneous
      • 456 2 VESSELS EXPECTEO. Sanu\ l\>rt t Probable date of arrival, and Agents. Men-of-War, &t. Andromeda, (Brit, cru.), Hongkong, soon. Diadem, (Brit, cru), Hongkong, June. Donegal, (Brit, cru.), England, soon. Duke of Edinburgh, (Brit, cru.) England soon. Natal, (Brit, cru.), England, soon. Thistle, (Brit, g'bt.), Plymouth, soon. Steamers. Ayuthia, Bombay. May Borneo
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      • 624 2 Patroclus L'pool; due June 6 Mansfield. Khenania, Hamburg, May 25 Behn Meyer Sardinia, London, June 15 P. O. Sunda, London, July 27 r. &O. Silesia, Trieste, July 9 Rautenberg Sonnebeg, Australia, June Behn Meyer Sultan, Fremantle due May 21 Mansfield. Stentlor, L'pool due.'May 30 Mans field. PASSENCERS ARRIVED Pei Teesta
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    • 127 3 MB%Ag«M iie R y submarine 1 tatagrapa, RiiSSO-BRITISH AGREEMENT AN ARRIVED AT. a debarred from obtaining a tooting there London, May 20, 9.40 a.m. In the Vnglo-Russiaii understanding, itioulated that Russia will not se< k JJjfSdie Persian Gulf, which will LJnain within the British and Russian
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    • 65 3 Neuter's Agency wires. By submarine telegraph.) PASSED WITH IMPORTANT AMENDMENTS. London, May 20 9 40 a.m. Ihe American Senate have passed the Railway Rate Bill with amendments, chiefly providing for "he ratification of the decisions of the Interstate Commerce by the law courts measure against which President
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    • 39 3 FAVOURS EXPROPRIATION OF LANDLORDS' London, May 19, 0.50 a.m. The Duma continues to be ardently discussing the Address m Reply. It has passed a clause favouring the expropriation of landlords, with an amendment to include ecclesiastical lands.
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    • 39 3 CONDE MNS PROPOSED AMNESTY. London, May 10, 10.30 a.m. Witte has made a strong speech m the Council of eclared an am esty would be the prelude to a revolution at which civilization would »Und aghast
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    • 31 3 COMMISSIONERS APPOINTED London, May 19, 0.50 a.m. The Egyptian Commissioners appointed to mark out the Sinai frontier line are:— Captain Owen and an Egyptian General, Futhi by name.
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    • 43 3 M.\\ 19, 10.30 a.m. Edward has received the German Bun ll Buckingham Palace. The Lord Mayor o( London has enluncheon at the Mans -c. is rlemaphed his sincere thanks for the reception accorded m London to German Burgormstrrv
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    • 38 3 SENATE IN FAVOUR OF A SEA-LEVEL CANAL. London, May 19, 10.30 a.m. Influenced largely by the San Francisco disaster, the American Senate have reported m favour of a sea-level Canal through the Panama Isthmus.
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    • 13 3 London, May 19, 0.50 p.m. The Italian Cabinet has resigned
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    • 17 3 London, May 19, 5.30 p.m. The Pope has been confined to bed by gout.
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    • 17 3 5 N SEAMEN DROWNED. London, May 19th Ic.3oa.rn. prized off Port new were drowned.
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    • 27 3 CHANNI SQUADRON GOES KR( >NSTADT >. M 13 19, 3.40 p.m. The 1 ■v' 'Z l^ states t Kronhe end of July.
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    • 17 3 London, May 19th 0.50 a.m. Prince Arthur of Connaught has arrived m London.
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    • 23 3 London, May 19, 0.50 a.m. Captains Sutherland and Flint have been gazetted brevet majors for services m the Bahr-el-Ghaz.il, I'pper Nile.
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    • 61 3 London, May to, 9.40 a.m. The Duma has unanimously voted the address to the Throne which includes among its demands a complete amnesty for political offender* The Government Council, m their address, also recommend that an amnesty be granted, but that amnesty shall exclude all
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    • 36 3 EMBODIES TURKEY, AFGHANISN. THIBET, ETC. May 19, 3.40 p.m. lion that the Anrio-Rus-rhich chiefly re- Persia, Afghani-tan cached an advanced I that all formalities ill be completed when 1 institution is m i
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    • 192 3 5. R C. C. C played the R- C. at cricket on the former's R C. were the first to I wickets when <ir innings closed, A. scored v. the highest G G. James and H. D. Jans* being next m order with 17 and upon batting scon was
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    • 17 3 w at Jan., ir 4 s. c. c. Keid 4 4 McKean 2 J o
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    • 56 3 ment h". W hears that GovernWard at t! v l rlosc the Vagrant n^berof 1 AMOn The grater betn rein nmrUe arc said to have month nated and b y the end of this il y ceaJ M tmion w«ll m all probabil■4 be 1 exist The staff employed °f
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    • 157 3 A SETTLEMENT EFFECTED No Indemnity Claimed. The Lien-chau outrage has now been settled so far as the Mission and Mission Board is concerned. The officers of the Mission m New York refused to make any claim of indemnity for the murdered missionaries. They also refused to ask
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    • 85 3 Whilst the cruiser Hague, Captain E. G. Shortland, was returning home from the China Station she ran up the Persian Gulf to Muscat to give the Arabs a sight of a big British cruiser. They were favourably impressed by her appearance. The visit of the Hogue and
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    • 64 3 It was decided on 24th April at a meeting of the Birmingham Liberal Unionist Association to celebrate Mr. Chamberlain's political, municipal, and Imperial service on July 7, his 70th birthday, by a demonstration, including a great meeting m the evening. A permanent memorial is to be dealt
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    • 63 3 An indignant protest has been addressed to the Press by the Independent Labour party on the subject of Lady Warwick's sacrifice of jewellery to help the Socialist candidates into Parliament. It is alleged that the action will cover the Socialist movement with ridicule, and it is demanded
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    • 809 3 HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR. The production of His Excellency I the Governor" by our local amateurs on Saturday night last at the Memorial Hall was by far one of the best amateur performances that Singapore s seen for many years pr >t. A large audience was nresent, and judging by
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    • 119 3 A gift of great value has just been made to the French national library. Baron de Vinck has handed over to it the almost unique collection of cartoons, engravings, and documents begun by his father and carried forward by himself for a continuous perod of more than
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    • 131 3 The new wind gauge slide, which will be issued next month for the LeeEnfield rifle, bids fair to give a heavy blow to the more costly wind gauges on the market It is simple m construction, and will cost a trifle over one shilling. It is
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    • 64 3 President Roosevelt's suggestion as to an International Conference v a S y has resulted m a Bill which has been favourably acted on by the House Committee for Foreign Affairs It authorises the appointment of three Commissioners under the supervision of the Department of Commerce, who .fan
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    • 254 3 Very recently we reported that Mr. C. Dennison the Senior Boarding Officer, was indisposed and had taken a trip to Japan for the benefit of his health As a matter of fact he did embark on the Hong Moh, intending to proceed as far as &>be,
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    • 607 3 GERMANY'S POLICY Aii unusual movement of foreign diplomatic personages associated with the Far East is now taking place. The British, German, French, Japanese, and Belgian Ministers are afl leaving Peking. By the outgoing French mail Mr. J. McLeavy Brown, late Chief Commissioner of Customs m Korea, returned
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    • 21 3 Mr. Ku Choon Yen, of Kuala Lumpur, has filed the specification of an invention for- the destruction of coconut or beetles.
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    • 882 3 CITY TO RISE AGAIN.— A NEW AND GREATER SAN FRANCISCO. After blazing for four days the great fire at San Francisco burned itself out. The city is a smoking ruin— twentyfive miles of black desolation —but the worst of the disaster is over, and there is no
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    • 81 3 Sir James Miller, D.5.0.. 2nd Bart., owner of the racehorses Rock Sand, Sainfoin, Aida, and La Sagessc, and a steward of the Jockey Club, who died on January 22, left, exclusive of real estate, personal estate of the gross value of ,£437,296. This does not include
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    • 53 3 It is understood that ihe cruiser Bedford, of the "County" class, will go to the China Station after she has been refitted. There is a suspicion that the China Station is to be made a depot for the undesirables of the navy. The earlier v County class have not proved
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    • 576 3 14 To the thunder of Togo's guns," says the Nasha Zheezn, "the naval might of Russia disappeared last May m the Japan Sea. This May a greater event m Russian history will take place, for silently, without a shot being fired, the whole imposing structure of autocracy
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    • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • Page 3 Miscellaneous
      • 94 3 COMING EVENTS. To-day, 21st May. High Water. 9-46 a.m. 9-39 p.m. M. M. homeward mail due. M. M. outward mail due. Bishop of Malacca's Feast Day. Convent Entertainment. 5 p.m. Town Band. H. S Reservoir. sto 6. To-morrow, 22r>d May. High Water iO-2i a.m. 10-9 p.m. Races. First Day. Banks
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    • Page 4 Advertisements
      • 513 4 I YAMATO CO. I Dealers m High Class Japanese Curios and General Goods. SOi.E AGENTS TO TOKIO SEIKOSHA" CLOCKS AND WA'CH FACTORY. Contractors to the I Japanese Navy and NipponYusen Kaisha's Fleet. 127, High Street, SI KG A PORE. I FSEE MI3N lit TORI A STREET. SINGAPORE. Cycles Accessories, Rubber
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      • 680 4 BANKS. Hun jXonj Shanghai Banking Corporation. PAID-UP CAPITAL $10,000,000 RESERVE FUND:— Sterling Reserve $10,000,000 i figs M Silver Reserve 9500,000/ *™5,UU,U00 RV-erve ILiability of Proprietors $10,000,000 Court of Directors. A Haupt, Ksq Chairman. Hon. C. W. Uickson— IVputy-Chairman. K. Goetz, Esq. H. E. Tomkins Esq. C. R. Lenzmann, D. M.
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      • 538 4 MALAY RECORDS. Lagu Jalak Lanting T. Kepala Burong r Nandong Sayang Gambos I'lcinban Sri Rayu Gam bo Yutnan n Mak Dabu Noori H Bangau Loiikin J 1,, Asam Paya Bunga Tanjong Kuala dua Tengah malam 1 Permata Gambos Sha'er U M Inche Mina Che'long Bana f] n Serampang Sri Perak
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      • 441 4 THAT IS IFRASER NEAVE'S AERATED WATERS. On part* Francais Man Sprecht Deutsch EMMERSON'S HOTEL rANI) TIFFIN ROOM. 96 ROBINSON ROAD 96 Open daily from 6 a.m. until i p.m. Board and Lodging. MEALS AT ALL HOURS. The very best Wines and Liquors supplied. Best German and Pilsner Beers. J. SCHECHTER,
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      • 941 4 "E. D. M." ADLETS. FOR SALE, WANTED^ TO BE LET. No. 7, Battery Road^n on 2nd Floor. 3 d> 11lr <* room, Apply to GUTHRIE &r, Ltd. A r To be Let A^ompquncl House A«^to GUTHRIE AU,^ TO LET. Compound house No t,, r Road, from May t t^J}l town,
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