Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser, 18 May 1906

Total Pages: 6
1 4 Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser
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  • 240 1 That is a pleasant suggestion of Dr. ganger, of Berlin, m the Deutsche Junsten Zeitung." It is his view that what Germany wants is a revival of mediaeval punishments. He speaks eulogistically of the pillory, and warmly advocates tossing the wrongdoer m a blanket, forcing him to ride
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  • 581 1 All kinds of experiments have been made with the administration of Indian affairs, most of them, we believe, with excellent intentions, but for one reason or another, says the Boston Evening Transcript, the larger portion of these has disappointed expectation. The former Indinn corrmissioner, \V. A. Jones,
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  • 108 1 The German mail steamer Zieteu left Port Said on Monday, the 14th instant, outward bound. She is due here on Friday, the Ist of June. The M. M. Company's steamer Oceanien left Colombo at noon on the 16th May and maybe expected here on Monday morning. Mrs. H. G. James,
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  • 556 1 rHEIR TOUR AROUND LONDON Mr M F. Wang, Attache to his Imperial Chines Majesty's Special Mission, and Mr. Tsi Chee, a Chinese student, visited the Daily Mad offices m pursuance of the awakening of rlu* IC wllich has been the cause m Vlr ssion>s visit lo England. Wang
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  • 280 1 RICH AMERICANS ALARMED BY MR. ROOSEVELT, According to Rabbi Emi] G. Hirsch, of Chicago, the sons of millioniries arc] generally speaking; decadent. In a public speech delivered by him recently he observed: M From my personal observation and acquaintance, 1 am convinced that oc per cent, of ali
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 213 1 f rifS^Q «*J|S I ifr^fM I OBTAINABLE EVERYWHERE. John Little Co. Ltd. High Glass Tailoring I FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. >* This Department is now conducted under jf the charge of two experienced C London Cutters. if Bfc> '^r LADIES' Tailor-made garments off TAILOR every description iyiauc Perfection of fit
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    • 616 1 Sastern Oriental SfotelX PENANG. I OEAG HOTEL, I PENANG HILLS. I Sankies Bpothcps, I Proprietors. I P Special Holiday Tour TO CEYLON, ftr Newera Eliya 6,200 feet Ois the most accessible hill station from the B Straits Settlements. Beautiful Scenery, Magnificent climate, Good Hotels. A Mountain home for Europeans. A
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    • 14 1 L fii^ifc3[]?rirfi l i&t!J'irii£& J SINGAPORE J. LITTLE CO., LTO. Mg ACENTS ROBINSON CO.
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  • 712 2 The Eastern Daily Mail. PRICE 5 CENTS. FRIDAY, 18TH MAY. OUR TERRIBLE TRAMS. Allusion has been made on more than one previous occasion m these columns to some aspects of the tramcar service, and we have pointed out that while there is need for improvement m some matters, on the
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  • 228 2 The difficulties of conductingbusiness m our local Police Courts are many, but they are fairly well surmounted, despite the multitude of languages which tend to complicate matters. It is also the language question which makes the greater part of the difficulty m home courts—that is to say
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  • 123 2 The crocodile which was sighted close to the Swimming Club diving stage last Saturday •afternoon, has been captured. It wraa secured m the net of some Chinese fishermen and when securely bound it was found to be about seven feet long. With a philanthrophy worthy of a
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  • 295 2 S. C C. v. TELEGRAPHERS. A game was played on the esplanade yesterday afternoon between the S. C. C. and the Telegraph Company's team. Play commenced shortly after 5 o'c'ock the Club defending the Cathedral end and the Telegraph Co. tke sea end. As soon as the ball was
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  • 120 2 Launches will leave Johnston's Pier for the Swimming Club Bungalow on Sunday the 20th inst. at 7.30, 9, 10.30, 2.15 and 3.30 p.m. returning at 8.30, 10, 12.15, 3, and 5. P- m The British Minister, Sir Ernest Satow, G.C.M.G., left Peking on the 3rd May, by railway for Hankow.
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    • 30 2 Lode,, Authors and iourmlw. better for little "ould <* they would look better. sEnU*** beautifier, and authors and '"a n g,r. M1 are notoriously phlin ™J01"^ The Lady. RSty.
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    • 38 2 X:n??!failV"? King. King Ldward is drawing d nearer to England, and holAnffl? many on the east just as ho has sohtM her on the west and from thJ cd Reichsbote, Berlin. c se 'T
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    • 37 2 This summer the British \,w will give an object-lesson t the^' tion of merchant ships by rhoseSnE fight.ng serv.ee. There is litl ;hi ness m the British Root it ldUs San Francisco. riw Argonaut,
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    • 48 2 The late Minister Tsan siiH London, that China I*£ elephant m a deep sleep; it mi^ht tak some time before it woke un bm Jk2 it did wake up it would t^i h he world. We believe China's £Jk2 VTio. n °w SUIC fact- ~Ntch
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    • 52 2 It is desirable that the people of the Mother country should not be allowed to overlook the views of Greater Bri tarn. Canada, Australia, New Zealand and bouth Africa should be effectively represented m the House of Lords by the creation of the peers from the
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    • 58 2 The number of hunting ladies n each season increasing. This may be because of the fact that while the bop ot country families are away at school the girls are galloping about on ponies with the one desire of ere long riding to hounds. Boys become knights
      Nation New York  -  58 words
    • 79 2 The prettiest girls m the kingdom are m the London shops. In feature-*, complexion, figure, animation of ex pression, or what you will, they beat the stage all to piece>. As for the bejewelled girls you see m the Court functions, they arc simply nowhere be>ide the
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    • 102 2 c may expect in time to English If. P. 8 drawing their pay like Deputies and Congressmen. Ar^uc u one will that this is only an inevitable development of English democracy, h corner as a sort of disagreeable surprise. If to make the members of Put
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    • 283 2 SlR,— our attention has been called to a report m your issue of the 22nd instant headed Scene m Supreme Court." It is an account of what took place m the Court on the morning of last Monday the 14th instant m connection with the handing over of
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    • 283 2 To the Editor, Eastern Daih Mm Sir, Before the Hentn,i£ disaster beer a nine days wonder, may I suggest mat stej be taken m a legitimate and formal manm to awaken a little agitation m Singapore an«i throughout the Straits m favour of the abo ition of
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 257 2 j Bird's Nest' j Cognac 1 THE BEST BRANDY ON THE MARKET I 2 FOR A MODERATE PRICE. 1' J (Samples on Application.) |Caldbeck- -I I Macgregor Co. I f SOLE IMPORTERS. 1 WfITCH FOR I I OUR I I Srand Opening 1 D Light 1 t/ ,^p Location Beach
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    • 135 2 HOCAN CO. LTD. (In Liquidation.) CONTINUATION OF DAILY AUCTION SALES Oe Valuable Engineering Stores &c, The sale thisday, Friday, will start with lot No. 1600, and on Saturday, with lot No. 2000. The sale of the Office Furniture, Fittings, and Fire proof safes will commence on Tuesday morning next. For
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    • 543 1 I j GOLD. 9135,000 UO.OOO 1 10 10 j Bersawah Gold M. Co. Ltd. $12.50 sellers $40,000 10 10' Do. Do. (Deferred) 8.00 sellers $600,000 600.C0J 10 10 Hruseh Hydraulic Tin M. Co. Ltd. I 18.75 buyers $200,000 QAAnnn 10 10 1 Kailana Gold M. Co. Ltd.
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    • 26 1 FINANCE COMMERCE. Government Rate 2 4 $6O for £7. The Netherlands Trading Society quoteo yesterday he 4,m> V>ank •"c-.te at l/41/l The Mercantile Bank quoted 2/4/7/16.
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    • 142 1 On London -Bank 4 m/s :(4'/ 2 Demand 2/4 3/16 Private 3 m/s. 2/49/16 do. 6 m,s 2/4 13/16 On (,cr».ti in—Bank d/d 2.40 Private m 1 2.44 do 6 m 2.46 On fmmce -Bank d d 2.93 Private 3 m/s 2.98^ do. S mfw 3-oo] On India
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    • 150 1 Tin 99- 2 5 Gambier 7.30 do Cube No. 1 10.40 do do No. 2 9.00 Pepper, Black (ordinary Spore),, 21.50 do White, Fair L. W. 5 p.c. 2 9 Nutmegs (110 to the lb.) 34. do (80 to the lb.) 53. Mace (Banda) 145Cloves (Amboina) 33Liberian Coffee ai.75
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 373 1 SHIPPING NEWS. (VESSELS IN PORT. MERCHANT VESSELS. u MVf rskam Grmmge, Brit str. 4,896 ip( 11,. we, 27th Apl. Prom ;;,Hk. 14th Apl. 3,539 troops. Tnts* Brit str. 755 tons, Captain ,li \nl. From Gorontalo, •J cJ, and d. r Wee Bin ...rontalo, l\ Rds. 7 7 Neagte April. 4
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    • 626 1 Bellerophon, Brit str. 5,727 tons, Capt Bartlctt, 13th May. From on gkong, Bth May. G.c Mansfield Co. For London, 17th W. Giang Ann, Dut. str. 557 tons, Capt Moss, 13th May. From Samarang, 10th May. G.c. and 66 d.p. Heap Eng Hoh. For Java U.— Rds. Singora, Ger. str. 1,123
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    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 90 2 John Little Co., Ltd. SPECIAL *MjL I^ESE^e OLD VATTED GLEHLIVET WHISKY GOLD MEDAL ni-^ A* tfr y^<4&?*y&K RcGISTEREO coup t Q^l EDINBURGH. HHI IOHOQM dMO ExPo*r 4G£NTS. f*4#*'BAU£r3 CO S3 M 4*, JOMIM LITTLE 8c CO. D.. SINGAP ORe: Per case of 12 Bottles v 10.50. Botol Hitam, Per case
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    • Page 2 Miscellaneous
      • 463 2 VESSELS EXPECTED. Nanit, Port, Probable date of arrival, and Agents. Men-of-War, &c. Andromeda*, (Brit, cru.), Hongkong, soon. Diadem, (Brit, cru.), Hongkong, June. Donegal, (Brit, cru.), England, soon. Duke of Edinburgh, (Brit, cru.) England soon. Natal, (Brit, cru.), England, soon. Thistle, (Brit, g'bt.), Plymouth, soon. Steamers. Ayuthia, Bombay, May- Borneo CO3
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      • 495 2 Preussen, Hamburg, May 18; Behn Meyer. Prinses Sophk-, AmsterfJam, Mi\ 26 D'dels. Pr. R. Luitpold, H'burg, July 13 Behn Meyer. Ping Suey, L'pool due June 1 1 .Mansfield. Prometheus, L'pool, due Juue 5 Mansfidd. Patroclus L'pool; due June 6 Mansfield. Rhenania, Hamburg, May 25 Behn Meyer Sardinia, London, June 1^:
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    • 64 3 ri^ncy wires. By submarine .Reutcr* Age |elegrapM n uepESDALE EULOGISES LC JAI-AN ANI> H_ER ACTIVITY. .ider. her oantury «h««d loN: ,s. M.w >7, 5-*SP-™- ..the lapan society s banpr<'" TRe Ic-cialc dwelt upon the 1 <)l ;^>m given by the Mikad<, t )tlH thit lapM was a
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    • 36 3 rctrlAl DENIAL OF ACQI/ISI(*FI( nuNHY GERMANY. I&IDIM, May .7. s**s P- m Linrintlic Hou-f of Commons, .^'fvtSr Riinciman denied the report Mr n,,ivir-n by Germany of Port C'T q r isW to the Southe2
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    • 71 3 fIORKTOBE IAKENINHAND. Local Chamber of Commeroe over-ruled. London, May >:. MS Pmif, Winston Churchill a-erted that Chamber o! Commerce V i,!i* -trontf representations no. S a«i 5 Jm Lt the representauon^ made r,inVthc scheme embodied the wishes c K e,eral trading community. No reason for delay.
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    • 25 3 Lomh>n. May i:. I \o p.m. rhe r »f Oxford will confer, on Friday next, honorary decrees upon jig oner-;.
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    • 48 3 NEWMARKET STAKES. NDOK, Ma> 17, M° am(hi*- race for three-years-olds, colts UK) fillies, 8.1 1, wil run yesterday DOOB at Newmarket and re-ulted Mr.W.B. Vwtfoj*Lmfy Mr. Heinnemann Mmhm 11 lames'- GorgOS 3 Only four" horaet t.m [Burgos, was a of TwoThouiind Guineas c 2nd instant]
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    • 48 3 CONSERVATIVES WIN. London, Mat 17, 1 p.m. The bye eltf on at Duhridl resulted •turn of Mr. Andrew Bonar \;,iv; (C) by 6709 StMM against 5430 Mr. Williamson (L). The vacancy aro>e from the rcsigna- Dr F R. Harris (L') who had igh itncc 1903].
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    • 293 3 Tm. following Circular letter habeen is-ued by Government. To all Planters m Peak: Ighl to the notice of the Hritsh Resident that the infantile which is so deplorably high lalaya, can to some extent be prevented by the ridoption of certain simple DM ;,t mate increase m free
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    • 14 3 Utc yesterday evening two Russian Meamtr^ were lighted coming m from l "c Last
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    • 1528 3 MASTER'S CERTIFICATE SUSPENDED. A Marine Court of Enquiry was held at the Shipping Office yesterday morning to investigate the stranding of the s.s. Beechley m the Wetta passage. Mr. Michell, the Senior Magistrate, presided and the assessors were Lieut Radcliffe, Deputy Master Attendant, I and Messrs.
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    • 410 3 ACCUSED ACQUITTED. The hearing of the case of Odiappa Chetty was resumed m the Supreme Court yesterday morning before Mr. Justice Fisher. Mr. Braddell who appeared for the defence said that he had to make a preliminary objection and quoted precedents from Henderson p. p.
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    • 1100 3 BREACH OF SHIPPING REGULATIONS. Captain Mitchell of the s.s. M Sui Sang" was yesterday summoned before Mr. Nathan m the First Court at the instance of Boarding Officer D'Souza j of the Chinese Protectorate to answer a charge that his ship being a Chinese Immigrant ship did not
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    • 276 3 PLANS ALLEGED TO HAVE BEEN STOLEN. Accordingto the Manila "Cablenews." The plans of the battleship, the "Dreadnaught," have been stolen from the admiralty. An American is suspected of having gained access to the secret cabinet where the plans were filed away but so far this suspicion had not
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    • 188 3 The birching of boys m the Navy las been suspended for a year, and we nust await the result of the experiment. it will not be popular with naval officers, .vho, though no more desirous of inflicting pain than their humanitarian :ritics, continue to believe that
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    • 39 3 The following is the agenda of today's meeting: 1. Minor Offences Bill (Bill "Toconsolidate and amend the Law relating to Minor Offences.") Committee. 2. Municipal Ordinance iBi/> Amendment Bill (Bill "To amend The Municipal Ordinance 1896, Committee.
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    • 59 3 The next meeting of the Chinese Christian Association will be held m the C. C. A. Hall of the Prinsep Street Church on iSth May 1906 at 8 p.m., when the following subject will be discussed, viz: "That this house is of opinion that a S3'stem of Registration of Straits
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    • 57 3 Reuter's Agency wires. By submarine telegraph. MINISTRY NOT EXPECTED TO RESIGN. London, May 17th 1 p.m. The Natal Government has been defeated m the Parliament of the Colony over the Unoccupied Lar.d Tax Bill. The Ministry is not expected to resign m consequence of the defeat, owing
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    • 33 3 ARRANGEMENTS IN PROGRESS London, May 17th, i pm. The Tribune says that arrangements have been m progress for a considerable time towards holding an AngloJapanese naval and military conference.
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    • 37 3 London, May 17th 1 p.m. The correspondent of the Daily Telegraph m Tokio says that Viscount Hayashi has accepted the post of Foveigu Minister there. Baron Komura will be appointed Japanese Ambassador m Britain.
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    • 70 3 SECOND READING IN THE HOUSE OF LORDS. London, May 17th 9.40 a.m. The Colonial Marriages Bill has parsed its second reading m the House of Lords. All the members present were m favour of it. The Bill legalizes m the United Kingdom the marriage of a man
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    • 46 3 POLITICAL AMNESTY INSISTED I' PON. Lon<lon, May 17th 9.40 a.m. The Duma's Address to the Czar is couched throughout m uncompromising terms and concludes with the statement that the Ru*>ian nation It thirsting for full political amnesty which cannot be denied or delayed.
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    • 31 3 TWO MILLIONS CAPITAL. London, May 17 9.40 a.m., The i>roi>pectus of the Anglo-Japan-ese Bank has been issued The capital is only half nt* which will be called up.
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    • 66 3 ABOUT TO BE CONCLUDED BETWEEN THE TWO POWERS London, Ma}* 17th 1 p m. The Daily Telrgraph believes that a statement, said to be substantially true has been made public m Berlin about a conviction to be concluded between Britain and Russia. The convention is reported to
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    • 218 3 Tin mining m Malaya, is, m the opinion of the Yorkshire Daily Observer advancing by leaps and bounds, and there is not a failure a> yet amongst the English-controlled companies operating m that country. The Tronoh has paid successive annual dividends of M t sS.6d, and 6s.
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    • 148 3 It is reported that the Borneo Company has purchased Messrs. Isaacson and King's mining property at Pantai at the remarkably low figure of $6,000. Sydney, April 20 -Mr. Robt. Brough, the "well-known actor, died m a private hospital m Sydney to-day. The immediate cause of death was heart failure, although
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    • Page 3 Advertisements
      • 195 3 PHARQS DISINFECTANT FLUID. An Excellent Disinfectant CHEAP AND EFFECTIVE. We claim PHAROS to be superior to other Fluid Disinfectants being sold at nearly double the Price. Price per Gallon Tin $195 McALISTER Co,, Ld. Sole Importers. f c=> *==x==^= x >^^ OTJB Cadies' Department has been considerably enlarged /B) and
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    • Page 3 Miscellaneous
      • 87 3 COMING EVENTS. To-day. istb May. Higli VVater. C-3O a.m. 7-46 p.m. Legislative "ouncil. 2-30. Municipal Commission. 2-30. C.C. A. 8. To-morrow, 19th May. High water 7-54 p. m. 8-31 p.m. CVerm.in outward mail due. H. I. outward mail due. Polo Club At Home. Tyersall. 4. Theatricals. Memorial Hall. Sunday, 20tb
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    • Page 4 Advertisements
      • 519 4 oo you collect/ J PICTORIAL I CALL AT /G* /iirrs a Co. /Q so*- 2 N*** Bridge Road INSPECT THEIR L ARGI X- STOCK OF NEWLY ARRIVED /HAND COLOURED JE\VELLEI> ARTISTIC CARDS. SEE MUN 12 VICTORIA STREET. SINGAPORE. Cycles Accessories' Rubber Tyro Ricksha wheeis BENZINE LAMPS over 100 Candle po.ver,
        519 words
      • 663 4 D/inrvo. Hongkong Shanghai Banklfif Corporation. PAILMJP CAPITAL $10,000i000 RESERVE FUND:— Sterling Reserve $10l<XX*OOO 1 1O Silver Reserve 9600J000 •Ws.«Wqo R -serve Liability of Proprietors $10,000,000 Court of Di rootora. A Haupt, Esq Chairman. Hon. C. W. Dickaon— Deputy-Chairman fc. Goetz, Esq. I H. E. Tomkins Eso. C. R. Lenzmann, D.
        663 words
      • 549 4 MALAY RECORDS. S Lagu Jalak Lanting T. Kepala Burong H Nandong Sayang Gambos Plemban Sri Rayu Gambo Yuman Mak Dabu f> Noon" I Bangau H Loiikin n Asam Paya n Bunga Tanjong Kuala dua Tengah malam Permata Gambos M Sha'er U In che Mina Che'long Bana D Serarapang Sri Perak
        549 words
      • 260 4 1 a^g? 3 THAT IS I FRASER NEAVE'S AERATED WATERS. On partt Francai* Man Sprecht Deutso EMMERSON S HOTEL AND TIFFIN ROOM. 96 ROBINSON ROAD 96 Open daily from 6 a.m. until 1 1 p.n Board and Lodging. MEALS AT ALL HOURS. The very best Wines and Liquors supplied. Best
        260 words
      • 463 4 j •X*. I." ABLETS. FoFsrLTwST^ PREPAID. Chup Publicity for a/I \vour Wants: Houms, Oodowna etc., Wanted To Let. Situation Wanted d Vacant. Exchange Mart i Day. i Week. Fortnight. Month 25 words or under 50 eta 1. 50 2. 00 3. 00 75 Ct* 2. 00 3. 00 4. 00
        463 words
      • 420 4 IU BE LET, A r To be Let TO LET. Compound luu f H Road, from Mt7»S W town s Urround > d il^jimile^S Terms moderate Coai m trtev T LET. re-.s o,u, t tSSTO^ Wanted. speaking French and DwA^fi?* Applications to be sen" to Be^^ Si Malacca Street. Wanted.
        420 words