Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser, 15 May 1906

Total Pages: 6
1 6 Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser
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  • 1663 1 SCENE OF DEATH AND DEVASTATION. WHOLESALE DESTRUCTION. GREAT LOSS OF LIFE. Following quickly upon the dis-\s- trous eruption of Vesuvius comes news from San Francisco of another visitation of nature, different m charac- i ter, but even more destructive m its effects, says the China Express. Early
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  • 132 1 I he proposals to legalise the killing of sufferers from hopeless disease seems to be taken more seriously m America than might have been expected. A Bill has been introduced into the New York Assembly prpoiding that any person who by world of mouth or by written or
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 260 1 OBTAINABLE EVERYWHERE. John Little Co. Ltd. OTXIR, Cadies' Department I has been considerably enlarged *c rgh and ladies will find it well storked OS) with the newest and mur t fashio- k£^ nable g:oods. THE J. Millinery Department c« f !>> under the charge of an experienced Milliner. the newest
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    • 634 1 P Special 1 Holiday to CEYLON, Newera Eliya 6,200 feet is the most accessible IB hill station from the Straits Settlements. Beautiful Scenery, Magnificent climate, Good Hotels. A Mountain home for Europeans. A health station for invalids. A place of education for children. An attractive holiday resort for Visitors. CHEAP
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    • 20 1 ISiii llilHG TQBJSJfi I :!!^SSSa < t3 I SS^I SINGAPORE J. LITTLC I CO., LTD. f «nd AQENTS. ROBINSON t CO.
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  • 644 2 The Eastern Daily Mail. PRICE 5 CENTS. TUESDAY, 15TH MAY. AUSTRALIA AWAKENS. There are many signs that Australia is beginning to recognize m true earnest that she has before her possibilities of a great commercial future, if only she sets her many products before the mercantile world m the right
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  • 240 2 An article m a recent issue of the Penang Gazette is worthy of the attention of any young men who contemplate entering the examination for Eastern Cadetships which is to be held by the Civil Service Commissioners next July. The gist of the article is that so
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  • 161 2 PREPARATIONS FOR THE FRAY. The building m which the "Duma" will meet is now almost ready for the reception of its guests, and every arrangement has been made for their accommodation says the St. Petersburg correspondent to the "Daily Chronicle." It has even been decided owing,
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  • 132 2 We hear that on Saturday atternoon, an alligator of considerable size was observed off the diving stage at the Swimming Club. Mr. Hookwell, of St. Andrews House, who was there m charge of a mumber of his boys, had a shot at the saurian,
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  • 148 2 There is hardly a king m Christendom to-day whose wife does not overtop him by a head. King Edward is quite six inches shorter than Queen Alexandra. The Czar is overtopped a full head by the Czarina. Kaiser Wilhelm is of the medium height, but
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  • 73 2 There are misguided individuals who hang about to get tips from any jockey with whom they may happen to be on speaking terms. To begin with, it is the business of a jockey to hold his tongue secondly, nine jockeys out of ten are very indifferent
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  • 62 2 Recent investigations have .shown that the consumption of opium is largely on the icre;.se amongst naval officers belonging to the port of Toulon. The Minister of Marine, alarmed at the growth of the pernicious habit, has telegraphed to the Maritime Prefect, urging him to use
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  • 111 2 The Imp. German mail Steamer Preussen left Colombo on Sunday at noon may be expected to arrive here'on Saturday at about 7 a.m. Second LieutenantW.D.S. Brownrigg, Ist Battalion Sherwood Foresters, has passed the examination for which he entered, on the Bth infant. Mr. E. Maber Tozer, advocate and solicitor of
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  • 826 2 ALLEGED CHEATING A CHINESE BANK. Accused Found Not Guilty. j. The resumed hearing of this case was continued m the Supreme Court and lasted the whole day. The charge was that Low Yuk Yee cheated a Chinese B-nk called the Keng Yek Bank by pretending that a sum
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  • 73 2 S. C C. v. TELEGRAPH Last evening the S. C. C. played the Telegraph Co., at rugby, which was somewhat one-sided througout the club having the better players, amongst whom were several Military men, as a result of this the S. C. C. scored two goals and a try
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  • 92 2 The hearing of an Assize case was interrupted yesterday morning for a short while owing to the wails and lamentations of three young Chinese child en who had been ordered to be re^>o-e«l to the custody of the father owing to the alleged misconduct of the
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  • 56 2 Yksterday, May 13th, w.isilie day set apart for the celebration of the jubilee or the India Mission, by the Methodist j Episcopal Church. Thk next meeting of the Chinese Christian Association will be held In the C. C. A. Hall m the ground of the Prinsep Street Church on Friday
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    • 25 2 The hngnsn cumaie po^ courages the growth of ,-S tyel v^sfeeling. unless it be ,i, l[ l<>l^ty 0 nection IXit^^}*!- Saturday Review
      Saturday Review  -  25 words
    • 13 2 Uiechiel occupations „f 7 blt ■roman. le of a vanty Fair
      vanity Fair  -  13 words
    • 9 2 tHE E.R. Pease, in Neue Gasellschaft Berlin
      E.R. Pease, in Neue Gasellschaft Berlin  -  9 words
    • 32 2 i me uiancell.,,- of the Fxclw, w ishes to add to his surnlu. ti??? same time picric our tew at thc fully i^comWnd B^J Wine and Spirit Trade Record
      Wine and Spirit Trade Record  -  32 words
    • 40 2 japan and England u |,i unil briiigmg pressure on China to t J such steps p omp tl y and el)] tl a c would prevent beforehand all uur 1 against foreigners m general^ 1 Times Tokio
      Times Tokio  -  40 words
    • 47 2 »nee shooting from boat. on th, Ihamc. became illegal, there ha°b£ •yeiynurked increase inthenum^ Of scarce b.rds, which were formerfv shotat sig h t Dipper, and kingS fi be i?, mm^ Ul^ common, even the m.ddle readK-s o, our ,ne^ t Sporting and Dramatic News
      Sporting and Dramatic News  -  47 words
    • 48 2 rn-iana. treatment of her hen* affords abundant food for mdanchol, reflection. History does but repeat i self \n the attack which has been directed against Lord Milner. for Z noble party reasons, and upon the flimsiest and Dtltriesl l( j, Diamond Fields Advertiser, Kimberley
      Diamond Fields Advertiser, Kimberley  -  48 words
    • 61 2 twenty millions annually is .pent by visitors to this country and much ot this comes from people who for the sake ot our art tret! thing that can excite their curiosity and induce them to come m numbers is business." The purchased a Rokeby Velasquez (shall we
      The Academy  -  61 words
    • 69 2 lo the English boy the place that holds his mother an kind of hotel, very pleasant as an occasional experience, but havii genuine associations with his true life. This semi-detachment from home and absorption m the school regime seems right and fitting to the British mind, but
      Constance Clyde  -  69 words
    • 70 2 The unseemly compi popularity m British pol I more and more active. A supported by A gig I C major 1 the knee to the Labour Par.', men who mV:e up the najoi themselves Lie slave- at oooc and of party spirit. Ihe weak I don
      Nation New York  -  70 words
    • 83 2 Where i^ the riMiij; generation to find m the English drama the intellectual nourishment to which ii is entitled? In Shakespeare? Why, even M Kiog Lear is mutilated and 1 1 a concession to prudishness and respectability. To expurg would m France be considered is absurd and
      Yvette Guilbert,in Monde Modern Paris  -  83 words
  • 37 2 THE LAWN STAKES Poll Kirn Diomand Si ir Splendid Daylight Meteor Sceptre M vl.ime Meg Excise Privateer Eclipse The Grand Stand Cup. The Idler CndenaFirst Prctou Tease tleros Highlander Proprietor.Excelsior Prince George Malapert Little Ticli
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  • 165 2 [o BlackwHoti Mr Perceval I draws a striking but extravagant pictu 1 of Count Wine, with his unkempt bcaro and moustache an diabl, and wondenu eyes, which are described as "hmbem. inscrutable, mesmeric" The lad weakest of the Emperors Witte hasa ved has laid on him too hard
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 354 2 'Bird's Nest 7 I Cognac S THE BEST BRANDY ON THE MARKET I FOR A MODERATE PRICE. Samples on Application* > ICaldbcck- -I I Macgregor Co. I f SOLE IMPORTERS. THE QUEEN^ Apollinaris Supplied under Royai warrants of appointment to 1/ THE KING pspensarij, I 8 J± BATTERY TtOJ^TD. FACING
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    • 552 3 Capital Capital j Issue Paid p,^.^ Issued. paid up. Value, up. Company. Quotations. GOLD. •136,000 140,000 10 10 Bersawah Gold M. Co. Ltd $12.50 seller* $40,000 10 10 Do. I>o. (Deferred) 8.00 sellers •600,000 600.C0J 10 10 I Bruseh Hydraulic Tin M. Co. Ltd 12.75 buyers $200,000
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    • 27 3 FINANCE COMMERCE. Government Rate 2 4 $60 for £7. The Netherlands Trading Society quoted Saturday the 4/ms bank rate at. 2/4 1/8. The Mercantile Bank quoted 2/4/7/16.
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    • 147 3 On London Bank 4 m/s 2/4 1/2 Demand 2/4 3/16 Private 3 m/s. 2/4 9/16 do. 6 m/s. 2/4 13/16 On (rem.any Bank d/d 2.40 Private 3 m/s 2.44 do. 6 m/s 2.46 On trance Bank d/d 295 Private 3 m/s 3.98$ do. 6 m/s 3.00 4 On
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    • 163 3 Tin 9 100.25 Garabier 7.45 do Cube No. 1 10.40 do do No. 2 9.00 Pepper, Black (ordinary Spore) 2 1 7 5 do White, Fair L. W. 5 p.c. 295. Nutmegs (1 10 to the lb.) 34. do (80 to the lb.) 53. Mace (Banda) 145. Cloves (Amboina)
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    • Page 3 Miscellaneous
      • 998 3 ISHIPPINC NEWS. WTESTARR.VALS. Amherst, Brit. str. 135 tons, Capt mm VESSELS IN PORT. Scott l S ih Ma >'- From Pontianak, nth f•■ May. G.c, and 22 d.p. Wee Bin MERCHANT VESSELS. Co From Pontianak, 15th- Rds. Aytitlua, Brit. str. 694 tons, Capt Umtrskm* Grange, Brit. str. 4,896 Curtis, 14th
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    • Page 4 Advertisements
      • 88 4 John Little Co., Ltd. SPECIAL OS[3 HESE^E OLD VATTED GLENLIVET WHISKY (®9 EDINBURGH. <f9l| CONDON i»7*. lomoom *»6 £xpo*w Jes#rs. f*A«x'Bd/ur& Co 59 Mask Uh? c JOHN LITTLE CO. v. D.. SINGAPORE; Per case of 12 Bottles 10.50 Botol Hifam, Per case of 12 Bottles -9.75 I PIANO for $75,
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    • Page 4 Miscellaneous
      • 476 4 VESSELS EXPECTED. Xauif, Port, Probable date of arrival, and Agents. Men-of-War, &c. Andromeda, (Brit, cru.), Hongkong, soon. Diadem, (Brit, cru.), Hongkong, June. Donegal, (Brit, cru.), England, soon. Duke of Edinburgh, (Brit, cru.) Englaud soon. Natal, (Brit, cru.), England, soon. Thistle, (Brit, g'bt.), Plymouth, soon. Steamers. Ayuthia, Bombay. May- Borneo Coy
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      • 418 4 Polynesien, Saigon' May 21 M. Maritimes. PrinsHendrik, Am'dam, July 2 1 Dacndels. Prinz Heinrich, H'kong, May 28 Behn Meyer. Prinz Ludwig, Hamburg, Sept. 21 B. Meyer. Palermo, Hongkong, June 13; P. O. Peshawur, London, May 19; P. O. Poona, Hongkong, May 15 P. O. Preussen, Hamburg, May 18; Behn Meyer.
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      • 104 5 I,, NP nN, May, 14A 10.40 a.m. R^t^corTesiKin^tmtCoii«Un^ ml on Saturday Bating that C I'-m-Wcplv ...M-rcd to the linn and delimitation of the froncvaC; 1 n" Ambassador. Sir N. R. l^^nsictercd the focn. of the unacceptable and insisted J|^nc«mp' ctcsat&filrtiOllbelllf piVCn
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      • 71 5 ft THANKSGIVING SERVICE For safe return aUer his Tour. 1t May 14, 10.40 a.m. Uis Majesty the King, the Prince ll r n of Wales and their !KiJ ether with other memben fS; and other Royalrhank^.vmg Service m Abbey, for b& <ale reBluejackets also attended. detachment
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      • 86 5 NO PARTIAL CONCESSIONS WANTED. Delimitation should be left with Great Britain. May 1 ith ic-40 a.m. Tribune pet that ou to the Porte, Sir N R. O'Conor will no! I c pe:rr.me<l to allow I vemmcnt to separate tj t I- .vc been tormulated 1 partial rnncessiona
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      • 43 5 INSISTS ITON IMjIALIFIED COMPLIANCE. The Mukhtar's position. May 14. v;c p.m. The Lor. Jon > d other oetrspap lutt "inpliance itum. opinion sound to ospicton that he i l.c Turkish cd. It i that the >or>ner he it will be.
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      • 68 5 THE GERMAN BENZINE >\UV. Seven Hundred pounds indemnity demanded. loon, M:.v 14th 8.2 c p.m. During the 1 of the negotiate Tobah dispute. Germany ted to the Porte a vigorous N<^te demanding 1 tyment, m the first .n indemnity of seven Bterling as compensation for the seizure
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      • 49 5 DEMAND POLITICAL AMNESTY. Also abolition of Capital Punishment LoXDOK, May 14, 10.40 a.m. The Douma met on Saturday, and ;■< t lie- expatiat- ufleriog of the people, ti* v.ut instructed to draft Throne embodying the >r a full amnesty for all al prisonen and abolition of capital punishment
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      • 38 5 Kir wants indemnity REDI/CED. London, May 14th 8.20 p.m. The Porte baa replied promising that those responsible will be punished. 1 lie Porte, how ever, has asked that the amount of the indemnity claimed be reduced.
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      • 27 5 KYACITEI' lABAII ON London May 14, 8.20 p.m. Reuttr's correspondent wiring from yinstaniinoplc on Sunday states that 2* luikish garrison was withdrawn tr °m Tabth.
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    • 59 5 THE NEW DUMA. (Reuter's Agency wires. By submarine telegraph.) WAITING FOR THE CZAR'S AMNESTY. London, May 14, 12.20 p.m. The members of the Duma have declined an invitation to attend a reception given by the St. Petersburg municipality. The ground for refusal was that attending any public entertainment was impossible
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    • 55 5 RUSSIAN PRISONERS REJOICE. London, May 14, 12.20 p.m. At the meeting of the Duma on Saturday, congratulatory messages were read. These messages were from prisoners m the jails. The Duma passed a motion thanking the prisoners. The members cheered on hearing the messages. They shouted
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    • 62 5 OPINION OF DIPLOMATISTS. London, May 14th, 12-20 p.m. Advices from Washington state that Mr. Rockhill, the United States Minister m Peking, has informed the Foreign Secretary's department there of the opinion of diplomatists m Peking regarding the Imperial Customs appointments' decree. These diplomatists hold that the issue
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    • 67 5 PRESIDENT OF THE DUMA RECEIVED BY THE CZAR LoKDOM| May 14th, 12.20 p.m. It it officially reported that Mr. IsmoUky, the Russian Minister at Copenhagen, >ueceeds Count l.r~nsdorff, the Russian Minister for Foreign Aflrah*. Count Lamsdortf hat been relieved of his function^. 11. Mur(i..,zeiT. the President ot the
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    • 33 5 ITS OPPONENTS DEMONSTRATE. London, May 14. 12.20 p.m. A huge Anglican demonstration, as a protest against the Education Bill, VM held m the Albert Hall. The Bishop of London presided.
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    • 44 5 CHINAS OBJECT. London. May 14. 1^.20 p.m. The TttNfl correspondent m Peking ISJI that it is no secret that the appointment of* Chinese controllers m the Imperial Maritime Customs Service aims at -ecuring the Customs revenue for outlay on military reform-.
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    • 38 5 THIRTY REBELS KILLED. London, May 14, 1:20 p.m. There has been a tight with Zulus near Pomeroy. Thirty rebel~ were killed m the engagement. I he rebel kraal- were burned. The Natations had no casualties.
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    • 45 5 SI rUATION SERIOLS. Loyal Natives Murdered. London, May. 14th, 1220 p.m The situation m Natal is apparently more tenon*. The natives m the I'mMn^a district arc becoming restless. Loyal natives have been murdered. Troops are being concentrated at a place called Helpmakaar.
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    • 43 5 ESTABLISHED EDUCATIONAL POLICY IS MAINTAINED. London, May i 2th, 12.20 p.m. Lord Tweedmouth, the First Lord of the Admiralty, announces that it is not intended to interfere with the established policy pursued m the education and training of naval officers.
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    • 29 5 INNISKILUNG DRAGOONS AT SOUTHAMPTONLondon, May 14,8.20 p.m. The Inniskilling Dragoons have sailed from Queenstown, en route to Southampton, at which "port they will embark I' liaHery.
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    • 17 5 London, May 14, 12.20 p.m. The strikes at Rome have come to an end.
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    • 16 5 London, May 14th 12.20 p.m. The Bey of Tunis is dead.
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    • 12 5 London, May 14, 12.20 p.m. Lord Currie is dead.
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    • 667 5 AN IMPORTANT DECISION. A question of considerable im- I portance to shipowners was decided I by Mr. Michell the Acting Senior j Magistrate yesterday. For many years past the Asiatic Petroleum Company Limited have been running their steamer^ between Calcutta and Arve Bay on the North
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    • 541 5 PROPOSED REORGANIZATION OF FRENCH MILITARY FORCES. A far-reaching innovation, winch will alter the whole character of the French army, is m contemplation by the military authorities. M. Paul Doumer delivered a speech of considerable importance m opening the electoral c?mpaign, m which he gave an outline of
      541 words
    • 242 5 CRAZY CHINESE SLAVERY" AGITATION. Writing from Johannesburg to a Liverpool friend, under date March 16, Mr. Rudyard Kipling gives m characteristic fashion his impressions of Chinese slavery." Heading the letter, "This from the tortured Transvaal— Winston holding the tongs afar off." He writes It's a poor situation that
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    • 131 5 THREE CONVICTS KILLED AND MANY INJURED. (Hongkong Telegraph Service.) Shanghai. sth May. An organised attempt was made by the Chinese prisoneis m the Ward Road gaol to escape, at 3 p.m. yesterday. A serious fight occurred In the prison compound between 50 prisoners and 16 warders.
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    • 42 5 Shanghai, 7th May. In addition to those convicts already reported killed m the attempt to escape from gaol, two more prisoners have succumbed to the injuries they received m the fight. The European patients are all progressing favourably.
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    • 34 5 The Board of Trade enquiry into the stranding of the Beechley will !be held on Thursday, 1 7th inst. THE Raffles Girls School celebrate Victoria Day, May 24th, as usual at j 10 am.
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    • 239 5 EUROPEAN CYCLIST TOSSED 3AT KUALA LUMPOR. A sensational accident occurred here yesterday afternoon. Says the Malay Mail of the 1 ith inst Mr. H. W. Davidson, of the firm of Messrs. McAlister and Co., Singapore, was cycling fom Yap Ah Loy Street towards the Padang when he
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    • 84 5 Easter has this year found Germany almost distracted by strikes and lock- outs, affecting m tlie aggregate about 100,000 men. The miners m the central coal basin are out, so are 60.000 men m the metallurgical districts of ThtlringUL To these must be I added the seamen of
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    • Page 5 Advertisements
      • 472 5 lj\ ADVERTISING IS THE SECRET OF SUCCESS.' 9 \V THE tfmperor of India $rm are prepared to undertake PRINTING I MALAY, CHINESE, TAMIL, AND ENGLISH, I cTf* err Turned cut m First class Style at mcdcratcprices I Entertainment work a speciality |j| \Bmperor ofSfndia Shess} i i No. 1 Loke
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    • Page 5 Miscellaneous
      • 498 5 cOMING EVENTS. To-day, Istl> May. High water. 2 -22 p. m. 4-24 a. m Moon. Last Quarter 158 p. m. To-morrow, 16th May. Hi^h Water. 133 a. m. 5.39 p. m. Thursday, 17th May. High Water. 4.57 a.m. 0.43 p.m. B. I. ho.neward mail closes. LIST OF PASSENGERS. PASSENGERS OUTWARD.
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    • Page 6 Advertisements
      • 515 6 SMOKE Bast ittoulmcin Cigars. Owing lo fixity of exchange and a great demand for this br.md of Cigars and having received lari;e consignments ot sa'nc from Moulmein, we have reduced the price, of these cigars. Sub-Agents. Maypole Bar, Tcof Quee Co., Yong Lee Seng, Ghee Soon, Half Way House, Royal
        515 words
      • 655 6 Honjkong Shanghai Banking Corporation. 85&%<3!3?: M^^ Sterling Reserve $10,000,000 IQlt/vl Silver Reserve 9500,000 f ♦190,00,U00 Reserve JLiabil.ty of Proprietors $10,000,000 Court of Directors. A Haupt, Esq— Chairman. Hon. C. W. Dickson- Deputy-Chairman, h. Goetz, Ksq. H. E. Tomkins Esq. r it D- M. Nissim, Ksq. G. H Medhiirst. Esq. F.
        655 words
      • 444 6 n Lagu Jalak Lanting T. Kepala Burong > Nandong Sayang Gambos Plemban I Sri Rayu Gambo Yuman j N Mak Dabu M Noori f U n Bangau M Loii kin I Kuala dua Tengah malam y Pcrmata Gambos v Sha'er U h |"che Mina Che'long Bana P p v w
        444 words
      • 267 6 THAT IS FRASER NEAVE'S AERATED WATERS. On par* Francau Man Spreoht Deuttoh EMMERSON'S HOTEL AND TIFFIN ROOM. 96 ROBINSON ROAD 96 Open daily from 6 a.m. until 1 1 p.m. Board and Lodging. MEALS AT ALL HOURS. The very best Wines and Liquors supplied. B«st German and Pilsner Beers. J.
        267 words
      • 459 6 PREPAID. Cheap Publicity for all \vour Wants: House Godowns etc., Wanted d To Let. Situations Wanted d Vacant. Exchange d Mart. 1 Day. 1 Week. Fortnight. Mor 2 5lwords or under 50 cts. 1. 50 2. 00 3. 5° 75 cts. 2. 00 3. 00 4. 75 >» 'oo cts.
        459 words
      • 537 6 I__ TO BE LET. oo *nd Klour. b >ul H'^ OO 1 UtJ. bed woSfUg** ii; TO LET. Terms moderate a ut >>•« c/o UJL AMAI "W. T 0 LET. es TWOnm. i,-, MOOSE TO LET From ist AoriJ 1 M P«|nd. House, fR -Vfn Ul W 11- w.th airy
        537 words