Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser, 14 May 1906

Total Pages: 6
1 6 Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser
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  • 811 1 MENACING INCREASE OF ALIEN SEAMEN. Co "J r »buting to the M Weekly Des- patch, Mr. F. A. McKenzie says -If I England is to hold her own, we cannot I do without two classes of men— farmers and sailors. The weakly mill hand of Lancashire helps
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  • 99 1 Ihe Education Bill continues to be keenly discussed. In a circular letter to the rural deans m his diocese, the Bishop of London condemns the proposals of the new Bill as unjust, and disastrous to the interests of Church schools and the religious education of children. The Duke Tsai Tze
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  • 420 1 "Mr. Haldine'l statement of military policy when introducing the Army Estimates" says the Rapid Review, showed a clearly thought-out grasp of details. The War Minister laid down no tremendous scheme of Army reform, above a recommcudation reform has been too long the army's bane. Accepting the Navy
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 249 1 CDe Paper for the People. CDe Best Mocrlisina tedium m tDe Straits. John Little Co. Ltd. I n i OUR {jl i cadtes' Department I has been considerably enlarged g_ ng} and ladies will find it well stocked fS) with the newest and most fashio- *L. nable goods. r-p XT
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    • 843 1 I Sastern Oriental SCotel, I PENANG. CH/AO- HOTEL, I PEIMANG HILLS. I Sapkies Brothers, I Proprietors. The "Stationer's Hall," 6, RAFFLES PLACE, SINGAPORE. THE CHEAPEST HOUSE IN THE EAST, FOR EVERY DESCRIPTION OF STATIONERY AND BINDING REQUISITES. PRINTING. 1 his department is replete with up-to-date types and machinery and is
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    • 392 1 Ule guarantee the Carcjcst Circulation of anp paper Singapore. A LADY WHO USED TO FAINT. RANGOON rOURNAUSTS WII E CURKI) OF ANAEMIA AND OTHKR AILMENTS DR. WILLIAMS' PINK PILLS. "Although 1 suffered for several years from Anaemia and it- consequences it was not until -ome years ago that the ailment
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  • 404 2 The Eastern Daily Mail. PRICE 5 CENTS. MONDAY, 14TH MAY. THE LADY NICOTINE. Everybody must at some time or other have encountered the type of fanatic who denounces the use of tobacco as an unclean, immoral, goodness-knows-what-not habit. In truth, tobacco smoking may be injurious if carried to excess—as may
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  • 96 2 Mr. J. B. Elcum, the Financial Commissioner, has gone on an inspection tour through Pahang. On May 6th, there were two deaths, from cholera m Province Wellesley but there were no fresh cases. The total number of cases now amounts to 107, of which 82 have been fatal. Dr. W.
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  • 509 2 By theAmiral de Kersaint, belonging to the Chargeursßeunisline there arrived yesterday about eighty Cambodians of the royal blood, among whom was H. M. the King, Sisawoth. They are on a visit to Europe and will probably leave this afternoon. The tour is under the supervision
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  • 166 2 Selegie Road is apparently the headquarters of some bad characters who annex their neighbour's property, not only at night but m broad daylight. Thieving has been apparently reduced to a science when bulky articles can be carried away without any clue being obtainable as to the
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  • 113 2 A girl said to be 15 years of age has been causing her parents a good deal of anxiety recently owing to he" infatuation for a man whom they, for good reasons of their own, disliked, and she has disappeared from home. The police were communicated with when
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  • 220 2 Tut: Kuala Lumpur string of racers left for Singapore yesterday by the s. s. Selangor. Mr. H. A. Thomson, of the Straits Trading Company, goes home on leave to-day by the German Mail. A considerable number of other Singapore residents leave by the same ship, bound westward. Previous to their
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  • 382 2 ARMAMENT TO BE CHANGED An announcement is expected to be made shortly which will be of great interest to the members of the Singapore Volunteer Artillery the oldest Volunteer Corps m the Colony. It is proposed to do away with the present battery of small ten-pounder
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  • 523 2 FURTHER COMPETITIONS AT BALESTIER. This week end was again occupied m completing a further portion of the S.V.A. Rifle Club third annual meeting. Despite the inordinate length of time which has been con-umed so far m getting through the programme (there is another fortnight to
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  • 54 2 In the Government Gazette m the list of unclaimed letters published by the General Post Office is one addressed MAI Jefe del Correo, Singapore For the information of our r. If. G., the superscription is the Spanish equivalent to the English: "To the Post Master General," or, literally, "The Chief
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    • 35 2 Hie English theatre has on r regarded by the British public! fugefrom thought: and it on| v^i r Iythat a kind o? toteratioST U^ extended to ideas on the *tqZ File Era
      File Era  -  35 words
    • 27 2 taking your neighbour's variously designated as ong the poor; busineJ 2*5 among the middle classes and kW mania or bridae,amo 1|C e P The Queen
      The Queen  -  27 words
    • 40 2 itiubbmgjam on a nun's h£d i s looked upon as a brutal fonnof m midation, what can be said ..f picketing? If the one is to be lc it is evidently ill.^icl t0 p^ other.- Broaa Arrow
      Broad Arrow  -  40 words
    • 42 2 Feminine Self- Censure. nan s innuraanity to nun, which In so exercised the mind, of p philosophers, ii .imply "notacircum stance to woman's candour m .idu-t elating, publicly and m cold prim the faults and foibles of her own sex The World
      The World  -  42 words
    • 43 2 lherc is vr'-v little fear that the British Labour member will lower the tone of the House of Commons the contrary, there is every reason to believe that the latter will haw beneficial effect upon the Labour member. Argonut San Francisco
      Argonut San Francisco  -  43 words
    • 43 2 I he German Navy is justly n. by many Englishmen with' apprehension, not only because it is receiving immense extension, but also t>'.rau-r r. is cona-ntrated at a point whe British coast would be re vAt6 quickly. Harper's Weekly, New York
      Harper's Weekly, New York  -  43 words
    • 63 2 An Anglo-Russian rapprochement i> but natural, If OIK the bottom ot' things, Russia and England have no conflicting essential interests. R ta-k will henceforth be unavoidably concentrated m Kuropc, and England, who U endeavouring to reston pean equilibrium m order to counterbalance German hegemony, requires for the
      Energie Francaise, Paris  -  63 words
    • 53 2 The be-t hunters are probab than were the be-t of any former tion, but the supply is so much below the demand that the prices are I all round tor really weil-» tooled and the rank and tile of second rate an:■uUs are n tthins like should
      The Field  -  53 words
    • 44 2 The damage caused by the eruptioi of Vesuvius is incalculable, w villages have disap] lands, once replete with tic-, are laid Darren. 1 i fortunate people have d the deadly shroud What human power I and happines once called Ca it Italia
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    • 68 2 Lord Milncr is attacked a tew Chinaman were fl his admin istrati >n, but be a great Englishman, (lc patriot, md, m his Imperialist out and out." I a time when such qualities \v< by Englishmen t< and frailties, when much was pard to him who had
      Leader Johaunesburg  -  68 words
    • 43 2 Russia's attitude at Algeeiras canoui be forgotten m Paris. Ami is the more appreciated ttendsto facilitate the rea on lv> i" have been cherished here fors namely, that a rapproachment betwte Russia and England may n« w rapidly concluded. Debats, Paris
      Debats, Paris  -  43 words
    • 54 2 The really up-to-date woman generation should be an adopt iq» cult of flirtation. But flirtatio. unwise game for foolish virginvjw allow it to develop into aftection, say love. They will karn m time th« a^th,. hour ottlKMl,y allare provincial mfact,bour^.i. UieSshion to be philosophic, and ph«^ sophers
      Madame  -  54 words
  • 20 2 I1wE4*or inww.corre.pon interest t>> A r w written oa one Should «SCMd4 hie tot th«opiaum*o< Iim
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  • 237 2 To the Editor ot the E.D. M. Slr> 1 am very glad to infor.n came across a nai-vc w.io know exaOlJ i -cription ot the dog which [I Mtan* was advertised for a **W}^£j£i valuable coluniM of ferinfi a JuitabU njwf given back to the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 332 2 "STAR" HORNFLOUR. I TRIPLE SUPERLATIVE. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL FROM. THOMPSON THOMAS CO. I SINGAPORE. THE QUEEN OF TABLE WATERS IS Apollinaris Supplied umit y Royal warrants of appointment to H.M. THE KING Internationa) fjispensarg, 8 -A. BA.TTEBY ~RO.A.T). r.\< ING RAFFLES SQUARE. The Dispensary is m charge of an efficient
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    • 200 2 {'Bird's Nest I Cognac j 1 THE BEST BRANDY ON THE MARKET I 8 FOR A MODERATE PRICE. I <© I (Samples on Application.) ICaldbeck- j I Macgregor Co. I I SOLE IMPORTERS. LOGATION /fi\j!y (I C Beach Road, /ity/' S &h THE LONDON />} Chronograph Show j 3 a
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    • 544 3 Capita] Capital 'issue! Paid I Issued. paid up. Value, up. company. Quotation*. GOLD. 135,000 140,000 10 10 Bersawah Gold M. Co. Ltd. $12.50 sellers $40,000 10 10 Do. Do. (Deferred) 8.00 sellers *<XX),000 600,00 j 10 10 liruseh Hydraulic Tin M. Co. Ltd 12 75 buyers •200,000
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    • 26 3 FINANCE COMMERCE. Government Rate 2/4 $60 for £7. The Netherlands Trading Society quoted Saturday the 4,lns bank rate at. 2/4 1/8. The Mercantile Bank quoted 2/4/7/16.
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    • 145 3 On London— Bank- 4 m/s 2/4 7/16 Demand 2/4 1/8 Private 3 m/s 2/4 9/ 16 do. 6 m/s. 2/4 4* On I" nt.iiny —Bank d, d 230 Private 3ms 2.44 do. 6 m/i 2.40 On /rwm>— Bank d,d 193J Private 3m- 2-98] do. 6 m/s 3.00^ Ott
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    • 162 3 Tin 98.50 Gambier 7.47J do Cube No. 1 10.40 do do No. 2 f 9-oo Pepper, Black (ordinary Spore),, 31.75 do White, Fair L. W. 5 p.c. 395. Nutmegs (1 10 to the lb.) 335. do (80 to the lb.) M 53. Mace (Banda) 145. Cloves (Amboina) M 33.
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    • Page 3 Miscellaneous
      • 705 3 sMiinniUP aICUIQ S(lrtr Borneo > Dut stt .548 tons, SHIrPINU NtWO. Capt Kockx. 10th May. From BandjerR u massim, 6th May, G.c, and 158 d.p. VESSELS IM PORT. [frp»3g^gs!l.* MERCHANT VESSELS. W*r, Brit. str. 191 tons, Capt Hopkins, 10th May. From Patani, 6th /,m Cnunu; Brit str. A&6 May, G.c.,
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    • Page 4 Advertisements
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      • 97 4 John Little Co., OLD VATTED GLENLIVET WHISKY I REGISTERED I VS9 EDINBURGH. I iOHQOM fM6£XPO*t 46£#TS. f*AMXiIAU£*& Co 59 Ma*k JOHN LITTLE CO. w 0., SllMG Anoß Per case of 12 Bottles *1Q.50. Botol HifamJ Per case of 12 Bottles 975 I PIANO for $75, I and 18 payments of
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    • Page 4 Miscellaneous
      • 475 4 VESSELS HPICTED. Name, Port, Probable date 0/ arrival, and Agents. Men-of-War, &c. Andromeda, (Brit, cru.), Hongkong, soon. Diadem, (Brit, cru.), Hongkong, June. Donegal, (Brit, cru.), England, soon. Duke of Edinburgh, (Brit, cru.) England soon. Natal, (Brit, cru.), England, soon. Thistle, (Brit, g'bt.), Plymouth, soon. Steamers. Ayuthia, Bombay, May- Borneo Co>
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      • 347 4 Polynesien, Saigon' May 21 M. Maritimes. Prins Hendrik, Am'dam, July a 1 Daendels. Prinz Heinrich, H'kong, May 28 Behn Meyer. Prinz Ludwig, Hamburg, Sept. 21 B. Meyer. Palermo, Hougkong, lune 13; P. O. Peshawur, London, May 19; P. O. Poona, Honekong, May 15; P. O. Preussen, Hamburg, May 18; Behn
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      • 60 5 ..■on. M^y 12, 5, 10. p.m. 1 '-fail 1 anibton m command of the X; c !'//,//>, P^mm, and Mtnnvn f^.Port Saul au."ting orders. The ultimatum to Turkey expires at 1 on Sunday, and the flee t will He immediately theren!tr underrtood that there are
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      • 26 5 ANP WILL EVACUATE. 1 n i>on, May 13. >- 6 a-m- -> ,v his vreed to cvacute Tahah J^ oW Places within Egyptian tcrrit'
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      • 75 5 STRIKES SPREADING. Stern Repression Will be Resorted to. l okdo* May 12, 2-15 Pmaem troops and stnkrs have occured at Bologna and tn lips of cessation spread nga! Genoa and Sonnino speaking at the Deputies said that Govern ■ent < Rorously repress the which were being pro «B
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      • 37 5 TAKES OATH IN THE HOUSE OF I < >RDS 1.. sw S, M..) 1 J.» 5 p.m. V. made his first -daj m the House of rt II tM took the ath of all*
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      • 20 5 HOMEWARD BOUND. Majf i 2. T.i 5 p.m. Prince An naught has left now homeward bound.
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      • 30 5 JAPANESE NAVAL MEN BANQUETTED. Lond May ta p.m. f the Australian a banquet at naval visitors from 1 rh, -aid that n Training n have the pleasure Japan.
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      • 54 5 THK NEW EDICT May 1 2.15 p.m. Grey m the I lou>e of Imperial 1 ieh-Liang Chinese Im- 5, said it ca: be that the :.ew cu-tom-ed to introduce any alterto th< functions exer--5 R ben Hart, the pr« 1 ral of tl Imperial ManLegation u» ask
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      • 47 5 >ii< >PS ALL SHUT. Socialist Deputies Resign London, May 12, 3.1 p.m. kc tr< übles continue mjßome All the -l ops are shut Deputies have re-ignec m .1 body mv. t j )e re f usa i o :iiue the employ the strikers,
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    • 188 5 i welcomed the <-oc lapancse jailor, men ben ot Admiral TV cone to take over the t;:;ldinK »<» them on the y; style. In two parties °t 3-: they were on successive days Mown the "sights" and entertained atteruard^ at mu>ic-halls. The whole boo also spent a day
      Rapid Review  -  188 words
    • 38 5 (Reauter's Agency wires. By submarine telegraphy COL. BULLOCK APPOINTED MAJOR-GENERAL. London, May 12, 2.15 p.m. Colonel George Mack worth Bullock C. 8., late chief Staff Officer, Egypt has been granted the temporary rank of Major General.
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    • 78 5 &LLTAN'S PROPOSALS REJECTED. London, May 12, 11. 30 p.m. Yesterday, Tewfik Pasha, visited Sir N.R.O'Cnnor, the British Ambassador m Constant" ople. Sir N. R. O'Conor rejected certain proposals put forward by Tewfik Pasha, and insisted upon absolute com- pliance with the British demands. Sir N. R. O'Conor
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    • 52 5 MORE IRREGULARS ENLISTED. London, May, 12, 2.15 p.m The cruiscr> Dido, I sis, and Phaltrmm have left for South Africa. An additional eight hundred irregulars are being raised at Durban to relieve the restive* already m the field. The punitive column has left Nkandhl.i where numerous Kraals
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    • 67 5 RELEASE OF POLITICAL VICTIMS DEMANDED. London, May 1: 1 1.40 a.m. At the sitting of the Duma, a Deputy named Petrumkevitch made a speech. He >aid that the Duma was bound to devote the first words uttered m free speech to the political victims who were tilling the
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    • 45 5 CONFLICTS BETWEEN TROOPS AND DEMONSTRATORS London, May 1:, n. 40 a.m. Political demonstrations are now generally held throughout the Russian Empire. There have been collisions between the troops and the demonstrator-, at Warsaw, Simbir-k, and K'san. There were many casualties at these collisions.
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    • 23 5 London. May irth 11.40 a.m. It is understood that General A. H. Paget i* leaving Aldershot for Egypt
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    • 36 5 THE COLONEL WILL GO TO EGYPT. LoNr>oN, May i:'!', i 1.4 c a.m. I t I re MJS that Colonel Cuthbert of ragging case fame has been appointed Assistant Adjutant- General iiv Egypt
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    • 67 5 COMMITTEE OF WAYS ft MEANS APPOINTED. London, May 12th 11.40 a.m. Mr. Haldane hns appointed a Committee with Lord Esher a-^ Chairman, to consider the question of how best to give effect to the principles which govern the organisation of the auxiliary forces to form 1 territorial arm}*.
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    • 143 5 TROOPS MOVING FORWARD. Durban. April 19. R.\m> Enlistment. A torce, consisting of 150 men of the Durban light Infantry, 50 Mounted Infantry, 100 Natal Volunteers, and a troop of Natal Mounted Rifle?, with two Maxims, left by train this morning for Eshowe. The enlistment of irregulars i^
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    • 53 5 Y. M. C. A. v C. R. C. The Y. M. C. A. met the Chinese Recreation Club at football on the old Jail site on Saturday afternoon and after a very evenly contested match, retired winners by one goal, which was scored by Day, a full back, off
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    • 626 5 Dumping A Corpse. At 2 a.m. on the 7th instant, P.C. 393 whilst on duty m Cecil Street and saw two men coming out of a house opposite carrying a dead body between them which they deposited on the tram lines. The constable ai rested one of the
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    • 273 5 The committee of the Catholic Association 00 April iS adopted a number of resolutions respecting the Education Bill. In the resolutions, copies ofwhich are to be sent to the Prune Minister, Mr. Birrell, Mr. John Redmond, and Mi. Balfour, the committee pledge themselves to resist to the
      Times  -  273 words
    • 441 5 HOW IT MAY PREVENT FEDERATION. A Colonial, Mr. A. H. Adams, writing m the Nineteenth Century, dealing with the possibility of an Imperial Federation, has come to the mournful :onclusion that "three can be no alliance between a racial aristocrat and his inferiors. So long as the Englishman
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    • 265 5 S C. C. v. GARRISON. On Saturday afternoon the S. C. C. played the Garrison at cricket on the Esplanade. The ground was slippery and wet owing to tlie shower a little before noon. The Garrison batted first and scored 104 out of which Capt. Manby confibuted 32 and
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    • 97 5 What has possessed Singapore But a few brief years ago the bare mention of a bet was anathema, if not even worse. Even visitors to the Race Course could not approach the Totalizator unless they were members of the Straits Racing Association, and many persons m Bangkok
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    • 722 5 TURNED OUT OF TWO HOTELS. New York Indignant. Maxim Gorky, the novelist, who went to New York m the cause of political freedom, is now anxious to return to Kussia m search of individual liberty. All went well with his visit during the first few days, for
      722 words
    • 159 5 SIR W. PEACE' S VIEW. A ZULU WAR UNLIKELY. Sir Walter Peace, formerly AgentGeneral for Natal expresses the opinion i that the present situation m the colony j has come pretty much as a bolt from the blue to the Colonial Government and everyone else. It was impossible, however, to
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    • Page 5 Advertisements
      • 500 5 V) "ADVERTISING IS THE SECRET OF SUCCESS." iv f (Bmjjeror of India $tm I are prepared to undertake PRINTING MALAY, CHINESE, TAMIL, AND ENGLISH, BOOKLETS, CATALOGUES, v mDI, o HANDBILLS, Turned sut m First class Style at mcdcratepriccs Entertainment work a speciality DO NOT FORGET THE jlj Smperor of Zfndia
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    • Page 6 Advertisements
      • 525 6 SMOKE Best inoulmcin Cigars. Owing to fixity of exchange and a great demand for this brand of Cigars and having received large consignments of same from Moulmein, we have reduced the price, of these cigars. Sub' Agents. Maypole Bar, Teng Quec Co., Yong Lee Seng, Ghee Soon, Half Way House,
        525 words
      • 677 6 BANKS. Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation. PAID-UP CAPITAL «10,000,000 RESERVE FUND Sterling Reserve 1 10.000,000 1 q Silver Reserve 9600,000 •195.00,000 Reserve ILiability of Proprietors $10,000,000 Court of Directors. A Haupt, Esq Chairman. Hon. C. W. Dickson— Deputy-Chairman. X Goetz, Esq. I H. E. Tomkins Esq. C. R. Lenzmann, D. M.
        677 words
      • 497 6 I MALAY RECORDS. I u nt^ g t& ng ISSUES?- M n i,A y K GamboYuman MakDabu Noori y £angau Loiikin I::Sr W= g y M rermata Gambos Sha'er U Inche Mina Che'long Bana U Serampang c r p Pr rV. X Pulau Berembon SliS?* X TimbangDaek Anak Av^m Q
        497 words
      • 270 6 THAT IS FRASER NEAVE'S AERATED WATERS. On pirle Franetto Man Sprecht OeuUoh EMMERSON'S HOTEL AND TIFFIN ROOM. 96 ROBINSON ROAD 96 Open daily from 6 a.m. until 1 1 p.m. Board and Lodging. MEALS AT ALL HOURS. The very best Wines and Liquors supplied. Best German and Pilsner Beers. J.
        270 words
      • 473 6 i am. mm, Ilno| PREPAID. Cheap Publicity for all \vour Wants: Houu Qodowna etc., Wanted To Lo*. Situation Wanted d Vacant. Exchange Mart. i Day. i Week. Fortnight. Moi a^words or under 50 cts. 1. 50 2. 00 3. 5° n 75 cts. 2. 00 3. 00 4. '5 n
        473 words
      • 466 6 T BE Ut. °n 2nd Floor i Hk«t _JWy«oGUTHR, Eftr 1 To To BE LET. Krom the t ~T7~, M»l«« sit TO LET. Terms moderate v: ■V'i'ly to TO LET. HOUSE TO LET A ppb' vi NOTICE. that he w „o lo,,ger authori,; into any transaction «hal Cho7. b fe'cf
        466 words