Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser, 12 May 1906

Total Pages: 6
1 6 Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser
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  • 278 1 TREATED AS ANIMATED CURIOS. The Chinese Commissioners now m Europe are the subject of many attentions which we hope will not swell their heads. We read of autograph hunters being on their tracks, and of their being feted here and there and everywhere. The attentions paid to
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  • 200 1 Jabez Balfour, the former head of the Liberator group of companies, was released from Parkhurst Prison, Isle of Wight, soon after daybreak on the 14th inst. A private conveyance containing a lady and a gentleman drove up to the prison gates andtook Balfour, who was wearing private
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  • 151 1 CHOLERA IN THE STRAITS This is what the Cablenews has to say about the few recent cases of Cholera which have occurred here, and will no doubt cause some ot our readers to smile: "According to advices received m this city an epidemic of Asiatic cholera is raging
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  • 151 1 The ways of the strong men of the world are always an interesting study. Bismarck was undoubtedly one of the strong men of his generation, if not the very strongest of them all, and the Deutsche Revue for April has an engrossing article devoted to his ways and
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  • 72 1 The Highland distillers have determined to go for a standard which shall decree that Scotch whiskey must contain a minimum propoition ol 50 per cent of Highland malt whiskey, the remainder to consist of any of the other varieties of malt whiskey or of grain spirit made
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  • 929 1 POSSIBILITIES OF A NEW ARABIAN ROUTE. The responsibilities of Empire certainly involve us in some odd quarrels, and take us into queer corners of the earth. Who ever heard of Tabah before the past fortnight? Akabah we know, chiefly because, in our school days, we have
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 171 1 cdc Paper for the Pcopk. CDc Best Advertising medium m the Straits. John Little Co. Ltd. I High Class Tailoring FOR LADIES AMD GENTLEMEN. j This Department is now conducted under if i the charge of two Experienced J^T LADIES' "Tailor made garments of I TAILOR every de^ription MADE, Perfection
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    • 373 1 I Taman Peng tah wan. t J The only Malay Paper m Singapore t JJ PRINTED IN MALAY CHARACTER Vr _^X PUBLISHED EVERY MONDAY. -> A v .25 U 76 and 77 AR;>B STREET. -4« V y P St 6 SINGAPORE. fr The "Stationer's Hall," 6, RAFFLES PLACE, SINGAPORE. THE
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    • 422 1 P Special Holiday to CEYLON, Ar Newera Eliya 6,200 feet Ois the most accessible hill station from the Straits Settlemeits. Beautiful Scenery, Magnificent climate, Good Hotels. A Mountain home for Europeans. A health station for invalids. A place of education for children. An attractive holiday resort for Visitors. CHEAP RETURN
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    • 10 1 Ulc Guarantee tDe earnest Circulation of anp paper m Singapore.
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  • 379 2 The Eastern Daily Mail. PRICE 5 CENTS. SATURDAY. 12TH MAY. SALVAGING THE SULLY. It wa», m February, 1905, that the fine French cruiser Sully ran on a rock m the Bay of Along, French Indo-China. After various ineffectual attempts to tow her off, and after recognising that if she were
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  • 268 2 Thanks to the Royal Scottish Geographical Society, there is some liklihood that a work of exploration second to few m impori tance may be taken m hand. At the end of the Thibetan compaign, it was proposd that a small, wellequipped detachment should essay the return
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  • 114 2 CENSURED FOR EMPLOYING UNQUALIFIED DISPENSER. At the Central Police station the adjourned enquiry into the death of the daughter of Siow Soon Kirn was resumed before the Coroner, Mr. Gentle and a Jury. The cause of death was recorded is due to misadventure." The Jury, however, added
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  • 269 2 "AFTkR MOROCCO COMES We do not think that undue importance should be given to the subjoined, but it will probably be of interest to our readers to note the fact of its appearance. The article we refer to is by Herr Adolf Stein, the editor of
    China Express  -  269 words
  • 47 2 The struggle between capital and labour which has begun m the northern coalneld of France, threatens to spread to other colliery regions. The men m the Lone mines are putting forward claims for increased pay, which the owners have so tai met with a very firm refusal.
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  • 314 2 THE GANG ROBBERY CASE. Seven Years Sentence Passed. Yesterday, a Chinaman named Chan Ec was charged with being concerned with others m a gang robbery m the vicinity of Serangoon Road on March 23. An additional charge was placed against accused of being found m possession, four days
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  • 117 2 The death of Mr. Lindsay Lennox, last month, m London, furnishes vrt another instance of the vicissitudes of the musical profession. At one time on the pinnacle of fame, he died a pauper m a London home. He was the composer of that popular refrain 44 Love's
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  • 116 2 NOT HIS MAJESTY' S MINISTER. A story is going the rounds concerning Mr. John Williams, the Lab ur member tor the Gower Division of Glamorganshire, He was some years ago ordained a Baptist minister, and still preaohes The other day the hon. member sat down at one of the .linnettables
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  • 112 2 Sir. \V. T. Thistleton Dyer, who has resigned the post of Director of Kew Gardens after 3c years' service m t'uat capacity, is to be succeeded by Lieut. -Col. Pram, from Calcutta. The new occupant of this important post is a man of many attainments with
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  • 112 2 CONNECTION WITH TIUL STRAITS AND SI AM. A project is on foot which will ren :lcr Moulmein a future railway centre »f importance. The railway from Pegu to Moulmein is nearing completion, and low two additional schemes for railway Extension arc being seriously considersd It is reported
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  • 101 2 YESTERDAY'S TIES. Single Handicap J. Zehndcr beat EJ. Gomes— 6-1 6-5. A. E. Coclho beat F. A. Bartholomeusz 6-0 0-2. F. A Peralta vs. T. De. Silva (unfinished.) Double Handicap. E. E. Ryan and A. Vander Beck beat J. Ohveiro and E. Galistan— 6-2
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  • 28 2 Having the largest displacement of any liner afloat, the new HamburgAmerican steamer Kmiatrm Augusta Victoria, of 25,000 tons will make her maiden voyage this mouth, calling at Dover.
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    • 11 2 d'scover a competent crifi Diamond Fields Advertiser, Kimberly
      Diamond Fields Advertiser, Kimberley  -  11 words
    • 19 2 lhc Lducaticui Bi|| m through .Parliament •TthoTSfi!modifications. It converts system into a nur^y of'SuSS Manchester Courier
      Manchester Courier  -  19 words
    • 16 2 arc beUcv^d,,, have gage a woman nurse, but 1 gorina-nu,.es are County Gentleman
      County Gentleman  -  16 words
    • 37 2 mc Lnghsh ideal of a woman tube a dull, placid}, prctt^ C X featured, dignified piece of ,r e S gence, animation, individuality 22 lod^e are not needed vv Arthur Adam in Ninettenth Century
      Arthur Adam in Ninettenth Century  -  37 words
    • 77 2 Soon the advance i;uardofthe \n encan tourists mil be at hand and \Z voice ol the Yankee be heard i,J Z land. Ihe bookings promise to be even heavier than of late wars; and the fir» continent, which ischieflv feminj™ and therefore not pressed for time w ,r
      The Globe  -  77 words
    • 45 2 Announcement is made that a free born American citizen has invented a portable pawn ihop for raceco is understood that many unfortunate punters will regard the three balls a one of the most hopeful sign* with,,: the held ol vision. The Globe
      The Globe  -  45 words
    • 60 2 it it is no longer possible to m business without niakii telephone, is it not conceivable thiu even the balance of private or social life ma\ be upset into the bargain There mat be imagined a time when it will be M no use trying to
      The Spectator  -  60 words
  • 620 2 A PROSPEROUS YEAR. Ihe fifty-second ordinary meeting of the Chartered Ba India, Australia and China was on iftth Apl. at lannoi Hotel, E. C., Sir Mont \g >rnish Turner presiding. The Man M Caleb Lewis) having read the convening the meeting, the Chairman, m the course of
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 300 2 {'Bird's Nest"! I Cognac j THE BEST BRANDY ON THE MARET I I FOR A MODERATE PRICE. J Samples on Application. > ICaidbeck- -I I Macgregor Co. I i SOLE IMPORTERS. J I THE QUEEN Apollinaris M Supplied under Royal warrants <tf appointment to II M. THE KING KIM Company.
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    • 17 2 To Let Hoasa No. 34 and 34- Waterlo Street. Apply to A. T. Esmailjet 189 Cecil Street.
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    • 536 3 Capital Capital I Issue Paid rvn»in Issued. paid up. Value, up. Company. Quotations. GOLD. $135,000 140,000 10 10 I Bersawah Gold M. Co. Ltd. $12.50 seller* $40,000 10 10 E>o. Do. (Deferred) 8.00 sellers $600,000 600.C0J 10 10 1 Bruseh Hydraulic Tin M. Co. Ltd 18.75 buyers
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    • 26 3 FINANCE COMMERCE. Government Rate 2/4 $60 for £7. The Netherlands Trading Society quoted yesterday »he 4, ms bank rate at. 2/4 '/8The Mercantile Bank quoted 2/4/7/16.
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    • 146 3 On London—hank 4 m/s 2/4 Demand 2/4 3/16 Private 3 m/s. 2/49/15 do. 6 m 2/4 13/16 t)n (.mtAinx Bank d/d 2.40 Private 3ms 2.44 do. 6 m,-s 2.46 On trance Bank d/d 2.95 Private 3 m/s 2.984 I do. 6 m/s 3.00^ On India— Bank T. T.
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    • 152 3 Tin 96.00 Gambier 7.35 do Cube No. 1 10.40 do do No. 2 9.00 Pepper, Black (ordinary Spore),, 21.50 do White, Fair L. W. 5 p.c. 30.00 Nutmegs (1 10 to the lb.) a. do (80 to the lb.) 59. Mace (Banda) 145. Cloves (Amboina) 33. Liberian Coffee 21.50
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    • Page 3 Miscellaneous
      • 753 3 SHIPPING NEWS. IATESrARRIVALS. Aramia. Russ. str. 2903 tons, Capt VESSELS IN PORT. Oali. nth May. From Odessa, 19th April. G. c. t:ist Asiatic Coy. For MERCHANT VESSELS. Vladivostok nth-Rds. Asahan, Ger. St. 161 tons, Capt Pet Brit 2454 Fotsvth, May 5 1 ers, 1 ith May. G. c, and 7d.
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    • Page 4 Advertisements
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      • 109 4 John Little Co., Ltd. riSSS^* "™*no? r O i SPECIAL Wj OLD VATTED GLEN LI VET WHISKY xJjSj^Jg^ R*G»ST?EReD /^^y^S^ CSV EDINBURGH, fpl^ LoNOoMJtMa£jrPC*iAs£#TS> fJUM9Snu£WSCm 5S M*»* £j#e r JOHN LITTLE Jt CO. i-0.. SINGAPORE Per case of 12 Bottles 910.50. Botol Hitam, Per case of 12 Bottles $9.75 B
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    • Page 4 Miscellaneous
      • 465 4 VESSELS EXPECTED. Same, Pori^ Probable date of arrival, and Agents. Men-of-War, &c. Andromeda, (Brit, cru), Hongkong, soon. Diadem, (Brit, cru), Hongkong, June. Donegal, (Brit, cru.), England, soon. Duke of Edinburgh, (Brit, cru.) England soon. Natal, (Brit, cru.), England, soon. Thistle, (Brit, g'bt.), Plymouth, soon. Steamers Ayuthia, Bombay. May- Borneo Co>
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      • 339 4 MAILS TO ARRIVt. From Europe -Per N. D. L. Preussen, on Friday, May 18, with Europe Mails of April 22. From China— Per N. D. L Sachsen, on Monday, May 14VESSELS AT TANJONG PAGAR. Wharves at which different Ships are berthed. East Wharf —Nil. Victoria Graving Dock. Nill. Albert Graving
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      • 76 5 FULLY A PPRECIATES FUTURE COMPLICATIONS. no* Upon Present Institutions Reile» vjg lnQ Maintained. London, May nth 6.20 p.m. neech from the Throne, the l!1 rtc'l the Members of the his ardent belief m I^.Vr i-cii-bei,* of Russia 11 aid that the situation was ron,t difficult labours awaithe was convinced that
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      • 29 5 WELFARE OF PEASANTS, AND NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT. Not Freedom alone, but Order required. Lonmw, May nth, 6.*0 p.m. lf especially urged that the needs c;- dealt with.
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      • 91 5 „s DEVELOPMENT WISHED FOR Los 1 n. May 1 1 th, t>.:o p.m. led that the enlightenment meant it- welfare and ncnt. Freedom w not the only requisite based on Law. HIS HOPES He ardently hoped that he would be his son a firm, wellordered
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      • 34 5 STRIKI ARED IN MILAN. TL'RIN AND ROME. No Disorders reported. May 11, 6 .20 p.m. ke movement has commenced m several cities m Italy. proclaimed :thy with the Turin •triko
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      • 24 5 don, May 1 1. '>.?o p.m. to been deLabour Chamber of Rome, but the usual aspect of the ci:v rer >:ed.
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      • 41 5 SLEZ CANAL POSSIBLE OBJECTIVE. Arbitration Proposed. Man 1 ith (1.30-1. In the House of Common--, Earl that the claims put forward by Tlll (Sties far beyond the Tabal: He could not refer to the safety of c fie ,1
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      • 32 5 ADHERI S ORIGINAL PROPi >SAL. May 1 ith, 6.20 p.m. Hie tx <d of defining the t"n>ntted, would be by the aplent of a Commission, as Great had already proposed.
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      • 25 5 RECEIVED IN AUDIENCE BY HIE KING. lon, May 1 1 tli 6.20 p.m. to Europe hn> received m audience by 11. M
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      • 44 5 ARCHBISHOP OF ANTERBURVS VIEW.i. Great field for Missionary Labour. May 1 1 th, 6.20 p.m. lc < anterbury speakthe Society for the I i -I*l said that he considered Japan one of the greatest neids for f u tu rc missionary work.
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      • 27 5 SECOND READING PASSED. London, May 1 1 th 6.20 p.m. B >je second reading of the Educatioi na> been passed by 410 votes tc
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    • 64 5 k l c Japanese inrmatograph in crouH a d continues to attract nous* each night, and the ofit Wl !r° ul doubt, is o,,e of the best for n, thathas visited Singapore eninvak^' yc rs f )asl For chca P thai leevcni »g. onec,niH)t do better SL J.
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    • 38 5 CReuter's Agency wires. By submarine telegraph.; ADMIRAL LAMBTON GOES TO CAIRO. London, May, nth 11.50 a.m. H. M. S. Mittava has arrived at Port Said, with Admiral Lambton on board. He has gone to Cairo.
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    • 55 5 London, May nth, 11.50 a.m. The Postal Congress m Rome has agreed to increase the unit of weight of letters from fifteen to twenty grammes. It has also agreed to retain two pencehaltpenny as the minimum rate of j charge, but every additional twenty grammes m weight
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    • 52 5 ANOTHER ENTENTE CORDIALE EXPECTED. London, May nth, 11.50 a.m. The Kaiser's intended visit to the Emperor Franz-Josef is. being greatly discussed. The visit is looked upon as evidence of the Kaiser's determination to secure the friendship of Austria as set-off to the new entente between France, Ru^ia,
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    • 76 5 CHINESE SUPERINTENDENT APPOINTED. London, May v, 1 p.m. An Imperial edict issued at Peking directs the appointment of Tien-Liang to be superintendent over Imperial Maritime Customs affairs. Tong-Shaois appointed Vice Minister over the Imperial Maritime Customs. All Chinese and foreigners employed m the Customs Department are placed
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    • 40 5 RECEIVED BY THE POPE. LoJTDOU, May ii, 1 p.m. His Holiness the Pope has received the Maharajah of Burdwan m private audience. His Holiness pre-ented the Maharajah with his photograph which bears also the Pope's autograph signature
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    • 90 5 NEW AGREEMENT SIGNED London, May 11, 1. pm An agreement between Britain and the Congo Free State has been signed m London. The agreement annuls the lease of the Lado "enclave" to the Congo Free State. But King Leopold, the Sovereign of the latter will continue
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    • 100 5 BRITISH NAVAL SUPREMACY UNNECESSARY. London, May, 11, 1 p.m. Sir Edward Grey said m the House Common^ that there was never a time when it was less neceasttrjP than at present to insist upon holding naval supremacy, He then «lwelt upon the growing feeling among the
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    • 60 5 WILL BE RECEIVED AT WINTER PALACE. London, May 11, 1 p.m. The Czar and his family have arrived at Peterhoff. The Czar will proceed by the Neva to the Winter Palace where he will ceremoniously receive the Duma. The Czar will then deliver a Speech from the
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    • 130 5 Tin. horse started away through the Square but wag by the Sikh Policeman on dutj* there. Ykvikkday about mid-day a carriage accident, which might have had very serious results occurred in Raffles Place close to J. Little^ Co's Godown. A carriage containing Mrs. Artie Tullv and Mrs Johnson, whilst proceed
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    • 1156 5 NEW MEMBERS SWORN IN. After the reading and approval of i the minutes of the proceedings of the session of the previous week, the acting Colonial Secretary laid the following papers before the Legislative Council at yesterday's session. Additional cor- respondence, anent the Singapore Harbour Improvements, between the
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    • 1053 5 SASSOON CO. M. VAN KLIEFF. j An Opium Gamble Messrs. Sassoon Co. sued Mr. Van Klieflf for the sum of 5393 m the Supreme Court yesterday that sum being the difference between the contract price of 5 chests of Benares opium sold by plaintiffs to defendant tod
      1,053 words
    • 598 5 A DISHONEST RICKSHA rU I—Lfc.K. Before Mr. Scott on Thursday afternoon a ricksha coolie was charged with criminal breach o'" trust m respect of a ten-rouble note. The services of Mr. Listerman were requisitioned as interpreter. Paul Dumarim, a Russian Artillery man said he was a passenger m
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    • 28 5 It is stated that the reply of the Porte to the British Note is unfavourable. The Sultan may, therefore, expect another. We like to encourage the paper trade.
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    • Page 5 Advertisements
      • 317 5 4 "ADVERTISING IS THE SECRET OF SUCCESS," |v (Kmperor of Jtmlia $mn are prepared to undertake PRINTING ill IN MALAY, CHINESE, TAMIL, AND ENGLISH. ETC., ETC Turned out it> first class Style at mcdcratcpriccs Entertainment work a speciality Smperor of jfndia Shess, I No. i Loke Yezv Street, ami S
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    • Page 6 Advertisements
      • 515 6 SMOKE Best ircoulmcin Cigars. Owing to fixity of exchange and a great dcnutid for this brand of Cigars and having received large consignments of same from Moulmein, we have reduced the price, of these cigars. Sub-Agents. Maypole Bar, Teng Quee .S; Co., Yong Lee Seng, Ghee Soon, Half Way House,
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      • 702 6 BANKS. Honjkong Shanghai Banking Corporation. y&S&SSit $lft<WlWo .Sterling Reserve $10,000,000 QKnn Silver Reserve 0500,000 f I^oo,0 00 Reserve ILiability of Proprietors $10,000,000 Court of Directors. A Haupt, Ksq— Chairman. Hon. C VV. Dickson- Deputy-Chairman. I h. C».iet2,hs q I H. E. Tomkins Esq. n S' t en f mann D
        702 words
      • 405 6 MALAY RECORDS. n Lagu Jalak Lanting T. Kepala Burong Nandong Sayang Gambos Plemban Sri Rayu Gambo Yumau Mak Dabu M Noori m Bangau M Loiikin n 1 C aya Bun 8 a Tanjong m v Tengah raalam Permata Gambos Sha'er Inche Mina Che'long Brina m Serampang Sri Perak Pulau Berembon
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      • 117 6 THE SAN FRANCISCO OVERLAND ROUTE. Pacific Mail Steamship Co., Occidental Oriental S. S. Co AND Central Pacific, Union Pacific, Chicago North- Western Railways. ATCHISON, TOPEKA AND SANTA FE RAILWAY SYSTEM. Operating the LARGEST and FASTESJ Steamers on the PACIFIC.) from HONG-KONG TO SAN FRANCISCO. The Greyhounds of the Pacific." Hong-kong
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      • 266 6 THAT IS FRASER NEAVE'S AERATED WATERS. On parle Franoalt Man Sprecht Dtutteh EMMERSON'S HOTEL AND TIFFIN ROOM. 96 ROBINSON ROAD 96 Open daily from 6 a.m. until 1 1 p.m. Board and Lodging. MEALS AT ALL HOURS. The very best Wines and Liquors supplied. B«st German and Pilsner Beers. SCHECHTER,
        266 words
      • 423 6 "E. D. M." ADLETS. FOR SALE, WARtST? PREPAID. Cheap Publicity for all \vour Wants: Houses Godowns etc., Wanted A To Let. Situations Wanted d Vacant. Exchange d Mart. 1 Day. 1 Week. Fortnight. Mon or under 50 rta. 1. 50 2. 00 3. >• m 75 cts. 2. cxj 3.
        423 words
      • 461 6 TO BE LET. on 2nd Floor. y Apply to GUriiuu, n T be Let A Compound Hou* v toGU THRl E4CsU T BE LET, From the Ist j!°use No. ,cs. rSwI,, 3 NAGURDAS PURsfe^ TO LET. Compound house Road, from May rst ie town surrounded US£ l ile W Terms
        461 words