Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser, 10 May 1906

Total Pages: 6
1 6 Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser
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  • 468 1 GOLDITES BEWAIL THEIR LOT. In spite of the fact that the dollar is higher now than it has been for some years past, no one appears to be one penny the better for the enhanced value of our local currency. Hie sterling salaried men look upon
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  • 131 1 The freak dinners of London are silly and extravagant enough, but London has seen nothing quite so bad as the baby dinner which took place m Baltimore the other evening. Mrs. Alexander Brown's magnificent ballroom was turned into an immense nursery. The men came m knickerbocker>, the
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  • 152 1 KLJROPATKIN'S BOOK. Gen* Kuropatkin is engaged busily on his great work dealing with the late war m the Far East. This work is really a report on the war, and will be m tour parts. The first part, which comprises the various engagements up to the
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  • 138 1 Suggestions for the holding of a great International Exhibition m London m 1908 were made m the House <>f Commons on 10th ulto and from the nature of the statements made by Sir Henry Campbell-Banncrman, it is cvi dent that Government have given the matter some consideration.
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  • 793 1 One curious fact attending recent submarine explorations is afforded by the light, which forms a strange blend of green and violet light, the colour being a little similar to thai of the caverns which arc to be seen m icebergs. At a depth of 33 yards the
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  • 203 1 HECTOR Mac DONALD AND KUROKI. Rudyard Kipling; by lifting the veil a little, lias shown us what strange things are said m the ha/aars m India. The greatest of all is the one which is believed by every native m our Kastern Empire namely, that General Kuroki,
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 335 1 Che Paper for tin PeopleOK Best Hdocrnsina Medium m tDe Straits. John Little Co. Ltd. I fr I cnl c some Reasons Why r I oULL i&r agents Rnrkp'^; t Per Case of L>UI IVC I 4 doz. Quarts Guinness* 16.75. Jf" SfOllf Per Case of •< Kf 8 Doz;
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    • 597 1 j^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^.^^.^.^.^.^^ jQ Special Holiday to I Taman Pengtah wan I r N CEYLO 1-M M~ Newera Eliya -f The only Malay Paper m Singapore k- fo 200 feet PRIJVTFD F\ T MAT AY CH A P ACTF J? W~ is tlie most accessible _v, fKiJMIiLU U\ MALAY LtiAKALILK. n rm
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    • 10 1 Ule Guarantee the Cargest Circulation of anp paper m Singapore.
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  • 459 2 The Eastern Daily Mail. PRICE 5 CENTS. THURSDAY, 10TH MAY. RUSSIAN FREEDOM. h rom Reuter's wires we learn thai the Taurida Palace, the place m which the Russian Parliament will assemble, has been blessed amidst much pomp and ceremony blessed, no doubt, m ••holy anger and pious grief by the
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  • 341 2 MAHOMMEDAN DISTURBANCE. Nobody who has followed the i recent course of events m which Turkey has had a hand will, we j venture to think, deny that present happenings appear to indicate forthcoming disturbances throughout the Mahommedan world. First of all came the Morocco imi brogrlio: this after all was
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  • 285 2 On Tuesday night, the band oi the Sherwood Foresters, of whom we hear far too little m public, serenaded a large concourse of people m the Botanical Gardens. The moonlight and the music combined to make the evening a most enjoyable one. This is one of the
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  • 151 2 On the 25th June next, the members of the Teuton ia Club will hold a fancy dress ball to cele- brate the fiftieth anniversary of I the Club's foundation m Singapore, and invitations to this plea- aant function have already been issued. We all know the thoroughness
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  • 90 2 The police report that between Sunday evening and Monday burglars broke into Messrs Alsagoff and I'o's offices m Battery-rd and stole nearly a hundred amber cigarette and cigars holders with some pipes and goods m all valued at £256. The thieves gained access to the premises
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  • 650 2 L EXEMPLARY PUNISHMENT AWARDED. Yesterday, before Mr. Bailey, Registrar of Hackney Carriages and Jinrickshas, Marimuthu, hack syce No. 171 was charged with. 1. Demanding more than his legal fare. 2. Using insulting language to his fare. The complainant, a European gentleman residing at fanjong Katong deposed
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    • 21 2 Bnt.sh populate of jh^V^ the discover a competent t;" 1( strange coinrulcu,, tMHJ.i London rt v ack
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    • 22 2 a point when the cosY of l^T**^ danger ,t not paralyse I enterprise o < the chief riu? 1 tiah£mpire /:</,,/, t:
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    • 29 2 Baimcrman's strong leaded" taken the fac, thaf s£rS? tions were laid before the 5£ Common*, O ne by thr r voted fo, the b.ttei V, holm. Uagbla*
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    • 36 2 but French, German, Awri£ I?..*"' and Russia aU(li M(^ SftJ^ then- ntelligence to he iLfift dramatic a,t that does not caUfortfe exerc.se of their mental docs not move their souls V Guilbert, m Monde
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    • 50 2 Ine Government S( c of capable men, the (.nv^t Zv k ff 1 a Ci<i opium smoking habit among the officials ohS will be tallowed a fixed time in whkh get rid of the habit, and all expecL offidali will be given leave o'aK, cure themselves. Sort Hongkong.
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    • 46 2 M^- Clifford sneaks of us Romanists. &ut Catholics d< ot members of th« Establ ihedChurcJ ■s*Canterburyists,"bccau* bishop has hn see there Qo Cliftord as a Westbounx G cause his chapel happe uiated m those head-quarters of cheap jewellery and servants' underc! I T<\blft.
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    • 76 2 me stately lite and i npkHtc commonly go together It is not Tiraon ot Athens but Sir Gorgius Midas who wants suppressing Costly gems and tine apparel have their place m a king. dom of righteousness, which otherwise i- apt not to rise above I the back-pariour.
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    • 67 2 Ihe British House of Commons is supposed t'> be m a sj guardian of the taxpaye s 1 money, but the House has accepted the principle that the nation mv children who attend ek without making even an efl tain the co^t ot the expel argu:nent> u><ed m
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 559 2 KIM Company. floofo, etc., recently received, 28th April, 1906. Everyman s Library, Everyman's Library, Cloth Edition. Leather Edition. Tennyson's Pams I The Golden Book of Coleridge vanhoe O Poems, Robert Browning 1844.. 864 Discovery oi the Source of the Nile < Ravenshoe x Th St v°v tl i ce A
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    • 47 2 WANTED. RANTED a Chinese Clerk, one who can work a typewriter preferred Apply Z. co "E. D. M. f Wanted. A Competent Salesman with general knowledge of the Singapore Bazaar, Either Eurasian or Chinese Apply by letter with Copie> of testimonials to N. c/o E. D. M.
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    • 359 2 WHAT OUR READERS THINK. The tditor iovUm ;niere.«t to l>. M m written "n <'x>u.'l f\' eel ble '.ie opM RULES AND REGULATIONS AS TO MOTOR CARS Sir.— Can anyone infoi m DM as laid dowa by the muni< ipality, 1 have been (and still am for the m impression
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    • 407 3 Capital Capital Issue Paid Issued. paid up. Value, up. <-OMPAny. Quotation!. GOLD. t136,000i 140,000 10 10 Bersawah Gold M. Co Ltd tiscowiw. TIN. J160.000 99,000 10 10 Kuantan Tin Mining Co. Ltd $M 7«; sales !S i MM I i QueeM X Raub d M co^- i£Z
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    • 29 3 FINANCE COMMERCE. Government Rate 2 4 $60 for £7. The Netherlands Trading Society quoted yesterday f he 4/ms bank rate at 2/4 1/8. The Mercantile Bank quoted 2/4/7/16. 1
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    • 139 3 On London Bank 4 m/s s/4 Demand 2/4 3/16 Private 3 m/s 2/4 o/i<S do. 6ms.. 2/4^ On (rerrt.atn Rank d/d 2.4 c Private 3ms 2.44 do. f* m,s 2.46 On b ranee Bank d/d 2.95 Private 3 m/s 2.984 do. 6 m/s 3.00^ On Indta -Bank T.
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    • 161 3 Tin 9 95.00 Gambier 7 35 do Cube No. 1 M 10. 62^ do No. 2 10.00 Pepper, Black (ordinary Spore),, a 1.50 do White, Fair L. W. 5 p.c. 19.50 Nutmegs (i 10 to the Ib.) do (80 to the lb.) 59. Mace (Banda) M 145. Cloves (Amboina)
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    • Page 3 Miscellaneous
      • 486 3 SHIPPING NEWS. VESSELS IN TORT. MERCHANT VESSELS. }lav€f>hani Grange, Brit. «tr. 4,896 ton>, Ccipt. Howe, 27th Apl. From \laiivo-tock, 14th Apl. 3,539 troops. for Odes** U.-Rds. Ttresa, Brit. str. 753 tons, Captain j OIICS -7th Apl. From Gorontalo, Apl. G.c, and d.p. Wee Bin For Gorontalo, U. Rds. fir cor
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      • 473 3 <V. G. Meyer, Dut. str. 442 tons. Capt. Vos, 9th May. From Palembang 7th May. G.c, and 43 dp. Hock Seng. For Palembang, lath— Rds. Hye Leone, Brit. str. 295 tons, Capt. Perry, 9 th May. From Teluk Anson, 6th May. G.c,, and 87 d.p. Straits Steamship Coy. Ltd. For
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    • 135 4 Mr. H. N. Ridley writes a- follows to our Selan^or ronremporaty It may be as well to warn planters to keep an eye on their rubber nurseries, as there ha^ arisen an export trade from Singapore to Dutch Colonies m rubber .seedlings. Thefts of seedlings
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    • Page 4 Advertisements
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      • 82 4 John Little Co., Ltd. OLD VATTED GLEN LIVET WHISKY (^9 EDINBURGH. (%M$ lomoom/tmd £xpo#t Ag£*ts. f*Ajftr'&AU£r& Cq 59 A/*** U*e c JOHN LITTLE CO. 0., SINGAPORE Per case of 12 Bottles £10.50. Botol Hifam, Per case of 12 Bottles *9.75 I PIANO for $75, and 1 8 payments of S2O
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    • Page 4 Miscellaneous
      • 496 4 VESSELS EXPECTED. Maine, Port, Probable date of arrival, and Agents. Men of-War, &c. Andromeda, (Brit, cru.), Hongkong, soon. Diadem, (Brit, cru), Hongkong, June. Donegal, (Brit, cru.), England, soon. Duke of Edinburgh, (Brit, cru.) England soon. Natal, (Brit, cru.), England, soon. Thistle, (Brit, g'bt.), Plymouth, soon. Steamers. Alesia, Hamburg, June 9;
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      • 273 4 MAILS TO ARRIVE. From Europe- Per P. O. Devanha, on Thursday. May 10, with Europe Mails of April 19. From China— Per P. O. Oceana, on Saturday, May 1 1. LIST OF PASSENGERS. FOR SINGAPORE. Per P. O. s.s. Moldavia connecting with the steamer Oceana at Colombo, from London April
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      • 44 5 CHANNEL FLEET DRESSED. London, May, 9th 1.25 p.m ]C Channel Fleet at Spithead wtm (1 ujt i- busting to welcome the R H. the PlriliCC and Prince— ol Wales. The Royal children boarded H M. S. Renown ai nineo'dock yesterday morointt
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      • 45 5 LONDON ACCORDS SEMI-STATE RECEPTION. H m lilK KING AND OTHER gOYAI riES AT STATION. Loud May <)th 1 25 p.m. Tlic Royal party immediately took London where 1 semi-State eld > throne had gathered at II M. the King, touith oth< Royalties, were on the m.
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      • 40 5 CLERICALISM CONSIDERED DEROGATORY. 1.-5 p.m. corge < ntinued hi^ dc- Cbmmom on the 11 and added that the DeParty had come to the conclut nemy «raa Clericalism, for had resolved to rally around the V llarist Britain waa
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      • 30 5 KAISER lO ISI T EMPEROR. Meeting Arranged for June. London, Ifaj th 1 ;>.m. It has been arranged that the Kaiser will vi-it Emperor Fnu ol Au>Schoenbnia
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      • 40 5 CONSTERNATION AMONG THE LIBERAL RANKS. Their Meeting closed. v M;.\ til 1.15 p.m. Ie by the Czar m the he announced that new would be promt: and I 'uma. This incement created the m the Liber-
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      • 19 5 A> RA IK CEREMONIAL. Loxdox, Majf i.r; p.m 'uma take- place and will constitute monial.
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      • 25 5 PR< LLED IN. Lond May t>th 1.95 p.m. is held m St. Peterswhicti there were of the Duma. led m who broke up
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    • 27 5 received from the Secre Affairs the following ibscriptkxis to lapanesc Subsci ptions previously announced. Mr. Xg 0 Siu Tin ,00 an" 100 Total t»v43|
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    • 124 5 mm 'bscrver" loses patience SS. S"9 m the traits for reforms rWks !n SiamCBe Mala Va> U h l]y J^MtoX the Straits papers do not jyto.know is that the Government g .^ngkok has also been strongly m E? rof a progressive policy both m s«n, and m the
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    • 31 5 (Rutcr's Agency wires. By submarine telegraph.) TO DELIMITATE TURKISH FRONTIER. London, May 9th 1 1 a.m. 1 J ne Persian Commission has left leheran to delimitate the Turkish frontier.
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    • 48 5 KING CAPTURED AND ENEMY DEFEATED. London, May 9th, 12.30 p.m. Reuters correspondent at Zungern m Nigeria states that there was five hours street fighting at Nadeija on May 3, after which the enemy were defeated and their King captured. There were no British casualties.
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    • 19 5 London, May 9th 12.30 p.m. The authracite coal dispute m America has come to an end.
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    • 32 5 BIG INCREASE IN IMPORTS AND EXPORTS. London, May 9th 12.30 p.m. The imports into the British isles for April showed an increase of 3$ millions, and the exports, three millions.
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    • 42 5 GREAT LOSS OF LIFE AND PROPERTY London, May 9, 12.30 p.m. There has been an immense flood m the Province of Hunan m China, accompanied by great loss of life and property. All foreigners m the district are safe.
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    • 34 5 IMPOSING CEREMONY. London, May. 9 12.30 p.m. At St. Petersburg the ceremony of blessing the Taurida. tlie house m which the Douma will meet, baa been performed with the greatest jwmp.
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    • 28 5 WARMLY SUPPORTED BY THE PRESS. London, May ;th. 1 1 a.m. The whole press warmly supports Sir Edward Grey's attitude on the Sinai question.
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    • 59 5 REACTIONARIES CRUSHED. London, May 9th 12.30 p.m. Fhough the reactionaries m France have been crushed, the elections of socialists have not made sufficient progress to threaten the stability of the Republican block, which is stronger than ever, dispite the uproar on the subject ot church inventories. The
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    • 51 5 FLEET TO BE RECoNS TRLXTEL). London, May 9th 12.30 p.m. The Tsar, m a L'kase to the Minister of Marine, orders the prompt reconstruction of the Russian fleet with a view to its greater efficiency and indicate- reforms, chiefly m the establishment of a ssparate mobilisation
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    • 51 5 WARSHIP ACTIVITY. London, May 9th 12.30 p.m. The cruiser* Arrogant and Amethyst which were at Gibralter, have been Middenly ordered to sail it is believed for the Levant. The cruiser Minerva has left the Piraeus it is believed for Alexandria. The DUmmm has sailed with the Woicestershire
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    • 67 5 EDUCATION IN CHINA. Examiners re-called. Peking, joth April. Owing to the modification m the methods of teaching m the Chinese schools throughout the Empire to conform with those of Western schools, the Peking Education Department has memorialized the Throne asking for the abolition of the post of
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    • 92 5 A Marine Court of inquiry well be held shortly to investigate the circumstpnees under which the steamer Beechlev stranded m the Wetta Passage. The Becchley, it will be remembered, only got off the rocks after jettisoning a large quantity of cargo. She arrived here on Friday last, m
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    • 859 5 [By Augur.) Judging by the number that put m an appearance m the race course m the early mornings, the interest m the forthcoming races is apparently on the increase. Interesting work has been done on the alternate fast mornings altho' up to Saturday very few houses have
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    • 369 5 THE OUTBREAK SPREADING DRASTIC MEASURES AT TANJOMC PACAR, The cholera outbreak is still with us. After subsiding almost to vani- shing point, a week ago, the disease has again appeared m several parts of 1 the town, and the Municipal sanitary I staff has had plenty to do
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    • 496 5 FURIOUS CYCLING. On the Ist May last a Chinese Baba was seen scorching down Waterloo Street on his bicycle. Mr. and Mrs. Hagedorn were passing m a ricksha at the time, and the scorcher cannoned against the ricksha with such violence asto upset it, Mrs. Hagedorn sustaining some
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    • 896 5 I ACQUITTED BY JURY. But was re-arrested on leaving Court. The further hearing of the above case was resumed yesterday the first wit- ness called was Francis Rodriguez. He said he was step-brother to the accused. He went to the station on the night he was arrested
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    • 678 5 YELLOW CITIZENS OF OUR EMPIRE. (Continued from our yesterday Issue). Probably as soon as he has left school he marries. His wife is a btraits-born Chinese girl. The ceremonies last for weeks, and Europeans are invited on a given day. The tin" pride comes before them arrayed
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    • Page 5 Advertisements
      • 211 5 ORIENTAL HOTEL! 596 E-D NORTH BRIDGE ROAD, This Hotel Just Opened. Draft Ale and Stout, and all Wines and Liquors of the best quality, at moderate prices. I R. 808, I I One of the Fin.tt and Largest I Electric Fan* m very todroom 1 Buildings m Fenang CHitlnt anil
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      • 129 5 SALE Of PROPERTIES. The following allotments were sold by auction at Powell Co.'s Sale room on Tuesday afternoon. Thirty nine building allotments situate off Bukit Timah Rroad, Singapore, near Cluny Road Railway Station and forming part of Choa Lam Kstate, area ***** square feet, leasehold for 999 years. P.A.P. Palaniappa
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    • Page 6 Advertisements
      • 507 6 SMOKE Best ittoulmcin Cigars. Owing to fixity of exchange and a great demand for this brand of Cigars and having received large consignments of same from Moulmein, we have reduced the price, of these cigars. Sub* Agents. Maypole Bar, Feng Quee Co., Yong Lee Seng, Ghee Soon, Half Way House,
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      • 685 6 BANKS. Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation. PAID-UP CAPITAL $10,000,000 RESERVE FUND:— Sterling Reserve $10,000,000 tig Silver Reserve 9500,000 I *>. oo .°oo Reserve ILiability of Proprietors $10,000,000 Court of Directors. A I {.mpt. Esq Chairman. Hon. C. W. Dickson— Deputy-Chairman. E. Goetz, Esq. H. E. Tomkins Esq. C. R. Lenzmann, D.
        685 words
      • 560 6 MALAY RECORDS. Lagu Talak Lanting T. Kepala Burong Nandong Sayang Gambos Plemban Sri Rayu Gambo Yuraan H Male Dabu Noori Bangau Loiikin Asam Paya Bunga Tanjong Kuala dua Tengah malam Permata Gambos Sha'er M Inche Mina Che'long Bana f Serampang Sri Perak Pulau Berembon H Kronchong f Timbang Daek Anak
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      • 263 6 FRASER NEAVE'S AERATED WATERS. Phoenix Assurance Company Limited OF LONDON. The undersigned have this day been appointed General Agents for the abovementioned Company for the Straits Settlements, Federated Malay States and Johore, and are prepared to issue Policies of Fire Insurance at current rates of premium. Guthrie Co., Ltd. On
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      • 463 6 "E. D. M." ADLETS. FOE PREPAID. Cheap Publicity for all \vour Wants: Houses, Godowns etc., Wanted To Let. Situations Wanted Vacant. Exchange Mart. i Day. i Week. Fortnight. Month 25* words or under 50 cts. 1. 50 2. 00 3. 00 5° 75 cts. 2. 00 3. 00 4. 00
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      • 463 6 SALE, WANTEdTetcT TO BE let. on 2nd Floor. ld ">^- I*, Apply to GUTHRie ft v Applyt )(iL 'iHKIK^ UU( TO BE LET, Krom the ist Anril hoiise No. IoS i< )U l1 l F»f»*A Ser-Moo, Road, %*,£s* "AGURDAS PURS^MDAS -'.Malacca Sti*, TO LET. Compound house No r <oad, from
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