Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser, 9 May 1906

Total Pages: 6
1 6 Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser
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  • 445 1 CHANGED ATTITUDE OF FOREIGNERS. According to the story of a Japanese who recently returned from a tour of commercial and industrial inspection abroad, a remarkable change of attitude is noticeable m the reception of Japanese by manufacturers m Europe and America. Formerly every convenience and freedom
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  • 183 1 Poker, with the novelties introduced into it by a Hampstead butler, as described m the Daily Mai/ is too one sided a gamble for most of Us, and the old fashioned Jackpot is likely to remain more m favour than the new Jamespot. James was a
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  • 136 1 Joseph Jefferson was a strong believer m early marriages, and never missed an opportunity to impress his convictions upon young men. In an address at Yale he said I abominate bachelors. The older they grow the more conceited they become. I was talking to one, and I asked
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  • 92 1 An interview with the Sultan of Turkey has its amusing side. That Monarch is not supposed officially to know any language but his own. An interpreter thunders his questions at the visitor, then cringes with awe as he listens to the words of his roynl master. The contrast is
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  • 977 1 We take the following from the Hongkong Telegraph which appeared under the heading An Iconoclast Display." We only hope that the cap will m no single instance (it locally One of the features of the gymkhana on Saturday afternoon was the Ladies' Nomination Race, and it served to
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  • 32 1 Tin approximate output of tin from Pronoti last month is estimated at 3,000 pikuls, valued at, approximately, $168,000. The work at the mine m satisfactory and the heavy rains caused no interruption.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 345 1 CDc Paper for the People. Cbe Best rtdccriisincj medium m tDe Straits. John Little Co. Ltd. I r "onTr" 0/77e Reasons Why .Vr SOLE J K^ agents Rurke f^s t Per Case of 1-WI IVW O J 4 Doz. Quarts GllilineSS* 16.75. Stout I Pep Case of *—J VF Ul^.
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    • 607 1 |J Special Holiday to I Tainan Pengtahwan I CEYLON w fr A. Newera Eliya i* The only Malay Paper m Singapore 6 > 200 feet PRINTED fN MALAY CHARACTER is the most accessible 1 PUBLISHED EVERY MONDAY. j- U.sLusShJS! le K~ Beautiful Scenerj', Magf Proprietors, U~- nificent climate, Good Hotels.
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    • 10 1 Ule Guarantee the largest Circulation of anp paper m Singapore.
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  • 337 2 The Eastern Daily Mail. PRICE 5 CENTS. WEDNESDAY, 9TH MAY. THE UNSPEAKABLE TURK. The question of the hour is, will the Sultan "climb dawn" and evacuate the ft- w square miles of desert which lie has annexed within the British sphere of influence on the Egyptian boundary? Pressure is being
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  • 240 2 The native rising m South Africa is rapidly assuming serious dimensions. By yesterday's wires we learn that thecampaign has been opened m real earnest, some two hundred Zulus having come into conflict with the vanguard of the punitive expedition sent to quell the revolt. We are told
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  • 329 2 We had thought that the now defunct "Zoo" m the local Botanical Gardens was chiefly famous for its general smelliness and for its lack of really representative specimens. But if we understand Mr. Ridley's 1905 report aright, visitors who went to the Gardens m that year were
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  • 120 2 LHL'GE CASE OF TYPE COLLAPSES. An accident which might have led to serious loss of life took place yesterday afternoon about 4. 30 at the offices of the Methodist Publishing House, Raffles Square. A hu^e case containing approximately two tons o( type and printers accessories,
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  • 137 2 TRIED TO DRIVE HIS WIFE INSANE. A Newark lady has sued her husband for separation, alleging novel grounds of cruelty. He talked an impassioned love speech, addressed to a young lady friend of whom she was jealous, into a large phonograph, which he placed nightly outside her bedroom
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  • 53 2 lvi "Mining World" says: The tin mines of the Malaya Peninsula are, if the expression can be used, M bricks at declaring dividends. Here are New Gopeng Tin Mining Companies, each declaring a dividend and distributions, the Gopeng shareholders have had 1 8 and those of New Gopeng eight— with
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  • 116 2 A performance entitled His Excellency the Governor" will be per formed at the Town Hall on the 19th 2 2nd and 26th inst. The piece to be staged is said to be full of laughter provoking mirth and the participants will be local am iteurs. A
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  • 341 2 S. C. C. V. Both Co. R. G. A. On the esplanade yesterday afternoon, m fine weather, and before a fair number <»f spectators the S.C.C. played the Both Co R. G. A. at hockey. The Club defended the Cathedral end and started with three players, short, but the
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  • 150 2 A sensational affair took plaoe recently m a train proceeding trom Lyons to Avignon. A passenger named Rodier, 35 years of age, who was returning from Lyons, whither h<_ had been to buy a horse, suddenly went mad between Mondragon and Pioleuc. He fired two revolver
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  • 137 2 DALNY LIKELY TO BE A FREE PORT. The Jiji states that although the Japanese Government has apparently not yet come to any decision as to the commercial conditions which are to be established m the Liaotung Peninsula, the opinion is gradually gaining ground m ofiicial circles
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  • 131 2 ANOTHER HEROIC SERVANT OF LEPERS. Father Algue, director of the weather bureau at Manila, has ju^t established a branch observatory at the leper settlement on Cuiion Island. He took vvitii him from Manila, Father Manuel Valles, a Jesuit missionary who has lived m the Philippines over 20
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  • 74 2 THE FINANCIAL CRISIS. It id now estimated that the deaths at San Francisco will exceed I,^oo. The bodies already recovered include those of a few Japanese victims. The survivors are now camped m the Presidio Park. Many insurance companies are likdj to fail. The United States Mint istoadvancc
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    • 8 2 Engtand, and I,' X'"«.K C f
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    • 10 2 proved, power&i %ha, AroughojUthc M,,,,,.,. [>er>r, j
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    • 16 2 among o&er sights, j ComTKins. Thevu House i,f Punch. Mt(ln the time
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    • 9 2 man marries the rirl i,, t!<
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    • 35 2 n\ c Din ui ft > cxtrcmi-lv 1 so much that ",n, e n p ;t^^ nuated before th, v? o into ran designed and authorised at I p^ time. Pltt^i^NcwOrie^ 11 8
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    • 13 2 ik. wiunies, says tlio "N ata M Federation-againsi the MotheS^
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    • 29 2 Distrust ofthe Mherentin die Liberal imenL Manchester Conn r. If the Hov e of Commons Proves Little Egl ;di sm th^Kmic will fall to pieces. HailKris&ac
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    • 70 2 me present II one of the most voluble on While it is much less long-winded that its predecessor, a mnr „.-o por. tionol members take part m the debater So rarju (-ballot total House -336 m to be exact -have addressed tl c isaenbly. rhc proportion of
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    • 61 2 i nere is no cause tor alarm m N on account of tbc whit Ihe troop, will c against Bambaata, who, the difficult characti ]n(rv should quickly be br ugl m. I lesson, however, may be learnt fa* these sporadic ea desirable to reduce ai y furtl
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    • 50 2 I think I haw g with my life, something, whirl' I made it easier Un- the poo iiig, and the outcast to and themselves. Foi myself, I stay much longer on I great and glorious will g other commanders who v\ me, -General B n Width Dispatch.
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    • 48 2 An entcrjx seller ii I mocratic E ist h shed m home an "institute" I queue and dep >rtmcnt. 3 of sixpence a lesson, undertakes to teach many of the nil polite socu ty how I It, walk, dance, and dress correctly, taste. -Hearth ami li
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    • 53 2 l lie moral ctfect A cms Ad has been destroyed, not so much bj this or that new regulation or nrei randum, as by li patent dis the Home Secretary t<> the spinl o provision-, which he has som p as to render the Act a dea«l
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    • 48 2 Barristers will sai they are paid t<> tell j try. Most ii\ the cmii i I I •ay the les< distinguish* d quite ready to beh ye, counsel court, as they would be ashamed and afraid of behaving m th private individuals. A' Dis/mkS.
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    • 138 2 Already there are pi v i n brides can be tHiighl the manage ment c a household, and if there were m them the advantage would fo great. A statistician who could com| much mom is w isted tin ancc !)v newly-married coupl be able to produce
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 506 2 QORNFLOURSafest E Surest Cheapest TRIPLE SUPERLATIVE, 40 CENTS A TIM. ASK YOUR DEALER FOR IT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL FROM. i THOMPSON THOMAS CO. I THE A I \S TR. I L LI N S TORES. I SINGAPORE. I H THOMPSON, Dental Surgeon, 16, Stamford Road, (First Floor) Whiteaway Laidkwo* Ruildmgs.
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    • 474 2 j Bird's Nest 7 j Cognac} J THE BEST BRANDY ON THE MARKET I S FOR A MODERATE PRICE. I. I J (Samples on Application.) j ICaldbeck- -I I Macgregor Co. I I SOLE IMPORTERS. To Printers and Newspaper Proprietors All-round Jobbing Printer estimating and Proof-reader seeks situation m Singapore
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    • 91 2 AUCTION SALES. Powell Cc. May 14— At Hogan Co's work, Merbau Road. Machinery and Engineering Stock-in-Trade. May 15 -At Sale-room, Land and Houses No. 47 Dunlop Street, No. 8 Kunkeat Road, No. 224 Victoria Street, No. 8 Pekin Street, No. 22 Neil Road. Nos. 10 to 17 Owen Road, No&
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 76 2 COMING EVENTS, To-day, 9tb May. High Water U--J .1. in I To-mcrro\v, ictb May. High Water, u-i-.a.m ii-Vi"" Russian Parl ament opens. Billiard Tournament. Caledonia irio« Philharmonic Orchestra B- ;<1 P. ft O. iiomewaul mail cloae* Friday, ntb May. High water o-.v^ p. Legislative (ouncil 8-JO P. i O. outward
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    • 268 3 Capital Capital Issue Paid lssued P aid "P- Value, up. Company. Quotations. GOLD. •J3SK l 40 (m i s l° o Gold $600,000 600.C0J i 10 10 HrusehHvdraulic Ti, vi f" 6 8 2 5 sales. ***** -,000 ;o g SSgSßaM^«*.= *aU u o. (i ret; norn
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    • 27 3 FINANCE COMMERCE. Government Rate 2 4 $60 for £7. The Netherlands Trading Society quoted yesterday *he 4/ms hank rate at. 2,4 i,S. The Mercantile Bank quoted 2/4,7/16.
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    • 148 3 On LoMahtt Bank 4 rr^s 2/4 i 16 Demand 2/4 i Private 3 m/s. 2/4 9/16 do. 6 m/s. 2/4^ On Ge m.any Bank d d 2.39 Private 3 m/s 2.44 do 6 m/s 2.46 ()n iratKe- Bank d,d 2.93^ Private 3 m/s 2.98^ do. 6 n/s 3.00
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    • 172 3 Tin 95 .00 Gj mb 7. v v 737 i do Cube No. i 10 62^ do do No. 2 v 10 00 Pepper, Black (ordinary Spore),, 22.00 do White, Fair L.W. 5 p.c. M 29.50 Nutmegs (1 10 to the Ib.) 33. do (80 to the lb.) M
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    • Page 3 Miscellaneous
      • 841 3 QHIPPINP. NFWQ Kaicacht Mam, Jap. str. 6,100 tons, OnlrrinU nCITO. Captain Patcrsen, 7 Th May. From .1 Hongkong, 2nd May. G.c. Paterson VESSELS IN PORT. Slmona and Co. For London, 9 th~ Rds. MERCHANT VESSELS. Pmmmc, Brit. str. 386 tons, Capt L, Olsen, Bth May. From P. Swettenham, -,-s/wm Grange,
        841 words
    • 270 4 List of passengers arrived at Singapore, the 7th May per s.s. Ernest Simons from China. Mr C. H. Ross, Mr C. M. Weawer, Mr Martin, Mr Knopp, Mr Schenitt, Mr Clark, Mr Potosky, Mr McHugh, Mr Fautain, Mr V. Lemberger, Mr and Mrs Laurke, Mr Lawson, Mr
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    • 68 4 Wharves at which different Ships are berthed. East Wharf Nil. Victoria Graving Dock. Paroo. Albert Graving Dock. Strombus. Section No. 1 Sea Mew, Cheang Chew, Venecia. Zjngara, Thongwa. 3 Dunollv. Gloamin. 4 Ning Chow. S Nil. 6T. Hall, Tanglin, Beechley. 7 Aberlour, C. Apcar. 8 Oceano,
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    • Page 4 Advertisements
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      • 99 4 John Little Co., Ltd. special Ma^ REsm/j OLD VATTED GLENUVET WHISKY POLO MIOAL s tK^* >s 4&&^Pi REGISTERE.O v^^v"! o^^ (Sip EDINBURGH. i3ffj) lomoom **o £xpo*t afMNMI /feu* "BdUE*& Co 59 A/j** Lj#r c JOHN LITTLE 81 CO. i_ 0.. SINGAPo RE Per case of 12 Bottles > 10.50. Botol
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    • Page 4 Miscellaneous
      • 499 4 VESSELS EXPECTED. Name, Port Probable date of arrival, and Agents. Men of- War, &c. Andromeda, (Brit, cru.), Hongkong, soon. Diadem, (Brit, cru.), Hongkong, June. Donegal, (Brit, cru.), England, soon. Duke of Edinburgh, (Brit, cru.) England '< soon. Natal, (Brit, cru.), England, soon. Thistle, (Brit, g'bt.), Plymouth, soon. Steamers. Alesia, Hamburg,
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      • 45 4 PASSENGERS ARRIVED May 7. -Per Meran The Resident of Pahang, Mr. C. Wray, The Tunkoo Besar of Pahang land staff, Messrs. L. Wray, and A. S. McCelland. May 8, Per Penang. -Messrs. H. C. j Dobbie Khoo Tiang Ann Chee Lim Bong, G. K. James.
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      • 85 5 London, May Sth 2 p.m. j. :i hafl 'nt to the Foreign .tailed statement of the Tui kish differences with Egypt ll r points out that Moukhtar Pasha, gan interview with the Khedive, th.it the boundary lines be m El Kafch to Sue/ thence 10 Akaba. 1)
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      • 35 5 \DDI( ES A WRONG INTERPRETATION. London, May sth. 2 p.m. I'urkiv. however, has replied that the telcgran m question merely referred side of the peninsula, urtlicr. that it- interpretation 1 I key only,
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      • 6 5 N< >TE PRESENTED.
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      • 23 5 London, May s. 1 pun. by Great Britain April supported tie Khedive and uraMc reply be within U
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      • 30 5 SHE MUST YIELD. London, May Bth p.m. as further added, that, the I raanda, congi era) chaany furdecision I irk« y nui-t give
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      • 46 5 REAI LV AFFE( 1 CANAL, EGYPTIAN LIBERTY', ALSO THE KHEDIVIAL DYNASTY. Lond M Bth 2 p.m. The real objective of the Turkish <lc- read at constituting a da; eseni freedom o\ the :1. tlie liberties at present enjoyed ypt, and also isaffiectingthc
        46 words
      • 31 5 MOYKD AND OPPOSED. London. May Sth 2 p.m. Il*>u-( of Common-, Mr rmally moved the -econ<l the Education Bill. IJ( by Mr. Wyndham. that the Bill be rejected.
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      • 41 5 MIAKEHOLDERS LOSE £700,000. Thirty two millions gold dollars insurance cancelled London, May Bth 2 p. m. nee of the San Franc ico tl.c Chicago Trading 1 1 compelled to susers m tlii> Company divalent of /';oo.ooo
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      • 23 5 UNDERWRITERS ABANDON rHIRTY-TWO MILLIONS OF INSURANCE BUSINESS London, May Bth j. p.m. amounting to no less thap ive en wiped out.
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      • 17 5 U. S. BATTLESHIP REFLOATED. London, May sth 1 1.40 p.m. l S. battleship Rhotk Island been refloated.
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      • 17 5 l-ondon, May Sth 11.40 p.m. Uiiti.,! Jeitanowsky, the Governor '»tkatci inoslav, has l>ecn assassinated.
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      • 55 5 London, May Sth, 11.40 a.m. At the French General Flection, the Ministerialists have gained greatly. All the Ministers have been re-elected. The Members re-elected include M. Poumer, Opportunist; M Brison, Radical and the Socialist leaders M. If. faures, Guetde. Bmlv, and Pressense. The Reactionaries and the Nationalists
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      • 17 5 London, May Sth 11.40, a.m. The miners' strike m Northern France is ended.
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    • 800 5 ROYAL SPEAR'S CONVICTION QUASHED. Bui Hi Was RF-.\RRF-nn. In the Appeal Court the case of R. A. Spear who was convicted by the 2nd Magistrate for cheating a> reported m these columns and sentenced to a tine of Si 00 or impri■ODinem tor one month, came on for
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    • 1678 5 FORGING INSP. TYRRELL'S SIGNATURE INSIGHT INTO LOCAL DETECTIVE METHODS. The Supreme Court was crowded with Portuguese Eurasians yesterday. It was expected that the case of Joe Rodriguez charged with falsifying vouchers signed by Inspector Tyrrell would be concluded, but another adjournment had to be made until to-morrow afternoon,
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    • 64 5 TREMENDOUS ENTHUSIASM. (Hongkong Telegraph Service.) Shanghai, 30th April. A grand review of the Japan S€ troops was held at Tokin to-day. Thousand- of spectators attended the spectacle, and many tourists watched the unusual si^ln. Tremendous enthusiasm was manifested by the people. At the conclusion an Imperial requiem, by
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    • 130 5 [N. CD. News.) I okio, 26th April. The danger of pestilence breaking out at San Francisco has passed. Three hundred bodies have been recovered and there are a thousand yet unreeovered. The authorities insist upon the burials taking place m the public squares. The banks will
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    • 128 5 YESTERDAY'S TIES. Single Handicap. S. Zehndcr beat Swithin Perera 6-1 6-2. I. 1. Olivciro beat I. W. Bloom 6-2 6-4. F. A. Peralta vs. T. de Silv.i (postponed.) Double Handicap. E. E. Ryan and A. V. Winder Beck beat. R. Cockburn and C. Hoffman
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    • 756 5 YELLOW CITIZENS OF OUR EMPIRE. In the lands of our King live some millions of loyal Chinese. A lemon-coloured Sphinx, slightly animated, but possessing a bewildering facial restraint a being m whom there are neither morals nor truth, and no sense of reverence (except for his wicked
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    • Page 5 Advertisements
      • 193 5 M A lfiJ2 f 1 E SE Cl NEM ATOGRAPH \A/a Diim TL Ji^ACH ROAD. NEAR RAFFLES iJHOTEL. J*™J ho ™5 JSl^f onskong and Jr=LTI TO.nSTIC^TH: I EVERY KIG-TTT I ENTIRE CHANGE o ls Bhow rtart^ ™o P.m. 2nd Show starts 9.30 S.m EINinTIWIT. rHATWT^ ftnwri-y^^ IM i^-, I One
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    • Page 6 Advertisements
      • 505 6 SMOKE Best liloulmcin Cigars. Owing lo tixity of exchange and a great (k tiand fof this brand of Cigars and having received large consignments of same from Moulmein, we have reduced the price, of these cigars. Sub' Agents. Maypole Bar, Teng Quee Co., Yong Lee Seng, Ghee Soon, Half Way
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      • 679 6 BANKS. Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation. PAIIMJP CAPITAL $10,QOenX» RKSEKVE FUND:— Sterling Krserve $10,000,000 1 41Q Silver fWrve 9 9500,000 195 00 .°00 X -serve Usability of Proprietors $10,000,000 Court of Directors. A Haupt, Esq Chairman. Hon. C. W. Dickson- Deputy-Chairman. E. Goetz, Eaq. H. E, Tomkins Esq. C R. Lenzmann,
        679 words
      • 805 6 I MALAY RECORDS. 1 1 Lagu Jalak Lanting T. Kepala Burong m 2 Jm Nandong Sayang Gambos Plcmban fM sjsi Sri Rayu Gam bo Yuman J £w\ a W*S. f^^\ Mak Dabu Noori lVaT?^ V Bangau Loiikin fm^^ vJ?" V I n Asam Paya Bunga Tanjong MM Kuala dua Tengah
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      • 455 6 "E. D. M." ADLETS. FO PREPAID. Cheap Publicity for all \vour Wants: Houses, Godowns etc., Wanted d To Let. Situations Wanted d Vacant. Exchange d Mart. i Day. i Week. Fortnight. Month 25*\vords or under 50 cts. 1. 50 2. 00 3. 00 5° h 75 cts. 2. 00 3.
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      • 452 6 R SA LE, WANTEdTetT TO BE LET. on 2nd Floor. hl^ r %r A «*TtoGUTHRIE* c 1 l.t(i r To be Let A Compound House V TO BE LET. ••"rom the house Ho. oS )l^ n < «J •1, Mil TO LET. Compound li,, Urn m Road, hum May isl
        452 words