Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser, 8 May 1906

Total Pages: 6
1 6 Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser
  • 50 1 Eastern Daily Mail AND STRAITS MORNING ADVERTISER. JNO. 204 VOL. H ■v^-.iL-nJ^ _i— r-J L—J L-J Ln I 1 i i .i j vi SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, MAY 8, 1906. 1 I 1 I i t I I 1 1 I I I I I 1 I I PRICE 5 CENTS
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  • 192 1 WEDDING PREPARATIONS. Preparations for the wedding .Tie Progressing on a lavish scale. The rince and Princess of Wales will, according to present arrangements, repre-ent the King and Queen of England at the ceremony. There is the highest authority for denying the report that Princess Ena intends to visit
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  • 201 1 FLOURISHING GERMANY. Protected Germany bears its fiscal sufferings with wonderful equanimity. British worshippers at the shrine of Free Trade will be astonished to read the record of progress m the official consular report on German trade. Says the British. Consul-General "The people dress better, houses are
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  • 157 1 Mr. Chimberl tin will have completed 30 years' continuous representation of Br mingham m Parliament on June 17, 1 and on July Bth he will attain his 70th birthday. It is proposed to celebrate the two events by a great public demonstration. A preliminary meeting will be held
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  • 153 1 TOWNS PILLAGED. Reports have been made to the Peking authorities of disturbances m Sou hern II" nan and Western SI antung caused bj the Big Knife S. 1 < ,y, which is a sort of relic ot the 1" n i) tn< nt. Nomin.^ilv il c hosl
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  • 147 1 A telegram to The Hague says that the stronghold of Enre*ang m the Celebes has been stormed after vigorous resistance. The enemy 1 39 killed and many wound- d. W Ith I c downfall of Enrekang, 0 Kanixed resistance m the district of Kantoe ia al
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  • 276 1 WELL TIMED ACTION. The following letter has been sent to the Colonial Secretary of Hongkong by Mr. Brock -nan, acting Colonial Secretary of the Straits Settlements, and embodies certain penalties against ship masters, long advocated m these columns, which the authorities here have hesitated to adopt and enforce:—
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  • 262 1 A CHANCE KOR STEAMSHIP PASSENGERS. Passengers homeward bound from the Far East, via Sue/, m June, may be afforded the oppoi tunity of experiencing what travelling will be like under war conditions. In connection with the Admiralty arrangements for the big Naval manoeuvres during that month very
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  • 160 1 SAVED FROM THE SCAFFOLD. Mount Holly prison, New Jersey, lias recently been the scene of I dramatic confession of murder, the avowal of which lias saved an innocent man from the scaffold. A thief, named Johnson, had be« n condemned on circumstantial evidence to execution for the
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  • 134 1 \W may note with regard to the prospectus <•(" the Straits Settlements (Bcrtam) Rubber Company, referred to m our last Issue, tint particulars of the purchase money do not ap|««-ir to be generallj set out m the advertisements that have appeared m the Press. The remuneration
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 324 1 Clic Paper tor tIK people. Che Best Advertising medium m the Straits. John Little Co. Ltd, cnTr" Some Reason* Why If agents. 'Riirt^'^: t Per Case of ""I I\C 4 doz. Quarts Guinness* «f $16.75. Stout f Per Case of < *>V KM. M, 8 Doz; Pints ENJOYS ITS WORLD-
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    • 635 1 q Special Holiday to |Taman Pengtahwan. IV l^;, The only Malay Paper m Singapore w- <*> 200 feet Jj PRINTED IN MALAY CHARACTER. *r f\ ihc st^ accessible j! PUBLISHED EVERY MONDAY. U. Straits s Sen^mem?. Beautiful Scenery, Mag<?l d a Proprietors, j&- nificent climate, Good Hotels. -~m Nates Of
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    • 11 1 Ole Guarantee the earnest Circulation or anp paper m Singapore* ft
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  • 30 2 I Rossionon -On Thursday the 3rd May, ai Rue d'Aibanie. Brussels, Leopoldlne, widow of the late Joseph Rossignon. Procureur de Roi, aged 53 years, R I. P. (By telegram).
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  • 385 2 The Eastern Daily Mail. PRICE 5 CENTS. TUESDAY, 8th APRIL. BUKIT TIM AH HILL. There are very few people m Singapore who take the trouble, or for that matter experience the desire, to visit Bukit Timah Hill and the* Government bungalow thereon, from the top which the highest spot m
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  • 274 2 According to latest advices from home the news from Naples is heart-rending just when the activity of Vesuvius seemed to be subsiding, two great calamities occurred. The village of Ottaiano, exposed to the direct assault of the volcano, has been overwhelmed, with a loss, it is feared,
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  • 300 2 A CHANCE FOR AMATEUR THEATRICALS. The I'owu Hall is being demolished, and, m a comparatively short space of time— Government work m the Straits is not remarkable for celerity Singapore will possess a theatre It has been a standing grievance with touring companies visiting us that the
    The Straits Weekly  -  300 words
  • 138 2 Messrs Adamson, Gilfillan Co., Ltd, the local Agents for the Pacific Mail S. S. Co., have been advised by cable that the above Company's sailings which m consequence of the earthquake and fire at San Francisco, were temporarily suspended, have now been i resumed. We are
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  • 119 2 A jovial party assembled at the Hotel de L'Europe on Saturday night io bid farewell to Mr. T. J. Seed, of Dick, Kerr aud Cq,, who is leaving for home after being resident m Singapore some considerable time m connection with the installation of the electric tramway
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  • 529 2 FORGED INSPECTOR TYRRIL'S SIGNATURE. Joseph Rodriguez a Portuguese Eurasian, was placed m the dock, on a charge that (i) he, an the 4th day of January 1904, did commit forgery 1 by altering the sum of $8.40 above the signature of Inspector Tynil to a pay
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  • 307 2 ALLEGED DACOI TV Inspector ryrrell on Saturday last arrested one Gol Jara Sing at the Tanjong P.igar Police Station <>n a warrant charging him with having corrvnitte-1 dacoity accompanied with murder m the village of Ghah twall m the Punjaub, India. When the man iras brought before Mr.
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  • 229 2 The P. &O. Homeward Mail Devtmhm left Hongkong at i p. m. on Saturday and is due here at 4 p. m. on Wednesday the 9th instant. The Outward Mail Steamer Ocemna left Colombo at 4a.m. on Sun. lav and may be expected to a rive here about noon on
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    • 21 2 w nere IV they all isl consciou Tariff Rcfor what has during Conserve rate m the Ui
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    • 14 2 Our Insula rity. ih.-.t (he I. home is sup whodoesnt. tecntl, d m i
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    • 20 2 pouncem< nt i only a system of fa. and general o preparatio i lie Lad\ ol I
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    • 25 2 *v ii v, wnen we a club, should v., minors,,,!, and the n>i I much more were much m John*.,,,-, word 3W
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    • 40 2 p^mu-.., tliM, :l there should be cheapen them., hie it is important, up the standard, tin- is the c cd. Women who are minxes pu spoil sporL 1 mie- ol thei making them unduly vai Uadam,'
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    • 39 2 Tne Germ. in and I g meats know th a day when it will is not room them both, ai it Perhaps will consider ii hasten it- advent Ii iion which n which should journal. Paris.
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    • 42 2 I have often haU can nevei be erected always be a cannot turn a CO it why yo without cannot 14 attending a goal at tooth sphere m the rigg be marrit bride and j your death Celephan Pal n
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    • 31 2 Mr. S L able diminution i 1 B buiMiiig exp to be hoped I will not emba policy I'lii hrora the electo drake- with I OimtnonH Us An <
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    • 37 2 It takcstirred up t>> th when that p<> back down eas ly. Mr. D cription of Amer cans crusaders th it iver w distince does not a They arc long-distanc "Harper** Weekly? N« V
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    • 35 2 German vaid to Russia m spite ol premeditated unfriend more significant a< it a source of revcngi I i supported France -it the I The strange attitude ol considerably facilital Russian rapprochement. Pmris.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 328 2 Bird's Nest 7 j Cognac I THE BEST BRANDY ON THE MARKET I I FOR A MODERATE PRICE. I (Samples on Application.) JCaldbeck- I Macgregor Co. I SOLE IMPORTERS. I THE QUEEN Apollinaris x Supplied under Royal warrants of appointment to H.M. I THE KING j~ SLEDGE "1 I STERILIZED
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    • 512 2 I STAR I rtORNFLOUR, I Safest I I Surest I Cheapest TRIPLE SUPERLATIVE. 40 CENTS A TIM. ASK YOUR DEALER FOR IT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL FROM. THOMPSON THOMAS CO. i THE AUSTRALIAN STORES. I SINGAPORE. I H THOMPSON, Dental Surgeon. 1 6. Stamford Road. (Fir* Floor) Whiteaway LaidlawH Builduu/s, Hours
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    • 109 2 To Lot. Nos. 11 and 12, Raffles Quay. Rent reduced four SBO to $70 per month each. Apply to Shaik Abubakar Lajam, /j, Artnenian Street. To Printers and Newspaper Proprietors All-round Jobbing Printer-estimating and Proof-reader seeks situation inSinga pore or Out-ports. Excellent References. Apply Englishman, care of this office. A
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    • 242 2 WHAT OUR READERS THINK The E<tlOi t interest to 0 M written on >ac side ble for the aptn »m of MORE STANDPIP C S WANTED. To the Editor, Eastern Ai Sir: Sometime la* of the ftues of i .c stated that m the Report ol t Commission,water Mppl] from
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    • 396 3 Capital Capital Issue Paid Issued. paid up. Value, up. Company. Quotations. GOLD. .*****0 140,000 ,0 J^Be-aj.ahGo.dM^Ud 12y) clb SBSB 300.000 N 1U K a lan aGo l dM.Co. o Ud. ref) 'Z ga TIN. £110 (JOO 100,866! Queensland RaubGoldM. Co. Ltd. nom. f wit i r D°«
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    • 27 3 FINANCE COMMERCE. Government Rate 2 4 $60 for £7. The Netherlands Trading Society quoted yesterday Mie 4/ms hank rate at. 2/4 i,B. The Mercantile Bank quoted 2/4/7/16.
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    • 142 3 On London Bank 4 m/s 1/43/8 Demand 2/4 Private 3 m/s. 2/4 9/16 do. 0 m s. 2/4! O>z fsimiMNfp— Bank d d 2.39 Private 3 m/s 2.44 do. m/s 2.4. On /ramv- Bank d 2.934 Private 3 m/s 2.98^ do. 6 m/s 3.004 On India -Bank T.
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    • 165 3 Tin j 92>37 Gambier n 7 5 0 do Cube No. i n io.6aj do do No. 2 m io.cxj Pepper, Black (ordinary Spore),, 21.50 do White, Fair L. W. 5 p.c. 29.50 Nutmegs (1 10 to the Ib.) 33. do (80 to the Ib.) 59. Mace (Banda) „145.
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    • Page 3 Miscellaneous
      • 315 3 SHIPPING NEWS. I VESSELS PORT. W MERCHANT VESSELS. X Gmmgt t Brit str. 4,896 H Howe, -'7th Apl. From B ck, 14th Ap!. 5i539 troops. W i. str. 753 tons, Captain Bf \i.l From Gorontalo, R n and fLp. Wee Bin m for Gorontalo, U. Rds. X Brit "77 Neagle
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      • 404 3 CLEARANCES. Resident Schiff, for Rhio. Providence Christmas Is Be/wada, Calcutta. Sappho, T. Anson. Poh Ann, IVluk Anson. Dagfred, London. Den of Kelly, New York. Aberlour, Nagasaki. Ernest Stolons, Marseilles. al azie, Yokohama. Hong Wan, Malacca Muar. Sn Tringganu, Rhio. Farfalla, Tringganu. Amherst, Pontianak. La Seyne, Batavia. I MAILS CLOSE. To-day.
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    • 110 4 The total loss sustained at San Francisco through the recent disasterthere is estimated at $500,000,000, and on the 24th ultimo, the American relief fund amounted to 5i 8,000,000. Three hundrejd thousand people were under tents. A lunatic asylum near San Francisco was destroyed by the earthquake and
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    • 99 4 TWO HUNDRED MINERS DEAD. From the N. C. Daily News we call the following News travels slowly m China and it is only now that word has been received from Pinghsiang Xi, to the effect that about a month ago one of the coal mines
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    • Page 4 Advertisements
      • 75 4 STRAITS CYCLE AN D Motor Co. LAMPS CLEAN, COOL, 100 C. P. 1 CENT per Hour, IHK LAMPS ARE ALWAYS READY 1< >X LIGHTING No WICK^. No SMOKE. NO SMELL. r~>t >< it >t ■jq Pi YAMATO CO. J Dealers m High Class Japanese Curios and General Goods. > SOLL
        75 words
      • 117 4 John Little CoTl^ I SPECIAL r;ese^ e OLD VATTEO GLENLIVET WHlSkv COLD M E DAL "%F f\ I /(^£?!)4s&£b< REGISTERED* co^ «i 04 EDIHBURCH. <&% CAi IOMOOMdMD ExPO*r AG£*TS, F*Atf*BAU£rS CO 59 Map* (4,* UOMN LITTLE A CO. D., S.CMG A J o p Per case of 12 Bottles >
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    • Page 4 Miscellaneous
      • 499 4 VESSELS EXPECTED. Name, Port y Probable date of arrival, and Agents. Men of-War, Ac Andromeda, (Brit, cru.), Hongkong, soon. Diadem, (Brit, cru.), Hongkong, June. Donegal, (Brit, cru.), England, soon. Duke of Edinburgh, (Brit, cru.) England soon. Natal, (Brit, cru.), England, soon. Thistle, (Brit, g'bt.), Plymouth, soon. Steamers. Alesia, Hamburg, June
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      • 50 4 Silesia, Trieste, July 9 Rautenberg Sonneberg, Australia, June Behn Meyer Silvia, Hongkong, due May 1 7 Behn Meyer. Sultan, Fremantle due May 21 Mansfield. Stentor, L.pool due May 30 Mans field. Essen, Australia, rst half May Behn Meyer Thea, Hamburg, Apl 26 Behn Meeyr Tourane, Colombo, May 21 M. Maritimes
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      • 40 5 London, May 7th 1.30 p. m. u'ernor-Gcnoral <>l" M.»>returning from tervice m the ■no MU thrown at his l| was ompamed l>y Admiral soft" who waa woundedlin thc toot. Ude de (amp and a sentry were
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      • 29 5 ndon, May ;th 1.30 p.m. fhe assailant 1- reported to ha\« ecu IcilK d. \t the tim« ul the outrage he wore of an officer.
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      • 48 5 r R( )OPS SHELL KRAALS FROM lAIN HEIGHTS. London, May ;lh 1.30 p.m Mackay, m command of a ded one of thc highest th< kandela range of mounn which position they shelled ebd Kraals, at a range of om the Magistracy. ed shots.
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      • 27 5 \RRIVED AT PORTLAND ALI WELL. London, May 7UI 12.30 p.m. Highnesses die Prince Wales reached Portaid the Renomm. I to Spit head to-day
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      • 32 5 AL POSSESSIONS TO HE DEVELOPED. London, May 9th 6. a.m. verpool, Mr. Winston welt upon the welfare of •pica! 1 n ■uons. that the Government was > development.
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      • 38 5 BUT MORE FOR COLONIAL EXPLOITATION. He entertained the hope that less -pent on punexpeditions, hut that m the money would be e.\I m t xpjoitation of the va^t many of our pos-
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      • 47 5 ENDS G< N !> \\<>RK OF SS< lATU >N Londi »N, May 7th 6 p.m. g to the Cotton Growers' d that it had accoiug md work and the considered prosit m be main--1 icto would be introduced tton woi Id.
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      • 23 5 OF NEW COMMISSIONER AND 1 1 MMANDERIN-CHIEF POINI MEN 1 May ;tii, >> p.m. Mr ix has been appointed and Commander-in- Somaliland
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      • 19 5 APPRECIABLE DIFFERENCE May ;th. 6 p.m. ftwo hundred French have been made public. practically no change.
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      • 29 5 ALL PRISONERS RELEASED. Loxdom, M.t\ 7th, <> p.m. \viii> had been placed under connection with the alleged >il and labour plots were set at Sunday last.
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      • 23 5 LARGE FLEET AT I'IRAEUS. London, May 7th 6-p.m. ill i): itifth battleships, four cruisers .•< lo boat destroyers have Piraeus.
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      • 50 5 ''I rSTANDING QUESTIONS DISC USSED-THE BONDS OF AMITY STRENGTHENED. London, May 7th 9-p.m. Chas. Haidinge who accomII M. King Edward, availed «'t the oppoitunity of his stay m Paris h* .'i ibet of conferences with Mrß ourgeots with regard to certain "ii international affairs which 11 pending.
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      • 45 5 INCIDENCE OF VIEWS ENHANCE EXISTING AMITY. London, May 7th 9-p.nl. *nc French Presa i> of opinion the confidence of viiwsof H. M. Jung Edward and their l'roidcnt tends further •trengthen the existing s of friendship prevailing between ri *nee and Great Britain.
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      • 54 5 tQ OPS LEAVING FOR EGYPT. London, May 7th 12.30 p.m. > Hmtrtm has left El-Arish r fie Pineua A detachment of the [nniakilling ;l! tai .nived at Alexandria ■tc. transport Dtimmm is hourly cx JJ*ted.to be passing Mate. will be detained there to convey ;< !<»urth Battalion
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      • 42 5 SEVERAL RUSSIANS ARRESTED. London, May 7th, 12.30 p.m. There have been further arrests of Russian*, m Paris m connection with the bomb explosion at the Bois de incennes. The existence of .1 strong Anarchist organisation has been discovered there.
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      • 16 5 London, May 7th 12.30, p.m. King Alfonso has sailed back to Spain.
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      • 39 5 PUNITIVE FORCE IN THE FIELD London, May 7th, 12.30 p.m. Colonel Mackenzie's punitive force is now entering Zululand. The force is proceeding slowly, owing to its escorting a huge convoy to an unknown base of operations.
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      • 33 5 CANADIAN WINNER TO RECEIVE .£2,000. London, May 7, 12.30 p.m. Herring, the winner of the race from Marathon to Athens, will receive two thousand pounds sterling on his return to Canada.
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      • 52 5 B SHANGHAI WARDERS WOUNDED. London, May 7. 12.30 p.m. Mr. W D. BlennerhaaaeC, the Gaoler at Shanghai, and two ludian warders have been wounded m a tight with convicts who were attempting to escape from the prison there. Two of the prisoners were killed, and five
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      • 43 5 CAPITAL V LABOUR. SEVENTY -SEVEN THOUSAND WORKMEN LOCKED OI'T I\ P\RT<=; London, May 7th, 12-30 p.m. Seventy-seven thousand workmen have been locked out m Paris as the result of an attempt on their part to enforce work for only tight hours a day.
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      • 45 5 NATIVES ARMED WITH MAGAZINE RIFLES. LoKDOft, May ;th 12.30 p.m. Hie ntiailawtt who murdered Mr. St iinbank, the Magistrate, near L'lundi m Zululand, used magazine rifle bullets. Dinizulu, 2 Zulu chief, ha> offered to find Mr. Staiubank'- murderer-. Hi^ offer has been accepted.
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      • 22 5 London, May 7th 11.14 a.m. There is considerable apprehension m America at the growing strength of the Chinese boycott.
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      • 30 5 London, May, 7th 11.14 a.m. The United State- battleship Rhode lz,lnud is ashore m C hc-apeake Bay. Tugs have hitherto failed to float her off.
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      • 132 5 OFFICIALS PREDOMINATE. Democrats' Policy Outlined London, May yth, 12.30 p.m. The Czar has, by Ukase, notified hiacceptance of the resignations of Count Witte, and M. Dour no vo. The Czar thanks them for their eminent services to the Empire, and a-->ures them of a continuance of Imperial
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      • 59 5 SENT TO AMERICA TO MEET INSURANCE CLAIMS. London, May 7th, 11.14 a.m. Nearly four millions,sterling worth of gold has been shipped off by Cunard steamers alone to America during the last three weeks. The American and the St. Paul took worth, "This was shipped mostly to meet
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    • 81 5 Tigers appear to be on the increase throughout Burma, due no doubt to the prevailing restrictions on the possession and carrying of arms. Three have been recently killed. They abound m the vicinity of Yegin and along the left bank of the Irrawaddy, up to Myattha and Kadodon. The beasts
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    • 71 5 I' EARS RUSSIAN AGGRESSION. 1 Hongkong Service. Shanghai, 26th April. The authorities at Peking arc becoming alarmed at the aggressive attitude which is being adopted by Russia m Manchurian affairs. The Empress-Dowager has sent for Viceroy Yuan Shih-kai to give a statement as to the condition of the
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    • 100 5 DUE TO TURKEYS ACTION. London, April 27. Sir Edward Grey, Minister of Foreign Affairs, questioned m the House regarding the increase of the British garrison m Egypt, leplied that it is the Government's intention to reinforce the garrison m Egypt as a precautionary measure, m consequence of
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    • 48 5 OMINOUS NEWS FROM INDIA. (South China Morning Post London, April 2s. Plague has appeared m the Indian Native States of Jamma and Kashmir. There have been 285 deaths this week. The troops at the Palace of the reigning family (Hindu) are suffering from the disease.
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    • 45 5 London, April 25. An outbreak of plague has also occurred at Uma, m Galilee. The mercantile community have been attacked by the disease. I The area m square miles of Jamma and Kashmir is 80,900, and the population is 2,905,578.]
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    • 37 5 NATIVES AND EQUALITY. London, April 25. The people of Johannesburg have expressed a desire that the Government shall forbid the preaching by missionaries of equality to the natives. The farmers demand arms to protect themselves.
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    • 171 5 S. C C CARRISON. A very fa-.-t game of Rujiby was played on '.he Esplanade yesterday afternoon between the S. C. C. and Can ison team-. The first half of th« anu was rather tame, play It ing equally bliliiant on both sides, the Club scoring a goal off
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    • 174 5 The proprietors of the Adelphi Hotel are making another addition to the attractions of their popular establishment. This takrs the form of a lawn tennis court, which is being installed on the large plot of ground between the front and rear portions of the building. The
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    • 116 5 MORE DREADNOUGHTS Great Britain has spent a total of jQ\, 797,497 on the battleship "Dreadnought," including j£i 13,200 for guns. Now the nations arc falling over each other to equal or beat this exploit. Being one of the biggest things on earth, m her way, America likes to have big
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    • 65 5 From Messrs. Thompson, Thorr.;.* &i Co., of the local Australian Stores, we have received their revised price list dated April 1906. It is a booklet of 100 pp. and gives the retail price of every article needed by a housekeeper. The prices quoted compare favourably with those of other local
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    • 204 5 CHINESE THE PRINCIPAL VrCTIMS. Local militia disbanded. The Manila Cablenexvs is m receipt of the following wire from its correspondent dated Oakland, April 27th There is a terrible situation m San Francisco which threatens to grow worse. Thousands of white men and boys are looting
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    • 128 5 YESTERDAYS TIES. Single Handicap. E. J. Gomes vs. Bartholomeusz. (Postponed.) C. B. Leicester \s. J. R. Angus (Postponed.) E. Ryan v& G. A. Ahin Unfinished. Mixed Doubles. T. Zehnder and J. J. Oliveiro vs. j A. E. Coelho and S. Pcrehra (Post--1 poned.) C.
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    • 162 5 A. If. Bonet has patented artificial rubber made from the following recipe:-Gutta-peicha scrape 100 Ib. Calcined cr carbonated magnesia 17 lb. Stockholm tar 131 b Shellac 6 lb. Tritiidad asphalt 6 lb. Ceresine 51b. Rosin 3 lb. Dr. Werner, speaking of this cempo- sition m the
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    • 138 5 Some time back, the steamer BetckUy got aground m the Wetta Passage and remainded fast, despite all efforts to set her off. By jettisoning a large quantity of cargo, however, she was refloated, and arrived here on Friday last. Before it was known that slie was off, however,
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    • 115 5 The first battalion Sherwood Foresters, now stationed here, are due to leave Singapore for India about OctO ber next, when they will be replaced by the battalion of the Royal West Rents at present quartered m Hongkong. The Sher woods will be stationed m the fh >t
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    • 138 5 Kodt Sand, the famous Derby dinner of 1903, lias been sold to Mr. August Belmont, the American sportsman, For Tin: Dutch East African liner Pm/z Regent, on which the Duke and Duchess I of Connaught voyaged to England I from Cape Colony, via the Red Sea, I narrowly escaped colliding
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    • 488 5 The 1 3th annual general meeting of j the Mercantile Bank of India, Limited, Was held on 10th April m London Sir Alexander Wilson presiding. The Chairman, m moving the ndoption of the report and accounts, said it was gratifying to noje a further satisfactor}' increase
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    • 286 5 Th- Vi -v ius iii- on ;th and Bth r as formed, c thi own 3, coo ms ol lava, one of wl d 600 feet wide, S] 1 din A I.umber ol have been destroy* d 1 mv <>fV by the lava, including Sommi Ol
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    • 177 5 A BAG CRAMMED WITH BANK NOTES A young Ru-sian recently arrived at Zurich by the Vienna express. He bad been drinking heavily, and, showing signs of mental aberration, was taken to the Burgbolzli Asylum. Among his belongings, of which the police took charge, was found a wallet
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    • 48 5 CASUALTIEb TO FRENCH TROOPS. A special telegram to L'Lcho de Chine" states Since the commencement of the strike at Lens an officer j named Latour, has been killed, and 14 officers and 105 soldiers have been wounded, several of whom, very seri- ously. 1
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    • Page 5 Advertisements
      • 421 5 KIM Company. Books, etc., recently received, 28th April, 1906. Everyman s Library* Everyman's Library, Cloth Edition. Leather Edition. Tennyson's Pqhbi Z .The Golden Book of Coleridge Ivanhu.' O I 'ams, Robert Browning 1844-1864 Discovery of the Source of the Nile jj Ravenshoe q Last of the Barons w I Essays
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    • Page 6 Advertisements
      • 526 6 SMOKE Best h'oulmcin Cigars. Owincrto fixity of exchange and a great demand for this brand of Cigars ami ha ing received large consignments ot same* trom lloulmein, we have reduced the price, of these cigars. Sub-Agents. Maypole Bar, Tcng Quee Co., Ybng Lee Seng, Ghee Soon, Half Way House, Royal
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      • 711 6 BANKS. Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation. PAID-UP CAPITAL $10,000,000 RESERVE FUND:— Sterling Reserve $10,000,000 1 liq m Silver Reserve y&00,000 ws .«*aoo Rr serve ILiability ot Proprietors $10,000,000 Court of Direotora. A Hanpt. Ksq Chairman. Moo. C. W. Dicksou— Deputy-Chairman. E. (ioetz, Esq. I H. E. Tomkins Ksq. C. R. Lenzmann,
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      • 887 6 Qt ~^t W n "V m x if it W >f W *>O n &fW f MALAY RECORDS. 1 J Lagu Jalak Lanting T. Kepala Burong Ji/i s? /0> Nandong Sayang Gambos Plomban IM v Sri Rayu Gambo Yuman y I JK C^li Mak Dabu Noori (j **U!/JUy& Vv*J A
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      • 456 6 "E.J}._M." ADLETS. FO PREPAID. Cheap Publicity for all your Wants: Houses, Godowns etc., Wanted d To Let. Situations Wanted d Vacant. Exchange d Mart. i Day. i Week. Fortnight. Month 25^words or under 50 cts. 1. 50 2. 00 3. 00 50 75 cts. 2. 00 3. 00 4. 00
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      • 427 6 R SALE, WANTED, ETC TO BE LET. on 2nd Floor Illrt roo, Apply t.X.LIHK,, y To be Let A Compound Hou«u. PaVk. I^^^ bed rooms, Stables Cntr > Applyt,,Gl-nil<i KA£l Uj TO BE LET, From the isi l)ri house No. ,08, |< (n 1 :t ""!»<>u.id NAGURDAS PURsWuitDAS Mala TO
        427 words