Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser, 5 May 1906

Total Pages: 6
1 6 Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser
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  • 300 1 BRITISH AND GERMAN STEAMERS RACE TO SAVE HER. Floating m the open ocean, a menace to navigation and worth a fortune m salvage, the abandoned steamer Duni more, Cardiff, was the cause of an exciting race m mid-ocean on March 24 between the British steamer Coulsdon,
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  • 213 1 The Rome newspapers published the following further information from Naples regarding the mutiny of Chinese sailors on board the British steamer Epsom. As the discontent among the Chinese continued, the British Consul gave orders that the Chinese should be absolutely forbidden to land, and the
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  • 137 1 A "Times" correspondent m St. Petersburg quotes from the Ru^s a terrible story of the tortures inflicted upon two prisoners, Yincenty Sieczkn and Edmund Kempski, at the hands of the newly-appointed chief of the detective department at Warsaw, If. Grun, who has invented new methods of
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  • 175 1 NEW GOVERNMENT CAMPAIGN AGAINST RUSSIAN JEWS. In a wire from St. Petersburg dated ist April, the correspondent of the London Daily Mail states that a revolutionary plot for the blowing up of the I Duma while m session has been discovered. The elections m
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  • 240 1 COUNT DE WITTE' S HEALTH. Count de Wine's health has broken down; there is no concealing the fact, says the Globe's correspondent at St. Petersburg. Two separate long consultations by physicians have just been held. Noth ing definite has been made known, beyond the fact that j Count Witte is
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  • 210 1 MIRACULOUS CURE BY A PARIS SURGEON. An extraordinary operation has been performed at Paris recently by Dr. Quenu, of the Cochin Hospital. A girl was brought m suffering from a seif-inflicted stab m the br ist The knife had pierced the heart, and tiie patient was
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  • 194 1 The decision of the German Reichstag to tax picture postcards will cause worldwide interest as well as considerable addition to the revenues of the Fatherland. Whether the interest will be entirely a plcasurcablc one is not so certain. When it is considered that the German post offices
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  • 221 1 FLOWER SYMBOL OF HUNGARIAN PATRIOTISM. The tulip which is specially Hungarian flower, has become the emblem of pei fervid Hungarian sentiment p. id :\nU- Austrian Jee/ing. I lw Hungarian man or woman who does not now display a tulip is reckoned devoid of national patriotism a pro-Austrian.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 330 1 Che Paper for ide PcopU. Che Best Hdccriisina medium m the Straits. John Little Co. Ltd. I Pr Zr^t S° me R eason Why .If oULL AGENTS. 'Rllf»t^ f C; t Per Case of LIUI IVC C^ J--4 ooz. Quarts Guinness* I $16 75 A Per Case of I" U
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    • 764 1 P Special Holiday to CEYLON, £r Newera Eliya 00 6,200 feet Ois the most accessible hill station from the Straits Settlements. Beautiful Scenery, Magnificent climate, Good Hotels. A Mountain home for Europeans. A health station for invalids. A place of education for children. An attractive holiday resort for Visitors. CHEAP
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    • 10 1 Ulc Guarantee the tamest Circulation of anp paper m Singapore.
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  • 34 2 At i p.m. yesterday at No. 26-4 Orchard Koad, thc wife of Lim Koon Yang, Chief Clerk to Messrs. Braddell Bros, of fever. Funeral at 4 p.m. to-day at Bukit Timah Road, Cemetery.
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  • 405 2 The Eastern Daily Mail PRICE 5 CENTS. SATURDAY, 5TH APRIL. THE TRAMWAYS. Not one hundred miles from this office, tramcars cjaily rush along the roads carrying far mor c passengers than the}- are supposed to hold. Every night, cars pass along North Bridge Koad packed as to the seats, and
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  • 327 2 If ever the history of the present general elections for the Duma m Russia comes to be written, it will furnish- food both for thought and laughter. The franchise is restricted, the machineryis cumbrous m some places the people take no interest m the proceedings, m others
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  • 207 2 It is not unreasonable to suppose that the act of the Sultan of Turkey m conferring the order of the v Osmanich upon the three youngest sons of the Sultan may have been indirectly connected with the policy of the Porte regarding the Egyptian boundary. Turkey and
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  • 387 2 Yesterday m the Supreme Court before Mr. Justice Law, Ong Siong Siang of the chop Ek Tye Hong sued Chua Mah Khiang for a sum of Si B9. The Plaintiff was represented by Mr. Mont, agu Harris. The evidence went to shew that the debt was incurred
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  • 742 2 TABLES TURNED. Three Chinese were charged before Mr. Colman yesterday with theft of Si. 50 In cash and a silver ornament valued at $1.20 from the person of one Ong Chang Boey m Japan Street on the foren oon of 29th April. The Prosecutor and a friend were
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  • 145 2 By the S S Cawphuijs there left for Batavia yesterday a string of eleven horses which are to start at the forthcoming race meeting. Of this string Burke had charge of first Prtwkm, Benedick, Blackbird, Kitty Cht* Deduction and Florodora while A. Turner was responsible for Su/-a<or//i, U'ni/ii,
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  • 142 2 TELEGRAPH V. NOTTS DERBY A fine game of Rugby was witnessed on the esplanade yesterday afternoon between the Telegraph Co. and the Notts and Derby Regiment. During the first half of the game the Telegraph Co. had slightly the upper hand and scored two goals, the Military men making
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    • 8 2 —Men's wutr. M '^'\Ki, n
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    • 8 2 l^^ieabeersoX^nr/^^ present moment. fi£ /J
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    • 29 2 number of its thiSbufffff ment of duty, v lv *mi- Sibility, which eve, •^i|!?° lrcN-»..--"Die, is the soul oFfe me*, Afarau J/w,,, Madrid cc fi
      29 words
    • 43 2 we ainncr to P r i n rr Connaught at Hongkong cw" were supplied, and the TrflT^ st;rU shark's tins, s \ewed £lv U bambo,, shoots, b ir j! < t plgeon £us >eeds, an d DragoTlvlSi Telegraph, Hongkong? lc;i
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    • 36 2 me iv clan propos, to ancestral temple, an,U-,, MVU t p l ir ceeds into subscriptions for thVcLT Hankow railway They *****""- to devote t,, the san"c *Lg •mount they spend every vear^*"
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    • 37 2 in- o, ie 01 the peculiarities of LdhH that certain area, are d^SSft certain purposes, andaconcertS the heart of theatrelan.l -'.place as a club C, 2^ mission hall m Park-lane or a .n the U:,,,,,,.^
      37 words
    • 45 2 Lonaon is the city of weal n^A Everywhere the rtsen J* mind of organisation is painfullvM» rent Royal ComraissionsanfsSSi C.,mm,ttees have made recomnS*! Bom over and again, and the, nm*L recommendations still. dreanTca? ogue l|, ey make G in J Magazme.
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    • 56 2 it is a great pity someone d add to the avocations of the day by starting as a P ofPerson.il Appearance, and for certain fees advise people how to attire themselves and set of! their facial attract the best advantage. 1 1 tew have the gift ]ol
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    • 59 2 Ine Burmese women's hid ambition 1- to maintain her husbaik m lordly idleness, and to supply him with abundant funds foi cockfightinjj buliock-cart-racing, an d g And many of the Burmese women big deals m timber, buying upinadvance the paddy crop of a whole district, and so on,
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    • 62 2 11 his Majesty Mm Constitution so as to ci 1 majority, then the) an nan I Transvaal to a party which berately formed on racial lines, which istill harping on imaginary evance for the sole purpose ol disc liting tlBritish Administration, which p Krugerism as the be--governments,
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    • 65 2 1 üblic opinion at home, 1 recent aberrations on the Chinese labour question, is not to make the young Africander present of.&outh Africa; and if the new Ministry, by their blundering ineptitude and "blind folly, should succeed m alienating l< itiment and weakening the British connection, there
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    • 80 2 Dr. Dalton maintain- that uincmore especially red wine-, have micidal action upon pathogenic microorganisms. He instances an eldcrh patient, who said:—" It i- strange thai when I was young all my friends partook ut' wine to,- dinner, and on< heard about iudigestion, stomach o>mplaints, or appendicitis.
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  • 112 2 To-day, *tb May. High, Water. 1--2 am. S- P* B. 1. out waul mail due. S. V. A. Shoot. Hunt Club. WayanK Satu. i Town Band. Ksplanade. I- *>• Sunday, 6tb May. High Water. *-$o a.m. <)-' p.m. Third Sunday alter Easter. S. V.A.R.C. Shoot 7 n u»
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 253 2 I 'Bird's Nest' Cognac j THE BEST BRANDY ON THE MARKET I 8 FOR A MODERATE PRICE. Samples on Application. JCaldbeck- 1 I Macgregor Co. I f SOLE IMPORTERS. J i i-ii- i i I■_ i.ji,tu->_ JJm%mtMl #ÜBj. r n ORIENTAL HOTEL 596 E-D NORTH BRIDGE ROAD, THis Hotel Just
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    • 532 2 STAR CORNFLOUR. Safest Surest Cheapest TRIPLE SUPERLATIVE. 40 CENTS A TIN. ASK YOUR DEALER FOR IT WHOLESASE AND RETAIL FROM. THOMPSON THOMAS CO. THE AUSTRAL/AN STORES. SINGAPORE. H THQI Dental Surgeon, 16 (First Floor) Whiteaw Hours from 9 a.m.to 1 Fop Salo. 2 sets Rubber Tyred Victoria Wheels and Axles,
      532 words
    • 91 2 CHURCH NOTICES. THIRD SUNDAY AFTER EASTER. ST ANDREW'S CATHEDRAL. Matins and Litany Holy Communion 1 Choral) 7-15 a.m Holy Communion 1 'lain) '-15am Evensong anJ Sermon 5-30 pm ST. MATTHEWS. SEPOY LINES Poo Cliow Service 11-15 a f" Evensong an I Sermon H5P* PRINSEP STREET CHURCH. Sunday School N (Malay)
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    • 411 3 Capital Capital Issue Paid Issued. paid up. Value, up. Company. Quotations. GOLD. SSSS 6 U)J I!ruseh Hydraulic tin M?oltd law* TIN. ftwSS oS'S? 1 Ku^ntan Tin Mining Co. Ltd. $12.75 £37?2?5' raoSu' ahang Corporation Ltd. 1 .85 sellers v^m 3*5,000 1 PahangKabangLtd. oso £110 000 i\ tii
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    • 27 3 FINANCE COMMERCE. Government Rate 24 $60 for £7. The Netherlands Trading Society quoted yesterday 'he 4 ms bank rate at. 1/41/1 The Mercantile Bank quoted t/4/7 16.
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    • 142 3 On LmuiiH Hank 4 m/s z;\ 7 16 Demand 2 4 3/16 Private 3 m/s 2/49/16 i\^. 6 m -i. 2/4^ On (tfM.rfHv—ftuv.k d d -39i Private 3 *A4 do. 6 m s On I ranee Bank d,d 2.94 Private 3m- 2.<>& l do. 6 m/s 3.00^ On
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    • 154 3 I m S 90.62$ Gambier 7 3 0 do übe No. 1 10.63$ do No. 2 10.00 Pepper, Black (ordinary Spore),, 20.75 do White, Fair L. VV. 5 p.c. 28.37$ Nutmegs (1 10 to the Ib.) $3. do (So to the Ib.) 59. Mace (B'tnda) „145. Cloves (Amboina) Liberian
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    • Page 3 Miscellaneous
      • 208 3 SHIPPING NEWS. VESSELS IN PORT. MERCHANT VESSELS. g Brit str. 4,8»i6 7UI Apl. From 14th Apl. 3,539 troops. Rds Btr. 4.^;^' tons Capt. From Hongkong, s^nd dv\ i<>. For Liver- »53 tons. Captain From Gorontalo, ,1 d.p. Wee Bin I Rds, ;:cs Bradley Apl. 3o ,1 Calcutta. s s Swet
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      • 389 3 CLEARANCES. Yv.STKRDAY. died for Bangkok. /■r.sii Gorontalo. GkmCMS, i I'kong Shanghai. Awlaln>ui ll'koni;, Shanghai and Japan. Sitgrid m ladivostock. Emtkt "Rhio. SmMm P. Samboe. Sri Mitar Muar and Malacca. Hebe Penang and Deli. I lye Leong Teluk Anson. R'X'ii Hkong, Shanghai and Japan. (f. Meyer Muntok and Palembang. Ojfenhaoi Hamburg.
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    • Page 4 Advertisements
      • 82 4 John Little Co., Ltn OLD VATTED GLENLIVET WHISKY GOLD MfOAL I Cg^l EDINBURGH. LONDON 1873 VL !_y rti ij Lomoom 4ND £xpo#r Agents. F#AMKBA/iEr& Co 59 Vavk i 4 uomm L.i-rnri_E at co d.. Singap ORe Per case of 12 Bottles 110.50. Botol Hitam, Per case of 12 Bottles >£.75
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    • Page 4 Miscellaneous
      • 502 4 VESSELS EXPECTED. Naiut, l*ort Probable date of arrival, and Agents. Men of-War, ike. Andromeda, (Brit, cru.), Hongkong, soon. Diadem,'(Brit. cru.), Hongkong, June. Donegal, (Brit, cru.), England, soon. Duke of Edinburgh, (Brit, cru.) England soon. Natal, (Brit, cru.), England, soon. Thistle, (Brit, g'bt.), Plymouth, soon. Steamers. Alesia, Hamburg, June <; Behn
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      • 482 4 Moyune, China, due Mary 27 Mansfield Moldavia, Colombo, due July 21; P and O. Oldenburg, Hamburg due June 15; B. Meyer. Oanfa, L'pool, due June 27 Mansfield. P. E. Friedrich, Hongkong, April 30. Behn Meyer Pr. R. Luitpold, H'burg, July 13; Behn Meyer. Prinz Heiurich, H'konk, May 8; Behn Meyer
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      • 23 5 1 COMMITTEE APPOINTED. London, May 4th 8.25 a.m. Select Committee has been anas der the graduation of fhc income I
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      • 21 5 London, May 4th ft.35 a.m. hi s announced that Count de Witte nil] retire into private life.
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      • 46 5 fURKEY CANNOT ULLY UPON GERMANY'S SUPPORT. London, May 4th, 1-20 p.m. Ihc London Skuidnd reports that fount Metsernich has informed Sir Edward Grey thai the Sultan of fur kCV cannot rdy 00 the support ot the event of a quarrel with Great Britain.
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      • 36 5 LIES ON 1 UK RAND ID BE AIDED HOME London. May 4th 1.20 p.m. A proclamation infoming Chinese return u> China that they 1 ally aided under certain has been published on the Hand.
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      • 20 5 KING EDWARD BANQUETED. London, May ,4th 1.20 p.m. Pit eres banqueted King I fsee. The most cordial ..ed.
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    • 1474 5 IHK <jl ESTION <»1 WAFER METERS yesterday, c F. G. dent) J. I 1 Mr. Win. Macbean, l>r. Murray Robertson, Messrs. A. W. eng Keng Lee, Allen and lable to be preinother meeting at which be h X A>SUSI N 1 F.V.IM iK. al of Mr. Marsh
      1,474 words
    • 52 5 s. c c. v. s. R. c. The S. R. C. met a second eleven of the S C C. on the former's ground yes-te-day afternoon and after a very evenly contested match retired winners by one goal to nil, the point being obtained a few minutes before time
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    • 1097 5 HON. TAN JIAK KIM SAVES DOG OWNERS FROM PAYING DOUBLE TAX. There was a very lengthy session of the Legislative Council yesterday afternoon, considerable routine business have accumulated m the long interim since the preceding meeting. After the reading and adoption of the minutes of that meeting, the
      1,097 words
    • 3329 5 LENGTHY HEARING YESTERDAY. Assessors to visit Havkrsham Grange" this morning. Yesterday morning Captain Perm I continued his evidence. Replying to Mr. F. M. Elliot, i witness said:— At 10 o'clock he went to sleep on the poop near Mr. Francis I a passenger. He was awakend by
      3,329 words
      • 1093 5 When the young King of Spain resolved to ask ior the hand of Princess Ena, says the Catholic Time* he irrote an autograph Utter to the Holy Father informing him of his intention. King Alfonso wrote: Holy Father, The time having arrived at which from motives which cannot
        Pius x, Pope  -  1,093 words
    • Page 6 Advertisements
      • 531 6 SMOKE Best litoulmcin Cigars. Owing to iixity of exchange and a great demand for this brand of Cigars and having received large consignments of same from Moulmein, we have decided to reduce the price from date. Can be bought at Si. 50, 1.30, 1.10 and 80 cents per packet of
        531 words
      • 697 6 BANKS. Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation. PAID-UP CAPITAL $10,000,000 RKSERVE FUND Sterling Reserve $10,000,000 1 mu > KnnnM Silver Reserve 9500,000 1J »,00,000 Reserve ILiability of Proprietors $10,000,000 Court of Directors. A Haupt, Esq Chairman. Hon. C. W. Dickson- Deputy-Chairman. E. Goetz, Esq. I H. E. Tomkins Esq. C. R. Lenzmann,
        697 words
      • 537 6 r* x x x x tt—x <p" v x w v >n MALAY RECORDS. Lagu Jalak Lanting T. Kepala Burong Nandong Sayang Gambos Plemban Sri Rayu Gambo Yuman I N Mak Dabu Noori 1 Bangau Loiikin sa 1 aya B unga Tanjong kuala dua Tcngai) malam Permata Gambos n Sha'er
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      • 254 6 THAT IS FRASER NEAVE'S AERATED WATERS. Phoenix Assurance Company Limited OF LONDON. The undersigned have this day been appointed General Agents for the abovementioned Company for the Straits Settlements, Federated Malay States and Johore, and are prepared to issue Policies of Fire Insurance at current rates of premium. Guthrie Co.,
        254 words
      • 456 6 %P. M," ADLETS. FOR PREPAID. Cheap Publicity for all \>our Wants: Houses, Godowns etc., Wanted A To Let. Situations Wanted A Vacant. Exchange A Mart. 1 Day. 1 Week. Fortnight. Monih a^words or under 50 cts. 1. 50 2. 00 3. 00 5° 11 h 75 CtS. 2. OO 3.
        456 words
      • 419 6 JALK, WANTED,!^ TO BE LET. on 2nd Floor. <l II1 r^ Apply to CiUTUKiK a A To be Let A Compound \l, )U ,<- v TO BE LET. Krom the i M No. ,08. K 1 ''"'pou,,,. S«n,,o«g v,, l(l i NAGUROAS P. Rsftu^ M »l TO LET. Apply N.
        419 words