Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser, 3 May 1906

Total Pages: 6
1 2 Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser
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  • 208 1 Fhose of our local scholars who take a fancy to the study of chemistry will do well to take heed of what befell the young girl in England whose sad death »s announced in an English.paper which says:— Emma Rowe, the fifteen-year old daughter of
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  • 155 1 It is stated that the Chinese Commissioners who are now in England were entertained at London bv the Lord Mayor. Unfortunately, the Chief Commissioner, Duke Tsai Tsze, has been prostrated by the smoky atmosphere of the British capital, but the other member* oi the Commission arc busily
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  • 168 1 PRINCE OF WALES 1 FAREWELL. The l-Vin^e nt Wales baa addnwd a long fare acII letter to the Viceroy. The following i>an extact:— "We are both genuinely sorry that OUT visit to India has now come to an I end. We shall never forget the affectionate greetings
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  • 144 1 The Government has awakened to a sense of its duty and has declared Singapore infected, says the South China [\><t. This might have been done some time ago if all the reports we have heard about the place were to be relied on, But, while restrictions were
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  • 176 1 A COMMUNICATION haa been received by a prominent Peaang legal firm, addressed as follows: "Madame Logan and Koss, Plantations, Butterwotth, I Welleslcy, Malacca, Inde-Anglai^e." THE gambling in rubber company shares in London, says the N'cw S'ork India Rubber World, benrs about as much relation to legitimate rubber planting as betting
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  • 601 1 THE LATEST RAILWAY I ROJECT. Mr. Harry de Windt writes as f llows to the Ghbt "The (,ioh of to-day, announces that an "American syndicate" is proaching the Russian Governs nt with a view to building a railway from Kausk (Siberia) to Alaska. This leriion comprises
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  • 310 1 THE TURCO- EGYPTIAN QUESTION. The following extract fi<>m the London (iln/t,- throws light on the Turco-Egyptian question rcleircd to by Renter A trustworthy authority in the Arabic Press discloses an interesting undercurrent of r.n t respecting the Sinai frontier difficulty, hitherto only diml\ suspected on the retreat of the Ottoman
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 314 1 Cbc Paper for the People. CDc Best MJocrtisina medium in the Straits. 4cak-k_kil i_:^_:_k_k_k_t^__'_)_:__:__:afe. John Little Co. Ltd. I S q LE 50/??e Reasons Why .R- agents. Rnrkp'^ I Per Case of *-*Ul I\W O If 4 doz. Quarts Guinness' «f 16.75. «f Wt nut t Per Case of 'W-/
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    • 10 1 aic Guarantee the earnest Circulation of anp Paper in Singapore.
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  • The Eastern Daily Mail.
    • 765 2 It ma)' seem hard to suggest that an epidemic which has caused the death of something likeseventyfive persons has proven beneficial to the community, but, aside from the unfortunate mortality, it has had a distinctly beneficial aspect. The fact has been revealed that in some of the
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  • 728 2 The Cold Storage Company has decided to extend its operations in the direction of manufacturing ice when the necessary funds have been raised. In its present substantial building near the Borneo Wharf, the Company has ample space which can be utilised for the purpose. There is a
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  • 277 2 A common source of complaint among Europeans in the Colony is the fact that the cost of living has increased during the past few years out of all proportion to the general increase of salaries. Throughout the East there ha-> been a steady upward trend in
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  • 419 2 FOOD FOR REFLECTION IX LOCAL BUSINESS CIRCLES. The talk of the town yesterday was the discovery of more Chinese failures, affecting European houses generally and the probability of further failures pending The news was startling and depressing enough for tiie most optimistic of local merchants. The credit canker
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  • 85 2 A General meeting of the members of the Town Club will be held in the Club Rooms on Friday, May 4th, at 5.15 p.m. The tug Mercury has been despatched to the assistance of the s.s. Beachley" which latter vessel is said to be Wadly stranded off the coast of
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    • 23 2 crucified on the British at home ears only C sl anything that t, our and disg, British on tb Rand annobui-.
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    • 25 2 ine Liberal* ment. it is true; I, forpoiten that ciaT schemes will V v.aml.t m yb e *j£ tnguine as ation. Commercial Intelligence.
      Commercial Intelligence  -  25 words
    • 30 2 Todies, betti cupy better houses thai nished, forces men to work 1 longer'than their pn result of this is that n is separated from his almo.tavmmha.ittH^rc h, Truth
      Truth  -  30 words
    • 72 2 Atmmng more untidy, can dilapidated than tl member, read ng room at today it would Not oootcnt with muti has only to handicap „,7" minutes to except lightii Life of the Government rhereis to assume that tour or i. Liberal rule are ine\itable, the political fight d
      Manchester Courier; The Lady  -  72 words
    • 21 2 N Kui.»j>e, lions or en nomicel, perseveri g, have prepared ih< p a which take- b) routine of acquired
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    • 29 2 years of cadd the only thing in the consideration. But, I men. think that. mmend the abol but we think an be turned < The Globe
      The Globe  -  29 words
    • 33 2 (Mi ilif v\\ t! quest ititution tin >inpn >mis< n hich will parties com i clearly appan opinion among I file is in tav burghers at tl pi tpulation. Diam < ■>' Kimbei
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    • 36 2 We ha the Chinese of Tl the ridicule to whh h I Chin-( t Geish The Chinese an beinible humour, a g i e that th< Chinese in mattermay he withdrawn. di\ l-land
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    • 7 2 1 written 00
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    • 103 2 Editor, A. Sir. I in your columns, to have the opinion ol flirting ia rig t 01 I cannot define irhal 6 flirtatatinn I. but at 1 I an Mn I all tle merry an 1 happ) i between mem a perfei tly inn n it an
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 484 2 KIM Company. Books, etc., recently received, 28th April, 1906. j Everyman s Library, Everyman's Library, Cloth Edition. Leather Edition. Tennyson's PteflM X The Golden Book of Coleridge Ivanhoe O Perms, Robert Browning 1844-1864 jj Discovery of the Source of the Nile f{ Ravenshcr Q Last OT the Barons U Essays
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    • 126 2 SALE OF PROPERTIES. Hie following auction by Messi l*ow Tuesday las! No. ujßukil rimali -area 6 acres rood i Sycd Alkoff 89,600. Freehold Cocoanut }«i nil lang Road in the l> ttcdoh, about si 47 acres 1 roods •1.45. G. A. Fenian u Yen freehold allotmson Road, Sultan £400. No.
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    • 82 3 London, May -Mid, 1-05 p. m. < House of Lords, > Fitzmaurice explained that the „1 at Peking on April ,7th secures the adhesion of China to [he Lhassa onvention. n no manro <!"< alter the ar lipder which Great Britain is undertaken not
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  • 43 3 ONLY VSKS FOR UNIFORM rREATMENT. don, May 2nd 1 05 p.m. ta thai Great Britain herself any concesuticle IX of the LJiawi red led to foreigner*. INDEMNITY TO BE PAID UNCHANGED. The amount of the indemnity paytßl tain has not been
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  • 36 3 RKHl'c riON O 'NSIDERKD INADEQUATE. London, May 2nd 1 p.m. has unaniBill providing for .1 cat ion have telefcss4 I ng that •ennv per pound 1 and that isting duty il remaii.
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  • 18 3 il< H'SAND POUNDS R] ED May 2nd p.m. .pan Hinds sterling panes* Famine Relief
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  • 20 3 COUNT DE W ITTE. [GNATU >N BELIE\ ED. May :nd. 1 [».r ount <)e Vvittc Is as ha\ ing bee
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  • 28 3 BARRACKS STONED. May 2nd i p.m. •aria -till continyeslt rdaj <>nc were placed »ing to circulate. Tl thcChumandeau Hie Police charged the ten am
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  • 55 3 (Reuter Agency wires. By submarine telegraph.) HOME TARIFFS TO BE REDUCED. London, May 2nd, 7.55 a.m. The Rt. Hon. Ascjuith, owing to the strong representations which have been made, has deeded to enforce a reduction on the tea duty. The reduced scale of taxation will come into
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  • 52 3 PORTE OFFICIALLY NOTIFIED London, May 2nd 4-40 p. m. 1 he Porte has been officially informed that the O connor Commission will be despatched to Earish and that should it be ascertained that any of the bound ary pillars have been removed theyare to be
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  • 72 3 PARISIAN POLICE STONED. Troops and police act with discretion. London, May 2, 1 p.m, 1 here were later scuffles between the demonstrator! and the Police in Paris yesterday. I hey were compelled to charge the mob on several occasions. After being stoned, they fired their rifles in
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  • 36 3 London, May 2nd 4-40 p. m. Earl Grey reports that the Porte has hitherto declined to withdraw from Fabah pending a general settlement to br arrived at by a joint delimitation commission.
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  • 20 3 London, May 2nd 1 p.m. LJp to the present there are no disorders in the provino
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  • 33 3 London; May 2nd 1 p.m. It is estimated mat "the number of people who have left Pairs amounts to twenty thousand in anticipation of the disturbances that are feared
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  • 29 3 London, May 2nd 1 p.m, The troops and the police handled the crowd a^ discreetly as wa> possible a:id but very few people were hurt.
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  • 31 3 INCLUDING GERMAN SOCIALIST DELEGATES London, May 2nd. 1 p.m. Seven hundred persona were arrested during the course of the riots amongst whom were included several German Socialist delegate-*.
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  • 15 3 London, May 2nd i.p.m. The demon .rators in the provinces are peaceful.
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  • 15 3 RAINS DAMPEN RIOTERS ARDOUR. The rain> tend to aid the authorities in quelling the disturbance^.
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  • 66 3 Plague has broken <>ut in Hongkong, which is nlso suffering from an epidemic of >mall pox. According to latest advices to hand there were no less than 44 cases of plague in the Colony during the week ending April 21st, of these 37 n-e- proved fatal. During
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  • 151 3 tmme has been ikhana which is •i.e raccc-course on me. With the events 5 and 8, the pen to .ill con- 14.: and ghts 1 sst and over. ed the public starter 1: red. Di-tance 4 tilting the rinti. g in 'rickshas, 'rickshas re in riding pare
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  • 84 3 A special wire to the Homjkoag Tch--reports that the Tndo-China Navigation Co.'a ka Loksang, U r c from Shanghai to Chefoo Newchwang, went aground off 1 German's Point in fog on the J ls ultimo. The steamer was badly md it is feared that ihe become
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  • 63 3 M*. U. Robinson, Inspector of 'Series, has been invested with the exercising a general supervi- the maritime fisheries of the lust liav to investigate the life '">' (>t the more important food J^es, the prot < ss of curing fish and the Sving special IS 1 0 t(! latter, which
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  • 49 3 The Saghalicn Administrative Office has decided to establish a Japanese colony this year in the newly-acquired territory, and to settle about 100 farmers and their families from the North-East Provinces and the Hokkaido. The cultivation of wheat, barley, rye, and hay is anticipated in the new territory.
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  • 315 3 Fmih\ of the foreign ->tcamers captured by the Japanese Navy during the war are to be shortly disposed of r.t public auction. Work on the battleship Dreadnought continues at high pressure in Portsmouth Dockyard, and the shipwrights have achieved another record by fitting no fewer than forty of the heavy
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  • 744 3 Stolk a Bullock. Chong Kang Long and Wee Qua were charged before Mr. Scott yester- day with dishonestly retaining stolen property namely a bullock, valued at j S9O. Wong Ah Tit said that he is a bul- lock cart owner living in Bukit Timah Road. On 28th April
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  • 544 3 A Chinaman was charged with as saulting a tellow countryman with a swordstick yesterday. Mr. Sproule, D. P. P. prosecuted. Prisoner was undefended. Tan Ah Bee said he lived at Passir Panjnng near the Keppel Harbour Police Station, he was a sand contractor, he knew the accused with
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  • 716 3 A SERIOUS STATE OF AFFAIRS. [From the Globe Correspondent.) "Trouble" is practically a euphemism for rebellion, since there is little doubt that, at the present moment, the natives of Natal are in a state of rebellion. The full accounts to hand from Natal showthat the state
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  • 906 3 CLEVER CHEAT WHO DUPED KEEN EXPERTS AND PEERS OF THE REALM. An immense sensation has been created in the Spiritualist world by the exposure of a famous medium. He enjoyed a great reputation in all grades of society, and members of the peerage had been to see him.
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  • 79 3 A Russian lady staying at Raffles Hotel reports the loss of a silver belt valued at Sioo. which she thinks was lost in a 'riksha while returning from the Thomson Road Reservoir yesterday. Tuf S. C. C, met the R.K. at Hockey on the Esplanade yesterday afternoon and after a
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 172 3 ROBINSON and OoFIXED EXeHANGE REOUeED PRICE Raleiab Bicpcks 1906 MODELS Free Wheel and two Brakes COMPLETE I With Silver Plated Lamp, Hell awl all The "Raleigh" machines Represent I THE BEST ROBINSON CO. SOLE AGENTS 1 THV INTERNATIONAL HOTEL, The Best Hotel that has ever existed in the Island. Is
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 528 4 SMOKE Best moulmcln Cigars. Owing to fixity of exchange and a great demand for this brand of Cigars and having received large consignments of >.ime from Moulmcin, we have decided to reduce the price from date. Can be bought at Si. 50, 1.30, 1.10 and 80 cents per packet of
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    • 693 4 BANKS. Hongkong a Shanghai Banking Corporation. PAID-UP CAPITAL $10,000,000 USttEKVE FUND:bterling Reserve $10,000,000 I Silver Reserve 9500,000 j iyo uo .°oo Returv* Usability of Proprietors $10,000,000 Court of Directors. A Haupt, Ksq —Chairman. Hon. C. W. Dirkson- Deputy-Chairman E. G.K?tz, Esq. H. E. Tomkins Esq. C. FL Lenzmann, D. M.
      693 words
    • 453 4 QCT k _jt _m ,j» x nr*ii 'm.. k. it—h \< v m x* »n MALAY RECORDS. Lagu Jalak Lanting T. Kepala Burong Nandong Sayang Gambos Plcmba Sri Rayu Gambo Yuman I Mak Dabu Noori Bangau Loiikin In Asam Paya Bunga Tanjong f m Kuala du L n Tengah malam
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    • 115 4 THE SAN FRANCISCO OVERLAND ROUTE. Pacific Mail Steamship Co., Occidental Oriental S. S. Co AMD Central Pacific, Union Pacific, Chicago North-Western Railways. ATCHISON, TOPEKA AND SANTA PE RAILWAY SYSTEM. Operating the LARGEST and FASTES7 Steamers on the PACIFIC.) from HONG-KONG TO i SAN FRANCISCO. "The Greyhounds of the J Pacific."
      115 words
    • 291 4 THAT IS FRASER NEAVE'S AERATED WATERS. Phoenix Assurance Company Limited OF LONDON. The undersigned have this day been appointed General Agents for the abovementioned Company for the Straits Settlements, Federated Malay States and Johore, and are prepared to issue Policies of Fire Insurance at current rates of premium Guthrie A
      291 words
    • 450 4 "t D.J." ADLKTS. I PREPAID. Cheap Publicity for all vour Wants: Houses, Qodowns etc., Wanted To Let. Situations Wanted Vacant. Exchange Mart. i Day. i Week. Fortnight. Mom 2£words or under 50 cts. 1. 50 2. 00 3. 50 75 cts. 2. 00 3. 00 4. c 75 11 1.00
      450 words
    • 405 4 'OR SALE, WANTEdTIIi BE LET. No. 7 |J?v ?<• on 2 ndFloo, U> K 1 I _^wi,,< IK A r To be Let A Compound H, JUs v woode Park. I n bed rooms, Stable A WytoGUTHRII TO BE LET, From the 18 A house No. beranggong !<„,,;. NAGURDAS PURsXTII,
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    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 92 1 John Little Co., Ltd. SPECIAL (|JPI V SE^£ OLD VATTED GLENLIVET WHISKY GOLD MEDAL X^~ -> REGISTERED gg^o ntou EDINBURGH. %SssJ9 LONDON 1873. ">irS«SP CALCUTTA £0»oo**«o DcPOtrtGexrs. ftAWrIBAUErA Co 59 Ma*k Lahc. JOHN little: co u d.. Singapore. Per case of 12 Bottles *10.5G. Botol Hitam, Per case of 12
        92 words
    • Page 1 Miscellaneous
      • 422 1 VESSELS EXPECTED. X,ihis, I'i'it, l*rolmblf dak of umiai, and Agent*. Mts uk-War, to Andromeda, (Brit, era), Hongkong, soon. L)iadem,;(Bnt. cru.), Hongkong, June. Donegal, (Brit, cru.), England, soon. Duke 01 Edinburgh. (Brit, cru.) England -,i>on. Natal (Bnt. cru.), England, soon. rhistte, (Brit, g/bt.), Plymouth. MOa SlFAMKRS. Aksia, Hamburg, June 9 Behn
        422 words
      • 500 1 Moyuuc, China, due May 27 Mans- Held. Moldavia, Colombo. <lue |uly 21 P and O. Oldenburg, Hamburg due June icB. Meyer. Oanfa, L'pool, due June 27 Mansfield. P. K. Friedrich, Hongkong, April 30 Bchn Meyer Pr. R. Luitpold, H'burgjuly 13; Behn Meyer Prinz Heinrich, H'konk, May 8; Behn Meyer Khcnania,
        500 words
    • 272 2 Capital Capital Issue Paid Issued. paid up. Value, up. UM GOLD. •135,000 14O.UAJ iu i" Bencwah Gold M. Co. Ltd $40,000 10 lo Do. Del irred $600,000 6O>,< <u 10 io Bnaeh Hydra LtJ #200,000 mmfl 10 10 KadanaGoMM O. Ltd. VT $100,000 -^W.UUU 10 l0 Do
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    • 26 2 FINANCE COMMERCE. Government Rate 2 4 $60 for £7. The Netherlands Trading S quoted yesterday *he 4/ms ban) at 2 4 The Mercantile Bank quoted 1/4/3
      26 words
    • 52 2 T v N N W :e. Fair LW. 5 p b.) -the lb. > Mac. Cloves (Amboina) I v ec :i I 5 un&ll 4 Cop- Bali do Opiu~ New o No. i do do do >. i do do N Sago Flour Bninc M Br.: ci N N'o.
      52 words
    • 98 2 On L B m/a Demand 2/43 Private 3m- j do. 6 m/i 1 1 1 >>. ;n\ B."i::'r. d d On FfQMCt Bank d d Private 3m- a 1 r r On Imiui Bank FT. .1754 Ok H f s r Bank d d Private 5c On Shvighai
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    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 50 2 L AUCTION SALES. Powell A Co May 4- Al Salt -oom. unredeemed pledges. 10 a.m. L7— At Sale-room, unredeemed pledges 10 xm. H. L. Coghlan A Co May 3— At Sale-room, unredeemed p edges 10 a.m. 5— At Sale-room, unredc med pledges 10 i.m. 14— At Sale-room, town property, 2-30
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    • Page 2 Miscellaneous
      • 445 2 SHIPPING NEWS. VESSELS IN PORT. MEN-OF-WAR. St'a Mew, Govt. str. ;oo displacement, 35 crew, 700 h.p. Commander Murphy. Apl. From Malacca. 2nd Apl. Colonial Government. U. Rds. Succib Siam ycht. 550 Dery Aprii 30th Bangkok Uncertain MERCH ANT VESSELS. Crown of Castile, Brit. str. 2,828 tons, Capt. Smith, 1 Sth
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      • 448 2 CLEARANCES. May 2 Sri Tringganu, Dut. str., Abas, for Rhio. Odessa, Rus. str., Dinne, for Yladivostock. Emilie, Dut. str. Sulong. for Rhio. Hock Tjioe, Dut. str., Hubert, for Saigon. Redang. Siam. str., Engelstad, Bangkok via. port^. Kistna, Brit, -tr., Learmont, for Port Swettenham and Penang. Brouwer, Dut. >tr., Goedhins, for.
        448 words