Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser, 2 May 1906

Total Pages: 6
1 2 Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser
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  • 139 1 THE HOME JUDGET. National Debt to be Reduced. (Reutcr s Agency wires. Hy submarine telegraph.) AVAILABLE SURPLUS NEARLY THREE MILLIONS. London, May ist 3, p.m. The Budget has realized a surplus over the 1905-1906 Estimates of The estimated expenditure for the year 1906-1907 amounts to/; 14 1,786,000. Revenue is estimated
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  • 43 1 APPLIES TO STRIPPED TOBACCO London, May ist, 3 p.m. The differential duty on stripped tobacco is reduced by two and a half pence per pound. The total loss of revenue through the above remission amounts to two millions sterling.
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  • 18 1 London, May ist, 3 p. m. 1 he duty on coal has been repealed.
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  • 35 1 INCOME TAX LIKEWISE. London, May 1, 3 p. m. There has been no change made in he present duties on either beer or ■pirits. Income Tax remains unchanged.
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  • 32 1 WILL OPERATE AS FROM MAY SEVENTEENTH. London, May ist, 8 a.m. The duty on tea will be reduced by one penny per pound from the 17th instant. 1
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  • 32 1 London, 30, May isf 8 a.m. Despite Mr. Clemenceau's assurances that order will be preserved on May Ist fin Paris) an immense exodus of Paris ians commenced last Sunday.
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  • 37 1 HAD TO INCREASE RAILWAY ACCOMMODATION. LONDON, May Ist, 8 a.m. In order to provide for the extraordinary numbei o( passengi rs leaving the Capital the various railway companies have been compelled to increase their train >cr\ ices.
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  • 226 1 The Daily Matt* Munich correspondent quotes the following skit on the dimensions of the great British battleship Dreadnought from the Ncueste Nacln chten:"The German naval authorities have been confounded by the launch of the British 500ft. warship Dreadnought. But now comes the news of
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  • 133 1 On Saturday next, the sth mst., there will be given at the S. V. I. I leadquarten, ftraa Busa Koad, a variety entertainment at which (apt. Elliot, O. C, S. V. 1., will beghren welcome by the men of both companies of the unit. The programme includes among
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  • 776 1 SOME REMARKABLE STREEI SCENES. I here is a general rcmemblance between Chinese cities. In all that I have seen, except Peking (say-; the Rev. E. J. Hardy in an article which appears in Chamber* Journal,) the streets aie only wide enough to admit of two sedan-chairs passing each
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  • 195 1 The usual recipe KM a game of football is the following: rue an inflated bladder in a leathei meicoat, and mix it slowly with twenty-two young men in white tight^; add a few bare legs, some thorough-bred kicks, a coroner's inauett, and serve cold on a
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 262 1 Cftc Paper for the People, Che Iks! Advertising medium in the Straits. John Little Co. Ltd. I SOLE ome easons Why .Wr agents Rurke f s Per Case of *-**<** «VV O 4 Doz. Quarts GuinneSS* «f 16.75. Per Case of W-JlvrUl,. 8 Doz; Pints ENJOYS ITS WORLDS 23 50
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    • 279 1 THE QUEEN OF TABLE WATERS IS: Apollinaris Supplied under Rovat warrants of appointment to H 1/ THE KING The Stationers Hall,"] b, RAFFLES PLAGE, SINGAPORE. j THE CHEAPEST HOL'SE IN THE EAST, FOR EVERY DESC RIP- 1 TIQX OK STATIONERY AND BINDING REQUISITES. 1 PRINTING. I Hus department is replete
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    • 385 1 P Special Holiday to CEYLON, I& Newera Eliya 00 6,200 feet f^ is the most accessible I I hill station from the %J M Straits Settlements. Beautiful Scenery, Magnificent climate, Good Motels. A Mountain home for Europeans. A health station for invalids. A place of education for children. An attractive
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    • 10 1 aic guarantee the largest Circulation of anp Paper in Singapore.
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  • The Eastern Daily Mail.
    • 667 2 Optimists arc of the opinion that the present trade depression is simply the transition stagethrough which we are passing to more prosperous days to come. They entertain the belief that we are in the midst of one of those commercial depressions which periodically afflict all countries, the wherefore
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  • 547 2 The Chinese problem on the Rand appears to be no nearer solution than when the Liberals first came into power. The Transvaal groans in uncertainty over its probable fate at the hands of the Government. It is anxious to be assured what the intention mav be with
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  • 163 2 Judging from Reuter's cable last night, far more serious disorders are anticipated in Paris among the working classes on the ist May than has been the case in former years. It will be the first time in the history of the Republic that the anticipated
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  • 774 2 (Contributed.) The one subject being now di<ci. by everybody here is the 2/4 dollar. Nearly every Government servant one meets, on a sterlingsalary, is gruml and bemoaning his ill-luck. Tlie Police arc losers as Inspi Gilfillan, a very able officer, well-known in Singapore and Shanghai, leaves on
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  • 95 2 The consumption of Para rubber in 1905 shows an increase of tons over the total for 1904. Du. Mic.Libio.N, who had been at Home on leave, has returned to Peoang and resumed his duties as Colonial Surgeon, Penang. A horsf. was electrocuted at Kuala Lumpor on Thursday last by electric
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  • 16 2 nearer to K,,,i, Germany or, the Rotated her on th* •linl Reichsbote.
    Reichsbote  -  16 words
  • 19 2 Wen clling stit Army disapp to believe thai P" »PM I til Will propensiti. ti..n;,l. The server
    The server  -  19 words
  • 19 2 Mother-country ■>,■'. overlook the views Canada, Austra South Africa S houid entedinthe H <—,■>,• i, k -Tfffritdw
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  • 26 2 me number of hum cause of the fact thai country families thegirWgallopi with the one <fc to hounds, t, tnc gun iiiMr.ui Madame
    Madame  -  26 words
  • 34 2 I here m in an exhibition iga and, for that mat:. OUght to p,,,-, Beauty and Toilei I will presumablj means toward female form divil that one's charms and imp- The World.
    The World  -  34 words
  • 17 2 I he German 1 one victory in Mo i. g between the:before an inter Ilami'
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  • 21 2 I he late M in London, that I elephant in a it (ii- world i- now a Tolcio.
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  • 28 2 I', tr >1 has in. >n. Unless :.«-.v 1 nating tl will shortly be in they run too mil innum, and u 1 1 1 1
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  • 60 2 Is the Lesson Learned W in quito people arc ire that tin equally worthy of the all me ins Id us i 'a heroes i I causes, mil t! back at the history happened well a^k whetl by the tremendous w had, and whether \\< taring as struggle f fully
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  • 38 2 At one time toi t, Mr. Peiree wras Vu Penang was elcb with the best road in I We arc afraid t' 1 ready lost this enviable arc (Mi tl 10 hiflrh r
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  • 35 2 We think t 1 bv extremely ill advia ;■■/■> or interfere with 1 1 business rntei firms trading ir Sing tp will secure ■rtcd projei bee >mes in lished t u Perak Pioneer
    Perak Pioneer  -  35 words
  • 115 2 Tile Kdi'.M mvita ■rrittan on .'n.s'ioii d 1 I o the K litoi REGARDING DICKSON ROAD SIR -I thank ing on Saturday last mi ettei insanitary condition of Di< 1 attracted tlie att t aut.iorities who. 1 pr< ium patched an officer inth a and a
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 214 2 REVOLUTION 1 1 |f IN TRICES. Register your name for a copy of Our New Price List READY THIS WEEK. Rcu) Prices Row Running, Deposit account System Increasingly Popular. TRY IT AND SAVE 7}° 0 THOMPSON THOMAS CO, THE AUSTRALIAN STORES. SINGAPORE. (Messina Oranges Now in Stock.) ORIENTAL HOTEL 596
      214 words
    • 466 2 'Bird's Nest' Cognac THE BEST BRANDY ON THE MARKET FOR A MODERATE PRICE. (Samples on jflpplication. > Caldbeck- Macgregor Co. SOLE IMPORTERS. Taman Pengtahwan. t j» The only Malay Paper in Singapore f PRIMED IN MALAY CHARACTER. Jf~ PUBLISHED EVERY MONDAY. 5 H-tos of Subscription ALWEE BROTHERS, f -f 1
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 70 2 COMING EVENTS To-day, May 2nd. Ili^ii Water. I .v\u. MS |>.m Moon, First Quart< 1 I 1 m S V. C Hearer Co. StT< 5* 1 S. V. 1. < ompanv Drill c\ w. A. at raretMMgfi 4 p I'o-morrow, iMay ?rd. Hiffa Water. 1-2". a.m. I 11 B, 1.
      70 words

    • 43 3 [London, a) ISt, <> p.m. the result of certain documents been found in Paris several anarchists, Royalists Buol »ta have been arrested .and the provinces. immo n charge made agi 111st implicit^ with inciting to Rebellion and with fomenting an anar•n.
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  • 45 3 p KN OLTNCED BY MR ASQlTlll. London, May 1, <> p.m. h is pointed out that in valuj tea is taxed Other lood commodity. on in the existing tax ,!v beneficent to the excessive tax d er- who mostly India and Ceylon.
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  • 22 3 PAN-ISLAMIC PRESS VIOLENT. London, M.\ i, 9 p.m. most in--•d in the ut Egyi I are violently
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  • 19 3 ■\< ERNS rHIBET ONLY. May 1, 9 p.m. med that the Treaty merely a declara- >! hot adher-
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  • 15 3 STY HOMEWARD IM>. May I, p.m. ted for SUVU'S scent 1 -erwalke-
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  • 12 3 SIGNATION m. rumours in St. that Count de on
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  • 9 3 -< mcr k off eight lives
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  • 29 3 rENANT PI'BLICLY \RMY 1 9. p. m. hai rang public meeting Ltment Army had made him -m. ild never per--hed the blood ot placed under
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  • 16 3 51 i AIRO. .May 1 <t >). p. m. Egypt left Cairo Eun pe.
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  • 17 3 May ist, 9 p.m. K H. tl 1 and Princess ol t at Gibraltar.
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  • 86 3 evil '"iib- »rdn gs ol < Americans in the making the Lest the}- can I <>Mtion. n any who have conn*- fand these mu>t who ha> e visited the < <: by the from the Stati ppine Railway Company has tiled a certificate of n wuh the Secretary
    86 words
  • 131 3 Whiteaway LajdlawmmlCo. aiied assortment of trimmed straw hats in all the which ought to please m«'M Fastidious of the few 01 U termination to a pro- hearing in the Hongkong Sunif l witnessed Hie other I lie action was to determine r*"*r a retired Chinese banker was V* a banking
    131 words
  • 1216 3 THE SMTH-GRANfcASE Ihe statement made on oath bv the accused yesterday was He lived in a Japanese lodging house in Brass BassaKoad. Before he was committed to prnton tome months ago, he left in charge ol a European named Anderson then in the employ of the Municipality' some
    1,216 words
  • 2029 3 HEAVY SENTENCE FOR COUNTERFEITERS. Three Chinamen and a small boy were arraigned before the Assize i Court yesterday, presided over by Mr. Justice Thornton on charges of counterfeiting H. M. the King's coin; being in possession of instruments, utensils and material! for counterfeiting. A jury was empanelled consisting
    2,029 words
  • 321 3 {From Native I'apers.l CURRENCY REFORM. Tuan Fang and Tai Hung Chi have telegraphed to the Government at Peking recommending that the services of Professor Jenks be engaged in the event of it being decided to remodel the currency of China They point out that Professor Jenks is a
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  • 503 3 1 NOT BOUND TO DISCLOSE THE NAME OF CONTRIBUTORS. An important decision with reference to the disclosure by newspaper proprietors of the names of contributors in •Ctions for libel was given in the Court of Appeal. The Plymouth Mutual Co-operation and Indu-trial Society, Limited, are
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  • 136 3 Thi drydock Dtwty, which is being towed to the Philippines, has arrived safely at Port Said at the entrance to the Suez Canal. All other traffic will be stopped while the big dock is passing through the canal and some ot the curves have had to be widened to allow
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 307 3 ROBINSON and 00. FIXED EXeHANGE [REDUCED PRICE RaleidD Bicpcles 1906 MODELS Free Wheel and two Brakes COMPLETE With Silver Plated Lamp, Bell and all The "Raleigh" machines Represent 1 ti L_^H m I fan Im# V# I I ROBINSON CO. SOLE .GENTS ■^■a a^^ KIM Company. Books, etc., recently received,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 324 4 SMOKE Best moulmein Ciaars. Owing to tixity of exchange and a great demand for this br.md ol Cigars and having received lar^e consignments of same Iron Moulmein, we have decided to reduce the price from date. C\in he bought at $1.50, 1.30, 1.10 and 80 cents per packet of 100
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    • 683 4 BANKS. Honjkong I Shanghai Banking Corporation. %SZltfffiBt mm Nttrline Reserve $10,000,000 I nnn Silver Reserve 9500,000 1 w 1 00,000 Reserve ILiabihty ol Proprietors 910,000,000 Court of Directors. A Haupt, Ksq— Chairman. Hon. CW. Dickson-Deputv-Chairman. K. GmfM, Ksq. i H. E. Yomkins Esq. r m* kf™;?™ 11 D M N
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    • 551 4 MALAY RECORDS. J 1 Lagu Jalak Lanting T. Kepala Burong N Nandong Sayang Gambos Plemban N Sri Rayu Gambo Yuman Mak Dabu Noori f Bangau Loiikin 1,, Asam Paya Bunga Tanjong Kuala dua n Tengah malam Permata Gambos Sha'er Inche Mina Che'long Bana Serampang Sri Perak Pulau Berembon Kronchong N
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    • 297 4 THAT IS FRASER NEAVE'S AERATED WATERS. I Phoenix Assurance Company Limited OF LONDON. The undersigned have this day been appointed General Agents for the abovementioned Company for the Straits Settlements, Federated Malay States and Johore, and are prepared to issue Policies of Fire Insurance at current rates of premium Guthrie
      297 words
    • 426 4 Tft M." ADim FOR SALE, WAJIIE}^ PREPAID. Chttp Publicity for all y vour Wants: Houses, Godowns etc., Wanted d To Let. Situations Wanted d Vacant. Exchange d Mart. i Day. i Week. Fortnight. Month or under 50 cts. 1. 50 2. 00 3. 00 5° 75 cts. 2. 00 3.
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    • 318 4 No; 1 J^f^~^ on 2nd Fl. A Ppiyto(,u, lkl: x r To be Let A Compound House £O* rVk. Inn,, 'VY bed rooms, Stables A^'<'ni, KIU TO BE LET. From the l^ouse No. ,08, RSU| NAGURDASPUK, TO LET. A BUNGALOW p,. KATONG, -SEA-VIEwTmI 01 Confederate EsUte. D8 v.u a. „:,<„,
      318 words

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    • 195 1 Capital Capital Issue Paid paid up. VtlueJ up. Company. Quotations. GOLD. gffi 14OMW IS S l^ GoM fc Co i£iU tag— SBSSSS IS S v,,'-, el TIN. of RSSJSSSIS 11^ -.filers r a '!ang NabaJK 1-td. 0.50 I Queensland Raub Gold M. Co. Ltd. nora. I l»M«
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    • 19 1 FINANCE COMMERCE. Government hate 2 4 for £7. fradinj quoted y r rate Fhe Mercantile Bank quoted 2 16.
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    • 138 1 1 88.w$ 7.10 eNai 11.00 No. 2 u 10 .00 ick (ordinary Spore),, ao.oo do White, Fair L. \V. 5 p.c. 38. 1 2 Nutmegs (no to the ib.) 33. do (So to the lb.) 59. Ma< c ida) i 4 r res (Amboina) Li be .Tee 2 0.
      138 words
    • 81 1 O>; Lot. lion Bank 4 m/s r I land j 2/4 1 1 1 6 1 S m/s 3 (>;. India Bank l\ T. ..<-:" mvate 30 d/s 177 0 xung— Hank d,d ic Private 30 d/s 1- Oh .^iui>;ij/iai Batik d,d So Private 30 d/s 8a On
      81 words
    • Page 1 Miscellaneous
      • 60 1 ■Yhippinc news. I VESSELS IN PORT. I MEN-OF-WAR. H '''l' m rohs fi 1 Nac< "i ih, m nth D c. H ment, Murphy. Apl. I MERCHANT VESSELS. Ef I B iI I <hang, i A I H B Natuna Is, I I BE II NewI 7 tons, Capl t,
        60 words
      • 269 1 n£ U'<u: t Da Cruse, lio tons, from Malacca, via Muar. (..c and 101 d.vk passengers. Wee Bin. Rds. Haton Orossen, Russian transport, from Vladivostock via Moji, Capt Hoffmann in ballast, for ballast Consigned to Borneo Co., Ltd. Convey- 1,623 troops and 7 officers. A> I>utch str., 68 tons, r<>
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    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 171 2 AUCTION SALES. Powell A Co May 2 \t Sale-room, um edeemed pledges 10 a.iii. 4 At Sale-room, imfdeemtd pledges. 10 a.m. 7 At Sale-room, unredeemed pl< 10 a.m. H. L. Coghlan A. Co. May 1 A; Sale-room, ui r« leem< I 10 a.m. 3 At Sale-room, inxedeemed pl« *,<■> 10
        171 words
      • 81 2 John Uttle Uo. uA OLD VATTED GLENLIVET VVHISKv I GOLD MEDAL t@P EDINBURGH. r LONDON 1873 l!y LOMOOM MHO ExPOftT AG£HTS. f#AH'/fBA/l£r A Co $Q 4/jj. John littl-e: co l_d. sin G ap o^ Per case of 12 Bottles 10.50. Botol Hitam, rBI or i^ comes v i>7s j PlANo"fbr"s7sj
        81 words
    • Page 2 Miscellaneous
      • 475 2 VESSELS EXPECTED. Natne, Port, Probabk date of arrival, and Agents. Men of-War, &c. Andromeda, (Brit, cru), Hongkong, soon. Diadem, (Brit, cru.), Hongkong, June. Donegal, (Brit, cru.), England, soon. Duke of Edinburgh, (Brit, cru.) England soon. Natal, (Brit, cru.), England, soon. Thistle, (Brit, g'bt.), Plymouth, soon. Steamers. Acilia, Hamburg, May 0;
        475 words
      • 302 2 1 Socotra, Hongkong, May 7 P. &O. 1 Suuda, London, July 27; I*. < >. 1 St. Domingo. V*stock, Apl 50; E. Asiatic Coy Silesia, Trieste, July 9; Rautenberg Sonr^berg, Australia, June Behn Meyer St. Egbert, New York, May 4 Paterson Simons Thea, Hamburg, Apl 26; Behn Meyer Tourane, Colombo,
        302 words