Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser, 1 May 1906

Total Pages: 6
1 2 Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser
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  • 980 1 EATING AND MARRYING IN "Christ is our salvation: caste is our curse." This sentence, painted on the wall of a little mission building ,in India, is taken by Mr. Sydney Low as the text of an article in the "Standard." In India, he writes, religion, with what seems a
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    • 63 1 London, April 30, 8.40 a.m. The Kutoti isthe fastest battleship for her gun-power io the world. At i-.er speed trials on the Clyde she m.ulc 20.22 knots an hour at lull speed. With thrcc-tourths engine-power, the Katori made i 7. S knots. The
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    • 85 1 SAID TO HAVE WORKKD IN COMBINATION WITH ANARCHISTS. London, April 30, 9 a.m. M. Clemenceau, in an interview, said that the domiciliary searches have proved that Bonapartist and Royalist agents, in combination with anarchists, have fomented strikes with a view to influencing the elections to be held
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    • 89 1 KING EDWARD AND QUEEN ALEXANDRA INSPECT RUINED VILLAGES. 1 < >MDOM .^l>i il 30, nv The Duke d'AosUL cousin «>t Kn. Emmanuel, received King Edward Mid Queen Alexandra at Naplei and accompanied them in motor-car to the villages at the bane of Mt Vesuvius. The roadfl
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    • 62 1 MEETING OF UNION ASSURAN( E STOCKHOLDERS I m\i» »N, Aj) ll \< a.m. At a meeting <»t tin- stockholden <>f the Union Assurance Company, the Chairman tliat the San Francisco claims would be settled without delay. Anxietv as regards th Company s reserve funds was needles-,
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    • 43 1 IMMENSE ENTHUSIASM AT HIS MAJESTY'S liU'.AIKK. I LONDON, April 30, 9 a.m. There were remarkable scenes of enthusiasm .it His Majesty's Theatre when a silver casket was presented to Miss Ellen Terry, the fMKHIS artrcss, on the occasion ofhei jubilee.
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    • 44 1 NEGOTIATIONS CONCLUDED A WEEK AGO. London, April jo, 9 a.m. The /nms Peking corre pondent wires that an Anglo-Chinese Agreement embodying the adhesion oi China to the I ibetan Convention has been signed, hut negotiations were only concluded an the tjrd inst
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    • 32 1 London, April jo, <>. a m. The M(il<Ki<i embarked $(>o men ot the Su^cx Regiment yesterday at Malta for Crete, whence me takes 420 of the Inniskilling Dragoons to Alexandria.
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    • 29 1 London, April 30, 8 40 a.m. Ihe date of the marriage «»f King Alfonso and Princest Kna has heen changed from June i^t to May 31st.
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    • 26 1 London, April 30, 8 40 a m J'lie KodtUSCki y.ntmig, of Berlin, ck'd.'HCs thai C'icimaiiy is not interested n the petty Akaba dispute."
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    • 18 1 London, April 30, <; a.m There h.i\<- been mimcn'us anests of Japaneae apiea at Vladivontock.
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    • 19 1 London, April 30, »> a.m. M. Bourgeoia ii appointing a gosh mission t«> consider the Kthiopian railway*.
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    • 27 1 I OMOOM, April 30, 9 a.m. The Irihunf undiM stands that the Budget takt s ort' two pence (root the tax on tea.
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    • 17 1 London, April 30, «> a.fti. King Emmanuel lias formally otnid the International Exhibition at Milan.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 272 1 Clk Paper tor tl>c pcopk. CDc Best Advertising Medium in the Straits. John Little Co. Ltd. I rSfr'i taL i^ ~Tl7rr~ So/»e Reasons Why if AGENTS. 'Rllf»kf* f C t Per Case of DlirKC I 4 doz. Quarts Guinness* 16. T0. Per Case of 8 Doz; Pints ENJOYS ITS WORLD-
      272 words
    • 522 1 mTT T7I ATTTTITIXT D Special Holiday to 111 iL OUEEN CEYLON, fir Newera Eliya OF TABLE WATERS IS: 6,200 feet f\ is the most accessible m ~W m m I"■ hill station from the m >S^ its* Straits Settlements. Z_l j ill 'J/1 fl Wf O Beautiful Scenery, MagI rlLlr
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    • 10 1 Ule Guarantee the largest Circulation of anp Paper in Singapore.
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  • The Eastern Daily Mai. PRICE 5 CENTS.
    • 772 2 Under the above caption, the Times of Malaya contains a valuable editorial article which is very creditable to that paper and shows a spirit of readiness to antagonize the prevailing European sentiment in the Far East, by commending principles of a higher tone than most of us
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  • 327 2 Our readers will doubtless agree with us in the assertion that our April prize contest has been a great success. So many excellent papers were sent in that we have been at a great loss to decide to whom the two prizes should be awarded. Theft seems
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  • 1035 2 A WAY THEY HAVE IN THE ARMY. The recent punish nient of a dozen officers for ragging at Altk-rshot gives interest to the following account of that diversion, which appeared in a recent issue of the Chronicle. This ragging in the Army is n much more serious subject than
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  • 221 2 The A'. B. Herald asserts that two Filipino gentlemen, Messrs. Braga and Olibrietta are on the West Coast buying up cattle and baflfaloes for export to Manila. If we make no mistake, one of these Filipino gentlemen i-» i Eurasian well-known in Singapore To anyone who
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  • 174 2 Not long ago we published an account of a remarkable occurrence at Gaya Island, on the West Coast now, another story reaches us from Sungei Semangat, across Sandakan B iy, the B. X. B. HenUd. A large -team Crane Pontoon belonging to one of the Timber
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  • 160 2 In tint East and the West an article on Ecclesiastical Hydrophobia" is.; protest against the comparative neglect displayed by the Church of England towards Engli-h sailors abroad, written by Commandei Dawson, the wellknown secretary of the Missions to Seamen Society. In his survey he notes that the great
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  • 136 2 Mr. C. Warnford Lock, of Singapore, formerly general manager for the Raub Gold Mining Co., Pahang, interviewed at Brisbane, complained of the harassing effect of legislation in .Malaya, which, he said, was the resuh of inexperience. An Act providing for the examination of boilers was mentioned,
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  • 95 2 Messrs. rluttenbach Bros, and Co. Penang, have appointed Mr. Macdonald, who lias just arrived from home from the Kitson Supply Co., t<» look after the lighting or Taiping town. Another shipment of lamps is on the way out and when they shall have been erected, we have
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    • 20 2 ii is nireadv i Icai thai i Parliament will increase I public adrainUti m ment. The Outlook
      The Outlook  -  20 words
    • 14 2 Parliament ha realisation of even the ideal than Jj* history. The Clarion
      The Clarion  -  14 words
    • 25 2 remind m^ never i. e,n, r 7 ment and case-, brought b\ th private of the. stimulate ivrruitimi in I Pimang Gazette
      Pimang Gazette  -  25 words
    • 21 2 rhegodol not .ner.lv;.: Church. Ihe woi men, whose ostenta wealth is m to the illicit g Anderson, in <
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    • 26 2 Mghtingsuil human being, who is< image. IhiHsh people haw if they arc the and the Bengalees ashamed it they have lost tendency. Bengal.
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    • 47 2 i ne Khode- s< ik >lai come so pleasant and so internal i ol Oxford life that it is amusing .recollect that only a briel some of u- were incl his coming invasion *ii posil to have him -and many The Isis Oxford
      The Isis  -  47 words
    • 34 2 I here i- i: of the English cm the women of any nal n quite a- well a English. Wiiat they well-proportioned il-brcd < ol comtort and I is their English Sun
      Sunday Sun  -  34 words
    • 49 2 A write) in a m len to u alk Mas I i body." 11 v this we supi ?llude t<» the out-Aung shoulders, and the lo. >ks .veil, but i! attr tice. Most of US I not have it suppi been purchas own price The Globe
      The Globe  -  49 words
    • 37 2 By the Franc > American-Spanish Japanese war, it that the Ai the world by the E h i- been deter the Anglo-Saxon •ur men ha\< b others with Collier's Weekly's New 1 01
      Colher's Weekly; New York  -  37 words
    • 47 2 S i far as we can p vide- Kami m V>u mi\ ga nb y«>u like in your own h happen to be a Eun I Club, b man, the boot is it. You rate gamblei quarry to the p >licc Straits Echo.
      Straits Echo  -  47 words
    • 43 2 It lias bei hunt." You're oul a beginner exp Therefore, sooner than nearly every one hu il very much so man or woman who hunt* the thing to do is n and too often is an unm ance. Country
      Country  -  43 words
    • 61 2 It ha> been sugg< convenience ol a tew Pena ig men that the system ol tria to should be suppressed iu th< A more retrograde pi :iU f one in Question can ha agincd. I"<> dep iv< >U sands of His M inalienable right of trial b\ convenience
      Perak Pioneer  -  61 words
  • 103 2 With a vie* to n Railway. and the pTC ploitati<.n of the in minerals, an expeditioi Teoom early in M ■■> course across country may be f« Cowie Harl British Borneo Exploration I and Messrs. Pau represented and Mr. I J District Officer, Kan pany the party
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  • 77 2 The friends o< Masi I !oa M mm will be pleased to thcWork, Love's Glori K wind, he has been s£n be set to type, I Itisa startling traged) the everyday course oi and is a direct allusion 10*1 of the present daj It has been sel
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 482 2 ORIENTAL HOTELJ 596 E-D NORTH BRIDGE ROAD, I XKis Hotel Just Opened, j Draft Ale and Stout, and all Wines and Liquors of the best quality, at moderate prices. (H THOMPSON, Dental Surgeon, 16, Stamford Road, (First Floor) WhiteoHxty LoidUnc's Buildings, Hours from 9 a.m.to 1 p.m. 2 i.m. to
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    • 395 2 REVOLUTION! t^ IN PRICES. Register your name for a copy of Our New Price List READY THIS WEEK. Rcu) Prices Rou Running* Deposit account System Increasingly Popular. TRY IT AND SAVE T| THOMPSON THOMAS CO. THE AUSTRALIAN STORES. SINGAPORE. {Messina Oranges Now in Stock.) I Wanted. A European assistant for
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  • 54 3 v K C, i s.,th Co. R. G. A. SR.C. met the 8othCo. R.G.A. L the Club ground jftrttT and after a hard struggle i'Vtu.^oalstoone. scored their goal during u i and the K.G.A.the.r. lialf. Nothing excep'"•'..t was displayed, the their head- uhen the nitj ol the goal and
    54 words
  • 135 3 *<~C. p. GARRISON. s caning the Garrison met the Uu.iT.,,. Ku^ L y on the lattci'- ground. Ma V ;h V" >thalfotlhc ganic good 1 the Club and a few the .tart a goal was ine Uarriaon broke away trt L t nt> Lut u ere uneventful and *a
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  • 111 3 PROVISIONS OF IRKATY. Hongkong Telegraph service). Shanghai, April 24. The Anglo-Tibetan Treaty, which has been conclude! between Great Britain and China, recognises Tibet as a I rotectorate of the latter country Great Britain undertakes not to interfere in the internal affairs of the I rotectorate provided other
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  • 51 3 Hongkong Telegraph" service). Shanghai, April 24. A risins of the Hunghutzes has taken place in Manchuria. The Redbeards came into conflict with the Government troops, whom they defeated, near Mukden. China is mobilising her foreign-drilled troops with a view of suppressing the rebels. A battle is
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  • 60 3 1 South China I'ost" service. London, April 23. General Yiolone has arrived at Marseilles from a tour of inspection in Indo -China. Interviewed on landing the General said that unless France possessed a powerful ally in A>ia, it would be impossible to defend the Colony against Japanese
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  • 57 3 ''Sooth China Post" ser\ Shanghai, April 23. A foreign warder in the Municipal named McCormack, was found strangled in the road this r.iorning. Robbvry was apparently not the motive oftiie murder. The murderer i? unknown but a Chinaman has been arrested who, however, i- not believed
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  • 41 3 1 "South China Post" service London, April 23. It U reported that Russian revolutionaries have secretly hanged Father Gapon, the revolutionary Russian priest, on account of an allegation of treacherv to the cause brought against him.
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  • 32 3 Sc«ut'i China Post service.) London, April 22. The authorities have discovered subterranean mines at Baku, which have been designed to explode the military -t»re-. Many arrests hive been made.
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  • 21 3 South China Post Service.) London, April 22. There have been slight earthquakes in Italy and at New Mexico, Ohio.
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  • 21 3 1" South China Post Serviced Tokio, April jj. The principal defendants in the Tokio riots have been acquitted.
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  • 35 3 South China P >st Service.! London, April 21. A troop of Cossacks has made a raid on the C)de>s:i University, the object of their visit being a search for arms among the students.
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  • 157 3 At the meeting of the Legislative Council on Friday, the following motion-, will be proposed by the Acting Colonial Secretary: (1) "That this Council approves a vote of $11,0*6.7* to charged on the current revenues of the Colony for expenditure incurred in connection with the visit of His
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  • 185 3 Tut Siamese gunboat Sttotb arrived yesterday and exchanged salutes with Fbrt Canning. Till Bentong collision case did not come before the Marine Court yesterday as anticipated. From enquiries made it is probable that the preliminary hearing will be held on Thursday next, but the date lacks confirmation. Tin B A'.
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  • 987 3 RUBBER PLANTS CASE. This case was continued before Mr. Colman yesterday afternoon. Mr. Ellis intimated to the court that he and Mr. Ridley paid a visit to the Kebun in Gaylang on Saturday last and that he would put him in the box again. Mr. Ridley, on his
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  • 71 3 A fund is being raised among the Chinese in Penang for the benefit of the Chinese sufferers at Sr.n Francisco. We learn that Mr. T. H. Dennis, lately with Messrs. Crompton and Co., Ld., London, has joined Messrs. Riley, Hargreaves and Co's Electrical Dept. According to a home paper, it
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  • 964 3 THE CLAIM FOR lEWEI I EKY STOLEN. The continuation of this case the preliminary hearing of which was reported in Saturday's issue of the E.D M was resumed yesterday. A woman whose name was given in the depositions as Teo Tan was 'called but one who said
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  • 1319 3 [E. D. M. May Competition.] Few Europeans have been on a deerj hunt in the Federated Malay States with the pipit, and only a few know of j such a thing, so perhaps an account of one by one who has been would t interest
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  • 80 3 Sir William Taylor, k. c. m. o. the Officer Administering the Government, Miss Taylor, Miss Fielding, and Mr. i Campbell, Resident of Negri Sembilan, returned from Kuantan by the Sea Mew yesterday. On Saturday and Sunday the streets were full of German troops from the transport Neckar,en route from Tsingtau
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 198 3 ROBINSON j and 00. FIXED EXCHANGE IREOUeEO PRICE Rakiab Bicpcics 1906 MODELS Free Wheel and two Brakes COMPLETE With Silver Plated Lamp, BeUattdaU The "Raleigh" machines Represent ynr nrQj I ilk OuO I ROBINSON Co. "l E <g EN ts THE j INTERNATIONAL HOTEL, I 1 The Best Hotel that
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 338 4 SMOKE CBest ilmcin Cigars. Owing to fixity <>f exchange and .1 groru demand for this brand of Cigars and having received large consignments of same from Houlmein, we have decided to reduce the price from datf. Can be bought at Si. 50, 1.30, 1.10 ar. 1 80 cents per packet
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    • 704 4 BANKS. i i Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation. PAID-UP CAPITAL «i0.000 000 RESERVE FUND:— iterlnu Rcwrva $10,000,000 I .j,,,^. Siivr, K.-srrve D500.000 IJS UO 1) 00 R'Tflr'Tl WiHrttflitj >>1 l'mpnetors $10,0U0,000 Court of Directors. A H.tupt. Kstj— Chairman. Hon. C". W. Dickson— i)«'puty-Cliairman. K. Goetx, IN i H. E. Tomkins Ksn.
      704 words
    • 445 4 .n I MALAY RECORDS. Lagu Jalak Lanting T. Kepala Burong Nandong Sayang Gambos Piemban Sri Rayu Gambo Yuman t Mak Dabu Noori Bangui Loiikin Asam Paya Bunga Tanjong Kttftla dua n Tengah malam EVltnata Gambos Sha'er Inche Mina Che'long Bana Serampang Sri Perak S Pulau Berembon Kronchong < Timbang Daek
      445 words
    • 110 4 THE SAN FRANCISCO OVERLAND ROUTE. Pacific Mail Steamship Co., Occidental Oriental S. S. Co and Central Pacific, Union Pacific, Chicago North-Western Railways. ATCHISON, TOPEKA AND SANTA FE RAILWAY SYSTEM. Operating the LARGEST and FASTES7 Steamers on the PACIFIC.) from HONG-KONG i SAN FRANCISCO. "The Greyhounds of the Pacific." Hong-kong to
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    • 310 4 THAT IS FRASER NEAVE'S AERATED WATERS. Phoenix Assurance Company Limited OF LONDON. The undersigned have this day been appointed General Agents for the abovementioned Company for the Straits Settlements, Federated Malay States and Johore, and are prepared to i ssue Policies of Fire Insurance at current rates of premium Guthrie
      310 words
    • 407 4 "E. D. M." ADLETS. FOR SALE, WANTED, PREPAID. Cheap Publicity for all vour Wants: Houses. Godowns etc., Wanted A To Let. Situations Wanted A Vacant. Exchange A Mart. i Day. i WIDC. Foktnight. Month 35*\vords or under 50 CtS. 1. 50 2. 00 3. 00 50 75 ctS. 2. 00
      407 words
    • 377 4 TO BE LET. To be Let. •N". 7, Battery Road. I on 2[k\ I 1 Apply to GUTHRIE ft i To be Let A Compound Hou wo?* Ptofc Immed it < bed rooms, Sobfea Apply to GCJTHR lEA( TO BE LET, FIXW the isi A;, til house No. ,08, Rou^ll
      377 words

      11 words
    • 479 1 Capital Capital Issue Paid r Issued. paid up. Value, up. company. Quotation*. f i GOLD. 135,000 140/ m 10 Bersawah Gold M. Co Ltd. $12 50 seller* S-tO.ooo 10 10 Do. Do. (Deferred) S 8.25 $600,000 WO.COJ 10 lu ',ruse Hydraul.c Tin .\i. 1 o Ltd 12
      479 words
    • 31 1 FINANCE COMMERCE. Government Rate 2 4 $60 for £7. The Netherlands EVading Society quoted yesterday iie 4 ms Lank rate at. 1/47 i' The Mercantile Bank quoted 1 4 7. 16.
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    • 128 1 On London Bank 4ms 24 3 8 On (iem.anv Bank d/d Private ,> m/s 6 m/s On Frmnoe Hank cl d 2.94 Private 3 m/s X.9&J do. 6 m/s 3.00J On Indm Bank T. T. 175 Private 30 d 1 On Hongkong Bank d/d io{ a odis. lYivate
      128 words
    • 150 1 I in 88.00 Gambier 7.10 do Cube No. 1 10.62$ do dc No. 2 10.00 Pepper, Blnck(ordinary S'pore),, 21.00 do White, Fair L. \V. 5 p.c. 28. 37$ Nutmegs (1 10 to the lb.) 3s. do (So to the lb.) 59Mace (Banda) 145. Cloven (Amboina) S3Liberian CotTee 20. unali
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    • Page 1 Miscellaneous
      • 158 1 SHIPPING NEWS. VESSELS IN PORT. MEN-OF-WAR. II M. tug-boat, Capt. \j,', From "olomhtt, 4th t-house lender. 4! lorn tw 10c h.p. Nacodah, Malana. nth W v Rds. displace nn-nt. I mmander Murphy. Malacca. 2nd \pL 010l K MERCHANT VESSELS. ,\pl S y, ind Fi -I R sti 1,933 tons, Capt
        158 words
      • 398 1 Hmvtrskmm (.tan^r, Brit str. 4,896 tons, Capt Howe, 27th Apl From Vladivostnck, 14th Apl. \,^V) troops. For Odessa, U.— Rds Marliaon, Brit. Btr. 4,^7'. toii^, Capt. Long, aSth Apl. From Hongkong, 23rd Apl, Ci.r. llanstield ft Co. For Liverpool, r. W. Ttrtsm, Brit str. 753 tons, Captain Jones, 2-ih Apl.
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    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 94 2 AUCTION SALES. Powell A Co Ma) 1 At Sale-room, house No. 113 Bukit Timah Roa.l. 2.30 p.m At Sale-room (".inese house No 81 Outram Road. 2.30 p.m. i Sale room, freehold cocoanut plantation at Campong Hatak 2^o p.m. 2 \t Sale-room, unredeemed pledges 10 a.n, 4 \t Sale room, unredeemed
        94 words
      • 101 2 John Little Co., Ltd. I SPECIAL '^O HESE^E OLD VATTED GLEN LI VET WHISKY GOLD MEDAL ><* PS >^^E£3b 1 REGISTERED 1 E&suiM!s PDF NRIIRf^If r n%tj lomoom *mq £xpo*3 Agents. f&aOfadiCEwA Co 59 Va»* Cj*g JOHN LITTLE CO. L.D., tINGAPOR E Per oase of 12 Bottles M0.50 Botol Hitam.
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    • Page 2 Miscellaneous
      • 472 2 VESSELS EXPECTED. Name, Port, Probable date of arrival, and Agents. Men of-War, &c. Andromeda, (Brit, cru.), Hongkong, soon. Diadem,* (Brit, cru), Hongkong, June. Donegal, (Brit, cru.), England, soon. Duke of Edinburgh, (Brit, cru.) England soon. Natal, (Brit, cru.), England, soon. Thistle. (Brit, g'bt.), Plymouth, soon. Steamers. Acilia. Hamburg, May 9;
        472 words
      • 395 2 Rhenania, Hamburg, May »5 Behn Meyer Roon, Hamburg, May 4 Behn Meyer Sachsen, Hongkong, May u; Behn Meyer Salazie, Colombo, May 7 M. Maritimes Sardinia, London, June 15 P. O. Segovia, Hongkong, Ma}' 8 B. Meyer Senegambia, China, Apl 24 B. Meyer Sigrid, Odessa, May4 East Asiatic Coy Socotra, Hongkong.
        395 words